PE :: Volume #34

#1519: Anti- under Heavenly Court

Treasure Bottle Gourd in Dongfang Yu hand, looks at the Ox-King discoloration with amazement, this treasure Ox-King recognizes, this is one very terrifying kills greatly, if looks that oneself was unable to be completely definite, then asked treasure to turn around these words exit / to speak along with Dongfang Yu, Ox-King can affirm this treasure status. 东方玉手中的宝葫芦,看得牛魔王骇然色变,这件宝贝牛魔王还是认得的,这可是一件非常恐怖的大杀器呢,如果说看着的话自己还不能完全确定的话,那么随着东方玉“请宝贝转身”这句话出口,牛魔王已经能够肯定这件宝贝的身份了。 How possible? Can Executing Immortal Flying Blade here? This at all impossible!?”, Looks at Dongfang Yu to offer a sacrifice to Immortal Executioner Bottle Gourd, calling out that in the heart of Ox-King does not dare to believe that also felt the unprecedented crisis. “怎么可能?斩仙飞刀怎会在这里的?这根本不可能的吧!?”,看着东方玉祭出了斩仙葫芦,牛魔王的心中不敢置信的叫道,同时也感到了空前的危机。 although Dongfang Yu's cultivation base is not high, but Executing Immortal Flying Blade, is only this name makes people think neck cool, this has killed greatly, whose hand no matter, is fearful exist(ence). 虽然东方玉的修为不高,可斩仙飞刀,光是这个名字就让人觉得脖子凉飕飕的了,这个大杀器,不管在谁的手里面,都是可怕的存在 It looks like pistol, even if in a hand of child, may no matter, impossible aloof? 就像是一把手枪,就算只是在一个小孩的手中,可不管是谁,都不可能无动于衷的吧? Saw that Dongfang Yu's Executing Immortal Flying Blade started, when Ox-King heart startled does not dare to indulge in flights of fancy, powerful monster qi has emerged completely, unifies in body, resists the Executing Immortal Flying Blade point by this. 眼看着东方玉的斩仙飞刀已经发动了,牛魔王心惊之余也不敢去胡思乱想,强大妖气完全涌现了出来,凝聚于身,以此来抵挡斩仙飞刀的锋芒。 although Ox-King does not have the slight assurance to block. 虽然牛魔王也没有丝毫把握能够挡住。 What mood not to mention Ox-King is, falls along with the Dongfang Yu's voice, sees only rays of light that in that Treasure Bottle Gourd rises, has relayed several in the midair, at once, the fearful sharp air/Qi has cut toward Ox-King directly. 且不说牛魔王是什么样的心情,随着东方玉的话音落下,只见那宝葫芦中升起来的一线毫光,在半空中转了几圈,旋即,可怕的锋锐之气直接朝着牛魔王切了过去。 The blood splash blooms, the painful cry gets up. 血花绽放,痛叫声起。 The fearful wound appears on the chest of Ox-King together, skin armor that his body puts on was cut open, even on the chest presented the trace of deep obvious bone, the blood of big piece as if not ask for money to resemble wells up crazily from the chest of Ox-King. 一道可怕的伤口出现在牛魔王的胸口上,他身上穿着的皮甲被切开了,甚至胸口上都出现了深可见骨的痕迹,大片的鲜血仿佛不要钱似的从牛魔王的胸口狂涌出来。 „The defense of this Ox-King is quite high, looks that Executing Immortal Flying Blade although injured Ox-King, but has not actually put to death him, in Dongfang Yu's heart one tight. “这牛魔王的防御好高啊”,看着斩仙飞刀虽然伤了牛魔王,但是却没有将他诛杀,东方玉的心中一紧。 Initially Frieza second changed body time, more than 70,000 energy values, the arm was cut, this Ox-King 80,000 energy values, Executing Immortal Flying Blade fell, unexpectedly left behind together the deep slash? 当初弗利萨第二段变身的时候,70000多能量值,手臂都被切下来了呢,这牛魔王80000的能量值,斩仙飞刀落下去,居然只是留下一道深深的刀痕而已? Well? Haven't I, I died?”, although said that the chest presented serious knife wound, but looked down, oneself was injured, had not been killed by Executing Immortal Flying Blade, Ox-King oneself was also shocked. “咦?我,我没死?”,虽然说胸口出现了一个严重的刀伤,可是低头看了看,自己只是受伤了而已,并没有被斩仙飞刀杀死,牛魔王自己也愣住了。 Executing Immortal Flying Blade greatly kills, mentioned reasonably, oneself ability should unable to block was right, but, did oneself receive some wounds? 斩仙飞刀可是大杀器呢,按理说来,自己能力应该挡不住的才对,可是,自己只是受了些伤而已? Originally, your Executing Immortal Flying Blade is the sham!”, Quick, Ox-King responded, the appearance of being suddenly enlighted said to Dongfang Yu. “原来,你的斩仙飞刀是赝品啊!”,很快的,牛魔王反应过来了,恍然大悟的模样对东方玉说道。 Yes, besides this explanation, did not have other explanations, from the might, this Executing Immortal Flying Blade as if had in Legend about half prestige energy, what wasn't the sham is? 是的,除了这个解释之外,没有其他的解释了,从威力上来看,这斩仙飞刀似乎只有传说中一半左右的威能罢了,不是赝品是什么? Regarding the Ox-King words, Dongfang Yu silent did not say, in the oneself hand was true Executing Immortal Flying Blade, Dongfang Yu can determine, was only, different plane, deity strength was different, the nature, the prestige of these magic weapons can not be different. 对于牛魔王的话,东方玉沉默不言,自己手中是真正的斩仙飞刀,东方玉能够确定,只是,不同的位面,神仙的实力都是不一样的,自然,这些法宝的威能也不一样了。 oneself Executing Immortal Flying Blade although real, but contrasts the Journey to the West this plane military power value, this Executing Immortal Flying Blade is considered as the sham, in reason. 自己斩仙飞刀虽然是真的,可是对比西游记这个位面武力值,这斩仙飞刀被认为是赝品,也在情理之中了。 Grasps Immortal Executioner Bottle Gourd stubbornly, Dongfang Yu stared at Ox-King, although was saying that this Immortal Executioner Bottle Gourd did not have the means to cut in half Ox-King body all of a sudden, but had after all caused heavy losses to Ox-King ability, oneself has has injured his method. 手持斩仙葫芦,东方玉死死的盯着牛魔王,虽然说这斩仙葫芦没有办法一下子将牛魔王身体切成两半,但毕竟拥有了重创牛魔王能力,自己算是有了伤害他的手段了。 Ox-King also vigilant is staring at Dongfang Yu, looks at Immortal Executioner Bottle Gourd in his hand also to bring to dread the color, although Ox-King looks like that Immortal Executioner Bottle Gourd is only a replica, possibly has about the first edition half prestige energy, this replica also unusual formidable. 牛魔王也警惕的盯着东方玉,看着他手中的斩仙葫芦也带着忌惮之色,虽然牛魔王看来那斩仙葫芦只是个仿制品而已,可能拥有原版一半左右的威能,这仿制品也非常的强悍了。 A blade made oneself be injured, came the words of several blades again, perhaps oneself could not shoulder, after all oneself and he did not have what bitter hatred, does not need to wrestle by the fate. 一刀就让自己受伤了,再来几刀的话,或许自己都扛不住呢,毕竟自己和他没有什么深仇大恨的,没必要以命相搏。 Read and this, Ox-King retroceded, looks at Dongfang Yu saying: Good, I acknowledged that your although cultivation base is not much, but method extraordinary, has imitation Executing Immortal Flying Blade and that powerful puppet very much, even if my Old Ox a short time cannot take you, but, this fox my Old Ox had a liking, sooner or later will seize. 一念及此,牛魔王后退了许多,看着东方玉道:“好吧,我承认,你虽然修为不怎么样,但是手段却很不凡,有仿制的斩仙飞刀和那个强大的傀儡,就算是俺老牛一时半会儿的也拿不下你,不过,这个狐妖俺老牛看上了,迟早会夺回来的”。 Does not need to wrestle by the fate, but actually really very much moves to Bai Feifei, after Ox-King says such ruthless words finally, turned around to leave Flowers and Fruits Mountain. 没必要以命相搏,但是对白菲菲却又真的很动心,牛魔王最后撂下这么一句狠话之后,转身离开了花果山 To Ox-King, this time came the Flowers and Fruits Mountain goal to be has also achieved, necessity that oneself has not kept again. 牛魔王来说,此次来花果山的目的也算是达到了,自己没有再留下来的必要了。 Ox-King walked, Dongfang Yu stares at the form that he is departing, in the heart is having the anger, but, does not have the meaning of again take action. 牛魔王走了,东方玉盯着他离去的身影,心中带着愤怒,只是,却也没有再出手的意思。 oneself is above Frieza and Executing Immortal Flying Blade, most also puts together to be on a par with Ox-King, no one how anyone, in this case, fought not to have the meaning. 自己就算是弗利萨斩仙飞刀其上,最多也就和牛魔王拼个不相伯仲而已,谁也奈何不了谁,这样的话,战斗下去也没意思。 Just, matter of although today looks like in Demon Realm is normal, but , has actually had mountain ridge between Dongfang Yu and Ox-King, if later had the opportunity, today this celebrating a holiday, Dongfang Yu will certainly look for Ox-King to settle together. 只不过,今日之事虽然妖魔界看来是正常的,但是,却也算是结下了东方玉牛魔王之间的梁子了,以后若是有机会的话,今天这个过节,东方玉一定会找牛魔王一起了结了。 This Flowers and Fruits Mountain, outstanding......”, moreover one side, Ox-King looks back to look to Flowers and Fruits Mountain, the mouth cannot bear sighs with emotion in a soft voice said. “这花果山,不同凡响啊……”,另外一边,牛魔王回首看向花果山这边,嘴里忍不住轻声感慨说道。 No wonder recently this Flowers and Fruits Mountain Monkey King can subdue the surrounding all monster kings, was faint had the unification surrounding area in ten thousand li (0.5km) the demon trend. 怪不得最近这花果山美猴王能够收服周围所有的妖王,隐隐间有了统一方圆万里之内妖魔的趋势。 although Monkey King cultivation base looks like not high, but Executing Immortal Flying Blade of that imitation is actually one big kills, is hard to resist including oneself, how other can demon block? Moreover strange puppets, had almost oneself 50%-60% strength, added together, this Monkey King ability almost can fight with oneself, has this momentum, does not feel strange. 虽然美猴王修为看起来不高,但是那仿制的斩仙飞刀却是一大杀器,连自己都难以抵挡,其他的妖魔如何挡得住?而且还有一尊奇怪的傀儡,几乎有自己五六成的实力了,相加起来,这美猴王的能耐几乎可以和自己相斗,有此声势,也不奇怪了。 That fox, can control Samadhi True Fire......”, finally in the Ox-King mind flashed through the Bai Feifei image, in the heart cannot help but darkly sighed one. “还有那个狐妖,能操控三昧真火……”,最后牛魔王的脑海中又闪过了白菲菲的形象,心中不由得暗叹一声。 Regarding Bai Feifei, Ox-King has some excited feelings actually, this was once when other female monsters, even is the body of Princess Iron Fan does not have the matter, hates not to meet by chance has not married, hates not to meet by chance has not married. 对于白菲菲,牛魔王倒是真的有一些心动的感觉,这是曾经在其他的女妖,甚至是铁扇公主的身上都没有过的事情,恨不相逢未嫁时,恨不相逢未娶时。 Regarding Ox-King is what mentality, Dongfang Yu naturally does not know that also does not know that Ox-King admitted mistakes oneself is Monkey King Son Goku|Sun Wukong, looks figure that Ox-King left, a Dongfang Yu's complexion heaviness, that reached as high as 80,000 energy values, making in the Dongfang Yu's heart feel the sense of urgency. 对于牛魔王是什么样的心态,东方玉自然是不知道的,也不知道牛魔王自己认错为美猴王孙悟空了,看着牛魔王离开的身形,东方玉的脸色一片沉重,那高达80000的能量值,让东方玉的心中更加感受到了紧迫感。 The Ox-King energy value reaches as high as about 80,000, is this strength that top big demon has? Then Tathagata Buddha energy value high to what degree? 牛魔王能量值高达80000左右,这就是顶尖大妖魔所拥有的实力吗?那么如来佛祖能量值又会高到什么样的程度呢? oneself strength was too what a pity bad, this Frieza 100,000 many energy values cannot display completely. 可惜自己实力还是太差了,这弗利萨100000多的能量值不能完全发挥出来。 Sorry......”, looks at the Dongfang Yu's complexion very ugly appearance, appearance that as if is also angry, Bai Feifei some cautiously said to Dongfang Yu. “对不起……”,看着东方玉的脸色很难看的样子,似乎也很生气的模样,白菲菲有些小心翼翼的对东方玉说道。 You to do with I apologize?”, Hears the apology of Bai Feifei, Dongfang Yu actually somewhat strange asking. “你跟我道歉干嘛?”,听到白菲菲的道歉,东方玉倒是有些奇怪的问道。 Because of me, therefore annoyed to trouble to you, looks at Dongfang Yu, Bai Feifei somewhat embarrassed saying. “都是因为我,所以给你惹麻烦了”,看着东方玉,白菲菲有些不好意思的说道。 What words are you? If a man does not protect including oneself woman well, what this is? Also, some people have coveted your beauty, this explained that you are attractive, this is also my good fortune. “你这是什么话?一个男人如果连自己女人都保护不好,这算什么?再说了,有人觊觎你的美色,这说明你漂亮啊,这也是我的福份啊”。 Bai Feifei this gentle such as the disposition of water, is oneself considers with all one's heart, making in the Dongfang Yu heart the tender feelings raise, gently supports into Bai Feifei the bosom. 白菲菲这温柔如水的性格,一门心思为自己着想,让东方玉心中柔情升起,轻轻的将白菲菲拥入怀中。 Regarding Flowers and Fruits Mountain here, between Dongfang Yu and Ox-King are small has compared notes, seems only a small interlude, but above Heavenly Court, Son Goku|Sun Wukong is managing one flock of white foxes, in all directions herd horse, rushing about plays the delight actually. 对于花果山这边而言,东方玉牛魔王之间算是小小的切磋了一下,似乎只是一个小插曲而已,而在天庭之上,孙悟空管着一群天马,四处牧马,东奔西跑的倒是玩得不亦乐乎。 Today, Star Monarch Wu Qu comes to seek horse, natural disposition upright and never stooping to flattery Star Monarch Wu Qu to Son Goku|Sun Wukong advocated the policy that exterminates, looked again the Son Goku|Sun Wukong natural disposition is dissolute, how to see? Naturally cannot be polite, feels embarrassed Son Goku|Sun Wukong. 只是今天,武曲星君前来寻马,生性刚正不阿的武曲星君孙悟空本就主张剿灭的政策,再看孙悟空生性放肆,如何看得下去?自然不会客气,话里话外都为难孙悟空 Son Goku|Sun Wukong this is the young bull does not fear the tiger, let alone is Jade Emperor old personally asks oneself to ascend the sky to serve as an official, is not oneself eager asked to be an official, was provoked, how could did Son Goku|Sun Wukong swallow under this tone? Naturally also gratefully. 孙悟空这是初生牛犊不怕虎的,更何况是玉帝老儿亲自请自己上天来做官的,又不是自己眼巴巴的求着来当官的,被人挑衅,孙悟空岂能咽得下这口气?自然也毫不客气。 Must say that this Star Monarch Wu Qu takes Heavenly Court War God, strength is good, what a pity, the one who faces is Son Goku|Sun Wukong such person, a battle gets down, naturally suffered a loss under the hand of Son Goku|Sun Wukong. 要说起来,这武曲星君作为天庭战神,实力还是不错的,可惜,面对的是孙悟空这样的人,一番争斗下来,自然是在孙悟空的手底下吃亏了。 The indignant color, the Star Monarch Wu Qu mouth shouted it small Keeper of Horses wear a look, also dares to oppose with oneself and so on. 面带气愤之色,武曲星君口呼它小小的弼马温,也敢和自己作对云云。 These words, make Son Goku|Sun Wukong quickly grasp the meaning of something actually, looked at oneself to control 100,000 white foxes, Son Goku|Sun Wukong also thinks that the oneself government position is good, at this moment thinks that as if links oneself this officer many mostly not to understand, therefore holds under the hand two people to inquire. 这番话,倒是让孙悟空一个激灵,本来看自己掌控100000天马,孙悟空还以为自己的官职不错的,此刻才想起来,似乎连自己这个官多大都没了解过呢,所以拉过来手底下两个人询问一番。 Only knows that so-called Keeper of Horses unexpectedly is a groom of horse breeding, this made Son Goku|Sun Wukong be mad has a fit of bad temper. 这才知道,所谓的弼马温原来竟是一个养马的马夫罢了,这就让孙悟空气得炸毛了。 Good! I asked my Old Sun to come the day to be swindled actually any officer, originally, was only a groom!”, The eye of dew ominous light, Son Goku|Sun Wukong jumps to leap jumps on the table, flies into a rage. “好哇!我倒是请俺老孙来天上当什么官呢,原来,只是一个马夫而已!”,目露凶光,孙悟空纵身一跃跳在桌子上,暴跳如雷。 Under anger, even pulls on a oneself official's costume crushes, simultaneously throws directly the official headgear on head, flings above Star Monarch Wu Qu face, jumps to leap, builds Flying Nimbus, pierced southern Heaven's Gate like lightning, the world of mortals. 愤怒之下,甚至将自己身上的一身官服扯得粉碎,同时将脑袋上的官帽直接丢下来,甩在武曲星君面门之上,纵身一跃,架起筋斗云,闪电般的洞穿了南天门,下界去了。 Flowers and Fruits Mountain, Bulma's Roar. 花果山,布玛号 Dongfang Yu treats in the middle of Gravity Training Room, whole body all strength gather completely, gathers in the back, the mouth is bellowing, the Aura eruption of powerful, attempts to attack the Super Saiyan boundary. 东方玉待在重力室当中,浑身所有的力量全部都聚集起来,汇聚于后背之中,嘴里大吼着,强大气息爆发,尝试着冲击超级赛亚人的境界。 Dongfang Yu remembers that in the Dragon Ball ultra anything edition as if has said that so long as has been certain boundary, gathers the air/Qi at the oneself dorsal position, can change becomes Super Saiyan. 东方玉记得龙珠超还是什么版本中似乎说过,只要达到了一定的界限,将气聚集在自己的后背位置,就可以变身成超级赛亚人的。 Has attempted for a long time, Dongfang Yu Aura abated, is really not good, obviously that Dragon Ball ultra, or is the Dragon Ball GT anything's edition, with Dragon Ball Z is not the same edition, therefore establishes is different. 只是,尝试了许久,东方玉身上的气息消退了下来,果然还是不行,显然那龙珠超,或者是龙珠GT什么的版本,和龙珠Z不是同一个版本,所以设定都不一样。 According to the Plane Elevator rule, the words that the edition setting contradicts, the following edition will not even appear, perhaps Dragon Ball surpasses such plane, the opportunity of not having entered. 根据位面电梯的规则来看,前后版本设定相悖的话,后面的版本甚至不会出现,或许龙珠超这样的位面,都没有进入的机会。 Child, my Old Sun came back......”. “孩儿们,俺老孙回来了……”。 Meanwhile, Flowers and Fruits Mountain resounded one to yell. 与此同时,花果山响起了一声大叫。
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