PE :: Volume #34

#1524: Plot of Dragon King

Heavenly Court, although Jade Emperor is the Lord of Heavenly Court, but, is impossible forever to treat in Heavenly Palace Peak? Was similar is the same to the China ancient deliberation hall, Heavenly Palace Peak was also only daily specific time, will gather Jade Emperor and many deity discussion important matters. 天庭,虽说玉皇大帝天庭之主,但是,也不可能永远都待在凌霄宝殿之中吧?类似于华夏古代的朝堂一样,凌霄宝殿也只是每天特定的时候,才会聚集玉皇大帝和诸多神仙商议大事。 On this day, Jade Emperor from Heavenly Palace Peak, arrived in the oneself imperial palace, slanting by above Yun Chuang, not far away sits Lady Queen Mother. 这一日,玉皇大帝已经从凌霄宝殿中下来了,来到了自己的寝宫之中,斜斜的靠在云床之上,不远处坐着王母娘娘 „Did the matter of Peach of Immortality grand meeting, how conduct?”. 蟠桃盛会之事,举办得如何了?”。 Eats up a grape, Jade Emperor looked like relaxed many appearances at this time, in Heavenly Palace Peak last time the color of that solemn silence, had not felt that was chatting daily family activity likely. 吃下一颗葡萄,玉皇大帝这个时候看起来放松了很多的样子,并没有在凌霄宝殿上时候的那种庄严肃穆之色,感觉像是在聊家常似的。 Has been preparing, tomorrow can hold as scheduled, Lady Queen Mother hear speech/words, the echo replied. “已经在准备了,明日可以如期举行”,王母娘娘闻言,回声答道。 However, mentioned this, Lady Queen Mother, then said slightly: Was right, that Great Sage Equal of Heaven Son Goku|Sun Wukong, from the status, is qualified for attending the Peach of Immortality grand meeting, you thought that can invite it to participate?”. 不过,一言及此,王母娘娘微微一顿,接着说道:“对了,那齐天大圣孙悟空,从身份上来说,是有资格参加蟠桃盛会的,你觉得要不要邀请它参加呢?”。 This......”. “这个……”。 hear speech/words, Jade Emperor movement, shakes the head to say slightly at once: I look do not use, this Peach of Immortality is you cultivates laboriously, Peach of Immortality grand meeting that holds regularly, work that also to commend various group of deities does one's best in the oneself responsibility, although this Great Sage Equal of Heaven the status was suffices high, but it governed the Peach of Immortality garden after all recently, before was the idle tax in mahatma your family place, this Peach of Immortality grand meeting invited it not to be inappropriate. 闻言,玉皇大帝的动作微微一顿,旋即摇摇头道:“我看不用了,这蟠桃乃是你辛苦培育,定期举行的蟠桃盛会,也是为了表彰各路神仙在自己的职责上尽心尽力的工作,这齐天大圣虽说身份地位是够高了,但是它毕竟最近才掌管蟠桃园,之前都是闲赋在大圣府上,这蟠桃盛会邀请它并不合适”。 Um, Jade Emperor said rational, therefore, I have not invited it, heard the Jade Emperor words, between oneself and Jade Emperor were also have the same viewpoint, Lady Queen Mother have not said anything again. “嗯,玉帝所言有理,所以,我并没有邀请它”,听得玉皇大帝的话,自己玉皇大帝之间也算是有相同的观点,王母娘娘没有再说什么了。 Yes, the goal of this Peach of Immortality grand meeting, to commend various group of deities, is approves of effort of their these days in oneself work, this invited their, to a certain extent, was a little similar to the year-end bonus of company, or was the full attendance prize and so on exist(ence). 是啊,这蟠桃盛会的目的,是为了表彰各路神仙,算是赞同他们这些日子自己工作上的努力,这才邀请他们的,某种程度上,有点类似于公司的年终奖,或者说是全勤奖之类的存在 Son Goku|Sun Wukong? The status is not indeed low, but it such for a long time after all has not worked, making it attend this grand meeting, do other meetings of the immortals think? Therefore, it is indeed inappropriate. 孙悟空呢?地位的确不低,可它这么久毕竟都没有工作过,让它参加这个盛会,其他的神仙会怎么想?所以,它的确是不合适了。 Your Majesty, is not good!”, However, at this time, sudden several celestial troops and generals, running over of hurry, knelt in Jade Emperor and Lady Queen Mother front. 陛下,不好啦!”,然而,就在这个时候,突然几个天兵天将,慌慌忙忙的跑了过来,跪在玉皇大帝王母娘娘的面前。 Does not wait for Jade Emperor to ask, this celestial troops and generals then hurriedly said: That Great Sage Equal of Heaven Son Goku|Sun Wukong, has disturbed the Peach of Immortality grand meeting, above banquet a piece in confusion. 不等玉皇大帝发问,这天兵天将便急忙说道:“那齐天大圣孙悟空,捣乱了蟠桃盛会,以至于宴会之上一片狼藉”。 „It is not good......”, good fortune never come in pairs misfortune never singly comes, at this time, is a Yingying Yanyan's voice resounds, at once seven female celestial also arrived here, kneels in Jade Emperor and Lady Queen Mother front. “不好啦……”,福无双至祸不单行,就在这个时候,又是一阵莺莺燕燕的声音响起,旋即七仙女也来到了这边,跪在玉皇大帝王母娘娘的面前。 That Great Sage Equal of Heaven, angry has not obtained the invitation of Peach of Immortality grand meeting, has almost all stolen Peach of Immortality, we, several of us follow orders to select Peach of Immortality, was actually used to decide Body Technique to assign by him. “那齐天大圣,恼怒没有得到蟠桃盛会的邀请,几乎将蟠桃全都盗走了,我们,我们几个奉命去摘取蟠桃,却被他用定身法给定住了”。 Bang! 砰! Even if the Jade Emperor self-control is good, hears this news suddenly, has cannot help but pounded on the table, stands up, obviously lost one's temper. 即便玉皇大帝的涵养再好,乍然间听得这个消息,也不由得拍了一下桌子,站起身来,显然已经动怒了。 But heard Jade Emperor air/Qi pounds on the table, female celestial and celestial troops and generals that this came to notify, deep low head, does not dare to say anything. 而听到玉皇大帝都气得拍桌子了,这前来报信的仙女和天兵天将,都深深的低下了脑袋,不敢多说什么。 Good Monkey Demon!”, Jade Emperor, the short of breath smiles. “好一个妖猴!”,玉皇大帝,气急而笑。 This Monkey Demon, oneself exercising forbearance repeatedly in him, unexpectedly, but the Peach of Immortality grand meeting has not invited him, makes this grade of noise unexpectedly? Rushes to such dreadful calamity, if not execute him, Heavenly Court dignity where? Heavenly Court honor where!? 妖猴,自己几次三番的忍让于他,没成想的,只是个蟠桃盛会没有邀请他罢了,竟然就闹出这等动静?闯下此等泼天大祸,若是不诛他,天庭的威严何在?天庭的脸面何在!? Not to mention this time Heavenly Court, has made the big noise, East Blue, neighbor Flowers and Fruits Mountain, nature, so long as East Blue Dragon King wants, is monitoring Flowers and Fruits Mountain, can obtain many other person uncome-at-able news. 且不说这个时候的天庭,是闹出了多大的动静,东海这边,比邻花果山,自然,只要东海龙王愿意的话,监视着花果山这边,能够得到很多其他人都难以得到的消息。 For example, on the same day that Ox-King arrives at the Flowers and Fruits Mountain news, had the East Blue Shui to witness. 譬如,当日那牛魔王来到花果山的消息,就有东海的水族亲眼目睹了。 In crystal palace, on the face of East Blue Dragon King is having the color of sneering, these days, that Monkey King and that Dongfang Yu not in Flowers and Fruits Mountain, the good opportunity that oneself started. 水晶宫里面,东海龙王的脸上带着冷笑之色,这些日子,那美猴王和那东方玉都不在花果山,正是自己下手的好机会了。 That did Ox-King have a liking for Dongfang Yu's woman vigorously? Since that Monkey King has become Great Sage Equal of Heaven, this Heavenly Court strength was not good to borrow, now can only borrow demon strength. 那大力牛魔王看上了东方玉的女人?既然那美猴王当上了齐天大圣,这天庭力量就不好借用了,现在只能借用妖魔力量了。 Calculates the time, this time should Ox-King, come Flowers and Fruits Mountain?”. “算算时间,这个时候的牛魔王,应该来了花果山吧?”。 Under East Blue Dragon King controls in secret, making the East Blue Shui attack the Flowers and Fruits Mountain surrounding monster, rushed to Flowers and Fruits Mountain to go these monsters, then, let the person in the name of Bai Feifei, has written a praying for rescue letter to Ox-King, calculated the day, at this time Ox-King should quickly to Flowers and Fruits Mountain. 东海龙王暗中操控之下,让东海水族进攻花果山周围的妖怪,将这些妖怪都赶往花果山去了,然后,让人以白菲菲的名义,给牛魔王写了一封求救信,算算日子,这个时候牛魔王应该快到花果山了。 Report! Opens reports Dragon King, that Princess Iron Fan already on road!”, At this time, Shui General also arrived at the East Blue Dragon King front, the start to talk report said. “报!启禀龙王,那铁扇公主已经在路上了!”,这个时候,一个水族将军也来到了东海龙王的面前,开口汇报道。 Um, is very good, Hahaha, that Princess Iron Fan holds Palm-leaf Fan, even if Ox-King is also hard to ask to be good, if said that is Ox-King and Princess Iron Fan begins in this Flowers and Fruits Mountain, this Flowers and Fruits Mountain base industry, will certainly be destroyed in a moment, oneself woman was seized by other demon, even is in front of world demon to be rivals for sexual favor, how could that does Dongfang Yu endure this tone? Hahaha......”. “嗯,很好,哈哈哈,那铁扇公主手执芭蕉扇,即便是牛魔王也难以讨到好去,若说是牛魔王铁扇公主在这花果山动手的话,这花果山的基业,必将毁于一旦,自己女人被别的妖魔所夺,甚至当着天下妖魔的面争风吃醋,那东方玉岂能忍下这口气?哈哈哈……”。 Hears this news, on the face of East Blue Dragon King is having the color of liking, all in deferring to the oneself plan is carrying on. 听到这个消息,东海龙王的脸上带着欢喜之色,一切都在按照自己计划中的进行着。 The hand holds Three Pointed Pitchfork Ox-King vigorous and mighty strides, Dragon Hang walked toward Flowers and Fruits Mountain, footsteps micro, looks into not far away Flowers and Fruits Mountain, Ox-King is putting out a hand into the bosom, puts out correspondence, is sending out the correspondence of fragrance, Bai Feifei from the letter that oneself prays for rescue. 手执三尖叉牛魔王,龙行虎步的朝着花果山这边走了过来,脚步微顿,眺望着不远处的花果山,牛魔王伸手入怀,拿出一封书信,散发着香气的书信,正是白菲菲自己求救的信。 In the letter said that has demon to invade Flowers and Fruits Mountain, but Monkey King and Dongfang Yu in Heavenly Court, cannot relate, therefore wants to let Ox-King take action, has solved the Flowers and Fruits Mountain crisis. 信上说,有妖魔入侵花果山,而美猴王东方玉都在天庭,联系不上,所以想让牛魔王出手,解了花果山的危机。 Besides the correspondence, the half white satin, initially Bai Feifei and Ox-King begin, is used to fetter the Ox-King white satin, had this faith token, Ox-King naturally believes. 除了书信之外,还有半截白绫,正是当初白菲菲牛魔王动手的时候,用来束缚牛魔王的白绫,有这个信物,牛魔王自然是相信了。 Bai Feifei, my Old Ox came!”, Placed this half white satin tip of the nose smelled smelling gently cautiously, Ox-King this half white satin and correspondence has put in the bosom, with long hurried strides walked toward Flowers and Fruits Mountain. 白菲菲啊,俺老牛来了!”,将这半截白绫放在鼻尖轻轻嗅了嗅,牛魔王小心翼翼的将这半截白绫和书信都放入了怀中,大步流星的朝着花果山走了过去。 At this time, because of chasing down of Shui, many monsters came toward Flowers and Fruits Mountain, the nature, had the dispute with the Flowers and Fruits Mountain monkey clans, suddenly, this Flowers and Fruits Mountain fell into the chaos caused by war. 这个时候,因为水族的追杀,许多的妖怪已经朝着花果山这边来了,自然,和花果山的猴族们发生了争执,一时间,这花果山陷入了战乱之中。 Bai Feifei keeps Flowers and Fruits Mountain, naturally does not have the means to stay out, therefore also entered the war. 白菲菲留在花果山,自然是没有办法置身事外,所以也参战了。 Where the ganef, dares to cause trouble in Flowers and Fruits Mountain!”. “何方宵小,胆敢在花果山闹事!”。 Looks that here indeed had chaos caused by war, Ox-King has bellowed, directly flushed, Three Pointed Pitchfork in hand swept away, in the Bai Feifei surrounding hundred meters scopes all demon, changed to the blood froth dissipation in airborne. 看着这边的确是发生了战乱,牛魔王一声大吼,直接冲了过来,手中的三尖叉横扫,白菲菲周围百米范围内所有的妖魔,化作血沫消散于空中。 Ox-King? How did he come?”, Looks at Ox-King that presents, in the heart of Bai Feifei, not only does not have slightly the happy look, the moral nature sinks on the contrary. 牛魔王?他怎么来了?”,看着出现的牛魔王,白菲菲的心中非但没有丝毫高兴的神色,反倒心底一沉。 It looks like in Bai Feifei, perhaps Ox-King is takes advantage, what tribulation is who? Was naturally self-evident. 白菲菲看来,牛魔王或许是来趁火打劫的,劫的是谁?自然是不言而喻了。 Miss Feifei, I come on invitation, relax, so long as there is my Old Ox here, everyone gave up any idea of that injures your fine body hair, grasps Three Pointed Pitchfork, Ox-King arrives at the Bai Feifei front, the peerless appearance that looks at front causing the downfall of the nation beautiful woman, on the face has the happy expression, the chest also to pat shocking makes noise. 菲菲小姐,我应邀前来,放心,只要有俺老牛在这里,谁也休想伤你一根寒毛”,手持三尖叉,牛魔王来到白菲菲的面前,看着面前倾国倾城的绝世容颜,脸上带着笑意,胸脯也拍得震天作响。 Comes on invitation? Who invited you to come?”, Looks at oneself front Ox-King, the Bai Feifei complexion is dignified, start to talk asked. “应邀前来?谁邀请你来的?”,看着自己面前的牛魔王,白菲菲脸色凝重,开口问道。 „, It is not you invites me to come?”, The response of Bai Feifei, making Ox-King be startled slightly, beckoning with the hand that at once does not care about, said: All right, I came to come in any case, today has me in this, you felt relieved. “呃,不是你邀请我来的吗?”,白菲菲的这个反应,让牛魔王微微一怔,旋即不在意的摆摆手,道:“没事,反正我来都来了,今天有我在这,你就放心吧”。 Although the response of Bai Feifei makes Ox-King think the surprise, but these small details, Ox-King does not care. 白菲菲的反应虽说让牛魔王觉得诧异,但这些小细节,牛魔王并不放在心上。 How even if Bai Feifei hasn't invited oneself? This Flowers and Fruits Mountain, Monkey King and Dongfang Yu are not, while this opportunity, oneself the words that Bai Feifei abducts, is appropriate, convenient, oneself helped this Flowers and Fruits Mountain solve the crisis, was two does not owe? 就算白菲菲没有邀请自己又如何?这花果山,美猴王东方玉都不在,趁此机会,自己白菲菲掳走的话,再合适不过了,顺手,自己帮这花果山解了危机,也算是两不相欠了吧? Ox-King? He, how did he come?”, These come the Flowers and Fruits Mountain monsters, looks Ox-King that presents, with amazement discolorations. 牛魔王?他,他怎么来了?”,这些前来花果山的妖怪们,看着出现的牛魔王,一个个骇然色变。 Person the shade of famous tree, in demon, Ox-King absolutely is topest big demon, visits him to arrive, although is only a person, but these monsters, did not have one to dare to go forward again. 人的名树的影,在妖魔之中,牛魔王绝对是最顶尖的大妖魔,看着他到来,尽管只是一个人而已,可这些妖怪们,却没有一个再敢上前了。 You did dare to begin to attack my Ox-King beloved woman? I thought that you were live not patiently?”. “尔等竟敢动手攻击我牛魔王心爱的女人?我看你们是活得不耐烦了吧?”。 Turned head, Ox-King both eyes stares with copper bell, shouted to clear the way loudly, the startling thunderclap above sad sound highest heaven seemed to be common. 回过头来,牛魔王双眼瞪得跟铜铃似的,大声喝道,沉闷的声音仿佛九霄之上的惊雷一般。 Saw the appearance that Ox-King loses one's temper, these monsters frighten the whole body to shiver, where also dares to say what? 眼看牛魔王动怒的模样,这些妖怪一个个吓得浑身颤抖,哪里还敢多说什么? Kneels the kneeling place that begs for mercy to beg for mercy, turns around the turning around escape that escapes. 跪地求饶的跪地求饶,转身逃命的转身逃命。 This Ox-King prestige, seriously is vigorously outstanding, but had revealed figure, has solved this Flowers and Fruits Mountain crisis. 这大力牛魔王的威名,当真不同凡响,只是亮出了身形而已,就解了这花果山的危机。 Hey, today does the chance coincidence, how might as well go to my my humble home to be a guest?”, Easy after having solved this Flowers and Fruits Mountain crisis, Ox-King hey smiles was asking to Bai Feifei. “嘿嘿嘿,今天机缘巧合,不如去我舍下做客如何?”,轻而易举的就解了这花果山的危机之后,牛魔王嘿嘿直笑的对着白菲菲问道。 although is inviting, may look at the Ox-King appearance, obviously did not allow that Bai Feifei rejects. 虽然是在邀请,可看牛魔王的样子,显然是不容许白菲菲拒绝的。 Does not go!”, The Bai Feifei complexion is dignified, dark green white Samadhi True Fire float in the oneself whole body, stares at Ox-King to say. “不去!”,白菲菲脸色凝重,苍白色的三昧真火悬浮于自己的周身,盯着牛魔王说道。 „? Intermediate Samadhi True Fire? Your has Samadhi True Fire been this degree?”, Looks at Bai Feifei this dark green white Samadhi True Fire, in the Ox-King look also brings to wipe the dignified look, but, has not actually flinched, take action that conversely Haha laughs. “哦?中级三昧真火?你的三昧真火达到了这个程度了?”,看着白菲菲这苍白色的三昧真火,牛魔王的眼神中也带着一抹凝重的神色,不过,却并没有退缩,反倒是哈哈大笑的出手了。 Samadhi True Fire has been the Intermediate degree, the prestige can have the earth-shaking change, only this white Samadhi True Fire, Bai Feifei sufficiently became exist(ence) that Demon Realm was well-known. 三昧真火达到了中级的程度,威能有了天翻地覆般的变化,单凭这白色的三昧真火,白菲菲就足以成为妖魔界闻名的存在了。 To Ox-King that 80,000 energy values, Bai Feifei strength missed, they have fought for short several minutes, Ox-King by the huge monster strength, has depressed Bai Feifei Samadhi True Fire forcefully. 只是,相对于牛魔王那80000的能量值而言,白菲菲实力还是差了一些,两人相斗了不过短短数分钟而已,牛魔王以庞大的妖力,强行压下了白菲菲三昧真火 Miss Feifei, walks, grasped Bai Feifei directly, Ox-King said with a smile. 菲菲小姐,走吧”,直接抓了白菲菲,牛魔王笑着说道。 More is hard to obtain the female monster of hand, more is makes the person have the desire of conquering? Looks, let alone Ox-King was very more excited to Bai Feifei. 越是难以得到手的女妖,就越是让人有征服的欲?望,更别说牛魔王本来就对白菲菲很心动了。 Old Ox! Do you do in this!?”, But, saw that Ox-King grasped Bai Feifei to leave, sudden shouted at resounds, female Panther Si who as if got angry. “老牛!你在这干什么!?”,只是,眼看着牛魔王抓了白菲菲就要离开,突然一声断喝响起,仿佛发怒的雌豹似的。 At once, the foot is stepping on the clouds, wears the magnificent and expensive long-distance race, the hand holds a handle emerald green colored Palm-leaf Fan young young married woman, arrived at Flowers and Fruits Mountain, phoenix including ghost is staring at Ox-King, especially looked that has filled killing intent to the Bai Feifei look. 旋即,脚踩着云朵,身披华贵的长跑,手执一柄翠绿色的芭蕉扇的妙龄少妇,来到了花果山这边,凤目含煞的盯着牛魔王,特别是看向白菲菲的眼神更充满了杀意
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