PE :: Volume #34

#1515: Yan Jun who shocks

That Monkey Demon survey result, making East Blue Dragon King feel to be startled, the secret is gloomy, this will either have big those who are able to cover the secret to have such result, either, that Monkey Demon was the person of destiny caring. 妖猴的测算结果,让东海龙王感觉到吃惊,天机晦暗不明,这要么是有大能者掩盖了天机才会有这样的结果,要么,那妖猴就是天命眷顾之人。 No matter what possibility, makes people feel that is startled. 不管是什么样的可能,都让人感觉到吃惊啊。 But if, that Monkey Demon survey result is only astonishing, then the Dongfang Yu's survey result, makes people feel that shocked. 可是,如果说那妖猴的测算结果只是让人吃惊的话,那么东方玉的测算结果,就让人感到震撼了。 Can't a wee bit things survey? Is this possible? As if he completely is not the person on this World, as if he is not Three Realms and Six Paths all living things is completely same, how to present such Character(s)? 一丁点的东西都测算不出来?这怎么可能?仿佛他完全不是这个世界上的人,仿佛他完全不是三界六道众生一样,怎么会出现这样的人物的? Well, waits......”, at this time, in the East Blue Dragon King heart moved, who suddenly remembered few days ago oneself to make the Immortal Realm head help oneself survey the Ào Bing killed murderer is, at that time the head said that the murderer he could not survey, opposite side as if in Three Realms and Six Paths, the survey did not have achieved nothing, how could it not be same as today? “咦,等等……”,就在这个时候,东海龙王心中一动,突然想起了前些日子自己仙界天师帮自己测算傲丙被杀的凶手是何人,当时天师所言,杀人凶手他也测算不出来,对方似乎不在三界六道之中,测算也一无所获,和今日岂非相同? Moreover that Flowers and Fruits Mountain is neighbors in the East Blue border region, don't tell me...... 再则那花果山就在东海边陲比邻而居,难道…… Although in the heart is only the guess, perhaps may like Character(s) in Three Realms and Six Paths, not look everywhere entire World to be hard to discover second, therefore East Blue Dragon King almost can affirm, this makes the anger in his heart flaming. 虽说心中只是猜测而已,可像这样不在三界六道之中的人物,找遍整个世界或许都难以找出第二个了,所以东海龙王已经差不多能够肯定下来了,这让他心中的怒火更炽。 This Flowers and Fruits Mountain may really be good, two monster kings, have won Pacifying Oceans Pillar and one forcefully dress up, another dares under the killer to the dragon clan, even to destroy the corpse and leave no trace unexpectedly, the soul flies away and scatters. 花果山可真是好啊,两个妖王,一个强行夺走了定海神针和一副披挂,另外一个居然敢对龙族下杀手,甚至毁尸灭迹,魂飞魄散 In heart angry, East Blue Dragon King even wished one could to put down that Flowers and Fruits Mountain, but he also knows that Monkey Demon strength above oneself, resulted in Pacifying Oceans Pillar at this moment is even more powerful, by oneself East Blue Dragon Palace strength, in this sea, in addition was not that Monkey Demon match, went to above that land, say nothing. 心中恼怒,东海龙王甚至恨不得平了那花果山,只是他也知道,那妖猴实力本就在自己之上,此刻得了定海神针更是如虎添翼,以自己东海龙宫力量,在这大海中尚且不是那妖猴的对手,去了那陆地之上,就更不用说了。 Thinks it over, East Blue Dragon King has thought of Immortal Realm, how to say again East Blue Dragon Palace is Heavenly Court is also respective, although this matter asked Heavenly Court to lose the face countenance, but to cope with that Flowers and Fruits Mountain, to revenge, to recapture Pacifying Oceans Pillar, some face countenances lost have also been worth. 思来想去,东海龙王想到了仙界,再怎么说东海龙宫也是天庭所属,虽然这件事情求上天庭有失颜面,可为了对付那花果山,为了报仇,为了夺回定海神针,些许颜面丢了也是值得的。 It seems like that oneself must pick a lucky day actually Heavenly Palace Peak, saw right in front of one Jade Emperor. 看来,自己倒是要择日去一趟凌霄宝殿,面见玉帝了。 What idea not to mention the East Blue Dragon King that side is, here Son Goku|Sun Wukong and Dongfang Yu, returned to Flowers and Fruits Mountain, has resulted in Pacifying Oceans Pillar this treasure, by disposition that Son Goku|Sun Wukong that love shows off, is naturally impossible to refrain from speaking. 且不说东海龙王那边是什么样的想法,这边孙悟空东方玉,也已经回到了花果山了,得了定海神针这件宝贝,以孙悟空那爱炫耀的性格,自然不可能闷着。 Convened the Flowers and Fruits Mountain monkey monkey are, impatient to them demonstrated that oneself treasure, the Pacifying Oceans Pillar change by the heart, the tiny words can change to the embroidery needle appearance, the big words can also change hold up a day of great column. 召集了花果山的猴子猴算们,迫不及待的向他们展示自己宝贝,定海神针变化由心,细小的话能化作绣花针模样,大的话亦能化作擎天巨柱。 Magic weapon that complacent demonstration oneself obtains, under the control of Son Goku|Sun Wukong, that Pacifying Oceans Pillar changes to one seriously greatly incomparable holds up a day of great column, even directly held Immortal Realm, can be inferred. 得意洋洋的展示自己得到的法宝,在孙悟空的控制下,那定海神针当真化作一根巨大无比的擎天巨柱,甚至都直接捅到了仙界,可见一斑。 This pleasant magic weapon although are many, may look like Pacifying Oceans Pillar, can elongate to unexpectedly stretching across immortal every two treasure, may very be rare. 这如意法宝虽然不少,可像定海神针这边,竟然能伸长到横跨仙凡两界的宝贝,可却很少见了。 So long as wants, Son Goku|Sun Wukong sets up Pacifying Oceans Pillar on the ground, holds Immortal Realm, everyone can follow Pacifying Oceans Pillar, completes the action of ascending to heaven? 只要愿意,孙悟空定海神针立在地上,一头捅到仙界,岂不是谁都能顺着定海神针,完成登天之举? Looks disposition that Son Goku|Sun Wukong this love shows off, Dongfang Yu showed a faint smile, pours has not said anything, to Son Goku|Sun Wukong, this time likely was the youth is successful general, with the disposition of active bracelet, looked like 14 or 15-year-old, called people friends readily, the righteousness character worked as first few Toshiro. 看着孙悟空这爱炫耀的性格,东方玉微微一笑,倒也没说什么,对孙悟空而言,此番像是少年得志一般,和活跃跳脱的性格,就像是十四五岁,呼朋唤友,义字当先的少年郎。 Returned to Bulma's Roar, Bulma in careful research with the Android related thing, is occasionally idle the time, practice Chakra well. 回到了布玛号这边,布玛在仔细的研究人造人有关的东西,偶尔空闲出时间来,也好好的修炼查克拉 As for Bai Feifei? Naturally was practice God Fire Art well, Dongfang Yu can see, Samadhi True Fire that the Bai Feifei surroundings twined, white accounted for about half partially, when this Samadhi True Fire changed to the white completely, may stride in the Intermediate Samadhi True Fire degree. 至于白菲菲呢?自然是好好的修炼神火诀了,东方玉能够看到,白菲菲周围缠绕的三昧真火,白色的部分已经占据了一半左右了,当这三昧真火完全化作白色的,可就算是跨入了中级三昧真火的程度了。 Dongfang Yu wears Golden Chainmail Armor, wears Phoenix Wings Purple-Gold Crown, treadons Lotus Silk Stepping Cloud Boots, seriously is the powerful appearance, entered in this Bulma's Roar, two females naturally saw Dongfang Yu, this powerful dressing up, naturally also attracted their attention, inquired unavoidably. 东方玉身披锁子黄金甲,头戴凤翅紫金冠,脚踏藕丝步云履,当真是威风凛凛的模样,进入了这布玛号之中,两女自然看到了东方玉,他这一身威风凛凛的披挂,自然也吸引了她们的注意,免不了询问一番。 „Is this Dragon Palace that dresses up? It looks like physical appearance extraordinary, explained after Dongfang Yu's that Bai Feifei also knows this dresses up is in original work Son Goku|Sun Wukong makes from Dragon Palace, didn't expect actually has become Dongfang Yu's. “这就是龙宫的那一身披挂吗?看起来品相不凡啊”,经过东方玉的解释,白菲菲也知道这一身披挂是原著孙悟空龙宫弄过来的,没想到却是成了东方玉的了。 Really, with the Son Goku|Sun Wukong words, he eats the meat, Dongfang Yu at least can also have soup to drink, this dresses up to be possible incessantly to look like powerful, obviously defends ability is also very splendid. 果然,跟着孙悟空的话,他吃肉,东方玉至少也能有一口汤喝,这一身披挂可不止是看起来威风凛凛罢了,显然防御能力也是非常出色的。 Um, various defense ability aspects that this dressing up, may want to much than Dragon Ball plane Saiyan these battle dresses strongly, hear speech/words, Dongfang Yu also selects nod(ded) saying that to treasure of this defense, naturally is also unusual liking. “嗯,这身披挂的防御能力各方面,可比龙珠位面赛亚人那些作战服要强得多了”,闻言,东方玉也点点头说道,对这一身防御的宝贝,自然也是非常的喜欢。 This dwelling place of celestial beings magic weapon, had the research value, a bit faster made me have a look, was actually any material to build, had the place of any mystery. “这种仙家法宝,更有研究价值了,快点让我看看,究竟是什么材料打造的,有什么奥妙之处”。 To Bai Feifei, what Bulma cares is this dresses up the material that if can research pass, can the volume production, even is optimizes on a scientific basis? 相对于白菲菲而言,布玛更在意的是这披挂的材料,若是能够研究透了的话,岂不是能够批量生产,甚至是在科学的基础上优化? Is bringing Bulma in the side, not only but pure girlfriend, is top scientiest, Dongfang Yu hears the word of Bulma, on obediently took off clothes, making Bulma go to research well. 带着布玛在身边,可不只是单纯的女朋友而已,还是一个顶尖的科学家,东方玉听得布玛之言,也就乖乖的把身上的衣服都脱了下来,让布玛去好好的研究了。 although has not cultivated virtue in order to become an immortal, but Bulma science ability, understands by analogy some effects. 虽然没有修仙,可布玛的科学能力,触类旁通还是有些效果的。 The tour of Dragon Palace, Dongfang Yu also calculates that has harvested, these days, Dongfang Yu also treats practice in Bulma's Roar , to promote oneself strength slowly, Super Saiyan matter not to mention, but practice promotes oneself strength, does not have after all wrong? 龙宫之行,东方玉也算有所收获了,这些日子,东方玉也都待在布玛号修炼着,一则慢慢的提升自己实力,超级赛亚人的事情暂且不说,但修炼提升自己实力,总归是没有错的吧? Two, static perceiving through meditation Vertical Cloud Technique, is Dongfang Yu also ability that had escaping? 二则,静静的参悟纵云术,东方玉也算是有了一门逃跑的能力吧? When Dongfang Yu well is treating practice, actually does not know that Son Goku|Sun Wukong soul, that black and white had checked off in Netherworld unexpectedly variably. 只是,就在东方玉好好的待着修炼的时候,却不知道那孙悟空的魂魄,竟是被那黑白无常勾去了阴曹地府之中。 Although on Life and Death Registry records Son Goku|Sun Wukong today the predestined time of death, but Son Goku|Sun Wukong goes to Mount Innerheart, had already built the technique of immortal, how to be without a fight? 虽说生死簿上记载着孙悟空今日大限将至,可孙悟空方寸山,早已修成了长生之术,怎会束手就擒呢? If original work is ordinary, the young bull did not fear that the Son Goku|Sun Wukong greatly noisy hell of tiger is ordinary, sells Life and Death Registry, rules out from Life and Death Registry the oneself name directly, underlings who even, any Flowers and Fruits Mountain is respective, all crossed out. 原著一般,初生牛犊不怕虎的孙悟空大闹地府一般,强销生死簿,将自己的名字直接从生死簿上划去,甚至,凡是花果山所属的猴子猴孙们,也全都划掉了。 Was right, that Dongfang Yu's name where?”. “对了,那东方玉的名字在哪里?”。 After looking, suddenly had not found the Dongfang Yu's name, Son Goku|Sun Wukong Yama clutched oneself, gave a tongue-lashing the tooth to ask. 找了一圈之后,竟然没找到东方玉的名字,孙悟空一把将阎罗王揪到了自己的跟前,呲着牙问道。 Dongfang Yu? Well good, we look to look, listens to the Son Goku|Sun Wukong words, Yama wear a look of scared look point nod(ded), at once under these judges and ghosts bad, seeks for that Dongfang Yu's name fast. 东方玉?好好好,我们找找看”,听孙悟空的话,阎罗王面带惧色的点点头,旋即下面的这些判官和鬼差们,快速寻找那东方玉的名字。 Son Goku|Sun Wukong is curling upwards one leg on the other, waited for enough a half hour, this Yama and judge they, wear a look in front of astonished color arriving Son Goku|Sun Wukong. 只是,孙悟空翘着二郎腿,等了足足半个小时,这阎罗王和判官他们,都面带惊异之色的来到孙悟空面前。 On, Exalted Immortal, that Dongfang Yu's name, we could not find, on Life and Death Registry does not have, some Yama fears looks at Son Goku|Sun Wukong, speech some appearances of stuttering. “上,上仙,那东方玉的名字,我们找不到,生死簿上没有啊”,阎罗王有些畏惧的看着孙悟空,说话都有些结结巴巴的样子。 No? Doesn't your hell manage the life and death of world all people? On Life and Death Registry won't have the Dongfang Yu's name? Is it possible that do you want deceive my Old Sun to be inadequate?”. “没有?你们地府不是管理天下所有人的生死吗?生死簿上怎会没有东方玉的名字?你们莫非想要诓俺老孙不成?”。 Hears this words, the Son Goku|Sun Wukong eye of dew ominous light, in the hand 13,500 jin (0.5 kg) Pacifying Oceans Pillar maliciously leans on, this Yama main hall as if trembled. 听到这个话,孙悟空目露凶光,手中13500斤的定海神针狠狠的一拄,这阎罗大殿似乎都震颤了一下。 Does not dare, does not dare, is Exalted Immortal, the Dongfang Yu that you said that on Life and Death Registry does not have really, the appearance that looking at Son Goku|Sun Wukong must get angry, Yama several discolorations, said with amazement hurriedly that asked for mercy again and again. “不敢,不敢,可是上仙,你说的这个东方玉,生死簿上是真的没有哇”,看孙悟空要发怒的模样,阎罗王几个骇然色变,急忙说道,连连告饶。 Looks at Yama their appearance, Son Goku|Sun Wukong could also see that they are not deceive the oneself appearance likely, selected nod(ded) also to believe them but actually, duplicate asked: „Since this Life and Death Registry does not have his name, after is you, doesn't cancel his soul?”. 看阎罗王他们的模样,孙悟空也看得出他们不像是欺骗自己的样子,点点头倒也相信了他们,复问道:“既然这生死簿上没有他的名字,是不是你们以后都不去勾他魂魄?”。 Naturally does not dare, on Life and Death Registry does not have the name, where we dare to cancel his soul, hear speech/words, this Yama cold sweat again and again, the running together of two syllables in rapid speech said. “自然不敢,生死簿上没有名字,我们哪敢去勾他魂魄”,闻言,这阎罗王冷汗连连,急声说道。 Good, such being the case, my Old Sun goes also. “好,既然如此,俺老孙去也”。 although Dongfang Yu here had an accident, but is good because of the result is the same, Son Goku|Sun Wukong selects nod(ded), has not said anything again, jumps to leap, left Netherworld directly. 虽然东方玉这里出了点岔子,可好在结果是一样的,孙悟空点头,没有再多说什么了,纵身一跃,直接离开了阴曹地府 Shouted......”, looks that this fearful evil star left finally, Yama several long relaxing, look at each other in dismay, on the face was having the color of fear. “呼……”,看着这可怕的煞星终于离开了,阎罗王几个长长的松了一口气,面面相觑,脸上都带着后怕之色。 didn't expect this bewitches, unexpectedly such an evil star will have cancelled, should the hell have this one to plunder. 没想到这勾魂,居然将这么一尊煞星勾了过来,也合该地府有此一劫了。 Yama Sir, this Monkey Demon is really fearful, this, what to do this may, after Son Goku|Sun Wukong leave for a long time, these ghosts bad from dreading recover, the judge arrives at the front of Yama, looks at place in chaos Life and Death Registry, almost employs professional mourners the face. “阎王大人,这妖猴真可怕啊,这,这可怎么办啊”,孙悟空离开了许久之后,这些鬼差们才从畏惧中回过神来,判官来到阎罗王的面前,看着一地乱七八糟生死簿,几乎哭丧出脸来。 Yes, this Monkey Demon does not know that learns this to ascend the sky into place divine ability from where, this ability, feared that is only then second son Daoist immortal and class of Nezha Third Crown Prince can, this Three Realms and Six Paths seems obtain a big monster side by side, hear speech/words, Yama also selects nod(ded), on the face is having some looks of shock. “是啊,这妖猴也不知道从何处习得这一身上天入地的神通,这番能力,怕是只有二郎真君和哪吒三太子之流才能比肩了,这三界六道看样子又得出一个大妖了啊”,闻言,阎罗王也点点头,脸上带着一些震撼的神色。 Different from East Blue old Dragon King saw the odds and ends that Son Goku|Sun Wukong shows therefore frighten do not have take action, in this Netherworld, Son Goku|Sun Wukong revolt time, entire Netherworld expert almost all take action suppressed. 不同于都东海龙王只是看到孙悟空所展现出来的一鳞半爪所以就吓得没有出手,这阴曹地府之中,孙悟空反抗的时候,整个阴曹地府高手几乎全都出手镇压了。 However how cannot suppress Son Goku|Sun Wukong strength, was swept away the hell by him, therefore, Yama these people clear has experienced Son Goku|Sun Wukong strength. 但是奈何压制不住孙悟空力量,被他横扫地府,所以,阎罗王这些人是清楚的见识过孙悟空力量的。 However, although exclaims in surprise in Son Goku|Sun Wukong that fearful strength, but mentioned this, words of Yama, then said slightly: Is only, that Monkey Demon ability although is earthshaking, but that is called Dongfang Yu's more fearful, Life and Death Registry does not have his name unexpectedly, moreover did not build the technique of immortality to check off the name, this jumped out exist(ence) of life and death samsara inborn, making the person unable to withstand the imagination. 不过,虽然惊叹于孙悟空那可怕的实力,但一言及此,阎罗王的话语微微一顿,接着说道:“只是,那妖猴的能耐虽然惊天动地,可那个叫做东方玉的才更加可怕啊,生死簿居然都没有他的名字,而且并非是修成了长生不死之术才勾去名字的,这等天生就跳出生死轮回的存在,让人不堪想象啊”。 Yes, the immortal god unique life and death, is I and others followed the life of Jade Emperor generally, checks off the name, but this Dongfang Yu, then has not recorded unexpectedly inborn on Life and Death Registry, its family background, inconceivable. “是啊,大凡仙神超脱生死,都是我等遵循玉帝之命,勾去名字,可这东方玉,竟然天生便没有记录在生死簿上,其出身,不堪设想”。 Along with the words of Yama, on the face of judge also has the panic-stricken color, revolving to fear extremely...... 随着阎罗王的话,判官的脸上也带着惊骇之色,细思极恐……
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