PE :: Volume #34

#1529: Super Android

This Monkey Demon, dares to come unexpectedly really......”, Jade Emperor, sits well above the oneself throne, although cuts to kill the Dongfang Yu's goal in the presence of everyone is to draw out Son Goku|Sun Wukong, may see that Son Goku|Sun Wukong appeared, actually some surprise. “这妖猴,居然真的敢来呀……”,玉皇大帝,端坐于自己的宝座之上,虽然当众斩杀东方玉的目的就是为了引出孙悟空,可眼看着孙悟空真的出现了,却还是有些诧异。 So long as is slightly intelligent a point the fellow, how knows this aspect should the choices, therefore, looks like in Jade Emperor, the possibility that Son Goku|Sun Wukong is withdrawing is biggest. 只要是稍微聪明一点的家伙,就知道这个局面该如何取舍,所以,在玉皇大帝看来,孙悟空龟缩着不出来的可能性是最大的。 However, although surprised appearance in Son Goku|Sun Wukong, but changes mind thinks that Jade Emperor thought naturally. 不过,虽然惊讶于孙悟空的出现,但转念一想,玉皇大帝却又觉得理所当然了。 This monkey, so is ignorant of current affairs, otherwise, how greatly noisy Peach of Immortality grand meeting? Steals Grand Supreme Elderly Monarch [gold/metal] pill? This being ignorant of current affairs, does not know the fellow who destiny, lived is not needing. 这猴子,就是这般不识时务,否则的话,岂会大闹蟠桃盛会?窃取太上老君的金丹?这种不识时务,不知天命的家伙,活着也没有必要了。 Li Jing where? Gives me to capture this Monkey Demon, sits well in the throne, the Jade Emperor look is tranquil, start to talk said. “李靖何在?去给我将这妖猴擒拿过来”,端坐于宝座,玉皇大帝神色平静,开口说道。 Feudal official receives orders from the emperor!”, hear speech/words, point nod(ded) of Pagoda-Bearing Heavenly King Li Jing sinking sound, flew directly. “臣领旨!”,闻言,托塔天王李靖沉声的点点头,直接飞了出去。 Before which moon on-board, a puppet that Dongfang Yu summoned, can resist oneself Exquisite Treasure Pagoda, making oneself for a long time unable to capture, Li Jing thought that a little fell the face, at this moment faced Monkey Demon that disturbed, oneself set up the prestige the good opportunity, said that this Monkey Demon strength was astonishing, magecraft was exceedingly high, happen, today oneself him. 之前在哪太阴星上,东方玉召唤出来的一个傀儡,就能抵住自己玲珑宝塔,让自己久攻不下,李靖已经觉得有点掉面子了,此刻面对捣乱的妖猴,正是自己立威的好机会,都说这妖猴实力惊人,法术通天,正好,今日自己就会一会他。 Monkey Demon! Looks at the tower!”, take action tried, Exquisite Treasure Pagoda in Li Jing hand sees to rise against the wind, changes to broad and sad Aura, suppresses directly toward Son Goku|Sun Wukong, formidable Aura, making Son Goku|Sun Wukong feel that the True Yuan revolution of oneself within the body was not quite smooth. 妖猴!看塔!”,一出手就是尽了全力,李靖手中的玲珑宝塔迎风见涨,化作恢弘而沉闷的气息,直接朝着孙悟空镇压过来,强悍气息,让孙悟空感觉到自己体内真元运转都不太流畅了。 Faces Li Jing's Exquisite Treasure Pagoda, Son Goku|Sun Wukong is actually smiling, the monster qi ebullition, As-You-Will Gold-Banded Cudgel sees to rise similarly against the wind, has gone against toward Li Jing's Exquisite Treasure Pagoda, has withstood this pagoda instantaneously, how whatever this pagoda under presses, actually does not have the means to press one. 只是,面对着李靖的玲珑宝塔,孙悟空却嘿嘿一笑,妖气沸腾,如意金箍棒同样迎风见涨,朝着李靖的玲珑宝塔顶了过去,瞬间将这宝塔顶住了,任凭这宝塔如何下压,竟然都没有办法压下来一份。 This Monkey Demon, big strength!”, Saw that Son Goku|Sun Wukong unexpectedly pure dependence strength, resisted the oneself magic weapon, Li Jing's surprised secretly thought. “这妖猴,好大的力气!”,眼看着孙悟空竟然单纯的依靠力量,就抵挡住了自己的法宝,李靖吃惊的暗道 although early knows that this Monkey Demon strength extraordinary, has not actually thought that unexpectedly strong to so situation. 虽然早知道这妖猴实力不凡,却未曾想到,竟然强到如此地步。 Hey, Heavenly Court don't tell me nobody? Depending on you is also not my Old Sun match, the tooth, As-You-Will Gold-Banded Cudgel in Son Goku|Sun Wukong hand is shaking, has shaken this Exquisite Treasure Pagoda directly. “嘿嘿嘿,天庭难道没有人了吗?就凭你还不是俺老孙的对手”,呲着牙,孙悟空手中的如意金箍棒一震,直接将这玲珑宝塔震了回去。 Li Jing put out a hand to receive the oneself pagoda, lowered the head looked that on oneself Exquisite Treasure Pagoda presented several fissures, this let Li Jing is the heart startled, loved dearly. 李靖伸手接过自己的宝塔,低头一看,自己玲珑宝塔上出现了好几道裂痕,这让李靖又是心惊,又是心疼的。 Trades a person to come!”, Is leaning on As-You-Will Gold-Banded Cudgel, the Son Goku|Sun Wukong ominous prestige unparalleled appearance, exclaimed loudly, the sound of roaring as if got angry the thunder. “换一个人来!”,拄着如意金箍棒,孙悟空凶威盖世的模样,大声吼道,咆哮的声音仿佛怒雷。 Pagoda-Bearing Heavenly King Li Jing, but a move of magic weapon was then damaged to fly, the Son Goku|Sun Wukong ability, made All-Heaven Gods and Buddhas secretly be startled seriously, this was Son Goku|Sun Wukong first time in the All-Heaven Gods and Buddhas front, showed true strength. 托塔天王李靖,只是一招法宝便受损飞了回去,孙悟空的能耐,当真让诸天神佛都暗自吃惊,这算是孙悟空第一次在诸天神佛的面前,展现真正的力量了。 Looks my!”, Also did not need Jade Emperor to select the soldier to challenge again, a slightly immature sound resounded, sees only Nezha Third Crown Prince, has caused Three Heads and Six Arms divine ability, treadonned Wind-Fire Wheel, grasped Fire-tipped Spear and Universe Loop, overran toward Son Goku|Sun Wukong, the Chaotic Heaven Damask as if large snake generally took away as many things as possible. “看我的!”,也不用玉帝再点兵将了,一声略显稚嫩的声音响起,只见哪吒三太子,使了个三头六臂神通,脚踏风火轮,手持火尖枪乾坤圈,朝着孙悟空冲了过去,混天绫仿佛长蛇一般席卷而去。 Nezha Third Crown Prince, is Heavenly Court top War God, cultivation base not to mention, in the hand has many magic weapons, changes to Three Heads and Six Arms divine ability, these many magic weapons can also use, take seriously one type to bully much little feel. 哪吒三太子,乃是天庭顶尖的战神,一身修为暂且不说,手上更是有着许多的法宝,化作三头六臂神通,这么多法宝可以同时使用,当真有一种以多欺少的感觉了。 Hahaha, good, the baby, my Old Sun meets you, As-You-Will Gold-Banded Cudgel in Son Goku|Sun Wukong hand shakes, moving forward to meet somebody of does not show weakness. 哈哈哈,好,小娃娃,俺老孙就来会一会你”,孙悟空手中的如意金箍棒一震,毫不示弱的迎了上去。 13,500 jin (0.5 kg) iron rod is similar to does not have the thing to be common in his hands, rudely attack, even if Nezha is also hard to resist, they fight to make one group, the discerning people can see that Nezha occupies in leeward radically. 13500斤的铁棒在他手中如同无物一般,势大力沉的攻击,就算是哪吒也难以招架,两人战作一团,明眼人都能看得到,哪吒根本屈居于下风。 This Monkey Demon, very powerful, linked Nezha Third Crown Prince also to be suppressed unexpectedly by him, saw that Nezha this Heavenly Court top War God, fell in leeward unexpectedly, in the All-Heaven Gods and Buddhas heart is startled. “这妖猴,好强啊,居然连哪吒三太子也被他压制住了”,眼看着哪吒天庭顶尖的战神,居然落于下风,诸天神佛心中更是吃惊了。 Dongfang Yu was bundled by the chains on Monster Executioner Stage, cannot move, the vision looks to Son Goku|Sun Wukong and fight of Nezha Third Crown Prince, must say that Nezha's strength is very indeed strong, the energy value reaches as high as 73,000, however the Son Goku|Sun Wukong energy night-watch is high, has been 80,000 degrees. 东方玉被锁链捆于斩妖台上,动弹不得,目光看向孙悟空哪吒三太子的战斗,要说起来,哪吒的实力的确很强,能量值高达73000,但是孙悟空能量值更高,足足达到了80000的程度。 Yes, Son Goku|Sun Wukong energy value originally be only more than 60,000, may eat that many Peach of Immortality, has drunk that many Precious Jade Nectar, poured the bean to eat Grand Supreme Elderly Monarch innumerable [gold/metal] pill to get down, Son Goku|Sun Wukong strength rose suddenly a big truncation, the energy value has been 80,000 degrees, from energy value perspective, overtook vigorously the Ox-King degree. 是的,孙悟空能量值本来只有60000多,可吃了那么多蟠桃,喝了那么多的琼浆玉液,倒豆子般的吃了太上老君无数的金丹下去,孙悟空实力暴涨一大截,能量值达到了80000的程度了,从能量值这方面来看,已经追上了大力牛魔王的程度了。 Bang! 砰! The although Nezha's magic weapon is numerous, but this time Son Goku|Sun Wukong ominous prestige was unparalleled, after a dogfight got down, Son Goku|Sun Wukong strength on planned eventually, a club pounded, double was grasping Fire-tipped Spear Nezha, was swept away directly by this stick, that fine exquisite Fire-tipped Spear also almost broke off. 虽然哪吒的法宝众多,可这个时候的孙悟空凶威盖世,一番缠斗下来之后,终究还是孙悟空实力更上一筹,一棒子砸下去,双手持着火尖枪哪吒,直接被这一棍横扫出去,就连那精致小巧的火尖枪也差点折断。 Nezha is startled looks at Son Goku|Sun Wukong that and wears, at once helpless shaking the head: I am not his match. 哪吒又惊又佩的看着孙悟空,旋即无奈的摇头:“我不是他的对手”。 This time the war, Nezha had tried, All-Heaven Gods and Buddhas clear looks in the eye, therefore, is defeated regarding Nezha, pours has not blamed his meaning, is not Nezha is weak, but was this Monkey Demon is strong too terroristly a point. 此番大战,哪吒已经是尽了全力了,诸天神佛都清楚的看在眼中,所以,对于哪吒落败,倒也没有责备他的意思,不是哪吒不够强,而是这妖猴强得太恐怖了一点。 Hey, but also who?”, Fought was so long, Son Goku|Sun Wukong also aroused ominous, both eyes were faint are having the scarlet-red color, shouted to clear the way fierce, As-You-Will Gold-Banded Cudgel leaning on hand maliciously on the ground, made the sad sound. “嘿嘿嘿,还有谁?”,斗了这么久,孙悟空也激起了凶性,双目都隐隐间带着赤红之色,厉声喝道,手中的如意金箍棒狠狠的拄在地上,发出沉闷的声响。 Jade Emperor, this poor monk recommends for an official position one person, Guanyin Buddha start to talk when the Jade Emperor calm complexion, side observes, related in detail to Jade Emperor in a low voice. 玉帝,贫僧保举一人”,就在玉帝沉着脸色的时候,旁边观战的观音菩萨开口,低声对玉皇大帝细说了一番。 At once, sees only Jade Emperor to nod the head slightly, has the person to go to the circular decree, but the moment, sees only that to grasp three sharp two blade edge halberds, forehead is setting upright god eyes, the side appeared with Howling Celestial Dog Erlang Shen. 旋即,只见玉皇大帝微微颔首,自有人去通传旨意,不过片刻,只见那手持三尖两刃戟,眉心处竖着一只神眼,身旁跟着一只哮天犬二郎神出现了。 Erlang Shen appears, making Heavenly Court imposing manner shake slightly, at once, sees only Erlang Shen and Son Goku|Sun Wukong fight makes one group, the pointed weapons bump into, frequent each other look like are on a par, besides competing the close combat method, both sides have also competed magecraft divine ability. 二郎神出现,让天庭气势微微一震,旋即,只见二郎神孙悟空斗作一团,兵刃相撞,你来我往看起来是不相伯仲,除了比拼近战的手段之外,双方还比拼了一番术法神通 72 change to 72 changes, being dazzled transformation technique, is looks at the All-Heaven Gods and Buddhas heart to be startled. 72变对72变,眼花缭乱的变化之术,更是看得诸天神佛心惊。 With the fight of Erlang Shen, Son Goku|Sun Wukong had revealed oneself all methods, was, in the battle of frequenting each other, could not occupy Erlang Shen unexpectedly cheaply, to say? Has this Monkey Demon method, been Erlang Shen the level unexpectedly? 二郎神的战斗,孙悟空才算是亮出了自己所有的手段,可是,你来我往的争斗之中,竟然连二郎神都占不到便宜,岂不是说?这妖猴的手段,竟然达到了二郎神的这个层次? This Monkey Demon, method quite, especially this soaring cloud technique is fast, this hedgehog hydnum comes the heavenly palace life-saving fortunately, if in elsewhere, enabling this Soaring Cloud Technique to leave, how I can pursue on him?”, Has fought for a long time, Erlang Shen and Son Goku|Sun Wukong they loudly shouted satisfy a craving, well-matched fight, made both sides even more understand the opposite side method. “这妖猴,好生的手段,特别是他这腾云之法更是迅捷,也亏得这猴头是来天宫救人的,若是在别处,使着这腾云之术离开,我如何能追的上他?”,斗了许久,二郎神孙悟空两人都大呼过瘾,旗鼓相当的战斗,也让双方都越发的明白对方的手段。 Similarly, not only the Erlang Shen heart is startled in Son Goku|Sun Wukong strength, the Son Goku|Sun Wukong heart is also startled in Erlang Shen strength. 同样的,不只是二郎神心惊于孙悟空实力,孙悟空也心惊于二郎神实力 Skill that both sides no matter fight, is strength cultivation base, or is divine ability transformation technique, is almost the same unexpectedly, with the fight of Erlang Shen, one types with the feeling of oneself fight, oneself has belittled this All-Heaven Gods and Buddhas unexpectedly actually. 双方不管是战斗的技巧,还是力量修为,亦或者是神通变化之术,竟然都相差无几,和二郎神的战斗,竟然有一种和自己战斗的感觉,自己倒是小觑了这诸天神佛呢。 Snort, about where? Fast has seized this Monkey Demon in me, is Erlang Shen does not have the means to hold this Monkey Demon shortly, Jade Emperor thought that in the surface does not have the light, absolutely did not have the patient appearance, start to talk said. “哼,左右何在?速速于我将这妖猴擒了”,眼看着就算是二郎神也没有办法将这妖猴抓住,玉皇大帝觉得面上无光,也完全没有了耐心的样子,开口说道。 Along with the Jade Emperor words, on Heavenly Palace Peak many deities, many person look at each other in dismay, take action, puts forth the oneself divine ability method and magic weapon at once respectively, toward Son Goku|Sun Wukong take action, suddenly. 随着玉帝的话,凌霄宝殿上诸多神仙,不少人面面相觑,旋即出手,各自使出自己神通手段和法宝,朝着孙悟空出手了,一时间。 Above this Heavenly Court selects aspect only, turned into the appearance of ganging up on. 天庭之上的单挑局面,变成了群殴的模样。 Only is Erlang Shen, sufficiently and Son Goku|Sun Wukong has fought, this moment many deity take action help, Son Goku|Sun Wukong where is a match? 光是一个二郎神,就足以和孙悟空相斗了,此刻诸多神仙出手帮忙,孙悟空哪里是对手? By enemy audiences, although the iron rod in hand sweeps away thousand armed forces, may how these deity method also extraordinary, was suppressed instantaneously, fights the circle getting smaller, looks at the appearance, is captured with is the issue of time. 以一敌众,虽说手中的铁棒横扫千军,可奈何这些神仙手段也都不凡,瞬间被压制了下去,战圈越来越小,看模样,被擒拿不过是时间的问题罢了。 Grand Supreme Elderly Monarch, when observes in the one side, in the hand traces the diamond bracelet in sleeve, at once received, does not say a word. 太上老君,待在一旁观战,手中摸了摸袖子里的金刚镯,旋即收了起来,不发一言。 In the final analysis, Bulma prays for rescue from oneself, oneself had not consented, such being the case, two do not help. 说到底,布玛自己求救,自己没有应允,既然如此,也就两不相帮吧。 Shout! 呼! However, saw that Son Goku|Sun Wukong must be apprehended, when the war to was at a crucial moment, suddenly, a huge incomparable white light beam, directly in the Jade Emperor big direction rumbles, the fearful momentum, lets the All-Heaven Gods and Buddhas with amazement discoloration. 然而,眼看着孙悟空就要被捉拿,战局到了千钧一发之际,突然,一颗巨大无比的白色光柱,直接朝着玉皇大的方向轰了过来,可怕的声势,让诸天神佛都骇然色变。 Who is!? Dares to Jade Emperor take action?”, Looks at the appearance of this white light beam, All-Heaven Gods and Buddhas is in great surprise. “是谁!?竟敢对玉帝出手?”,看着这一道白色光柱的出现,诸天神佛具是大惊。 However, at this time All-Heaven Gods and Buddhas was almost attracted the attention by Son Goku|Sun Wukong, wanting take action to rescue already without enough time. 不过,这个时候诸天神佛几乎都被孙悟空吸引了注意,想要出手来救援已经来不及了。 However, at this moment, sees only in the Jade Emperor sleeve, departs a handle apricot yellow pennant, keeps off in the front, this white light beam falls on this apricot yellow small flag, as if the clay ox entering the sea vanishes without the trace. 然而,就在此刻,只见玉皇大帝的袖子中,飞出一柄杏黄色的小旗,挡在面前,这白色的光柱落在这杏黄色的小旗子上面,仿佛泥牛入海般消失无踪。 This is, Energy Wave? Is who?”, Looks at this white light beam, Dongfang Yu is somewhat stunned. “这是,气功波?是谁?”,看着这一道白色的光柱,东方玉有些愕然。 This Energy Wave he naturally is familiar, but, who unexpectedly can have degree Energy Wave of so? don't tell me is...... 气功波他自然是熟悉,可是,到底有谁居然能有这般程度的气功波难道是…… As if to verify Dongfang Yu's suspects general, the wonderful graceful form flew from the sky together, is Android Xiaohong, falls along with the Dongfang Yu's vision on the body of Xiaohong, her energy value also appears in Dongfang Yu's at present. 似乎是为了印证东方玉的猜想一般,一道妙曼的身影从天空中飞了过来,正是人造人小红,随着东方玉的目光落在小红的身上,她身上的能量值也出现在东方玉的眼前。 78820. 78820。 About 80,000 energy values? Has this Xiaohong energy value promoted these many? Close 10 times, look at the Android Xiaohong energy value, in the Dongfang Yu's heart are startled secretly. “将近80000的能量值?这小红能量值怎么提升了这么多?接近10倍了”,看着人造人小红能量值,东方玉的心中暗自吃惊。 However, the energy value promotion of Android Xiaohong, possibly is not oneself practice, but this plane who can transform Xiaohong? Dongfang Yu naturally can guess, has Bulma. 不过,人造人小红能量值提升,不可能是自己修炼的,而这个位面有谁能够改造小红东方玉自然能猜得出来,只有布玛 Boss, I saved you. 老板,我来救你了”。 The Xiaohong look is chilly, absolutely does not have the emotion appearance, is different from Son Goku|Sun Wukong and All-Heaven Gods and Buddhas dogfight, the Xiaohong goal, only then, that saves others, during speeches, figure such as electricity threw toward this Monster Executioner Stage, surroundings although many deities come up the stop, may approach 80,000 energy values, Xiaohong not with their dogfight, this power and influence as if bullying, even many deities, dao technique and magic weapon, directly were hit by the body of Android Xiaohong, the goal points to Monster Executioner Stage. 小红神色清冷,完全没有情感的模样,不同于孙悟空诸天神佛缠斗,小红的目的只有一个,那就是救人,说话间,身形如电的朝着这斩妖台扑了过来,周围虽然许多神仙上来阻拦,可接近80000的能量值,小红又不与他们缠斗,这威势仿佛虎入羊群般,甚至许多的神仙,道术和法宝,都被人造人小红的身子给直接撞开了,目标直指斩妖台 Good method!”, Looks at Xiaohong strength, moreover looks like pretty Young Miss, mortal body so formidable, can resist the attack of dao technique and magic weapon unexpectedly, the Son Goku|Sun Wukong mouth approves one greatly, As-You-Will Gold-Banded Cudgel in hand grows perceptibly against the wind, changes to the number hundred zhang (333m) holds up a day of great column, pounds down toward All-Heaven Gods and Buddhas. “好手段!”,看着小红实力,而且一个看起来娇滴滴的小姑娘,肉身居然这般强悍,可以抵挡道术和法宝的攻击,孙悟空嘴里大赞一声,手中的如意金箍棒迎风见长,化作数百丈的擎天巨柱,朝着诸天神佛砸下。 Son Goku|Sun Wukong also can only pin the hope of life-saving on the body of Xiaohong, oneself here spells to try, blocks the surrounding these deities, is the Xiaohong creation opportunity. 孙悟空也只能把救人的希望寄托在小红的身上了,自己这边拼尽全力,挡住周围的这些神仙,为小红创造机会。 Android Xiaohong within the body, exist(ence) the bloodlines of Superman, this mortal body formidable degree, was enduring after all also compared with the magic weapon. 人造人小红体内,毕竟还存在超人的血脉,这肉身强悍程度,堪比法宝了。
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