PE :: Volume #34

#1516: Taibaijinxing

Son Goku|Sun Wukong returns from the grave, the greatly noisy hell after is not the minor matter . Moreover, has all checked off from Life and Death Registry Flowers and Fruits Mountain all monkey clans, this to Flowers and Fruits Mountain, was a huge celebration, the Son Goku|Sun Wukong nature looked Dongfang Yu, start to talk announced this news. 孙悟空这边还阳回来,大闹地府毕竟不是小事,而且,将花果山所有的猴族全都从生死簿上勾去了,这对花果山而言,更是一件天大的喜事,孙悟空自然把东方玉找了过来,开口宣布了这个消息. But the Flowers and Fruits Mountain respective monkey clans knew that the king sold the name on everybody Life and Death Registry in the hell, these monkey clans naturally were joyful incomparable. 花果山所属的猴族们得知大王在地府中销去了大家生死簿上的名字,这些猴族自然是欣喜无比。 Hey......”, Son Goku|Sun Wukong sits well on the oneself Monkey King throne, looks the appearance that the following these monkey clans sing and dance, on the face is also having the happy smiling face. “嘿嘿嘿……”,孙悟空端坐在自己美猴王的宝座上面,看着下面这些猴族们载歌载舞的样子,脸上也带着欢喜的笑容. Immortals, this, not only in Son Goku|Sun Wukong heart holds to read, is the numerous trillion audiences entertain feelings holds to read, at this moment can make all underlings avoid the puzzle of death, this was also finished one in Son Goku|Sun Wukong heart to hold to read. 长生,这不只是孙悟空心中的执念,更是芸芸亿万众生心中的执念,此刻能让所有猴子猴孙们都免除死亡的困扰,这也算是了却了孙悟空心中的一个执念了。 Why in the past did Son Goku|Sun Wukong decide, south going that crossed the seas to cross ocean gazes the unit continent to acknowledge as teacher to ask? Also is not because saw that a monkey clan old and dies, therefore sprouted has studied reading of technique of immortal to think? 当年孙悟空为什么打定了主意,漂洋过海的去南瞻部洲拜师求道?还不是因为看到一个猴族年老而死,所以才萌生了去学习长生之术的念想吗? At this moment has checked off the name on Life and Death Registry, making all Flowers and Fruits Mountain monkey clans probably enjoy the glorious life, was does right by these underlings. 此刻勾去了生死簿上的名字,让所有花果山猴族都得享悠久的生命,也算是对得起这些猴子猴孙们了。 Was right, Dongfang Yu, I meet a strange matter in Yama there, I want to make that yama also cancel your name, but, the yama said on Life and Death Registry had not found your name, at this time, Son Goku|Sun Wukong thinks that the Dongfang Yu's matter, start to talk said. “对了,东方玉,我在阎罗王那里遇见一件奇怪的事情呢,本来我想让那阎王把你的名字也勾了去,可是,阎王说在生死簿上没找到你的名字呢”,这个时候,孙悟空想起来了东方玉的事情,开口说道。 The Son Goku|Sun Wukong words, making Dongfang Yu be startled slightly, on Life and Death Registry does not have the oneself name, this in the reason, oneself is not this plane person, not having oneself name this not to be strange. 孙悟空的话,让东方玉微微一怔,生死簿上没有自己的名字,这在情理之中,自己又不是这个位面的人,没有自己的名字这不奇怪啊. Did Son Goku|Sun Wukong make Yama look specially? Does not know that the yama knew after oneself exist(ence), what idea can be? Won't this matter, what have to trouble? 只是,孙悟空特意让阎罗王去找了?不知道阎王知道了自己存在后会是什么样的想法?这个事情,不会有什么麻烦吧? How? Looks at some of your appearance as if worries?”. “怎么了?看你样子似乎有些担心?”. Looks at the Dongfang Yu's complexion change somewhat strangely, Son Goku|Sun Wukong visits him, at once beckons with the hand, the appearance that does not care about said: Feels relieved, I had asked Yama, he said you not on Life and Death Registry, later naturally cannot cancel your soul, otherwise, I make a hell at the worst again and that's the end. 东方玉的脸色变化,孙悟空有些奇怪的看着他,旋即摆摆手,不在意的样子说道:“放心好啦,我问过阎罗王了,他说你不在生死簿上,以后自然不会来勾你的魂魄,否则,我大不了再闹一次地府就是了”。 Um, thank you very much. “嗯,多谢你了”. Issue that although Son Goku|Sun Wukong views with oneself is different, but no matter how, Son Goku|Sun Wukong this is also the good intention for oneself, selects nod(ded), the Dongfang Yu expression of gratitude said. 虽然孙悟空看待的问题和自己的不一样,但不管如何,孙悟空这也是好心为了自己,点点头,东方玉道谢说道。 Among your me, what Xu expressed gratitude, how could it not be did this appear the fresh share?”. “你我之间,何需道谢,这岂不显得生份了?”. Regarding Dongfang Yu to words of oneself expression of gratitude, Son Goku|Sun Wukong conversely contorts one's face in agony, not a happy appearance, jumps to leap finally, played to be noisy with these underlings was going together, appeared the mindless appearance, does not know completely worried was what. 对于东方玉自己道谢的话,孙悟空反倒是呲牙咧嘴,一副不高兴的样子,最后纵身一跃,和那些猴子猴孙们玩闹在一起去了,显得没心没肺的样子,完全不知道担忧为何物。 Yeah......”, looks at innocent Son Goku|Sun Wukong, in the Dongfang Yu heart secret sighs. “哎……”,看着一副天真烂漫的孙悟空,东方玉心中暗暗一叹. This time Son Goku|Sun Wukong anything worry, a little likely has not been the disposition of middle-school student, the young bull did not fear the tiger, thought that oneself can do an earthshaking important matter. 这个时候的孙悟空没什么烦恼,有点像是中学生的性格,初生牛犊不怕虎,更是觉得自己能够干一番惊天动地的大事. After Wreaking Havoc in the Heavenly Palace, was suppressed for 500 years by Buddha, Son Goku|Sun Wukong that leaves the mountain again has almost smoothed by grinding oneself corner Kakuzu, how could it not be to look like these to remember the large number of students who the day is higher, finally lowered the head under the brutal life? 只是,大闹天宫之后,被佛祖镇压500年,再出山的孙悟空几乎将自己的棱角都磨平了,岂不像那些本来志比天高的莘莘学子,最后在残酷的生活之下低了头? Shakes the head, Dongfang Yu has flung these feeling and in chaos train of thought that no matter how, that 500 years of suppression to Son Goku|Sun Wukong, not necessarily is any misdemeanor. 摇摇头,东方玉将这些感慨和乱七八糟的思绪都甩了开去,不管如何,那500年的镇压对孙悟空而言,也不一定是什么坏事. The people must grow after all, but the growth of everyone, must follow the pain after all...... 人总归是要成长的,而每个人的成长,也总归是要伴随着痛苦的…… Then, the day passed about half a month, these days, Son Goku|Sun Wukong treats in Flowers and Fruits Mountain, day and night playing, crosses actually with ease enjoyably. 就这样,日子又过了半个月左右,这些日子,孙悟空待在花果山,没日没夜的玩耍,倒是过得轻松写意. In Immortal Realm, above Heavenly Palace Peak, East Blue Dragon King and Yama two both kneels above the treasure palace, the matter of their behavior, because of Son Goku|Sun Wukong. 只是,在仙界之中,凌霄宝殿之上,东海龙王和阎罗王两个都跪在宝殿之上,两人所为之事,都是因为孙悟空 „? Really has Monkey Demon to be able in Dragon Palace to seize the magic weapon, greatly noisy hell? This is Monkey Demon what origin?”, Jade Emperor sits above the throne high, the low eyebrow hangs the eye, start to talk said that the voice is indistinct, but actually clear resounds in the ears of all people. “哦?竟然有妖猴能在龙宫强抢法宝,大闹地府?此妖猴是何来历?”,玉皇大帝高坐于宝座之上,低眉垂目,开口说道,语音缥缈,但是却又清晰的在所有人的耳边响起。 Above Heavenly Palace Peak, various group of deity looks vary, because obviously the world of mortals presented such fierce demon to feel to be startled. 凌霄宝殿之上,各路神仙神色各异,显然因为下界出现了一只这么厉害的妖魔而感到吃惊. Like this type can the monster in greatly noisy Dragon Palace and hell, each be to resound through Three Realms and Six Paths big demon? For no reason sudden presented one? 像这种能大闹龙宫和地府的妖怪,每一个都是响彻三界六道的大妖魔吧?无端端的突然出现了一个? Your Majesty, this Monkey Demon on the same day broken stone, but the stone monkey, these years does not know that cultivate oneself according to religious doctrine where, unexpectedly the skill has become, along with the word of Jade Emperor, the far-sighted person and person who hears distant voices of next first walked, the start to talk report said. 陛下,此妖猴正是当日破石而出的石猴,这些年也不知在何处修道,竟然艺有所成了”,随着玉帝之言,下首处的千里眼和顺风耳走了出来,开口汇报说道。 Knew that Son Goku|Sun Wukong origin, the Jade Emperor look is as before tranquil, does not set at a word. 得知孙悟空的来历,玉皇大帝神色依旧平静,不置一言. Following wear armor deity goes forward several steps, the upright and never stooping to flattery appearance, said: Memorializes the emperor Your Majesty, this Monkey Demon is rash, rushes to such dreadful calamity, does not kill to be not enough to frighten demons and monsters, the feudal official to request that dispatched troops to suppress him. 下面一个穿着甲胄的神仙上前几步,刚正不阿的模样,道:“启奏陛下,此妖猴胆大妄为,闯下此等泼天大祸,不杀不足以震慑魑魅魍魉,臣请求出兵剿了他”。 Star Monarch Wu Qu said rational......”, wore the armor deity to walk along with this, many angry deities expressed the support with start to talk. 武曲星君所言有理……”,随着这个身穿甲胄的神仙走出来,不少面带怒色的神仙都跟着开口表示赞同。 Jade Emperor, sits well above the throne, hears word slightly nod(ded), as if also wear a look of the color of approval. 玉皇大帝,端坐于宝座之上,闻言微微点头,似乎也面带赞同之色. However at this moment, a beard and hair is white, the old man of features suggesting extraordinariness and immortality actually walked, anxious sound track: May not Your Majesty, this Monkey Demon not only has so exceedingly high magecraft, once resorts to arms, does not know how many lost of life wanted, I looked that might as well summon to ascend the sky him, the size gave him a title with little power, was good to restrain in it?”. 不过就在此刻,一个须发皆白,仙风道骨的老者却走了出来,急声道:“不可啊陛下,这妖猴既有这般通天法术,一旦兵戎相见,又不知道要多少生灵涂炭了,我看不如将他召上天来,大小给他个一官半职,也好约束于它?”。 Venus Monarch said rational, along with this old man start to talk, on Heavenly Palace Peak also many deity nod(ded) expressed the support. “太白星君所言有理”,随着这老者开口,凌霄宝殿上也有不少神仙点头表示赞同。 Relatively speaking, is many deities ideas is the same with Golden Star Tai Bai, since that Monkey Demon can greatly noisy Dragon Palace and hell, explained this Monkey Demon is very strong, exterminates rashly, has not known how damages. 相对而言,还是有不少神仙的想法和太白金星是一样的,既然那妖猴能大闹龙宫和地府,说明了这妖猴很强,贸然去剿灭的话,还不知损伤如何。 Take risks to exterminate with it, might as well first uses courtesy and then uses force, draws that Monkey Demon to the space comes, has been short of rebelling demon, two, calculated many an expert. 与其冒险去剿灭,还不如先礼后兵,将那妖猴拉到天上来,一则少了个作乱的妖魔,二则,也算多了个能手。 „......”, Golden Star Tai Bai these words, not making Jade Emperor hesitate, obviously was weighing gains and losses. “唔……”,太白金星这番话,让玉皇大帝沉吟了起来,显然是在衡量得失。 The Heavenly Palace Peak deity does not dare to say anything much, is waiting for the resolution of Jade Emperor unretractable statement. 凌霄宝殿的诸位神仙都不敢多说什么,等着玉皇大帝金口玉言的决断。 Has hesitated a moment later, Jade Emperor also thought obviously the Golden Star Tai Bai conciliation policy is good, selects nod(ded), said: Such being the case, this matter gives Golden Star Tai Bai to manage. 沉吟了片刻之后,玉皇大帝显然也觉得太白金星怀柔政策不错,点点头,道:“既然如此,这件事情就交给太白金星去办吧”。 Yes, Your Majesty, hear speech/words, Golden Star Tai Bai selects nod(ded), bowed good a ritual, then turned around to leave Heavenly Palace Peak. “是的,陛下”,闻言,太白金星点头,躬身行了一礼,便转身离开了凌霄宝殿 Nearby Star Monarch Wu Qu some not happy appearances, but since were the Jade Emperor unretractable statement has made a decision, he was also naturally uncontradictable. 旁边的武曲星君有些不高兴的样子,但既然是玉帝金口玉言决断了下来,他自然也不能反驳。 Displayed soaring cloud technique, Golden Star Tai Bai was arriving at sky over Flowers and Fruits Mountain from Heavenly Court quickly, but, has not waited for Golden Star Tai Bai to fall, saw that the fast white ray like lightning has hit toward oneself together. 施展着腾云之法,太白金星很快就从天庭来到了花果山上空,不过,还没等太白金星将落下去,就看到一道迅捷的白色光芒闪电般的朝着自己这边撞了过来。 „!”, Looks at brilliance that this comes, the Golden Star Tai Bai complexion changes, cannot bear call out in alarm makes noise. “啊!”,看着这迎面而来的光华,太白金星脸色一变,忍不住惊叫出声。 However, saw time that this white ray must hit, the sudden slam on the brakes, this white ray stopped in Golden Star Tai Bai not far away. 不过,眼看着这白色光芒就要撞上来的时候,突然一个急刹车,这白色光芒就在太白金星不远处停了下来。 Golden Star Tai Bai looks fixedly, originally this white ray is white clouds, in this white clouds is also standing a person. 太白金星定眼看去,原来这白色的光芒是一朵白云,这白云上还站着一个人 This person, so fast soaring cloud technique, looks that this fast ray is a person drives Soaring Cloud Technique to fly unexpectedly, in the heart cannot help but secretly is startled. “这个人,好快腾云之法啊”,看着这迅捷的光芒竟然是一个人驾驶着腾云之术在飞,心中不由得暗自吃惊。 Sizes up this sillhouette again carefully, military might extraordinary armor, looks like looks like General of commander ten thousand armed forces, looks like very young, as if 20 over appearances, the one who most sounds queer is this man at present, but also wears pair of as if colored glaze transparent small lens. 再细细打量这个人影,一身威武不凡甲胄,看起来就像是一个统帅万军的将军似的,看起来非常的年轻,仿佛20出头的模样,最让人奇怪的是这个男子的眼前,还戴着一对仿佛琉璃般的透明小镜片。 Um? Who are you? What comes my Flowers and Fruits Mountain?”, The day of Dongfang Yu is practicing Vertical Cloud Technique in the midair, looks at oneself front old man, start to talk inquires. “嗯?你是什么人?来我花果山何事?”,东方玉这一日正在半空中练习纵云术,看着自己面前的老者,开口询问道。 As the Dongfang Yu's vision falls on the body of this old man, the opposite side 30,000 energy values also appear in front of Dongfang Yu's, the trivial 3 ten thousand energy values, in Journey to the West plane obviously are not amounting to something military power that anything takes. 随着东方玉的目光落在这个老者的身上,对方30000的能量值也出现在东方玉的面前,区区3万能量值而已,在西游位面显然不算什么拿的上台面的武力 Hello, I am the Jade Emperor messenger, came from Heavenly Court, wants to see your family king, lets him, on the face of Golden Star Tai Bai goes to Heavenly Court to be an official, having the benign smiling face, hear speech/words to say to Dongfang Yu. “你好,我是玉帝的使者,从天庭来的,想要来见你们家大王,让他去天庭当官的”,太白金星的脸上,带着和颜悦色的笑容,闻言对东方玉说道。 Golden Star Tai Bai? It seems like that side Jade Emperor noted Flowers and Fruits Mountain. 太白金星?看来玉帝那边已经注意到花果山了啊”。 Looks that in front of oneself this said the Golden Star Tai Bai old man, under the Dongfang Yu heart moves slightly, simultaneously on the face also hangs is wiping the happy expression, said: Since is the Jade Emperor messenger, that then gets down along with me. 看着自己面前这个自称太白金星的老者,东方玉心下微微一动,同时脸上也挂着一抹笑意,道:“既然是玉帝的使者,那便随我下去吧”。 In Journey to the West original work, this Golden Star Tai Bai arrives at Flowers and Fruits Mountain, does not dare hurriedly, even putting up is seeing Son Goku|Sun Wukong by several monkey clans, now, has Dongfang Yu to be invited along in the side, has not looked like original work like that to lose face actually. 西游记原著中,这太白金星来到花果山,不敢造次,甚至被几个猴族给架着去见孙悟空的,现在,有东方玉在身旁作陪,倒是没有像原著那般丢脸。 Passes through, the monkeys that comes and goes respectfully was greeting to Dongfang Yu, the mouth shouted the words of two king. 一路走过,来来去去的猴子们都恭敬的对着东方玉打招呼,口呼二大王之言。 Originally, is this person unexpectedly the Flowers and Fruits Mountain two kings?”. “原来,这个人竟然是花果山的二大王吗?”。 Follows side Dongfang Yu's, Golden Star Tai Bai also understood Dongfang Yu's status, is somewhat surprised, unceasing sizing up Dongfang Yu, the vision naturally stayed the moment on the tail after Dongfang Yu buttocks in secret finally. 跟在东方玉的身旁,太白金星也明白了东方玉的身份,有些惊讶,暗中不断的打量东方玉,最后目光自然是在东方玉屁股后的尾巴上停留了片刻。 Common wear loose clothes, Dongfang Yu can the tail plate in the waist, making the person unable to look, is only now, puts on Golden Chainmail Armor this personal armor, the tail cannot the plate in the waist, naturally can only reveal outside. 寻常穿着宽松的衣服,东方玉都能把尾巴盘在腰间,让人看不出来,只是现在,穿着锁子黄金甲这贴身的甲胄,尾巴不能盘在腰间,自然只能露在外面了。 Is good has not made the Flowers and Fruits Mountain monkeys think surprised because of Dongfang Yu this tail, conversely had the sense of belonging to him. 好在东方玉这一条尾巴并没有让花果山的猴子们觉得惊讶,反倒是对他更有归属感了。 Looks at Dongfang Yu, in the heart of Golden Star Tai Bai is startled secretly, if not look at the tail, Dongfang Yu completely likely is a pure person clan, but, since there is a tail, explained that he should be the monster is right. 看着东方玉,太白金星的心中暗自吃惊,如果不看尾巴的话,东方玉完全像是一个纯粹的人族,可是,既然有尾巴,说明他应该是妖怪才对。 Is the monster, does this turn into human form oneself unable to see through unexpectedly? This makes too white startled Venus be startled in Dongfang Yu's secretly changes a law, in the heart thinks secretly, the techniques of 30 six Heavenly Astral Transformation? The methods of 70 two Earth Fiend Transformation? 身为妖怪,这变成人形自己居然看不穿?这让太白惊金星暗自吃惊于东方玉的变身之法,心中暗自思索,30六天罡变化之术?还是70二地煞变化之法? Regarding the misunderstanding of Golden Star Tai Bai, Dongfang Yu naturally does not know that under Dongfang Yu's leads, they entered in Water Curtain Cave quickly. 对于太白金星的误会,东方玉自然是不知道的,在东方玉的带领下,两人很快进入了水帘洞中。
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