PE :: Volume #34

#1526: Apprehends Dongfang Yu

Flowers and Fruits Mountain, many monsters approached Flowers and Fruits Mountain, erupted the fight with the Flowers and Fruits Mountain monkey clan, may along with the appearance of Ox-King, Ox-King be only had indicated purely the oneself manner, these monsters do not dare to act rashly again, the Ox-King power and influence, can be inferred. 花果山,很多的妖怪靠近了花果山这边,和花果山的猴族爆发了战斗,可随着牛魔王的出现,牛魔王只是单纯的表明了一下自己的态度而已,这些妖怪就不敢再轻举妄动了,牛魔王的威势,可见一斑。 After frightening these have invaded the Flowers and Fruits Mountain monster, Ox-King forcefully take action, wants Bai Feifei to abduct, although Bai Feifei Samadhi True Fire has been the Intermediate degree, the energy value also reaches as high as 50,000 degrees, what a pity, as before is not the Ox-King match. 震慑住了这些入侵花果山的妖怪之后,牛魔王跟着强行出手,想要将白菲菲掳走,虽说白菲菲三昧真火达到了中级的程度,能量值也高达50000的程度,可惜,依旧不是牛魔王的对手。 At this time, Princess Iron Fan pursued, obviously heard Ox-King just words with one's own ears, to all monsters announced that Bai Feifei was his woman, where did this make Princess Iron Fan be able to endure? Called out one directly to clash. 就在这个时候,铁扇公主追过来了,显然是亲耳听到了牛魔王刚刚的话,向所有的妖怪宣布白菲菲是他的女人,这让铁扇公主哪里能够忍受?暴喝一声直接冲了过来了。 Awful, how did this young married woman come?”, Looks at Princess Iron Fan that presents, in the heart of Ox-King is startled secretly. “糟糕,这婆娘怎么来了?”,看着出现的铁扇公主,牛魔王的心中暗自一惊。 To be honest, regarding oneself this wife, Ox-King dreads three points. 说实话,对于自己这个老婆,牛魔王还是畏惧三分的。 Princess Iron Fan appearance although is also good, was imposing manner was too strong, the flavor of capable woman, even imposing manner was quite stronger than Ox-King sometimes, in addition Palm-leaf Fan this supreme treasure in the hand, really must begin, even if were Ox-King may unable to take oneself this wife. 铁扇公主的容貌虽然也不错,可是气势却太强了,颇有一番女强人的味道,有的时候甚至气势牛魔王还强,再加上芭蕉扇这件至宝在手,真要动起手来,就算是牛魔王也不一定能拿得下自己这个老婆。 Therefore, regarding Princess Iron Fan, in Ox-King heart some although also loves, what are more is dreaded. 所以,对于铁扇公主,牛魔王心中虽然也有一些爱意,但更多的还是忌惮。 Old did Ox, what you just say? You said that this seductress is your woman?”, Princess Iron Fan at this time, grasped Palm-leaf Fan to arrive at the Ox-King front agitated, imposing manner asked. “老牛,你刚刚说什么?你说这狐狸精是你的女人吗?”,铁扇公主这个时候,手持芭蕉扇来到了牛魔王的面前,气势汹汹的质问道。 This, this, Madame, these family work, we went home to say again......”, looks at this time, all monsters stared here, Ox-King were also thinking that in the face somewhat could not hang, in a low voice and Princess Iron Fan hit to discuss said. “这个,这个,夫人,这些家事,咱们还是回家再说吧……”,看着这个时候,所有的妖怪都盯着这边,牛魔王也觉得面子上有些挂不住了,低声和铁扇公主打商量说道。 After all oneself is Demon Realm illustrious apex big demon, is in front of other monster clans, Ox-King naturally is wanting to retain a face. 毕竟自己妖魔界赫赫有名的顶尖大妖魔,当着其他妖族的面,牛魔王自然是想保留一点面子的。 Snort, your this stupid cow, has the skill to make this matter, doesn't have the skill to acknowledge? Why can go home to say again? Today this matter, if not talk clearly to me, I decide do not conclude!”, But, Princess Iron Fan slightly do not give a thought to the Ox-King face meaning, hears to say coldly snorted, saying gratefully. “哼,你这蠢牛,有本事做出这个事情,没本事承认吗?为什么要回家再说?今天这件事情,若是不给我说清楚,我定不干休!”,只是,铁扇公主丝毫没有要顾着牛魔王面子的意思,闻言冷哼一声,毫不客气的说道。 Madame, is stupid cow this your this to husband's name?”, Listens to this Princess Iron Fan words, is in front of these many demon to say oneself is the stupid cow, in the face could not hang, on the Ox-King face also had the angry look, the sinking sound to shout to clear the way. “夫人,蠢牛这可是你该对丈夫的称谓?”,听这铁扇公主的话,当着这么多妖魔的面直呼自己为蠢牛,面子上挂不住了,牛魔王脸上也带着愤怒的神色,沉声喝道。 You gang up outside and other female spirit, unexpectedly also dares to be angry to me?”, The appearance of Ox-King this vitality, conversely made the Princess Iron Fan anger flaming, the mouth called out loudly. “你在外面和别的女妖精勾勾搭搭的,居然还敢对我生气?”,牛魔王这生气的样子,反倒是铁扇公主的怒火更炽了,嘴里大声叫道。 During the speeches, the irritability of Tieshan princess, has put aside Ox-King directly, a palm printed in the past, wear a look of killing intent toward Bai Feifei: Your this seductress, dares to entice my Princess Iron Fan man unexpectedly, today I held to execute you. 说话间,铁山公主的性格火爆,直接撇开了牛魔王,一掌朝着白菲菲印了过去,面带杀机:“你这狐狸精,竟然敢勾引我铁扇公主的男人,今天我掌毙了你”。 Madame!”, Saw that Princess Iron Fan word take action, Ox-King reflective take action, does not keep off in the Bai Feifei front at earliest convenience directly, the attack of Princess Iron Fan keeping off. “夫人!”,眼看着铁扇公主一言不合就出手,牛魔王反射性的出手,直接挡在白菲菲的面前,将铁扇公主的攻击给挡了下来。 No matter how, is oneself pesters Bai Feifei, if lets Bai Feifei, because the oneself reason had been killed by Madame oneself, Ox-King oneself cannot bear. 不管如何,是自己纠缠白菲菲的,若是让白菲菲因为自己的缘故被自己夫人杀了,牛魔王自己也受不了。 Good, do you, you for other female spirit dare unexpectedly to my take action?”, Is only, Ox-King this take action is not good, take action, making Princess Iron Fan unable to bear, under violent anger, has not paid attention to other meanings, Palm-leaf Fan high raising in hand, maliciously wielded. “好哇,你,你居然为了别的女妖精敢向我出手?”,只是,牛魔王这不出手还好,一出手,让铁扇公主更受不了了,暴怒之下,也没有理会其他的的意思,手中的芭蕉扇高高的扬起,狠狠的一挥。 In a blaze of passion Princess Iron Fan has put forth oneself Palm-leaf Fan ability directly. 盛怒之下的铁扇公主直接使出了自己芭蕉扇能力了。 hū hū hū...... 呼呼呼…… Along with swing of Palm-leaf Fan, the fearful wind power appeared, suddenly, the strong winds chaotic dance, the innumerable flowers and plants trees along with the fresh breeze do not know where blew to went, even many monsters, in calling out in alarm sound, was blown to fly along with the strong winds together. 随着芭蕉扇的挥舞,可怕的风力出现了,一时间,狂风乱舞,无数的花草树木随着劲风不知道刮到什么地方去了,甚至许多的妖怪,也在惊叫声中,随着狂风一起被吹飞了出去。 Do not be too dissolute!”, Ox-King that spacious body, keeping off stubbornly in the Bai Feifei front, the huge monster strength, making the body of Ox-King look like took root, is, even if so, the Ox-King both legs have produced two long traces on the ground. “你不要太放肆了!”,牛魔王那宽大的身子,死死的挡在白菲菲的面前,庞大的妖力,让牛魔王的身子就像是扎了根似的,可是,即便如此,牛魔王的双腿也在地上磨出了两条长长的痕迹。 Wear a look of scowl, Ox-King loud scolds to say to Princess Iron Fan. 面带怒容,牛魔王大声的对铁扇公主呵斥道。 I was dissolute, how do you want?”, Looks that Ox-King keeps off in the Bai Feifei front unexpectedly, withstands the oneself Palm-leaf Fan might, this makes the Princess Iron Fan jealousy soar to the heavens, where can control that many, Palm-leaf Fan in hand brandishes, one time, twice, three times...... “我就放肆了,你想如何?”,看着牛魔王居然挡在白菲菲的面前,来承受自己芭蕉扇的威力,这更让铁扇公主醋意冲天,哪里管得了那么多,手中的芭蕉扇跟着挥舞,一次,两次,三次…… Flowers and Fruits Mountain, is the fine spring day paradise, but now, along with Palm-leaf Fan unceasing swing of Princess Iron Fan, the fearful wind wreaks havoc Flowers and Fruits Mountain, innumerable monsters, even is the Flowers and Fruits Mountain monkey clan under the strong winds, does not know where was blown to fly. 花果山,本是鸟语花香的世外桃源,可现在,随着铁扇公主芭蕉扇不断的挥舞,可怕的风肆虐花果山,无数的妖怪,甚至是花果山的猴族在狂风之下,不知道被吹飞到什么地方去了。 Flowers and plants trees of Manshan, completely vanished under wreaking havoc of strong winds, even if Flowers and Fruits Mountain, Ping Bai short disappearing truncation, the rock on mountain was also swept under the strong winds. 满山的花草树木,也已经完全在狂风的肆虐下消失了,即便是花果山,也平白的矮了以消截似的,山上的山石也在狂风之下被吹走了。 Under the fearful wind power wreaks havoc, even if Ox-King is also hard to resist this Palm-leaf Fan prestige energy, at once figure is blown to fly in the strong winds. 可怕的风力肆虐下,即便是牛魔王也难以抵挡这芭蕉扇的威能,旋即身形在狂风之中被吹飞了出去。 As Ox-King figure was blown, Bai Feifei naturally is also hard to resist this Palm-leaf Fan kamikaze, calls out in alarm one, the wonderful graceful form was embezzled under the strong winds. 随着牛魔王身形被吹开了,白菲菲自然也难以抵挡这芭蕉扇的神风,惊叫一声,妙曼的身影在狂风之下被吞没了。 However, when Bai Feifei figure was blown flies, the Ox-King sturdy arm, firmly held Bai Feifei wisp of sleeves. 不过,就在白菲菲身形被吹飞出去的时候,牛魔王粗壮的手臂,却紧紧的抓住了白菲菲的一缕衣袖。 Palm-leaf Fan in Princess Iron Fan hand stopped swing, the wind power that berserk wreaks havoc also in subsiding slowly, in this Palm-leaf Fan prestige can, surrounding area dozens li (0.5km) Flowers and Fruits Mountain, turn into the ruins completely, the appearance of that fine spring day already looked to disappear, this appearance looked like by the missile group is washed generally. 铁扇公主手中的芭蕉扇停止了挥舞,狂暴肆虐的风力也在慢慢的平息,在这芭蕉扇的威能之下,方圆数十里的花果山,完全变成了废墟,那鸟语花香的模样早就看不见了,这模样就像是被导弹群洗地了一般。 As for the surrounding these monkey clans and other monsters, does not remain, all was blown to fly by Palm-leaf Fan. 至于周围的那些猴族和其他的妖怪,也一个不留,全都被芭蕉扇吹飞了出去。 bastard, bastard fellow!”, But, although stopped brandishing oneself Palm-leaf Fan, but the anger in Princess Iron Fan heart, actually as before blazing. 混账,混账的家伙!”,只是,虽然停止了挥舞自己芭蕉扇,可铁扇公主心中的怒火,却依旧炽烈。 oneself must kill that seductress, that Old Ox unexpectedly to protect that seductress, rather and oneself does begin? Before this is, has never had matter. 自己要杀那个狐狸精,那老牛居然为了保护那个狐狸精,宁愿和自己动手?这是以前从来都没有过的事情啊。 Ox-King to has favorable impression that Bai Feifei is from the heart, therefore regards as important to Bai Feifei very much, is willing to protect her very much, but similarly, because of this, Princess Iron Fan more is being is hard to accept. 牛魔王白菲菲发自内心的有好感,所以对白菲菲很看重,很愿意去保护她,但是同样的,正因为这点,铁扇公主才越是难以接受。 Princess Iron Fan is in addition strong, Ox-King is a man, naturally is attaches great importance to face-saving, therefore this couple, made actually more and more in a big way. 再加上铁扇公主性格强硬,牛魔王又是一个男人,自然是要面子的,因此这两口子,倒是闹得越来越大了。 The horizon, fast incomparable shadow, like lightning flies together toward Flowers and Fruits Mountain, Son Goku|Sun Wukong that runs away from Heavenly Court. 天边,一道迅捷无比的影子,闪电般的朝着花果山这边飞过来,正是从天庭逃回来的孙悟空 After Son Goku|Sun Wukong has become sober, knows that oneself brought the big trouble, therefore returned to Flowers and Fruits Mountain to come, in the heart also somewhat worried about Dongfang Yu, does not know where he went, what a pity oneself could not find him, can only come back first, hopes that Dongfang Yu oneself has become sober oneself, understood the self-preservation. 孙悟空酒醒了之后,也知道自己闯了大祸了,所以逃回了花果山这边来了,心中还有些担忧东方玉,不知道他去了什么地方,可惜自己找不到他,只能先回来了,希望东方玉自己酒醒了自己,懂得自保吧。 , Looks from afar Flowers and Fruits Mountain the strong gale wreaks havoc, this lets in the Son Goku|Sun Wukong heart in great surprise, what's the matter? Does Flowers and Fruits Mountain likely encounter the appearance that powerful enemy has invaded? 只是,远远的,看着花果山这边烈风肆虐,这让孙悟空心中大惊,怎么回事?花果山怎么像是遭到了强敌入侵的样子? Heart startled Son Goku|Sun Wukong, speed is quicker, but arrived at Flowers and Fruits Mountain suddenly, but looks at the Flowers and Fruits Mountain sores all over the eye, completely degenerates into the ruins the appearance, Son Goku|Sun Wukong was also scared. 心惊的孙悟空,速度更快,不过眨眼间就来到了花果山,而看着花果山满目疮痍,完全沦为废墟的模样,孙悟空也傻眼了。 How possible? This did Flowers and Fruits Mountain turn into this appearance? The oneself underlings as if all disappear. 怎么可能?这花果山怎么变成这副模样了?自己的猴子猴孙似乎全都不见了。 Who are you? How this did Flowers and Fruits Mountain turn into this appearance?”, At this time, Son Goku|Sun Wukong also had naturally discovered alone stood Princess Iron Fan in the middle of Flowers and Fruits Mountain ruins, looked the ominous light, asking of looking fierce. “你是谁?这花果山怎的变成了这副模样了?”,这个时候,孙悟空自然也发现了独自站在花果山废墟当中的铁扇公主了,面露凶光,龇牙咧嘴的问道。 Snort!”, This time Princess Iron Fan in fit of temper, has not paid attention regarding the Son Goku|Sun Wukong words, coldly snorted, turns around to leave, wants to pursue Ox-King. “哼!”,这个时候的铁扇公主也在气头上,对于孙悟空的话没有理会,冷哼一声,转身离开,想要去追牛魔王 How will Son Goku|Sun Wukong make Princess Iron Fan such leave? 只是,孙悟空岂会让铁扇公主就这么离开? Looks at Palm-leaf Fan in Princess Iron Fan hand, Son Goku|Sun Wukong interrogated that this Flowers and Fruits Mountain does turn into this appearance is she starts? 看着铁扇公主手中的芭蕉扇,孙悟空质问这花果山变成这副模样是不是她下手的? Princess Iron Fan but actually also rampant, directly acknowledged. 铁扇公主倒也嚣张,直接承认了。 Dies!”, Heard this Princess Iron Fan to acknowledge, Son Goku|Sun Wukong both eyes almost changed to the blood red, pulled out in the ear, As-You-Will Gold-Banded Cudgel appeared in the palm of Son Goku|Sun Wukong, imposing manner agitated has pounded toward Princess Iron Fan. “去死!”,听到这铁扇公主承认了,孙悟空双眼几乎化作血红色,在耳朵里一掏,如意金箍棒出现在孙悟空的掌中,气势汹汹的朝着铁扇公主砸了下来。 13,500 jin (0.5 kg) As-You-Will Gold-Banded Cudgel, this component sufficiently easily shivered a mountain. 13500斤的如意金箍棒,这份量足以轻易的将一座大山敲碎了。 Is facing the attack of Son Goku|Sun Wukong, in the Princess Iron Fan heart one startled, strength very powerful of secretly thought this monkey, overtook the Ox-King degree unexpectedly quickly, when heart startled, Princess Iron Fan Palm-leaf Fan brandished toward Son Goku|Sun Wukong. 面对着孙悟空的攻击,铁扇公主心中一惊,暗道这猴子的实力好强啊,居然快追上牛魔王的程度了,心惊之余,铁扇公主芭蕉扇朝着孙悟空挥舞过去。 Son Goku|Sun Wukong strength is very indeed strong, the itself energy value has 60,000 over, Immortal Realm walks, has eaten that many Peach of Immortality, after Precious Jade Nectar and Grand Supreme Elderly Monarch [gold/metal] pill, the Son Goku|Sun Wukong energy night-watch was high. 孙悟空实力的确很强,本身能量值就有60000出头,仙界走一遭,吃了那么多蟠桃,琼浆玉液太上老君的金丹之后,孙悟空能量值更高了。 This Palm-leaf Fan prestige energy, even if knows very well the Palm-leaf Fan prestige can Ox-King has not resisted, the first bitter experience, Son Goku|Sun Wukong where can block this Palm-leaf Fan strength? 只是,这芭蕉扇的威能,就算是熟知芭蕉扇威能的牛魔王都没抵挡住,第一次遭遇,孙悟空哪里能挡住这芭蕉扇力量 figure of monkey, was blown to fly by Palm-leaf Fan directly. 猴子的身形,直接被芭蕉扇吹飞了出去。 Flowers and Fruits Mountain, changed to sores, even if were Son Goku|Sun Wukong is also blown to fly, the fine spring day, Flowers and Fruits Mountain of paradise at this time, completely degenerated into stretch of ruins, a person did not have. 花果山这边,已经化作一片疮痍,就算是孙悟空也被吹飞了出去,鸟语花香,世外桃源的花果山这个时候,完全沦为了一片废墟,一个人都没有了。 Immortal Realm, the Frieza puppet and Marshal of the Heavenly Canopy still in fighting, Frieza empty-handed can be on a par with the Marshal of the Heavenly Canopy fight, this makes in the heart of Marshal of the Heavenly Canopy be startled secretly. 仙界这边,弗利萨傀儡和天蓬元帅还在战斗着,空手的弗利萨能和天蓬元帅斗得不相伯仲,这让天蓬元帅的心中暗自吃惊。 This demon strength very powerful, oneself is taking weapon, unexpectedly cannot take him. 妖魔力量好强啊,自己拿着武器,居然拿不下他。 ...... 咻咻…… At this time, two shadow like lightning flew toward the Moon Palace, is Pagoda-Bearing Heavenly King Li Jing and Nezha Third Crown Prince. 就在这个时候,两道影子闪电般的朝着广寒宫这边飞了过来,正是托塔天王李靖和哪吒三太子 Marshal of the Heavenly Canopy, you got drunk and behaved improperly, sexually harass the Chang E fairy maiden, Jade Emperor assign my two people to grasp you, hasn't been without a fight?”, In the hand holds Exquisite Treasure Pagoda Li Jing, the sinking sound to shout to clear the way to Marshal of the Heavenly Canopy. 天蓬元帅,你酒后失态,调戏嫦娥仙子,玉帝命我二人将你抓了去,还不束手就擒?”,手中托着玲珑宝塔的李靖,沉声对天蓬元帅喝道。 I, I......”, hear Li Jing's words, the Marshal of the Heavenly Canopy complexion is very ugly. “我,我……”,听到李靖的话,天蓬元帅的脸色很难看。 Revolt? Naturally does not dare, directly by Nezha Third Crown Prince Immortal Binding Rope bundling. 反抗?自然是不敢的,直接被哪吒三太子缚仙索给捆了。 At once, Li Jing and Nezha's vision, fell on Dongfang Yu's. 旋即,李靖和哪吒的目光,落在了东方玉的身上。
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