PE :: Volume #34

#1517: Ox-King

Under Water Curtain Cave, Son Goku|Sun Wukong is actually rare today has not accompanied the underlings mountain to climb mountains scurrying about, but treats cultivation in Water Curtain Cave. 水帘洞中,今日孙悟空倒是难得没有陪着猴子猴孙们山上山下的乱窜,而是待在水帘洞修行着. Although these days returns after Mount Innerheart, Son Goku|Sun Wukong on few cultivated, but these days, the growth of Son Goku|Sun Wukong is very quick, ordinary time Son Goku|Sun Wukong is lively, but sat cross-legged it that at this time sits in meditation, gives people actually a buddhist image dignified feeling. 虽说这些日子方寸山归来之后,孙悟空就很少修行了,可这些日子,孙悟空的成长还是挺快的,平常的时候孙悟空活泼得很,可这个时候盘膝打坐的它,倒是给人一种宝相庄严的感觉。 Felt that Dongfang Yu and Golden Star Tai Bai enter in Water Curtain Cave, Son Goku|Sun Wukong has opened eyes slowly, in the look fine glow Blink, at once restrains, the buddhist image dignified monkey, immediately is the condition of by extremely calmly being transferred moves extremely. 感觉到东方玉太白金星进入水帘洞中,孙悟空缓缓的睁开了眼睛,眼神之中精芒闪烁,旋即收敛,宝相庄严的猴子,立马是由极静转为极动的状态. Does not appear towering, jumps to leap, a somersault turns to the seat back cushion of stone stool on, curious is sizing up Golden Star Tai Bai, asked to Dongfang Yu: Who is this old man?”. 丝毫不显得突兀,纵身一跃,一个跟头翻到石凳的靠背上,好奇的打量着太白金星,对东方玉问道:“这个老头是谁?”。 Has seen the king, I am the Immortal Realm Jade Emperor messenger, today comes to ask the king you to ascend the sky especially to serve as an official. “见过大王,我是仙界玉皇大帝的使者,今日特地前来请大王你上天做官的”. Dongfang Yu had not replied that Golden Star Tai Bai has gone forward two steps, good a ritual, start to talk said that the benign countenance appearance, is actually very easy to obtain the favorable impression of person. 东方玉还没回答,太白金星已经上前两步,行了一礼,开口说道,慈眉善目的样子,倒是很容易获得人的好感。 „? Goes to the space to be an official?”, Blinked, appearance that the Son Goku|Sun Wukong intent moves obviously very much. “哦?去天上当官?”,眨了眨眼,孙悟空显然很意动的样子. This looks like treats the person in village, suddenly some people ask you to go to the big city to be the same together, regarding the scenery of big city, has not seen the person always wants to have a look, how the space said well, but Son Goku|Sun Wukong has not seen, has a look just right while this opportunity. 这就像是一个待在村里的人,突然有人找你一起去大城市一样,对于大城市的风景,没见过的人总是想要去看看的,天上都说如何如何好,可孙悟空还从来都没见过呢,趁此机会去看看正好。 Second Brother, my this prepared to go to the space to be an official, this Flowers and Fruits Mountain may give you. “二弟,我这就准备去天上当官了,这花果山可就交给你了”. In the heart wants to go, Son Goku|Sun Wukong naturally went, he of deciding, start to talk said to Dongfang Yu. 心中想去,孙悟空自然就去了,打定了主意的他,开口东方玉说道。 Um, can, hear speech/words, Dongfang Yu select nod(ded), pours has not stopped. “嗯,可以”,闻言,东方玉点头,倒也没有阻拦. By Son Goku|Sun Wukong strength, dominated in the surrounding these completely occupies mountain Weiwang monster Wang Men, at this time wants to see the world, in reason. 孙悟空实力,完全凌驾于周围的那些占山为王的妖王们了,这个时候想去见见世面,也在情理之中了。 Son Goku|Sun Wukong is an anxious disposition, once has decided that naturally could not wait, left Water Curtain Cave directly, must the matter that goes to the space to serve as an official announce oneself after one next, actually unbearably anxious drew Golden Star Tai Bai to leave. 孙悟空是个猴急的性格,一旦决定了下来,自然就等不及了,直接出了水帘洞,将自己要去天上做官的事情宣布了一下之后,倒是急不可耐的拉着太白金星离开了。 Nature, as after Son Goku|Sun Wukong leaves, this Flowers and Fruits Mountain was needs Son Goku|Sun Wukong to be responsible. 自然,随着孙悟空离开之后,这花果山又是需要孙悟空负责了。 Is good because , before the Son Goku|Sun Wukong scholarship returns, Flowers and Fruits Mountain is Dongfang Yu has handled, pours also has a familiar task and handles it with ease, from the prestige, Dongfang Yu could not actually be worse than Son Goku|Sun Wukong in the Flowers and Fruits Mountain prestige many, these monkey clans very much respected to Dongfang Yu. 好在,孙悟空学艺归来之前,花果山一直都是东方玉打理的,倒也驾轻就熟,从威望上来看,其实东方玉花果山的威望比孙悟空差不了多少,这些猴族们对东方玉还是很敬重的。 Son Goku|Sun Wukong ascends the sky one line, actually in the Dongfang Yu's heart is some urgent feelings, knows very well that original work he knows, the distance 100,000 invincible forces attack the date of Flowers and Fruits Mountain not to be far, the nature, is away from Son Goku|Sun Wukong not to be been far by the date of Tathagata suppression, then Wreaking Havoc in the Heavenly Palace oneself can with mix is actually eating soup. 孙悟空上天一行,其实东方玉的心中是有些迫切感的,熟知原著的他知道,距离100000天兵攻打花果山之日不远了,自然,距离孙悟空被如来镇压之日也不远了,接下来大闹天宫自己倒是可以跟着去混着喝一口汤。 However, then what to do? Wreaking Havoc in the Heavenly Palace time, oneself having nothing to do with hand onlooking? Said, 100,000 invincible forces attack comes the time, oneself must abandon Flowers and Fruits Mountain these monkey clans, alone leaves? 但是,接下来怎么办?大闹天宫的时候,自己袖手手旁观吗?还是说,100000天兵攻打而来的时候,自己要舍了花果山这些猴族,独自离开? In the heart has the sense of urgency, similarly, regarding the later plot development, in the Dongfang Yu's heart somewhat is also puzzled. 心中有紧迫感,同样的,对于以后的剧情发展,东方玉的心中也有些纠结。 By the Dongfang Yu's disposition, standing by words this is very difficult to achieve, although clearly knows that does this is most correct. 东方玉的性格,袖手旁观的话这很难做到,尽管明知道这样做才是最正确的。 Words that but meddles? Even if oneself turns into Gorilla's form, 40,000 many energy values, in this Journey to the West plane, looked like a small stone to throw completely in the water seriously, splashed at most small water splash. 可是插手的话?就算是自己变成大猩猩的形态,也不过40000多的能量值,在这西游位面,当真像一颗小石头丢尽了水里,顶多溅起一个小水花罢了。 Son Goku|Sun Wukong 60,000 multi- energy values, in original work altogether have eaten Grand Supreme Elderly Monarch many [gold/metal] pill now, was suppressed, oneself supported 40,000 many energy values, can do? 孙悟空现在60000的多能量值,原著中一股脑的吃了太上老君许多的金丹,都被镇压了,自己撑死了40000多的能量值,能干嘛? strength, strength issue in the final analysis......”. 实力啊,归根结底的还是实力的问题啊……”。 Thinks , the aspect that must face, in the heart has the sense of urgency, feels to intertwine to the oneself later choice, in the Dongfang Yu's heart sighed darkly, this Journey to the West plane was oneself has experienced one of the strongest plane, oneself present strength is insufficient a point. 想到以后要面对的局面,心中有紧迫感,也对自己以后的选择感到纠结,东方玉的心中暗叹,这西游位面自己经历过最强的位面之一了,自己现在的实力太不够用了一点。 Book to using Fang Henshao, Dongfang Yu was almost this mentality, to sometimes, strength insufficiently indeed is very worried matter. 书到用时方恨少,东方玉差不多就是这个心态了,到了某些时候,实力不够的确是很苦恼的事情。 It looks like in Real World, seeks the life of ordinary person not to have anything, may arrive at the essential time must spend money, discovers oneself originally not how much money. 就像是现实世界里,寻常人的生活还没什么,可到了关键的时候要用钱的时候,就发现自己原来并没有多少钱。 Time one vertical, quick was over half a month time passed, these days, Dongfang Yu crossed in practice, but quenching of Bai Feifei these days God Fire Art, even more was actually profound, the fox tail also restored eight shapes. 时光一纵,很快就是大半个月的时间过去了,这些日子,东方玉都在修炼之中渡过,而白菲菲这些日子神火诀的淬炼,倒是越发的精深了,就连狐尾也恢复到了八尾的形态了。 Believes that is away from her fully to restore the wound in soul, was not far. 相信距离她完全恢复灵魂上的创伤,已经不远了。 On this day, after practice finished, Bai Feifei looked at Samadhi True Fire of oneself whole body, transformed as the white most probably, makes great strides forward to the Intermediate degree along with the rank of Samadhi True Fire, this Samadhi True Fire energy value shows the unevenness growth. 这一日,修炼完毕之后,白菲菲看了看自己周身的三昧真火,已经大半都转化为白色了,随着三昧真火的等级向中级的程度迈进,这三昧真火能量值呈跳跃性的增长。 When Samadhi True Fire has been the Intermediate degree, believes that pure dependence Samadhi True Fire strength, Bai Feifei strength can contend with Dongfang Yu. 等到三昧真火真的达到了中级的程度,相信单纯的依靠三昧真火力量,白菲菲实力就能和东方玉相争了。 Um, after arriving at this plane, almost crossed in practice, calmly extremely thinks, I should also transfer one revolution in Flowers and Fruits Mountain, had a look at this Flowers and Fruits Mountain scenery, rested for 35 days, after adjusting the mentality, the one breath fully restored the injury, is nine levels. “嗯,来到这个位面之后,几乎都在修炼之中渡过,静极思动,我也该在花果山转一转,看看这花果山的景色了,休息35天,调整心态之后,一口气将伤势完全恢复,达到九尾的层次”。 Bulma's Roar fifth, looks into the Flowers and Fruits Mountain scenery, in the Bai Feifei heart is moving, at once left Bulma's Roar. 布玛号第五层,眺望着花果山的景色,白菲菲心中一动,旋即离开了布玛号 Also is the body of fox, actually Bai Feifei bearing although is graceful, may quite like the nature, initially changed into the fox shape from her, always liked waiting in the environment of nature to look. 到底也是狐狸之身,其实白菲菲的气度虽然优雅,可本质上还是比较喜欢大自然的,从她当初化为狐狸形态,总喜欢在大自然的环境中待着就可以看出来了。 This Flowers and Fruits Mountain scenery, seriously was one certainly, the flowers and plants, fruit tree Cong Cong, walked in Flowers and Fruits Mountain, to person a completely relaxed feeling. 花果山的景色,当真算是一绝了,花花草草,果树丛丛,行走在花果山之中,给人一种心旷神怡的感觉。 On this day, a great form, the steps toward Flowers and Fruits Mountain comes, looks that the form has two meters high fully, the demonstration that the muscle dragon ties paroxysmal strength, wears plain skin armor, sends out wild strength feeling from top to bottom, monster qi is concise. 这一日,一个伟岸的身影,往花果山这边踏步而来,看着身影足有两米高,肌肉虬结的显示出爆发性的力量,身穿古朴的皮甲,浑身上下散发出蛮荒般的力量感,妖气凝练。 If Dongfang Yu here, can see the energy value of this future absolutely, was much higher than Son Goku|Sun Wukong. 若是东方玉在这里,绝对能看得出这来者的能量值,比孙悟空还要高得多了。 Sizes up carefully, this sillhouette although body is vigorous and healthy, may actually be the cow first person, is going against a gigantic ox head, a pair of incisive corner shoots up to the sky, the future status, is in the monster clan illustrious Ox-King, in society one of the topest big demon. 只是,细细打量,这个人影虽然身体健壮,可却是牛首人身,顶着一颗硕大的牛头,一对尖锐的犄角冲天而起,来者身份,正是妖族中赫赫有名的牛魔王,世间上最顶尖的大妖魔之一。 Said that this Flowers and Fruits Mountain left Monkey King, cultivation base is earthshaking, my monster clan left such Character(s), should look actually, this Ox-King, comes toward the Flowers and Fruits Mountain steps, in the heart muttered secretly thought. “都说这花果山出了个美猴王,修为惊天动地,我妖族出了个这样的人物,倒是该过来看一看了”,这牛魔王,朝着花果山踏步而来,心中喃喃暗道 As monster clan topest big demon, these days also had heard recently the Son Goku|Sun Wukong reputation, therefore, actually also wants to come to have a look at that Son Goku|Sun Wukong many abilities. 作为妖族最顶尖的大妖魔,最近这些日子也是听说过孙悟空的名头的,所以,也想过来看看那孙悟空究竟有多少能耐。 Naturally, if real cultivation base is exceedingly high, this to the monster clan is also a celebration, after all for these years, the monster clan has been pressed by immortal Buddha. 当然,若是真的修为通天,这对妖族而言也是一件喜事,毕竟这么多年来,妖族一直被仙佛所压。 Um?”, But, enters in the Flowers and Fruits Mountain territory, suddenly, Ox-King footsteps, suddenly has shone slightly at present. “嗯?”,只是,才进入花果山领地之内,突然,牛魔王的脚步微微一顿,眼前也是突然亮了起来。 Not far away, wears Bai Sha woman, captured his attention, carefully looks at this woman, beautiful does not result in the local products, the bearing is graceful, the person beautiful, mountain Mei, the flowers and plants are also beautiful, about in the same place seriously likely is beautiful incomparable picture scroll. 不远处,一个身穿白纱的女子,吸引了他的目光,仔细看这女子,美得不可方物,气度优雅,人美,山美,花草也美,合在一起当真像是一幅美丽无比的画卷似的。 „Does didn't expect, in this Flowers and Fruits Mountain have a such attractive seductress unexpectedly?”. 没想到,这花果山中居然还有一个这么漂亮的狐狸精?”。 Ox-King must say that the natural disposition is loose, sees this peerless beautiful woman suddenly, naturally was eyes cannot move, looked at this female monster the appearance, was this Flowers and Fruits Mountain one, happen, while this opportunity, looked actually attractively that Monkey King had any ability. 牛魔王要说起来,生性风流,陡然间看到这绝世美女,自然是眼睛都挪不开了,看这女妖的模样,正是这花果山的一员,正好,趁此机会,也好看看那美猴王究竟有什么能耐。 The intention moves, half real , half fake, Ox-King welcomed toward this woman, a pair of buphthalmo recklessly is sizing up opposite side wonderful graceful figure, not minces matter the aggressiveness in oneself look. 心念一动,半真半假的,牛魔王朝着这女子迎了过来,一双牛眼肆意的打量着对方妙曼的身形,毫不掩饰自己眼神中的侵略性。 This good monster what's the matter?”, The day of Bai Feifei, is walking in Flowers and Fruits Mountain, saw suddenly demon of cow first person walked, look bold is staring at oneself, the black eyebrow coloring eyebrow micro pressed, the disfavor, the tranquil mood was also destroyed wear a look of much. “这牛妖怎么回事?”,白菲菲这一日,正在花果山中行走,乍然间看到一只牛首人身的妖魔走了过来,眼神大胆的盯着自己,黛眉微蹙,面带不悦之色,宁静的心情也被破坏了不少。 Has not paid attention to the meaning of opposite side, Bai Feifei turns the head to walk. 没有理会对方的意思,白菲菲转头就走。 Oh, this miss and other, do not know whether to consult the miss fine reputation?”, But, Bai Feifei must walk, this Ox-King does not comply, opens both hands directly, blocks in the Bai Feifei front, an enough two meters high build, this opens him of both hands, looks like meat mountain Si. “唉,这位姑娘等一下,不知道能否请教姑娘芳名?”,只是,白菲菲要走,这牛魔王可不答应,直接张开双手,拦在白菲菲的面前,足足两米高的体型,这张开双手的他,就像是一堵肉山似的。 „Are you quite unreasonable, block my way to do for no reason?”, Bai Feifei apricot contains ones anger, impolite shouted to clear the way to Ox-King, a white satin appeared in Bai Feifei, obviously was the appearance that a word at earliest convenience do not begin. “你这人好没道理,无端端的拦住我去路干嘛?”,白菲菲杏目含怒,不客气的冲着牛魔王喝道,一条白绫出现在白菲菲,显然是一言不合就要动手的样子。 This miss, my Old Ox benignly has not spoken like today, you so treat me, but must no wonder I not have the demeanor. “这个姑娘,俺老牛可从来都没有像今天这样和颜悦色的说话过,你这般待我,可要莫怪我没有风度了”。 Looked at Bai Feifei appearance gratefully, the Ox-King complexion sinks sinking, start to talk said. 白菲菲毫不客气的样子,牛魔王的脸色沉了沉,开口说道。 As Demon Realm topest exist(ence), so long as Ox-King wants, does not know that some multi- young girl spirits are willing to climb up his bed. 作为妖魔界最顶尖的存在,只要牛魔王愿意,不知道有多少女妖精愿意爬上他的床。 For these years, the voluntary female spirit is best, is not voluntary, Ox-King abducted also nobody to dare to say anything directly, the fist greatly was the top priority. 这么多年来,自愿的女妖精最好,不自愿的,牛魔王直接掳走了也没有人敢说什么,拳头大就是硬道理。 Today to Bai Feifei indeed is the feeling of having a mind, therefore benign wants to pursue, didn't expect, oneself unexpectedly was actually treated by the cold face. 今日对白菲菲的确是有心动的感觉,所以和颜悦色的想要追求一番,却没想到,自己居然被冷脸相待。 Regarding the threat of Ox-King, Bai Feifei does not hear motionless, but earnest is staring at him, the elegant eye contains the ghost. 对于牛魔王的威胁,白菲菲不闻不动,只是认真的盯着他,俏目含煞。 Saw with own eyes the Bai Feifei so appearance, in the Ox-King heart also moved anger, rashly, opened the palm directly, has grasped toward Bai Feifei. 眼见白菲菲这般模样,牛魔王心中也动了一丝怒意,不由分说,直接张开手掌,朝着白菲菲抓了过去。 Miss, my Old Ox has a liking for you are your good fortune, you follow my Old Ox. “姑娘,俺老牛看上你是你的福份,你就跟俺老牛走吧”。 Goes!”, Saw with own eyes this Ox-King take action, under the control of Bai Feifei, the white satin as if large snake generally curled toward Ox-King in the past. “去!”,眼见这牛魔王出手了,白菲菲的操控下,白绫仿佛长蛇一般朝着牛魔王卷了过去。 Coped with this type just positive greatly strength, the white satin happen to wore away the rock with water greatly. 对付这种大刚大阳的力量,白绫正好以柔克刚。 A crack cotton sound, a Bai Feifei white satin changed to the innumerable fragments instantaneously, everywhere dances in the air. 只是,一阵裂棉声响了起来,白菲菲的一匹白绫瞬间化作无数碎片,漫天飞舞。 Wears away the rock with water right, when strength of both sides had difference between heaven and earth , has not affected, who sees the Spider net to fetter an elephant? 以柔克刚没错,可是,当双方的力量有了天差地别的时候,就没有丝毫作用了,有谁见过蜘蛛网能够束缚住一只大象的吗?
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