PE :: Volume #34

#1530: Dongfang Yu gets out of trouble

Android Xiaohong, after the transformation of Bulma, the whole person looked like very big change, from the appearance, was about 20 woman, not how developed the whole body muscle looked like, but actually likely was female Panther Si, the muscle has been full of the feeling of streamline body. 人造人小红,经过布玛的改造之后,整个人看起来有了很大的变化,从容貌上来看,是一个20左右的女子,浑身的肌肉看起来并不如何的发达,但是却像是一只雌豹似的,肌肉充满了流线体的感觉。 Naturally, because Android Xiaohong does not have the oneself emotion, therefore the expression looks like very indifferent, a stranger not near appearance. 当然,因为人造人小红并不具备自己的情感,因此表情看起来是非常的冷漠,一副生人勿近的样子。 speed is extremely quick, throws directly toward Dongfang Yu, the whole person looks like sharp arrow(s) that electricity shoots. 速度极快,直接朝着东方玉这边扑过来,整个人就像是一支电射的利箭 Saw that Xiaohong speed and her direction All-Heaven Gods and Buddhas are in great surprise, several magecraft have pounded toward Xiaohong directly. 眼看着小红速度和她的方向诸天神佛具是大惊,好几道法术直接朝着小红砸了过来。 Xiaohong does not dodge does not evade, looks like has not seen, flame, the strong gale and thunder and lightning, directly had all been cracked-up by her body, this mortal body formidable, looks at many god Buddha to have a big shock. 只是,小红不闪不避,就像是没有看到似的,火焰,烈风和雷电,全都被她的身体直接撞碎了,这肉身强悍,看得许多神佛大惊失色。 Indestructible Vajra Body!? 金刚不坏之身!? „The setting sun arrow, shoots!”, At this time, the horizon together radiant arrow glow shot in the Xiaohong direction, has filled the arrow glow of penetrability, as if has ripped open an appearance of opening the world. “落日箭,射!”,就在这个时候,天边一道璀璨的箭芒朝着小红的方向射过来,充满了贯穿力的箭芒,似乎将天地都撕开了一道裂口的样子。 Xiaohong speed does not reduce, turned head, the sharp look stares at the arrow glow that this is shooting, a both eyes redness, at once, lasing of two radiant lasers from Xiaohong both eyes exit, 80,000 energy values, have the bloodlines of Superman, Xiaohong this displays impressively is the Superman heat-emitting vision move. 只是,小红速度不减,回过头来,锐利的眼神盯着这支射过来的箭芒,双眼一片赤红,旋即,两道璀璨的激光从小红双眼中激射出去,80000的能量值,拥有超人的血脉,小红这施展出来的赫然是超人热视线的招数。 Pounds to me!”, At this time, is a deity, is controlling a vigorous bell, maliciously has pounded in the Xiaohong direction, imposing manner was astonishing, looks like a giant mountain peak pounds generally. “给我砸下去!”,就在这个时候,又是一位神仙,操控着一口浑厚的大钟,狠狠的朝着小红的方向砸了过来,气势惊人,就像是一座巨大的山峰砸下来了一般。 Faces such attack, Xiaohong is pushing single-handed, Energy Wave pushed out from the palm of Xiaohong together directly. 只是,面对着这样的攻击,小红单手一推,一道气功波直接从小红的掌心推了出去。 although is only Energy Wave of low power, but cannot support the Xiaohong energy value to be high enough, this Energy Wave that vigorous bell, hit turning round spinning to fly together directly. 虽然只是低功率的气功波,但架不住小红能量值够高,这一道气功波直接将那一口浑厚的大钟,撞得滴溜溜的打转飞了回去。 imposing manner is astonishing, Xiaohong the potential of impact hits toward Dongfang Yu by the easily accomplished potential, actually nobody can resist the Xiaohong power and influence, seems like pretty woman, didn't expect, actually has such strength, All-Heaven Gods and Buddhas has a big shock. 气势惊人,小红的冲击之势以摧枯拉朽之势朝着东方玉撞过去,竟然没有人能够抵挡小红的威势的,看起来不过是一个娇滴滴的女子,却没想到,竟然拥有这样的实力,诸天神佛大惊失色。 These utilize oneself demon of method examination this Monster Executioner Stage picture, feels to be startled. 就连那些运用自己的手段查看这斩妖台景象的妖魔,也感到吃惊。 Shout! 呼! Finally, Xiaohong rushed to front of Dongfang Yu's directly, falls on Monster Executioner Stage, both hands hold this to bundle the Dongfang Yu's chains, the strength eruption of powerful, psst sound, that but several time of breath, collapse, a chains directly by Xiaohong pulling apart. 终于,小红直接冲到了东方玉的面前,落在斩妖台上,双手抓住这捆着东方玉的锁链,强大力量爆发,一阵嘎吱吱的响声,不过数个呼吸的时间,崩的一声,一条锁链直接被小红给扯断了。 After having pulled apart the first chains, Xiaohong then pulls second. 扯断了第一条锁链之后,小红接着去扯第二条。 Looks at the Xiaohong movement, can actually pull apart this town demon chains depending on oneself strength, looks at All-Heaven Gods and Buddhas to shock. 看着小红的动作,竟然能够光凭自己力量扯断这镇魔锁链,看得诸天神佛震撼不已。 Jade Emperor also becomes angry out of shame, at once said to Guanyin Buddha: Asked Tathagata Buddha to come to escort. 玉皇大帝也是恼羞成怒,旋即对身旁的观音菩萨说道:“去请如来佛祖前来护驾吧”。 Hears the word of Jade Emperor, Guanyin Buddha to select nod(ded), has not said anything, turns around to depart directly. 听得玉皇大帝之言,观音菩萨点头,没有多说什么,直接转身离去。 At this time, on Monster Executioner Stage, the second chains by Xiaohong pulling apart, both hands did not have the imprisonment, Dongfang Yu also finally had the strength to hit back. 这个时候,斩妖台上,第二条锁链已经被小红给扯断了,双手没了禁锢,东方玉也总算有了还手之力。 Looks at the Xiaohong easily accomplished power and influence, that side sieges the Son Goku|Sun Wukong god to transfer many people, throws toward Xiaohong, Nezha Third Crown Prince and Li Jing, as well as the class of Four Great Heavenly Kings also turned head. 看着小红摧枯拉朽的威势,那边围困着孙悟空的神将不少人调动过来,朝着小红扑过来,就连哪吒三太子和李靖,以及四大天王之流也跟着回头过来了。 Do not manage them, continue!”, Looks at god who these throw, Dongfang Yu start to talk said to Xiaohong. “别理他们,继续!”,看着这些扑过来的神将,东方玉开口小红说道。 Xiaohong naturally obeys Dongfang Yu's command, hear speech/words will look but not see to the god who these will throw , to continue to break off pulls the third chains. 小红自然是听从东方玉的命令的,闻言对这些扑过来的神将视而不见,继续去掰扯第三根锁链。 At this time, Dongfang Yu's both hands have untied fetter, took out Immortal Executioner Bottle Gourd from oneself storage ring directly, worshipped along with Dongfang Yu's, in Immortal Executioner Bottle Gourd rays of light rose, circled in the midair. 这个时候,东方玉的双手解开了束缚,直接从自己纳戒之中取出了斩仙葫芦,随着东方玉的祭拜,斩仙葫芦之中一线毫光升了起来,盘旋于半空之中。 That! don't tell me is!?”. “那个!难道是!?”。 Looks in front of Dongfang Yu this Bottle Gourd, Four Great Heavenly Kings, Pagoda-Bearing Heavenly King Li Jing, as well as Nezha Third Crown Prince these people, look like damn are the same, figure does not enter instead draws back, panic-stricken looks in front of Dongfang Yu the Bottle Gourd. 看着东方玉面前这个葫芦,四大天王,托塔天王李靖,以及哪吒三太子这些人,就像是见了鬼一样的,身形不进反退,惊恐的看着东方玉面前的这个葫芦 Executing Immortal Flying Blade? Is this possible? This kills greatly, how can in his hands. 斩仙飞刀?这怎么可能?这一件大杀器,怎会在他的手中”。 Asked treasure to turn around!”. “请宝贝转身!”。 Although Dongfang Yu disposition appears somewhat good, generally fight time, the words that can not kill people, Dongfang Yu will keep the hand as far as possible, can today's this situation, how be able to keep the hand? As the Dongfang Yu's words fall, in the midair this wisp of rays of light transferred several. 虽说东方玉性格方面显得有些善良,一般战斗的时候,能不杀人的话,东方玉都会尽量的留手,可到了今天这个地步,怎能留手?随着东方玉的话落,半空中这一缕毫光转了几圈。 The pitiful yell sound gets up, the blood splash scatters, the body flies horizontally, celestial troops and generals that Dongfang Yu surrounding dozens clash immediately, looks like the cut open watermelon is the same, the body was cut open. 惨叫声起,血花四溅,肢体横飞,立马东方玉周围数十个冲过来的天兵天将,就像是被切开的西瓜一样,身子被切开来了。 Broke the hands and feet, if the head were pinched, naturally is the dying [say / way] disappears, a wisp of soul ease flew toward the hell. 只是断了手脚的还罢,若是脑袋被掐掉了的,自然是身死道消,一缕魂魄悠悠然的往地府飞过去了。 Death remnant remnants that a move, lets these many celestial troops and generals, dying, this lets many imposing manner agitated celestial troops and generals with amazement discolorations, suddenly was frightens unexpectedly does not dare to go forward. 一招,就让这么多天兵天将,死的死残的残,这让许多气势汹汹的天兵天将都骇然色变,一时间竟然是吓得不敢上前了。 Executing Immortal Flying Blade, is really Executing Immortal Flying Blade!”, Looks at this, Pagoda-Bearing Heavenly King and Four Great Heavenly Kings these people, with amazement discoloration. 斩仙飞刀,真的是斩仙飞刀啊!”,看着这一幕,托塔天王四大天王这些人,骇然色变。 That side with the Son Goku|Sun Wukong fight Erlang Shen like a raging fire, panic-stricken turning head was coming to see, Executing Immortal Flying Blade this was the antiquity seals the god time already reputation peerless weapon for criminal outside. 就连那边正在和孙悟空斗得如火如荼的二郎神,也惊骇的回过头来看了看,斩仙飞刀这可是上古封神时期就早已声名在外的绝世凶器了。 Now we what to do? Can this also come up?”, Looks at the Dongfang Yu's this Executing Immortal Flying Blade momentum, on the face of Four Great Heavenly Kings is having the color of fear, does not dare to go forward, somewhat uneasy asked to Pagoda-Bearing Heavenly King Li Jing. “现在我们怎么办?这还要上去吗?”,看着东方玉的斩仙飞刀的声势,四大天王的脸上都带着畏惧之色,不敢上前,有些忐忑不安对身旁的托塔天王李靖问道。 „......”, Regarding this Four Great Heavenly Kings words, the Pagoda-Bearing Heavenly King Li Jing's complexion is also very ugly. “……”,对于这四大天王的话,托塔天王李靖的脸色也很难看。 Does Executing Immortal Flying Blade here, rush? Who dares to rush? This kills greatly, who dares to belittle? 斩仙飞刀在这里,冲上去?谁敢冲上去?这件大杀器,谁敢小觑? You did not need to be worried that this Executing Immortal Flying Blade is only the replica, its prestige can the Executing Immortal Flying Blade prestige be able about half......”. “尔等无需担心,这斩仙飞刀只是仿制品罢了,其威能不过斩仙飞刀威能的一半左右而已……”。 When these celestial troops and generals hesitate is not daring to go forward, actually that Jade Emperor sees the clue, start to talk said. 就在这些天兵天将们踌躇着不敢上前的时候,倒是那玉皇大帝看出了端倪,开口说道。 Originally is only the replica......”, before hearing Jade Emperor, half a word words, is not in few person hearts relaxed secretly. “原来只是仿制品而已……”,听闻玉皇大帝前半句话,不是少人心中暗自松了一口气。 However, after hearing, half a word words, have not actually felt relieved, although only then Executing Immortal Flying Blade 50% prestige energies, what people but this is not the casual can block? 但是,听到后半句话,却并没有放心下来,虽然只有斩仙飞刀一半的威能,可这也不是随便什么人都能挡得住的吧? Regarding ordinary person, sniper's rifle can gun down him, don't tell me didn't pistol have the means to gun down him? 对于一个普通人而言,狙击枪能一枪杀了他,难道手枪就没办法一枪杀了他吗? This, this is only then 50% prestige energies, killed me also to have more than enough to spare, hearing the word of Jade Emperor, the Four Great Heavenly Kings head to shrink shrinking, in the heart muttered secretly thought, does not dare to go forward as before, but focused on Li Jing's body. “这,这就算是只有一半的威能,杀我也绰绰有余了啊”,听得玉皇大帝之言,四大天王脑袋缩了缩,心中喃喃暗道,依旧不敢上前,只是把目光放在李靖的身上。 Was staring by Four Great Heavenly Kings, Li Jing's complexion somewhat is also ugly. 四大天王盯着,李靖的脸色也有些难看。 Can 50% prestige oneself block? To be honest, Li Jing oneself does not have the slight assurance, does not dare to try easily, if oneself can't block? How could it not be did body dying [say / way] disappear? 一半的威能自己能否挡住?说实话,李靖自己也没有丝毫的把握,不敢轻易去试,若是自己挡不住呢?岂不身死道消了? Dongfang Yu offers a sacrifice to Executing Immortal Flying Blade, vision brilliant will be staring at the surrounding god. 东方玉斩仙飞刀祭起,目光灼灼的盯着周围的神将。 Even if Frieza of 7 ten thousand energy values, can a blade cut off the arm, Ox-King of 8 ten thousand energy values, can cause heavy losses, these energy value about 50,000-60,000 fellows, so long as does not have the powerful defense magic weapon and Indestructible Vajra Body general divine ability, Executing Immortal Flying Blade kills them and cuts the radish not anything too big difference. 就算是7万能量值的弗利萨,也能一刀斩断手臂,8万能量值的牛魔王,也能重创,这些能量值不过五六万左右的家伙,只要没有强大的防御法宝和金刚不坏之身一般的神通,斩仙飞刀杀他们和切萝卜没什么太大的区别。 „......”, Looks that Pagoda-Bearing Heavenly King Li Jing and Four Great Heavenly Kings these people do not dare on, the Jade Emperor complexion was uglier. “……”,看着托塔天王李靖和四大天王这些人都不敢上,玉皇大帝的脸色更难看了。 Naturally, he does not have the means to urge, although only then 50% prestige energies, but can imitate this situation, could be called is a top magic weapon. 当然,他也没有办法催促,虽然只有一半的威能,可能够仿制到这个地步,已经称得上是一件顶尖的法宝了。 In Dongfang Yu by Executing Immortal Flying Blade, deters these gods the time, Xiaohong the Dongfang Yu third chains pulling apart, again remained last, Dongfang Yu can get out of trouble, but left. 就在东方玉斩仙飞刀,震慑住了这些神将的时候,小红已经将东方玉第三条锁链给扯断了,再剩最后一条,东方玉就可以脱困而出了。 Monstruous talent, rest rampantly!”, Nezha Third Crown Prince has a courage and uprightness point, saw that Dongfang Yu will soon get out of trouble, oneself these deities do not dare to go forward unexpectedly, in the heart a anger, Nezha Third Crown Prince Universe Loop pounds directly toward Dongfang Yu, simultaneously Fire-tipped Spear shakes, the lance point punctures toward Dongfang Yu, as if together flowing light. “妖孽,休得嚣张!”,到底还是哪吒三太子有血性一点,眼看着东方玉即将脱困,自己这些神仙居然不敢上前,心中一怒,哪吒三太子乾坤圈直接朝着东方玉这边砸过来,同时火尖枪一震,枪尖朝着东方玉刺过来,仿佛一道流光。 Asked treasure to turn around! 宝贝转身! Executing Immortal Flying Blade in the midair is one revolution, after “dīng” sounds, sees only that Universe Loop to change to two sections instantaneously, falls in the place, at the same time, the sharp air/Qi does not reduce, falls on Fire-tipped Spear. 斩仙飞刀在半空中又是一转,叮的一声,只见那乾坤圈瞬间化作两截,掉落在地,与此同时,锋锐之气不减,落在火尖枪上。 The Nezha Third Crown Prince discoloration, lowered the head with amazement looks, sees only Fire-tipped Spear in oneself hand, the rifle stock shut off unexpectedly most probably. 哪吒三太子骇然色变,低头一看,只见自己手中的火尖枪,枪杆居然被切断了大半。 Not only that Executing Immortal Flying Blade has shut off Universe Loop, oneself Fire-tipped Spear also almost shuts off, if this falls on oneself, how oneself can block? 斩仙飞刀不只是将乾坤圈切断了,就连自己火尖枪也差点切断,这要是落在自己身上,自己如何挡得住? Good fearful treasure, looks at the break Universe Loop, Nezha is the heart startled, loves dearly, in heart secretly thought. “好可怕的宝贝”,看着断裂的乾坤圈,哪吒又是心惊,又是心疼,心中暗道 Nearby god looks that Nezha flies back without any results, even Universe Loop shut off, is with amazement, does not dare to go forward. 旁边的神将看着哪吒都无功而返,甚至乾坤圈都被切断了,更是骇然,不敢上前。 Amitabha!”, However, at this time, sudden broad Aura appeared. “阿弥陀佛!”,然而,就在这个时候,突然一阵恢弘的气息出现了。 gold(en) Buddha's radiance from the west side comes, to sit well above the lotus throne, the Tathagata Buddha side with the anandas and Jiaye two Disciple, arrived at this Monster Executioner Stage, broad Buddha strength Sun seems to be ordinary. 金色佛光自西边而来,端坐于莲台之上,如来佛祖的身旁跟着阿难和迦叶两个弟子,来到了这斩妖台边,恢弘的佛力仿佛太阳一般。 This poor monk has seen Jade Emperor, after arriving at this Monster Executioner Stage, Tathagata Buddha to Jade Emperor good a ritual. “贫僧见过玉皇大帝”,来到了这斩妖台之后,如来佛祖玉皇大帝行了一礼。 Buddha was courteous, facing Tathagata Buddha, Jade Emperor also nod(ded) also a ritual. “佛祖有礼了”,面对如来佛祖,玉皇大帝点头还了一礼。 Collapse! 崩! At this moment, Xiaohong breaks off is pulling the Dongfang Yu fourth chains, finally has pulled apart it, at once, Xiaohong turned head, stares at Tathagata, both hands is promoting together Energy Wave, is Dongfang Yu the opportunity that catches to flee. 就在此刻,小红掰扯着东方玉第四根锁链,终于将它扯断了,旋即,小红回过头来,盯着如来,双手推出一道气功波,为东方玉争取逃离的机会。 Dongfang Yu restores the body of freedom at this moment, the simple eye changes to the Rinnegan condition, is controlling the Frieza puppet, with Android Xiaohong take action, resists Tathagata together, simultaneously oneself displays the Blink skill, vanished from Monster Executioner Stage directly. 东方玉此刻恢复自由之身,单眼化作轮回眼的状态,操控着弗利萨的傀儡,与人造人小红一同出手,共同对抗如来,同时自身施展出闪烁的技能,直接从斩妖台上消失了。 Hahaha, succeeded!”. 哈哈哈,成功了!”。 That side in Erlang Shen and other gods under the attack, will encourage Son Goku|Sun Wukong that supports, saw that Dongfang Yu has gotten out of trouble successfully, the great happiness called out. 那边在二郎神等神将的攻击下,勉励支撑的孙悟空,看到东方玉成功脱困了,大喜叫道。 From now on, Dongfang Yu successful gets out of trouble from that Monster Executioner Stage finally! 自此,东方玉终于成功从那斩妖台上脱困而出!
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