PWE :: Volume #5

#453: Li Anna

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Ye Cang lecture of Ballista takes down from the back returns the travel bag , to continue to draw a pistol to clean up some final one-eyed Ogre, after large-scale death, the indigenous pressures reduce immediately greatly, cried out respectively is initiating fierce attack, the fight has reversed to Ye Cang gradually and indigenous here. 叶苍弩炮从后背取下放回行囊,继续拔枪清理最后的些许独眼食人魔,大型的死后,土著们的压力顿时大减,各自叫唤着发起猛攻,战斗渐渐倒向了叶苍与土著这边。 Finally the indigenous female looks to climb up Golem one-eyed Ogre, was nailed tight from the throat by a black lance on the arm. 最后土著女看着爬上石头人的独眼食人魔,被一只黑色的长矛从咽喉钉死在了手臂上。 Ye Cang leaps jumps down Earth Spikes, puts out a hand to hold the Little Blue Feather's claw glide to go, the distance was similar, flickers the shade to escape to the indigenous female back, patted to hold where the brave warrior of warhawk foot went to the indigenous female gently surprisedly. 叶苍一跃跳下石尖柱,伸手抓住小蓝毛的爪子滑翔而去,距离差不多了,一瞬影遁到土著女的后背,轻轻拍了拍起惊讶抓住战鹰脚的勇士去哪里了的土著女。 The indigenous female has transferred the body suddenly, looks at the Ye Cang light smiling face, has tucked up wolf head hood, put out a hand to oneself hello, I am Black Rock City Count PaleSnow .... 土著女猛然转过身子,看着叶苍淡淡的笑容,撩开了狼头兜帽,对自己伸出了手“你好,我是黑岩城苍雪伯爵```` The indigenous female has gawked, looks white long hair that Ye Cang scatters, is bringing several wisps of black hair, the light smiling face is exceptionally charming, although has doubts the posture that he puts out a hand to do, but somewhat excited grasped coming up my .. I am Fermi secure tribe head of the clan. Leona, Count PaleSnow from Black Rock City, thank you just to support... 土著女楞了一下,看着叶苍飘散的白长发,其中带着几缕黑发,淡淡的笑容异常帅气,虽然疑惑他伸手的姿势是要干嘛,但还是有些心动的握了上去“我``我是费米娜安部族的族长.丽安娜,来自黑岩城苍雪伯爵,感谢你刚刚的支援``` Has not thought that Team Leader also has existence of younger sister hand, the premise does not know his disposition actually bad, liked installing x... FrozenCloud somewhat to admire to Ye Cang, rescued Vivian from the cliff hopeless situation. Gina, to the present, when installs x, Team Leader will forget to touch the corpse the morbid state, do not look that excessively Lin Le slightly ran to touch corpse.... “没想到队长也是有把妹手的存在,前提是不知道他的性格究竟有多恶劣,多爱装x```冰云不禁对叶苍有些佩服了,从悬崖绝境救薇薇安.吉娜,到现在,不过只有在装x的时候,队长才会忘记摸尸体的病态,别过头看着林乐小跑摸了尸体``` Wu Na slowly nodded, remembers meets Ye Cang that to tear into shreds the fair thin and small hand of alloy front door to hold itself in the danger, face also red. 吴娜不禁缓缓点头,想起在危险中遇见叶苍那撕碎合金大门的白皙纤瘦的手抓住了自己,脸也跟着红了起来。 Worthily is Boss, is my Learned example... some NextDoorOldWang quite worships. “不愧是老大,是我学习的榜样```隔壁老王颇有些崇拜。 „It is not good, is not good. Team Leader can very serious playing flow the ` bum, moreover nobody thinks the atrophy, but you, light noticed that you thought you atrophy aura... FrozenCloud fierce shaking the head, Wu Na is somewhat embarrassed, but sincere has patted the shoulder of NextDoorOldWang keep it up.... “不行,不行。队长可以很一本正经的耍流`氓,而且没人觉得萎缩,而你,光看到你就觉得你一身的萎缩气息```冰云猛不已的摇头,吴娜有些不好意思但还是语重心长的拍了拍隔壁老王的肩膀“加油```”。 Fellow brave warriors. Thank your aid, please go to tribe to make me entertain your along with me well, thanked... Leona to reveal the canine tooth to say with a smile by the table. “各位勇士。感谢你们的援助,请随我去部族让我好好招待你们一番,以表感谢吧```丽安娜露出虎牙笑道。 NextDoorOldWang envies, has the health flavor of canine tooth, quite some hidden bitterness. 隔壁老王一阵羡慕,还是带虎牙的健康型风味,颇有些幽怨。 Just some journey fatigued, thank you. Head of the clan Leona... Ye Cang not artificial saying with a smile, this point makes Leona think that Ye Cang very to own appetite, is not artificial, person who does not have the title like many Black Rock City, hearty laughter. Ye Cang has tidied up the corpse quickly, under the indigenous amazed Lin Le cart capacity, jumps up Golem and Leona toward another end vanguard of stone forest. “刚好有些旅途劳顿,感谢你了。丽安娜族长```叶苍毫不矫情的笑道,这一点让丽安娜更加觉得叶苍很对自己的胃口,不矫情,不像很多黑岩城有爵位的人一样,朗笑一番。叶苍很快收拾了尸体,在土著们惊诧林乐推车容量下,跳上石头人丽安娜朝着石林的另一端前行。 Leona knew that Ye Cang recovered the Anya temple, is constructing the residence and passenger, store and other facilities, is the sincere request moves to protect Anya very much, at this time after the people were worth this tribe are the Anya temple bitter experience disasters, lives in seclusion shunning the world subjects the descendant in deep place. Although plans the recovery but not to have that ability and financial resource, and has been resisting the invasion of one-eyed Ogre, such such has lived here. 丽安娜得知叶苍已经复苏了奥诺娅神殿,正在修建住所与旅客,商铺等设施,很是诚恳的要求入住守护奥诺娅,这时众人才值得这个部族奥诺娅神殿遭遇大难后,隐居在深处的避世子民的后代。虽然计划着复苏但没有那个能力和财力,而且一直对抗着独眼食人魔的侵扰,就这么这么一直居住在了这里。 Sir PaleSnow count. You are Fermiana tribe forever benefactor!” Leona bows to say. 苍雪伯爵大人。你是费米安娜部族永远的恩人!”丽安娜鞠躬道。 Congratulates you, you achieve the worship in the Fermiana tribe prestige!” System news. “恭喜你,你在费米安娜部族的声望达到崇拜!”系统消息。 The people also received the prestige to arrive at respect the news, was excited, that means that can exchange the Rare goods. 众人也收到了声望到达崇敬的消息,非常兴奋,那就意味着可以兑换稀有物品。 I as Goddess Association President, the nature three Goddess spokesmen, Mallow Goddess and Goddess Jam also one after another recovered. Black Peak Mountain range will welcome Goddess caring for... Ye Cang not to look that again excessively the distant place was saying lightly, then put out a hand to put forth finds the clue make to kill now one of your also association. Leona elder.... “我作为女神协会会长,自然三女神的代言人,玛露丝女神珈妙女神也相继复苏了。黒峰山脉将再次迎来女神的眷顾```叶苍别过头看着远方淡淡说着,然后伸手使出摸头杀“现在你也协会的一员了。丽安娜长老```”。 President, my Leona pledges to fight to the death to give loyalty to nature three Goddess Association!” Leona steadfast saying. 会长,我丽安娜誓死效忠自然三女神协会!”丽安娜坚定不移的说道。 Came! Team Leader is hitting the god stick patterns of three good entertainers! FrozenCloud and the others simultaneously secretly said. 来了!队长打着三棒艺人的神棍模式!冰云等人齐齐暗道 The people as if saw under that indifferent smile. Incomparably dark fierce smiling face, come, come, ignorant lamb! Becoming person who I play with occasionally! Ah Ha Ha Ha! Ah Ha Ha Ha! 众人仿佛看到了那淡然微笑下。无比黑暗的狰狞笑容,来吧,来吧,无知的羊羔!成为我玩弄的人偶吧!啊哈哈哈哈!啊哈哈哈 But really what Ye Cang thinks, three Goddess are easy-to-use, Mallow a little refused to accept to teach recently, must instruct, yeah, an age because also the popularity lowered a point compared with Jam and I throws a tantrum. 叶苍真实想的是,三女神就是好用,玛露丝最近有点不服管教了,要多指导一下了,哎,一把年纪了还因为人气比珈妙低了一点和我闹脾气。 The people arrived at tribe with Leona, the crude stone building, here person mostly is living the Hunter life of eating birds and animals raw, one-eyed Ogre and remote not suitable transportation, making here very long and outside has isolated, in addition the threat of Steel Empire, made here unable to obtain to attach great importance, even if knew, one crowd indigenous similarly also by exclusion of high-level aristocrats. 众人跟着丽安娜来到了部族,简陋的石屋,这里的人大多都是过着茹毛饮血的猎人生活,独眼食人魔和偏僻不适合运输,让这里很久与外界隔离了,加上钢铁帝国的威胁,更加让这里得不到重视,就算知道了,一群土著同样也只是被高层贵族们的嫌弃。 Leona revives the matter of Anya temple to inform Ye Cang, has issuing of dignity to move to Ghost peak very much helps to revive as well as move, cheers unusual surging upward, Little Ye Tian looked at the surroundings, the child hunger not full food of many capping ceremony, here biggest natural natural enemy is one-eyed Ogre, although understands are not many, but the appetite of this race was doomed he is area here the hugest disaster, moreover fierce and brutal degree, ordinary, perhaps wanted on the ordinary player 10 people of squads to solve, but may also not, moreover after the Leona words, one-eyed Ogre lived in thousand Yi stone forest north side mainly, That is also a slabstone forest scale compared with here is not a scale, because has been able to see distant place faintly visible so-called from here thousand Yi. 丽安娜叶苍复兴奥诺娅神殿的事情告知,很有威严的下达迁徙到鬼峰帮忙复兴以及入住,欢呼声异常的高涨,小叶天看了看周围,很多弱冠的孩童饥不饱食,这里最大的自然天敌就是独眼食人魔,虽然了解的不多,但这个种族的食量注定了他是这里一带最大的灾害,而且凶暴程度,一只普通的,恐怕都要普通偏上玩家10人小队解决,还不一定能过,而且经过丽安娜的话,独眼食人魔主要居住在石林北边的千峰山中,那也是一片石林不过规模比这里就不是一档次的了,因为从这里已经可以看到远处依稀可见的所谓‘千峰山’。 Most fears was not just these, but was thousand Yi deep places, I have not seen, they will not come out, because they ate was similar, according to the 121 st generation of head of the clan's record, inside had one one-eyed demon high like the mountain peak, his roar can blow the hurricane, stepped on then Huishan to collapse, although some exaggeration, but very fearful this was affirmative... Leona looks that thousand Yi of distant place muttered. “最怕的并不是刚刚的那些,而是千峰山深处的,我也没有见过,他们是不会出来的,因为他们吃的就是同类,据第121代族长的记载,里面有一只独眼魔的个头高如山峰,他的吼声可以刮起飓风,踩地便会山塌,虽然有些夸张,但很可怕这是肯定的```丽安娜看着远方的千峰山喃喃道。 Large-scale scene Boss, this kind of Boss is almost the crowd, the crowd may not, want local all influence unions generally, this is not the thing that the present can bribe, Little Ye Tian shook the head in brief, moves first Anya, first leaves here, there has Goddess asylum... 大型场景boss,这类boss几乎就是人堆,人堆都不一定能过,一般要地区所有势力联合,这不是现在能染指的东西,小叶天摇了摇头“总之,先迁徙到奥诺娅,先离开这里,那里有女神的庇护``` Ye Cang and the others turn back to escort once more, guides the Fermi secure tribe about 300 people to the Anya temple, just the geographical position of Anya temple, the population was inferior that Mallow that side person are many. 叶苍等人再次折返护送,将费米娜安部族近300人引导到奥诺娅神殿,刚好奥诺娅神殿的地理位置,人数并不如玛露丝那边人多。 Little Ye Tian settles the people, divides the work responsibility, making it invest into the construction, and has provided the grain that the wages and Black Rock City transported, what making Ye Cang sigh, these indigenous going all out and craftsmanship, constructed the technique that Stone Qi constructed to be skilled, the blueprint took the process to explain one to begin, Ye Cang has thought Mallow and Jam estimated, can with complain being better why the Anya temple cultivated, has thought also the counter-attack expressed.... ( to be continued ) 小叶天将众人安顿,分工职责,让其投入到建设中,并发放了工钱和黑岩城运输来的粮食,让叶苍感叹的是,这些土著的卖力和手艺,建造石砌建筑的手法非常熟练,图纸拿过经过讲解一番就上手了,叶苍已经想到了玛露丝珈妙估计以后会和自己抱怨奥诺娅的神殿为什么修的要好点,同时也想到了反击措词```。(未完待续)
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