PE :: Volume #34

#1525: Frieza VS day Marshal

Moon star, Moon Palace. 太阴星,广寒宫。 Outstandingly beautiful to suffocating woman, in the bosom is hugging a white jade hare on the moon, the direction of looking out into the distance horizon, the look is plaintive, does not know that in thinking anything, that take pity on makings, making in the heart of person unable to bear raise a protection desire, will wish one could supporting gently to enter in the bosom, well will love tenderly. 一个绝色到令人窒息的女子,怀中抱着一只白色的玉兔,远眺天边的方向,神色哀怨,也不知在想些什么,那令人怜惜的气质,让人的心中忍不住升起一股保护欲,恨不得将之轻轻的拥入怀中,好好的怜爱一番。 From the appearance, the Bai Feifei book was outstandingly beautiful beautiful woman of causing the downfall of the nation beautiful woman, but this woman appearance makings, actually also won compared with Bai Feifei partly plan, can reside in this moon star above the Moon Palace, this woman status nature was vivid, was known as in Three Realms and Six Paths most beautiful woman, Chang E. 从容貌上而言,白菲菲本就是倾国倾城的绝色美女了,可这个女子的容貌气质,却比白菲菲还更胜半筹,能居于这太阴星的广寒宫之上,这女子的身份自然呼之欲出,乃是号称三界六道之中最美的女人,嫦娥。 However, in Chang E hugs the moon/month rabbit in the bosom, looking out into the distance horizon time, suddenly, one limps intermittently, but disorderly footsteps sound. 不过,就在嫦娥将月兔抱在怀中,远眺天边的时候,突然,一阵阵蹒跚而凌乱的脚步声响了起来。 Hears this sound, Chang E turns head to look, sees only one to be well-built, wears the armor man to walk toward here, the person has not walked, the liquor air/Qi smokes the day the appearance, obviously has drunk many liquor, has been drunk. 听到这个声音,嫦娥回头望去,只见一个体格健壮,身穿甲胄的男子往这边走过来,人还没走过来,酒气熏天的模样,显然是喝了很多的酒,已经醉了。 Marshal of the Heavenly Canopy, do you come this to do really?”, Looks man who this presents, Chang E's complexion one positive, start to talk asked. 天蓬元帅,你来此作甚?”,看着这个出现的男子,嫦娥的脸色一正,开口问道。 This moon astrology and physiognomy was ordinary regarding Chang E's boudoir, a man was drunk to intrude, is in itself disgraceful. 这太阴星相对于嫦娥的闺房一般了,一个男子喝醉了酒闯入,本身就有失体统。 Hey, the Chang E fairy maiden, I, I like you, come, how accompanies me to drink two cups?”, The liquor instigates the person balls strongly, Marshal of the Heavenly Canopy that the feeling of being drunk smokes, at this moment looks at Chang E's appearance, once suppressed words at heart, said boldly. “嘿嘿嘿,嫦娥仙子,我,我喜欢你,来,来陪我喝两杯如何?”,酒壮怂人胆,醉意熏熏的天蓬元帅,此刻看着嫦娥的模样,曾经憋在心里的话,大胆的说了出来。 During the speeches, on the face is also having the dreadful smiling face, mixes is smoking the liquor air/Qi of person, threw toward Chang E. 说话间,脸上还带着猥琐的笑容,混合着熏人的酒气,朝着嫦娥扑了过去。 Looks at the Marshal of the Heavenly Canopy appearance, the Chang E complexion big change, hurried moved sideways, has evaded Marshal of the Heavenly Canopy, on the outstandingly beautiful appearance the belt was cold, scolded to say tenderly: Marshal of the Heavenly Canopy! You have gotten drunk, fast departs, otherwise, does not take it ill me to report bright Jade Emperor this matter!”. 看着天蓬元帅的模样,嫦娥脸色大变,急忙一个闪身,躲过了天蓬元帅,绝色的容颜上面带寒冷,娇叱道:“天蓬元帅!你喝醉了,速速离去,否则的话,休怪我将这事情禀明玉帝!”。 Hey, Chang E, your a person resides in Moon Palace these many years, don't tell me is not void, isn't lonely? Your doesn't don't tell me want the hug of man? Belch, relax, so long as you from me, I......”. “嘿嘿嘿,嫦娥,你一个人居于广寒宫这么多年,难道就不空虚,不寂寞吗?你难道就不想要男人的拥抱吗?嗝,放心,只要你从了我,我……”。 This time Marshal of the Heavenly Canopy, had already gotten drunk, where also manages that many? On the face is having the smiling face, continued to throw toward Chang E. 只是,这个时候的天蓬元帅,早就喝醉了,哪里还管那么多?脸上带着笑容,继续朝着嫦娥扑了过去。 Although Chang E is also the deity, may fighting strength not be in fact high, even if compares to the class of Four Great Heavenly Kings to be insufficient, how can be this Marshal of the Heavenly Canopy match? 虽说嫦娥也是神仙,可实际上战斗力却不高,就算是比起四大天王之流都不够,如何能是这天蓬元帅的对手? However the moment, one was supported into the bosom by Marshal of the Heavenly Canopy, mixes is smoking the liquor air/Qi of person, this big mouth kisses toward the cheeks of Chang E beautiful face changing colors on. 不过片刻,就被天蓬元帅一把拥入怀中,混合着熏人的酒气,这大嘴就朝着嫦娥花容失色的脸颊上亲过去。 tà tà tà...... 踏踏踏…… However, works as the Moon Palace, Marshal of the Heavenly Canopy is sexually harassing Chang E, Chang E deeply feels is incapable, suddenly is a footsteps sound of limping, attracted Chang E and Marshal of the Heavenly Canopy attention. 然而,就当广寒宫这边,天蓬元帅正在调戏嫦娥,嫦娥深感无力的时候,突然又是一阵蹒跚的脚步声响了起来,吸引了嫦娥和天蓬元帅的注意。 They have turned head, sees only Dongfang Yu to wear Golden Chainmail Armor, wears Phoenix Wings Purple-Gold Crown, treadons Lotus Silk Stepping Cloud Boots, in the hand also grabs a pot as if forever drinks endless Precious Jade Nectar, walking with a self-important air toward here to walk, the look is blurred, the whole face has one's face flushed with drink red, obviously Dongfang Yu was also drunk heavily. 两人回过头去,只见东方玉身穿锁子黄金甲,头戴凤翅紫金冠,脚踏藕丝步云履,手中还抓着一壶似乎永远都喝不尽的琼浆玉液,一步三摇的朝着这边走过来,眼神迷离,满脸酡红,显然东方玉也醉得不轻了。 Belch, excuse me, hit, disturbs you, Hehe, I, my anything have not seen......”. “嗝,不好意思,打,打扰你们两个了,呵呵,我,我什么都没看到……”。 Drunk later Dongfang Yu, pours also has the demeanor appearance, looked at Chang E to be supported into the bosom by Marshal of the Heavenly Canopy, has hit the liquor belch, at once turns around, waves to say. 酒醉之后的东方玉,倒也有风度的模样,看了看嫦娥被天蓬元帅拥入怀中,打了个酒嗝,旋即转身,挥挥手说道。 Today this what's the matter......”. “今天这到底是怎么回事啊……”。 Looks that Marshal of the Heavenly Canopy of being drunk came, then, fellow drunken coming of also does not know, this made Chang E almost grasp crazily, when has this Moon Palace become the agglomeration of male drunkard? 看着一个喝醉了酒的天蓬元帅来了,然后,又有一个不认识的家伙醉醺醺的过来,这让嫦娥几乎抓狂了,这广寒宫什么时候成了醉汉的聚集地了? However, in although heart angry, may look at the Dongfang Yu's appearance, must have demeanor some compared with Marshal of the Heavenly Canopy, let alone, Dongfang Yu looked like a straw to grasp was the same at this time, Chang E wants to get rid of the entanglement of Marshal of the Heavenly Canopy, at this moment as if can only depend upon Dongfang Yu. 不过,虽然心中恼怒,可看东方玉的样子,比天蓬元帅要有风度一些,更何况,这个时候东方玉就像是一根救命稻草一样了,嫦娥想摆脱天蓬元帅的纠缠,此刻似乎只能依靠东方玉了。 Wait / Etc., Marshal of the Heavenly Canopy he got drunk, has been pestering in me, could save me?”, Looks that Dongfang Yu turned around to prepare to depart unexpectedly, Chang E called for help loud. “等等,天蓬元帅他喝醉了,正纠缠于我,能否救我?”,看着东方玉居然真的转身准备离去了,嫦娥高声的呼救道。 This, has then troubled......”, oneself closes right up against the liquor to embolden, this dares to sexually harass Chang E, but this matter was given to dash by others unexpectedly, Marshal of the Heavenly Canopy quickly grasps the meaning of something, the feeling of being drunk awoke three points. “这,这下麻烦了……”,自己靠着酒壮胆,这才敢来调戏嫦娥,可这个事居然被别人给撞破了,天蓬元帅一个激灵,醉意醒了三分。 Careful looks to Dongfang Yu, actually the discovery, oneself did not know that this fellow, it seems like, in Heavenly Court is not honored and popular Character(s). 仔细的向东方玉看去,却发现,自己根本不认识这个家伙,看来,在天庭也不是什么有头有脸的人物啊。 „The bastard thing, this Moon Palace is the residence of Chang E fairy maiden, the idler forbids to approach, who you are, unexpectedly dares to excel at rushing? Fast departs, otherwise, this marshal has executed a captured offender on the spot you. 混账东西,这广寒宫乃是嫦娥仙子的居所,闲人禁止靠近,你是什么人,居然敢擅闯?速速离去,否则,本元帅将你就地正法了”。 Saw that Dongfang Yu was not Immortal Realm any honored and popular Character(s), the Marshal of the Heavenly Canopy eyeball transferred the revolutions, forestalled opponent by a show of strength, simultaneously put out the oneself Marshal of the Heavenly Canopy status to come, by forcing person. 眼看东方玉不是仙界什么有头有脸的人物,天蓬元帅眼珠子转了转,先声夺人,同时拿出自己天蓬元帅的身份来,以力压人。 „? Here is the Moon Palace, was my this meets Zhu Bajie to sexually harass Chang E? Dongfang Yu that hey......”, the feeling of being drunk smokes, hears Marshal of the Heavenly Canopy and Chang E's words, turned head, start to talk said in a low voice. “哦?这里原来是广寒宫啊,我这是遇上了猪八戒调戏嫦娥了?嘿嘿嘿……”,醉意熏熏的东方玉,听到天蓬元帅和嫦娥的话,回过头来,开口低声说道。 Pig... Zhu Bajie......? What thing is that?”, The Dongfang Yu's words, making this Marshal of the Heavenly Canopy be startled have been startled. “猪…猪八戒……?那是什么东西?”,东方玉的话,让这天蓬元帅怔了一怔。 although does not know that what meaning Zhu Bajie is, but Marshal of the Heavenly Canopy can also hear, this is not the word of praise, this fellow don't tell me said that oneself is the pig? Hears this word, the Marshal of the Heavenly Canopy heart is angry, that afraid feeling of anger in the moral nature has pressed. 虽然不知道猪八戒是什么意思,可天蓬元帅也听得出来,这不是什么好话,这家伙难道自己是猪?听闻此言,天蓬元帅心头恼怒,怒火将心底里那点心虚感都压了下去。 Good, since, since this Chang E wants me to save her, my take action saves him......”, Dongfang Yu smiles, he who the feeling of being drunk smokes has not thought that many, held Energy Tester on oneself bridge of the nose, at once has hit the liquor belch, said: 55,000 energy values, indeed do not lower, but......”. “好,既然,既然这嫦娥要我救她,那我就出手救他吧……”,东方玉嘿嘿一笑,醉意熏熏的他也没有想那么多,扶了扶自己鼻梁上的能量测试仪,旋即打了个酒嗝,道:“55000的能量值啊,的确不低了,不过……”。 However what? Dongfang Yu has not said that is only during speeches time, the Dongfang Yu's right eye changes to the Rinnegan shape, places the ground to press with both hands: Passes, belch, Summoning Technique. 不过什么?东方玉没有说下去,只是说话间的时候,东方玉的右眼化作轮回眼的形态,跟着双手放在地上一按:“通,嗝,通灵术”。 Hit a liquor to separate, Dongfang Yu tried finally oneself Summoning Technique, along with his movement, broke a Frieza puppet of arm to appear in front of Dongfang Yu's, the close 70,000 energy values, completely were the crush Marshal of the Heavenly Canopy. 打了个酒隔,东方玉终于把自己通灵术试出来了,随着他的动作,断了一条手臂的弗利萨傀儡出现在东方玉的面前,接近70000的能量值,完全是碾压了天蓬元帅的。 What ghost thing is this? What demon is this?”, Looks at Frieza that presents, the Zhu Bajie complexion changes. “这是什么鬼东西?这是什么妖魔?”,看着出现的弗利萨,猪八戒的脸色一变。 The Frieza shape, naturally likely was not Human(ity), the strange physique looked like looks like demon. 弗利萨的形态,当然不像是人类了,怪异的体格看起来更像妖魔 A palm move, on valuable seeping [gold/metal] Pa appears in his hands, the overhead has cast toward Frieza: Good, had demon to invade Immortal Realm, this marshal, has executed a captured offender on the spot your this demon now. 手掌一招,上宝沁金耙出现在他的手中,当头朝着弗利萨这边铸了过来:“好哇,原来是有妖魔入侵仙界了,本元帅,现在就将你这妖魔就地正法了”。 Hits, hits him maliciously......”, at this time the Dongfang Yu feeling of being drunk smoked, oneself did not have anything to realize, directs the Frieza puppet to launch the attack, suddenly, between Frieza and Marshal of the Heavenly Canopy frequented each other, hit lively. “打,狠狠的打他……”,这个时候东方玉醉意熏熏,自己也没什么意识,指挥着弗利萨的傀儡发动了攻击,一时间,弗利萨天蓬元帅之间你来我往的,打得非常的热闹。 From the energy value, Frieza is higher than 10,000 many energy values Zhu Bajie, properly speaking should be able to defeat him to be right easily, but, weapon in Zhu Bajie hand is actually in Heavenly Court the rare magic weapon. 能量值上来看,弗利萨猪八戒高10000多的能量值,按理说应该能轻易的打败他才对,但是,猪八戒手中的武器却是天庭中少见的法宝。 The hearsay is Grand Supreme Elderly Monarch thinks the ice iron to temper personally, should Yuan God of Thunder Pu Huatian revere taking advantage of five Fang Wudi, Ninth Heaven: Incantation and strength of forging six Ding Liujia, its quality, it is estimated that is not only worse than the Son Goku|Sun Wukong Pacifying Oceans Pillar iron. 传闻乃太上老君用神冰铁亲自锤炼,借五方五帝、九天应元雷神普化天尊:净雷法咒、六丁六甲之力锻造而成,其品质,估计比孙悟空定海神针铁都不差了。 In addition Frieza after all has been short of an arm, under is in inverse proportion, Frieza and Marshal of the Heavenly Canopy battle, looks like the appearance that is on a par with actually. 再加上弗利萨毕竟少了一条手臂,此消彼长之下,弗利萨天蓬元帅的争斗,看起来倒是不相伯仲的样子。 This person, was quite fierce, summons demon to come out, unexpectedly can be on a par with the Marshal of the Heavenly Canopy fight, start to talk called for help to Dongfang Yu, treated as a straw to grasp Dongfang Yu, didn't expect, this where was a straw, this simply was a thick thigh. “这个人,好厉害,召唤了一个妖魔出来,居然能和天蓬元帅斗得不相伯仲”,开口东方玉呼救,也只是把东方玉当做一个救命稻草罢了,没想到,这哪里是一根稻草啊,这简直就是一条粗大腿嘛。 Who is Marshal of the Heavenly Canopy? In Heavenly Court is War God of high weight, its strength also compared with Nezha Third Crown Prince, the class of Erlang Shen missed planned. 天蓬元帅是谁?在天庭中都是位高权重的战神,其实力也就比哪吒三太子,二郎神之流差了一筹罢了。 However, was doomed this fight unable to continue the too much time, the sound that Frieza fight between puppet and Marshal of the Heavenly Canopy, creates was too big, they were on a par, when here sound really celestial troops and generals of these patrols did eat without working? 不过,注定了这场战斗是持续不了太多的时间了,弗利萨的傀儡和天蓬元帅之间的战斗,所造成的动静太大了,两人又是不相伯仲,这边的动静真当那些巡逻的天兵天将是吃干饭的? Quick, had celestial troops and generals following the sound to come, then, naturally unavoidably inquired Chang E. 很快,就有天兵天将循声过来了,然后,自然免不了询问嫦娥一番。 Does Marshal of the Heavenly Canopy, sexually harass Chang E taking advantage of the liquor vigor? 天蓬元帅,借着酒劲调戏嫦娥? Obtained this news, these celestial troops and generals with amazement discolorations, hurriedly have also informed Jade Emperor this news. 得到了这个消息,这几个天兵天将也骇然色变,急忙将这个消息告知了玉皇大帝 This time Jade Emperor and Lady Queen Mother above that Peach of Immortality grand meeting, were seeing that here piece in confusion, the entire Peach of Immortality grand meeting completely was smashed, the Jade Emperor complexion was ugly, the surrounding deity holding breath static air/Qi, do not dare to speak, in the heart also secretly shocked, courage of that Monkey Demon unexpectedly big to this degree, rushed to such dreadful calamity. 这个时候的玉皇大帝王母娘娘正在那蟠桃盛会之上呢,眼看着这边一片狼藉,整个蟠桃盛会完全被捣毁了,玉皇大帝的脸色非常难看,周围的神仙一个个屏声静气,不敢说话,心中也暗自震惊,那妖猴的胆子居然大到这种程度,闯下了此等泼天大祸。 Opens reports Your Majesty, that side the Moon Palace has had an accident, the Marshal of the Heavenly Canopy then liquor vigor sexually harasses Chang E, Great Sage Equal of Heaven became sworn brothers the Younger Brother Dongfang Yu also alcoholic intoxication, with the Marshal of the Heavenly Canopy war in the Moon Palace, at this time, celestial troops and generals ran over, start to talk said. “启禀陛下,广寒宫那边出事了,天蓬元帅接着酒劲调戏嫦娥,齐天大圣的结义兄弟东方玉也醉酒了,和天蓬元帅大战于广寒宫”,就在这个时候,一个天兵天将跑了过来,开口说道。 Snort! This Marshal of the Heavenly Canopy big courage! Gave me to tie up coming him, this time Jade Emperor can say in the fit of temper, heard this words suddenly, saying of great anger. “哼!这天蓬元帅好大的胆子!去给我将他绑了过来”,这个时候的玉皇大帝可以说正在气头上,乍然间听到这个话,盛怒的说道。 Mentioned this, then asked slightly: „, What did you say? That Monkey Demon becomes sworn brothers Younger Brother Dongfang Yu also in? Moreover was drunk?”. 一言及此,微微一顿,接着问道:“还有,你说什么?那妖猴的结义兄弟东方玉也在?而且是喝醉了酒?”。 During the speeches, Jade Emperor has swept above this Peach of Immortality grand meeting, Precious Jade Nectar has sprinkled an appearance of place, similarly the angry sound said: That Dongfang Yu, one and has tied up, Nezha, Li Jing, this matter on junction in your two people. 说话间,玉皇大帝扫了一眼这蟠桃盛会之上,琼浆玉液洒了一地的模样,同样怒声说道:“那东方玉,也一并绑了过来,哪吒,李靖,这件事情就交于你二人了”。 Respectfully follows Dharma Decree!”, hear speech/words, nearby Pagoda-Bearing Heavenly King Li Jing and Nezha Third Crown Prince selects nod(ded), at once turns around, directly toward the Moon Palace. “谨遵法旨!”,闻言,旁边的托塔天王李靖和哪吒三太子点头,旋即转身,直接往广寒宫去了。 Not to mention here situation how, that Tushita Palace, today exactly Grand Supreme Elderly Monarch and Bulma left together, go to Tianwaitian to collect heavenly materials and earthly treasures to go, was actually exploited loopholes by Son Goku|Sun Wukong, almost inside [gold/metal] pill altogether ate. 且不说这边情形如何,那兜率宫,今日恰好太上老君布玛一同离开,去天外天采集天材地宝去了,却被孙悟空钻了个空子,几乎将里面的金丹一股脑的都吃下去了。 cultivation base is astonishing, Son Goku|Sun Wukong has become sober quickly, looked at sores all over the eye Tushita Palace, knows that oneself brought the big trouble. 到底修为惊人,孙悟空很快酒醒了一些,看了看满目疮痍的兜率宫,也知道自己闯了大祸了。 Has a big shock, could not seek Dongfang Yu, alone left, the stealthily world of mortals returned to Flowers and Fruits Mountain. 大惊失色,也寻不到东方玉了,独自离开,偷偷的下界回到花果山去了。
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