PE :: Volume #34

#1521: Topest Samadhi True Fire

Immortal Realm, Great Sage Equal of Heaven Palace! 仙界,齐天大圣府 Hey, you have a look, this is my Great Sage Equal of Heaven Palace, what kind of?” Smiling that Son Goku|Sun Wukong looks fierce, on face is bringing liking color said to Dongfang Yu. “嘿嘿嘿,你看看,这就是我的齐天大圣府,怎么样?”,孙悟空龇牙咧嘴的笑着,脸上带着欢喜之色的对东方玉说道。 In this Immortal Realm, Jade Emperor issues an order, Great Sage Equal of Heaven Palace has been completed, the broad mansion, shows this Great Sage Equal of Heaven status extraordinary actually. 在这仙界之中,玉皇大帝一声令下,一座齐天大圣府已经落成,恢弘的府邸,倒是彰显出这齐天大圣的身份不凡 Although this Great Sage Equal of Heaven does not have what real power, but this reputation is very resounding, if on the situation with ancient government analogied, Son Goku|Sun Wukong looked like exist(ence) of opposite sex king, although did not have the substantive authority, may after all also be a prince, the status status was very honored. 虽说这齐天大圣没有什么实权,可是这个名声还是非常响亮的,如果用古代官场上的情况来比喻的话,孙悟空就像是一个异性王的存在,虽然没有实质性的权力,可毕竟也是一位王爷啊,地位身份尊贵得很。 Um, is very indeed good, Dongfang Yu also together arrived in Immortal Realm, is sizing up this Great Sage Equal of Heaven Palace, selects nod(ded) to say. “嗯,的确很不错”,东方玉也跟着一同来到了仙界之中,打量着这齐天大圣府,也点点头应道。 Has saying that Jade Emperor is good, if not present Son Goku|Sun Wukong to steal Peach of Immortality, disturbs Peach of Immortality grand meeting these matters, this Son Goku|Sun Wukong in Immortal Realm was also the generation of status veneration, at least looks like from the current situation, Jade Emperor did not have anything to offend the Son Goku|Sun Wukong place. 不得不说,玉皇大帝还是挺不错的,若是不出现孙悟空偷取蟠桃,捣乱蟠桃盛会这些事情,这孙悟空仙界也算是地位尊崇之辈了,至少从目前的情况看来,玉皇大帝是没有什么得罪孙悟空的地方。 So long as you have strength, has ability, can obtain the status that oneself matches, Jade Emperor this Lord of the Three Realms does well. 你只要有实力,有才能,就可以获得自己相匹配的地位,玉皇大帝这个三界之主已经算是做得不错了。 Your my Younger Brother two people, share weal and woe, my is your, shares everything, this Great Sage Equal of Heaven Palace has your half, child in Xingjia did not fear that was humiliated, how these days do you keep this Great Sage Equal of Heaven Palace to accompany me to act as companion?”, On the face of Son Goku|Sun Wukong is having the sincere smiling face, inviting Dongfang Yu to remain. “你我兄弟二人,荣辱与共,我的就是你的,不分彼此,这齐天大圣府有你一半,所幸家里的孩儿们也不怕被人欺凌,这些日子你就留在这齐天大圣府陪我作伴如何?”,孙悟空的脸上带着真挚的笑容,邀请东方玉留下来。 Son Goku|Sun Wukong in Demon Realm, was side feudal lord Character(s), at this moment obtained Great Sage Equal of Heaven that Heavenly Court has given to seal, even if were Son Goku|Sun Wukong and Dongfang Yu not in Flowers and Fruits Mountain, believes that in a short time did not have demon that which did not enlarge ones vision to dare to go to Flowers and Fruits Mountain to disturb, therefore, this Son Goku|Sun Wukong does not need to keep Dongfang Yu to guard in Flowers and Fruits Mountain actually. 孙悟空妖魔界,也算是一方诸侯般的人物了,此刻更是得到了天庭授封的齐天大圣,就算是孙悟空东方玉都不在花果山,相信短时间内也没有哪个不开眼的妖魔敢去花果山捣乱的,所以,这次孙悟空倒是不需要留着东方玉花果山里面镇守。 Um, Ok, I also want to take a look in this Heavenly Court, hear speech/words, Dongfang Yu also nod(ded) complied but actually. “嗯,可以,我也想在这天庭看看”,闻言,东方玉倒也点头答应了下来。 When Jigong plane, Dongfang Yu has treated some time in Heavenly Court, is only that plane deity military power value is not high, even if the Tathagata Buddha energy value also about 10,000, now arrived at this legal copy Journey to the West plane, Dongfang Yu wanted to have a look at this Heavenly Court to have with the differences actually. 曾经在济公位面的时候,东方玉天庭待过一些时间,只是那个位面的神仙武力值并不高,就算是如来佛祖能量值也不过10000左右而已,现在来到了这个正版的西游记位面,东方玉倒是想要看看这天庭有和不同之处。 Son Goku|Sun Wukong is doomed is not can idle the person, let alone this Great Sage Equal of Heaven is only title exist(ence), and nothing does. 孙悟空注定不是一个能够闲得住的人,更何况这齐天大圣只是一个爵位般的存在,并没有什么事给它干。 Initial several days of good, can treat in the mansion plays, after may after several days, Son Goku|Sun Wukong could not idle, walked randomly in all directions, the neither arrogant nor servile monkey, had the title of Great Sage Equal of Heaven at this moment, therefore in deity with Heavenly Court, has made into one piece actually quickly. 最初的几天还好,可以待在府邸之中玩耍,可过了几天之后,孙悟空就闲不住了,四处游走,不卑不亢的猴子,此刻又有齐天大圣的封号,因此和天庭中的诸位神仙,倒是很快打成了一片。 Calls people friends readily, is on intimate terms, even if facing some Immortal Realm big energies, Son Goku|Sun Wukong does not need to bend over, in addition the Son Goku|Sun Wukong this very straightforward disposition, quick neutralized many deities to mix up actually in Heavenly Court, relates very well. 呼朋唤友,称兄道弟的,就算是面对一些仙界大能,孙悟空也不用弯腰低头,再加上孙悟空这本来就很豪爽的性格,倒是很快在天庭中和许多的神仙混在一起,关系挺好的。 Naturally, these days Dongfang Yu has not been idling, walks randomly in this Heavenly Court. 当然,这些日子东方玉也没闲着,在这天庭之中游走。 Although on oneself does not have the title with little power, but in Heavenly Court, who does not know that Dongfang Yu is that Great Sage Equal of Heaven swearing brotherhood Younger Brother? So long as rushes to some not suitable place hardly, will pour also nobody to inquire about the Dongfang Yu's matter. 虽说自己身上没有一官半职,可天庭之中,谁不知道东方玉是那齐天大圣的结拜兄弟?所以只要不去硬闯一些不适合的地方,倒也没有人会过问东方玉的事情。 Walked some days in this Heavenly Court, Dongfang Yu regarding this Immortal Realm situation, was actually clearer, this Heavenly Court must be huger than by far, structure that in Journey to the West original work displays also rigorous. 在这天庭之中走了些日子,东方玉对于这仙界的情况,倒是清楚了许多,这天庭远远比西游记原著中所表现出来的要更加庞大,结构也更加的严谨。 In Journey to the West original work, as if Heavenly Court influence, only then Jade Emperor governs, but after Dongfang Yu these days strolled several, discovered that Jade Emperor respective influence, is actually only Heavenly Court part. 西游原著中,似乎天庭势力只有玉皇大帝治下的而已,可东方玉这些日子闲逛了几圈之后,才发现玉帝所属的势力,其实只是天庭的一部分罢了。 Jade Emperor, but is Heavenly Court one of the four God, these four God become four imperial. 玉皇大帝,不过是天庭的四位天帝之一而已,这四位天帝成为四御。 And Jade Emperor ranks first, then also has Purple Subtlety Emperor, Blue Essence Emperor as well as Stale Hook Emperor, these four imperial wield Immortal Realm together, in Journey to the West original work, Jade Emperor [lineage/vein] strength that shows. 其中玉皇大帝居于首位,然后还有紫薇大帝,青华大帝以及陈勾大帝,这四御共同执掌仙界,西游原著中,展现出来的不过玉皇大帝一脉的力量罢了。 Naturally, these Great Emperor Dongfang Yu have not seen, the deity that but, comes and goes, Dongfang Yu sees many energy value very high big Character(s). 当然,这几位大帝东方玉是没有见过的,可是,来来去去的神仙,东方玉都看到不少能量值很高的大人物 It looks like that powder carves the jade to carve, is stepping on Wind-Fire Wheel, is carrying on the arm Universe Loop, entangled Chaotic Heaven Damask Nezha, Dongfang Yu once had been meeting, its energy value has been 61,000 degrees, was almost not weak in Son Goku|Sun Wukong, obviously this Heavenly Court strength was very formidable. 就像是那粉雕玉琢,踩着风火轮,挎着乾坤圈,缠着混天绫哪吒,东方玉就曾见过一面,其能量值达到了61000的程度,几乎不弱于孙悟空,可见这天庭力量还是非常强悍的。 In addition, Dongfang Yu also once went to Milky Way to pass through, but has not actually seen that to be known as that commands Marshal of the Heavenly Canopy of 100,000 Milky Way sailors. 除此之外,东方玉也曾去天河走过一遭,不过却没见过那号称统帅100000天河水兵的天蓬元帅 Also once passed through before that Tushita Palace, but has not gone, naturally has not seen Grand Supreme Elderly Monarch this Character(s). 也曾在那兜率宫前走过,不过也没进去过罢了,当然也没见到太上老君这个人物 Suddenly is less than half month passed, Dongfang Yu looks like bandits and thieves steps on, almost passed through the Heavenly Court majority of places. 眨眼间小半个月的时间过去了,东方玉就像是一个盗贼踩点似的,几乎将天庭大部分的地方都走过了。 Dī dī dī...... 滴滴滴…… On this day, Dongfang Yu is passing through from Heavenly Court, suddenly, Energy Tester has resounded a rapid alarm sound, in the meantime, on the present lens presented one bright red such as the arrow of blood, with a fearful energy value, is making clear to the goal strength terror. 这一天,东方玉正从天庭之中走过,突然,能量测试仪响起了一阵急促的警报声,同时,眼前的镜片上出现了一个鲜红如血的箭头,和一个可怕的能量值,昭示着目标实力的恐怖。 119800. 119800。 Hissing......”, looks that on Energy Tester this looks like the energy value of bright desire drop, in the Dongfang Yu's heart has cannot help but held breath cold air. “嘶……”,看着能量测试仪上这个看起来鲜艳欲滴的能量值,东方玉的心中不由得倒吸了一口凉气 About 120,000 energy values? What terror exist(ence) is this? This energy value stronger compared with Frieza of Dragon Ball plane total victory time. 120000左右的能量值?这是什么样恐怖的存在?这能量值比龙珠位面全胜时期的弗利萨都要强啊。 On arrow symbol following Energy Tester looked at the past, quick sits in the form that Azure Ox carried on the back appears in Dongfang Yu's at present. 顺着能量测试仪上的箭头标志看过去,很快一个坐在青牛背上的身影出现在东方玉的眼前。 Azure Ox treadons auspicious cloud from the sky to walk, carries on the back to sit one to wear the old man of white Daoist robe, the beard and hair all white old man, is joined to the white Daoist robe, on the Daoist robe is drawing mysterious eight trigram / gossip pattern, an appearance of features suggesting extraordinariness and immortality, enough about 120,000 energy values, survey from the body of this old man. 一头青牛脚踏祥云在空中行走,背上坐着一位身穿白色道袍的老者,须发皆白的老者,配上白色的道袍,道袍上画着玄奥的八卦图纹,一副仙风道骨的模样,足足120000左右的能量值,正是从这个老者的身上测量出来的。 Azure Ox mount, 120,000 energy values? don't tell me......”, looks the old man who this presents, in the Dongfang Yu's heart flashes before status Grand Supreme Elderly Monarch of this old man quickly. 青牛坐骑,还有120000的能量值?难道……”,看着这个出现的老者,东方玉的心中很快闪现出这个老者的身份太上老君 Um?”, Dongfang Yu here noted Grand Supreme Elderly Monarch exist(ence), the nature, Grand Supreme Elderly Monarch also saw Dongfang Yu. “嗯?”,东方玉这边注意到了太上老君存在,自然,太上老君也看到了东方玉 Why does not know, looks at Dongfang Yu, Grand Supreme Elderly Monarch felt that oneself Samadhi True Fire slightly Blink, this lets some Grand Supreme Elderly Monarch surprise looks to Dongfang Yu, high and low sizes up. 不知为何,看着东方玉,太上老君感觉到自己三昧真火微微闪烁了一下,这让太上老君有些诧异的看向东方玉,上下打量一番。 Has seen Grand Supreme Elderly Monarch, looks at Grand Supreme Elderly Monarch this number praising ancestor's Character(s), Dongfang Yu raises slightly to salute to say slightly. “见过太上老君”,看着太上老君这个号称道祖的人物,东方玉微微欠身行礼说道。 I remember you are Great Sage Equal of Heaven swears brotherhood Younger Brother?”, Grand Supreme Elderly Monarch sits in Azure Ox carries on the back, after nodding the head slightly had greeted, to Dongfang Yu asks. “我记得你是齐天大圣的结拜兄弟吧?”,太上老君坐在青牛背上,微微颔首算是打过招呼了之后,对东方玉问道。 Yes, I am Dongfang Yu. “是的,我是东方玉”。 Dongfang Yu nod(ded) should, be able to meet under this aspect with Grand Supreme Elderly Monarch, this is the matter that Dongfang Yu has not thought, but, will meet several big energies in Immortal Realm, was in the reason. 东方玉点头应到,会和太上老君在这个局面下遇上,这是东方玉没有想到的事情,不过,在仙界会遇上几个大能,也算是情理之中了。 Dongfang Yu has not thought of this Grand Supreme Elderly Monarch, unexpectedly has 120,000 energy values, regarding the Son Goku|Sun Wukong Wreaking Havoc in the Heavenly Palace situation, Dongfang Yu shakes the head secretly, if Grand Supreme Elderly Monarch acts seriously to want take action, where wheel obtains Son Goku|Sun Wukong hurriedly? 只是东方玉没有想到这太上老君,居然拥有120000的能量值,对于孙悟空大闹天宫的情况,东方玉暗自摇头,如果太上老君动真格的要出手的话,哪里轮得到孙悟空造次? Um, does your body, as if have Samadhi True Fire Aura?”, Selects nod(ded), Grand Supreme Elderly Monarch asks. “嗯,你的身上,似乎有三昧真火气息?”,点点头,太上老君跟着问道。 Although interrogative sentence, but the expression is actually the affirmation sentence expression, as enables the Samadhi True Fire ancestor rank, Grand Supreme Elderly Monarch the clear feeling on Dongfang Yu's also to have Samadhi True Fire Aura friendly. 虽说是疑问句,可是语气却是肯定句的语气,作为善使三昧真火的老祖宗级别,太上老君能够清晰的感受到东方玉的身上也有三昧真火气息 Elderly Monarch these words, some Azure Ox surprise under his place looked at Dongfang Yu one, can use Samadhi True Fire? It seems like Great Sage Equal of Heaven the swears brotherhood Younger Brother, is not simple. 老君这番话,就连他座下的青牛都有些诧异的看了东方玉一眼,能使用三昧真火?看来齐天大圣的这个结拜兄弟,也不简单呢。 Yes, what a pity my Samadhi True Fire is begins studies practices for the first time. “是的,可惜我的三昧真火算是初学乍练而已”。 Grand Supreme Elderly Monarch can see that the body of oneself has Samadhi True Fire, Dongfang Yu although is startled, but also thinks natural, selected nod(ded), Dongfang Yu has shone oneself Samadhi True Fire directly, scarlet red Samadhi True Fire float side Dongfang Yu's. 太上老君能看得出自己的身上有三昧真火,东方玉虽然吃惊,但也觉得理所当然,点点头,东方玉直接将自己三昧真火亮了出来,赤红色的三昧真火悬浮在东方玉的身旁。 Um, although lowest grade Samadhi True Fire, but this flame does not have the impurity purely, is actually rare, when your Samadhi True Fire can achieve the Intermediate white, in this Immortal Realm must have your small space, the status will not compare your Great Sage Equal of Heaven Younger Brother difference, if can be the maximum level the green, your reputation may resound through Three Realms and Six Paths. “嗯,虽说只是最低等级的三昧真火而已,但这火焰纯粹而没有杂质,倒是难得,等你的三昧真火能达到中级的白色,这仙界之中必有你一席之地,身份地位不会比你那齐天大圣兄弟差,若是能达到最高层次的青色,你的名声可响彻三界六道”。 Looks Samadhi True Fire that Dongfang Yu grasps, Grand Supreme Elderly Monarch very regarded as important the Dongfang Yu's appearance actually, the mouth has encouraged. 看着东方玉所掌握的三昧真火,太上老君倒是挺看重东方玉的样子,嘴里勉励了一番。 During the speeches, Grand Supreme Elderly Monarch stretches out the finger of oneself, in his referring , a wisp did not have mixed qualitative green flame to burn. 说话间,太上老君伸出自己的手指,在他的指间,一缕毫无杂质的青色火焰燃烧了起来。 Although berserk flame, is in the fingertip of Grand Supreme Elderly Monarch, actually gentle such as the appearance of water, the Dongfang Yu's vision falls on this Samadhi True Fire, in the heart secretly is also startled. 虽说是狂暴火焰,可是在太上老君的指尖,却温柔如水的模样,东方玉的目光落在这三昧真火上面,心中也暗自吃惊。 112500. 112500。 Primary Samadhi True Fire, the energy value about 10,000, this Dongfang Yu is very clear, but after Samadhi True Fire marches into the Advanced degree, the energy value will rise suddenly. 初级的三昧真火,能量值不过在10000左右而已,这个东方玉很清楚,而随着三昧真火步入高级的程度之后,能量值会暴涨。 Has not achieved Intermediate like Bai Feifei present flame, had about 40,000 energy values, if completely the transformation were White Flame, looked like in Dongfang Yu, that Samadhi True Fire energy value at least can achieve over 50,000. 就像白菲菲现在的火焰还没达到中级,就有将近40000的能量值了,若是完全转化为白色的火焰,在东方玉看来,那三昧真火能量值至少可以达到50000以上。 Samadhi True Fire, the promotion of each level, is the earth-shaking change, can look from the energy value, completely is the leap-style growth. 三昧真火,每一个层次的提升,都是天翻地覆的变化,从能量值就能看得出来,完全是跳跃式的增长。 Now, green can Samadhi True Fire in Grand Supreme Elderly Monarch this hand, achieve more than 110,000 unexpectedly? Is this top Samadhi True Fire prestige energy? 现在,太上老君这手中的青色三昧真火,竟然可以达到110000多?这就是顶尖三昧真火的威能吗? No wonder Grand Supreme Elderly Monarch said that so long as can have topest Samadhi True Fire, the reputation resounded through Three Realms and Six Paths sufficiently, even if did not have any other cultivation base, so long as but had this top Samadhi True Fire in the hand, among the world who dares to belittle? 难怪太上老君说只要能拥有最顶尖的三昧真火,名声足以响彻三界六道了,就算没有其他任何修为,可只要有这顶尖的三昧真火在手,天下间谁敢小觑? Um, many thanks Elderly Monarch. “嗯,多谢老君”。 Regarding the praise of Grand Supreme Elderly Monarch, this displays Samadhi True Fire to look to encourage the oneself action to oneself personally, Dongfang Yu to select nod(ded), sincere expression of gratitude. 对于太上老君的夸赞,还有这亲自施展三昧真火自己看以鼓励自己的举动,东方玉点头,真诚的道谢。 Looks at the appearance of Dongfang Yu sincere expression of gratitude, Grand Supreme Elderly Monarch selects nod(ded) to receive Samadhi True Fire of fingertip, appearance that being a promising young man. 东方玉真诚道谢的模样,太上老君点头将指尖的三昧真火收回来,一副孺子可教的模样。 However, when Grand Supreme Elderly Monarch sees on the Dongfang Yu bridge of the nose is hanging Energy Tester, actually the brow selects, had some interests appearances. 不过,当太上老君看到东方玉鼻梁上挂着能量测试仪的时候,倒是眉头一挑,有了些兴趣的样子。
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