PMG :: Volume #4

#821: Chasing down

Roar......” tyrannical monster bear living is killed by shock the opposite party, crazy is thrashing own body, face upwards to roar, shakes the space to shiver continuous. “吼……”暴虐的妖熊活生生的将对方震死,疯狂的捶打着自己的身体,仰天咆哮,震得空间颤抖不休。 After they were cut kills, immediately in the middle of this piece of space, only remaining last witnessed the person, he has witnessed all these occurrences, knows Lin Feng all secrets. 两人被斩杀之后,顿时这片空间当中,就只剩下了最后一个目击之人,他亲眼目睹了这一切的发生,知道林枫的所有秘密。 In the Duan Wuya heart is shivering, he does not dare to imagine all that this has simply, Lin Feng, built up to melt the Jade Emperor heart, captures palace that Jade Emperor has left behind, received all people, if so, Lin Feng were merely impossible to kill these not to enter in the middle of the Jade Emperor palace person, he also had the card in a hand, in the middle of that monster tower, really also had this fearful Monster Beast, presented two Monster Beast Great Roc and suddenly Xiong merely, easily killed by mistreatment two Tian Qi powerhouses. 段无涯心中颤抖着,他简直不敢想象这发生的一切,林枫,炼化了玉皇心脏,夺得了玉皇留下的宫殿,将所有人都收了,若仅仅如此,林枫还是不可能杀得掉那些没有进入玉皇宫殿当中的人,他还有底牌,那座妖塔当中,竟然还有这可怕的妖兽,仅仅出现两头妖兽大鹏和暴熊,就轻易将两名天武强者虐杀。 Now the Lin Feng method, making Duan Wuya even feel one from the coldness of moral nature. 如今林枫的手段,让段无涯甚至都感觉到了一阵发自心底的寒冷。 When that pair of ice-cold pupil falls on oneself, the Duan Wuya body trembles slightly, the moral nature gives birth to intermittent cold intent. 当那双冰冷的眸子落在自己身上的时候,段无涯身体微微一颤,心底生出阵阵冷意。 I think that you will run away.” The Lin Feng light putting out sound, that tranquil sound, Duan Wuya can actually together the clear feeling the murderous intention of containing. “我以为你会逃。”林枫淡淡的吐出一道声音,那平静的声音当中,段无涯却能够清晰的感受到其中所蕴含的杀机。 You should understand, even if I can let off anybody, but you, I will certainly kill.” “你应该明白,就算我可以放过任何人,但你,我一定会杀。” I know.” Duan Wuya is smiling nod of: Lin Feng, you formidable to letting me felt frightened, you were living for day, perhaps my Duan Wuya did not have one day peaceful day.” “我知道。”段无涯微笑着点了点头:“林枫,你已经强大到让我感到恐惧了,你活着一天,恐怕我段无涯就无一日宁日。” In the middle of Lin Feng eyesight reveals wipes the strange look, this Duan Wuya also thinks can one live? 林枫目光当中露出一抹怪异的神色,难道这段无涯还认为自己能活着? Therefore, you obtain the news of Jade Emperor palace, I will certainly pass on, because you must die, you died, I can feel at ease.” As if to confirm the guess of Lin Feng, Duan Wuya then said that Lin Feng knit the brows, this Duan Wuya, unexpectedly is such indifferent self-confident, why he, thinks can one also go on living? “所以,你得到玉皇宫殿的消息,我一定会传出去的,因为你必须要死,你死了,我才能够安心。”似乎是为了验证林枫的猜测,段无涯接着说道,林枫皱了皱眉,这段无涯,竟然还是这么淡然自信,他凭什么,认为自己还能活下去? You think that you can also live departure?” Lin Feng light asking, he does not think clearly, Duan Wuya self-confident from where. “你认为自己还能活着离开?”林枫淡淡的问道,他想不明白,段无涯的自信从何而来。 Duan Wuya smiled faintly, puts out a hand, in the middle of his palm, the cloudy ghost bottle gourd holds there, slowly becomes must, but the body of Duan Wuya, sat on the cloudy ghost bottle gourd directly. 段无涯浅笑了下,伸出手,在的他手掌当中,阴煞葫芦托在那里,缓缓的变得,而段无涯的身体,直接坐在了阴煞葫芦上。 „The treasure that Lin Feng, supreme Venerable leaves behind, does not have you imagine is so simple, mystery of implication, even if you obtained him unable to perceive through meditation for a while thoroughly, I obtained this cloudy ghost bottle gourd, has used its attack capability, actually forgot to tell you, actually, the cloudy ghost bottle gourd, was a flight utensil.” 林枫,至尊尊者留下的宝物,可没你想象中的那么简单,其中蕴含的奥妙即便你得到了他都无法在一时参悟透彻,我得到这阴煞葫芦,一直动用它的攻击能力,却忘了告诉你们,其实,阴煞葫芦,还是一件飞行器物。” Duan Wuya has smiled one pale, immediately in the hand a Yuan strength surged, that huge cloudy ghost bottle gourd, above as if carved many [say / way] strange traces, making the pupil of Lin Feng concentrate slightly, Saint mark, this was the Saint mark. 段无涯淡笑了一声,随即手中真元力量涌动了起来,那巨大的阴煞葫芦,上面仿佛刻下了许多道奇异的纹路,让林枫的瞳孔微微一凝,圣纹,这是圣纹。 Bye.” Duan Wuya smiled faintly , the radiant ray blooms, the cloudy ghost bottle gourd brings the body of Duan Wuya to change to the light suddenly, the twinkle vanishes together, merely is this flash, does not know that surmounted many distances, Lin Feng has only been able to see together the fuzzy shadow. “再见。”段无涯浅笑了下,璀璨的光芒绽放而出,阴煞葫芦带着段无涯的身体突然间化作一道光影,闪烁消失,仅仅是这一瞬间,就不知道跨越了多少距离,林枫只能看到一道模糊的影子。 Saw that the Duan Wuya form disappears, Lin Feng has gawked, immediately the complexion sank instantaneously, Duan Wuya so has been no wonder indifferent, originally is the cloudy ghost bottle gourd, Duan Wuya had not used cloudy ghost bottle gourd magical powers ability hideaway, to prevent this moment this situation occurrence, unexpected escape. 看到段无涯的身影消失,林枫愣了下,随即脸色瞬间沉了下来,难怪段无涯一直那么淡然,原来是阴煞葫芦,段无涯一直将阴煞葫芦这种神通能力隐藏没有使用出来,就是为了防止此刻这种情况发生,出其不意的逃命。 Naturally, Lin Feng has also gawked the flash, with the aid of the strength of that Saint mark, a Duan Wuya twinkle appeared in the place ten li (0.5km) away, then eventually in the line of sight institute and place, Duan Wuya has not vanished. 当然,林枫也只是愣了一瞬间,借助那圣纹的力量,段无涯一个闪烁出现在了十里之外的地方,然后终究还是在视线所及之处,段无涯没有消失。 The mind moves, bang sound spreads, snow monster tower instantaneously violent bear income, but the Lin Feng footsteps are fierce one cross, has stepped up to the back of Great Roc, cold [say / way]: Pursues!” 心神一动,轰隆隆的声响传出,雪妖塔瞬间将暴熊收入其中,而林枫的脚步则是猛的一跨,跨上了大鹏的背,冷然的道:“追!” Great Roc has hesitated the flash, immediately wing has whipped fiercely , the space anger eats delicacies, the terrifying air wave tumbling, Great Roc is carrying the body of Lin Feng, in direction that Duan Wuya is at rapidly pursues. 大鹏迟疑了一瞬间,随即羽翼猛的拍打了下,空间怒啸,恐怖的气浪翻滚,大鹏携带着林枫的身体,朝着段无涯所在的方向急速的追去。 He obtains the news of entire Jade Emperor palace unable to disclose absolutely, otherwise, waited for that his chasing down, he cannot withstand, that will cause crazy of entire Dry Region. 他得到整座玉皇宫殿的消息绝对不能走漏,否则,等待他的追杀,他承受不起,那会引起整个乾域的疯狂。 Indifference that the Duan Wuya mood such as he has not displayed, sits above the cloudy ghost bottle gourd, his complexion is serious, past Lin Feng, the complete life in his plot, he accomplished a task with ease facing Lin Feng, seemed plays with Lin Feng in the middle of the palm, but now, Duan Wuya does not have this type to feel again, facing Lin Feng, he felt in front of one had a fearful beast of prey, as if momentarily possible to swallow him does not remain the dregs. 段无涯的心情并没有如他表现的那么淡然,坐在阴煞葫芦之上,他的脸色严肃,昔日的林枫,完全生活在他的阴谋当中,他面对林枫游刃有余,好似将林枫玩弄于手掌当中,但如今,段无涯再也没有这种感觉了,面对林枫,他就感觉自己面前有一头可怕的猛兽,仿佛随时可能将他吞得连渣都不剩。 One such as he and Lin Feng dialog, Lin Feng does not die, his heart difficult secure, constant disorder and unrest. 一如他和林枫的对话,林枫不死,他心难安,将永无宁日。 A fearful spookiness throws, making the Duan Wuya body fierce trembles, has turned head, he then noticed that Great Roc rides the wind to come, arrives quickly inconceivable, the wings launches, optional whips, then as if surmounted a space, is quicker than the speed of cloudy ghost bottle gourd he rides, present he, but also is unable to control the cloudy ghost bottle gourd completely. 身后,一股可怕的妖气扑来,让段无涯身体猛的一颤,回过头,他便看到大鹏乘风而来,快到不可思议,双翼展开,随意的拍打一下,便仿佛跨越了一段空间,比他乘坐的阴煞葫芦的速度还要快,现在的他,还无法完全驾驭得了阴煞葫芦。 The spookiness soars to the heavens, changes to a fearful tide, Duan Wuya felt that seems has spirit to blow bugle and beat drums in his carrying on the back is the same, making him feel the whole body is cool, even presents the faint trace cold sweat, he can definitely imagine, if Lin Feng overtook him, will not have any hesitation, is a sword cuts to kill absolutely. 妖气冲天,化作一股可怕的浪潮,段无涯就感觉好似有一股气息吹打在他的背上一样,让他感觉浑身都是凉飕飕的,甚至出现丝丝冷汗,他完全能够想象,若是林枫追上了他,不会有任何的犹豫,绝对是一剑斩杀。 Palm fierce whipping above the cloudy ghost bottle gourd, that radiant ray shines once again, the Saint mark trace on cloudy ghost bottle gourd became clear, the space buzz shivered, immediately Duan Wuya vanished along with the cloudy ghost bottle gourd once again together, the next quarter presented time, already in the distance ten li (0.5km) away. 手掌猛的拍打在阴煞葫芦之上,那璀璨的光芒再度亮起,阴煞葫芦上的圣纹纹路又变得清晰了起来,空间嗡的颤抖了下,随即段无涯随着阴煞葫芦再度一起消失,下一刻出现的时候,又已经在了十里之外的距离。 If Duan Wuya can maintain this terrifying speed, the twinkling ten li (0.5km), a breath surmounts dozens li (0.5km) terrifying distance sufficiently, even if that is Great Roc is unable to overtake him, but Duan Wuya simply does not have the ability to stimulate to movement the Saint mark, every time triggers one time, must condense the Yuan once again, the communication carves the Saint mark trace on cloudy ghost bottle gourd. 若是段无涯能够一直保持这种恐怖的速度,瞬息十里,一个呼吸足以跨越几十里的恐怖距离,那么即便是大鹏也无法追上他,但是段无涯根本没有能力一直催动圣纹,每触发一次,就必须再度凝聚真元,沟通刻在阴煞葫芦上的圣纹纹路。 This short time, Heavenly Monster Great Roc then unceasing pulling closer with his distance, making in the Duan Wuya eye show the panic-stricken look, this damn Heavenly Monster Great Roc, the speed was quite fearful, he could not throw off unexpectedly. 这短暂的时间,天妖大鹏便不断的拉近与他的距离,让段无涯的眼中露出了惊恐的神色,这该死的天妖大鹏,速度好可怕,他竟然甩不掉。 The Duan Wuya complexion started gloomy, the words this way, his Yuan strength sooner or later will be consumed really completely, is unable to stimulate to movement on the cloudy ghost bottle gourd was carving the Saint mark at that time light, he really must be cut to kill by Lin Feng. 段无涯的脸色开始阴沉了下来,这样下去的话,他的真元力量迟早会被消耗殆尽,那时候无法催动阴煞葫芦上刻着的圣纹之光,他就真的要被林枫斩杀了。 Must before a Yuan strength consumes really rushes to the East China Sea dragon palace.” In the Duan Wuya eye is passing the cold light, he stimulates to movement the Saint mark at the present the frequency, Lin Feng wants to overtake him is very difficult, can only maintain at certain distance, only then he arrived at the East China Sea dragon palace, Lin Feng must die without doubt. “一定要在真元力量消耗之前赶到东海龙宫。”段无涯眼中透着冷光,以现在他催动圣纹的频率,林枫想要追上他也很难,只能保持在一定的距离,只有他到了东海龙宫,林枫就必死无疑了。 Lin Feng stands in carrying on the back of Great Roc, the personal appearance is straight, the whole person will seem a handle soon will leave the gathering potential sharp sword of sheath, momentarily may bloom the light of destruction, so long as the attack range, he directly has then gotten rid to cut to kill Duan Wuya. 林枫站在大鹏的背上,身形笔直,整个人就好似一柄即将出鞘的蓄势利剑,随时可能绽放出毁灭之光,只要到了攻击范围,他便直接出手斩杀段无涯 Their speeds extremely quick, to Duan Wuya, is concerning his life every second, he does not dare to have careless of least bit, the incomparable discretion, the time is staring at Lin Feng, on Saint mark strength with the aid of cloudy ghost bottle gourd, unceasing caper space. 两人的速度都是极其的快,对段无涯而言,每一秒都关乎着他的性命,他根本不敢有半点的马虎,无比的谨慎,时刻都盯着林枫,借助阴煞葫芦上的圣纹力量,不断的跳跃空间。 This terrifying Ben Hang speed made them step forward this wilderness quickly, has stepped into the territory of region country, in the middle of Dry Region, 18 empires dominated, but during, many empire influence innumerable dependent countries, were suppressed by 18 major and medium empires as before completely, in each empire, has the terrifying influence. 这恐怖奔行的速度让两人很快就跨出了这片荒漠,踏入了国之疆土地域,在乾域当中,18中品帝国称霸,但其间,还有许多个帝国势力依旧无数附属国,全部都被18大中品帝国压制,每一个中品帝国,都有着恐怖的势力。 The East China Sea empire is so, the territory of East China Sea empire is vast, has three big low grade empires for its subordinate attached empire, but under three big low grade empires also has many dependent countries, they submit to under the East China Sea empire, but East China Sea empire prosperous formidable, cannot withdraw the responsibility with the East China Sea dragon palace, the East China Sea dragon palace, in the middle of the East China Sea empire endless area overlord. 东海帝国便是如此,东海帝国的疆土辽阔无边,拥有三大下品帝国为其直属附属帝国,而三大下品帝国之下又有许多个附属国,他们都臣服在东海帝国之下,而东海帝国的昌盛强大,与东海龙宫脱不开干系,东海龙宫,东海帝国无尽疆域当中的霸主。 The dragon palace, situated in East China Sea above, is giant floating islands, palatial magnificent, is quite mysterious. 龙宫,位于东海之上,是一座座巨大的浮岛,巍峨壮观,极为神奇。 In counselling, five especially beautiful magnificent, four respectively are located in the east , south , west and north four big positions, such as many things around a center are the same, center that vast serves as contrast. 在一座座的辅导中间,又有五座格外的秀丽壮观,其中四座分别位于东南西北四大方位,如众星捧月一样,将中心那浩瀚的衬托起来。 At this time, above this center Stone countertops of somewhere, several people are playing chess, but they as if do not have what thoughts, eyesight always looks around. 此时,在这中心的某处石台之上,有几人正在下棋,不过他们似乎并没有什么心思,目光总是张望。 Purple gold Dragon King that fellow brings the crowd to go to the mystical place, so was long, how the news did not have.” Wears middle-aged somewhat depressed saying of black clothing imperial robe. “紫金龙王那家伙带着人群前往秘境,都这么久了,怎么还一点消息没有。”一身披青衣龙袍的中年有些郁闷的说道。 Time is longer is not, showed that exceed may present the heavy treasure, some time ago we did not look under the soul beads of these people, although died some people, but Ao Jiao and other fierce disciples, are living, explained that is still seizing the treasure.” “时间越久不是越好吗,说明越有可能出现重宝,不久前我们不还去看了下那些人的魂珠吗,虽然死了一些人,但敖蛟等一些厉害的弟子,都还活着,说明还在夺宝。” Also the people open the mouth saying that these people who goes to the mystical place, they retained their soul bead, this can momentarily know that their safety conditions, now, these main talent disciple soul beads have not disrupted, therefore they were too not worried that at this moment they have not known, the soul bead indeed has not disrupted, is not excellent, actually fell into certainly, forever is unable to come out! 又有一人开口说道,前往秘境的那些人,他们都保留了他们的魂珠,这样就能随时知道他们的安全情况,现在,那些主要的天才弟子魂珠都没有碎裂,因此他们并不是太担心,此刻他们还并不知道,魂珠的确没有碎裂,不过人,却陷入了绝地,永远无法出来! 5201 the novel high-speed first round Peerless Martial God latest chapter, this chapter is Chapter 821 5201小说高速首发绝世武神最新章节,本章节是第821章 Chases down the address for the chapter that if you think is good please do not forget to the friend recommendation in group and micro blog! 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