PE :: Volume #34

#1533: Astonishment of Grand Supreme Elderly Lord

It looks like in Dongfang Yu, other although oneself not choices, but Tathagata has given a oneself way out after all, as the saying goes, so long as lived is having the opportunity, otherwise died the words, anything did not have. 东方玉看来,虽然自己没有其他的选择了,可如来毕竟算是给了自己一条生路,俗话说得好,只要活着就有机会,否则死了的话,就什么都没有了。 1000 captivity although is hard to accept, may compare to lose the life, after all is also an outlet? 1000年的囚禁虽然难以接受,可比起丢掉性命来说,总归也是一个出路吧? Actually didn't expect, at this time Bai Feifei unexpectedly came, moreover take action is dreadful Samadhi True Fire. 没想到,这个时候白菲菲居然来了,而且一出手就是滔天的三昧真火 ...... 啊…… Overbearing of Samadhi True Fire, that is self-evident, Intermediate Samadhi True Fire, the energy value has achieved over 50,000, is not easier to resist, under the control of Bai Feifei, these Samadhi True Fire complete explosions, the berserk sea of fire seems to be ordinary, lets innumerable celestial troops and generals, the pitiful yell again and again. 三昧真火的霸道,那是不言而喻的,中级三昧真火,能量值达到了50000以上,更不是那么容易抵挡的,在白菲菲的控制下,这些三昧真火完全爆发,仿佛狂暴的火海一般,让无数的天兵天将,惨叫连连。 Even such as Four Great Heavenly Kings and Pagoda-Bearing Heavenly King Li Jing, as well as Howling Celestial Dog these, crazy backlash, panic-stricken looks in front of oneself these dark green White Flame. 甚至如四大天王托塔天王李靖,以及哮天犬这些,也疯狂的后退,惊骇的看着自己面前这些苍白色的火焰 Um? Is this Samadhi True Fire? Moreover has been the Intermediate degree?”, Sits well above the oneself throne, Jade Emperor looks at the Bai Feifei control these flame, a brow slightly wrinkle. “嗯?这是三昧真火?而且还达到了中级的程度?”,端坐于自己的宝座之上,玉皇大帝看着白菲菲操控的这些火焰,眉头微微一皱。 didn't expect between were also unexpectedly many a person to control Samadhi True Fire on this day . Moreover, was Nine-tailed Fox? 没想到这天地之间居然又多了一人能操控三昧真火的,而且,还是一只九尾狐 „Who this is Dongfang Yu?”, Grand Supreme Elderly Monarch, saw that this is also having the surprised color. “这东方玉到底是什么人?”,就连太上老君,看到这一幕也带着惊讶之色。 Dongfang Yu had Samadhi True Fire ability, he is knows that didn't expect were many Nine-tailed Fox, unexpectedly also has Samadhi True Fire ability, even, but also has been the Intermediate white flame degree? 东方玉本来拥有三昧真火能力,他是知道的,没想到多了一个九尾狐,居然也拥有三昧真火能力,甚至,还达到了中级的白色火焰的程度? Looks at that to bathe Bai Feifei in dark green white Samadhi True Fire, Grand Supreme Elderly Monarch sighs one darkly, presented the later generation to control Samadhi True Fire rarely to be so skillful, what a pity, actually opposed with All-Heaven Gods and Buddhas. 看着那沐浴在苍白色的三昧真火之中的白菲菲,太上老君暗叹一声,难得出现了后辈能操控三昧真火如此纯熟,可惜,却与诸天神佛作对。 Amitabha, good monstruous talent, to control God Fire so very ruthless, thus and so, you also go to big Thunderclap Temple along with me, the confinement ten thousand years, by disappearing vicious tendencies looks that Bai Feifei control Samadhi True Fire sent the invincible might greatly, Tathagata Buddha proclaims Buddha in a low voice, in the look was having an astonished color, at once start to talk said. “阿弥陀佛,好一个妖孽,操控神火如此狠辣,如此这般,你也随我去大雷音寺,禁闭万年,以消戾气”看着白菲菲操控者三昧真火大发神威,如来佛祖低声宣了一声佛号,眼神中带着一丝惊异之色,旋即开口说道。 During the speeches, Tathagata Buddha stretches out the palm of oneself once again, has grasped toward Bai Feifei. 说话间,如来佛祖再度伸出自己的手掌,朝着白菲菲抓了过去。 Snort, does the body of our generation freedom, how could receive you to imprison since birth?”, Is only, facing the Tathagata Buddha words, Bai Feifei scolds one tenderly, start to talk shouts to clear the way. “哼,我辈生来自由之身,岂能受你囚禁?”,只是,面对如来佛祖的话语,白菲菲娇叱一声,开口喝道。 Along with the Bai Feifei words, under her control, that Samadhi True Fire as if dreadful Tsunami is ordinary, takes away as many things as possible toward Tathagata Buddha. 随着白菲菲的话语,在她的操控之下,那三昧真火仿佛滔天的海啸一般,朝着如来佛祖席卷而去。 Does not want!”, Looks Bai Feifei fierce does not fear to Tathagata Buddha take action, calling out that Dongfang Yu has a big shock. “不要啊!”,看着白菲菲悍不畏死的对如来佛祖出手,东方玉大惊失色的叫道。 The Bai Feifei energy value is actually not high, even if casual celestial troops and generals can put to death her, if not for there is Samadhi True Fire, how can be one's turn her to send the invincible might in this greatly? Even but if Bai Feifei Samadhi True Fire has been the white degree, actually possibly is not that the match of Tathagata. 白菲菲能量值其实并不高,就算随便一个天兵天将都能将她诛杀,若不是有三昧真火的话,怎能轮到她在这大发神威?可即便白菲菲三昧真火达到了白色的程度,却也不可能是那如来的对手啊。 Son Goku|Sun Wukong, easy was suppressed, Frieza and Android Xiaohong also died, at this time Bai Feifei rushed again, how could it not be more unfortunate than fortunate? 孙悟空,轻而易举的就被镇压了,弗利萨人造人小红也都死了,这个时候白菲菲再冲上去,岂非凶多吉少? No matter how, imprisons the millenniums is ten thousand years, does the opportunity that must be delivered from oppression after all, resemble the revolt that so goes all out? Isn't this courts death? 不管如何,无论是囚禁千年还是万年,总归是要重见天日的机会,似这般拼命的反抗?这不是找死吗? Snort! Impenetrably thickheaded, looks that Bai Feifei revolts at risk of life, Tathagata Buddha also moved some anger obviously, sad snort|hum, has gotten down the pressure the palm, the pressure was heavier several points. “哼!冥顽不灵”,看着白菲菲拼死反抗,如来佛祖显然也动了一些怒气,沉闷的哼了一声,下压的手掌,压力更重了几分。 These dreadful white flame, have forbidden under the pressure of this terror suddenly, at once contracts rapidly, but Bai Feifei directly was also in charge by the hand of Tathagata on the body, the bang of bang, as if entire Heavenly Court trembled generally. 那些滔天的白色火焰,在这恐怖的压力之下陡然间禁止了一下,旋即飞速收缩,而白菲菲也直接被如来的手掌印在身上,轰的一声巨响,似乎整个天庭都震颤了一般。 No!”, The Dongfang Yu eye stares to crack, the mouth bellows, threw in the Bai Feifei direction directly. “不!”,东方玉目瞪欲裂,嘴里大吼一声,直接朝着白菲菲的方向扑了过去。 Sees only the palm of Tathagata to lift, on the ground, Nine-tailed Fox of snow white hair, has been seriously battered lying down deeply on the ground, the hair of corners of the mouth, wisp of dazzling Yin red overflowed. 只见如来的手掌抬起,在地上,一直雪白色毛发的九尾狐,深受重创的躺在地上,嘴角的毛发,一缕刺眼的殷红色溢出。 Feifei, why can you so? Since we are not the matches, might as well fall? At least millennium ten thousand years later, the opportunity of being delivered from oppression, you......”, Dongfang Yu throws directly, holds Bai Feifei in the bosom, start to talk said. 菲菲,你为何要如此?既然咱们不是对手,不如降了吧?至少千年万年以后,还有重见天日的机会,你……”,东方玉直接扑过去,将白菲菲抱在怀中,开口说道。 Was dying and imprisoned front choice, believes most person selectively traps? Dongfang Yu is also only ordinary person, choice that makes, naturally is the choices of more person. 在死亡和囚禁面前选择,相信绝大多数的人都会选择囚禁吧?东方玉也只是一个普通人而已,做出来的选择,自然是更多人的选择。 No, if surrenders, to be the meat on somebody's chopping block, who knows that what greets our is? If Tathagata does renege on a promise? Our die without a burial site? At least, at least we now, a wisp of vitality. “不,如若真的投降,人为刀俎我为鱼肉,谁知道迎接我们的是什么?若是如来反悔呢?我们岂不是更死无葬身之地?至少,至少我们现在,还有一缕生机”。 Was hugged by Dongfang Yu in the bosom, Bai Feifei by striking back primary form, but actually the mouth spits the criticism, look firm shakes the head to say to Dongfang Yu that this perhaps is Bai Feifei first time rejects the Dongfang Yu's proposition. 东方玉抱在怀中,白菲菲被打回原形了,但是却口吐人言,眼神坚定的对东方玉摇头说道,这或许是白菲菲第一次拒绝东方玉的提议吧。 The Bai Feifei surface dialog, making Dongfang Yu silent, actually this truth, Dongfang Yu oneself clear? 白菲菲面对话,让东方玉沉默,其实这个道理,东方玉自己又何尝不清楚呢? Once has surrendered, Tathagata Buddha reneges on a promise, ability that has not revolted against, don't tell me has oneself been able to bet the moral behavior of Tathagata with the oneself life? 一旦真的投降了,如来佛祖反悔的话,就更没有反抗的能力了,难道自己能用自己的性命去赌如来的人品吗? Reason that he is keeping oneself, is keeping Bai Feifei, even is keeping the Son Goku|Sun Wukong life, nothing but is saw that oneself these people do have the use value? If that Frieza does not have the puppet of use value, he didn't ruin conveniently? 他之所以留着自己,留着白菲菲,甚至是留着孙悟空的性命,无非就是看到自己这些人有利用价值吧?如那弗利萨没有利用价值的傀儡,他不是随手就毁掉了? Jade, by your strength, should satisfy changed becomes the Super Saiyan condition is right, but, you do not have fearless heart. “玉,以你的实力,应该满足了变身成超级赛亚人的条件才对,可是,你却没有无所畏惧的心”。 Bai Feifei in bosom, in the look filled has felt attached to with stares at Dongfang Yu that did not abandon, the gentle voice was saying, during speeches, a bloodstain continuously from its corners of the mouth overflow. 怀中的白菲菲,眼神中充满了爱怜和不舍的盯着东方玉,柔声说道,说话间,一缕缕的血迹从它的嘴角溢出。 That Son Goku|Sun Wukong can turn into Super Saiyan, not only pure anger, what is main is he has the fearless heart, is you, although has powerful strength, but the innermost feelings are actually ordinary person, does not have the fearless heart, you want to turn into Super Saiyan, is more difficult than Vegeta . “那孙悟空能变成超级赛亚人,不只是单纯的愤怒,更主要的还是他拥有无所畏惧的心,可是你,虽然拥有强大力量,但内心却是一个普通人,没有无所畏惧的心,你想变成超级赛亚人,比贝吉塔都难”。 But, now this aspect, except that you change the body, otherwise, we must die here......”. “但是,现在这个局面,除了你变身,否则,咱们都得死在这里……”。 Feifei, let alone the words, Dongfang Yu lowered the head, looks that the blood of Bai Feifei mouth were getting more and more, in tiger, a little bit teardrops tumbled. 菲菲,别说话了”,东方玉低着头,看着白菲菲嘴里的鲜血越来越多,虎目中,一滴滴的泪珠滚落下来。 The sons have the tears non- light shell, but has not arrived at the sad place, this is Dongfang Yu second time looks at the Bai Feifei heavy losses, oneself was helpless. 男儿有泪不轻弹,只是未到伤心处,这已经是东方玉第二次看着白菲菲重创,自己却无能为力了。 No, you made me say that......”, regarding the Dongfang Yu's words, Bai Feifei look firm shaking the head, said: Our all hopes, on Super Saiyan, if you can change the body are successful, perhaps by the Pandora's Box shuttle space and time, we also has the opportunity of reunion, if failed, perhaps your I in light of this parted forever. “不,你让我说完……”,对于东方玉的话,白菲菲却神色坚定的摇摇头,道:“我们所有的希望,都在超级赛亚人上,若是你能变身成功,以月光宝盒穿梭时空,或许我们还有重逢的机会,若是失败,你我或许就此永别了”。 During the speeches, in the Bai Feifei look, brings not to abandon , seems having the look of bidding farewell, stretches out the furry claw of oneself, has touched the Dongfang Yu's cheeks gently, wipes the tears on Dongfang Yu face. 说话间,白菲菲的眼神中,带着不舍,也似乎带着诀别的神色,伸出自己的毛茸茸的爪子,轻轻的抚摸了东方玉的脸颊,拭去东方玉脸上的泪水。 At once, Bai Feifei as if glowed the inexplicable appearance, was struggling from the Dongfang Yu's bosom, blazing Samadhi True Fire appeared once again, the whole body bathed in Samadhi True Fire, overran toward Tathagata. 旋即,白菲菲似乎重新焕发出了莫名的神采,挣扎着从东方玉的怀中出来了,炽热的三昧真火再度出现,浑身沐浴在三昧真火之中,朝着如来冲了过去。 Does not want! Does not want!”, Dongfang Yu tight grabbing Bai Feifei, wants to prevent her, but, Intermediate Samadhi True Fire is Dongfang Yu is also hard to resist. “不要!不要!”,东方玉紧紧的抓着白菲菲,想要阻止她,可是,中级三昧真火就算是东方玉也难以抵挡。 Dongfang Yu's palm burned black, cannot block Bai Feifei completely, can only look helplessly Bai Feifei threw toward Tathagata, sacrifices the life the renouncing will, making the world change countenance. 东方玉的手掌一片焦黑,完全挡不住白菲菲,只能眼睁睁的看着白菲菲往如来扑了过去,豁出性命的决绝意志,让天地动容。 Such being the case the impenetrably thickheaded words, that has not then led into the path of virtue your has will......”, saw appearance that Bai Feifei would rather die than surrender, the brow of Tathagata is slightly pressed, at once shakes the head secretly. “既然如此冥顽不灵的话,那便没有渡化你的必要了……”,眼看着白菲菲宁死不屈的样子,如来的眉头微微蹙起,旋即暗自摇摇头。 During the speeches, in the foreheads of Tathagata brings to wipe killing intent, the palm changes to trillion even strengths, as if the mountain is common, maliciously has suppressed toward Bai Feifei. 说话间,如来的眉宇间带着一抹杀机,手掌化作亿万均力道,仿佛大山一般,狠狠的朝着白菲菲镇压了下去。 Bang! 轰! Also is a bang, earth-shattering, Heavenly Court vibrates, Tathagata this attack, just must be much more maneating. 又是一声巨响,天崩地裂,天庭震动,如来这一次的攻击,比刚刚还要更加凶悍得多。 Fearful being in charge falls, the Bai Feifei life, looks like wipes the radiant smoke and fire, after the brilliance of limit, moved toward finally on the wane. 可怕的掌印落下去,白菲菲的生命,就像是一抹璀璨的烟火般,在极限的绚烂之后,也终于是走向了凋零。 Under being in charge of Tathagata, Bai Feifei figure changes to the flying ash, dissipates in airborne, Tathagata take action, naturally is relationship of form and spirit entirely to extinguish. 在如来的掌印之下,白菲菲身形化作飞灰,消散于空中,如来出手,自然是形神俱灭。 Feifei......”. 菲菲……”。 Looks that Bai Feifei holds the faith that must die, is in order to makes oneself change becomes Super Saiyan, making oneself have revolt strength, in the Dongfang Yu's heart arrives sorrowfully in the extreme, in the meantime, in the heart naturally also erupts the inexhaustible anger. 看着白菲菲抱着必死的信念,就是为了能让自己变身成超级赛亚人,让自己拥有反抗的力量,东方玉的心中悲痛到无以复加,同时,心中自然也爆发出无穷无尽的愤怒。 After a palm extinguished Bai Feifei, at once the vision of Tathagata falls on Dongfang Yu's, occupies a commanding position, said: Dongfang Yu, you? How do you choose?”. 一掌灭了白菲菲之后,旋即如来的目光落在东方玉的身上,居高临下,道:“东方玉,你呢?你是如何选择的?”。 Punishes one as a warning to others, obviously Tathagata also in waiting for Dongfang Yu's was answering, is only, Dongfang Yu this moment all mind quiet during the death of Bai Feifei, the inexhaustible anger, almost did not have the Dongfang Yu's fever sanely, fearful Aura, erupts from Dongfang Yu's, has filled the tyrannical air/Qi. 杀鸡儆猴,显然如来也在等着东方玉的答复,只是,东方玉此刻所有的心神都沉静在白菲菲的死亡之中,无穷无尽的愤怒,几乎将东方玉的理智都烧没了,可怕的气息,从东方玉的身上爆发出来,充满了暴虐之气。 Um? Does your this also prepare to would rather die than surrender?”, Is feeling on Dongfang Yu the change of Aura, is getting stronger and stronger, in the foreheads of Tathagata brings to wipe the cool color. “嗯?你这也准备宁死不屈吗?”,感受着东方玉身上气息的变化,越来越强,如来的眉宇间带着一抹冷色。 At this moment, all vision centralized on Dongfang Yu's, waits to look at his reply, actually nobody notes, side continuously old god in observing Grand Supreme Elderly Monarch, the palm has actually relayed in the sleeve, wisp of True Spirit falls in the hand of Grand Supreme Elderly Monarch. 这一刻,所有的目光都集中在东方玉的身上,等着看他的回答,却没人注意到,旁边一直老神在在的观战的太上老君,手掌却是在袖子中转了一圈,一缕真灵落在太上老君的手中。 In the Grand Supreme Elderly Monarch eye flashes through wipes the happy expression: This type can control the Samadhi True Fire person, such died has been a pity, the soul of this small fox unexpectedly and did Samadhi True Fire share everything? Perhaps is also she assigns should not certainly, True Spirit that only then my Samadhi True Fire already such as the hot ultramarine, can dissipate her collects, so, then enters in my Tushita Palace, gives me to work as a lighting a fire young lad. 太上老君的眼中闪过一抹笑意:“这种能够操控三昧真火的人,就这么死了太可惜了,这小狐狸的灵魂居然和三昧真火不分彼此?或许也是她命不该绝吧,只有我的三昧真火早就如火纯青了,才能将她消散的真灵收集起来,如此,便入我兜率宫中,给我当一个烧火童子吧”。 The attention of all people were attracted by Dongfang Yu, nobody notes Grand Supreme Elderly Monarch the small method, gathers after Bai Feifei True Spirit received, the Grand Supreme Elderly Monarch vision also falls on Dongfang Yu's. 所有人的注意力都被东方玉吸引了,没人注意到太上老君的这点小手段,将白菲菲真灵重新聚拢收起来了之后,太上老君的目光也落在东方玉的身上。 Suddenly, the brow of Grand Supreme Elderly Monarch raises, mouth gently well, as if saw the somewhat strange thing. 突然,太上老君的眉头一扬,嘴里轻轻的咦了一声,似乎看到了有些奇怪的东西。
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