PE :: Volume #34

#1531: Tathagata's blood

Miss Feifei, you how?”, The Ox-King somewhat uneasy appearance, looks at Bai Feifei to ask. 菲菲小姐,你怎么了?”,牛魔王有些忐忑不安的样子,看着白菲菲问道。 These days being together, Ox-King regarding this stubborn woman, the affection in heart was more and more profound, this feeling, in the Ox-King life, has almost not met, looked like in Ox-King, perhaps was this love? 这几天的相处,牛魔王对于这个倔强的女人,心中的喜爱是越来越深刻了,这种感觉,在牛魔王的生命之中,几乎是没有遇见过的,在牛魔王看来,或许这就是爱? I must go to Heavenly Court!”, The Ox-King words, as if made Bai Feifei recover, in the heart also under decided some determination to be the same, look steadfast stared at Ox-King to say. “我要去天庭!”,牛魔王的话,似乎让白菲菲回过神来了,心中也下定了某种决心一样,眼神坚定不移的盯着牛魔王说道。 „It is not good! You cannot go!”, Looks at the Bai Feifei look, in the heart of Ox-King cannot help but one hurried, at once the sinking sound shouts to clear the way. “不行!你不能去!”,看着白菲菲的眼神,牛魔王的心中不由得一慌,旋即沉声喝道。 although Ox-King can detain Bai Feifei with oneself strength forcefully, is, if unnecessary, Ox-King or the hope with good that Bai Feifei begins. 虽然牛魔王可以用自己力量强行留住白菲菲,可是,如非必要,牛魔王还是希望不要和白菲菲动手的好。 Regarding the opposition of Ox-King, Bai Feifei did not say a word, but tight was staring at him, the look was steadfast, obviously set firm resolve, not by the Ox-King opposition institute about, even if were the strength disparity of both sides is very big, but in the Bai Feifei firm oneself heart thinks as before. 对于牛魔王的反对,白菲菲一言不发,只是紧紧的盯着他,眼神坚定不移,显然是下定了决心,不会被牛魔王的反对所左右,即便是双方的实力差距很大,可白菲菲依旧坚定自己心中所想。 Miss Feifei, today is the day that Dongfang Yu sentences to beheading, full deity Buddha there, let alone was you, even if were my Old Ox goes, at all impossible to save the person, I urged you do not sacrifice in vain, you listened to An a Old Ox word, remained to be good?”, Looks at Bai Feifei this steadfast look, Ox-King does not have the means that soft sound song said to the Bai Feifei persuasion. 菲菲小姐,今天就是那东方玉处斩的日子,满天神佛都在那里,别说是你了,就算是俺老牛去,也根本不可能把人救出来的,我劝你还是不要白白的牺牲了,你就听安老牛一言吧,留下来可好?”,看着白菲菲这坚定不移的眼神,牛魔王也没办法,软声细语的对白菲菲劝说道。 Also luckily that Princess Iron Fan not here, otherwise, looks at the Ox-King such soft sound song the appearance, the vigor that is jealous has not known that what must turn into. 也幸亏那铁扇公主不在这里,否则,看着牛魔王这么软声细语的样子,那吃醋的劲还不知道要变成什么样呢。 No matter Ox-King resolutely opposed that is the persuasion of soft sound song, the Bai Feifei look does not hear motionless, as before is the look firm looks at Ox-King. 只是,不管牛魔王坚决反对,还是软声细语的劝说,白菲菲的神色不闻不动,依旧是眼神坚定的看着牛魔王 You......”, look appearance that Bai Feifei this is intractable, Ox-King is somewhat indignant, oneself takes Demon Realm top exist(ence), for these years, who dares to treat oneself like this? “你……”,看着白菲菲这软硬不吃的样子,牛魔王有些气愤,自己作为妖魔界的顶尖存在,这么多年来,有谁敢这样对待自己 May, look at the Bai Feifei peerless appearance, Ox-King cannot be angry, only thought that such earnest Bai Feifei, as if makes people think liked. 可偏偏,看着白菲菲绝世的容颜,牛魔王又生气不起来,只觉得这么认真的白菲菲,却似乎更让人觉得喜欢了。 Why do you want to go? You clearly know after oneself went, can't help? Moreover, perhaps at this time Dongfang Yu had been cut, my Old Ox is loves in any case your, if I am the Dongfang Yu's words, I did not like you going to sacrifice in vain, Ox-King start to talk, earnest said to Bai Feifei. “你为什么一定要去呢?你明知道自己去了之后,根本帮不上忙吧?而且,这个时候说不定东方玉已经被斩了呢,反正俺老牛是爱你的,如果我是东方玉的话,我也不喜欢你去白白牺牲”,牛魔王开口,认真的对白菲菲说道。 Facing the Ox-King words, then Bai Feifei start to talk, shook the head, said: Has made a mistake, Ox-King, you like me, this is not love. 面对牛魔王的话,这下白菲菲开口了,摇摇头,道:“错了,牛魔王,你只是喜欢我而已,这不是爱”。 Is impossible, my Old Ox lived these many years, likes with the love, obtains clear, Bai Feifei start to talk, denied oneself to her love, this makes Ox-King be hard to accept. “不可能,俺老牛活了这么多年,喜欢和爱,还是分得清的”,白菲菲开口,就否定了自己对她的爱意,这让牛魔王难以接受。 You do not understand the love, what to come loves me?”, Regarding the word of Ox-King, Bai Feifei shakes the head as before, at once has hesitated slightly the moment, puts out a hand to put forth magecraft of imaginary mirror. “你不懂爱,何来的爱我?”,对于牛魔王之言,白菲菲依旧摇头,旋即微微沉吟了片刻,伸手使出一个幻镜的术法 Saw only in the mirror surface to reveal a fine Xiaohua garden, under the beautiful sunlight, in the Xiaohua garden the assorted flowers opened the beautiful, tender and beautiful desire drops, at once, dresses up gorgeous young girl before this flower garden passed through, on forehead had close beads of sweat, the black eyebrow coloring eyebrow tightens, obviously was hot and tired. 只见镜面上露出了一个精致的小花圃,在明媚的阳光下,小花圃中各色的花朵开得非常的美丽,娇艳欲滴,旋即,打扮艳丽的少女从这花圃前走过,额头上有一层细密的汗珠,黛眉紧锁,显然又热又累。 However sees this Xiaohua garden time, young girl eyes one bright, likes these flowers, could not bear, has picked one, happy wearing on the hair of oneself, treated as the head ornaments, looked at her happy appearance, as if including oneself exhausted has forgotten generally. 不过看到这个小花圃的时候,少女眼睛一亮,非常喜欢这些花朵,忍不住,采摘了一朵,高高兴兴的佩戴在自己的头发上,当作头饰,看她高兴的模样,似乎连自己的疲惫都忘记了一般。 Looks at the image in illusion, some Ox-King puzzling looks at Bai Feifei, does not know that she looks at this thing to oneself, is any meaning. 看着幻境之中的影像,牛魔王有些迷惑不解的看着白菲菲,不知道她给自己看这个东西,是什么意思。 Has not waited for Ox-King to ask, Bai Feifei said: This woman, likes this flower is right? But, this is only likes, is not the true love, you look again......”. 没有等牛魔王发问,白菲菲说道:“这个女子,很喜欢这朵花对不对?可是,这只是喜欢而已,不是真正的爱,你再看……”。 Along with the Bai Feifei words, Ox-King continues to this imaginary mirror looks, quick, was one wears young girl of thick cotton garment to walk, in the hand was also taking a bucket, cautiously in all flowers and plants to the flower garden watered, protected carefully. 随着白菲菲的话,牛魔王继续向这幻镜之中看去,很快的,又是一个身穿粗布衣的少女走了过来,手中还提着一个水桶,小心翼翼的给花圃中所有的花草都浇上了水,细心呵护。 After all matters finished, homespun cloth young girl has wiped the sweat on forehead, looks at these flowers in flower garden, seemed brighter, face Shangyang overflows the happy smiling face. 当所有的事情都忙完了之后,粗布少女擦了擦额头上的汗水,看着花圃中的这些花朵,似乎更加鲜艳了,脸上洋溢出幸福的笑容。 This......”, Ox-King, although the temper is thick, but also after all lived millennium ten thousand years of demon, under two relativities, he naturally could see that the picture in Bai Feifei this imaginary mirror was to express anything. “这个……”,牛魔王虽说性子粗狂,但也毕竟是活了千年万年的妖魔,两相对比之下,他自然看得出白菲菲这个幻镜之中的景象是想要表达什么了。 Attire gorgeous young girl, indeed very much likes the flowers, after having picked one, continually as if hurries along exhausted can forget, but she is only pure liking, therefore wants to hold, young girl of that homespun cloth clothing, is the person of true love flower, therefore, she knows what flowers true need is anything. “衣着艳丽的少女,的确很喜欢花朵,采了一朵之后,似乎连赶路的疲惫都能忘记,可她只是单纯的喜欢罢了,所以才想要占有,那粗布衣衫的少女,才是真正的爱花之人,所以,她知道花朵真正需要的是什么”。 Liking is to hold, but loves it, the precious place manifests is paying, really manifests in understands it to need anything, relieved the oneself imaginary mirror, Bai Feifei said to Ox-King. “喜欢是想要去占有,而爱它,珍贵之处体现在付出,体现在真正的懂它需要什么”,解除了自己的幻镜,白菲菲牛魔王说道。 The Bai Feifei words, making Ox-King have nothing to say in reply, is silent is not knowing that should say anything, the look is having the thinking, does not know that is thinking anything. 白菲菲的话,让牛魔王无言以对,沉默着不知道该说什么,神色带着思索,也不知道在想些什么。 You make me go to Heavenly Court, is good?”, The Bai Feifei expression, has softened, is the ruthless character behind a gentle appearance, in this soft sound song, what is invariable is her firm faith. “你让我去天庭,好不好?”,白菲菲的语气,放软了许多,可是绵里藏针,这软声细语之中,不变的是她那坚定的信念。 Ox-King can hear in the Bai Feifei sentence, brings to wipe the entreaty, after silent for a long time, finally start to talk: „Do you want to go? You clearly know that oneself goes to the basis unable to rescue that Dongfang Yu's, why do you want to go to sacrifice in vain?”. 牛魔王能够听得出白菲菲的语句中,带着一抹哀求,沉默了许久之后,终于开口:“你一定要去?你明知道自己去根本救不出那东方玉的,你为什么要去白白牺牲?”。 No!”, Is only, regarding the Ox-King words, Bai Feifei firm shaking the head, said: If I do not go, he must die without doubt, but if I went, perhaps he can also have a slim chance of survival. “不!”,只是,对于牛魔王的话,白菲菲坚定的摇头,道:“如果我不去,他必死无疑,可如果我去了,他或许还能有一线生机”。 Bai Feifei went, will Dongfang Yu have a slim chance of survival unexpectedly? Ox-King to her words, thinks some surprise. 白菲菲去了,东方玉居然会有一线生机?牛魔王对她的话,觉得有些诧异。 But Bai Feifei had not explained that Ox-King has not closely examined, these are not main, what is main was Bai Feifei she has strengthened the oneself faith. 白菲菲没有解释,牛魔王也没追问,这些都不是主要的,主要的还是白菲菲她坚定了自己的信念。 Such being the case, you, you......”, was silent for a long time, Ox-King then had the greatest courage to be ordinary, but, let the words that Bai Feifei departed, he actually said that finally, must turn around, back to Bai Feifei. “既然如此,你,你……”,又是沉默了许久,牛魔王这才鼓起了莫大的勇气一般,只是,让白菲菲离去的话,他却说不出口,最后,只得转身,背对着白菲菲罢了。 Looks at Ox-King to turn around, Bai Feifei naturally understands that his meaning, on the face shines with the brilliance instantaneously, the pleasantly surprised color, to Ox-King deep bowing, was saying wear a look of: Thank you, sorry. 牛魔王转身,白菲菲自然明白他的意思,脸上瞬间焕发出光彩,面带惊喜之色,对着牛魔王深深的鞠了一躬,道:“谢谢你,对不起”。 The voice falls, Bai Feifei turns around, changes to together shadow, flew in the Heavenly Court Monster Executioner Stage direction. 话音一落,白菲菲转身,化作一道影子,朝着天庭斩妖台的方向飞过去了。 It looks like in Bai Feifei, oneself does not go, Dongfang Yu's must die firmly without doubt, but if oneself went, by the oneself life, could trade Dongfang Yu changes body Super Saiyan, this is a slim chance of survival that Bai Feifei said. 白菲菲看来,自己不去,东方玉的确必死无疑,可若是自己去了,以自己的性命,或许可以换得东方玉变身超级赛亚人,这就是白菲菲所言的一线生机。 although is only possible, but to Bai Feifei, being worth oneself betting one...... 虽然只是可能而已,但对白菲菲而言,值得自己去赌一把了…… Thanks? Sorry?”, Flew away until Bai Feifei, Ox-King then turns around, looks that the Bai Feifei form disappears in quickly airborne, wants to pursue, actually does not know how should pursue, the mouth chews the words that Bai Feifei was finally speaking. “谢谢?对不起?”,直到白菲菲飞走了,牛魔王这才转身,看着白菲菲的身影很快消失在空中,想要去追,却不知该如何去追,嘴里咀嚼着白菲菲最后说的话。 Was thanks oneself to put her to leave? Thanks oneself to love her? Sorry, is unfair to oneself to her love? 是谢谢自己放她离开了?还是谢谢自己爱她?对不起,是对不起自己对她的爱吗? Oh, that Dongfang Yu, how good fortune......”, silent for a long time, the Ox-King mouth sighed however sighs deeply. “唉,那东方玉,何其幸哉……”,沉默了许久,牛魔王嘴里喟然长叹。 Regarding a man, the depth loves him, even for he does not hesitate to pay with the oneself life woman, was this biggest happiness? 对于一个男人而言,有一个深爱他,甚至为了他不惜付出自己生命的女子,这就是最大的幸福了吧? Meanwhile, on Monster Executioner Stage. 与此同时,斩妖台上。 Dongfang Yu grasps Immortal Executioner Bottle Gourd, wisp of rays of light float in midair, making god Buddha dread that does not dare to go forward, following that Android Xiaohong blindly follows suit side Dongfang Yu's, look tight is staring at Tathagata, prepares take action at any time, the Frieza puppet also stands side Dongfang Yu's, with Android one on the left and other on the right, looks like about Dongfang Yu's Protector general. 东方玉手持斩仙葫芦,一缕毫光悬浮于半空之中,让神佛忌惮,不敢上前,人造人小红亦步亦趋的跟在东方玉的身旁,眼神紧紧的盯着如来,随时准备出手,弗利萨的傀儡也站在东方玉的身旁,和人造人一左一右,就像是东方玉的左右护法一般。 Son Goku|Sun Wukong grasps As-You-Will Gold-Banded Cudgel, eye of band of light illustrious ominous prestige, similarly tight is staring at Tathagata, since this fellow came, surroundings these deities called a halt unexpectedly. 孙悟空手持如意金箍棒,目光带着赫赫凶威,同样紧紧的盯着如来,自从这家伙来了之后,周围这些神仙们居然都停手了。 Amitabha, under the gazes of all people, Tathagata Buddha proclaimed Buddha in a low voice, at once start to talk, said: „, You and other Wreaking Havoc in the Heavenly Palace, harass Heavenly Court, the solid crime does not have amnesty. “阿弥陀佛”,在所有人的注视下,如来佛祖低声宣了一声佛号,旋即开口,道:“诸位,尔等大闹天宫,扰乱天庭,实在罪无可赦”。 During the speeches, Tathagata Buddha stretches out the palm of oneself, has grasped toward Son Goku|Sun Wukong, said: Your this wild ape, impenetrably thickheaded, regards the law , if no thing, this place suppresses you today, when you can restrain own offense fire, toes the line, said other again. 说话间,如来佛祖伸出自己的手掌,朝着孙悟空抓了过去,道:“你这泼猴,冥顽不灵,视法度如无物,本座今日就将你镇压,待你何时能收敛自身戾火,循规蹈矩,再言其他”。 Be careful!”, Looks at Tathagata Buddha first to Son Goku|Sun Wukong take action, the Dongfang Yu look changes, called out loudly, simultaneously offers a sacrifice to oneself Executing Immortal Flying Blade, has cut toward Tathagata. “小心!”,看着如来佛祖先对孙悟空出手了,东方玉神色一变,大声叫道,同时祭起自己斩仙飞刀,朝着如来切了过去。 Dongfang Yu's Energy Tester may look, the energy value of Tathagata went to 110,000 over situations, is not Son Goku|Sun Wukong can resist by far. 东方玉的能量测试仪可看得出来,如来的能量值足足达到了110000出头的地步,远远不是孙悟空能够抵挡的。 Even if has eaten up that many [gold/metal] pill, Peach of Immortality and Precious Jade Nectar, the energy value have achieved more than 80,000, but the phase difference enough 30,000 energy values, this may be difference between heaven and earth . 即便吃下了那么多金丹,蟠桃琼浆玉液,能量值达到了80000多,可相差足足30000的能量值,这可就是天差地别了。 Along with Dongfang Yu take action, Frieza and Android Xiaohong naturally cannot stand by, in addition the revolt of Son Goku|Sun Wukong, suddenly, all attacks have pounded toward Tathagata Buddha. 随着东方玉出手了,弗利萨人造人小红自然不会袖手旁观了,再加上孙悟空的反抗,一时间,所有的攻击都朝着如来佛祖砸了过去。 No matter Frieza or the attack of Android Xiaohong, Tathagata Buddha turns a blind eye, as if has not seen to be the same, whatever their attacks fall on the body. 只是,不管是弗利萨还是人造人小红的攻击,如来佛祖都视若无睹,似乎没有看到一样,任由他们的攻击落在身上。 Eight zhang (3.33 m) golden body, their attacks fall above the golden body of Tathagata, has not affected unexpectedly, even makes the body of Tathagata shake continually cannot achieve in a flash. 八丈金身,他们两人的攻击落在如来的金身之上,竟然没有丝毫作用,甚至连让如来的身子晃一晃都做不到。 A palm, has grasped toward Son Goku|Sun Wukong, Son Goku|Sun Wukong As-You-Will Gold-Banded Cudgel, is hard the palm that resists then to press. 一只手掌,朝着孙悟空抓了过去,孙悟空如意金箍棒,也难以抵挡住这下压的手掌。 The palm of Tathagata, as if changes hangs a day of cloud, grasps Son Goku|Sun Wukong directly in the palm, at once downward a pressure. 如来的手掌,仿佛化作垂天之云,直接将孙悟空抓在掌心,旋即往下一压。 A palatial mountain appears, Son Goku|Sun Wukong suppression stubbornly under the mountain, simultaneously a Buddha uncovers to depart, pastes above the mountain. 一座巍峨的高山出现,将孙悟空死死的镇压在山下,同时一张佛揭飞出,贴在大山之上。 Son Goku|Sun Wukong, a move was suppressed by Tathagata. 孙悟空,一招就被如来镇压了。 At this time, the Executing Immortal Flying Blade sharp air/Qi, falls on the hand back of Tathagata, sees only a brow slightly wrinkle of Tathagata. 此时,斩仙飞刀的锋锐之气,落在如来的手背上,只见如来的眉头微微一皱。 At once, on the hand back of gold(en) presented a fissure, a Buddha blood of wisp of gold(en), coasts following the hand back slowly...... 旋即,金色的手背上出现了一道裂痕,一缕金色的佛血,顺着手背缓缓滑下……
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