PWE :: Volume #5

#482: The fearfulness of BOSS level food

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Zhang Zhengxiong displayed NextDoorOldWang that resurrecting technique rescued to be in falls head over heels died in battle, the thing that Lin Le will trace has given Ye Cang, a Dark Gold ring, pair of magic shoes of Gold rank. 张正雄施展复活术救处于倒栽葱阵亡的隔壁老王,林乐将摸到的东西给了叶苍,一枚暗金戒指,一双黄金级别的魔法鞋子。 Nagis' Fang( Dark Gold. Abyss) 纳加斯之牙暗金.深渊 Category: Ring 类别:戒指 Requirements: Does not have 需求属性:无 Agility + 30 敏捷+30 Agility + 5% 敏捷+5% physical Life Leach + 5%( close combat) 物理吸血+5%(近战) armor penetration + 40 护甲穿透+40 Success hit target will steal 5 HP to restore oneself each time. 每次成功命中目标将偷取5点生命值恢复自身。 Nagis sound wave artillery: Starts a sound wave impact on front range target, creates 75 damage, and makes it enter frightens, stun(ned), absent-minded and other conditions, Cooldown Time: 30 minutes. 纳加斯的音波炮:对前方范围目标发动一次音浪冲击,造成75点伤害,并使其进入震慑,眩晕,失神等状态,冷却时间:30分钟。 SpyingBlade looks at the attribute of ring, is a little excited, the equipment of Life Leach effect is very scarce, has also seen several to the present, put out a hand Requirement the ring, Ye Cang has thought to give him directly, has given Fang Ci the shoes, FrozenCloud, although also somewhat wanted, but the own second tank localization was Strength was equal to that Stamina was bigger than Agility, but SpyingBlade was Agility is bigger than Strength to be bigger than Stamina, first indeed he or Team Leader were appropriate, but the Team Leader majority of times were the long-distance position, therefore gave SpyingBlade are the optimizations. 刃觑看着戒指的属性,有点心动,吸血效果的装备是非常稀少的,到现在还看到过几件,伸手需求了戒指,叶苍想了想直接给了他,将鞋子给了方赐,冰云虽然也有些想要,但自己的第二坦克定位来说是力量等于体力大于敏捷,而刃觑的则是敏捷大于力量大于体力,优先来说的确他或者队长都是合适的,但队长的大部分时候都是远程站位,所以给刃觑是最佳选择。 Ye Cang the corpse sweep trace in ground, sighed „is just my general idea, has not completed ahead of time supplies... 叶苍将地面上的尸体收拾干净,叹了口气“刚刚是我大意,没有做好提前的补给``` Here, Ye Cang looks that carried Weak Sauce that Little Toad got down leisurely, sighed again, then the look shook „, therefore... to compensate everybody, as well as celebrated me to promote the master cooking, I decided that said the Boss ingredients! Is everybody excited!?”. 说到这里,叶苍看着悠悠背着小蛤蟆下来的小弱鸡,再次叹了口气,然后眼神一震“所以```为了补偿大家,以及庆祝我晋升大师烹饪,我决定来道boss料理!大家兴不兴奋!?”。 The body that Weak Sauce gets down has shaken, then continues upward to crawl, put out a hand one to grasp to hold the doll by Little Ye Tian to grasp, Weak Sauce has to fall with the people simultaneously cold sweat. 小弱鸡下来的身子抖了一下,然后继续往上爬,被小叶天伸手一把抓了过来抱公仔般抱住,小弱鸡只好和众人齐齐冷汗落下。 When looks at Ye Cang lecture of frog Boss. gu insect Boss, Kagu Bug Boss, just bat Boss has suspended, immediately knows was any dish, moreover strengthened the version. Each one firmly holds the vine cane, quite some want to crawl to flee here feeling, the back brave the cold air. 当看着叶苍讲蛤蟆boss。吧咕虫boss,咔咕虫boss,刚刚的蝙蝠boss都摆了出来,顿时知道是什么菜了,而且还是加强版的。各自紧紧抓住蔓藤,颇有些想爬上去逃离这里的感觉,背脊直冒寒气。 This Slime body fluid is also bo SS Rank! Luxurious!” Ye Cang laughs is starting to fill Boss to swallow the Boss cooked food the prelude, another side is cooking the mushroom bone dregs Slime Boss body fluid soup and food, operated a cooker to explode the big eyeball of alligator Boss again. “就连这个史莱姆体液也是boss级的!豪华吧!”叶苍大笑着开始填装bossboss菜肴的前奏,另一边烧着蘑菇骨渣史莱姆boss体液汤和饭,再开了一口炸锅炸鳄鱼boss的大眼珠。 The people send to all over the body to ice up from the back coldly, cannot speak. The mouth opens big, Little Lei, Little Blue Feather simultaneously falls to the ground to feign death. 众人从背脊发寒到遍体结冰,说不出话来。只是嘴巴张的大大的,小雷,小蓝毛齐齐倒地装死。 SpyingBlade looks that Ye Cang started to process the detail, frog Boss in internal organs pulled out to twist broken, again other insects dirty. The bat internal organs stirred to destroy the meat juices cooked in soy bean sauce same thing in one, then added the Green Slimes Boss body fluid to continue to stir, then put in the cryptogam to mix undead sanie and odor mushroom, the ease cane, fart grass and other wild mushroom went to continue to stir stirs, pours into the mouth of part of chapter of frog Boss, joined some strange wild herbs, the gu insect Boss corpse will be loading into the frog mouth with face the help of Zhang Zhengxiong painstakingly the drum drum of brace. The mouth of gu beetle will open again pours into Boss internal organs sanie and other mix meat juices cooked in soy bean sauce, adds the mushroom, dragging out the bat Boss corpse to fill. Continues to open the mouth of bat Boss to pour into the meat juices cooked in soy bean sauce, threw some wild herbs and mushrooms is promiscuous, finally fills in the bat Boss corpse the Kagu bee Boss corpse, makes an effort to open somewhat by the tight Kagu bee mouth that the space pushes, has filled entry the remaining meat juices cooked in soy bean sauce completely, takes out several big fish to dig the internal organs to spread the secret system seasoning. Forces in the mouth of Kagu bee hardly. 刃觑看着叶苍开始处理细节了,将蛤蟆boss的里的脏器掏出来绞碎,再将其他的虫脏都。蝙蝠内脏都搅在了一起打碎成酱汁一样的东西,然后加入绿史莱姆boss的体液继续搅拌,接着放入孢子植物混合亡灵身上的腐液和恶臭菇,悠然藤,放屁草等野菜蘑菇进去继续搅啊搅,倒入一部分回蛤蟆boss的嘴巴里,加入一些张的很奇怪的野菜,将吧咕虫boss的尸体在苦着脸的张正雄的帮助下装进蛤蟆嘴巴里撑的鼓鼓的。再将吧咕甲虫的嘴巴打开灌入boss内脏腐液等混合酱汁,加入蘑菇,拖起蝙蝠boss尸体塞了进去。继续打开蝙蝠boss的嘴倒入酱汁,丢了一些野菜和蘑菇混杂,最后才是将咔咕boss的尸体填入蝙蝠boss的尸体,用力打开有些被空间挤得的紧紧的咔咕蜂嘴巴,将剩下的酱汁全部灌了进入,取出几条大鱼刨掉脏器涂上秘制调料。硬塞进咔咕蜂的嘴巴里。 The people look at about 20 meters high Boss ingredients, that frog mouth and belly support does not make sense. The feeling looks like extremely appalling joining together biology, the so-called meat juices cooked in soy bean sauce flowed out four to open mouth slowly. Ye Cang has wiped the perspiration of forehead, looks at SpyingBlade, FrozenCloud, Lin Le, NextDoorOldWang comes to help to roast together! This is the bo SS Rank grand feast! Hurries!” 众人看着近20米高的boss料理,那蛤蟆嘴和肚子撑的不像话。感觉就像是极度让人毛骨悚然的拼合生物,所谓的酱汁慢慢流出了四张嘴。叶苍擦了擦额头的汗,看着刃觑,冰云,林乐,隔壁老王“过来一起帮忙烤!这可是boss级的盛宴!赶紧的!” Said how many person Ye Cang is dragging being loathing and NextDoorOldWang of Earth Element places between two stone columns forcefully the colossus the card, the people look at Ye Cang unexpectedly also about 30 meters iron rods!? Zhang Zhengxiong is scratching the cold sweat, sentimental elder brother makes me build a long iron rod is brings to make this, early knows that said cannot manufacture was good, remembered itself also to make a 50 meters forced smile. 说罢叶苍强行拖着极不情愿的几个人和隔壁老王土元素将庞然大物放在两个石柱间卡着,众人看着叶苍竟然还有近30米长的铁棒!?张正雄擦着冷汗,感情哥让我打造一个长铁杆就是拿来做这个,早知道就说不能制作就好了,想起自己还做了一根50米的苦笑起来。 Ye Cang across makes the prill using the terrain it, below the massive lumbers will spread, making Lin Le throw the frangible grenade to ignite, two stood two people in rotating Boss at the same time roasts slowly, each drop of meat juices cooked in soy bean sauce and meat broth fell into the sound that in the fire made, was similar to the female monster whins makes the person balls tremble generally. 叶苍将其穿过利用地形做出烤架,下面将大量的木材铺好,让林乐丢燃烧瓶引燃,两头一边站了两个人在转动boss慢慢烤,每一滴酱汁和肉汁落入火中发出的声音,如同女妖哀嚎一般的让人胆颤。 The above four people with following Wu Na and the others look that Ye Cang continues to make own soup and fried wheaten food, that snort|hum the song self-confident appearance, thorough was disorderly, in an instant looks at Boss food that’ the iron rod puts on, green and glossy explodes the smelly soup, the golden yellow big eyeball that two exploding, swallowed a saliva, the cold sweat one moistened the back, depended on the wall to start to retch. 上面的四人和下面的吴娜等人看着叶苍继续弄自己的汤和炸食,那哼着小曲的自信模样,彻底凌乱了,转眼看着铁杆穿着的‘boss食物’,绿油油的爆臭汤,两只炸的金黄的大眼球,均咽了口唾沫,冷汗一下打湿了后背,纷纷靠墙开始干呕。 The smell of food starts to be rich, the people closely cover the nose, the mouth, closes the eye, Ye Cang somewhat is also absent-minded. 食物的气味开始浓郁起来,众人紧紧捂住鼻子,嘴巴,闭上眼睛,叶苍也有些恍惚起来。 On the stone column roasted the heart that food four people want dead to have. 石柱上烤食物的四人更是想死的心都有了。 Everybody insists! the bo SS Rank good food, is waving to us!” Ye Cang drinks keep it up greatly, manufactured the good secret system seasoning to drench with vat on the frog Boss lump skin, the mud color mucilage started to proliferate, flavor stimulation, the people somewhat could not bear, however this has not ended, the Ye Cang lecture exploded the get lost oil of eyeball also to sprinkle, ka ka the fried sound of rupturing got up, the exciting flavor, exploded instantaneously generally, the fat liquor that fell, the juice, the body fluid, the meat juices cooked in soy bean sauce, the seasoning, had one instantaneously seems the Devil mist and dust head, sent out Jie Jie's sneering, the mist and dust also unceasingly in fumigating. Roasts the frog. “大家坚持住!boss级的美食,在向我们招手!”叶苍大喝加油,用大桶制作好的秘制调料淋在了蛤蟆boss的疙瘩皮上,泥巴色的粘液开始遍布起来,味道更加的刺激,众人有些受不了,然而这还没完,叶苍讲炸过眼珠的滚油也泼了上去,咔哧咔哧的爆裂的油炸声响起,原本刺激的味道,瞬间爆炸了一般,落下去的油液,汁液,体液,酱汁,调料,瞬间带起一个仿佛是恶魔般的烟尘头颅,发出了桀桀的冷笑,烟尘也不断的在熏制着。烤蛤蟆。 „The Congratulations, you've completed master most series work, the cooking experience dramatically increases together! Please name! gained experience character 2000!” The prompt of system transmits. 恭喜你完成一道大师之最系列作品,烹饪经验大幅增加!请命名!获得经验人物2000!”系统的提示传来。 Surpasses. The toad wants to eat the Slime of oil gu bat Kagu to sprinkle the meat juices cooked in soy bean sauce to roast smokes meat .... Ye Cang before fainting its name, then the brain one drops down black. “超.癞蛤蟆想吃吧咕蝙蝠咔咕史莱姆油泼酱汁烤熏肉````叶苍在晕倒前将其命名,然后脑子一黑倒下。 The people hold breath a cold air/Qi, has not started to eat must lose has realized, the falling to the ground look is in abundance fierce. 众人纷纷倒吸一口冷气,还没开始吃就要失去意识了,纷纷倒地神色狰狞。 Surpassing. The toad wants to eat the Slime of oil gu bat Kagu to sprinkle the meat juices cooked in soy bean sauce to roast the smoked meat: The use will restore 5 HP every second continually, restores 2 mana every second, and obtains all attributes + 30, all attributes + 10%, all resistances + 100, Attack + 25, Defense + 30, anti- stun(ned) + 10%, Mental Immunity + 10%, movement speed + 15%, High Rank * restraining( reduces casting magic, skill, anger, the consumption of Energy), High Rank * the eruption( has probability erupts additionally hits hard damage), High Rank * Toughness( enhancement survivability) the effect , to continue for 3 days. ( to be continued ) 超.癞蛤蟆想吃吧咕蝙蝠咔咕史莱姆油泼酱汁烤熏肉:持续使用将会每秒恢复5点生命值,每秒恢复2点魔法值,并获得所有属性+30,所有属性+10%,所有抗性+100,攻击力+25,防御力+30,抗眩晕+10%,精神豁免+10%,移动速度+15%,高级*收敛(减少施法,技能,怒气,能量值的消耗),高级*爆发(有几率爆发额外的重击伤害),高级*刚体(提高生存力)的效果,持续3天。(未完待续)
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