Somewhatadapted, the people who woke upleisurelylook atfoodeffect, deeplyinspired, the additionalfoodattribute of goodterror, was the so-calledBlack Goldequipmentby farcannot catch up withsuch an effect! Ye Cangpresses firmly between the fingers the nose, the eyesomewhatis hardto open, butexpressionveryproudlooks at the picture of ownworkinfire.
The Ye Cangshopgoodlongarrange, Zhang Zhengxiongand the othersto come uponce more, has putit, butputs down, the peoplenearlyfaintedonce more, Ye Cangputs out the bladeto cut a fish, fourBossmeat a respectivelypoint, has drenchedmeat juices cooked in soy bean sauce, piercespurpleliquidto go downstream the lump, the rice served with meat and vegetable toppingdoes wellimmediately, abundantonebowl of soup, cutstogetherGoldeyeball, deeplyinspires, startsto dig the food, justate upsomerice serveds with meat and vegetable toppingon the cramp, if the beforehandfoodtwitched, thatpresentcansay that obviouslythatwasin the cramp, the scope that the hands and feettwitchedwas quite big., Mouthfoamleftspray point, rightspray point.叶苍铺好长布,让张正雄等人再次上去,将其放了上去,而放下的时候,众人再次险些晕厥了过去,叶苍拿出刀割下一点鱼肉,四个boss的肉各一点,淋了点酱汁,将疙瘩捅破一个紫色的液体顺流而下,盖浇饭顿时弄好,盛了一碗汤,切一下一块黄金眼球,深吸一口气,开始刨饭,刚好吃下一些盖浇饭就到底抽疯了,如果说以前的食物是抽搐,那现在明显可以说那是在抽疯了,手脚抽搐的幅度相当大。,嘴里白沫左喷点,右喷点。
It can be said that atethingquickestYe Cang unable underto finish eatingthreetypes of thingsrapidly, butinequallyso-calledsurpassing. Under the disgustingbarbecuedied in battle, cold airall over the body, thismustdividethreetimes!? SpyingBladehas also attempted, forcesto eat one effect of rice served with meat and vegetable toppingto lieon the neckon the groundcrookedlyis similar to the arid landloachis ordinary.
The Wu Nadeep breath, musteat upthisgadget to unceasinglyhave the bigcourage! The peopleface whiten, Little Ye Tianadvancedhas delivered a pet beastregulationtemporarily, the peoplebit the mandibular jointto eat uptightly, the instantaneousgroundpresented‚corpse that’onepilewiggled forwardto struggle.吴娜不断地深呼吸,要吃下这玩意儿是得有多大的勇气!众人脸色苍白,小叶天先行暂时送了宠兽们一程,众人紧咬着牙关吃下,瞬间地上出现了一堆扭来扭去挣扎的‘尸体’。Ye Cangsomewhatweakgetting up , to continue to completeto drink the soup and fried wheaten foodworking procedure, arrives at the cramponce more, Zhang Zhengxiong, Lin Le. SpyingBladehas completed, butotherdo not havegood luck that will dividethreetalentsto take, Little Ye Tian that unfortunatelydied in battle was really painstakingly the face, has eatenonce more. Wakes uponce more, looks at the daypitaboveluminous spotsomewhatabsent-minded, the father, Ithought that Ishouldtreatin the laboratory for twoyearsin.....叶苍有些虚弱的起来,继续完成喝汤和炸食工序,再次到地抽疯,张正雄,林乐。刃觑都完成了,不过其他就没那么好运,分了三次才将服用完毕,不幸真实阵亡的小叶天更是苦着脸,再次吃了一遍。再次醒来的时候,看着天坑上方的光点有些失神,父亲,我觉得我还是应该在实验室里多待两年在过来````。„Has almost forgotten, the Master Rankcookingcanhavefourfoodeffects, but must make a mealagain.”Ye Cangwords. Lethave the people of being survivor of disaster, immediatelyfalls into the icehouseonce again, Zhang Zhengxionghurriesto covermouthambiguous[say / way]„elder brother, makesdelicious, neutralizes. Otherwiseeverybodyreallycannot bear.”
“差点忘记了,大师级烹饪可以有四个食物效果,还要再做一道菜。”叶苍的话。让本来有劫后余生的众人,顿时再度跌入冰窖,张正雄赶忙捂住嘴巴含糊道“哥,弄道好吃的吧,中和一下。不然大家实在受不了。”Nod that the peopledo not live, Little Ye Tianwas the chinmustfling the ground, pet beast that crawled, onehear of alsodishes, immediatelycontinuedto drop downclosed eyesto feign death.
众人不住的点头,小叶天更是下巴都要甩到地上了般,爬起来的宠兽们,一听还有一道菜,顿时继续倒下闭目装死。„Good, Iwantto tryto make the freshpiece, the self-satisfiedmeat juices cooked in soy bean sauceeat uncooked the frogmeat, lookisanyflavor...” the Ye Cangwords. Let the peopleballstremble, finallylooks atYe Cangto cut the fishBosssliced meat, the alligatorBosssliced meat. The wild boarBosssliced meat, mixedwith the greens, drenched a cooking wine, the people have eatenone, neattaste, tastyflavor. Letthat not the looseextremedisgustingfeelingreducefor a very long time, obtained the Beginnerformidablemealeffect.
“好吧,本来我想试试做成生片,沾沾酱汁来生吃蛤蟆肉,看看是个什么味道的```”叶苍的话。让众人更加胆颤起来,最后看着叶苍切着鱼boss肉片,鳄鱼boss肉片。野猪boss肉片,用生菜混了一下,淋了点料酒,众人吃了一口,清爽的口感,鲜美的味道。让那股久久不散的极度恶心感减少了很多,获得了初级勇者套餐效果。Beginnerformidablemealeffect: Attack+ 10%. magic spelleffect+ 10%, Defense+ 10%. damage that receivesreduces10%, speed+ 30( are notpercentage), maytryto resist a negative effect, after becoming effective, Cooldown Timeis1hour.初级勇者套餐效果:攻击力+10%。法术效果+10%,防御力+10%。受到的伤害减少10%,速度+30(不是百分比),可试着抵挡一次负面效果,生效后,冷却时间为1小时。Ye Cangreceivesfood, althoughdisgustingisdisgusting, butattributelargeincrease, ismeaning of someafter the bitter comes the sweet, Lin Leis clamoring„Brother Little White, Ifelt that Icanhit100now!!”叶苍收起食物,虽然恶心是恶心,但属性的大幅增加,算是有些苦尽甘来的意味,林乐更是叫嚣着“小白哥,我感觉我现在能一个打100个!!”
The peoplesmile, continuevanguardexploration.
众人不禁莞尔一笑,继续前行探索。Ye Cangaccording tojust the Little Blue Feather'sfield of vision, knows that front was the spider„has been careful, frontwas the region that the spiderappeared and disappeared, saw that thesespider websdid not have, do not bump into.”叶苍按照刚刚小蓝毛的视野,知道前面是蜘蛛了“都小心点,前面就是蜘蛛出没的地带了,看到那些蛛网没有,别碰到了。”„In the event of the large-scalefight, Lele, youremembers that firstspoke the netto burn down, cannotmake the nettie downeverybody, particularlyyou, the spider webonlyfeared the fire.”SpyingBladewas reminding, Lin Lenodded, a handcarried the greatblade edge, a handwas pinching the frangible grenadeon the alert.
“一旦发生大规模的战斗,乐乐,你记得第一时间讲网烧掉,绝不能让网缠住大家,尤其是你自己,蛛网只怕火。”刃觑提醒着,林乐点了点头,一只手扛着巨刃,一只手捏着燃烧瓶警惕着。SpyingBladelooks at the spider web, tests the swordto open, butthatfirmsuch aspliable but hard to breakandsolidity of steel, as well as the coherency, makingitslong swordshut offunceasingly, but also was stuck, SpyingBlade the browtightwrinkle, Ye Cangand the othersalsonotedimmediately, oncefoughtmustburning outnearbyspider web, otherwisetied downcould not break away.刃觑看着蛛网,试着用剑挑开,不过那坚如钢的柔韧与结实,以及粘性,使其长剑不断切断,还被粘了上去,刃觑顿时眉头紧皱,叶苍等人也注意到了,一旦战斗一定要烧尽附近的蛛网,不然被缠住了根本挣不开。„Lele the frangible grenade, apportionseverybodytwobottles of...” the Little Ye Tianproposition saying that whattradesis the fist of Lin Leknockshead„to callBrother Le!”
“乐乐把燃烧瓶,分给大家一人两瓶```”小叶天提议道,换来的是林乐的拳头敲脑袋“叫乐哥!”Little Ye Tianclenches jaws, look, smellyLele, deadLele, Iwill certainly exceedyoudá! Bah, bah! Exceedsyour!!小叶天咬牙切齿,看着吧,臭乐乐,死乐乐,我一定会胜过你哒!呸,呸!胜过你的!!Lin Ledivided the frangible grenadecame out, usedto provide against contingenciesfor the people.林乐将燃烧瓶分了一些出来,供众人使用以防万一。
The peoplego toYe Cangjusteagle eyeshad come to the place, at this timeYe Cangsees clearlyhereagain, isinspaciousring-like the hole, the surroundingsallare the spidersilk screen, abovealsohasmuchstuck tobatcorpse.
众人来到了叶苍刚刚鹰目来过的地方,此时叶苍再看清这里,是一个宽敞的环形内窟,周围全是蛛丝网,上面还有不少被粘住的蝙蝠尸体。When the peopleseek for the spider, the innumerabledoublescarleteyesopenfrom the sky, Ye Canglooks up the topdeep placesuddenly, in the range of darkfield of visiondescendedinstantaneouslydense and numerousgiantspiders„Lele! Puts the sea of fire! Leavesourpositions!!”
The Lin Lehurryingnetdifferentdirectionsthrow the frangible grenade, is burning the spider web, the flamefollowing the spider's silkon, manyairborneis hanging the spidercrashes the ground, received not smalldamage, Ye Cangclearidentification.林乐赶忙网不同的方向丢燃烧瓶,烧着蜘蛛网,火焰顺着蛛丝而上,不少空中悬着的蜘蛛坠落到地面,受到了不小的伤害,叶苍清晰的辨识一番。Ironnetspider( High Rankelite. Abyss): The dangerousspider that onetypeperchesin the darkdeep placeplants, hunted fortarget that the netsurroundsto rarely havebyitcansurviveto run away, fears the flame, hisspidereggis the food of unusualdelicacy, the spider's silk in buttocksis very goodfacial suture and tailorline.
铁网蜘蛛(高级精英.深渊):一种栖息在黑暗深处的危险蜘蛛种,被其猎网困住的目标鲜有能存活逃走的,惧怕火焰,其蛛卵是非常美味的食材,屁股里的蛛丝是非常不错的面线和裁缝线。Has the spiderto fall into the fireunceasinglywail, Ye CangdirectlyentersinLight Strike Arraycasting magic, eagle eyeslooks at the mostspidercrowdedpositions, a lawsealwhen the dike, airbornesprays the gorgeousincomparablebrillianceimmediatelyfrom right to left, has illuminated the sky, the brilliancehas delimited, Ye Cangeagle eyessawabovemostdeep place six giantspiders of twinkledangerousred lightcompound eyes„Bossalso above! Be careful!! The buildcannot estimate, at leastoutside20opens!!”
The Ye Cangwordsmade the peoplehittenspiritsextremely, under the function of Light Strike Array, about40ironnetspidersfell into the Lin Lefire, the peopleencircledin the same placeresisttheseplans the spider that crawledfrom the sea of fire, the sea of firehave totally been blockingtheirsprayingspider web, a blowoutthenturned into the ashesin the sea of fire, what the peoplecaredwastopspiderBoss, theseelitewater-drop designtimewere not difficultto be solvedin the sea of fire, the raritywasBossfights the time, as well asitsskill.叶苍的话让众人打起了十万分的精神,光击阵的作用下,近40只铁网蜘蛛掉入林乐的火中,众人围在一起对抗着那些打算从火海爬来的蜘蛛,火海彻底封锁了它们的喷射蛛网,一喷出便在火海中变成了灰烬,但众人更加在意的是顶部的蜘蛛boss,这些精英花点时间在火海里并不难解决,难得就是boss战时间,以及它的技能。ButYe Cangalwaysfelt that justthatflameflickeredilluminates, alwayssomeplaceoversights, Fire Elementcrystal coredual gunsburst, whilerecalls, bymostdeep placealsohas the sameominouslightprobably, butcompared withcenterby the degree of shiningwas lookeddoes not come out, raises upbrow„everybodyto listenslowly, abovemay bethreeBoss....extremely”( to be continued )
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