PE :: Volume #34

#1528: Sentencing to beheading

Monkey King in Dongfang Yu they, greatly noisy Peach of Immortality grand meeting, annoys Heavenly Court to be furious, Monkey King ran away from Heavenly Court successfully, but Dongfang Yu actually by Heavenly Court grasping, Jade Emperor had the command, ten days later is escorted to Monster Executioner Stage Dongfang Yu, executes a captured offender on the spot. 美猴王东方玉两人,大闹蟠桃盛会,惹来天庭震怒,美猴王已经成功从天庭逃走了,但东方玉却被天庭给抓了,玉帝有令,十天之后将东方玉押赴斩妖台,就地正法。 This news passes from Heavenly Court, making Three Realms and Six Paths vibrate, in a twinkling captured the attention of Three Realms and Six Paths all lives, regarding this news, all parties' response, to mention just a few. 这个消息从天庭这边传出来,让三界六道都为之震动,霎时间吸引了三界六道所有生灵的目光,对于这个消息,各方的反应,不一而足。 The East Blue crystal palace, obtained this news, East Blue Dragon King has laughed to make noise, in the laughter felt the carefree feeling that the big enmity must report. 东海水晶宫,得到了这个消息,东海龙王大笑出声,笑声之中充满了大仇得报的畅快感。 Hahaha, Dongfang Yu, the day behaves badly probably, from behaving badly cannot live, Hahaha, I have also prepared the scheme, wants to let you and Ox-King fights, borrows demon strength to remove you, didn't expect, do you oneself court death today unexpectedly? Hahaha, dies well!”. 哈哈哈,东方玉,天作孽犹可恕,自作孽不可活啊,哈哈哈,我还准备了计谋,想让你和牛魔王战斗,借用妖魔力量除掉你,没想到,你今天竟然自己找死?哈哈哈,死得好!”。 That Monkey King, robs my Dragon Palace supreme treasure, thinks after you have made that Great Sage Equal of Heaven, I did not have the means to revenge, actually didn't expect, your oneself courted death, dares to disturb the Peach of Immortality grand meeting unexpectedly, even Flowers and Fruits Mountain had been destroyed, was really the day helps me also. “还有那美猴王,强夺我龙宫至宝,本来以为你做了那齐天大圣之后,我就没有办法报仇了,却没想到,你自己找死,竟然敢捣乱蟠桃盛会,甚至花果山已经被毁了,真是天助我也”。 The crystal palace, regarding this news, East Blue Dragon King naturally is wild with joy. 水晶宫这边,对于这个消息,东海龙王自然是欣喜若狂的。 Moreover one side, on a remote hillside, saw that Bai Feifei walks from the log cabin, Ox-King hurries to move forward to meet somebody, said: Miss Feifei, outside weather is very cold, you hurry to return to the room to rest. 另外一边,一处偏僻的山坡上,眼看着白菲菲从木屋当中走出来,牛魔王赶忙迎了上去,道:“菲菲小姐,外面的天气很冷,你还是赶紧回屋休息吧”。 What's wrong? You catch me here, do I go out ventilate am not good? Is the weather cold? By your my cultivation base, will also fear coldly?”, The Ox-King manner, making the Bai Feifei willow eyebrows but actually vertical, the sweet and delicate voice shouted to clear the way. “怎么?你把我抓在这里,我连出门透透气都不行吗?天气冷?以你我的修为,还会惧怕寒冷吗?”,牛魔王的态度,让白菲菲柳眉倒竖,娇声喝道。 Bearing of although in front of Dongfang Yu's is graceful, gently like water, but this Ox-King seizes oneself forcefully here, Bai Feifei naturally cannot give him any good complexion. 虽然东方玉的面前气度优雅,温柔如水,可是这牛魔王强行把自己掳在这里,白菲菲自然不会给他什么好脸色了。 „, Hehe, good, my Old Ox with Miss Feifei, accompanies you to stroll. “呃,呵呵,那好吧,俺老牛就跟着菲菲小姐,陪你逛一逛”。 Regarding appearance that Bai Feifei is angry, Ox-King but actually angry, instead thought the appearance that Bai Feifei is angry is very adorable, flexure the head of oneself, said with a smile. 对于白菲菲生气的模样,牛魔王倒也不着恼,反而觉得白菲菲就算生气的样子都很可爱,挠了挠自己的脑袋,笑着说道。 Dongfang Yu soon by the news of sentencing to beheading, at this time it can be said that will be attracted the Three Realms and Six Paths vision, Ox-King has not wanted to make Bai Feifei know this news, even if knows this news , after must waited for Dongfang Yu to be sentenced to beheading, tell her again. 东方玉即将被处斩的消息,这个时候可以说是吸引了三界六道的目光,牛魔王并不想让白菲菲知道这个消息,就算是知道这个消息,也要等东方玉被处斩了之后再告诉她。 Looks must with the oneself appearance that Ox-King blindly follows suit, some Bai Feifei suspicions visits him, always thinks Ox-King this act, place that as if some do not suit, in heart of Bai Feifei paying attention eye secretly. 看着牛魔王亦步亦趋的要跟着自己的模样,白菲菲有些怀疑的看着他,总觉得牛魔王此举,似乎有些不对劲的地方,白菲菲的心中暗自的留了个心眼。 Heavenly Court, in Tushita Palace, the a person shade while Grand Supreme Elderly Monarch leaves, stealthily has submerged in Tushita Palace, the young lad in Tushita Palace simply has not noted this sillhouette exist(ence). 天庭,兜率宫中,一个人影趁着太上老君离开的时候,偷偷潜入了兜率宫里面,兜率宫里的童子根本没有注意到这个人影存在 What to do? Dongfang Yu must be sentenced to beheading, how should I save him?”. “怎么办?东方玉要被处斩了,我该怎么样去救他?”。 Bulma alone treats in this Tushita Palace palace, the mood is urgent, wants to rescue Dongfang Yu, but oneself actually links this Tushita Palace gate unable to walk now, how to save others? 布玛独自待在这兜率宫的一处宫殿之中,心情迫切,想要去救东方玉,可自己现在却连这兜率宫的门都走不出去,如何去救人? Miss Bulma, can Boss be killed? Now what to do should we?”, At this time, together the familiar female voice resounded, chilly exceptionally. 布玛小姐,老板要被杀了吗?我们现在该怎么办?”,就在这个时候,一道熟悉的女声响起起来,清冷异常。 Hears this sound, Bulma pleasantly surprised gaining ground, originally is Android Xiaohong. 听到这个声音,布玛惊喜的抬起头来,原来是人造人小红 Xiaohong, you, how did you come?”, Looks at Android Xiaohong, Bulma surprised asking, in Immortal Realm, does Xiaohong look? 小红,你,你怎么来了?”,看着走进来的人造人小红,布玛惊讶的问道,仙界之中,小红是怎么找过来的? I originally in Flowers and Fruits Mountain Bulma's Roar, but that Ox-King wife Princess Iron Fan has destroyed Flowers and Fruits Mountain, I obtained the news, Boss must as if be sentenced to beheading, Son Goku|Sun Wukong and Miss Bai Feifei I could not find, I remembered Miss Bulma you Grand Supreme Elderly Monarch Tushita Palace here, therefore here my stealthily submerged, sought to save the Boss means. “我本来在花果山布玛号里面,可是那牛魔王的夫人铁扇公主花果山毁了,我得到了消息,老板似乎要被处斩了,孙悟空白菲菲小姐我都找不到,我记得布玛小姐你在太上老君兜率宫这里,所以我偷偷潜入这边了,寻求拯救老板的办法”。 Android Xiaohong, the look is chilly, although she to rescue Dongfang Yu comes, but on her face actually cannot see slightly the emotion appearance. 人造人小红,神色清冷,虽说她是为了救东方玉来的,可她的脸上却看不出丝毫情感的样子。 You came, could try, heard the Android Xiaohong words, on the Bulma face earnest point nod(ded), as if under decided the appearance that anything has been determined. “你来了,或许可以试一试了”,听到人造人小红的话,布玛脸上认真的点点头,似乎下定了什么决心的样子。 Your strength although is good, but the energy value actually links 10,000 not to break through now, happen, before we from the Dragon Ball plane return time, collected some Super Saiyan and Frieza flesh and blood Organization, I to some Android technology research, today I with every effort have also given you to transform, has a look whether the time comes to play role, the Bulma look is firm, earnest saying. “你的实力虽然还不错,可现在能量值却连10000都没有突破,正好,之前我们从龙珠位面回归的时候,也收集了一些超级赛亚人弗利萨的血肉组织,我对人造人技术也有些研究了,今天我就尽力的给你改造一番,看看到时候能否发挥作用”,布玛神色坚定,认真的说道。 Good, Miss Bulma, the matter is not suitable late, we start now, hear speech/words, Android Xiaohong selects nod(ded) to say. “好的,布玛小姐,事不宜迟,我们现在就开始吧”,闻言,人造人小红点头说道。 In Real World, Bulma and Dr. Gero have discussed the Android technology, arrived at Journey to the West plane, Bulma also research for a long time, was somewhat harvests. 现实世界的时候,布玛盖洛博士探讨过人造人的技术,来到西游记位面,布玛研究了许久,也算是有些收获了。 At this time, Bulma has not chosen, can only hoping to pin on the body of Android is OK. 这个时候,布玛也没有选择了,只能将希望寄托在人造人的身上才可以了。 The Immortal Realm deities, the day that waits for Dongfang Yu to execute are arriving, various group of demon, are also waiting to look that does not know how that Monkey King will choose? But Bulma the complete mind places above the transformation of Android. 仙界的神仙们,都在等着东方玉处决的日子到来,各路妖魔,也在等着看,不知道那美猴王会如何抉择?而布玛这边则全部心神都放在人造人的改造上面。 Bloodlines of Super Saiyan, bloodlines of Frieza, even also has the bloodlines of Superman, fused these many top bloodlines, does not know that what degree Android Xiaohong strength can promote. 超级赛亚人的血脉,弗利萨的血脉,甚至还有超人的血脉,融合了这么多顶尖的血脉,也不知道人造人小红实力能提升到什么样的程度。 Before Dongfang Yu and Dr. Gero had the suppression of consciousness Android strength, did not make her surpass certain boundary, but to the present, has not needed to suppress again, can transform how powerful, as far as possible transformed how powerful. 之前东方玉盖洛博士都有意识的压制着人造人力量,不让她超出一定的界限,但是到了现在,不用再压制了,能改造成多么强大,就尽量改造成多么强大 Time, such Tenten/every day passed, quick, in the day of being a focus of public attention, ten days, flashes...... 时间,就这么一天天的过去了,很快的,在万众瞩目的日子里,十天的时间,一晃而过…… On this day, on Monster Executioner Stage, gathered various Lu Xianshen, various group of demon also appear the oneself divine ability method, gains the news on that Monster Executioner Stage. 这一天,斩妖台上,聚集了各路仙神,各路妖魔也显现出自己神通手段,来获取那斩妖台上的讯息。 Some are the vision sees on Heavenly Court Monster Executioner Stage, some shine upon the Monster Executioner Stage picture with the magic weapon, but also some people can display the profound light microscope and so on magecraft, sees the Monster Executioner Stage appearance...... 有的是目光看到天庭斩妖台上,有的是用法宝映照出斩妖台的景象,还有的人能施展出玄光镜之类的法术,看到斩妖台的模样…… In brief, reveals divine ability respectively, has the qualifications to come the Monster Executioner Stage immortal Buddha big energy, many people arrived, does not have the qualifications to come, uses the oneself method. 总之,各显神通,有资格来斩妖台的仙佛大能,很多人都已经到了,没资格来的,也使出自己的手段。 After all this cuts to kill Dongfang Yu in the presence of everyone, to maintain the Heavenly Court face countenance, therefore Jade Emperor regarding these peeping the behavior, has not prevented, quite makes Three Realms and Six Paths demons and monsters know the Heavenly Court method and dignity. 毕竟这当众斩杀东方玉,也是为了维护天庭的颜面,所以玉皇大帝对于这些“偷窥”的行为,并没有阻止,也好让三界六道魑魅魍魉们都知道天庭的手段和威严。 Monster Executioner Stage, is a huge incomparable scaffold, this scaffold is thousand hundreds of zhang (333m) demon can put, let alone Dongfang Yu. 斩妖台,是一个巨大无比的处刑台,这个处刑台就算是千百丈的妖魔都能放上去,更别说东方玉了。 Huge incomparable cutting monster blade, if cuts the monster blade to analogy a kitchen knife this, then Dongfang Yu's figure, looked like a fly under kitchen knife is tiny. 巨大无比的斩妖刀,如果将这斩妖刀比喻成一把菜刀的话,那么东方玉的身形,就像是菜刀下的一只苍蝇般渺小了。 That doesn't Monkey Demon, really dare to come?”, Jade Emperor sits well above the throne, the look is dignified, in the heart muttered secretly thought, slightly was disappointed. “那妖猴,果然是不敢来吗?”,玉皇大帝端坐于宝座之上,神色威严,心中却喃喃暗道,略显失望。 ! 咻! However, at this moment, suddenly together the form was about almost surpassed fellow immortal gods to be able greatly the divine sense scanning category, speed extremely quick in Heavenly Court this direction to shoot, billowing monster qi, was having the tyrannical and manic feeling. 然而,就在此刻,突然一道身影快得几乎超出了各位仙神大能神念的扫描范畴,速度极快的朝着天庭这个方向射了过来,滚滚妖气,带着暴虐和狂躁的感觉。 If Heavenly Court peaceful auspiciously looks like exquisite picture scroll, then the appearance of this Aura, looks like trough ink directly truculent and unreasonable has sprinkled. 如果说天庭的安静祥和就像是一副优美的画卷,那么这个气息的出现,就像是一盆墨水直接蛮横无理的泼了上来。 Jade Emperor old, a person works a person to work as, my Old Sun came!”, berserk yelled resounds, the hand held As-You-Will Gold-Banded Cudgel, Son Goku|Sun Wukong facing this crisis on top of crisis Heavenly Court, fierce did not fear threw. 玉帝老儿,一人做事一人当,俺老孙来了!”,一声狂暴的大叫响起,手执如意金箍棒,孙悟空面对这危机重重的天庭,悍不畏死的扑了过来。 Whether not to mention he can rescue really Dongfang Yu, but this dares to face the All-Heaven Gods and Buddhas courage, makes countless people believe. 且不说他是否真的能够把东方玉救下,但是这独自一人敢面对诸天神佛的勇气,就让无数的人为之心折。 This monkey......”, looks that Son Goku|Sun Wukong came, although Star Monarch Wu Qu so, many deities feel to rouse, but also has many deities, shaking the head that regrets secretly. “这猴子……”,看着孙悟空真的来了,虽然武曲星君这般,许多神仙感到振奋,但却也有很多的神仙,暗自惋惜的摇摇头。 This monkey indeed was righteousness Bo Yuntian, but was a pity that was too silly a point, knew perfectly well dies, did he why come? 这猴子的确是义薄云天了,但可惜却太傻了一点,明知是死,他何必过来呢? After all beforehand Son Goku|Sun Wukong in Heavenly Court, calls people friends readily, pours is also very good with many deity relations, although is impossible to help Son Goku|Sun Wukong cope with Heavenly Court, but these deities from the bottom of the heart, hopes that Son Goku|Sun Wukong can understand what has to done, unexpectedly, he came unexpectedly really...... 毕竟之前孙悟空天庭,呼朋唤友的,倒也和许多的神仙关系都很不错的,虽然不可能帮着孙悟空对付天庭,但这些神仙打心底里,还是希望孙悟空能识时务一点,没成想,他居然真的来了…… Not to mention at this time Heavenly Court was what appearance, on this day, Bai Feifei while stealthily left the small log cabin. 且不说这个时候天庭是何模样,这一日,白菲菲趁着偷偷的离开了小木屋。 these days, Bai Feifei could see that Ox-King as if very much fears oneself to leave, why although does not know Ox-King so, but Ox-King more wants to conceal anything, Bai Feifei more wants to know that although also knows oneself is impossible to run away far, but Bai Feifei with every effort tries. 这些日子,白菲菲看得出牛魔王似乎很怕自己离开,虽然不知道牛魔王为何如此,可牛魔王越是想隐瞒什么,白菲菲就越是想知道,虽然也知道自己不可能逃得远,但白菲菲还是尽力一试。 Rapid fleeing, the several minutes time, quickly left about dozens li (0.5km), in a mountain of Desolate non- human footmark, Bai Feifei has met several look small monsters in a hurry quickly, the dialogs of these two small monsters, attracted the attention of Bai Feifei. 飞速的逃离,不过短短几分钟的时间,很快离开了数十里开外,在一处荒无人迹的大山中,白菲菲很快遇到了几个神色匆匆的小妖,这两个小妖的对话,吸引了白菲菲的注意。 Walks quickly walks quickly, king has put out according to the day wall, was shining upon the Heavenly Court Monster Executioner Stage picture, that Monkey King became sworn brothers Younger Brother Dongfang Yu on that Monster Executioner Stage, soon will sentence to beheading, hurried to have a look, does not know whether that Monkey King dares to save others. “快走快走,大王拿出了照天壁,正映照出了天庭斩妖台的景象呢,那美猴王的结义兄弟东方玉就在那斩妖台上,即将处斩呢,赶紧去看看,也不知道那美猴王是否敢去救人”。 Dongfang Yu? Today in Heavenly Court Monster Executioner Stage, soon will be sentenced to beheading?”. 东方玉?今天在天庭斩妖台,即将被处斩?”。 Hears this news, the Bai Feifei whole person seemed like struck by lightning was the same, originally, was this Ox-King has wanted to conceal the oneself news? 听到这个消息,白菲菲整个人就像是被雷劈中了一样,原来,这就是牛魔王一直想要隐瞒着自己的消息吗? hū hū hū...... 呼呼呼…… Quick, harnesses the violent wind filled with dust, Ox-King is bringing the billowing heat wave, overtook Bai Feifei. 很快的,驾着黑风,牛魔王带起滚滚热浪,追上了白菲菲 However escapes from log cabin several minutes, Ox-King pursued, obviously he looked at a lot Bai Feifei tightens. 不过逃出木屋几分钟而已,牛魔王就追上来了,可见他把白菲菲看得多紧了。 Miss Feifei, you in this? We hurry, Ox-King pursues, said to Bai Feifei hurriedly. 菲菲小姐,你怎么在这?咱们赶紧回去吧”,牛魔王追上来,急忙对白菲菲说道。 Regarding the Ox-King words, Bai Feifei actually moves motionless, as if has not heard. 只是,对于牛魔王的话,白菲菲却动也不动,似乎没有听到似的。 At this time the Bai Feifei mind was all chaotic, all thoughts soon will be filled up by the news of sentencing to beheading by Dongfang Yu. 这个时候白菲菲的心神全都乱了,所有的心思都被东方玉即将被处斩的消息填满了。 Miss Feifei, you how?”, Looks at the appearance that Bai Feifei is dumb as a wooden chicken, in the Ox-King heart is somewhat restless, start to talk asked. 菲菲姑娘,你怎么了?”,看白菲菲呆若木鸡的样子,牛魔王心中有些不安,开口问道。
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