PMG :: Volume #4

#818: Received completely

The vast palace appears, all people were shaken crazily draw back, but shocks in their heart, actually injury complete substitution. 浩瀚的宫殿出现,所有人都被震得狂退,但他们心中的震撼,却将伤势完完全全的取代。 Emperor palace, this is the emperor palace.” Feels that vast emperor air/Qi, these Tian Qi powerhouse bodies started to shiver, the emperor palace, they also saw the emperor palace. “皇者宫殿,这是皇者宫殿。”感受到那浩瀚的皇气,那些天武强者身体都开始颤抖了起来,皇者宫殿,他们也看到了皇者宫殿。 What does inside have?” Many people are living the person who is walking to ask, is living the person to Sect in the middle, has entered inside person. “里面有什么?”许多人对着自己宗门当中活着走出来的人问道,活着出来的人,都是进入过里面的人。 Palace that many treasures, the crystal of will, the crystal of deep meaning, was unable to enter.” Their hanger-on younger brothers replied that making in these Tian Qi powerhouse eyes pass frantically, before, they are unable to enter the mystical place, can only arrange the back of Xuan Qi, in oneself heart actually somewhat envies, the crystal of will, has the extremely major function to them, the crystal of deep meaning, is precious incomparable. “好多宝物,意志之晶,奥义之晶,还有很多无法进入的宫殿。”他们的门下弟弟纷纷回答,让那些天武强者眼中透着狂热,以前,他们是无法进入秘境,只能将玄武的后背安排进去,自己心中却是有些羡慕的,意志之晶,对他们有极其大的作用,奥义之晶,更是珍贵无比。 Many treasures, even there is a palace that many do not know unable to go , the people of these Xuan Qi are unable to go , couldn't they have gone in? 还有很多宝物,甚至有许多不知道的宫殿无法进去,那些玄武之人无法进去,难道他们还会进不去? Many person personal appearance twinkles, seek for the Nine dragons entrance, glitters directly toward the Jade Emperor palace, each entrance, is safe, can enter the palace. 许多人身形闪烁,寻找到九龙入口,直接朝着玉皇宫殿中闪烁进去,每一个入口,都是安全的,都能进入宫殿当中。 Was insane, this moment crowd was insane, emperor, keeps aloof, is powerful existence of clouds, existence that they need to look, usually at will the thing of use, to them possibly is the heavy treasure, the optional religious texts, can make them perceive through meditation, comprehend the formidable strength, these mysterious palaces, they anticipate extremely. 都疯了,这一刻的人群都疯了,皇者,高高在上,是云端的强悍存在,他们需要仰望的存在,平常随意使用之物,对他们而言都可能是重宝,随意一段经文,都能够让他们参悟,领悟强大的力量,那些神秘的宫殿,他们期待万分。 However also some people as before are maintaining at the front of emperor palace a calmness, how can, how present the emperor palace? 不过也有人在皇者宫殿的面前依旧保持着一丝冷静,怎么会,怎么会出现皇者宫殿的? Is Jade Emperor heart.” The crowd eye pupil trembles, Lin Feng, he flung a moment ago the Jade Emperor heart, immediately, the Jade Emperor heart changed to a vast palace, flew to the bang them. “是玉皇心。”人群眼眸一颤,林枫,他刚才将玉皇心甩出来,随即,玉皇心化作了一座浩瀚的宫殿,将他们给轰飞了出去。 Lin Feng, he built up to melt the Jade Emperor heart, obtained this palace? 林枫,他炼化了玉皇心,就得到了这座宫殿? The powerhouse hearts of these calm ponders tremble crazily, the Jade Emperor heart, is the Jade Emperor palace, emperor, has the what kind magical powers, the heart palace. 这些冷静思考的强者心头狂颤,玉皇心脏,就是玉皇宫殿,皇者,到底拥有何等的神通,心化宫殿。 The person complexion of jade day emperor's clan is ugly, they do not know that the Jade Emperor heart is the entire palace, they listen to the command of ancestor, kowtows to Jade Emperor, then can obtain Jade Emperor to inherit, however does not have, the decree of Jade Emperor as if tampered with. 玉天皇族的人脸色难看无比,就连他们都不知道玉皇心脏是整座宫殿,他们只是听先祖之令,对玉皇三跪九叩,便能得到玉皇传承,然而却没有,玉皇的旨意似乎被人所篡改了。 Now where Lin Feng and are Lin Feng at?” The crowd personal appearance of jade day emperor's clan has glittered, looks toward the position that Lin Feng was at a moment ago, when they looked in the past actually discovered that Lin Feng early vanished to disappear, nobody, where did not know. 林枫林枫现在在哪?”玉天皇族的人群身形闪烁了起来,朝着刚才林枫所在的方位看去,不过当他们看过去的时候却发现林枫早已经消失不见了,没有人,不知道去了哪里。 What to do?” The powerhouses of that jade day emperor's clan looked at that vast desolated place, Lin Feng disappeared, he looked at a palace, the vast Jade Emperor palace on the pendulum in their front, this made their hearts struggle fiercely, went in? “怎么办?”那玉天皇族的强者看了一眼那一望无际的荒芜之地,林枫消失了,他又看了一眼宫殿,浩瀚的玉皇宫殿就摆在他们的面前,这让他们的心剧烈的挣扎了起来,进不进去? Lin Feng he built up to melt Jade Emperor heart, but the Jade Emperor heart was this Jade Emperor palace, is the master in this palace, to belong to Lin Feng now? 林枫他炼化了玉皇心,而玉皇心就是这玉皇宫殿,这宫殿的主人,现在是否是属于林枫 If they enter in the middle of the palace, how falls into the Lin Feng trap should? 如果他们进入宫殿当中,陷入林枫的陷阱又该如何? Therefore, they start to struggle, if dreads the Lin Feng plot, means that gives up entering the present Jade Emperor palace, must look helplessly the formidable ancestor Jade Emperor palace is placed in the front is aloof? What to do had inside treasure been won by others? 所以,他们开始挣扎,如果畏惧林枫的阴谋,就意味着放弃进入眼前的玉皇宫殿,难道,要眼睁睁的看着强大的先祖玉皇宫殿摆在面前无动于衷?里面的宝物被别人夺走了怎么办? Goes.” What that jade day emperor's clan is the first powerhouse is unable to repress finally, knows obviously is the plot, must go, this is the palace of ancestor Jade Emperor. “进去。”那玉天皇族的为首强者终于无法按捺得住,明明知道是阴谋,也要进去,这可是先祖玉皇的宫殿。 Not is only they, maintained the calm person has also thought this, this palace can be controlled by Lin Feng, was a plot trap, but, some extremely few people can bear, entered in the Jade Emperor palace. 不仅是他们,许多保持冷静的人也想到了这点,这宫殿会不会已经被林枫掌控,是一个阴谋陷阱,但是,极少有人能够忍住,都进入了玉皇殿里面。 However , some Sect people are intelligent, in a short time has found out the best means that forcefully leaves behind 1-2 Tian Qi powerhouses outside the Jade Emperor palace, although no one is willing to stay outside, but faces is the person of head is strong they to stay outside, if like this had the accident Lin Feng to come back the Jade Emperor palace to receive, they kept outside person to get rid Lin Feng killing, captured the Jade Emperor heart, the guarantee was absolutely safe. 不过,也有一些宗门的人非常聪明,在短时间内想出了最好的办法,就是强行留下一两个天武强者在玉皇宫殿外,虽然谁都不愿意留在外面,但面对为首之人的强硬他们不得不留在外面,这样如果有意外的话林枫回来将玉皇殿收了,他们留在外面的人就出手将林枫给杀了,夺取玉皇心,保证万无一失。 Naturally, some people will go in secretly, cannot bear. 当然,也会有人偷偷的进去,忍不住。 At this time outside of Jade Emperor palace, the Duan Wuya eye pupil glitters, has not strided in the Jade Emperor palace, he looks at the Lin Feng growth, by the Lin Feng disposition, wish makes him come out the Jade Emperor intimacy, will be impossible so to be smooth, therefore does not need to suspect that Duan Wuya can affirm, Lin Feng built up to melt the Jade Emperor heart, has controlled the Jade Emperor palace. 此时在玉皇殿的外面,段无涯眼眸闪烁,没有跨入玉皇殿里面,他是看着林枫成长的,以林枫的性格,想要让他将玉皇心交出来,不可能会这么顺利,所以根本不需要怀疑,段无涯敢肯定,林枫炼化了玉皇心,掌控了玉皇殿。 In the Duan Wuya heart some envy, Lin Feng not only talent, the destiny is also extremely good, actually knows that builds up the Jade Emperor heart to obtain the entire palace, later in the middle of the palace treasure, is Lin Feng. 段无涯心中有些嫉妒,林枫不仅天赋强,气运也是极好,竟然知道炼化玉皇心能够得到整座宫殿,以后宫殿当中的宝物,都是林枫的。 Certainly is that stone cliff.” Duan Wuya remembers stone cliff that was unable to understand, above is carving the spirit of arrogant day, only has Lin Feng, he can understand. “一定是那面石壁。”段无涯想起了那面无法看懂的石壁,上面刻着傲天之气概,唯有林枫,他能够看得懂。 Inside treasure, is not easy to obtain.” Duan Wuya muttered whispered, that many Tian Qi powerhouses entered inside, he went is absolutely useless, in addition he harbors a vigilant heart to Lin Feng, then outside the decision remained has a look first, natural disposition discrete he, did not do this dangerous matter. “里面的宝物,可不是那么容易得到的。”段无涯喃喃低语了一声,那么多天武强者进入了里面,他进去根本就没有用,再加上他对林枫怀着一丝警惕心,便决定留在外面先看看,生性谨慎的他,不做这种险事。 Entered the crowd of Jade Emperor palace crazily, particularly the person of jade day emperor's clan, in these entered in the Jade Emperor palace a time person to guide, unceasing dashed about wildly to go in the direction of Jade Emperor palace, they must have a look at Jade Emperor, so-called inheritance, there. 进入玉皇宫殿的人群都疯狂了起来,尤其是玉天皇族的人,在那些进入过玉皇殿中一次的人带路,不断的朝着玉皇殿的方向狂奔而去,他们要看看玉皇,还有所谓的传承,到底在那里。 However when they arrive at Jade Emperor palace truly, actually there, because, the body of Jade Emperor, vanishes to disappear, in the Jade Emperor palace, does not leave behind several stone cliff spatially. 不过当他们真正到达玉皇殿的时候,却都愣在了那里,因为,玉皇的身体,消失不见了,根本不在玉皇殿里,空留下几面石壁 You said that Lin Feng he was the view has become aware stone cliff first, then cultivated the magical powers method, built up the Jade Emperor heart, where?” Is the person of head is asking to other people, immediately the people aim at that mysterious stone cliff. “你们说林枫他先是观悟了一面石壁,然后修炼神通手段,炼化玉皇心,在哪里?”为首之人对着其余之人问道,随即众人指向那面神秘的石壁 What that jade day emperor's clan is the person of head walks, sees that stone cliff instant, the body shivered slightly , the good overbearing handwriting, disregards the heaven, shows disdain for world. 那玉天皇族的为首之人走过去,看到那面石壁的刹那,身体微微颤抖了下,好霸道的字迹、无视苍天,傲视天下。 Legend demon emperor handwriting world nobody can understand, this is the demon emperor keeps the character.” What jade day emperor's clan is the person of head mutters whispers, but, why Lin Feng can understand the demon emperor to keep the character, bestowed on to the fearful youth on that day formidable, what relations has with the demon emperor? “传说魔皇字迹天下无人能懂,难道,这就是魔皇留字。”玉天皇族的为首之人喃喃低语,可是,为什么林枫能够看懂魔皇留字,难道那天赋强大到可怕的青年,和魔皇有什么关系? Has saying that at this moment he thinks, discovered unexpectedly demon emperor in Lin Feng and legend, somewhat is really similar. 不得不说,此刻他想起来,竟发现林枫和传说中的魔皇,真有几分相似。 Is arrogant and conceited, talent to be peerless, a fascinated [say / way] slaughters the heaven blood everywhere, fearless, this is the demon emperor in legend, Lin Feng, the body has the shadow of demon emperor. 目空一切、天赋绝伦,一入魔道屠戮苍天血遍地,无所畏惧,这是传说中的魔皇,林枫,身上有魔皇的影子。 At this time, outside of Jade Emperor palace, the distant place desolated place, has form together to tread the tread, the long gown flutters, gradually treads toward this vast palace, in the middle of tranquil eyesight, is passing some indifferent meanings. 此时,在玉皇宫殿的外面,远处荒芜之地,有一道身影踏着地面,长袍飘动,缓步朝着这浩瀚的宫殿踏来,平静的目光当中,透着些许的冷漠之意。 Lin Feng.” eyesight of some people look toward here, is Lin Feng, he came back. 林枫。”有人的目光朝着这边望过来,是林枫,他回来了。 Lin Feng proceeds step by step, does not abhor Xu, looks at the front crowd as well as that vast Jade Emperor palace, in the middle of the eye pupil does not have too much mighty waves unexpectedly, finally, when he arrives at the front of Jade Emperor palace not to be far, looks at that side crowd, sneers saying: Wants me dead, wants the Jade Emperor palace, good, I make you wait all the way in the Jade Emperor palace.” 林枫一步步往前走着,不疾不徐,看着前方的人群以及那座浩瀚的玉皇宫殿,眼眸当中竟没有太多的波澜,终于,当他走到玉皇宫殿的前方不远,看着那边的人群,冷笑道:“想要我死,想要玉皇宫殿,那好,我让你们在玉皇宫殿中待个够。” Then, Lin Feng puts out a hand, mind moves, bang the huge sound spreads, that vast boundless Jade Emperor palace, changes to a beat the heart, has flown into the hand of Lin Feng directly. 说罢,林枫伸出手,心神一动,轰隆隆的巨大响声传出,那浩瀚无边的玉皇殿,化作一颗跳动的心脏,直接飞入了林枫的手中。 Such that just like many people suspect, he invades the Jade Emperor heart by his blood, builds up the Jade Emperor heart, obtained the Jade Emperor heart, obtained the entire vast palace, inside all, are his Lin Feng. 正如很多人猜想的那样,他以自己的鲜血侵入到玉皇心脏当中,将玉皇心脏炼化,得到了玉皇心,也得到了整座浩瀚的宫殿,里面的一切,都是他林枫的。 The vast endless Jade Emperor palace vanished in flash, this made the people outside these Jade Emperor palaces stay there, didn't have? 浩瀚无尽的玉皇宫殿在一瞬间消失了,这让那些玉皇殿外的人都呆在了那里,没有了? That Jade Emperor heart, is the Jade Emperor palace, by the Lin Feng complete control, now, Jade Emperor heart by Lin Feng receiving, these people, forever can stay in the Jade Emperor palace unable to come out? No wonder must keep outside them, to prevent this situation. 那颗玉皇心,就是玉皇宫殿,被林枫完完全全的控制,现在,玉皇心被林枫给收了,那些人,岂不是将永远的要留在玉皇殿里出不来了?难怪要将他们留在外面,就是为了防止这种情况。 In this piece of desolated space, more than 20 people, many are the Tian Qi powerhouses, at this moment they all surmount to come toward Lin Feng, the body is passing killing intent. 在这片荒芜的空间当中,还有20余人,许多都是天武强者,这一刻他们全部朝着林枫跨越而来,身上透着一股杀意 You want to kill me, puts them?” Lin Feng looks at the crowd, smiled was saying, making these person of eyesight stare slightly, was staring at Lin Feng, extremely cold, naturally must kill Lin Feng. “你们真想杀了我,将他们放出来?”林枫看着人群,微笑着说了一声,让那些人目光微微愣了下,盯着林枫,极其的寒冷,当然要杀了林枫 „Do you have to think, only then you obtained the heart in my hand, inside person, will be controlled by you, controls their life and death, but you, can take the Jade Emperor heart to go to faraway places, haven't you thought?” “你们有没有想过,只有你们得到了我手中的这颗心脏,里面的人,就将被你们所控制住,控制他们的生死,而你们,可以拿着玉皇心远走高飞,难道,你们都没有这么想过?” Lin Feng opens the mouth once again, lets their, beat with a crash. 林枫再度开口,让他们的,砰然的跳动了起来。 The Lin Feng words, the enticement was too big! 林枫的话,诱惑太大了! 5201 the novel high-speed first round Peerless Martial God latest chapter, this chapter is Chapter 818 5201小说高速首发绝世武神最新章节,本章节是第818章 Received the address for the chapter that completely, if you think is good please do not forget to the friend recommendation in group and micro blog! 全部收了地址为如果你觉的本章节还不错的话请不要忘记向您群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!
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