SpyingBladesecretly said, the goodsea of fireunusualis dead, spider webalmostnot being able to stand in lineuse that theyrestrain, otherwisethat is not difficultto hit to describe, hereclose combatoriginallymany, oncethreeBossjointlycast a net, had almost finished, the netsword of thatordinaryspideris unable to shut off, let aloneboSS Rank, the onlyweaknessis the fire.刃觑暗道,还好火海将它们克制的非常死,蛛网几乎排不上用场,不然那就是不难打可以形容的了,这里近战本来就多,一旦三个boss联合撒网,几乎就结束了,那个普通蜘蛛的网都刀剑无法切断,更别说boss级的了,唯一的弱点就是火。At this timeSpyingBladeremembered the Lin Lefrangible grenadeto startto have the bigusefromReally New Village, limitedmanyBosslocations and nature.
此时刃觑才想起林乐的燃烧瓶从真新镇开始就一路派上了大用场,限制住了很多boss的场地和相性。Fang Cilooks that threeBossspray the spider's silk to linkon the wallto go back, butspoutsthento burnin the fire, lookshas cast offBrother Xiong, butquickwas then nailed fast the headby a lanceon the ground, do not look atYe Cangexcessivelytothat is being the blasting cartridge, passes through the elaternot to giveanyopportunityto leave the sea of fire.方赐看着三个boss喷射出蛛丝想要链接到墙上回去,不过喷出便在火中燃烧起来,看着其中一只甩开了雄哥,不过很快便被一只矛钉住脑袋在地上,别过头看着叶苍对着那只便是爆炸弹,贯穿弹丝毫不给任何机会出火海。
The news that threespidersdied in battlecomes, withdraws from the sea of fireYe Cangto come in abundancesuddenly, the interceptiongoes, Lin Letouchingone by onewalks, Zhang Zhengxiongcontinuesto comfortYe Cangwith the excuse of wrongluck at games of chance.
三只蜘蛛阵亡的消息传来,纷纷退出火海警惕着叶苍突进来,拦截而去,林乐挨个的摸走,张正雄继续用错手气的借口安抚着叶苍。ThreeBosshave providedthreeDark Gold, threeGold, the harvestis good, Ye Cangstartedto assign the goods, the Dark GoldmagicshoesgivesFang Ci, the Goldshawlhas givenOld Wang, the Dark Goldstrengthbodynecklacehas givenFrozenCloud, the Goldweaponhas pasted onto treatsells, finallywas the Dark Golddagger, nobodyRequirementhas also admitted the cart, as forthatGoldlevelwas a pair of magicglove, has givenWu Nadirectly, supplemented a spider webcaptureskill, was practical, is usedto maintain lifeandlimit.
三只boss提供了三件暗金,三件黄金,收获非常不错,叶苍开始分配物品,暗金的魔法鞋给了方赐,黄金的披肩给了老王,暗金的力体项链给了冰云,黄金的武器贴上待售,最后是暗金的匕首,没什么人需求也放进了推车,至于那件黄金级的则是一双魔法手套,直接给了吴娜,附带一个蛛网捕捉技能,非常实用,用来保命和限制。Little Ye Tianis analyzingthistime3Bossis not difficult, the reasonhas2.1is the terrainrestraint, second is onfood the attribute, 4types of foodadd the mealeffect. Almostwas equalto everyone puts on3Dark Goldadditionallyto the Black Goldequipment, the strengthincreased, butprice...rememberedthatflavorto come, the smallforeheadcold sweatmoistened the hairimmediately.小叶天分析着这次的3boss过的并不难,原因有2.1个是地形克制,第二个便是食物上属性,4种食物加套餐效果。几乎相当于每人额外穿了3件暗金到黑金不等的装备,实力大增,不过代价```想起那个味道来,小额头冷汗顿时打湿了头发。
The peoplelook that Ye Cangsnort|hum the songstartsto clean up the dense and numerousevery large or smallcorpses, thatwiredrawingmovementdeftletsheadskin feeling numb. Is Wu Nahardbrokento ask„thatspider's silkcuriouslybrings...?”
众人看着叶苍哼小曲开始清理密密麻麻大大小小的尸体,那抽丝动作麻利的让人头皮发麻。吴娜硬着头破好奇问道“那个蛛丝是拿来```?”„Makes the tailorline, the noodles.” The Ye Cangwordsmake the peopleblush with shame, thattoughness, youdeterminedmoving that chews!? Continuesto look that hereceived three buttocks of Bosscautiously, hope not to eat, but was very at heart clearthisisimpossible.
The peoplehave rested. Supplements the goodcondition, thencontinuedto explore, has passed through the deep place, straightunderdeep place, whatmaking the personhave doubtswas the spaciouschanneldeep placeisluminous. Ascontinuesdownward, Ye Canggoesto investigate, in eagle eyeslooksisunder the unusualearth the lake, the surroundingsare the lightcrystalin the holetop, blue, green, yellow, red. Powderhas, manybareores and Rareores, Ye Cangcannot estimate the size of undergroundlake. Becausecannot see the boundary, belonged tolarge-scalelake, the lakebayshorehas not discoveredanybiology.
众人休息了一下。补充好状态,便继续探索,穿过了深处,直下深处,让人疑惑的是宽敞的通道深处是光亮。随着继续下行,叶苍前去侦查,鹰目看着里面是非常大地下湖,周围是光水晶在洞顶,蓝的,绿的,黄的,红的。粉的均有,还有不少裸矿与稀有矿,叶苍估算不出地下湖的大小。因为看不到边际,属于大型湖泊了,湖湾岸边没发现什么生物。Ye Cangletshint the peopleto come, Little Ye Tianstartsto estimate, shook the head, cannot calculate. Howeverwegot downbottomdepthto be very deep, looks that the water of frontlakewas flowing. Um!? Knits the browsslightly„father, are youlaunchto have a look at the baserunning water...”叶苍让示意众人过来,小叶天开始估算,摇了摇头,算不出来。但是我们下来地底的深度已经很深了,看着前方湖泊的水在流动。嗯!?微微皱眉“父亲,你下水看看底部是不是活水```”
The Ye Cangfish diveentersin the water. The fastdownstream, looksunder the position that oneand the othersare is the underwaterchannel, exceptionallyrapid, the hurryingtourreturns to the ashore, stepped onground„under our isunderwaterchannel....”叶苍鱼跃进入水里。快速的下游,看着自己等人所在的位置下面是水下通道,异常的湍急,赶忙游回岸上,踩了踩地面“我们这下面是水下通道````”„Thatthiswas not the undergroundlake, butwas the underground river, Brother A'Xiong, the fatherhereresourcesgathering, wetravelled by boattothatendhas a look.”Little Ye Tianis pointing at the lakebaydarkthathead.
“那这就不是地下湖了,而是地下河,阿雄哥,父亲将这里的资源采集一下,我们坐船到那尽头去看看。”小叶天指着湖湾黑暗的那头。Ye Cangputs out the portablesteamboatto put away, exchanges the newMagic Crystaloreto come up, thenhas minedwithZhang Zhengxiong, the topcrystaldoes not havewhatuse value, onceleftlost the gloss, butitsexistenceletpersonHPandmanaspeeds uprestoringmuch, did not havegathering, Mithrilore, evendug the Chinese zithersilver ore and shadowcrystaland otherpreciousmanufacturematerials.叶苍拿出便携轮船放好,换上新的魔晶矿上去,然后与张正雄去采矿了,顶部的水晶并没有什么使用价值,一旦离开了就失去光泽,但它的存在让人生命值和魔法值都加快恢复了不少,也就没有采集,秘银矿,甚至挖到了瑟银矿与暗影水晶等这种珍贵的制作材料。Little Ye Tianis driving the cruise, thentravelrecords the map, estimates the positionto walktowardthere, inherhead, will never lose the sense of direction, the compasscanmalfunction, will not be accommodating, butshenot, what the peopleare speechlesswaswent for twodays! Also the protectionsteamboathas solvedinsomefragmentarywaterMagic Beast, at this time before the peoplearrived at a doubtfulundergroundGrand Falls, waterfallexceptionallymagnificent, water splashveryhigh of arousing, not difficult to imaginepitch-darkabovehigh.小叶天开着游轮,便行驶边记录地图,估算着位置朝那里走,在她的脑袋里,永远不会失去方向感,指南针会失灵,不会变通,但她不会,众人无语的是已经行驶了两天!还保护轮船解决了一些零零星星的水中魔兽,此时众人来到了一面疑似地下大瀑布前,瀑布异常的壮观,激起的水花非常之高,不难想象黑漆漆的上面有多高。Little Ye Tianfrowns the trend of accuratecalculationrecordundergroundmap, immediatelylooks above in great surprise, hereis not!?小叶天皱着眉头准确无误的推算记录地下地图的走向,顿时大惊看着上面,这里不就是!?Ye CangdirectsLittle Blue Featherto fly, along withsoaring, a familiartransmission, realized where herewas, calledLittle Blue Featherto saylightly„herewas the White Stone Cityrange, wasAbyss that previoustimewecamenot to dare.”叶苍使唤小蓝毛飞上去,随着飞翔,一种熟悉感传来,也察觉到这里是哪里了,唤回了小蓝毛淡淡说道“这里是白石城范围,也就是上次我们来过未敢下来的深渊。”Little Ye Tianonehappy„wecanput through the abovewords, that side the Anyatemplesmall townconstructed the cityis only the time and financial problem!”小叶天一喜“我们可以接通到上面的话,奥诺娅神殿小镇那边建城就只是时间和资金问题了!”„Thisfeasible?”SpyingBladeselects the eyebrowslightly.
“这可行吗?”刃觑微微挑眉。„Is very simple, designs a shipsliftinglunar, thisdesignis simple, builds the aspect is also the presentlevelcanfullybe completed! Thisgivesme!”Little Ye Tianfrom the channel, FrozenCloudsighed, highIQdid not injure, wethought that impossible, inhereyeswas the elementary schooltopic, do not look atLin Leexcessively, sighedagain, the elementary schooltopic in myeyes, regardinghimwas the magicincantation of differentworld.
“很简单,设计一个船只起升降落器,这个设计非常简单,搭建方面也是现在的水平可以全部完成的!这个交给我!”小叶天自信道,冰云叹了口气,高智商的都伤不起,我们觉得不可能的,她眼中就是小学题,别过头看着林乐,再次叹了口气,我眼中的小学题,对于他来说就是异世界的魔法咒语。Ye Canglooks that shipsnot far awayemits the bigair bubbleunceasingly, is very strange, secretly saidis not good„Little Tian! Sails a boatto retrocede! Immediately! Do not stop!!”叶苍看着船只不远处不断冒出大气泡,很是诡异,暗道不好“小天!行船后退!马上!别停!!”Little Ye Tianhurriesto open the Magic Crystalkinetic energyto back upfullyrapidly, Water Cannon, justscratches the shipsedgeto exploderoasts, pushed the steamboatwas very far, a roundhugetransparentliving thing, is similar tolump of superfruit jellyappearsin the peopleat present, cold sweat of Zhang Zhengxiong in swayingfellimmediately, the liquidseasoning that my brothermostlikedwas the biologyappears.小叶天赶忙全力开启魔晶动能急速倒退,一声水炮,刚好擦着船只边缘炸烤,将轮船推送了很远,一只圆嘟嘟的巨大透明生物,如同一坨超级果冻般出现在了众人眼前,张正雄在摇晃中冷汗顿时落下,我哥最喜欢的液体调料系生物出现了。Ye Cangeagle eyesis recognizing.叶苍鹰目辨识着。Abyssal Slime of giantwater( High RankLeader. Abyss. Slime): In the Slimefamily very raretype, musthas the possibilityto peepitstrailin the underground and deep water, the aggressivityis strong, hisSlimeeyeballisveryrareRaretreasure! ps( weaknessrecognizessuccessfully): Thisliving thingdoes not fearanyFire Element, Water Elementmagic spell, the soil seriescausesitsinternalpollution, toitshas the fataldamageaddition, the electrical system can also createlarge amountdamagetoit, the iceismaymakeitsslow.
巨型水之深渊史莱姆(高级首领.深渊.史莱姆):属于史莱姆家族中非常罕见的种类,需在地下与深水中才有可能一窥它的踪迹,攻击性非常强,其史莱姆眼珠是非常罕见稀有的珍宝!ps(弱点辨识成功):该生物不惧任何火系,水系法术,土系使其内部浑浊,对其有致命的伤害加成,电系也能对其造成巨额的伤害,冰系可使其迟缓。Ye Cangfastpastesitsweakness, SpyingBladebrow raised, the soil series and thunderare most effective, the icecancreateslowly, exchanges the Goldlevel the weapon a soil seriesadzeand a Thunder Elementshort-sword.叶苍快速的将其弱点贴出来,刃觑眉头一挑,土系和雷最有效,冰可以造成迟缓,将武器换上黄金级的一把土系手斧和一把雷系短剑。Lin Lehurriesto springthreeFire Elementcrystal coreto receive, puts inthreesoil seriescrystal core, the hand guardimmediatelybecamesinceremany, the weaponmusicobviouslybrowndust that grippedis also faded and fallen. ( to be continued )林乐赶忙弹出三枚火系晶核收好,放入三枚土系晶核,护手顿时变得厚重了不少,握住的武器也音乐可见褐色的粉尘在飘零。(未完待续)
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