PE :: Volume #34

#1527: Returns to Heavenly Court

Dongfang Yu, Jade Emperor assigns me to apprehend in you, hasn't been without a fight?”, After Immortal Binding Rope Marshal of the Heavenly Canopy has bundled, Pagoda-Bearing Heavenly King Li Jing, start to talk to Dongfang Yu is scolding to say. 东方玉,玉帝命我捉拿于你,还不束手就擒?”,用缚仙索天蓬元帅捆了之后,托塔天王李靖,开口对着东方玉呵斥道。 „The Son of Heaven, I thought that you are make a mistake, this person has not sexually harassed in me, even take action help me has also blocked Marshal of the Heavenly Canopy, listens to Li Jing's words, unexpectedly links Dongfang Yu also together to seize, the Chang E start to talk argument said. “天王,我看你是弄错啦,这个人并没有调戏于我,甚至还出手帮我挡住了天蓬元帅”,听李靖的话,居然连东方玉也一起要抓走,嫦娥开口辩解说道。 Fairy maiden, Jade Emperor assigns me to seize him not because of this matter, but is he with that Great Sage Equal of Heaven Son Goku|Sun Wukong, has disturbed the Peach of Immortality grand meeting together, listening to the word of Chang E, Pagoda-Bearing Heavenly King Li Jing start to talk to answer. “仙子,玉帝命我捉他并不是因为这件事,而是他和那齐天大圣孙悟空,一起捣乱了蟠桃盛会”,听嫦娥之言,托塔天王李靖开口解释道。 These words, hearing Chang E's complexion to change, surprise looks at Dongfang Yu, was didn't expect this person, so unexpectedly bold? Also dares to disturb including the Peach of Immortality grand meeting? 这番话,听得嫦娥的脸色都变了变,诧异的看着东方玉,没想到这个人,居然这么大胆?连蟠桃盛会也敢捣乱? Hey, is without a fight? I, I am not your Heavenly Court deity, you, have any qualifications to make me be without a fight, the Dongfang Yu's look is blurred, is having 78 feeling of being drunk, hear speech/words, saying that hey smiles. “嘿嘿嘿,束手就擒?我,我可不是你们天庭的神仙,你们,有什么资格让我束手就擒”,东方玉的眼神迷离,带着78分的醉意,闻言,嘿嘿直笑的说道。 Along with the Dongfang Yu's words, that Frieza puppet also appears side Dongfang Yu's, appearance of being ready. 随着东方玉的话语,那弗利萨的傀儡也出现在东方玉的身旁,蓄势待发的模样。 seems, are you want to revolt?”. 看样子,你是想要反抗啦?”。 The Dongfang Yu's words, making the Pagoda-Bearing Heavenly King complexion sink, at once the palm lifts, sees only Exquisite Treasure Pagoda of that request in hand, sees to rise against the wind, changes to palatial tall Tower, has pressed toward Dongfang Yu directly. 东方玉的话,让托塔天王的脸色一沉,旋即手掌一抬,只见那托在手中的玲珑宝塔,迎风见涨,化作一尊巍峨的高塔,直接朝着东方玉这边压了过来。 Looks at Li Jing take action, will Dongfang Yu be without a fight? 看着李靖出手了,东方玉怎会束手就擒? Frieza with take action, has also opened the palm, one group of formidable Energy Wave appeared, pushed out directly, changes to together the light beam. 弗利萨也跟着出手了,张开手掌,一团强悍气功波出现了,跟着直接推了出去,化作一道光柱。 The Frieza energy value approached 70,000 degrees after all, this formidable Energy Wave, even if were this Exquisite Treasure Pagoda, suddenly was withstood, could not press completely. 弗利萨能量值毕竟接近70000的程度了,这强悍气功波,即便是这玲珑宝塔,一时间都被顶住了,完全压不下来。 What!? Can this fellow resist my Exquisite Treasure Pagoda unexpectedly?”, Looks at the Frieza puppet that Dongfang Yu summoned, unexpectedly has withstood oneself Exquisite Treasure Pagoda, Li Jing stared in a big way eyes, was startled secretly. “什么!?这家伙居然能够抵挡住我的玲珑宝塔?”,看着东方玉召唤出来的弗利萨傀儡,居然将自己玲珑宝塔都顶住了,李靖瞪大了眼睛,暗自吃惊。 Dongfang Yu did not have no exist(ence) feeling in Immortal Realm, his status, is only Great Sage Equal of Heaven becomes sworn brothers Younger Brother, simple, in Immortal Realm, Dongfang Yu has treated under Son Goku|Sun Wukong halo. 东方玉仙界之中一直都没有什么存在感,他的身份,也只是齐天大圣的结义兄弟罢了,简单的来说,在仙界之中的时候,东方玉一直都待在孙悟空光环之下。 But now, he can with Marshal of the Heavenly Canopy fight of well-matched, the puppet that summoned also be able to resist oneself Exquisite Treasure Pagoda unexpectedly unexpectedly. 可是现在,他竟然能和天蓬元帅斗个旗鼓相当,召唤出来的傀儡居然还能抵得住自己玲珑宝塔 This makes Li Jing understand that originally Son Goku|Sun Wukong the becomes sworn brothers Younger Brother, the ability is also good, since has been only continuously, he has not revealed the oneself method. 这让李靖明白,原来孙悟空的这个结义兄弟,能耐也不俗,只是一直以来,他都没有亮出过自己的手段罢了。 Nezha my son, not take action?”. 哪吒吾儿,还不出手?”。 Frieza, completely has constrained Li Jing, leaps take action not to cope with Dongfang Yu completely, does not have the means that Li Jing can only start to talk seek help from oneself Nezha. 一个弗利萨,就完全把李靖拖住了,完全腾不出手来对付东方玉,没有办法,李靖只能开口自己身旁的哪吒求助。 Good!”. “好!”。 hear speech/words, Nezha selected nod(ded), the powder has carved the jade to carve seems like Nezha about ten -year-old child, in the hand also grasped handle fine Fire-tipped Spear, the lance point is selecting, the fair jade stepped on Wind-Fire Wheel to throw toward Dongfang Yu fully. 闻言,哪吒点了点头,粉雕玉琢看起来像是十岁左右孩童的哪吒,手中也握着一柄精致的火尖枪,枪尖一挑,白皙的玉足踩着风火轮就朝着东方玉扑了过来。 From strength, Nezha was also Heavenly Court top War God, had no time to let compared with Son Goku|Sun Wukong, Frieza was fighting with Li Jing at this time, can Dongfang Yu oneself face Nezha? 实力上来说,哪吒也算是天庭顶尖的战神了,比起孙悟空也不遑多让,弗利萨这个时候正在和李靖战斗,东方玉自身能够面对哪吒吗? The strength disparity of both sides was too big, although Dongfang Yu has put forth Shadow Clone, space Magic method, indeed makes Nezha somewhat thorny, may finally, a Nezha's Chaotic Heaven Damask red long line be as if ordinary, has bundled Dongfang Yu as before solid. 双方的实力差距太大了,虽然东方玉使出了影分身,还有空间魔法的手段,也的确让哪吒有些棘手,可最后,哪吒的混天绫仿佛一条红色的长龙一般,依旧是把东方玉捆了个结结实实的。 Immortal Binding Rope and Chaotic Heaven Damask, have tied up Marshal of the Heavenly Canopy and Dongfang Yu two separately, at once Li Jing and Nezha went back to report after carrying out orders together. 缚仙索混天绫,分别捆住了天蓬元帅东方玉两个,旋即李靖和哪吒一同回去复命了。 About the matter that Marshal of the Heavenly Canopy sexually harasses Chang E, Jade Emperor was in the fit of temper, one after another people make the trouble to oneself, under is furious, Jade Emperor infiltrated the world of mortals reincarnation to be reincarnated directly Marshal of the Heavenly Canopy. 关于天蓬元帅调戏嫦娥的事情,玉皇大帝本就处于气头上,接二连三的有人给自己闹出乱子,震怒之下,玉皇大帝直接将天蓬元帅打入凡间投胎转世去了。 Hissing......”, watches the Marshal of the Heavenly Canopy result, he commands big Character(s) of 100,000 Milky Way sailors, this let soar to the clouds in the palace many deities to hold breath cold air. “嘶……”,看着天蓬元帅的结局,他好歹是统帅100000天河水兵的大人物啊,这让凌霄殿上不少的神仙都倒吸了一口凉气 An audiences deity also knows at this time Jade Emperor was angry, lowers the eyebrow to hang the eye, does not dare to talk too much. 众位神仙也知道这个时候玉帝的愤怒了,一个个都低眉垂目,不敢多言。 Li Jing where!?”, After Marshal of the Heavenly Canopy has sent, Jade Emperor start to talk said. “李靖何在!?”,将天蓬元帅打发了之后,玉皇大帝开口说道。 End in!”, Li Jing hear speech/words, holding Exquisite Treasure Pagoda to go forward several steps, start to talk should say. “末将在!”,李靖闻言,托着玲珑宝塔上前几步,开口应道。 Assigns you to lead ten ten thousand celestial troops and generals, Nezha, Four Great Heavenly Kings , etc. to accompany the armed forces to go on a journey, goes to encircle Flowers and Fruits Mountain, apprehends to me that Monkey Demon! When the time comes, Dongfang Yu and Monkey Demon, are escorted to Monster Executioner Stage together. “命你率领十万天兵天将,哪吒,四大天王等随军出行,前去围剿花果山,将那妖猴给我捉拿回来!到时候,东方玉妖猴,一起押赴斩妖台”。 Jade Emperor start to talk said that the one breath transferred ten ten thousand celestial troops and generals, obviously the anger in Jade Emperor heart. 玉皇大帝开口说道,一口气就是调动了十万天兵天将,可见玉皇大帝心中的怒火。 Feudal official receives orders from the emperor!”, Selects nod(ded), Li Jing dian nod(ded), got down has soared to the clouds the palace to go, selected the soldier to call the roll of officers and assign them tasks, starts to encircle the motion of Flowers and Fruits Mountain, vigorous and resolute. “臣领旨!”,点点头,李靖点点头,下了凌霄殿去了,点兵点将,开始了围剿花果山的行动,雷厉风行。 Once Jade Emperor twice wanted to dispatch troops to Flowers and Fruits Mountain, Golden Star Tai Bai start to talk, has exempted resorting to arms, is only today, hearing Son Goku|Sun Wukong to bring this grade of big trouble, Golden Star Tai Bai has not dared to speak today, but in the heart sighed darkly: This monkey, is seriously lawless. 曾经玉皇大帝两度想要出兵花果山,太白金星开口,免去了兵戎相见,只是今日,听得孙悟空闯下了这等大祸,太白金星今日也不敢说话了,只是心中暗叹不已:这猴子,当真是无法无天啊。 Here Heavenly Palace Peak, the atmosphere is serious, but the moment, Li Jing will be leading god, the unescapable net, 100,000 invincible forces will arrive at Flowers and Fruits Mountain time, actually a face ignorant compelled. 只是,这边凌霄宝殿,气氛沉重,但不过片刻,那李靖率领着诸位神将,天罗地网,100000天兵来到花果山的时候,却一脸懵逼了。 This Flowers and Fruits Mountain changed to stretch of ruins impressively, let alone was Son Goku|Sun Wukong, monkey wool could not find, some people advanced unexpectedly one step, this Flowers and Fruits Mountain destroying? 花果山赫然化作一片废墟了,别说是孙悟空了,就连一根猴毛都找不到了,竟然有人先行一步,将这花果山给毁了? Heavenly Palace Peak, but the moment, looks that Li Jing comes back to report after carrying out orders, when Jade Emperor also he such quickly on successful held Monkey Demon, has not thought once that Flowers and Fruits Mountain has destroyed unexpectedly, that Monkey Demon also disappeared without a trace. 凌霄宝殿这边,不过片刻,就看着李靖回来复命,玉皇大帝还当他这么快就成功的把妖猴抓住了呢,没曾想到,那花果山居然毁了,那妖猴也不知去向了。 What to do then should? Above Heavenly Palace Peak, deity look at each other in dismay. 这下该怎么办?凌霄宝殿之上,诸位神仙面面相觑 That Dongfang Yu and Son Goku|Sun Wukong did not say that swears brotherhood Younger Brother? Such being the case, emits the decree, ten days later, presses Monster Executioner Stage this Dongfang Yu. “那东方玉孙悟空不是说结拜兄弟吗?既然如此,放出旨意,十天之后,将这东方玉压上斩妖台”。 Silent the moment, Jade Emperor start to talk, the sovereign's power was arbitrary, has determined this matter, must direct Son Goku|Sun Wukong with Dongfang Yu. 沉默了片刻,玉皇大帝开口,乾纲独断,将这件事情确定了下来,显然是要用东方玉孙悟空引出来。 Hears the word of Jade Emperor, the deity on Heavenly Palace Peak, simultaneously accordingly, if can direct Son Goku|Sun Wukong, is naturally good, even if cannot direct, Dongfang Yu has also disturbed the Peach of Immortality grand meeting, even if were only the accessory culprit, did not cut surely bountifully, was not the injustice has killed him. 听得玉帝之言,凌霄宝殿上的诸位神仙,齐齐应声,若是能将孙悟空引出来,自然是再好不过了,即便引不出来,东方玉也算是捣乱了蟠桃盛会,即便只是从犯,也定斩不饶,也不算冤杀了他。 Moreover that Son Goku|Sun Wukong becomes sworn brothers Younger Brother not to dare to rescue, if this passed on, he is a ruthless generation, on this day, decides however is difficult. 而且那孙悟空连结义兄弟都不敢来救,这要是传了出去,他就是个无情无义之辈,这天地之间,定然是寸步难行。 Heavenly Court for it, naturally here Dongfang Yu was seized intentionally, must in the news that Heavenly Court executes, quick spread over in Three Realms and Six Paths. 天庭故意为之,自然这边东方玉被捉了,要在天庭行刑的消息,很快就传遍了三界六道之中。 „It is not good, I must save him!”, In Tushita Palace, Bulma naturally obtained this news, having a big shock wants to rescue Dongfang Yu, may actually stubbornly hold on by Grand Supreme Elderly Monarch, does not make her go, your Bulma this strength, went not to have what function. “不行,我要去救他!”,兜率宫中,布玛自然得到了这个消息,大惊失色的想要去救东方玉,可却被太上老君死死的拉住了,不让她去,你布玛这点实力,去了也没有什么作用啊。 Naturally, Bulma naturally also unavoidably prays for rescue from Grand Supreme Elderly Monarch, is only this matter, is related to the Heavenly Court dignity, moreover Grand Supreme Elderly Monarch oneself is also a victim, naturally is not good to act to intervene. 当然,布玛自然也免不了向太上老君求救,只是这件事情,事关天庭的威严,而且太上老君自己也是受害者,当然不好出面干预。 Also, Bulma entered Heavenly Court by the Dongfang Yu woman status, if not for she in this Tushita Palace, how could does protect oneself? 再说了,布玛是以东方玉女人的身份入得天庭的,若不是她在这兜率宫中,岂能自保? Grand Supreme Elderly Monarch to preserve Bulma, did not make her leave Tushita Palace. 太上老君为了保住布玛,根本都不让她离开兜率宫了。 That can Dongfang Yu, be killed?”, Moreover one side, Ox-King at this time on a hillside, after obtaining this news, in the heart first is one startled, at once secretly rejoices. “那东方玉,要被杀了吗?”,另外一边,牛魔王这个时候正待在一处山坡上,得到了这个消息之后,心中先是一惊,旋即暗喜。 So long as and other Dongfang Yu died, oneself told Bai Feifei his death news again, happen to broke her reading to think. 只要等那东方玉死了,自己再将他的死讯告诉白菲菲的话,正好断了她的念想。 In the heart hit such attention, Ox-King was looking at a not far away small log cabin. 心中打着这样的注意,牛魔王看了看不远处的一处小木屋。 Side although oneself kept this Bai Feifei forcefully, but she was actually unwillying to do, such being the case, that oneself might as well multi- and other days, when that Dongfang Yu died then said...... 虽然自己强行将这白菲菲留在身旁了,可她却抵死不从,也罢,既然如此,那自己不妨多等几天,等那东方玉死了再说…… Jade, can you look my?”, In the small log cabin, Bai Feifei sits at the table, nine fox tails are swinging, fingertip wisp of white Samadhi True Fire, is jumping unceasingly, the mouth said in a low voice. “玉,你一定会来找我的吧?”,小木屋中,白菲菲坐在桌旁,九条狐尾摆动着,指尖一缕白色的三昧真火,不断的跳跃着,嘴里低声说道。 What a pity oneself Samadhi True Fire, even if achieved Intermediate is not that Ox-King match, can only anticipate that Dongfang Yu can save oneself. 可惜自己三昧真火,即便达到了中级也不是那牛魔王的对手,只能期待东方玉能来拯救自己了。 In a desert of northern all Luzhou, Son Goku|Sun Wukong shook the head of oneself, stood up, looks at the surrounding scenery, on the face was also having the color of being startled, at once hates the sound saying: „Who is that young married woman? Unexpectedly dares to destroy my Flowers and Fruits Mountain? My Son Goku|Sun Wukong this lives, decides does not forgive her!”. 北俱芦洲的一处沙漠之中,孙悟空晃了晃自己的脑袋,站起身来,看了看周围的景色,脸上也带着吃惊之色,旋即恨声说道:“那个婆娘到底是什么人?居然敢毁了我花果山?我孙悟空此生,定不饶她!”。 After leaving this desert, Son Goku|Sun Wukong inquired, this knows that originally oneself arrived at north all within the boundaries of Luzhou, this makes Son Goku|Sun Wukong be startled in that Palm-leaf Fan prestige energy secretly, unexpectedly came from the Dongsheng god continent fan to north all Luzhou oneself directly, this Palm-leaf Fan is seriously fearful. 离开了这处沙漠之后,孙悟空询问了一番之后,这才知道,原来自己来到了北俱芦洲的境内,这让孙悟空暗自吃惊于那芭蕉扇的威能,居然直接将自己从东胜神洲扇到了北俱芦洲来了,这芭蕉扇当真可怕。 After Son Goku|Sun Wukong inquired the oneself place, if naturally also wants the means to seek for the underlings who in these Flowers and Fruits Mountain lost, several thousand monkey clans were all flown by the fan, seriously was far apart. 孙悟空打听到了自己所处的地方之后,自然也要想办法寻找那些花果山中丢失的猴子猴孙,数万猴族全都被扇飞了出去,当真是天南地北了。 Has spent for several days, found several monkey clans with great difficulty, Son Goku|Sun Wukong had learned at once from the mouths of these monkey clans Dongfang Yu had been stranded in Heavenly Court, moreover news that must be beheaded. 只是,花了几天,好不容易找到了几个猴族,孙悟空旋即从这几个猴族的嘴里得知到了东方玉被困在天庭,而且不日就要被斩首的消息。 King, two kings he must be killed, what to do?”. “大王,二大王他要被杀了,怎么办啊?”。 Dongfang Yu in the Flowers and Fruits Mountain fame is very high, this reported news monkey clan, during speeches tears already pā pā pā fell, six Kanna main asked to Son Goku|Sun Wukong. 东方玉花果山的名望还是很高的,这个报告了消息的猴族,说话间眼泪早就啪啪啪的掉下来了,六神无主的对孙悟空问道。 Dongfang Yu, was he grasped unexpectedly?”, Obtains this news, the Son Goku|Sun Wukong complexion is also very dignified, must be beheaded, this lets in the Son Goku|Sun Wukong heart guilty. 东方玉,他居然被抓了吗?”,得到这个消息,孙悟空的脸色也很凝重,不日就要被斩首了,这更让孙悟空心中愧疚。 That Peach of Immortality is oneself picks, the grand meeting is also oneself disturbs, even Tushita Palace [gold/metal] pill is oneself steals food, but was Dongfang Yu actually grasped because of oneself? Dies because of oneself? 蟠桃自己摘的,盛会也是自己捣乱的,甚至兜率宫的金丹都是自己偷吃的,但东方玉却因为自己而被抓?因为自己而死? Silent the moment, the air/Qi of writings Son Goku|Sun Wukong sudden evil spirit, As-You-Will Gold-Banded Cudgel appeared in his hands, builds Flying Nimbus, in the straight bygone days fly...... 沉默了片刻,孙悟空身上突然凶煞之气大作,如意金箍棒出现在他手中,架起筋斗云,直直的往天上飞去…… „Does king, you, where you go to?”, Looks at the Son Goku|Sun Wukong movement, underlings start to talk shouts loudly. “大王,你,你去哪里?”,看着孙悟空的动作,猴子猴孙开口大声呼道。 Heavenly Court. 天庭”。
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