PMG :: Volume #4

#819: The prestige of palace

Snort, regardless of you spoke any idle talk, must die without doubt.” The crowd is staring at Lin Feng, killing intent is getting more and more intense, they were indeed excited, but must obtain the Jade Emperor heart, the necessity killed Lin Feng, Lin Feng did not die, how they can also control the Jade Emperor heart, obtained that Jade Emperor palace. “哼,无论你说什么废话,都必死无疑。”人群盯着林枫,杀意越来越强烈,他们的确心动了,但要得到玉皇心,必要杀林枫,林枫不死,他们如何还能控制玉皇心,得到那玉皇宫殿。 I know that the issue is, you kill me first, seizes the Jade Emperor heart first.” Lin Feng showed a light happy expression, the palm was holding the Jade Emperor heart, immediately has flung maliciously: You can choose kill me first, but the Jade Emperor heart was not you at that time, does the bridal clothes for other people.” “我知道,问题是,你们先杀我,还是先夺玉皇心。”林枫露出了一丝淡淡的笑意,手掌托着玉皇心,随即狠狠的甩了出去:“你们可以选择先杀我,不过那时候玉皇心就已经不属于你们了,为他人做嫁衣。” Jade Emperor heart.” The pupil of crowd fierce trembles, the footsteps step forward, all throws toward the Jade Emperor heart. “玉皇心。”人群的瞳孔猛的一颤,脚步跨出,全部朝着玉皇心扑去。 In this powerhouse to revere the world, joins the Sect big influence, but to become formidable, but at this moment, the formidable opportunity at present, obtained the Jade Emperor palace, they will have the opportunity surmounts Sect to the powerhouse, becomes the character of keeping aloof, who will also care about Sect. 在这强者为尊的世界,加入宗门大势力,不过都是为了变得强大,而此刻,强大的机会就在眼前,得到了玉皇宫殿,他们将有机会超越宗门的至强者,成为高高在上的人物,谁还会在乎宗门 These enter the person in Jade Emperor palace, makes them in a hurry keeps outside decision, has actually neglected the natural disposition of person. 那些进入玉皇殿中的人,仓促之间做出将他们留在外面的决定,却忽略了人之本性。 Bang!” “轰!” Boils to me.” Terrifying spirit blooms, these Tian Qi powerhouses have fought imposingly, the strong winds rough seas, the space howls, ground avalanche, all people only for a thing, Jade Emperor heart. “给我滚开。”恐怖的气息绽放而出,那些天武强者轰轰烈烈的战斗了起来,狂风大浪,空间呼啸,地面崩塌,所有人都只为了一物,玉皇心。 At this moment actually Lin Feng instead idle standing in that tranquil looks at the crowd crazy fierce fight, probably does not have the relations to be the same with him. 此刻倒是林枫反而清闲的站在那,平静的看着人群狂猛的战斗,就好像与他没有关系一样。 These people noticed that Lin Feng walks does not walk, strengthened must capture the determination of Jade Emperor heart, obtained the Jade Emperor heart, killed Lin Feng again, the Jade Emperor palace, was their. 那些人看到林枫走都不走,更加坚定了要夺取玉皇心的决心,得到玉皇心,再杀林枫,玉皇宫殿,就是他们的了。 Duan Wuya in another head of Lin Feng distant place, he has not left similarly, is staring at the fights of these Tian Qi powerhouses, Lin Feng, was really maturer than before were too many, understands the plans, knew with the method, in addition the talent of his terrifying, will be getting more and more dangerous. 段无涯林枫远处的另外一头,他也同样没有离开,盯着那些天武强者的战斗,林枫,果然比以前成熟了太多,懂得心机,知道用手段,再加上他那恐怖的天赋,将越来越危险。 The ice-cold cold glow shoots together, falls on the body of Duan Wuya, making Duan Wuya feel that whole body one cold, this ice-cold chill in the air passes the piercing murderous intention, Duan Wuya is knowing that Lin Feng has how wants to kill him, naturally, he to the Lin Feng opportunity, not wanting him dead, is not easy. 一道冰冷的寒芒射来,落在段无涯的身上,让段无涯感觉浑身一冷,这冰冷的寒意透着刺骨的杀机,段无涯知道林枫有多么想杀他,当然,他不会给林枫机会的,想要他死,可没那么容易。 Dies to me.” Ices the cold drinking sound to come in waves together, sees only continuously in the middle of a body of palm straight insertion Tian Qi, the blood blooms, a Tian Qi powerhouse, death, however that Jade Emperor heart, as before also in ground. “给我死。”一道冰寒的喝声滚滚而来,只见一直手掌直接插入一名天武的身体当中,鲜血绽放,一名天武强者,死,然而那玉皇心,依旧还在地面上。 You also kill.” “你也去杀。” A handle sharp sharp sword is having the sound of fearful sword eating delicacies, straight insertion that person of carrying on the back, after the murder, the sword vibrates instantaneously, body tearing of opposite party, his body spin, turned around is together the sword glow cuts to kill, cut directly above a fearful palm strength, was in charge that directly cuts the crack. 一柄锋锐的利剑带着可怕的剑啸之音,直接插入那人的背上,杀人之后,剑瞬间抖动,将对方的身体撕裂,他的身体一旋,转身就是一道剑芒斩杀了出去,直接斩在了一股可怕的掌力之上,将那掌印都直接斩裂。 Jade Emperor heart, is my.” The sound spreads together, sees only sound to tread the marvelous step together, in the Jade Emperor heart toward ground goes, speed quickly to inconceivable. “玉皇心,是我的。”一道声音传出,只见一道声音踏着奇妙的步法,朝着地面上的玉皇心而去,速度快到不可思议。 Free And Unfettered Gate person.” Crowd slightly one startled, that holds the long sword anger in person of hand sword to eat delicacies, sends out the sword to recite, the void sword assassination, the sword broken, twinkling. 逍遥门的人。”人群微微一惊,那持剑之人手中的长剑怒啸,发出剑吟,虚空之剑刺杀而出,剑破虚空,瞬息即至。 Buzz!” The form shivers, person of body that Free And Unfettered Gate changes to dozens forms, each just like the true body, the implication is infinite. “嗡!”身影颤动,那逍遥门之人身体化作几十道身影,每一道都宛若真身,蕴含无穷奥妙。 Scoffs at and scoffs at......” the terrifying sword air/Qi to wipe to destroy completely several forms directly, however other empty shades go toward the Jade Emperor heart of ground as before. “嗤、嗤……”恐怖的剑气直接将几道身影抹灭掉,然而其它虚影依旧朝着地上的玉皇心而去。 Stays behind.” Bang the sound of bang spreads, fearful being in charge kills toward the ground bang, this huge being in charge as if changes to a mountain bang the pressure, is several empty shades is split by the instantaneous suppression, actually sees the shadow to delimit together, the Jade Emperor heart in ground will shortly vanish, the remnant shade passed over gently and swiftly, captures Jade Emperor heart the person of Free And Unfettered Gate to pull out remnant shades, howls is going toward Lin Feng. “留下。”轰隆隆的巨响之声传出,一股可怕的掌印朝着地面轰杀而出,这巨大的掌印仿佛化作一座大山轰隆的压下去,又是几道虚影被瞬间镇压裂开,却见一道影子划过,地面上的玉皇心顷刻间消失,残影掠过,夺得玉皇心的逍遥门之人拉出一道道残影,呼啸着朝着林枫而去。 The Jade Emperor heart has succeeded in obtaining, then only then has killed Lin Feng, the Jade Emperor heart can have the control by him. 玉皇心到手了,接下来只有杀了林枫,玉皇心才能被他所拥有掌控。 Good quick speed.” Lin Feng looks that the body person before of Free And Unfettered Gate toward here bang comes, unemotionally, but in the heart actually shocks in the great strength of this set of step, the step of true ramble, drifts from place to place, actually if quickly the lightning, that a series of remnant shade seems to be illusory , seems to be solid. “好快的速度。”林枫看着身前的逍遥门之人朝着这边轰来,面无表情,但心中却震惊于这套步法的强大,真正的逍遥之步,飘忽不定,却又快若闪电,那一连串的残影似乎都是虚幻的,又似乎都是实的。 Kills.” The faintly recognizable palm strength kills to come toward the Lin Feng bang together, the space buzz, this palm strength as if made the space tremble vibrated , the striking power rose suddenly suddenly, must hold Lin Feng kills. “杀。”一道飘渺的掌力朝着林枫轰杀而来,空间嗡的一声,这掌力仿佛让空间都震颤得抖动了下,突然间攻击力暴涨,要一掌将林枫杀死。 Bang!” The Jade Emperor heart transforms the palace suddenly, the twinkling arrives in that where held the Free And Unfettered Gate powerhouse of Jade Emperor heart to be rumbled not to know directly, the crowd that moreover pursued toward him was also rumbled to fly. “轰!”玉皇心突然幻化成宫殿,瞬息降临在那,抓住玉皇心的逍遥门强者直接被轰得不知道去了哪里,另外朝着他追来的人群也被轰飞了出去。 The Lin Feng mind moves again, Jade Emperor heart, became a heart, puff thump beat in the middle of void. 林枫心神再动,玉皇心,又成为了一颗心脏,在虚空当中噗咚的跳动着。 The Lin Feng form dodges, holds heart in the middle of the palm, looks that the distant place was shaken puts out the person's shadow of blood, the corners of the mouth shows the happy expression that has wiped to tease: You, are really stupid.” 林枫身影一闪,将心脏托在手掌当中,看着远处被震得吐出鲜血的人影,嘴角露出了一抹戏谑的笑意:“你们,真愚蠢得可以。” He throws the Jade Emperor heart, if these people the choice kills him, then possibly does the bridal clothes for others, the Jade Emperor heart was won by other people, therefore all people first simultaneously chose seized the Jade Emperor heart, killed his Lin Feng again, they as if have forgotten what a pity, present Lin Feng, has the absolute control power to the Jade Emperor heart, they captured the Jade Emperor heart, useful? 他将玉皇心扔出去,那些人如果选择杀他,那么就可能为别人做嫁衣,玉皇心被其他人夺走,因此所有人第一时间同时选择了夺玉皇心,再杀他林枫,可惜,他们似乎忘记了,现在的林枫,对玉皇心拥有绝对的掌控权,他们夺得了玉皇心,有用? A Lin Feng thought that making the Jade Emperor heart change to the vast palace, can rumble them to directly does not know where goes. 林枫一个念头,让玉皇心化作浩瀚的宫殿,直接就能将他们轰到不知道哪里去。 The crowd crawled from the ground, extremely distressed, the personal appearance twinkle, they arrive at Lin Feng not far away once again, the complexion is ugly. 人群从地上爬了起来,极其的狼狈,身形闪烁,他们再度来到林枫不远处,脸色难看。 Lin Feng, is playing tricks on them, looks like plays to be the same. 林枫,在戏弄他们,就像是玩一样。 They had realized suddenly a point, Lin Feng has the Jade Emperor heart in the hand, can make the Jade Emperor heart change to the palace anytime and anywhere, rumbles them, in this case, they were impossible to kill Lin Feng. 他们突然意识到了一点,林枫有玉皇心在手上,随时随地可以让玉皇心化作宫殿,将他们轰出去,这样的话,他们根本不可能杀得了林枫 No wonder Lin Feng does not dread them, because Lin Feng he has already thought this, is playing jokes upon them to play. 难怪林枫根本一点都不畏惧他们,因为林枫他早就想到了这点,在戏耍他们玩。 „To understand?” Lin Feng looks at these person of ugly complexions, said with a smile: Also wants the Jade Emperor heart?” “想明白了?”林枫看着那些人难看的脸色,笑道:“还想要玉皇心吗?” Collaborates together, cuts to massacre him.” These Tian Qi powerhouses have looked at each other one mutually, understands the meaning of opposite party, now, only then has cut Lin Feng first, possibly seizes the Jade Emperor heart. “一起联手,将他斩杀掉。”那些天武强者相互对视了一眼,都明白对方的意思,现在,只有先斩了林枫,才可能夺到玉皇心。 Kills!” “杀!” Kills and kills!” Sounds of the billowing shouting angrily spread, great distance kilometer place, but Lin Feng can feel that as before that fearful killing intent, sword light, radiant incomparable, a kilometer distance as if instantaneously must bridge over. “杀、杀!”一道道滚滚的怒喝之声传出,相隔千米之地,但林枫依旧能够感觉到那可怕的杀意,剑光,璀璨无比,千米距离仿佛瞬间就要跨过。 That Free And Unfettered Gate powerhouse speed arrives quickly boundlessly, void, has pulled out an illusory remnant shade, probably is he is completely same. 逍遥门的强者速度更快到无边,虚空当中,拉出了一片虚幻的残影,好像全部都是他一样。 Bang!” Sound of the terrifying collision spreads, the fearful pressure arrives, only then that extremely short flash, they soon approached Lin Feng, however the twinkling was rumbled, planting maliciously on the ground, the speed is quicker, plants is more ruthless. “轰隆!”一声恐怖的碰撞之声传出,可怕的威压降临,只有那极其短暂的一瞬间,他们本来快要接近林枫,然而瞬息又被轰了回去,狠狠的栽在地上,速度越快,栽的越狠。 Looks at Lin Feng again, moves has not moved, but tranquil looks that distant place that was rumbled the form that spits blood, ignorant. 再看林枫,动都未曾动一下,只是平静的看着远处那被轰得吐血的身影,愚昧。 Continue?” “继续吗?” Lin Feng still tranquil to not having the least bit mighty waves, looks that these distressed forms crawl from the ground, the corners of the mouth indifferent, teased, right, he indeed was playing with, the thorough playing with opposite party, the Jade Emperor palace in his hand, was in itself a formidable incomparable treasure, a palace, the palace in the hand, who can kill him. 林枫依然平静到没有半点波澜,看着那些狼狈的身影从地上爬起来,嘴角冷漠、戏谑,没错,他的确是在玩弄,彻彻底底的玩弄对方,他手中的玉皇殿,本身就是一件强大无比的宝物,一座宫殿,宫殿在手,谁能杀得了他。 The Tian Qi powerhouse who these crawl is difficult to see peak, any Tian Qi powerhouse was so teased, will feel that is angry and ashamed, wishes one could to tear to shreds Lin Feng. 那些爬起来的天武强者难看到极致,无论是哪个天武强者被人如此戏谑,都会感觉愤怒、羞愧,恨不得将林枫碎尸万段。 You must die without doubt.” The crowd has looked at each other one mutually, knows that the meaning of opposite party, could not kill Lin Feng, went back to report that the bright Sect powerhouse, the news spread, Lin Feng must die without doubt, is chased down ascends the sky roadless, even if had Tianchi, could not guarantee Lin Feng. “你必死无疑。”人群相互对视了一眼,都知道对方的意思,杀不了林枫,回去禀明宗门的强者,消息传出,林枫必死无疑,将被追杀得上天无路,就算是有天池,也保不了林枫 Walks.” The bodies of these people soar, preparation leaves. “走。”那些人的身体腾空,准备离开。 Lin Feng cold Mousao these person, in the mouth have revealed ice cold smiling: Walks? To kill me unable to succeed, wants to leave?” 林枫冷眸扫了这些人一眼,嘴中露出一丝冰寒的笑:“走?想杀我没能成功,就想离开?” The footsteps tread the ground, the body soar, Lin Feng faces forward to surmount, swift and violent incomparable, the whole body is intense killing intent: Nobody can leave, gives me to remain the life.” 脚步一踏地面,身体腾空,林枫朝前跨越出去,迅猛无比,浑身都是强烈的杀意:“没有人能够离开,都给我把命留下来吧。” Then, the body of Lin Feng changes to together the strong winds, sweeps across faces forward, arrives at the sky of these Tian Qi powerhouses instantaneously, immediately fierce throws the Jade Emperor heart in hand, the mind moves, the vast boundless emperor air/Qi blooms, with one incomparably huge bang the bang, the Jade Emperor palace direct rolling above the ground, the earth shivered maliciously , the great strength that a palace drops from the clouds has terrifying how, is unable to imagine, the entire earth, had the innumerable [say / way] cracks, spreads across. 说罢,林枫的身体化作一道狂风,席卷朝前,瞬间降临那些天武强者的上空,随即猛的将手中的玉皇心扔出去,心神一动,浩瀚无边的皇气绽放,伴随着一声无比巨大的轰隆巨响,玉皇宫殿直接辗压在地面之上,大地狠狠的颤抖了下,一座宫殿从天而降的巨力有多么的恐怖,无法想象,整个大地,都出现了无数道裂缝,纵横交错。 : Because the private affair has not erupted this week, was sorry very much, but maintained the ordinary renewal, but the brothers support, the sincerity thanked, traceless continued to try hard, pressed brothers' suggestion to be the same, later the daily renewal can reckon up, the eruption calculated the eruption, did not have the eruption not to erupt! :因为私事这个星期没有爆发,很抱歉,只是保持了平常的更新,但兄弟们还是非常支持,真心感谢,无痕继续努力,就按兄弟们的建议一样,以后日常更新会算清楚,爆发算爆发,没爆发就是没爆发! 5201 the novel high-speed first round Peerless Martial God latest chapter, this chapter is Chapter 819 5201小说高速首发绝世武神最新章节,本章节是第819章 Prestige of address palace for the chapter that if you think is good please do not forget to the friend recommendation in group and micro blog! 宫殿之威地址为如果你觉的本章节还不错的话请不要忘记向您群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!
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