The Ye Cangwordsalsolet the peoplebrowtightwrinkleimmediately.叶苍的话顿时也让众人眉头紧皱。SpyingBladesolves the spider that thiswill soon get angry, whileis thinking, if threeBoss, the candidate of thirdtankonly thenmakesLelehold the post, he is also heavyarmor, moreoverHPis good, makes the firsttankinotherteamsyes, has the frangible grenade and flameweapon, can definitely divertone, but does Lelehave the skill of tank? Howeverhemostis worried is this, onceLin Ledied in battle, that is the snowy mountainadds the hail, has not had one misfortune after another to describe that the frangible grenaderestrainsthisterrain, has been short ofhim, hereis difficultto hit, candidatealsosome of thirdtank were Team LeaderandI, the concrete arrangementmustthink how he said that after allwere not a regimental commander, moreoverinTeam Leaderhisdirectionon sitewas outstanding, althoughdoes not wantto sayvery much.刃觑一边解决这即将出火的蜘蛛,一边想着,如果是三boss的话,第三坦克的人选就只有让乐乐去担任,他也是重甲,而且生命值非常不错,在其他队伍做第一坦克都是可以的,有燃烧瓶和火焰武器,完全可以牵制一只,只是乐乐有坦克的技巧吗?然而他最担心的便是这个,一旦林乐阵亡的话,那便是雪山加冰雹,还不是雪上加霜可以形容的,燃烧瓶克制这个地形,少了他,这里非常之难打,第三坦克的人选还有的便是队长和我了,具体安排要看他怎么说,毕竟自己不是团长,而且队长他的临场指挥上非常优秀,虽然很不想这么说。„SpyingBladeyoudivertone, Iwill look at the opportunityto replaceyour.”Ye CangsaidlightlythatSpyingBladenodded, was goodheto hand over the remote precisionskillfirst, thenchanged positionswithme.
“刃觑你来牵制一只,我会看时机接替你的。”叶苍淡淡说道,刃觑点了点头,不错他先将远程火力技能交了,然后和我换位。Lin Lecontinuesto throw the frangible grenadecrazily, skyunceasinghas the spiderto fall, are getting more and more, looks that the massiveironnetspidermustcome out, Ye Cangputs out a hand a finger, referring to of ArsenalNash, mysteriouscanattackto swingto pushto fly into the sea of firedeep place the spider that piecesooncomes outinstantaneouslyonce more.林乐继续狂丢着燃烧瓶,上空不断的有蜘蛛掉下来,越来越多,看着大量的铁网蜘蛛要出来了,叶苍伸手一指,阿森纳什之指,奥能冲击荡开瞬间将那一片快要出来的蜘蛛再次推飞进火海深处。Zhang Zhengxiongtransferswithhaving the crecent mooncutstogether, chopsdozensinstantaneously, casualtybigpiece, butthat sideLin Leis simplergreatblade edgeto killone, comingonepairto choponepair, comingonecrowd, the handcartbangto flyto continuewithLittle Leito wait for gains without pains.张正雄转身带起一道新月斩,瞬间砍中数十只,死伤大片,而林乐那边更为简单巨刃一个杀一个,来一对砍一双,来一群,手推车轰飞继续和小雷守株待兔。Wu Nais scratching the cold sweat, isIandLittle Wangbuys the soy sauceeach time? Do not look atNextDoorOldWangto direct the Earth Elementexceptionallyaggressiveappearanceexcessively, scratches, onlyremainingI? The damnfire, youmakemyicebecontrolMagenot to have the feeling of opportunity. Waits for the paroxysmal incident, the decisiveprovinceis blue, in the handpresses firmly between the fingersonebottle of frangible grenades to guardattackssuddenly.吴娜擦着冷汗,每次都是我和小王打酱油吗?别过头看着隔壁老王使唤着土元素异常生猛的样子,擦,只剩下我了吗?该死的火,你让我一个冰系控制法师无用武之地的感觉。还是等突发情况吧,果断的省蓝,手里捏住一瓶燃烧瓶以防突然来袭。Little Ye Tian the aboveat the same timeaudiencewas beingseveralpointsresistancepersonneladds the blood, father's the effecttooforce of thatcooking, ifdid not havefoodeffect. Clearsmall monstercannot achievesuchfast, High Rank* the provinceblueeffect of restraining, is practical, at leastmademesave30%manaeffects.小叶天警惕着上面的同时全场为几个点的对抗人员加血,父亲的那烹饪的效果太强力了,如果没有食物效果。清小怪做不到这么快速,高级*收敛的省蓝效果,非常实用,至少让我节约了30%的魔法值效果。Ye Cangopensoverloadsrapidly, the dual gunsoverloadoperates, the flamebulletinclineslike rain. Experienceunceasingbrushes, turns aroundAnyashootsto lockthat sideSpyingBladedozenscrazily, shootscrazily, bulletunceasingpenetration of penetration, about the SpyingBladelong swordeven/includingWuharvests. Theycoordinateexceptionallytacitly.叶苍开启急速过载,双枪过载运行,火焰子弹如雨般倾斜而出。经验不断的刷起来,转身奥诺娅的狂射锁定刃觑那边的数十只,一阵狂射,穿透的子弹不断的贯穿,刃觑的长剑左右连舞收割。两人配合异常默契。SpyingBladelookedfewonly, turned aroundto fire intothat sideFrozenCloudto supportimmediately, Ye Cangstarted the damage control, cleaned upremainingseveral, solved the vigorto changethat sideFrozenCloud, startedto display the chain-likelightning, shortrecitation, in the hand the electric lightmade noise. Whish, a sturdylightningis similar to the whiphitsonspider that generally , will soon have gotten angry, immediatelyunceasingtransmission. Was in the fireweakspider, immediately the whole bodyparalysiscannotmove, whateverFrozenCloudandSpyingBladebutcher.刃觑看没几只了,立马转身冲向冰云那边支援,叶苍开始善后,清理剩下的几只,解决掉活力转向冰云那边,开始施展连锁闪电,短暂的吟唱,手中电光嗤嗤作响。哗的一声,一条粗壮的闪电如同鞭子一般打在了即将出火的蜘蛛身上,顿时不断的传递。本就处于火中虚弱的蜘蛛,顿时全身麻痹不能动弹,任由冰云与刃觑宰割。
The spider of fallingare getting fewer and fewer, Ye Cangand the othersknow that immediatelywantedBossto fight.
Sky over Ye Cang the attentionmainlywill also place, in the darkfield of vision, looksgiantironnetspider that the two sidesdikesclimb down20ricediametersrespectively. Butmiddlethat? Still when is at the doubts, instantaneousapproximately25meters( includingfootdiameter) diameter. Drops the rapidnessin the sky.叶苍也将注意力主要放在上空,黑暗视野中,看着两边的岩壁各爬下一只20来米直径的巨型铁网蜘蛛。而中间的那个呢?还在疑惑之际,瞬间一只约25米(含脚直径)直径。当空落下非常之快。„Be careful! Got down!!”Ye Canghurriesto jump in the flametemporarily.
“小心!下来了!!”叶苍赶忙暂时跳进火焰中。Wu Na of slowracketwas crashedis hanginggiantspiderBossto hold in the mouthinstantaneouslyby the middle, the buttocksare linkingthickspider's silkunceasingcontraction. Fastupwardis far away from the ground, Ye CangarrowstepDashing Straight Thrust, twosprints, the lanceholdsdirectlyitscompound eye, the shadowincorruptibleice flowerblasts out, eatsunder the pain, the huge mouthloosenedbeing frightenedWu Na, Little LeileapheldWu Nato arrive at the flameedge.
Under Ye Cangextracts the lance, two of dikespoutstwospider websto come, to hurryto jump, the shadeescapesto the Wu Nashadowpositionevades the capture of spider web, the peoplestandin the flameedge, oncethere is a netto fallplunges into the fireimmediately.叶苍抽出长矛,岩壁的两只喷出两张蛛网而来,赶忙下跳,影遁到吴娜的影子位置躲过蛛网的捕捉,众人纷纷站在火焰边缘,一旦有网落下立马跳入火中。Ye Cangis recognizingthreespiders, the left , middle , and right, isVegaSyria, Vegascattersrespectively, VegaCoss, the buttocksmeatandinsidesilk threadare the first-classfood.叶苍辨识着三只蜘蛛,左中右,分别是维加利亚,维加撒,维加科斯,屁股肉和里面的丝线是一流的食材。Vega who the ocular regionreceives the severe woundscattersbyflameedgeto send outangryneighingto the people, the spider webs of threespidersapproach the flameto be lit, Ye Cang, Fang Ci, Wu Na, NextDoorOldWangdependsthemnot to dareto launch the remote precisionattack, the close combatis responsible forshielding to guard againstbelowsurprise attacks of threeBoss.
眼部受到重伤的维加撒对着靠火焰边缘的众人发出愤怒的嘶鸣,三只蜘蛛的蛛网一靠近火焰就被点燃,叶苍,方赐,吴娜,隔壁老王仗着他们不敢下来发起远程火力进攻,近战负责掩护以防三只boss的下地突袭。Vega who underdirection of Ye Cang, firepowermaincentralizedinbeen damagedscatters the body, looks that it seems like hanging the targetunceasingreceivecollectionfireto outputgenerally, at this time above plannedto return, two sidesspidersunceasing the peopletowardsea of fireedgesent outneighsangrily, Lin Lecontinuedto supplement the sea of fire, the ring-likelocationonly then a middlesmall circledid not have the fire, peoplebyin the edge of small circle.叶苍的指挥下,火力主要集中在已经受创的维加撒身上,看着它像吊着的靶子一般不断的受到集火输出,此时打算回上面了,两边的蜘蛛不断的朝着火海边缘的众人发出愤怒嘶鸣,林乐继续补充火海,环形的场地只有中间的一个小圆没有火,众人靠在小圆的边缘。Ye Canglooked that itwantsto run away, Light Strike Arrayis ready, since lawbravesfrom the leftVegaSyriaposition, the brillianceblows outfrom left to right, assumes the straight lineto hitthree in onestraight line, makingitssimultaneouslyfall into the sea of fireto send out the pitiful yell of ignition, Zhang Zhengxiong, FrozenCloudcrashes in the fireto meetBossimmediately, SpyingBladealsodivertsto go, under the resistance of high quota, flamedamagecanmaintainwith the support of Little Ye Tianreluctantlyslows certainly down the time, Ye Cangknows that annoyingspider webwas sealed up, hurriesto pullBallista in travel bag, the summonshadowweapon. The heavycrossbow, in the Meteor Shotpreparation, looks atVegaCoss who plansto climb up the wall, the spiralmeteorflickersitsnailin the fire, the after bee of heavycrossbow, puncturesalsopasses throughnails fast, the toxineruptsdamage, althoughwas reducedunderitsresistancemost probably, butBallistadamageis terrorist, listening tothatpitifulinsectto callknows.叶苍一看它想逃,光击阵就绪,法阵从左边维加利亚位置冒起,光焰从左到右爆出,呈直线击中一条直线上的三只,使其齐齐落入火海里发出灼烧的惨叫,张正雄,冰云立马冲进火中接boss,刃觑也牵制而去,高额的抗性下,火焰的伤害勉强能在小叶天的支援下保持一定减缓时间,叶苍知道那烦人的蛛网被封住了,赶忙扯出行囊里的弩炮,召唤影子武器.重弩,流星射击准备中,看着打算爬上墙的维加科斯,螺旋的流星一瞬将其钉在火中,重弩的蜂后刺也贯穿钉住,毒素爆发伤害虽然在其抗性下被削减了大半,但弩炮的伤害却非常恐怖,听那凄惨的虫鸣就知道了。Ye Canglooks that the peopletidy upBossin the sea of fire, calmextractiondual guns, startedto tradecrystal core, sighed that thisweapon was also the fevermoney, suchflamecrystal coretookseveralgold/metal, withMagic Crystaloncheapmany, has pressedunder the button, twocrystal corefellon the ground, in the fillingnew, picked upto exhaust the energycrystal coreto throw into the package, in do not look atWu Naexcessivelyin the sidesomewhatidleappearance„muchstudyseveralWind elementmagic spell, the coordinateflameshouldalsobe ableto playgreatlyrole, returned to the city the time, Ipaid attention an underauction room.”叶苍看着众人在火海里收拾boss,淡定的取出双枪,开始换晶核了,不禁感叹这武器也是烧的钱,这么一颗火焰晶核怎么也要几金,用魔晶就便宜的多,按了下按钮,两枚晶核落在地上,填装上新的,捡起用尽能源的晶核丢进包里,别过头看着吴娜在旁边有些无所事事的样子“多学几个风系法术,配合火焰应该也能起大作用,回城里的时候,我留意一下拍卖行。”Wu Nanodded, oneselfbookisicewindclassmixMage, is not the pureice, but the Wind elementmagic spellskillbookhas not seenfor a long time, looks that FrozenCloudbends downto squat down, a bodyrevolution, Leg Sweep, the tornadosweeps. Sickleweasel! Immediatelyis exceptionally powerfulinsmallflametornado that in the firebrings, looksagainLin Lewas hitraises the mouth that whileBossbyZhang Zhengxiongslightly the time, jumpsisseveralbottles of frangible grenadeslosesto the mouthnear, looks that spits the fireto fall to the groundfaintingdeadconditionBoss, has scratched the cold sweat. ( to be continued )吴娜点了点头,自己本就是冰风类的混合法师,并不是纯冰,不过风系法术技能书好久都没有看到过了,看着冰云俯身蹲下,身体一转,扫堂腿而出,旋风扫.镰鼬!顿时在火中带起的一道小型的火焰龙卷风异常给力,再看着林乐趁boss被张正雄撞的微微扬起嘴巴的时候,跳到嘴巴边上就是几瓶燃烧瓶丢进去,看着吐火倒地晕死状态的boss,擦了擦冷汗。(未完待续)
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