PMG :: Volume #4

#820: The day monster goes to battle

The Jade Emperor palace presented flash as before, that moment that earth shatters, the palace vanishes once again, changes to the beat the heart. 依旧玉皇宫殿只是出现了一瞬间,在将大地震裂的那一刻,宫殿再度消失,化作跳动的心脏。 Looks at earth at this moment again, crack interweaves, in the ground also many corpses, in that flash, they by the palace rolling smashing, died by the living suppression. 再看此刻的大地,裂缝交织,地面上还有许多尸体,在那一刹那,他们被宫殿辗压粉碎,被活生生的镇压而死。 To run away? Can Lin Feng let go them? 想逃?林枫能够放走他们吗? Was forced by all Sect influences, facing the crisis of death, he has to Tianchi other to leave, oneself remain to deal with these people . Moreover, must use the Jade Emperor palace, since the Jade Emperor palace appeared in society, that must kill the person complete rolling that these knew, without any other possibilities, these people did not die, he must die. 被所有宗门势力胁迫,面对死亡的危机,他不得不让天池的其他人都离开,自己留下来对付这些人,而且,必须要用到玉皇宫殿,既然玉皇宫殿出现在了世间,那就必须将这些知道的人全部辗压杀死,没有任何的其它可能,这些人不死,他就必须要死。 A palace of emperor had been controlled by him, nobody knows that will have many heavy treasure, this causes the hurricane in Dry Region sufficiently, causes the stir, Lin Feng can affirm, so long as the news passes on, Venerable of all Sect will come, send out to chase down him, captures his Jade Emperor heart. 一座皇者的宫殿被他掌控了,没有人知道里面会有多少重宝,这足以在乾域引起飓风,引起轰动,林枫敢肯定,只要消息传出去,所有宗门的尊者都会现身,出动来追杀他,夺取他身上的玉皇心。 This time enters in the middle of the mystical place, Venerable attaches great importance, because the emperor grave is extremely illusory, moreover during several hundred years several crowds have also visited inside, but the emperor grave has not appeared, therefore Venerable has not come this place to assume personal command, but in this time, the emperor grave appeared exactly, palace that is shock. 就连这次进入秘境当中,尊者都非常重视,只是因为皇者墓太过虚无缥缈,而且几百年间也有几次人群踏足过里面,但皇者墓都没有出现,因此尊者也就没有来此地坐镇,但恰恰在这一次,皇者墓出现了,是一座震撼的宫殿。 Once the news disclosed that he must be the same with Jade Emperor, was chased down ascends the sky roadless, entered does not have the gate. 一旦消息走漏,他就要和玉皇一样,被追杀得上天无路,入地无门。 Knows the person who secret, must die. 知道秘密的人,都要死。 Bang!” The fearful sword air/Qi shoots up to the sky together, is that highest heaven Sword Gate powerhouse has not died, flushed from the place bottom, almost at the same time, an illusory shadow drifted from place to place, has swept Lin Feng one that let somebody cool off or calm down, the murderous intention was intense, their responses arrived at peak fortunately quickly, broke the ground in that extremely short flash, directly thoroughly bottom, but was shaken as before the five main internal organs (entrails) to seethe by that fearful shattering strength, almost living being killed by shock. “轰!”一道可怕的剑气冲天而起,是那九霄剑门的强者没有死,从地底冲了出来,几乎在同时,一虚幻的影子飘忽不定,冷冷的扫了林枫一眼,杀机强烈,还好他们的反应快到极致,在那极其短暂的一瞬间破开地面,直接深入地底,但依旧被那可怕的震裂力量震得五脏六腑都翻腾了起来,差点被活生生的给震死。 We could not kill you, but do not want to kill us, no matter what your talent were formidable, obtained the news of Jade Emperor palace to pass on, you will also die not bury the place of living,” in that highest heaven Sword Gate powerhouse mouth was spitting the blood, icy saying, sword air/Qi wreaked havoc, soaks the ground, prepared to run away to leave from the place bottom at any time, so long as Lin Feng appeared, they escape immediately into the bottom. “我们杀不了你,但你也别想杀我们,任你天赋再强大,得到玉皇宫殿的消息传出去,你也将死无葬生之地,”那九霄剑门的强者口中吐着鲜血,冷冰冰的说道,身上的剑气肆虐,泡开地面,随时准备从地底逃遁离开,只要林枫出现,他们立刻遁入地底。 Couldn't kill you?” Lin Feng lets somebody cool off or calm down smiles, left hand palm spreads out, immediately, presented a snow tower in the middle of his left hand palm, in the tower, is releasing the intermittent fearful spookiness unexpectedly, seems a monster tower. “杀不了你们吗?”林枫冷冷一笑,左手掌摊开来,随即,在他的左手掌当中出现了一座雪塔,塔之内,竟然释放着阵阵可怕的妖气,仿佛是一座妖塔。 The snow monster tower unceasing exaggeration, is built on void middle, inside hears terrifying the sound of roaring roaring, shakes the under two powerhouse eardrum to tremble. 雪妖塔不断的夸张,立于虚空当中,里面传来恐怖的咆哮怒吼之声,震得下方的两位强者耳膜发颤。 Lin Feng, does he have treasure card in a hand? 林枫,他还有宝物底牌? They almost must * be been insane by Lin Feng, this damn bastard, they obviously are formidable Tian Qi, is more powerful than Lin Feng, however has actually been played jokes upon and played with by Lin Feng, was rumbled by Lin Feng is seriously injured, spits blood unceasingly, currently, Lin Feng he as if also has the method. 两人几乎要被林枫给*疯了,这该死的混蛋,他们明明是强大的天武,比林枫实力强大,然而却被林枫一直戏耍、玩弄,被林枫轰得身受重伤,不断吐血,现在,林枫他似乎还有手段。 Roar!” The roar of tearing shocks together spreads, the heaven seems shivering, the earth wants bang the avalanche, during is void, presented two fearful Monster Beast, is very huge, one is Monster Beast Great Roc, the black wing opens, slowly is whipping, that pair of cloudy and cold eyesight, making people feel deep fear. “吼!”一道震撼的撕裂之吼声传出,苍天仿佛都在颤抖,大地都要轰隆隆的崩塌,虚空之中,出现了两头可怕的妖兽,都无比巨大,其中一头乃是妖兽大鹏,黑色的羽翼张开,缓缓的拍打着,那双阴冷的目光,让人感到深深的畏惧。 This Monster Beast Great Roc, is formidable Heavenly Monster. 这头妖兽大鹏,是强大的天妖 But in Great Roc side not far away, that roared the world to tremble a moment ago, air current billowing powerful Monster Beast was a violent bear, the whole body seems full of the inexhaustible strength, unarmed must give to tear the Tian Qi powerhouses. 而在大鹏身旁不远处,那刚才怒吼得天地都震颤,气流滚滚的强悍妖兽是一头暴熊,浑身仿佛充满了无穷无尽的力量,徒手就要将天武强者都给撕裂掉。 Good fearful Monster Beast, Lin Feng, is he also controlling such fearful Monster Beast? 好可怕的妖兽,林枫,他还掌控着这么可怕的妖兽 Great Roc and violent bear giant ice-cold pupil stares at Lin Feng, spirit that in the mouth emits is letting the air current tumbling of space. 大鹏和暴熊巨大的冰冷眸子都盯着林枫,口中喷吐的气息都让空间的气流翻滚。 Has killed them.” Lin Feng puts out together the sound to Great Roc and violent bear. “杀了他们两人。”林枫对着大鹏和暴熊吐出一道声音。 Two Monster Beast are Heavenly Monster, naturally can with the person direct communication, however these two Monster Beast as if have not heard to be the same, the giant pupil is only stubbornly is staring at Lin Feng, seemed must Lin Feng swallowing. 两头妖兽乃是天妖,当然能够与人直接沟通,然而这两头妖兽似乎没有听到一样,巨大的眸子只是死死的盯着林枫,好似要将林枫给吞了般。 The mistress directs them, they do not dare to have half a word complaint, has the respectful obeying order, but Lin Feng, has not entered Tian Qi humanity, dares to direct them unexpectedly, is bossy to them, even if, they are the mistress give Lin Feng. 主母指挥他们,他们都不敢有半句怨言,只得恭恭敬敬的听从命令,但是林枫,一个还未入天武的人类,竟然也敢指挥他们,对他们颐指气使,即便,他们是主母送给林枫的。 Has killed them.” Eye pupil of Lin Feng ice-cold is staring at two Monster Beast, cold eyesight is proudly incomparable, in the sound brings to wipe the unquestionable meaning, as if two Monster Beast defer to his order to do greatly, must withstand his anger. “杀了他们两个。”林枫的眼眸冰冷的盯着两头妖兽,寒冷的目光傲然无比,声音中带着一抹不容置疑之意,仿佛两头妖兽大按照他的命令去做,就要承受他的怒火。 Shouted......” in violent bear huge breath to put out the air current, the pupil is staring Lin Feng as before, Lin Feng and they were looking at each other, was getting more and more cold. “呼……”暴熊巨大的鼻息中吐出气流,眸子依旧瞪着林枫,林枫和他们对视着,越来越冷。 Good.” In the mouth of Great Roc puts out together sound, compromises to Lin Feng, now their freedom is being controlled by Lin Feng completely firmly, the mistress enters in them the snow monster tower, has given Lin Feng the snow monster tower, so long as Lin Feng wants, can their eternal captivity in the snow monster tower, this obviously be they not the result that is willing to see. “好。”大鹏的嘴中吐出一道声音,对林枫妥协,如今他们的自由完全被林枫牢牢掌控着,主母将他们进入雪妖塔中,又将雪妖塔交给了林枫,只要林枫愿意,就可以将他们永恒的囚禁于雪妖塔里面,这显然是他们不愿看到的结果。 Shoots a look at eyesight, Great Roc has not looked at Lin Feng again, but is staring at that Free And Unfettered Gate powerhouse, the wing flaps, immediately the strong winds roar, is very fierce. 瞥过目光,大鹏没有再看林枫,而是盯着那逍遥门的强者,羽翼拍动,顿时狂风怒吼,无比剧烈。 Walks.” That highest heaven Sword Gate and Free And Unfettered Gate powerhouse feels the spookiness that heads on crazily, immediately has flustered, their bodies change to the flowing light respectively, runs away to leave in two different directions, quickly to inconceivable. “走。”那九霄剑门逍遥门的强者感受到那疯狂扑面而来的妖气,顿时真的慌了起来,两人的身体分别化作流光,朝着两个不同的方向逃遁离开,快到不可思议。 Especially that Free And Unfettered Gate powerhouse, has pulled out a kilometer shadow in void, seems is he is completely same, moreover seems is following a special rhythm and path, appears ramble especially is graceful. 尤其是那逍遥门的强者,在虚空中拉出了千米长的影子,好似全部都是他一样,而且似乎是在遵循着一种特殊的韵律和轨迹,显得格外的逍遥优雅。 Buzz!” Violent wind howling, blows the powerhouse body of that Free And Unfettered Gate maliciously is trembling, quick, his speed has sufficed quickly, however Monster Beast Great Roc, is flight Heavenly Monster, the speed, is his talent magical powers strength, the speed how quick, cannot imagine, even if that Free And Unfettered Gate powerhouse has sufficed quickly, but was overtaken as before. “嗡!”狂风怒号,吹得那逍遥门的强者身体狠狠的震颤着,快,他的速度已经够快了,然而妖兽大鹏,乃是飞行天妖,速度,是他的天赋神通力量,速度又多么的快,根本不可想象,即便那逍遥门的强者已经够快了,但依旧被追上。 Eyah!” The shining sharp claws are that eye-catching, is good to seem to be that innumerable sharp swords from airborne toward the powerhouse assassination of that Free And Unfettered Gate in the past, that was Great Roc has wielded own non- vestige of the past. “咿呀!”金灿灿的利爪是那么夺目,好似有无数的利剑从空中朝着那逍遥门的强者刺杀过去,那是大鹏挥动了自己的无爪印。 Roar......” that Free And Unfettered Gate powerhouse shape , if crazy, fierce continuation acceleration, then he is quick, is quickly Great Roc, that fearful sharp claws grasp directly from his top of the head sky oppression, when that Free And Unfettered Gate powerhouse must resist, without enough time, he was helpless, bang a sound of blasting open spreads, his head by Great Roc stressing rupturing, the instantaneous body dies. “吼……”那逍遥门的强者状若疯狂,猛的继续加速,然后他再快,还是快不过大鹏,那可怕的利爪直接从他的头顶上空压迫抓下,等到那逍遥门的强者要抵挡的时候,却已经来不及了,他已经无能为力,轰隆一声炸裂的声响传出,他的脑袋都被大鹏给抓爆裂,瞬间身死。 Looks again other one side, although the Heavenly Monster violent bear speed perhaps does not have Great Roc to be so fast, even does not have that highest heaven Sword Gate powerhouse to be quick, however his strength was too strong, when roared, the footsteps bang trod, trod on void, making the day shiver, the strength of this terrifying shivering made that highest heaven Sword Gate powerhouse seem fell into during the endless formidable fluctuation, was constrained unexpectedly, is unable the full speed long-range raid. 再看另外一边,恐怕的天妖暴熊速度虽然远没有大鹏那么快,甚至都没有那九霄剑门的强者快,然而他的力量太强大了,咆哮之时,脚步轰隆隆的踏出,踏在虚空上,让天都在颤抖,这股恐怖的颤抖之力量让那九霄剑门的强者好似陷入了无尽强大的波动当中,竟然被拖住了,无法全速奔袭。 The terrifying spookiness is imminent, the world trembles continuous, the fearful wave unceasing bombardment on the body, the highest heaven Sword Gate powerhouse is broadminded has turned around, look ice-cold, is staring at that suddenly Xiong, in the world, releases a looking disdainfully world the sword air/Qi, since is unable to work loose, does not run away simply. 恐怖的妖气迫近,天地震颤不休,可怕的波浪不断的轰击在身上,九霄剑门的强者豁然间转过身,神色冰冷,盯着那暴熊,天地间,释放出一股睥睨天下的剑气,既然无法挣脱,索性不逃了。 Kills!” A sword punctures, the world changes into empty, that sword as if god comes the pen, must puncture directly on the bear monster body, resembled that distance to be surmounted by the twinkling. “杀!”一剑刺出,天地化为虚,那一剑仿佛神来之笔,直接要刺在熊妖的身上,就好像那一段距离被瞬息跨越过了。 Roar!” suddenly Xiong face upwards the long and loud cry, roars, the giant palm of the hand has flung maliciously, a light sound spreads, the sword that the highest heaven Sword Gate powerhouse punctures, had been broken to the bang by that inexhaustible big strength, making the complexion that sword cultivates not have the least bit scarlet instantaneously. “吼!”暴熊仰天长啸,怒吼一声,巨大的巴掌狠狠的甩了出去,咔嚓一声轻响传出,九霄剑门强者刺出的剑,被那无穷无尽的大力量给轰断裂了,让那剑修的脸色瞬间没有了半点血色。 Actually in the middle of Xiong Yao a palm to have how the fearful strength, can actually formidable in this way, pat the crack the sword directly. 熊妖的一掌当中究竟拥有怎样的可怕力量,竟然能够强大如斯,直接将剑都拍裂。 Cannot allow him to think that the boundless giant bear's paws bring bang the shock tide to oppress, his complexion big change, must change to a handle sword to run away. 容不得他多想,无边巨大的熊掌带着轰隆隆的震撼浪潮压迫过来,他的脸色大变,要化作一柄剑逃遁。 Roar......” bear monster opened the great mouth, rave, the world trembled maliciously , the body of that highest heaven Sword Gate powerhouse has also stopped instantaneously, this short flash, Xiong Yao the palm of the hand has clapped directly, that highest heaven Sword Gate Tian Qi powerhouse stiffly being killed by shock! “吼……”熊妖张开巨嘴,狂吼一声,天地狠狠的震颤了下,那九霄剑门强者的身体也停顿了瞬间,这短暂的一瞬间,熊妖的巴掌直接拍了出去,将那九霄剑门天武强者硬生生的给震死了! Strength that in the middle of this palm contains has terrifying how, did not imagine! 这一掌当中蕴含的力量有多么的恐怖,根本想象不了! 5201 the novel high-speed first round Peerless Martial God latest chapter, this chapter is Chapter 820 5201小说高速首发绝世武神最新章节,本章节是第820章 Heavenly Monster goes to battle with the address for the chapter that if you think is good please do not forget to the friend recommendation in group and micro blog! 天妖出战地址为如果你觉的本章节还不错的话请不要忘记向您群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!
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