PWE :: Volume #5

#452: Indigenous

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The people crossed a mountain, above summit, the bird's eye view gets down, was broad slabstone forest has brought to the attention of Ye Cang very much, hinted Little Blue Feather to transfer in all directions, Little Ye Tian started fast looks while adjusted the proportion to make holographic map father, except for the stone forest, that side lake, as well as swamp of that head, with the day pit, should have exploration value... this is a basin terrain in mountain range, an important cushion belt, in brief exploration value very high... 众人翻过一座高山,山顶之上,俯瞰下去,很是宽阔一片石林引起了叶苍的注意,示意小蓝毛四处转一圈,小叶天则开始快速的边看边调整比例做全息地图“父亲,除了石林,那边的湖泊,以及那头的沼泽,和天坑,应该也有探索价值```这是山脉中的一处盆地地形,一个重要缓冲带,总之探索价值很高``` Little Blue Feather, saw that side stone forest just that biological... Ye Cang heard the hawk sobbing excited [say / way], as if saw that treasure chest and Boss were looking like beckon, tucked up wolf head hood slowly, drew out the long sword, trod forward one step, pointed at Shi Lin, shouted to clear the way target!!”. 小蓝毛,在石林那边看到了刚刚的那种生物```叶苍听到鹰泣兴奋道,仿佛看到宝箱boss在像自己招手,缓缓撩开狼头兜帽,拔出长剑,向前踏出一步,遥指石林,喝道“目标!出发!”。 „!!” Lin Le is echoing. “出发!!”林乐附和着。 FrozenCloud, Wu Na covers the forehead, hey hey, here was the person on one's own side does not need to install x. 冰云,吴娜捂住额头,喂喂,这里都是自己人就没必要装x了吧。 Demon crag bear kind of living thing could not pose a threat to the people basically, quick pours under Ye Cang Ballista, then skinned, selection, as long as all the way had to pick the medicine or the long different plant is almost difficult to run away the hand of Ye Cang, let SpyingBlade, FrozenCloud and the others fortunately, fortunately these things or President comes out, the time of but growing is not determined. 魔岩熊这类生物基本对众人构不成一点威胁,很快就倒在了叶苍弩炮下,然后便是扒皮,取材,一路上但凡有采药或长的不一样的植物几乎都难逃叶苍之手,让刃觑,冰云等人值得庆幸的是,还好这些东西还是会长出来的,只是长出的时间就不确定了。 Has completed Little Ye Tian of holographic map to lead the people to arrive at the stone forest on the summit, and sections out the exploration order on the map, from stone forest to lake, to swamp, to day pit same hole. 已经在山顶上做好全息地图的小叶天带着众人来到了石林,并在地图上标出探索顺序,从石林到湖泊,到沼泽,到天坑一样的洞。 Arrives at the people outside stone forest to discover that looks at this time from the summit with the front completely is two matters, each natural Earth Spikes shortest over 30 meters, longest reaches as high as over hundred meters, is similar to the lance is being slanting, standing erect. Horizontally. 来到石林外的众人此时才发现从山顶看和面前完全是两回事,每根天然石尖柱最短的都有30米以上,最长的高达百米以上,如同长矛般斜着,直立着。横着。 The people walk into the stone forest, has transmitted the fierce sound along with thorough discovery, hurries to draw out the weapon to quicken pace, more goes in the direction that the sound swings, that type shakes the penetrating feeling to be getting more and more intense! 众人走入石林,随着深入发现里面传来了剧烈的动静,赶忙拔出武器加快步伐,越是往声响地摇的方向而去,那种震彻感越来越强烈! What Ye Cang sees is one crowd doubtful indigenous. Skin swarthy humanity, one about 20 meters, greatly the giant who is constituted by the rock unite are resisting several one-eyed Ogre, has a stature only compared with that Golem small 1st. 叶苍率先看到的是一群疑似土著。皮肤黝黑的人类,一只20米左右,巨大由岩石构成的巨人联合在对抗着十几只独眼食人魔,其中还有一只身材只比那石头人小一号而已。 „Does elder brother, where help?” Zhang Zhengxiong sinks body giant axe to grip tightly to charge, inquires. “哥,帮哪边?”张正雄沉下身子巨斧紧握欲冲锋,询问道。 This also with thinking. Definitely is that side humanity!” FrozenCloud ill-humored [say / way]. “这还用想。肯定是人类那边啊!”冰云没好气道。 Is uncertain, reverse thought in the game is also very important, if we help one-eyed Ogre, obtained their approval, there are the possibility line guidance different directions. Helped indigenous and Stone Yuansu not necessarily succeeds 100% obtained the reward, the division of quality cannot the Little Ye Tian earnest analysis say with .. that the race differentiated. “也不一定,反逆思维在游戏中也是很重要的,假如我们帮助独眼食人魔这边,得到了他们的认可,也有可能将线引导不同的方向。帮助土著和石元素成功了也不一定100%获得奖励,好坏之分不能用种族来区分的``小叶天认真的分析道。 Possibility .... Lin Le shows the expression of extra mundane person of high skill, looks at the sky. “还有一种可能````林乐露出世外高人的表情,看着天空。 What is?” The NextDoorOldWang doubts said. “是什么?”隔壁老王疑惑道。 Fool, was the two sides together has chopped... Lin Le white his one eyes. “笨蛋,就是两边一起砍了```林乐白了他一眼。 Indeed has this choice.” Little Ye Tian nods the head slightly, but should some people such not do, normal, helping indigenous humanity obtain the reward to be bigger than help one-eyed Ogre to be bigger than the two sides to exterminate, the difficulty also such arranges. Last choice can, when they are mutually wounded come out to pick up a bargain. “的确有这个选择。”小叶天微微颔首,不过应该不会有人这么做,正常来说,帮助土著人类这边获得奖励大于帮助独眼食人魔大于两边剿灭,难度来说也是这么安排。最后一个选择可以在他们两败俱伤的时候出来捡便宜。 Makes a decision, Team Leader.” SpyingBlade is actually indifferent. “拿主意吧,队长。”刃觑倒是无所谓。 Ye Cang gained ground to think slightly was less than one second, said lightly said also the choice accurately. Prevents the two sides, but not suitable this scene .. we to help indigenous, Intelligence of that living thing is insufficient, is unable very good communication and control, moreover extremely testy .. 叶苍微微抬头想了不到一秒,淡淡说道“准确的说还有一个选择。就是阻止两边,但并不适合这个场景``我们还是帮助土著,那种生物的智力不够,无法很好的沟通与驾驭,而且极其易怒`` Ye Cang said that puts out Ballista, jumps up is slanting Earth Spikes. Attains the crown, elects to ambush point. Summoned the shadow weapon. Heavy crossbow, after Queen Bee bee, thorn is ready. Aims at one-eyed Ogre Boss, Meteor Shot gathers the strength. 叶苍说罢拿出弩炮,跳上斜着的石尖柱。拿到顶部,选好狙击点。召唤出影子武器.重弩,蜂王蜂后刺就绪。对准独眼食人魔boss,流星射击蓄力。 Zhang Zhengxiong initiates takes the lead to charge, runs upon a back and another hits it in the same place, opens the giant axe skill, the crecent moon dodges, the blood braves, after the previous fight, after Ye Cang dissection, has discovered this living thing, only then the skin of waist is quite thin, moreover is the eye. 张正雄发起带头冲锋,撞上一只的后背将其与另一只撞在一起,开启巨斧技能,新月一闪,鲜血冒起,经过上次的战斗,叶苍解剖后都发现了这种生物只有腰间的皮较为薄一点,另外就是眼睛。 Indigenous pink color, on face full is the woman of camouflage paint design, is full of the wild nature flavor firm and resolute the beautiful face, falling decoration is the wild animal bone, in the hand grabs a bone lance, saw Zhang Zhengxiong and the others help, the brow puts down slightly vigilantly, several leap pick off the shoulder of Golem to brandish lance aggressor giant one-eyed Ogre Boss. 土著中一位粉色,脸上满是迷彩图案的女人,坚毅充满野性味道的美丽脸庞,身上的坠饰均是野兽骨头,手中抓着一把骨矛,看到了张正雄等人来帮忙,眉头微微放下警惕,几个跳跃拿掉石头人的肩膀挥舞着长矛攻击者巨大的独眼食人魔boss A Golem fist bang in the chest of one-eyed Ogre, infiltrates unbendingly it retrocedes slightly, in this time, Ye Cang takes away the trigger, Meteor Shot accurate hit his one-eyed, the heavy crossbow of shadow weapon also similarly hits, fierce whinning, Ye Cang carries Ballista, dual guns extracts, makes use is initiated the fierce attack ripple fire to it by the severely wounded one-eyed. 石头人一拳轰在独眼食人魔的胸口,将其打入僵直微微后退,就在此时,叶苍扣动扳机,流星射击准确无误的命中其独眼,影子武器的重弩也同样命中,一声剧烈的哀嚎,叶苍一背弩炮,双枪抽出,趁势对着其被重伤的独眼发起猛攻连射。 The indigenous wild nature female do not look at Earth Spikes top Ye Cang suddenly excessively, wolf head hood, the fierce appearance coat, in cheeks and glaring that under the hot sun cannot see clearly, has imposing manner that the hero is going on stage, making it some shake slightly at heart. 土著野性女猛然别过头看着石尖柱顶部的叶苍,狼头兜帽,虎皮大衣,在烈日下看不清的脸颊与晃眼,颇有英雄登场的气势,让其微微有些心里一震。 Lin Le while the heavy losses that Ye Cang creates, but rapidly the leap on his shoulder, handcart in the hand, the Handcart Home Run bang on his eyeball, extracts the great blade edge to cut crazily, Zhang Zhengxiong looks at Boss that must sober, the fearless charge goes, triggers the super speed change of ring, flickers, but, hits on his foot makes it lose balanced. 林乐趁着叶苍造成的重创,急速飞跃而上其肩膀,手推车在手,手推车全垒打轰在其眼球上,抽出巨刃狂斩,张正雄看着要清醒过来的boss,无畏冲锋而去,触发戒指的超级变速,一瞬而至,撞在其脚上使其失去平衡到底。 Athos!!” Indigenous female loudly exclaimed, the rock giant holding the fist in the other hand bang in his head of falling to the ground, the ground transmitted the fierce shake, Ye Cang stands firm the personal appearance, receives dual guns that the overload finished, opened the demon point, the hand according to withdraws one of the inside sealing magic spell above. The flame explodes the technique, start to display the Slime flame to explode the technique, a fireball, then a fireball, explodes. “阿多斯!!”土著女大吼道,岩石巨人抱拳轰在其倒地的头颅,地面传来剧烈的震荡,叶苍稳住身形,收起过载结束的双枪,翻开魔点,手按在上面提取里面的封存的法术之一.炎爆术,紧接着自己也开始施展史莱姆炎爆术,一个火球,接着一个火球,爆炸开来。 SpyingBlade crosses in the explosion complementary waves, flushed in the smog, the point dances in the smog, some are only the mist and dust gets wet to fall to the ground by the blood. 刃觑在爆炸的余波一过,就冲了烟雾中,锋芒在烟雾中起舞,有的只是烟尘被鲜血所沾湿落地。 Control Water Element that NextDoorOldWang withers initiates the deceleration limit, Wu Na is also played the control the effect, before just Boss fell to the ground discharges Ice Lance to pass through the body, Ice Lance pricked the giant cerebellum. 隔壁老王萎缩的控制水元素发起减速限制,吴娜也是起到了控制的效果,在刚刚boss倒地前就施放了冰矛贯体,冰矛刺入了巨大的后脑。 Fang Ci left has exerted beyond the curse, mainly dealt to help Wu Na, the NextDoorOldWang diversion was small. 方赐出了施加诅咒以外,主要应对帮吴娜,隔壁老王牵制小的。 Intercepts to kill as for FrozenCloud to Wu Na and the others one-eyed Ogre, Wyvern Kick, Shouryuukenn, Assault Charge as the incisiveness that she of second tank displays. 至于冰云则拦截杀向吴娜等人的独眼食人魔,飞龙踢,升龙拳,冲锋追击作为第二坦克的她发挥的淋漓尽致。 Just wanted one-eyed Ogre Boss that struggled to set out, felt that the burning hot of floor, had not responded with enough time, the flame gushed out swallows it instantaneously, the indigenous female looks at the flaming roaring flame that braves at present, looked once more to Ye Cang on Earth Spikes, the flame in that hand flashed, flame zone the star filings scattered unceasingly. 刚欲挣扎起身的独眼食人魔boss,感觉到了地板的炙热,还未来得及反应,火光涌出瞬间将其吞噬,土著女看着眼前冒起的熊熊烈焰,再次看向石尖柱上的叶苍,那手中的火光闪动,火焰带起的星屑不断散落。 Congratulates you to strike to kill large-scale one-eyed Ogre, gained experience 3800.” ( to be continued ) “恭喜你击杀大型独眼食人魔,获得经验3800。”(未完待续)
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