PE :: Volume #34

#1520: Flowers and Fruits Mountain in storm eye

Heavenly Court, in Heavenly Palace Peak, Jade Emperor sits above the throne high, in soaring to the clouds the ground of palace, wine cup hits on the ground, asked the price with no intention of buying by whom as for this wine cup, it goes without saying, light looked on that throne Jade Emperor was cloudy the complexion to know. 天庭,凌霄宝殿之中,玉皇大帝高坐于宝座之上,在凌霄殿的地上,一只酒杯打在地上,至于这酒杯是被谁打落的,不言而喻,光看那宝座上玉皇大帝阴沉着的脸色就知道了。 In this Heavenly Palace Peak, the atmosphere is dignified, deities fight to turn very quiet, all people can feel Jade Emperor anger at this moment. 凌霄宝殿之中,气氛凝重,一个个神仙斗屏住呼吸,所有人都能够感受到玉帝此刻的愤怒。 That is Monkey Demon, so unexpectedly dissolute?”. “那妖猴,竟然如此放肆?”。 The face darken of Jade Emperor like the water, the serious pressure as if presses in this moment in the hearts of all people, the sound as if such as the timely exhortation to virtue and purity is broadly common: Shut out the duty of Keeper of Horses to be too low unexpectedly, did this instead descend to earth? In this Monkey Demon eye can have the law and discipline? My heavenly palace illustrious Tianwei?”. 玉帝的脸色阴沉如水,沉重的压力在这一刻似乎压在所有人的心头,声音恢弘仿佛如暮鼓晨钟一般:“竟然嫌弃弼马温之职太低了,就这样反下凡间?这妖猴眼中可还有法纪?还有我天宫的赫赫天威?”。 Your Majesty! I look at the Monkey Demon recklessly unseemly behavior, absolutely not may keep him!”, At this time, Star Monarch Wu Qu went forward to advise, on the face was also having the indignant color. 陛下!我看着妖猴肆意妄为,断不可留他啊!”,这个时候,武曲星君上前进言,脸上还带着愤愤不平之色。 Naturally, before and Son Goku|Sun Wukong sparred, was not the Son Goku|Sun Wukong match, this time Star Monarch Wu Qu looked like, somewhat in an extremely difficult situation and that's the end. 当然,之前和孙悟空斗法,不是孙悟空的对手,这个时候的武曲星君看起来,也有些狼狈不堪就是了。 The word of Star Monarch Wu Qu, lets many people slanting glanced his one eyes. 武曲星君之言,让不少的人斜斜的瞟了他一眼。 Time that initially Son Goku|Sun Wukong ascended the sky, Jade Emperor is thinking an arrangement what position gave Son Goku|Sun Wukong, at that time was he recommends for an official position Son Goku|Sun Wukong to work as this Keeper of Horses, this government position did not have steplessly, originally on small, if that Son Goku|Sun Wukong were the incompetent person, now your Star Monarch Wu Qu is not others matches, made others work as small Keeper of Horses, saying that your Star Monarch Wu Qu oneself did practice Keeper of Horses not to compare? 当初孙悟空上天来的时候,玉帝想着安排个什么样的职位给孙悟空,当时就是他保举孙悟空去当这个弼马温的,这官职无级无品,本来就小的很,若是那孙悟空是无能之辈也就罢了,现在连你武曲星君都不是人家对手,却让人家去当个小小的弼马温,岂不是说你武曲星君自己弼马温都比不上吗? Jade Emperor hear speech/words, the vision naturally also falls on the body of Star Monarch Wu Qu, although feels angry to Son Goku|Sun Wukong this dissolute act, may actually also somewhat to the Star Monarch Wu Qu round. 玉皇大帝闻言,目光自然也落在武曲星君的身上,虽说对孙悟空这放肆的行径感觉到恼怒,可其中却也有几分是冲着武曲星君发的。 If not for you advised at that time, recommends for an official position that Son Goku|Sun Wukong to work as small Keeper of Horses, how to have the matter of today? This matter makes situation so, your Star Monarch Wu Qu is not others matches, to be hitting the face of my Jade Emperor, making the common people say that my Jade Emperor judge was unclear, used a talented person in an insignificant position? 若不是你当时进言,保举那孙悟空当个小小的弼马温,怎会有今日之事?这件事情闹得如此地步,连你武曲星君都不是人家的对手,岂不是在打我玉皇大帝的脸,让世人都说我玉帝识人不明,大材小用? Station Star Monarch Wu Qu, was swept by Jade Emperor this look, felt in the Jade Emperor look is concealing several points of anger, in heart one startled, lowered the head does not dare to say anything again, as for other deities, old god in looks that seems waiting to look at the Star Monarch Wu Qu joke. 站出来的武曲星君,被玉皇大帝这个眼神扫一下,感觉到玉帝眼神中隐含着的几分愤怒,心中一惊,低下头不敢再多说什么了,至于其他的神仙,也都老神在在的看着,似乎在等着看武曲星君的笑话。 Your Majesty, at this time, Jade Emperor start to talk, actually that Golden Star Tai Bai, on the face had not been having the genial smiling face, walked. 陛下”,就在这个时候,玉帝还未开口,倒是那太白金星,脸上带着和善的笑容,走了出来。 To Jade Emperor good a ritual, said: Sees according to the old minister, that Son Goku|Sun Wukong magic arts exceedingly high penetrating place, this grade of ability is Keeper of Horses, indeed has used a talented person in an insignificant position, since that Son Goku|Sun Wukong wants to work as the Great Sage Equal of Heaven words, was inferior that promised it......”. 对着玉皇大帝行了一礼,道:“依老臣所见,那孙悟空一身道法通天彻地,这等能耐为弼马温,的确是大材小用了,既然那孙悟空想当个齐天大圣的话,不如,就答应了它吧……”。 Um?”, Jade Emperor hear speech/words, the look is having the disfavor obviously, glanced Golden Star Tai Bai one. “嗯?”,玉帝闻言,眼神显然带着不悦之色,瞟了太白金星一眼。 Did this old fogy speak? Although lets that Son Goku|Sun Wukong, when Keeper of Horses indeed has used a talented person in an insignificant position, but like this complied with that Monkey Demon, oneself Jade Emperor face countenance where? 这老家伙怎么说话的?虽说让那孙悟空当个弼马温的确是大材小用了,可就这样答应了那妖猴,自己玉帝的颜面何在? Jade Emperor look, is why discontented? Golden Star Tai Bai naturally knew. 玉皇大帝的眼神,为何不满?太白金星自然是知道了。 The look is motionless, is having the happy expression as before, explained said: Your Majesty, the duty of that Great Sage Equal of Heaven, my Heavenly Court, who has not known how many levels it is how many? When the time comes also isn't you personally decides by Your Majesty?”. 神色不动,依旧是带着笑意,解释说道:“陛下,那齐天大圣之职,我天庭并没有,谁知道它是几级几品的?到时候还不是由陛下您亲自定夺?”。 „......”, Does not hear this explanation, the Jade Emperor complexion was slightly more attractive, slightly has nodded the head, hints Golden Star Tai Bai then downward to say. “唔……”,听闻这番解释,玉皇大帝脸色稍稍好看了一些,微微颔首,示意太白金星接着往下说。 Looks at the Jade Emperor complexion, obviously is the comparison approves of oneself, Golden Star Tai Bai said: Said again, this Great Sage Equal of Heaven responsibility why? Is nobody knows, how even if gives him a Great Sage Equal of Heaven top digit? Some officers have no right, making it lead a Great Sage Equal of Heaven brevet rank, stands firm it also and that's the end, the total ratio resorted to arms to be better a lot. 玉皇大帝的脸色,显然是比较赞同自己的,太白金星跟着说道:“再说了,这齐天大圣职责为何?更是无人知晓,即便给他一个齐天大圣的高位又如何?有官无权,让它领一个齐天大圣的虚衔,稳住它也就是了,总比兵戎相见要好得多了”。 Good, Golden Star Tai Bai said rational, along with the Golden Star Tai Bai words, the Jade Emperor complexion quite approved of obviously, below many deities stood, said with one voice. “不错,太白金星所言有理”,随着太白金星的话,玉帝的脸色明显是比较赞同的,下面不少的神仙都站出来,齐声说道。 Golden Star Tai Bai said that indeed in principle, Great Sage Equal of Heaven did not have this position, naturally did not have the authority, how even if were the grade high? 太白金星所言,的确在理,齐天大圣本来就没有这个职位,自然也没有权力,就算是品级高又如何? The government position is different from the aristocrat title, to a that Monkey Demon Great Sage Equal of Heaven brevet rank, looked like to a title of aristocrat, looked like naturally is honored, may in fact, not have what real power, not only can stand firm that Monkey Demon, and being insufficient made Jade Emperor fall the face, the nature was appropriate. 官职和贵族爵位是不一样的,给那妖猴一个齐天大圣的虚衔,就像是给了一个贵族的爵位,看起来自然是尊贵许多,可实际上,却没有什么实权,既能稳住那妖猴,又不至于让玉皇大帝落了面子,自然合适。 „, So, then does not depend on you saying that gives him the Great Sage Equal of Heaven brevet rank......”. “唔,如此,便依你所言,给他个齐天大圣的虚衔吧……”。 The original oneself innermost feelings quite have approved, at this moment looked that these many deities also took a stand, Jade Emperor also nods the head nod(ded), complied. 本来自己的内心就比较赞同了,此刻看这么多神仙也表态了,玉皇大帝也就颔首点头,答应了下来。 The nature, this matter was makes Golden Star Tai Bai run as before one. 自然,这件事情依旧是让太白金星去跑一趟了。 What situation not to mention Heavenly Court is, recently these days, Flowers and Fruits Mountain was the crest of wave left in Demon Realm, the monster kings in surrounding 70 Erdong, were almost punished the subordinates by Son Goku|Sun Wukong, in this Demon Realm, in several years, Son Goku|Sun Wukong has become a feeling of side feudal lord. 且不说天庭这边是什么样的情况,最近这些日子,花果山妖魔界算是风头倍出了,周围70二洞的妖王,几乎都被孙悟空收作麾下,在这妖魔界中,短短几年的时间,孙悟空已经成了一方诸侯的感觉了。 By recently these days, Flowers and Fruits Mountain here caused many monster clans to be able greatly the vision. 是以,最近这些日子,花果山这边引起了许多妖族大能的目光。 This Flowers and Fruits Mountain Monkey King, what kind of person? Does the free time of short one year or so, rise unexpectedly hence? Is what origin? How before , hasn't heard the Monkey King reputation? 花果山美猴王,何许人也?短短一年半载的工夫,居然就崛起至此?到底是何来历?怎么以前从来都没有听说过美猴王的名头? don't tell me inadequate of the stone jumping? 难道是从石头里蹦出来的不成? Good, this Flowers and Fruits Mountain caused many monster clans to be able greatly the vision, few days ago the summit of Flowers and Fruits Mountain, had hung up flags, above writes Great Sage Equal of Heaven four characters. 好吧,这花果山本就引起了许多妖族大能的目光了,紧接着,前些日子花果山之巅,挂上了一面旌旗,上面写着“齐天大圣”四个字。 Inquired again that originally is Monkey King wants to let the Heavenly Court deity, seals a it such title, this makes many monster clans be startled secretly. 再一打听,原来是美猴王想让天庭的神仙,封它一个这样的称号,这让不少妖族暗自吃惊。 Is this Son Goku|Sun Wukong big courage, uneven with the day? This is must with the meaning that Jade Emperor are treated equally, looked like a -called character shoulder to shoulder king, this can Heavenly Court comply? 孙悟空好大的胆子啊,与天齐?这是要和玉皇大帝平起平坐的意思啊,就像是所谓的一字并肩王了,这天庭能答应吗? Not to mention Son Goku|Sun Wukong this dissolute bold behavior, whether will be admitted by Heavenly Court, when the monster clan can greatly waits to look at the Flowers and Fruits Mountain following development, there is a hearsay to transmit: Ox-King once came this Flowers and Fruits Mountain vigorously, met has met the Monkey King ability, finally, as if some people noticed that Ox-King is wounded to leave Flowers and Fruits Mountain vigorously. 且不说孙悟空这放肆大胆的行为,是否会被天庭所接纳,就在妖族大能们都等着看花果山这边的后续发展的时候,又有小道消息传来:大力牛魔王曾经来这花果山,会了会美猴王的能耐,最后,似乎有人看到大力牛魔王带着伤离开花果山的。 Hissing, who is Ox-King? The monster clan top big energy, he goes to Flowers and Fruits Mountain, unexpectedly is wounded to walk? This said that Monkey King ability, sufficiently and did Ox-King contend? 嘶,牛魔王是谁?妖族顶尖的大能,他去花果山,居然负伤而走?这岂不是说美猴王的能耐,足以和牛魔王相争了? This lets exist(ence) suck in a breath of cold air of many monster clans, this news, has almost proven the Son Goku|Sun Wukong ability. 这让许多妖族的存在倒吸了一口冷气,这个消息,几乎算是证明了孙悟空的能耐了。 Naturally, some people said that this news is false, that Monkey King has not begun with Ox-King, because according to the news, Ox-King visits Flowers and Fruits Mountain time, that Monkey King as if not on Flowers and Fruits Mountain, but the heaven was an official. 当然,也有人说这个消息是假的,那美猴王并没有和牛魔王动手,因为根据消息来看,牛魔王造访花果山的时候,那美猴王似乎不在花果山上,而是上天当官去了。 This Ox-King is wounded the news that from Flowers and Fruits Mountain walks, naturally is confusing, is not I, does not know genuine and fake. 牛魔王花果山负伤而走的消息,自然是扑朔迷离,不是本人,都不知道这其中真假。 Several other monster clan big energies, such as that Dapeng king, the class of flood dragon Demon King, visited Ox-King actually from all sides, was confirmed from the mouth of Ox-King personally. 倒是其他的几个妖族大能,如那大鹏王,蛟魔王之流,前前后后都拜访了牛魔王一番,从牛魔王的嘴里亲自得到了证实。 Obviously to Monkey King that this recent reputation rises up, these monster clans can have very big attention greatly. 显然对这最近名声鹊起的美猴王,这些妖族大能们也都有很大的关注。 On this day, after Ox-King and that macaque Wang spoke freely, delivered the macaque the king to leave, looked out into the distance the Flowers and Fruits Mountain direction, in the heart hesitates secretly. 这一日,牛魔王和那猕猴王畅谈一番之后,送猕猴王离开了,远眺花果山的方向,心中暗自沉吟。 These day Ox-King oneself have also inquired, this knows that oneself has misunderstood, initially and oneself began was not that Monkey King, but was Flowers and Fruits Mountain two king Dongfang Yu. 这几日牛魔王自己也打探了一下,这才知道自己误会了,当初和自己动手的不是那美猴王,而是花果山的二大王东方玉 This Flowers and Fruits Mountain Dongfang Yu, ability extraordinary, actually is also only two kings, does not know that actually this Monkey King is what Character(s), has what method, the mouth of Ox-King muttered said. “这花果山东方玉,能耐就已经不凡了,却还只是二大王而已,也不知这美猴王究竟是何人物,有何手段”,牛魔王的嘴里喃喃说道。 However thinks that Monkey King has hung up Great Sage Equal of Heaven the flags, Ox-King did not need oneself to probe the Monkey King method personally, and what response looked at the Heavenly Court that side is. 不过想到那美猴王挂上了“齐天大圣”的旌旗,牛魔王也不用自己亲自去试探美猴王的手段了,且看天庭那边是什么样的反应吧。 Heavenly Court, because of the Golden Star Tai Bai words, the anger of Jade Emperor lull thunder, making Golden Star Tai Bai descend to earth two times to offer amnesty, Demon Realm, Flowers and Fruits Mountain at this time became the central point that many demon vision have hit, majority of demon, will focus on Flowers and Fruits Mountain at this time. 天庭这边,因为太白金星的话语,玉皇大帝暂息雷霆之怒,让太白金星下凡二次招安,妖魔界这边,花果山这个时候成了许多妖魔目光击中的中心点,大部分的妖魔,这个时候都将目光放在花果山这边。 A most emergying side feudal lord, this Flowers and Fruits Mountain seems again and Heavenly Court gambling, does not know how the result can be. 最新出现的一方诸侯,这花果山看样子再和天庭博弈,也不知道结局会是如何。 Said East Blue Dragon Palace, East Blue Dragon King knew that Monkey King welcome have served as an official to the space, but also is depressed. 却说东海龙宫这边,东海龙王本来得知那美猴王被请到了天上做官去了,还闷闷不乐的。 However, heard that Son Goku|Sun Wukong to hit Star Monarch Wu Qu suddenly unexpectedly, disliked the officer to be too small, anti- under Heavenly Court went, this made East Blue Dragon King be overjoyed. 不过,乍然间听到那孙悟空居然把武曲星君打了一顿,嫌官太小了,反下天庭去了,这让东海龙王大喜过望。 Good, this Monkey Demon from behaving badly cannot live. 好哇,这妖猴自作孽不可活啊。 Has not waited for East Blue Dragon King to cheer up, actually hears Jade Emperor to decide that two times offer amnesty Son Goku|Sun Wukong, accepted the request of his Great Sage Equal of Heaven, this makes a East Blue Dragon King almost blood spurt. 只是,还没等东海龙王高兴起来呢,却又听到玉帝决定二次招安孙悟空,真的就答应了他齐天大圣的要求,这让东海龙王差点一口血喷出来。 This regains, the reverse that but duplicate loses, the heart poor person estimate must unable to bear. 这失而复得,得而复失的反转,心脏差一点的人估计都要受不了了。 But, that Son Goku|Sun Wukong not to mention, but that Dongfang Yu, what matter doesn't have unexpectedly?”, The although Son Goku|Sun Wukong matter three waves to a single stroke, making East Blue Dragon King feel to be hard to accept, may think of Dongfang Yu, the East Blue Dragon King anger then cannot bear well up. “不过,那孙悟空暂且不说,可那东方玉,居然什么事都没有吗?”,虽然孙悟空的事情一波三折,让东海龙王感到难以接受,可想到东方玉,东海龙王的怒火便忍不住涌起来。 But the fellow the oneself killing child personal enemy, resembles so, appearance that Dongfang Yu stays out unexpectedly? 那家伙可是自己的杀子仇人呢,似这般,那东方玉居然置身事外的样子了? „It is not good! This Dongfang Yu cannot make him live, kills the enmity of child, decides however must make him pay the price!”, East Blue Dragon King, the mouth was talking over, how in the heart thought secretly should plan, took revenge to Dongfang Yu. “不行!这东方玉决不能让他活着,杀子之仇,定然要让他付出代价!”,东海龙王,嘴里念叨着,心中暗自思索着该如何计划,向东方玉复仇。 East Blue Dragon Palace strength, is not enough to shake that Flowers and Fruits Mountain influence now, oneself wants to revenge, must draw support from Heavenly Court strength to be good. 东海龙宫力量,现在还不足以撼动那花果山势力,自己想要报仇,就必须要借助天庭力量才行啊。 No matter that Monkey King that Dongfang Yu, oneself must make them pay the proper price, especially that Dongfang Yu, is unforgivable! 不管是那美猴王还是那东方玉,自己都必须要让他们付出应有的代价,特别是那东方玉,不可饶恕! East Blue Dragon King, after is Lord of the sea, ingrained, under its thinking, in the heart idea gradually reappeared actually, in the meantime, a plan, in the heart of East Blue Dragon King even more clear...... 东海龙王,毕竟是一海之主,根深蒂固,在它的思索下,心中渐渐的倒是有一个想法浮现了出来,同时,一个计划,也在东海龙王的心中越发的清晰了……
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