PE :: Volume #34

#1532: Wild sea of fire

„Was Tathagata Buddha, injured unexpectedly?”, Looks at a wisp of gold(en) Buddha blood that on the Tathagata Buddha hand back flows off, nearby this Monster Executioner Stage, in the full deity benevolence has is startled. 如来佛祖,居然都受伤了?”,看着如来佛祖手背上流下的一缕金色佛血,这斩妖台附近,满天神佛心中具是一惊。 If class of Four Great Heavenly Kings and Li Jing, in the heart is rejoices, oneself has not come up luckily, Executing Immortal Flying Blade that otherwise, can injure including Tathagata Buddha, even if only the replica, cut to kill oneself sufficiently. 四大天王和李靖之流,心中更是庆幸不已,也幸亏自己没有上去,否则,连如来佛祖都能伤的斩仙飞刀,即便只是仿制品,也足以斩杀自己了。 Amitabha......”, looked at the wound on oneself hand back, in the Tathagata Buddha expression could not see the sad happy color, but another palm has wiped on the hand back of oneself gently, this body wound then restored together suddenly such as beginning. “阿弥陀佛……”,看了看自己手背上的伤口,如来佛祖的表情上看不出悲喜之色,只是另外一只手掌在自己的手背上轻轻的抹了一下,这一道皮肉伤眨眼间便恢复如初。 At once, the Tathagata Buddha vision falls on Dongfang Yu's, said: Your this Executing Immortal Flying Blade, although is only replica, may actually work off anger is too heavy, has the wound day, must give me Spirit Mountain big Thunderclap Temple, day and night was gradually influenced by Dharma, to disappear its vicious tendencies. 旋即,如来佛祖的目光落在东方玉的身上,道:“你这斩仙飞刀虽说只是仿制品,可却杀气太重,有伤天和,必须交给我灵山大雷音寺,日夜受佛法熏陶,以消其戾气”。 The Tathagata Buddha words, let the Dongfang Yu calm complexion, 110,000 energy values, even if Son Goku|Sun Wukong is not his match, easy was suppressed, even if there is Android, Executing Immortal Flying Blade and Frieza puppet , the Dongfang Yu's heart does not have the slight stratagem which ensures success, in the heart to think deeply about the means of departure secretly. 如来佛祖的话,让东方玉沉着脸色,110000的能量值,就算是孙悟空也不是他的对手,轻而易举的就被镇压了,即便有人造人,还有斩仙飞刀弗利萨的傀儡在,东方玉的心中也没有丝毫胜算,心中暗自思索着离开的办法。 Wants my Executing Immortal Flying Blade? That must think that you did have such skill to take, although in the Dongfang Yu's moral nature knows that by oneself present strength possibly is not this match of Tathagata, but on the mouth naturally is not willing to suffer a loss. “想要我的斩仙飞刀?那要看你有没有这样的本事来取了”,虽说东方玉的心底里知道,以自己现在的实力不可能是这如来的对手,但嘴上自然是不肯吃亏的。 During the speeches, Frieza lifts up high both hands, the formidable air/Qi gathers in his palm, at the same time, that Android Xiaohong also displays Energy Wave, about 70,000 energy values, about 80,000 energy values, Energy Wave of these two people, the prestige can be very strong. 说话间,弗利萨高举双手,强悍的气在他的掌心之中汇聚,与此同时,那人造人小红也跟着施展气功波,一个70000左右的能量值,一个80000左右的能量值,这两个人的气功波,威能还是很强的。 Quick, two Energy Wave rumbled in the past, these two Energy Wave toward Tathagata Buddha, casual had instantaneous to destroy a prestige of country to be able. 很快的,两道气功波朝着如来佛祖轰了过去,就这两个气功波,随便一个都拥有瞬间毁灭掉一个国家的威能了。 although and Tathagata Buddha strength has no way to compare, may be in this degree, no matter Android Xiaohong or Frieza, strength is very formidable. 虽然如来佛祖实力没法比,可到了这个程度,不管是人造人小红还是弗利萨,本身的实力都是非常强悍的。 Space transmission gate! 空间传送门! While these two Energy Wave toward the Tathagata bang past opportunity, Dongfang Yu opened a space transmission gate quickly, wants by space transmission gate Magic, flees this Monster Executioner Stage. 趁着这两个气功波朝着如来轰过去的机会,东方玉很快开启了一个空间传送门,想要以空间传送门的魔法,逃离这斩妖台 The giant pyrosphere appeared, the scenery in pyrosphere is incompatible with this Monster Executioner Stage, is the place of world of mortals. 巨大的火圈出现了,火圈内的景色与这斩妖台格格不入,正是凡间的地方。 „To walk?”, Looks at Dongfang Yu to open space Magic, the Tathagata Buddha vision has congealed slightly, stretches out the palm of oneself directly, this palm as if changes to infinitely great as, each lines on the hand, as if changed to the giant mountain range and gully. “想走?”,看着东方玉开启了空间魔法,如来佛祖的目光微微一凝,直接伸出自己的手掌,这手掌仿佛化作无限大似的,每一条掌纹,似乎都化作了巨大的山脉和沟壑。 No matter Frieza or Android Xiaohong Energy Wave, falls in this palm, does not have the means to resist the palm that Tathagata then presses. 不管是弗利萨还是人造人小红气功波,落在这手掌之中,都没有办法抵挡如来这下压的手掌。 As if hangs the day of Yun Ban palm, odd|surplus Shi does not reduce, presses directly toward Dongfang Yu. 仿佛垂天之云般的手掌,余势不减,直接朝着东方玉压过来。 Terrifying prestige energy, made the space transmission gate of Dongfang Yu that circular pyrosphere twist unexpectedly, that twisted the space transmission gate, absolutely did not have means crossed over in the past. 恐怖的威能,竟然让东方玉那圆形火圈的空间传送门都跟着扭曲了,那扭曲了的空间传送门,根本就没有办法穿越过去。 Is this move!”, Looks the palm that Tathagata Buddha this move falls, in the Dongfang Yu's heart is startled darkly. “又是这招!”,看着如来佛祖这一招落下来的手掌,东方玉的心中暗惊。 Just Son Goku|Sun Wukong was such is grasped by Tathagata in the hand, then has suppressed, although came and went only then this move, but such a move, let the person non-solution, including the palm that the space can twist, the space transmission gate is also hard to maintain. 刚刚孙悟空就是这么被如来抓在手里,然后镇压了下去的,虽然来来去去就只有这一招而已,可就这么一招,就让人无解了,连空间都能扭曲的手掌,空间传送门也难以维持。 Vertical Cloud Technique! 纵云术 Saw Tathagata this blocks the sky palm pressed, the space transmission gate was also invalid, the space chaotic distortion under palm, the mirror image space cannot open, in the Dongfang Yu heart startled greatly, Vertical Cloud Technique displayed the pinnacle, like lightning shot to go toward the distant place electricity. 眼看着如来这遮天蔽日般的手掌压下来了,空间传送门又无效,手掌之下的空间混乱扭曲,就连镜像空间都打开不了,东方玉心中大骇,纵云术发挥到极致,闪电般的朝着远方电射而去。 A breath can fly hundred li (0.5km) distance, this Vertical Cloud Technique speed is very quick, so-called speed of sound, slow such as old turtle under this Vertical Cloud Technique. 一个呼吸能飞上百里的距离,这纵云术速度还是非常快的,所谓的音速,在这纵云术之下都慢如老龟。 Vertical Cloud Technique although is quick, but the palm of Tathagata Buddha seems limitless general, how to Dongfang Yu flying, unable to depart the distance that the palm of Tathagata covers, under the palm of Tathagata, as if the space layer upon layer folds, unbearable. 只是,纵云术虽然快,但如来佛祖的手掌却仿佛无边无际一般,任凭东方玉如何飞行,都飞不出如来的手掌覆盖的距离,如来的手掌之下,似乎空间层层折叠,咫尺天涯。 Seeing Dongfang Yu must fall in the hand of Tathagata, once were held by Tathagata , the consequence is dreadful, the choice of Android Xiaohong is decisive, look tranquil has hit toward the palm of Tathagata. 眼看着东方玉要落在如来的手中,一旦真的被如来抓住了,后果不堪设想,人造人小红的选择非常果断,神色平静的朝着如来的手掌撞了过去。 Meanwhile, the body of Xiaohong, formidable incomparable Aura emerges, the body also blooms the radiant ray. 与此同时,小红的身上,强悍无比的气息涌现出来,身上也绽放出璀璨的光芒。 Xiaohong!”, Looks at the Android Xiaohong appearance, the Dongfang Yu complexion changes, this appearance is any meaning, the Dongfang Yu nature is clear. 小红!”,看着人造人小红的模样,东方玉脸色一变,这副模样是什么意思,东方玉自然清楚。 Only hears the bang of bang, as if entire Heavenly Court trembled, Xiaohong figure changes to the ashes in this self-destruct, even if were the chip in mind also crushes. 只听见轰的一声巨响,似乎整个天庭都震颤了一下似的,小红身形在这自爆之中化作灰烬,即便是脑海中的芯片也粉碎了。 Android Xiaohong is the Red Queen some Artificial Intelligence procedures, although has the independence thought that but does not have the emotion, does not have the desire, considers for Dongfang Yu with all one's heart, even if dies, will not have the heart of slight fear. 人造人小红红后的部分人工智能的程序,虽然有独立的思想,但是却没有情感,也没有欲望,一门心思为了东方玉着想,即便去死,也不会有丝毫的畏惧之心。 Therefore, so long as can be Dongfang Yu wins a wee bit time, Xiaohong goes to not to have the slight hesitation generously. 所以,只要能为东方玉争取一丁点的时间,小红慷慨赴死也不会有丝毫的犹豫。 Xiaohong although does not have the emotion, but Dongfang Yu has the emotion, although said that Dongfang Yu has brought since Bai Feifei to walk, may in fact, what walks All Heavens and Myriad Realms to be most with Dongfang Yu is Android Xiaohong. 只是,小红虽然没有情感,可东方玉却是有情感的,虽然说一直以来东方玉都带着白菲菲行走,可实际上,跟着东方玉行走诸天万界最多的还是人造人小红 Don't said that Xiaohong has Artificial Intelligence of independent thought that even if absolutely does not have the death thing of slight thought that has accompanied for dozens years, will have the sentiment that is hard to divide, saw that Xiaohong such died, even has crushed including the smart chip, in Dongfang Yu heart sad. 莫说小红是有独立思想的人工智能,即便是完全没有丝毫思想的死物,陪伴了数十年,也会有难以分割的感情,眼看着小红就这么死了,甚至连智能芯片都粉碎了,东方玉心中悲不已。 Xiaohong energy value although for example incoming messenger, may also be 80,000 energy values, this self-destruct prestige can be very terrifying, even if under Tathagata that the palm of pressure, under this self-destruct, cannot help but slow. 小红能量虽然比如来差了许多,可到底也是80000的能量值,这自爆的威能还是非常恐怖的,即便是如来那下压的手掌,在这自爆之下,也不由得缓了缓。 although this self-destruct delayed for short several seconds, may to Dongfang Yu, these several seconds, made him flee Tathagata's control exactly. 虽然自爆只是拖延了短短数秒钟的时间而已,可对东方玉而言,这数秒钟的时间,恰好让他逃离了如来的掌控。 „This palm of Tathagata, is quite fearful, luckily I have not fallen like Son Goku|Sun Wukong in original work on his palm, otherwise, believes that cannot run away, saw that the palm of Tathagata falls, in the Dongfang Yu's heart is similarly panic-stricken. “这如来的手掌,好可怕,幸亏我还没像原著中的孙悟空一样落在他的掌心,否则,相信更加逃不出去了”,眼看着如来的手掌落下,东方玉的心中同样惊骇。 oneself in the coverage scope of that palm, almost cannot run away, no wonder Son Goku|Sun Wukong in original work falls on the palm of Tathagata, how unable to turn. 自己只是在那手掌的覆盖范围之中,就差点逃不出来了,也难怪原著中的孙悟空落在如来的掌心,怎么都翻不出去。 Dongfang Yu although flushed from the palm range of Tathagata, but that Frieza did not have Dongfang Yu Vertical Cloud Technique such speed. 只是,东方玉虽然从如来的手掌范围内冲出去了,可那弗利萨却没有东方玉纵云术这样的速度 although Frieza Sky Dance Technique is also quick, but is actually not enough to escape from the palm of Tathagata, at once, Frieza falls in the palm of Tathagata, was grasped by him in the control. 虽然弗利萨舞空术也很快,但却不足以逃出如来的掌心,旋即,弗利萨落在如来的手掌之中,被他握在手心。 Tathagata of under eight zhang (3.33 m) golden body, hangs down the oneself vision, looks at Frieza in oneself palm, start to talk said: „The body of demon, refining is the puppet, the thing of demon should not exist(ence) above in society. 八丈金身的如来,低垂下自己的目光,看着自己掌心中的弗利萨,开口说道:“妖魔之身,炼化为傀儡,邪魔之物不该存在于世间之上”。 A word falls, sees only in the Tathagata palm the gold(en) Buddha strength to emerge, but the moment, the body of Frieza, under this shining Buddha strength, the rapid ablation, looks like white snow under sunlight. 一言落下,只见如来手掌中金色的佛力涌现出来,不过片刻,弗利萨的身子,在这金灿灿的佛力之下,迅速消融,就像是阳光下的白雪似的。 Hissing, the method of Buddha, is really fierce......”, sees this, above Heavenly Court All-Heaven Gods and Buddhas, in the heart is startled secretly, feels to shock. “嘶,佛祖的手段,果然厉害啊……”,看到这一幕,天庭之上诸天神佛,心中暗自吃惊,也感到震撼。 The method that Son Goku|Sun Wukong, Dongfang Yu, Frieza and Xiaohong these four, just showed that All-Heaven Gods and Buddhas all watches, under Wreaking Havoc in the Heavenly Palace as if nobody can trig them. 孙悟空,东方玉,弗利萨小红这四个,刚刚所展现出来的手段,诸天神佛全都看在眼里,大闹天宫之下似乎无人能够制住他们。 didn't expect, Tathagata Buddha take action, Son Goku|Sun Wukong was actually suppressed, Xiaohong self-destruct, Frieza was melted by the Buddha strength, but suddenly, four go to its three, only remaining alone Dongfang Yu. 没想到,如来佛祖出手,孙悟空被镇压,小红自爆,弗利萨被佛力消融,不过眨眼间,四去其三,只剩下孤零零的一个东方玉了。 At this time, All-Heaven Gods and Buddhas all round has sphered Dongfang Yu, a Tathagata Buddha eight zhang (3.33 m) golden body sat well above the lotus throne, occupying a commanding position looks at Dongfang Yu in encirclement ring, as if overlooked the ants to be ordinary, said: Dongfang Yu, your Wreaking Havoc in the Heavenly Palace, should execute a captured offender on the spot, then the heaven has care for all living things, so long as you hope my big Thunderclap Temple facing the wall millenniums, reflects on oneself to cross, by the disappearing vicious tendencies, then calculates that you repent and be saved. 这个时候,诸天神佛团团的将东方玉围住了,如来佛祖八丈金身端坐于莲台之上,居高临下的看着包围圈中的东方玉,仿佛俯视蝼蚁一般,道:“东方玉,你大闹天宫,本该就地正法,然则上天有好生之德,只要你愿去我大雷音寺面壁千年,静思己过,以消戾气,便算你回头是岸”。 Goes to big Thunderclap Temple, facing the wall millenniums? Hears this words, the Dongfang Yu heart one startled, this does not die, must sit 1000 the jail. 去大雷音寺,面壁千年?听得这个话,东方玉心头一惊,这就算不死,也要坐1000年的牢啊。 But if does not comply, what is the result? Dongfang Yu is also very clear, among the looks brought intertwining, Dongfang Yu as if not to choose. 可如果不答应,结局是什么?东方玉也很清楚,神色间带着纠结,东方玉似乎已经没有了选择了。 Hears the word of Buddha, All-Heaven Gods and Buddhas is also one startled, but has not said anything. 听得佛祖之言,诸天神佛也是一惊,不过却也没有多说什么。 How to say again that Son Goku|Sun Wukong is also the Wreaking Havoc in the Heavenly Palace principal offender, Dongfang Yu is an accessory culprit, Son Goku|Sun Wukong was killed, Dongfang Yu gave him a way out also to calculate well. 再怎么说,那孙悟空也是大闹天宫的主犯,东方玉不过是从犯罢了,孙悟空都被杀死,东方玉给他一条生路也算不错了。 Also, Son Goku|Sun Wukong had been suppressed Tathagata under the mountain had not pledged that his how long can come out, Dongfang Yu was brought to face the wall to think of faults in 1000 to Spirit Mountain, from the way of prison term and penalty, good to be been too many by Son Goku|Sun Wukong. 再说了,孙悟空被镇压在山底下如来可没承诺他多久能出来,东方玉只是被带到灵山去面壁思过1000年,从刑期和刑罚的方式上来说,已经被孙悟空好太多了。 Perhaps this, calculates a good result. “或许这样,也算一个不错的结局吧”。 Grand Supreme Elderly Monarch, old god in the appearance treats in side, has not wanted the meaning of take action, sees this, in the heart secretly nod(ded), again how unruly, finally also after must submit under the situation. 太上老君,老神在在的样子待在旁边,并没有丝毫要出手的意思,看到这一幕,心中暗自点头,再如何桀骜不驯,最后也总归是要屈服于大势之下的。 Jade, I saved you!”, However, at this time, suddenly together the wonderful graceful form flew toward here, is that Bai Feifei. “玉,我来救你了!”,然而,就在这个时候,突然一道妙曼的身影朝着这边飞了过来,正是那白菲菲 Saw that Dongfang Yu had been encircled by All-Heaven Gods and Buddhas, Bai Feifei both eyes concentrate, dark green white Samadhi True Fire, changes to the dreadful sea of fire, sweeps across toward All-Heaven Gods and Buddhas. 眼看着东方玉独自一人被诸天神佛团团围住了,白菲菲双目微凝,苍白色的三昧真火,化作滔天火海,朝着诸天神佛席卷而来。 Ah!!! 啊!!! Overbearing of Samadhi True Fire, it goes without saying, the Intermediate Samadhi True Fire energy value, has achieved over 50,000, except for Nezha and Erlang Shen these top War God, in addition can resist 12, can other immortal Buddha, how resist overbearing of this Samadhi True Fire? 三昧真火的霸道,不言而喻,中级三昧真火能量值,更是达到了50000以上,除了哪吒二郎神这些顶尖的战神尚且能够抵挡12,其他的仙佛,如何能抵挡这三昧真火的霸道? As this dreadful Samadhi True Fire emerges, innumerable celestial troops and generals called out pitifully is embezzled by Samadhi True Fire, but the moment, the casualty were innumerable. 随着这滔天的三昧真火涌现过来,无数的天兵天将惨叫着被三昧真火吞没,不过片刻,死伤无数。 Samadhi True Fire, seriously was the attack method of wide scope, was similar to nuclear weapon of Xianxia version is ordinary. 三昧真火,当真是大范围的攻击手段了,如同仙侠版的核武器一般。 Does not want!”. “不要!”。 Looks at Bai Feifei take action is Intermediate Samadhi True Fire, burnt these All-Heaven Gods and Buddhas to be thrown into confusion, the crying father shouted that mother's appearance, the Dongfang Yu startled sound called out. 看着白菲菲出手就是中级三昧真火,烧得这些诸天神佛手忙脚乱了,哭爹喊娘的样子,东方玉惊声叫道。
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