PWE :: Volume #5

#451: Continues to explore

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Afterward several days, Ye Cang leads the people to practice the level in Black Peak Mountain range, on the road meets much bows player of salute President to be good to oneself!” 随后的几天,叶苍带着众人在黒峰山脉练级,路上遇到不少对自己鞠躬敬礼的玩家“会长好!” Ye Cang puts out a hand to hint, the group penetrate into Anya Ghost peak, hired local Hunter in north sentry post to help to be responsible for Anya here working safety, regarding the recovery of Anya, many Hunter to the Ye Cang unusual respect, once because the Anya thorough recovery, hunting can be inspired .... there. 叶苍伸手示意,一行人深入到奥诺娅鬼峰,雇佣了北边哨岗里的当地猎人帮忙负责奥诺娅这边的施工安全,对于奥诺娅的复苏,很多猎人叶苍异常的尊敬,因为一旦奥诺娅彻底复苏,狩猎方面就可以在那里得到启示```` Under Ghost peak, Ye Cang stopped getting down previous time we explores here, here player almost little had to come, the supplies that can come could not follow not to come, rested still to construct while the Anya temple and small town, continued to have a look at... toward the western south side mountain range 鬼峰之下,叶苍停了下来“上次我们就是探索到这里,这里玩家几乎很少有能过来的,能过来的补给跟不上也不想过来,趁着奥诺娅神殿与小镇歇点还在建设中,继续往西南边山脉看看``` Good that father said that Black Peak Mountain range is very big, adds on the player including us has most explored 30%! It can be said that majority of is also at unknown state, remaining 70% big, from Ghost peak in the past was, from the Jam temple was, north the Mallow temple was, these three three directions in the past unknown . Moreover the biology, Magic Beast and other strengths also doubled and re-doubled grew, therefore the majority of players stayed, in three temple... Little Ye Tian put out to link three points on the map, delimited a security circle, came out several sentry post marks in Black Peak Mountain range again, almost in these, only then 2 sentry posts in the deep place, one were at southwest Ghost peak. Stretches out, is at north the Mallow temple deep place, two said is the sentry posts, but under inquiry of Little Ye Tian, is local Hunter receives offering amnesty of Seven Luminaries Empire actually, is included within sentry post „the region of Sanshendian now is majority of player ordinary player... of exploration active area... Magic Beast strength intensity not suitable present stage outward. “父亲说的不错,黒峰山脉是非常大的,包括我们加上玩家的最多探索了30%!可以说大部分还处于未知状态,剩下的70大,从鬼峰过去是一点,从珈妙神殿以东是一点,玛露丝神殿以北是一点,这三个三个方向过去都是未知的,而且生物,魔兽等实力也成倍增长,所以大部分玩家还是停留在三个神殿```小叶天拿出笔在地图上链接三个点,划出一个安全圈,再将黒峰山脉中的几个哨岗标记出来,也几乎在这几个点内,只有2个哨岗在较深的地方,一处在鬼峰西南。伸出,一处在玛露丝神殿北边的深处,两处说是哨岗,但在小叶天的打听下,其实也就是当地的猎人受到七曜帝国的招安,划入了哨岗“三神殿的区域现在是大部分玩家的探索活动区域```往外的魔兽实力强度并不适合现阶段的普通玩家```”。 Sister Rose they in Jam temple that side direction.” FrozenCloud is pointing on the map east of the Jam temple. 玫瑰姐他们在珈妙神殿那边方向。”冰云指着地图上珈妙神殿以东。 That should SpyingBlade say with a smile with their quest related.... “那应该和他们的任务有关```刃觑笑道。 Is useless, for these days I must break 20!” Ye Cang looks also misses 50% experience 20 levels, 20 levels can meet the association study second stage the skill. “多想无益,这几天我要突破20大关!”叶苍看着还差50%的经验就20级了,20级就能会协会学第二阶段的技能。 Also is. First helps the Boss completely second step skill and profession, then meets the Black Rock City association, unusual atrophy that hey... NextDoorOldWang smiles, the people sympathize looked at his one eyes, then deep sighing. Bypasses Ghost peak to explore toward the deep place directly, leaves behind somewhat awkward NextDoorOldWang. “也是。先帮老大完全第二阶技能与职业,然后会黑岩城的协会,嘿嘿```隔壁老王笑的异常萎缩,众人同情的看了他一眼,然后深深的叹了口气。径直绕过鬼峰往深处探索,留下有些尴尬的隔壁老王 I will certainly hand over girlfriend this year!” NextDoorOldWang becomes angry out of shame was shouting to clear the way to the back of people. “我今年一定会交到女朋友的!”隔壁老王恼羞成怒的对着众人的背影喝道。 Who bets?” Ye Cang brow raised does not return with people walks while opens the surrounding. “谁赌?”叶苍眉头一挑头也不回的与众人边走边开外围。 2 million federal coins bet him not to hand over... FrozenCloud to chip in this year directly. “2000000联邦币赌他今年交不到```冰云直接下注。 I also press 200 ten thousand... to bet him not to hand over.” Wu Na somewhat loves dearly own wages. “我也压200万```赌他交不到。”吴娜有些心疼自己的工资。 I bet, I bet, I bet, I who Little Wang hands over press, I press. Um, 3 million federal coin... Lin Le entire has spat own pocket money. “我赌,我赌,我赌小王交的到,我压,我压。嗯,3000000联邦币```林乐将自己的零用钱全出吐了出来。 Ye Cang and Zhang Zhengxiong brow raised with Lele! 3 million!” 叶苍张正雄眉头一挑“跟乐乐的!3000000!” I press 1 million federal coins, presses reverse... Fang Ci to put out the first month the wages and bonus. “我压1000000联邦币,压反面```方赐拿出自己第一个月的工资和奖金。 SpyingBlade crosses the hands behind the back smiles 3 million, similarly reverse side presses.” 刃觑负手一笑“3000000,同样压反面。” NextDoorOldWang in behind looks that front has not responded itself, respectively below surrounding. Deep sighing, the Boss disposition was too bad, pursued coming up I to press 1 million federal coins, bet the frontage!”. 隔壁老王在后面看着前面没有搭理自己,各自在下外围。深深的叹了口气,老大的性格太恶劣了,追了上去“我压1000000联邦币,赌正面!”。 Plants! Is a man!” Zhang Zhengxiong for the first time approval NextDoorOldWang. “有种!是个汉子!”张正雄首次认可的隔壁老王 Has target?” Wu Na teased. “有目标没?”吴娜调侃道。 Little Jade!” NextDoorOldWang said earnestly that the people have gawked, then simultaneously turns around. 小璐!”隔壁老王认真说道,众人楞了一下,然后齐齐转身。 Yesterday «My Youth Chaotic Energy» was chopped... “昨天《我的青春乱能量》被砍了``` This I know that the sisters rival in love 2 enters arrangement plan “这个我知道,姐妹情仇2进入筹备计划” Early pats the sisters more than 2 well, Lele can see Ajiao they “早拍姐妹2多好,乐乐又可以见到阿娇他们了” It is said the sisters 2 has new character. Seemingly is Lily... “据说姐妹2有新人物。貌似是莉莉``` You were said that fell in love with the A'Xiang man! Where reshaping it is said went, originally this is also painted eggshell... “你是说那个爱上阿翔的男人!据说是去了哪里整形,原来这也是一个彩蛋``` Can do not say Thunder Ju who they perform.” “能不能不要说他们演的雷剧了。” Ignorant women and children... “无知妇孺``` NextDoorOldWang watches the people chatting while walking soap opera, hey hey. We are the teammates, can encourage .... to the point. 隔壁老王看着众人边走边聊肥皂剧,喂喂。我们好歹是队友,能不能给点鼓励```` Said among Xiaoxiao, roars to transmit, several trees were swept, a seal brown cover, one-eyed. The biology of walk similar orangutan appears, can sweep the stump from it while still alive. Is a Strength living thing, reaches as high as 6 meters. 说说笑笑之间,一声怒吼传来,数根树被扫断,一种深褐色的外皮,独眼。行走类似猩猩的生物出现,从其能活活扫断树桩来看。是一种力量型生物,高达6米。 Ye Cang recognizes. 叶苍辨识一番。 One-eyed Ogre( elite. Abyss): Ogre is a general name of kind of living thing. At present this kind belongs to Ogre is a common crag demon clan, the good food raw meat, the aggressivity and Defense are greatly strengthened, have the destructive power! Because the legend is heterogeneous that is lived by Cyclops and female ape class institute, Intelligence is quite low. 独眼食人魔(精英.深渊):食人魔是一类生物的总称。眼前这类属于食人魔中算是常见的岩魔一族,好食生肉,攻击性与防御力极强,极具破坏力!由于传说是由独眼巨人与母猿类所生的异种,智力较为低下。 Ye Cang draws a pistol to shoot, looks at damage that creates, he at least reduced 50% damage! Is careful, this fellow, Defense and Strength are high, but Intelligence is low!” 叶苍拔枪开射,看着造成的伤害,他至少减免了50%的伤害!“都小心点,这个家伙,防御力力量都非常高,但智力低下!” But Zhang Zhengxiong charge to the instance, is sideways the boxing that evaded has pounded down fast, hit in his crotch, whinned to transmit, immediately joined Holy Judgement. 张正雄冲锋而至的瞬间,侧身躲过了快速砸下的拳击,撞在其胯下,一声哀嚎传来,马上接上惩戒圣击 NextDoorOldWang holds breath cold air, was hit, is in that position, felt that on is good to hurt ... 隔壁老王倒吸一口凉气,被那么撞到,还是在那个位置,感觉就好疼`` SpyingBlade brings a sword, looks that cannot cut the flesh and blood the slash, really Defense is similar to the rock skin from this! Transfers with getting up cuts continually, strongly together cuts on the mark, instantaneous blood spraying. 刃觑带起一剑,看着未能斩到血肉的刀痕,果然防御力来自这如同岩石般的皮肤!转身带起连斩,集中一道斩痕上,瞬间鲜血喷射而出。 Ye Cang looks at the people to besiege, pulls Ballista, deals with this fellow, is this easy-to-use, aims at it to enter Meteor Shot, summoned the shadow weapon. Heavy crossbow, after Queen Bee bee, punctures simultaneously its locking, the double crossbow arrow passes through the nail to kill him. 叶苍看着众人围攻,扯出弩炮,对付这种家伙,还是这个好用,对准其进入流星射击,召唤出影子武器.重弩,蜂王蜂后刺齐齐将其锁定,双弩箭将其贯穿钉杀。 „This gadget elite, feeling like hitting small Boss.” Wu Na said. “这玩意儿一个精英,就感觉像是在打个小boss一样。”吴娜说道。 Indeed, but came from this Strength and defense mainly, since is appearing and disappearing this living thing, that explained that in this region, some will stretch out should have their den .... the SpyingBlade analysis to say. “的确,不过主要来自这个力量和防御,既然出没着这种生物,那就说明在这一地带,某个伸出应该会有他们的窝点````刃觑分析道。 Some dens have Boss .. Little Ye Tian to say lightly that SpyingBlade nods the head slowly, at least little has the superhigh range by own experience. “有窝点就有boss``小叶天淡淡说道,刃觑缓缓颔首,至少以自己的经验来说很少有超出范围的。 Has the den to have treasure chest, hurries, hurries, continue , to continue the .. exploration, explores... Ye Cang both eyes flood red, the hand started to be somewhat itchy. “有窝点就有宝箱,赶紧的,赶紧的,继续,继续``探索,探索```叶苍双目泛红,手开始有些痒了。 SpyingBlade looks at its appearance of having plenty of fight in one, oneself will discover treasure chest next time, told Lele directly, this fellow opens Boss to the present, the treasure chest success was 0, this must have black can achieve, moreover this has not included him at the back of us in treasure chest kind of goods that in individual exploration found, thought of here, SpyingBlade smiled bitterly again and again.... ( to be continued ) 刃觑看着其斗志昂扬的样子,自己下次发现宝箱,还是直接告诉乐乐吧,这家伙到现在开boss,宝箱的战绩为0,这得是有多黑才可以做到,而且这还不包括他背着我们在个人探索中找到的宝箱类物品,想到这里,刃觑不禁苦笑连连```。(未完待续)
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