PMG :: Volume #4

#822: Section boundless death

Two days later, void middle, the Duan Wuya complexion became somewhat pale, over the two days, regardless of he uses any method, cannot get rid of Lin Feng. 两天后,虚空当中,段无涯的脸色已经变得有些苍白了起来,这两天来,无论他使用什么手段,都摆脱不了林枫 Lin Feng, must kill him, they are clear, among them, can only live, Duan Wuya flees, is Lin Feng dies, Lin Feng overtakes, is Duan Wuya dies, does not have the exception. 林枫,一定要杀他,他们都清楚,两人之间,只能活一个,段无涯走脱,就是林枫死,林枫追上,就是段无涯死,没有例外。 Also is a palm whips above the cloudy ghost bottle gourd, the ray pasts, the Saint mark strength on cloudy ghost bottle gourd stimulated to movement, Duan Wuya glittered once again, appears in the region several li (0.5km) away, meanwhile must to the Yuan strength stimulation of movement cloudy ghost bottle gourd make it lead the way, his really Yuan strength was too what a pity weak, is unable to stimulate to movement the compensation of cloudy ghost bottle gourd truly, otherwise absolutely incessantly was this speed, but under such two consumed, Duan Wuya has soon collapsed. 又是一掌拍打在阴煞葫芦之上,光芒流转,阴煞葫芦上的圣纹力量被催动了起来,段无涯又一次闪烁,出现在了十几里外的地域,同时还要以真元的力量催动阴煞葫芦让它前行,可惜他的真元力量太弱了,无法真正催动阴煞葫芦的全部力量,否则绝对不止是这速度,而这样两相消耗之下,段无涯已经快要虚脱了。 At my this grade of terrifying speed, arrives at the floating island of East China Sea dragon palace also to need two double-hour, but my really Yuan strength, most can only insist two double-hour.” Duan Wuya wants to control really the output of Yuan strength, once what a pity so speed immediately slow, but that Heavenly Monster Great Roc speed is also too fast, pulls closer the distance instantaneously, now, only then by assigning. “以我这等恐怖的速度,到达东海龙宫的浮岛还需要两个时辰,而我的真元力量,也最多只能坚持两个时辰了。”段无涯想要控制真元力量的输出,可惜一旦如此速度立刻缓下来,但那天妖大鹏的速度又太快,瞬间拉近距离,现在,只有靠命了。 Lin Feng stands in carrying on the back of Great Roc as before, the whole body like the sword, two day as if no least bit to change, has not moved the slightest, even even|connected Yan the pupil has closed, is maintaining this movement, kills the determination of Duan Wuya, no one is able to vacillate, Duan Wuya must die, for the beforehand hatred, for his life. 林枫依旧是站在大鹏的背上,浑身如剑,两日来仿佛没有半点变化,未曾动过分毫,甚至连眼眸都闭上了,一直保持着这个动作,杀段无涯的决心,谁都无法动摇,段无涯必须要死,为了以前的仇恨、也为了他自己的性命。 They early strided in the area of East China Sea empire, the altitude that Duan Wuya will fly desirably have pulled down, hopes that can bring to the attention, in the ground has countless people to look up to these two forms, but after they feel the fearful spookiness of Heavenly Monster Great Roc release, nobody dares to look for trouble radically, Great Roc raises hurricane to be able them to blow. 两人早已经跨入了东海帝国的疆域,段无涯刻意将飞行的高度压低来,希望能够引起注意,地面上有无数人仰望这两道身影,但当他们感受到天妖大鹏释放的可怕妖气之后,根本没有人敢没事找事,大鹏掀起一阵飓风都能将他们刮走。 Duan Wuya do not dare to fall the secret says, because he dreads himself, once delays that moment the time, will make the death arrive, his Duan Wuya thinks of every means today, how can die, he some day must control the East China Sea dragon palace, became the overlord in East China Sea empire. 段无涯自己也不敢下落将秘密说出来,因为他畏惧自己一旦耽误那片刻的时间,就会让死亡降临,他段无涯费尽心机有了今日,怎么能死,他有朝一日还要控制东海龙宫,成为东海帝国的霸主。 Float appearance in East China Sea in front, vast boundless, on the face of Duan Wuya reappeared a wisp of fresh hope, at this moment his whole person in the respite, in the use final really Yuan strength, the breath was unable to maintain the normal frequency, he makes an effort to shout probably, but he even worried that this shouted will give to exhaust his strength, he does not dare. 一座座悬浮在东海上的出现在了面前,辽阔无边,段无涯的脸上浮现了一缕生的希望,此刻他整个人都在喘息,已经在动用最后的真元力量,呼吸都无法保持正常的频率,他好像用力喊出来,但他甚至担心这一喊就会将他的力量给耗尽,他不敢。 Buzz......” terrifying astral wind wreaks havoc, Heavenly Monster Great Roc blows tornado in the sky of floating island, in the following floating island, many people gained ground, looks at void two forms. “嗡……”恐怖的罡风肆虐,天妖大鹏在浮岛的上空刮起一阵旋风,在下面的浮岛,有不少人抬起头来,看着虚空中的两道身影。 „......” Duan Wuya is stimulating to movement the remaining really Yuan strengths, last time has stimulated to movement the Saint mark, buzz a sound spreads, cloudy ghost bottle gourd once again shuttle vanguard, quick, he must arrive at East China Sea dragon palace five big north that has stepped into there, has the formidable Tian Qi powerhouse. “啊……”段无涯催动着自己剩下的真元力量,最后一次催动了圣纹,嗡的一道声响传出,阴煞葫芦再度穿梭前行,很快,他就要到达东海龙宫五大北面的那座了,踏入了那里,就有强大的天武强者。 Buzz and buzz!” Heavenly Monster Great Roc has not flinched, brought Lin Feng to break in sky directly, strided in East China Sea dragon palace the place of head-family truly, was not successful, then died, all-out effort all, must cut to kill Duan Wuya. “嗡、嗡!”天妖大鹏没有退缩,直接带着林枫冲入了一座座的上空,真正跨入东海龙宫的本宗之地,不成功,便是死,拼劲一切,都要斩杀段无涯 Um? Duan Wuya.” Finally when they step up to five north islands, some people have recognized Duan Wuya, immediately several forms soar, was asking to Duan Wuya: What's the matter?” “嗯?段无涯。”终于当两人跨上五座北面的岛之时,有人认出了段无涯,随即有几道身影腾空,对着段无涯问道:“怎么回事?” The Duan Wuya complexion like the paper, had not said one including the words palely, passed over gently and swiftly from their front directly, Duan Wuya knows that these things of acting recklessly died. 段无涯脸色已经苍白如纸,连话都没有说一句,直接从他们的面前掠过,段无涯知道,这几个不知死活的东西死定了。 Really, free time of two breath, following Great Roc Heavenly Monster comes with the fearful hurricane, the fearful sharp claws grasped the crack their bodies directly, the death. 果然,两个呼吸的工夫,后面的大鹏天妖携可怕的飓风而来,可怕的利爪直接将他们的身体抓裂,死亡。 Saves me!” Duan Wuya exhausts complete really Yuan strength, crazy fierce roared, the voice put out, the whole person lay to fall on the cloudy ghost bottle gourd, but his sound, actually distant transmission. “救我!”段无涯用尽全部的真元力量,狂猛的咆哮一声,话音吐出,整个人都趴倒在了阴煞葫芦上,而他的声音,却远远的传递出去。 Um?” “嗯?” Um, what's the matter?” Some Tian Qi powerhouses were shaken by this sound awake, the body twinkling shoots up to the sky, saw that Duan Wuya they have gawked, Duan Wuya went to the mystical place to come back unexpectedly . Moreover, only then he came back, was at the chased down condition. “嗯,怎么回事?”有一些天武强者被这道声音震醒,身体瞬息冲天而起,看到段无涯他们愣了下,段无涯前往秘境竟然回来了,而且,只有他一个人回来,还是处于被追杀的状态。 Stops to me.” Several form interception in the Heavenly Monster Great Roc front, the spookiness of Great Roc whole body soar to the heavens, the speed does not reduce, the sharp wing has patted fiercely, the sound of bang, the Tian Qi powerhouse was flown by the direct fan. “给我停下来。”几道身影拦截在天妖大鹏的面前,大鹏浑身的妖气冲天,速度丝毫不减,锋锐的羽翼猛的拍了出去,轰的一道声响,有一天武强者被直接扇飞了出去。 But at this time Lin Feng whole person footsteps toward void one cross, surmounts from Great Roc, the sword air/Qi is surely crazy, the whole person as if must change into a handle sword. 而此时林枫整个人脚步往虚空一跨,从大鹏身上跨越出去,千万剑气疯狂,整个人仿佛要化为一柄剑。 Who dares to come to my dragon palace to cause trouble!” The distant place, terrifying drinking sound billowing transmitting, shakes the Lin Feng eardrum to tremble together, buzzes, however Swordsmanship killing intent intense, destroys the hardest defenses as before. “谁敢来我龙宫闹事!”远处,一道恐怖的喝声滚滚的传来,震得林枫耳膜发颤,嗡嗡作响,然而剑道杀意依旧是那么的强烈、无坚不摧。 A day sword Secret Art, the person sword unites, the body of Lin Feng, melts the sword once again, as if thorough fused with the sword in one, changed to a handle boundless sharp sharp sword. 天一剑诀,人剑合一,林枫的身体,再度化剑,仿佛彻底的与剑融合在了一起,化作一柄无边锋锐的利剑。 Lin Feng, he obtained jade......” 林枫,他得到了玉……” Scoffs!” Incomparably fearful sword air/Qi punctures from the back, making the Duan Wuya whole body shiver violently , the sound is unable to put out again, immediately the sword glow has delimited together, his body by thorough tearing, died not entire corpse, was strangled to death into the nihility by the sword air/Qi. “嗤!”一股无比可怕的剑气从背后刺来,让段无涯浑身猛烈的颤抖了下,声音再也无法吐出,随即一道剑芒划过,他的身体被彻底的撕裂,死无全尸,被剑气绞杀成为虚无。 You court death.” Distant place sound transmission comes, to have the incomparably intense angry meaning together, some people dare to break in the East China Sea dragon palace unexpectedly, kills the person of dragon palace, the dragon palace, when has received this grade of shame. “你找死。”远处一道声音传递而来,带着无比强烈的愤怒之意,竟然有人敢冲入东海龙宫,杀龙宫之人,龙宫,何时受过这等羞辱。 Bang!” Great Roc flew several Tian Qi powerhouse bang, the body arrives at side Lin Feng, after catching the body of Lin Feng, immediately reverses the body, goes toward the return route twinkle. “轰!”大鹏将几名天武强者都轰飞了出去,身体到达林枫身边,接住林枫的身体后立即逆转身躯,往回路闪烁而去。 Where walks.” The form palm that treads trembles, immediately light of the Qingmu bloom, change to Qingmu, rolling goes toward Lin Feng, must the body of Lin Feng twining. “哪里走。”踏来的身影手掌一颤,顿时一道道青木之光绽放,化作一条条青木,朝着林枫滚滚而去,要将林枫的身体给缠绕住。 A Great Roc wing fierce spin, is going to hold the Lin Feng Qingmu to separate, although he refuses to accept Lin Feng, but when he is also clear the present is, Lin Feng and Young Lady have the great relations, if Lin Feng died, perhaps Monster Beast in their these snow monster towers must withstand principal wife's anger. 大鹏羽翼猛的一旋,将要抓住林枫的青木割裂掉,虽然他并不服林枫,但他也清楚现在是什么时候,林枫小姐有不浅的关系,若是林枫死了,他们这些雪妖塔中的妖兽恐怕都要承受主母的怒火。 Qingmu puts brilliantly, endless Qingmu as if changes to the vine, the twinkling twines the Great Roc wing package, making the wing of Great Roc unable the stress. 青木之光大放,无尽的青木仿佛化作藤蔓,瞬息将大鹏的羽翼都包裹缠绕住,让大鹏的羽翼无法受力。 evil creature, gives me to crack!” That twines Qingmu of Great Roc wing to exude the sound of Dragon recitation, shocks incomparably, as if changes to the shade of flood dragon, tearing strangles to death the wing of Heavenly Monster Great Roc. 孽畜,给我裂!”那缠绕住大鹏羽翼的青木发出龙吟之声,震撼无比,仿佛化作蛟龙之影,撕裂绞杀天妖大鹏的羽翼。 Scoffs at and scoffs at......” blood to bloom, on the wing of Great Roc has the feather to fall off unceasingly, is fluttering in void . Moreover, the wings in all directions is the bloody scar, by a moment ago that Qingmu the flood dragon tears this. “嗤、嗤……”鲜血绽放,大鹏的羽翼上不断有羽毛脱落,在虚空中飘动着,而且,双翼四处都是血淋淋的伤痕,被刚才那青木所化的蛟龙所撕裂成这样。 Eyah!” The Great Roc anger eats delicacies, whole body releases a fearful ray, immediately wings once again fierce trembles, twinkle vanguard, quickly to inconceivable. “咿呀!”大鹏怒啸一声,浑身释放出一阵可怕的光芒,随即双翼再度猛的一颤,闪烁前行,快到不可思议。 Um?” That throws over the form eye pupil of Qingmu imperial robe to congeal, this Heavenly Monster Great Roc is really fierce enough, the wing so caused heavy losses, but can also maintain the beforehand terrifying speed, Great Roc excels at flying, full speed imperial spatial, he is unable to overtake, however he does not believe Great Roc to insist too for a long time. “嗯?”那披着青木龙袍的身影眼眸一凝,这天妖大鹏还真够厉害,羽翼受如此重创,还能保持之前的恐怖速度,大鹏擅飞,全速御空,他都无法追上,然而他不信大鹏能够坚持太久。 Footsteps one cross, behind he wanted toward the Great Roc pursuit in the past, actually to hear the sound to transmit together: Qingmu, what's the matter?” 脚步一跨,他想要朝着大鹏追击过去,却听后面一道声音传来:“青木,怎么回事?” Great Roc Monster Beast caused heavy losses, could not insist how long, its is remaining Qingmu Dragon Qi, the person of Purple gold, has not pursued quickly.” Qingmu Dragon King to under spatial rolling was shouting angrily, immediately had many form twinkles, the void pursuit toward distant place went. 大鹏妖兽已经受到重创,坚持不了多久,它身上残余着青木龙气,紫金之人,还不快去追。”青木龙王对着下空滚滚怒喝一声,顿时有许多道身影闪烁而出,朝着远处的虚空追击而去。 Spoke these words, Qingmu Dragon King body Qingmu puts brilliantly, covers that void cloudy ghost bottle gourd, comes toward his body, simultaneously turns around to look at that several with the person of his playing chess, said: Some people break in the East China Sea dragon palace, cuts to kill the disciple who a Purple gold Dragon King has sat down.” 说完这句话,青木龙王身上青木之光大放,将那虚空中的阴煞葫芦扣住,朝着他身体而来,同时转身看着那几位和他下棋之人,道:“有人冲入东海龙宫,斩杀了一名紫金龙王坐下的弟子。” Big courage.” Several people of complexions sank immediately, Purple gold is one of the East China Sea dragon palace five islands, some people so are unexpectedly bold. “好大的胆子。”几人脸色顿时沉了下来,紫金是东海龙宫五岛之一,竟有人如此大胆。 Qingmu cloudy ghost bottle gourd volume before the body, Qingmu Dragon King looked down one, was seeing the cloudy ghost bottle gourd instant, his body fierce trembled. 青木将阴煞葫芦卷到身前,青木龙王低头看了一眼,在看到阴煞葫芦的刹那,他的身体猛的一颤。 Several other people of eye pupils also fall above the cloudy ghost bottle gourd, the eye pupil concentrates, good fierce treasure. 其它几人的眼眸也落在阴煞葫芦之上,眼眸都是一凝,好厉害的宝物。 This is......” “这是……” Qingmu Dragon King muttered whispers, immediately gained ground with several people looks at each other one, with stylish: Mystical place treasure.” 青木龙王喃喃低语,随即抬起头和几人对视一眼,同时道:“秘境宝物。” That was cut disciple who killed a moment ago, enters the person in mystical place, they came out! 刚才那被斩杀的弟子,是进入秘境的人,他们出来了! But why will be chased down, and only then did a person, what exactly have? 可是为什么会被追杀,而且还只有一个人,到底发生了什么? Lin Feng, before he obtained jade......” Qingmu Dragon King to remember Duan Wuya one not to say suddenly a moment ago at the point of death sound that cannot help but eyesight fierce trembled. 林枫,他得到了玉……”青木龙王突然想起刚才段无涯临死前的一道未说完的声音,不由得目光猛的一颤。 That chases down his person to call Lin Feng, then, he also enters the character in mystical place, he obtained the jade...... 那追杀他的人叫林枫,那么,他也是进入秘境中的人物,他得到了玉…… Jade...... Emperors!” Several people also make noise, immediately heart beat with a crash, right, the words that Duan Wuya wants to speak were Lin Feng obtained certainly the Jade Emperor treasure, either was the formidable incomparable utensil, either was fierce cultivation technique. “玉……皇!”几人同时出声,顿时心砰然的跳动了起来,没错,段无涯想说的话一定是林枫得到了玉皇宝物,要么是强大无比的器物,要么是厉害的功法 They do not know that the Duan Wuya complete voice should be, Lin Feng, he obtained the Jade Emperor palace! 他们不知道,段无涯的完整话音应该是,林枫,他得到了玉皇宫殿! : I scratch, yesterday Nyima had fallen asleep, said the sound to be sorry to everybody that this morning makes up! :我擦,昨天又尼玛睡着了,给大家说声抱歉,今天早上就补! 5201 the novel high-speed first round Peerless Martial God latest chapter, this chapter is Chapter 822 5201小说高速首发绝世武神最新章节,本章节是第822章 Death of address Duan Wuya for the chapter that if you think is good please do not forget to the friend recommendation in group and micro blog! 段无涯之死地址为如果你觉的本章节还不错的话请不要忘记向您群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!
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