PE :: Volume #34

#1523: Greatly noisy Peach of Immortality grand meeting

The science and Myth, although seems like two completely irregular things, may no matter how, from the words of angle, no matter the Myth practice system, is scientific, in [say / way]. 科学和神话,虽然看似两个完全不相干的东西,可不管如何,从道的角度上来看的话,不管是神话修炼体系,还是科学,都在道之内。 Reaches the same goal or conclusion from different approaches, in certain places, has the place that is worth learning, although this Energy Tester is only Bulma father manufactures, but must from the altitude of science, Bulma and her father is similar, the principle of this Energy Tester, Bulma naturally can analyze. 殊途同归,在某些地方,相互之间还是有许多值得借鉴的地方的,虽然能量测试仪只是布玛父亲制作出来的,可是要从科学的高度上来看,布玛和她的父亲是差不多的,这能量测试仪的原理,布玛自然是可以剖析出来。 Dongfang Yu brought Bulma to arrive at Tushita Palace directly, stunned discovery Grand Supreme Elderly Monarch unexpectedly has not actually come back, how long but has not waited for in Dongfang Yu well, wears Energy Tester Grand Supreme Elderly Monarch, has played finally one this dao item, was clear knew many deity cultivation base heights. 东方玉带着布玛直接来到了兜率宫这边,却愕然的发现太上老君居然还没回来,不过好在东方玉也没等多久,戴着能量测试仪太上老君,总算是将这个道具都玩了一遍回来了,也算是清晰的知道了许多神仙修为的高低。 cultivation base that before although can the indistinct detection cope with, but is only a quite fuzzy concept, where had this Energy Tester accurate digit to come accurately? 以前虽然可以隐隐约约的察觉到对付的修为,但只是一个比较模糊的概念而已,哪有这个能量测试仪精准的数字来得准确? Arrives at Tushita Palace Grand Supreme Elderly Monarch, looks that Dongfang Yu arrived, was naturally happy. 来到兜率宫太上老君,看着东方玉已经到了,自然是非常的开心了。 Naturally, Grand Supreme Elderly Monarch more thoughts place the body of Bulma, after they welcomed into Tushita Palace, then impatient inquiry Bulma has about this Energy Tester the principle. 当然,太上老君更多的心思放在布玛的身上,将两人迎入了兜率宫之后,便迫不及待的询问布玛有关于这能量测试仪的原理。 These principle can Bulma the singlish explanation, be possible these principles and terminology about science, where Grand Supreme Elderly Monarch can understand? Said after several, could not be justified. 只是,这些原理布玛可以朗朗上口的解释出来,可关于科学的这些原理和术语,太上老君哪里能够理解?才说了几句之后,就说不下去了。 Bulma hesitated slightly a moment later, really early was prepared has flung several books to come out, wants to come to Grand Supreme Elderly Monarch attend class well, but the name on this books, impressively was the physics of junior middle school, the chemistry and so on books. 布玛微微沉吟了片刻之后,竟然早有准备的甩出了几本书出来,想来是要给太上老君好好的上课了,而这书本上的名字,赫然是初中的物理,化学之类的书籍。 The Grand Supreme Elderly Monarch thoughts place the body of Bulma, Dongfang Yu was sizing up Tushita Palace at this time, looks Bulma has put out the physics and chemistries of some junior middle schools and so on books, the Dongfang Yu's corners of the mouth twitched slightly. 太上老君的心思都放在布玛的身上,东方玉这个时候本来是在打量兜率宫的,看着布玛拿出了一些初中的物理和化学之类的书籍,东方玉的嘴角微微的抽搐了一下。 120,000 energy values, solemn Grand Supreme Elderly Monarch, with Bulma behind in study the physics and chemistry of junior middle school? This picture was too beautiful. 120000的能量值,堂堂太上老君,跟着布玛后面在学初中的物理和化学?这画面太美了。 However, regarding Bulma the behavior, Dongfang Yu does not have to stop but actually, from the beginning taught is also all right, since Bulma from the beginning taught Grand Supreme Elderly Monarch, then about refiner and knowledge in refine the pill of immortality, if the Bulma inquiry, does want to come Grand Supreme Elderly Monarch also embarrassed to hide contraband? 不过,对于布玛的这个行为,东方玉倒也没有去阻拦,从头教导也没事,既然布玛是从头教导太上老君的话,那么关于炼器和炼丹方面的知识,如果布玛询问的话,想来太上老君也不好意思藏私吧? A top pill master and a top scientiest mutual exchange, can be the win-win contacts. 一个顶尖的丹器大师和一个顶尖的科学家之间的相互交流,可以算是双赢的接触了。 The following day, Dongfang Yu then frequently runs toward Grand Supreme Elderly Monarch Tushita Palace, but these days, Grand Supreme Elderly Monarch and Bulma two people both well discuss the science and refiner as well as the matter in refine the pill of immortality. 接下来的日子,东方玉便经常往太上老君兜率宫这边跑,而这些日子,太上老君布玛两个人都好好的探讨科学和炼器以及炼丹方面的事情。 Along with a day Tenten/every day past, regarding exist(ence) of science, Grand Supreme Elderly Monarch also some quite clear understanding, regarding this abstruse science, was interested more and more. 随着日子一天天的过去,对于科学的存在,太上老君也有了比较清晰的理解,对于这深奥的科学,也越来越感兴趣了。 Similarly, the contact of these days, the study of Bulma also system nature the refiner and knowledge in refine the pill of immortality, mixed in the science of oneself these knowledge, under understood by analogy, made Bulma have many understanding and new ideas. 同样的,这些日子的接触,布玛系统性的学习了炼器和炼丹方面的知识,将这些知识糅合到自己的科学之中,触类旁通之下,也让布玛有了许多的理解和新的想法。 Then, several months, flashes, Grand Supreme Elderly Monarch and Bulma two also no longer were pure hiding has studied gradually in Tushita Palace, moreover frequent will leave Tushita Palace, went to do the experiment to very far place. 就这样,数个月的时间,一晃而过,渐渐的,太上老君布玛两个也不再是单纯的躲在兜率宫里学习了,而且还经常的会离开兜率宫,去到很远的地方做实验。 For example, increases the oxygen the content to make flame fiercer, after Grand Supreme Elderly Monarch and Bulma collected enough raising, found a volcano to fuse, lets that volcano immediately is the violent anger lion is likely ordinary, far more than berserk several fold? 比如说,增加氧气的含量会让火焰变得更加凶猛,太上老君布玛收集了足够的扬起之后,找到一处火山融合进去,立马让那火山像是暴怒的狮子一般,何止狂暴了数倍? research and experiment so forth, emerge one after another incessantly, was getting more and more profound, similarly, sometimes, Grand Supreme Elderly Monarch will also bring Bulma to collect heavenly materials and earthly treasures, from the guidance Bulma the knowledge of refine the pill of immortality and refiner of foundation, this old one few, the master also friend's relations, were actually also getting more and more harmonious. 诸如此类的研究和实验,层出不穷,也越来越高深了,同样的,有的时候,太上老君也会带着布玛去采集天材地宝,从基础的教导布玛炼丹和炼器的知识,这一老一少,亦师亦友的关系,倒是越来越融洽了。 These months passes, the Three Realms and Six Paths actually uneventful appearance, Dongfang Yu can be said as Tushita Palace, Great Sage Equal of Heaven Palace and Flowers and Fruits Mountain three places take a walk in turn. 这几个月的时间过去,三界六道倒是风平浪静的样子,东方玉可以说是兜率宫,齐天大圣府花果山三个地方轮流走动。 What is worth mentioning is, Tushita Palace walked a lot, Dongfang Yu somewhat also ate several Tushita Palace [gold/metal] pill, after all was [gold/metal] pill of Grand Supreme Elderly Monarch product, in addition Dongfang Yu these months of painstaking cultivation, the energy value actually promoted quickly, has been 8800 degrees, compared with initially Son Goku|Sun Wukong changed body Super Saiyan time must. 值得一提的是,兜率宫走得多了,东方玉多多少少也吃到了几颗兜率宫的金丹,毕竟是太上老君出品的金丹,再加上东方玉这几个月的苦修,能量值倒是提升得很快,已经达到了8800的程度了,比当初孙悟空变身超级赛亚人的时候还要更强一些。 How about changes Chen Super Saiyan, Dongfang Yu is a nod(ded) Xu does not have, not to cannot find a proper way as before. 只是,关于如何变身陈超级赛亚人,东方玉依旧是一点头绪都没有,不得其门而入。 these days, Bai Feifei God Fire Art quenchinged, pours even more was also profound, does not know whether this Journey to the West plane the sun and moon essence very sufficient, the restoration of Bai Feifei was quick, already after regaining eight conditions, the Bai Feifei soul wound, restored similarly. 这些日子,白菲菲神火诀淬炼,倒也越发的精深了,也不知道是否这西游记位面日月精华非常的充足,白菲菲的恢复很快,早就恢复了八尾的状态之后,白菲菲的灵魂创伤,已经恢复得差不多了。 With the Bai Feifei words, some oneself days, believe again fully will restore nine shapes. 白菲菲的话来说,自己再有一些日子,相信就会完全恢复九尾的形态了。 Must say that these days, Son Goku|Sun Wukong plays in Heavenly Court crisply, calls people friends readily very much everywhere, peaceful auspicious Heavenly Court, was treated as Flowers and Fruits Mountain to play by it. 要说起来,这些日子,孙悟空是在天庭玩得很爽,到处呼朋唤友的,一个安静祥和的天庭,被它当做花果山来玩耍。 Although Son Goku|Sun Wukong has not made a mistake, may actually be many deities fights to be unable to continue watching, at first let it, when has Great Sage Equal of Heaven of officer non- duty, but to restrain him, so as to avoid resorts to arms, actually didn't expect, this monkey safe light, scurrying about instead made the person unable to bear. 虽说孙悟空没犯什么错误,可却是很多的神仙斗看不下去了,起先让它当一个有官无职的齐天大圣,只是为了约束他,免得兵戎相见,却没想到,这猴子无事一身轻,上蹿下跳的反而让人受不了了。 Finally, some deities could not bear, ran up to the Jade Emperor front, said this matter, as if this Great Sage Equal of Heaven is all right to it does, made it be an officer more troublesome on the contrary. 终于,有的神仙忍不住了,跑到了玉皇大帝的面前,将这个事说了一下,似乎这齐天大圣没事给它干,反倒比让它当一个官更麻烦了。 Jade Emperor these days also watches the Son Goku|Sun Wukong act, point nod(ded) of hear speech/words approval, indeed, this monkey cannot idle actually, ponders over, looks for a matter to do to it, otherwise, it treats as the oneself monkey mountain this Heavenly Court, Heavenly Court honor where? 玉皇大帝这些日子也把孙悟空的行径看在眼里,闻言倒是赞同的点点头,的确,这猴子闲不住,思前想后,还是给它找点事干吧,否则,它把这天庭当做自己的猴山,天庭的脸面何在? Thinks that suddenly places a position to give Son Goku|Sun Wukong, but also is not really good to place, after all now can't the Son Goku|Sun Wukong status there, arrange to write to be similar to it at the Keeper of Horses such low business? 想了想,突然安插一个职位给孙悟空,还真不好安插,毕竟现在孙悟空的地位在那里,总不能给它安排一写类似于弼马温这样低下的事务吧? But the matter that can amount to something, has the important deity to be responsible. 而上得了台面的事情,都有重要的神仙在负责。 Ponders over, Jade Emperor has also thought the Lady Queen Mother Peach of Immortality garden needs some people responsible, although said that this is not the heavy responsibility that anything can amount to something, but the value of Peach of Immortality garden is self-evident, indeed needs status quite high talented people to be responsible. 思前想后,玉皇大帝也就想到了王母娘娘蟠桃园需要有人去负责,虽然本质上说起来,这也不算什么上得了台面的重任,可蟠桃园的价值是不言而喻的,也的确需要一个地位比较高的人才能负责。 Therefore, Jade Emperor lowered a decree, making Son Goku|Sun Wukong be responsible for the business of that Peach of Immortality garden. 所以,玉皇大帝降下了一道旨意,让孙悟空去负责那蟠桃园的事务。 Happen to Son Goku|Sun Wukong these days, indeed is idles very much, heard Jade Emperor oneself has made an assignment happily, Son Goku|Sun Wukong but actually also to go to the Peach of Immortality garden to take office. 正好孙悟空这些日子,也的确是闲得很,听到玉帝自己拍了个差事,孙悟空倒也高高兴兴的就去蟠桃园上任了。 Really, making a monkey defend the peach, can this defend? Let alone, the Son Goku|Sun Wukong disposition, disregarded law and discipline. 果然,让一个猴子去守着桃子,这守得住吗?更何况,孙悟空的性格,本就目无法纪的。 On this day, Dongfang Yu treats in Great Sage Equal of Heaven Palace practice well, actually sees the Son Goku|Sun Wukong wear a look of scowl entered Great Sage Equal of Heaven Palace, Dongfang Yu looks at the Son Goku|Sun Wukong violent anger the appearance, thought somewhat strangely, was Son Goku|Sun Wukong for no reason angry to this situation? 这一天,东方玉待在齐天大圣府好好的修炼,却见孙悟空面带怒容的进了齐天大圣府,东方玉看着孙悟空暴怒的样子,也觉得有些奇怪,无端端的,孙悟空怎么愤怒到这个地步了? Had an accident? By his status , do some people dare to provoke now his? 出什么事了吗?以他的身份地位,现在还有人敢招惹他的吗? bastard, Heavenly Court these fellows, had not looked straight at to look at us, in their eyesight, we are the monkey, is the bastard, with his Howling Celestial Dog these almost!”, Son Goku|Sun Wukong entered Great Sage Equal of Heaven Palace, saying of mouth violent anger, the air/Qi of fearful evil spirit sends out from his body. 混账,原来天庭的这些家伙们,从来就没有正眼瞧过我们,在他们眼力,咱们就是猴子,就是畜生,和他哮天犬这些差不多!”,孙悟空进了齐天大圣府,嘴里暴怒的说道,可怕的凶煞之气从他的身上散发出来。 What happened?”, Looks at the Son Goku|Sun Wukong so violent anger appearance, the Dongfang Yu running together of two syllables in rapid speech asks. “发生什么事了?”,看孙悟空这般暴怒的模样,东方玉急声问道。 Son Goku|Sun Wukong then said to Dongfang Yu the beginning to end of matter, is the same with original work, seven female celestial go to the Peach of Immortality garden to pick the peach, from the mouths of seven female celestial, Son Goku|Sun Wukong knew Lady Queen Mother holds the matter of Peach of Immortality grand meeting. 孙悟空这才把事情的始末给东方玉说了一遍,和原著中一样,七仙女去蟠桃园摘桃,从七仙女的嘴里,孙悟空知道了王母娘娘举办蟠桃盛会的事情。 Inquired again that the space honored and popular deity obtained the invitation, has not invited oneself this Great Sage Equal of Heaven, Son Goku|Sun Wukong where can accept? Naturally becomes angry out of shame. 再一打听,天上有头有脸的神仙都得到了邀请,偏偏没有邀请自己这个齐天大圣,孙悟空哪里能够接受?自然是恼羞成怒。 Hey, don't these Heavenly Court deities, pay attention to my Old Sun? My Old Sun all picked the peach of their Peach of Immortality garden!”, The eye of dew ominous light, this time Son Goku|Sun Wukong showed changed body unparalleled demon air/Qi of evil spirit. “嘿嘿嘿,这些天庭的神仙们,不把俺老孙放在眼里?俺老孙就把它们蟠桃园的桃子全都摘了!”,目露凶光,这个时候的孙悟空展现出来的变身一个盖世妖魔的凶煞之气。 During the speeches, Son Goku|Sun Wukong puts out a universe bag, poured many Peach of Immortality directly, immortal qi has filled the air, these all were in the Peach of Immortality garden pick, pile here like a hill. 说话间,孙悟空拿出一个乾坤袋,直接倒出了许多的蟠桃,仙气弥漫,这些全都是蟠桃园里摘出来的,堆在这里就像一座小山。 Walks! Since they us, when bastard regards, we have a look at their Peach of Immortality grand meetings are any appearances!”. “走!既然他们只是将俺们当畜生看待,我们就去看看他们的蟠桃盛会到底是什么样子的!”。 The peach that these pick, Son Goku|Sun Wukong remember Dongfang Yu actually, divided half to give him, then drew Dongfang Yu to directly soar the Peach of Immortality grand meeting. 这些摘回来的桃子,孙悟空倒是记得东方玉,分了一半给他,然后拉着东方玉就直奔蟠桃盛会去了。 Arrived at these step to come eventually!”, Was drawn by Son Goku|Sun Wukong is going to above the Peach of Immortality grand meeting, in the Dongfang Yu heart sighed one darkly. “终究还是走到这一步来了!”,被孙悟空拉着前往蟠桃盛会之上,东方玉心中暗叹一声。 However, arrives at Journey to the West plane to be so long, the Dongfang Yu's goal is also for this moment, therefore, Dongfang Yu has not stopped but actually, with the Son Goku|Sun Wukong same place, directly soared the Peach of Immortality grand meeting. 不过,来到西游位面这么久,东方玉的目的也是为了这一刻,所以,东方玉倒也没有阻拦,跟着孙悟空一起,直奔蟠桃盛会去了。 At this time, the Peach of Immortality grand meeting was still preparing, these were doing immortal E and person of great strength of preparatory work, the energy value almost do not have over 10,000, how was the Son Goku|Sun Wukong match? 这个时候,蟠桃盛会还在准备之中,这些干着准备工作的仙娥和力士,能量值几乎没有超过10000的,如何是孙悟空的对手? Easy then with deciding a law these person anchorage, various Precious Jade Nectar and kind of immortal fruits, they were the delight of eating. 轻而易举的便用定身之法将这些人都定住了,琼浆玉液和各类仙果,两人是吃的不亦乐乎。 Has saying that Immortal Realm these Precious Jade Nectar seriously are the good things, even if were Son Goku|Sun Wukong has drunk several cups, somewhat drunken, let alone Dongfang Yu. 不得不说,仙界的这些琼浆玉液当真是好东西,就算是孙悟空多饮了几杯,都有些醉醺醺的了,更别说东方玉了。 However the moment, these two somewhat scatter drunk, under eats and drinks extravagantly, shrieks and howls wildly, the thing that even could not finish eating also packs to carry off. 不过片刻,这两人就有些撒酒疯似的,大吃大喝之下,鬼哭狼嚎的,甚至吃不完的东西还打包带走。 Son Goku|Sun Wukong and Dongfang Yu, two people have both been drunk, the drunken two people, have not walked unexpectedly in the same place. 孙悟空东方玉,两个人都醉了,醉醺醺的两个人,竟然没有走在一起。 Dongfang Yu realizes fuzzily, in the hand is grasping pot liquor, walks while drinks, where also does not know oneself. 东方玉意识模糊,手中握着一壶酒,边走边喝,也不知道自己去往什么地方。 But Son Goku|Sun Wukong, then walks with a self-important air, unexpected happening before arriving at a palace. 孙悟空,则一步三摇的,鬼使神差的来到了一座宫殿前。 Hey, Tushita Palace? This Grand Supreme Elderly Monarch [gold/metal] pill is very famous, my Old Sun, belch, might as well, hey, might as well goes to taste. “嘿嘿嘿,兜率宫?这太上老君的金丹很出名啊,俺老孙,嗝,不妨,嘿嘿嘿,不妨进去尝一尝”。 The mouth hit the liquor belch, Son Goku|Sun Wukong sneaked in Tushita Palace directly. 嘴里打了个酒嗝,孙悟空直接钻进了兜率宫里。
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