PE :: Volume #34

#1514: Dongfang Yu results in the treasure

Exalted Immortal, you looked that towered to send out the rays of light is the Pacifying Oceans Pillar iron, this was initially Da Yu king regulated waterways, is used to survey the sea water depth the stator, if you can take, then granted you. “上仙,你看,那块耸立着散发出毫光的就是定海神针铁了,此乃当初大禹王治水的时候,用来测量海水深浅的定子,若是你能拿得动的话,便赐予你了”。 East Blue Dragon King leads the way in front, simultaneously points at not far away one to hold up a day of great column to say to Son Goku|Sun Wukong. 东海龙王在前面引路,同时指着不远处的一根擎天巨柱对孙悟空说道。 Indeed, the magic weapon is clever, at this time was sending out the intermittent rays of light, seemed attracting Son Goku|Sun Wukong to be ordinary. 的确,法宝通灵,这个时候正散发出阵阵毫光,似乎在吸引着孙悟空一般。 „? Good treasure, to look at this huge Pacifying Oceans Pillar, Son Goku|Sun Wukong eyes has shone, threw this Pacifying Oceans Pillar front directly, gathered round this huge Pacifying Oceans Pillar to transfer several, more looked at the appearance that more liked. “哦?好宝贝”,看着这巨大的定海神针,孙悟空眼睛亮了一下,直接扑到了这定海神针的面前,围着这根巨大的定海神针转了几圈,越看越喜欢的样子。 „Is this Pacifying Oceans Pillar? In the middle of legal copy Journey to the West As-You-Will Gold-Banded Cudgel, Dongfang Yu also careful sizes up this to hold up a day of great column iron rod, in the heart shakes the head secretly. “这就是定海神针吗?正版西游记当中的如意金箍棒啊”,东方玉也仔细的打量着这根擎天巨柱般的铁棒,心中暗暗摇头。 If oneself, does not know that the marvelousness of this Pacifying Oceans Pillar, sees such an iron pole, already turned around to leave, but Son Goku|Sun Wukong this fellow actually both eyes shines, it seems like that this Pacifying Oceans Pillar is really destined to Son Goku|Sun Wukong, when the weapon, will seek ordinary person not to think will look for such a giant iron pole to come, when weapon. 若是自己的话,不知道这定海神针的奇妙,看到这么一根铁柱,早就转身离开了,可孙悟空这家伙却双眼放光,看来这定海神针果然命中注定就是该给孙悟空当兵器的,寻常人也不会想着找这么一根巨大的铁柱来当武器啊。 After gathering round Pacifying Oceans Pillar has sized up several, Son Goku|Sun Wukong slightly lowly bends down the body, both hands closely grasps this giant iron pole, appearance that as if not take any effort, this giant iron pole, such by Son Goku|Sun Wukong hugging. 围着定海神针打量了几圈之后,孙悟空微微低伏下身子,双手紧紧的抱住这巨大的铁柱,似乎不费什么力气的样子,这巨大的铁柱,就这么被孙悟空给抱了起来。 As Pacifying Oceans Pillar was pulled out, this East Blue sea water as if roared in this moment, even if were the entire crystal palace also fiercely trembled. 随着定海神针被拔出来,这东海的海水在这一刻似乎咆哮了起来,即便是整个水晶宫也剧烈的震颤了起来。 Is impossible!?”, Saw this, East Blue Dragon King grows up the mouth, the eyeball almost must jump from the eye socket. “不可能吧!?”,看到这一幕,东海龙王长大了嘴巴,眼珠子几乎都要从眼眶之中跳出来了。 This Pacifying Oceans Pillar may have 13,500 jin (0.5 kg), this did Monkey Demon with hands down lift unexpectedly? Is this Monkey Demon strength unexpectedly big to this degree? How possible!? 定海神针可有13500斤啊,这妖猴居然不费力气的就举起来了?这妖猴的力气竟然大到这个程度?怎么可能!? don't tell me this Monkey Demon does strength, endure compared with Erlang Shen and Nezha Third Crown Prince these top War God? 难道妖猴实力,堪比二郎神哪吒三太子这些顶尖的战神吗? Regarding East Blue Dragon King is what response, Son Goku|Sun Wukong has not paid attention, at this time his all mind placed on this Pacifying Oceans Pillar, these 13,500 jin (0.5 kg) weights, let Son Goku|Sun Wukong unusual satisfaction, but, this huge holds up a day of great column, uses not quite to be appropriate, was too big, is not good to display. 对于东海龙王是什么样的反应,孙悟空是没有理会的,这个时候他所有的心神都放在这定海神针上面,这13500斤的重量,让孙悟空非常的满意,只是,这巨大的擎天巨柱,用起来却不太合适,太大了,不好施展。 This component is very satisfactory, but if can be short, was thin a point to be good, held this huge Pacifying Oceans Pillar, Son Goku|Sun Wukong mouth start to talk was saying. “这份量很满意,可如果是能够再短一点,再细一点就好了”,抱着这根巨大的定海神针,孙悟空的嘴里开口说道。 Son Goku|Sun Wukong these words, but the word of having no interest, but, falls along with his words, this Pacifying Oceans Pillar shortened, simultaneously the club unexpectedly really also has thinned much. 孙悟空这一句话,不过无心之言,可是,随着他的话落,这定海神针居然真的变短了许多,同时棍棒也变细了不少。 Sees this, Son Goku|Sun Wukong is more excited touches own ears and cheeks, the mouth called out again and again: Is short, is thin a point. 看到这个,孙悟空更是兴奋得抓耳挠腮的,嘴里连连叫道:“再短一点,再细一点”。 The heart moves at will, this As-You-Will Gold-Banded Cudgel was known as that pleasant two characters, then can along with the Son Goku|Sun Wukong regard, fluctuate the oneself shape, quick, this Pacifying Oceans Pillar turned into one, be only more than one meter are long, just suffices a hand to grasp thickness, this looks at Son Goku|Sun Wukong to be overjoyed. 心随意动,这如意金箍棒号称“如意”二字,便是能够随着孙悟空的心意,变幻自己的形态,很快的,这定海神针变成了一根只有一米多长,刚好够一个手掌握着的粗细,这看得孙悟空大喜过望。 In the hand the As-You-Will Gold-Banded Cudgel component does not reduce, is this club actually very suitable oneself use, grabbed this Pacifying Oceans Pillar, Son Goku|Sun Wukong has played a monkey stick. 手中如意金箍棒的份量不减,可是这棍棒却非常适合自己使用,抓着这根定海神针,孙悟空耍了一通猴棍。 In a twinkling, the sea water turns wells up, the appearance that the crystal palace creakies, the innumerable ineffective and worthless troops, Long Zilong grandson call out in alarm sound, this Pacifying Oceans Pillar brandishes, can definitely mix East Blue Wind and Cloud. 霎时间,海水翻涌,水晶宫摇摇欲坠的模样,无数虾兵蟹将,龙子龙孙惊叫声器,这定海神针挥舞间,完全能搅动东海风云了。 Hahaha, good treasure, good treasure!”, Brandished Pacifying Oceans Pillar in oneself hand, the mouth of Son Goku|Sun Wukong cannot be bearing delighted calling out. 哈哈哈,好宝贝,好宝贝!”,挥舞着自己手中的定海神针,孙悟空的嘴里忍不住欢喜的叫道。 Selected these many treasure, Son Goku|Sun Wukong has selected a weapon of oneself affection finally, this Pacifying Oceans Pillar made it be unable to put down seriously. 挑了这么多的宝贝,孙悟空总算是选中了一件自己喜爱的兵器了,这定海神针当真让它爱不释手。 Exalted Immortal, Exalted Immortal, stops quickly, this Pacifying Oceans Pillar you cannot take away!”. “上仙,上仙,快停下来,这定海神针你不能拿走哇!”。 This time Dragon King, was plays to escape, saw that Son Goku|Sun Wukong played Pacifying Oceans Pillar really very conveniently, a happy appearance, had a big shock, held the Son Goku|Sun Wukong wrist|skill, anxious saying. 这个时候的龙王,算是玩脱了,眼看着孙悟空真的将定海神针玩得很顺手,一副欢喜的模样,大惊失色,一把抓住了孙悟空的手腕,急切的说道。 Hey, old Dragon King, your this was dull, was just you said that so long as I can take, this treasure gave to me, now does not make me take away, was this what truth?”, Looks at old Dragon King, Son Goku|Sun Wukong shakes the head to say. “嘿嘿嘿,老龙王,你这就没趣了,刚刚是你说的,只要我能拿得动,这宝贝就送给我了,现在又不让我拿走,这是何道理?”,看着老龙王,孙悟空摇头说道。 During the speeches, the eyeball transferred, sees the side continuously with oneself Dongfang Yu, said: „, You did not say that I also forgot, today I and Second Brother come this together, shouldn't my Second Brother return empty-handed? Your Dragon Palace takes treasure again to my Second Brother, otherwise, my Old Sun does not walk......”. 说话间,眼珠子转了一圈,看到身旁一直跟着自己东方玉,道:“也罢,你不说我还忘记了呢,今天我和二弟一同来此,我二弟也不该空手而归吧?你们龙宫再拿一件宝贝给我二弟,否则,俺老孙就不走啦……”。 During the speeches, Son Goku|Sun Wukong is holding As-You-Will Gold-Banded Cudgel, lies down on the Dragon King throne, an appearance of hooligan rascal. 说话间,孙悟空抱着如意金箍棒,躺在龙王的宝座上面,一副泼皮无赖的样子。 Looks at Son Goku|Sun Wukong this appearance, in the Dongfang Yu heart secretly one warm, no matter how, can think oneself in this time Son Goku|Sun Wukong, this suffices the loyalty but actually. 看着孙悟空这副模样,东方玉心中暗自一暖,不管如何,在这个时候孙悟空能想着自己,这倒算是够义气了。 Also no wonder Son Goku|Sun Wukong in original work, when the ground is the monster, can form cliques, subdues the surrounding monster king, but can also and other big monsters swear brotherhood Younger Brother with Ox-King, mixes enjoys the sight and sound of the wind whipping up the water, even if to Immortal Realm, can be on intimate terms with Immortal Realm these deities. 也难怪原著中的孙悟空,在地上为妖的时候,能拉帮结派,收服周围的妖王,还能与牛魔王等大妖结拜成兄弟,混得风生水起,即便到了仙界,也能和仙界的那些神仙称兄道弟的。 This, this......”, looks at Son Goku|Sun Wukong this appearance, hits and does not hit, East Blue was Dragon King also to have at this time a headache, cannot make this Monkey Demon depend here? “这,这……”,看孙悟空这幅模样,打又打不过,东海龙王这个时候也是头疼得很,总不能让这妖猴一直都赖在这里吧? Thinks that old Dragon King must make delaying tactics, making Son Goku|Sun Wukong wait in this, at once oneself sounds has called Dragon Zhong, Dragon King Younger Brother of other three seas, convened together. 想了想,老龙王只得使了个缓兵之计,让孙悟空在这等着,旋即自己敲响了唤龙钟,将其他三海的龙王兄弟,一起召集了过来。 Does not know that this East Blue Dragon King can deliver me any treasure, if weapon, sits in the one side, was chatting with Son Goku|Sun Wukong, they relaxed enjoyable appearance, treated as oneself this East Blue Dragon Palace actually, in the meantime, in Dongfang Yu's heart also some anticipations. “也不知这东海龙王能送我什么宝贝,如果是武器的话就罢了”,坐在一旁,和孙悟空闲聊着,两人轻松写意的模样,倒是把这东海龙宫当做自己家似的,同时,东方玉的心中也有些期待。 weapon words, although East Blue Dragon Palace are also many good magic weapon, that Ào Bing that but killed before, seized a long halberd from his hand, several thousand jin (0.5 kg) weight, wants to come is also this Dragon Palace supreme treasure, East Blue Dragon King again takes weapon to come out, can not necessarily compared with this long halberd good many. 武器的话,虽说东海龙宫又不少好的法宝,可是之前杀的那傲丙,从他手中夺了一杆长戟,数千斤的重量,想来也是这龙宫至宝,东海龙王就算是再拿武器出来,也不见得能比这杆长戟好多少。 Quick, East Blue Dragon King came out actually, all sea Dragon King discussed that thought first stands firm this Monkey Demon, roared to be other plans him. 很快的,东海龙王倒是真的出来了,四海龙王商议了一番,觉得还是先稳住这妖猴,将他哄走了在做其他的打算。 Therefore, under leadership of East Blue Dragon King, several Dragon Palace bodyguards, carried several trays to come up. 所以,在东海龙王的率领下,几个龙宫的侍卫,端着几个托盘上来了。 Exalted Immortal, this is my Dragon Palace supreme treasure, Phoenix Wings Purple-Gold Crown, Lotus Silk Stepping Cloud Boots and Golden Chainmail Armor, then presented as a gift in your Younger Brother. “上仙,这是我龙宫至宝,凤翅紫金冠,藕丝步云履锁子黄金甲,便赠于你兄弟了”。 Dressed up this with, East Blue Dragon King start to talk said. 将这一副披挂拿了出来,东海龙王开口说道。 „? Well good, you put on to have a look quickly, looks at these things, Son Goku|Sun Wukong also somewhat covets, since begs for Dongfang Yu, he naturally cannot go back on word. “哦?好好好,你快穿上看看”,看着这些东西,孙悟空的也有些眼热,不过既然是为东方玉讨要的,他自然不会食言。 Also, oneself has resulted in the weapon, Dongfang Yu had Treasure Bottle Gourd, resulted in one to dress up just right also appropriate. 再说了,自己得了兵器,东方玉本来就有宝葫芦的,得了一副披挂也正好合适啊。 Dongfang Yu looks that this set dresses up, he recognizes certainly, in original work this set dresses up should to Son Goku|Sun Wukong, didn't expect, actually gave oneself. 东方玉看着这一套披挂,他当然认得,原著中这套披挂本来是该给孙悟空的,没想到,却送给自己了。 The value of although this dressing up cannot compare that Pacifying Oceans Pillar, may be East Blue Dragon Palace takes to want after all the thing that Son Goku|Sun Wukong roars, is other three sea Long Wu collects, the value of quality, this dressing up is very high. 虽然这一身披挂的价值比不上那定海神针,可毕竟是东海龙宫拿出来想把孙悟空哄走的东西,又是其他三海龙五凑出来,从品质上来看,这一身披挂的价值还是很高的。 weapon in oneself hand was actually sufficient, like this defense treasure, originally only then Clear Sky Mirror, actually also has ruined at the same time, at this time gave oneself, appropriate, but, Dongfang Yu has not declined but actually, selected nod(ded), dressed up to exchange this. 自己手中的武器倒是够用了,像这种防御型的宝物,本来只有一面昊天镜而已,却也毁掉了,这个时候送给自己,正合适不过,东方玉倒也没有推辞,点点头,将这一身披挂换上。 The Dongfang Yu's physique was strong, has put on this Golden Chainmail Armor, after Phoenix Wings Purple-Gold Crown and Lotus Silk Stepping Cloud Boots, appears in great spirits, military might extraordinary. 东方玉的体格本就强健,穿上了这锁子黄金甲,凤翅紫金冠藕丝步云履之后,更显得精神奕奕,威武不凡 Son Goku|Sun Wukong has sized up a Dongfang Yu's actor up and down, very satisfied point nod(ded), this said good-bye old Dragon King, they left East Blue Dragon Palace to go. 孙悟空上下打量了一番东方玉的行头,很满意的点点头,这才辞别了老龙王,两人离开了东海龙宫而去。 bastard, bastard!”, After Son Goku|Sun Wukong and Dongfang Yu two people leave, in the East Blue Dragon King complexion is clear to cloudy, works on several fine jade cups conveniently, falling maliciously on the ground. 混账,混账!”,随着孙悟空东方玉两个人离开之后,东海龙王的脸色里面是晴转多云,随手抓起几个精致的玉杯,狠狠的摔在地上。 , This value not poor jade cup, meets a cruel death immediately, sees only the appearance that old Dragon King foams with rage, obviously bristled with anger. 啪的一声,这一个价值不菲的玉杯,立马粉身碎骨,只见老龙王吹胡子瞪眼的模样,显然是怒发冲冠了。 Does not know Monkey Demon where comes, does not know that studies divine ability dao technique from where, comes my East Blue Dragon Palace to bluff and bluster unexpectedly, bastard!”. “不知道哪里来的妖猴,也不知从何处学得神通道术,竟然来我东海龙宫耀武扬威,混账!”。 East Blue Dragon King, wear a look of the scowl, the class of ineffective and worthless troops and turtle prime minister of next first, looks at the appearance that Dragon King is angry, trembles, does not dare to say anything. 东海龙王,面带怒容,下首处的虾兵蟹将和龟丞相之流,看着龙王大怒的模样,瑟瑟发抖,不敢多说什么。 I actually, and has a look at this Monkey Demon is what origin!”, Stretches out the dragon claw of oneself, the energy of East Blue Dragon King utilization survey, calculates Son Goku|Sun Wukong with foot. “我且看看这妖猴究竟是何来历!”,伸出自己的龙爪,东海龙王运用测算之能,来推算孙悟空的跟脚。 Calculates 12, the East Blue Dragon King complexion became uglier, the secret was gloomy, oneself can only be considered as this Son Goku|Sun Wukong from Flowers and Fruits Mountain, actually may be what family background, where cultivated virtue in order to become an immortal to obtain enlightenment these, oneself anything could not calculate unexpectedly. 只是,推算12,东海龙王的脸色变得更加难看了,天机晦暗不明,自己只能算得出这孙悟空是来自花果山罢了,可究竟是何出身,何处修仙得道这些,自己居然什么都算不出来。 Nonsense, that Son Goku|Sun Wukong already oneself said came from Flowers and Fruits Mountain, the crucial thing, can't oneself actually calculate? 废话,那孙悟空早就自己说了来自于花果山啊,关键性的东西,自己竟然算不到? don't tell me? This is Monkey Demon the person of destiny? Also or has can bless greatly? Otherwise has news about that Monkey Demon, how gloomy unclear?”. 难道?这妖猴是天命之人?亦或者是有大能庇佑?否则有关于那妖猴的讯息,怎会晦暗不明?”。 Considers as finished for a long time, oneself became rose on the contrary muddleheadedly, East Blue Dragon King had realized Son Goku|Sun Wukong extraordinary, it seems like that this Monkey Demon not like the oneself imagination was so simple. 算了许久,反倒自己变得头昏脑涨了,东海龙王意识到了孙悟空不凡,看来这妖猴不像自己想象的那么简单啊。 On the face the scowl has restrained much, East Blue Dragon King became sane, thinks that suddenly has remembered Dongfang Yu. 脸上怒容收敛了不少,东海龙王变得理智了许多,想了想,突然想起了东方玉 That fellow comes with Monkey Demon together, did Monkey Demon call him the Second Brother? To come swears brotherhood the brother? 那个家伙是跟着妖猴一同来的,妖猴称他为二弟?想来是结拜弟兄? Also good, since that Monkey Demon oneself could not calculate that anything, that starts from this fellow. 也好,既然那妖猴身上自己推算不出什么,那就从这个家伙身上入手吧。 The goal that deciding East Blue Dragon King, will survey at once places on Dongfang Yu's, counts the operation. 打定了主意的东海龙王,旋即将测算的目标放在东方玉的身上,掐指运算。 Considers as finished is very long, a thing actually blank that obtains, this fist hits emptied the feeling. 只是,算了很久,得到的东西却一片空白,这有一种拳头打空了的感觉。 What's the matter!? A that fellow actually blank, what calculates not in a big way? Compared with that Monkey Demon can also simply?”, Stared in a big way eyes, East Blue Dragon King was completely scared appearance. “怎么回事!?那个家伙竟然一片空白,什么都算不大?比那妖猴还要干脆?”,瞪大了眼睛,东海龙王完全傻眼了的样子。 That Monkey Demon strong, even if the secret is gloomy, but oneself always returns can figure out a thing, but other that fellow, unexpectedly what? As if not exist(ence) in this Three Realms and Six Paths. 妖猴强则强矣,即便天机晦暗不明,可自己总归还能算出一点东西,但另外那个家伙,居然什么都没有?仿佛不是这三界六道之中的存在
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