PMG :: Volume #4

#815: Coming out

Crowd completely crazy, particularly when they feel the main hall shivers crazily are so, Lin Feng, he is pulling out the heart of Jade Emperor, as if makes the entire vast palace shiver, must prevent Lin Feng. 人群全部都疯狂了起来,尤其是在他们感受到大殿疯狂颤抖的时候更是如此,林枫,他在掏玉皇之心,似乎让整座浩瀚的宫殿在颤抖,一定要阻止林枫 Buzz!” The ding buzz the cry, terrifying brilliance must freeze the body of crowd, actually sees this time Duan Wuya and haughty flood dragon round crowd quietly, has arrived at the back of Jade Emperor body. “嗡!”钟声嗡鸣,恐怖的光华要将人群的身体都冻结,却见到此时的段无涯和敖蛟悄然的绕过人群,走到了玉皇身体的背后。 I begin first.” Duan Wuya to haughty flood dragon slight bow, was looking at one Jade Emperor body one, the eye pupil flashes through together the cold glow, the cloudy ghost bottle gourd appears, fearful cloudy and cold malignant influences pour into to the bottle gourd, immediately in the bottle gourd releases fearful cloudy and cold malignant influences, must corrode all, goes toward the Jade Emperor body. “我先动手。”段无涯对着敖蛟微微点头,看了一眼玉皇身体一眼,眼眸当中闪过一道寒芒,阴煞葫芦出现,一股可怕的阴冷煞气注入到葫芦当中,随即葫芦中释放出一股可怕的阴冷煞气,要腐蚀一切,朝着玉皇身躯而去。 Bang!” Above the Jade Emperor body, the fearful emperor is mad the release together, the cloudy and cold malignant influences of that corrosion are unable to invade his body, was wiped to destroy completely instantaneously, vanishes in the nihility. “轰隆!”玉皇身体之上,一道可怕的皇气释放而出,那股腐蚀的阴冷煞气根本无法侵入他的身躯,瞬间被抹灭掉,消失于虚无。 Um?” Duan Wuya eye pupil one stiff, useless, his cloudy ghost bottle gourd deals with the person of Ninth Xuan Qi Layer, may corrode instantaneously kills, but to this Jade Emperor corpse, does not affect, although Jade Emperor dies, his emperor is mad may purify all. “嗯?”段无涯眼眸一僵,没用,他的阴煞葫芦对付玄武境九重之人,都可瞬间腐蚀杀死,但对这玉皇尸体,根本毫无作用,玉皇虽死,其皇气就可净化一切。 I come.” The haughty flood dragon lets somebody cool off or calm down walks to go forward, the whole body is releasing air/Qi of fearful flood dragon, as if there is flood dragon to roar to roar, toward Jade Emperor body smashing in the past, from the back, the buckle to the Jade Emperor heart spot, he wants to have a look directly, Lin Feng knew anything, actually wants the Jade Emperor heart, Lin Feng to dare not to revere Jade Emperor, his Ao Jiao has anything not to dare. “我来吧。”敖蛟冷冷的走上前,浑身释放着一股可怕的蛟龙之气,仿佛有蛟龙在怒吼咆哮,直接朝着玉皇身躯扣杀过去,从背后,扣向玉皇心脏部位,他想看看,林枫到底知道了什么,竟然要玉皇心脏,林枫敢不尊玉皇,他敖蛟有什么不敢。 Roar!” The flood dragon empty shade turns round on haughty flood dragon, fierce fearful, is very crazy, Ao Jiao, the palm as if destroys the hardest defenses, nothing which is not extinguishes. “吼!”蛟龙虚影覆在敖蛟身上,狰狞可怕,无比疯狂,敖蛟,手掌仿佛无坚不摧,无所不灭。 Bang!” The body bang carries on the back in Jade Emperor, actually feeling firm like steel and iron, is unable to vacillate the slightest. “轰!”身体轰在玉皇背上,却感觉坚如钢铁,无法动摇分毫。 Um?” Haughty flood dragon eyesight maliciously trembles, stiff incomparable, in the middle of the palm destroys the hardest defenses, the flood dragon roars again, is unable to vacillate the body of Jade Emperor as before, moves is unable to move. “嗯?”敖蛟目光狠狠的一颤,僵硬无比,手掌当中无坚不摧,蛟龙再吼,依旧无法动摇玉皇之身,动都无法动弹。 This moment Ao Jiao feels somewhat feels helpless, shock of the heart, his Ao Jiao, moved unable to move Jade Emperor Venerable the body, but the palm of Lin Feng that flame, actually straight insertion Jade Emperor within the body, must build up the Jade Emperor heart, Lin Feng that fearful palm strength, fierce? 这一刻的敖蛟感觉有些不知所措,发自内心的震撼,他敖蛟,动都动不了玉皇尊身,而林枫那一火焰之掌,却直接插入玉皇体内,要炼化玉皇心脏,林枫那可怕的掌力,有多厉害? eyesight has transferred, looks toward behind that mysterious stone cliff that is unable to completely understand as before, Lin Feng before this stone cliff, has practiced that type the fearful method of making the person palpitation, a palm broke Jade Emperor Venerable the body, must build up the Jade Emperor heart. 目光转过,朝着身后那面神秘的石壁看去,依旧无法看透来,林枫就是在这石壁前,修炼了那种令人心悸的可怕手段,一掌破开玉皇尊身,要炼玉皇心脏。 No wonder Lin Feng will practice that method, as if, to break the Jade Emperor body, builds up the Jade Emperor heart, if this method, Lin Feng did not build up continuous. 难怪林枫会修炼那种手段,似乎,就是为了破开玉皇身体,炼化玉皇心脏,若是不休这种手段,林枫也炼不了。 The beat that puff thump and puff thump......” the heart of crowd keeps, as if beats along with the Jade Emperor heart, the main hall also shivers more and more fiercely, if in the ground, cannot come to a stop, only Lin Feng, steady, if the mountain, is resisting Jade Emperor attack soul by 50,000 remnant souls, builds up the Jade Emperor heart by the fearful flame palm strength, compels the Jade Emperor heart blood. “噗咚、噗咚……”人群的心脏不停的跳动,仿佛随着玉皇心脏而跳动,大殿也颤抖得越来越厉害,若是在地面上,根本就站不稳,唯独林枫,稳若山岳,以50000残魂在抵御玉皇攻击灵魂,以可怕的火焰掌力炼化玉皇心脏,将玉皇心脏鲜血迫出来。 Builds up, to build up to me!” In the Lin Feng hand the flame is dreadful, that built up all strengths as if to occupy the Jade Emperor body, finally, the rhythm of heart beat was getting more and more weak, in the Jade Emperor heart the remaining essence and blood almost must be compelled completely by him, was built up by him, immediately the blood in heart substituted for by his blood. “给我炼炼、炼!”林枫手中之火焰滔天,那股炼化一切的力量仿佛占据了玉皇身躯,终于,心脏跳动的节奏越来越弱,玉皇心脏中残余的精血几乎全部要被他迫出来,被他炼化掉,随即心脏中的血液被他的血液所取代。 Jade Emperor heart, turned over to me.” The Lin Feng opening eyes pupil, such as the sword and dreadfulness, disregard all, that bang dissipates finally to his light beam, the heart beat also stopped, the heart of Jade Emperor, the blood is forced completely, was built up. “玉皇心,归我了。”林枫睁开眼眸,如剑、滔天,无视一切,那轰向他的光束终于消散掉,心脏跳动也停止了,玉皇之心,鲜血全部被迫出来,被炼化掉。 Bang!” “轰隆!” At this moment, the crowd only felt that own head blasting open, fell into the middle of dizziness suddenly, bang the trembling sound of sound in the head, they felt immediately the world fluctuates, space and time to be confused. 这一刻,人群只感觉自己的脑袋炸裂,突然间陷入了一阵眩晕当中,轰隆隆的声音在脑袋中颤响,随即他们就感觉天地变幻、时空错乱。 Bang!” Body as if numerous pounding fall on the ground, feels somewhat painful, is not only the person in Jade Emperor palace, all people in that palace are so, they numerous falling fell on the ground, suddenly was at a loss, the opening eyes pupil, the hearts of all people, maliciously shivered. “轰!”身体仿佛重重的砸落在地上,感觉有些生疼,不仅是玉皇殿的人,那座宫殿的所有人都是如此,他们都重重的摔落在了地上,一时间六神无主,睁开眼眸,所有人的心,都狠狠的颤抖了起来。 Innumerable eyesight fell on their bodies, these eyesight sharp formidable, as if must see through them, the people of major influences, here. 无数的目光落在了他们的身上,这些目光都锋锐强大,仿佛要将他们看穿来,各大势力的人,都在这里。 This moment crowd, they suddenly discovered that he returned unexpectedly same place, they came out. 这一刻的人群,他们忽然发现,自己竟然回到了原地,他们出来了。 Here, is they steps into the place of mystical place. 这里,是他们踏入秘境的地方。 Not was only the crowd was shocked, these powerhouses of major influences, in also completely were at this moment shocked, what's the matter? What's all this about? 不仅是人群愣住了,那些各大势力的强者,在此刻也全部都愣住了,怎么回事?这是怎么回事? Hundred years ago, had not heard will have this situation, all people, appeared here unexpectedly at the same time, revealed the vacant color, they did not know what's the matter. 百年前,从来没有听说过会发生这种情况,所有的人,竟然在同一时刻出现在了这里,露出茫然之色,连他们自己都不知道怎么回事。 What exactly had? 到底发生了什么? Also many people guessed that a possibility, cannot help but the eye pupil crazily trembled, has the emperor grave, appeared? 也有不少人猜测到了一种可能,不由得眼眸狂颤,难道,皇者墓,出现过了? Jade day emperor's clan direction, that is the powerhouse eyes pupil of head maliciously trembles, he knows, if had this situation, very possible is, the Jade Emperor palace, was found. 玉天皇族方向,那为首的强者眼眸狠狠的一颤,他知道,若是发生了这种情况,很可能是,玉皇殿,被找到了。 Where Huang Feng and are Huang Feng at?” His eye pupil crazy searched in the middle of the crowd, could not find, which could not see Huang Feng, was on Huang Feng, but there is a map of Jade Emperor palace, did Huang Feng, obtain the inheritance of Jade Emperor palace? 皇枫皇枫在哪?”他的眼眸疯狂的在人群当中搜索,找不到,根本看不到皇枫在哪,可是皇枫身上,可是有玉皇殿的地图,难道,皇枫,得到了玉皇殿的传承? Duan Wu Dao.” Sees only his footsteps one cross, before the twinkling arrived at the body of Duan Wu Dao, side Duan Wu Dao, the other people of many jade day emperor's clan, only Huang Feng was not, this made in his heart have color of the wisp of hope, real? Huang Feng, did he obtain Jade Emperor inheritance? 段无道。”只见他的脚步一跨,瞬息降临到了段无道的身前,在段无道身边,还有不少玉天皇族的其他人,唯独皇枫不在,这让他的心中生出一缕希望之色,难道是真的?皇枫,他得到了玉皇传承? Where is Huang Feng at?” His heart tremor keeps, stares at Duan Wu Dao they to ask. 皇枫在哪?”他的心头颤动不停,盯着段无道他们问道。 Duan Wu Dao and the others lift in abundance, complexion micro some are not quite attractive. 段无道等人纷纷抬起来,脸色微有些不大好看。 Huang Feng, he died.” Duan Wu Dao said that making that person of eye pupil tremble slightly, died, Huang Feng, did he die? 皇枫,他死了。”段无道开口说了一声,让那人的眼眸微微一颤,死了,皇枫,他死了? What had?” That person of complexion sank instantaneously, ugly incomparable. “发生了什么?”那人的脸色瞬间沉了下来,难看无比。 Jade Emperor palace, appeared.” Duan Wu Dao said once again that making that person of body shiver slightly, that not wonderful premonition, really became the reality, the Jade Emperor palace appeared, but, had Huang Feng of Jade Emperor palace map, died unexpectedly, all, became the bubble, even has possibly done the bridal clothes for other people. “玉皇殿,出现了。”段无道再度说道,让那人的身体微微颤抖了下,那股不妙的预感,果然成为了现实,玉皇殿出现了,但是,拥有玉皇殿地图的皇枫,竟然死了,一切,都成为泡影,甚至可能为他人做了嫁衣。 „Do you have the Jade Emperor palace?” Looks at Duan Wu Dao, his eye pupil is serious, this is the key. “你们有没有进玉皇殿?”看着段无道,他的眼眸严肃,这是关键。 Duan Wu Dao silent nod. 段无道沉默的点了点头。 Anyone, obtained Jade Emperor inheritance.” The sound as if enhanced some, that person of questioning fast. “谁,得到了玉皇传承。”声音仿佛都提高了些许,那人飞快的追问。 Does not know, finally, Lin Feng built up to melt the Jade Emperor heart, then we came out.” Duan Wu Dao said that making that human eye pupil concentrate, builds up to melt the Jade Emperor heart? “不知道,最后,林枫炼化了玉皇心脏,然后我们就都出来了。”段无道说了一声,让那人眼眸一凝,炼化了玉皇心脏? Lin Feng, is Lin Feng! 林枫,又是林枫 The big courage, he dares to build up including the heart of Jade Emperor unexpectedly, but, by the Lin Feng strength, he possibly moved the heart of Jade Emperor, inheritance of Jade Emperor? 好大的胆子,他竟然连玉皇的心脏都敢炼,但是,以林枫的实力,他怎么可能动得了玉皇的心脏,还有,玉皇的传承呢? „Hasn't Huang Feng entered the Jade Emperor palace?” 皇枫没有进玉皇殿?” Entered, Huang Feng first going, but anything has not obtained, other people are mistaken him to obtain, gets rid to him together, finally Huang Feng was struck to kill by Lin Feng.” “进了,皇枫第一个进去,但什么都没有得到,其他人误以为他得到,一起对他出手,最终皇枫林枫击杀。” Is Lin Feng.” The powerhouses of that jade day emperor's clan almost wanted insanely, the complexion was ugly, killing intent twinkle. “又是林枫。”那玉天皇族的强者几乎要疯了,脸色难看无比,杀意闪烁。 Not is only here, Purple gold Dragon King was also inquiring, after knowing Lin Feng pulls out the Jade Emperor heart, his complexion also became ugly, Lin Feng, the big courage, dares to pull out the Jade Emperor heart unexpectedly, but, when he built up the Jade Emperor heart, all people came out, exactly what happened? 不仅是这边,紫金龙王也在询问,在得知林枫掏玉皇心后,他的脸色也变得难看了起来,林枫,好大的胆子,竟然敢掏玉皇心脏,而且,在他炼化玉皇心脏的时候,所有人都出来了,到底发生了什么事? These Sect influences respectively had found their hanger-on disciple, knew after the Jade Emperor palace appears , is extremely shocking, what a pity unexpectedly only then the people of several influences have overstepped Bi'an Qiao, entered the center of Jade Emperor palace truly, but, has harvested, at least obtained the crystals of many will, was a pity these died person. 这些宗门势力都各自找到了自己的门下弟子,得知玉皇殿出现之后都非常震惊,可惜竟然只有几股势力的人踏过了彼岸桥,真正进入了玉皇殿的中心,不过,也都有所收获,至少都得到了不少的意志之晶,就是可惜那些死了的人。 As for enters the influence that these people of Jade Emperor palace were at truly, their eye pupils, look completely toward Lin Feng. 至于真正进入了玉皇殿的那些人所在的势力,他们的眼眸,全部朝着林枫看去。 Lin Feng, he built up Jade Emperor heart! 林枫,他炼了玉皇心! At this time, Lin Feng as well as numerous Tianchi Crowds arrived at the sides of seven snow hawks, the snow hawk had not asked actually anything, but asked one at will: Has the harvest?” 此时,林枫以及众多天池人群到达了七雪鹰的身旁,雪鹰倒是没有多问什么,只是随意问了一句:“都有收获吗?” eyesight of many crowds are passing the excited light, the numerous nods, this makes seven snow hawks also slightly nod the head, it seems like that the person of this Tianchi is good, has the big harvest, particularly with Lin Feng the people of some Star of Celestial Rotating Jade peaks, the Tang Youyou body throws over a radiant [gold/metal] wisp of clothes, Jun Mo Xi is wearing the golden long gown, Huangfu Long grasps the tomahawk, is the formidable treasure. 许多人群的目光透着兴奋之光,重重的点头,这让七雪鹰也都微微颔首,看来这次天池之人非常不错,都有大收获,尤其是跟着林枫的一些天璇峰之人,唐幽幽身上披着璀璨的金缕之衣,君莫惜身披金色长袍,皇甫龙手持战斧,都是强大的宝贝。 Tianchi can have these youth reserve forces, is very good! 天池能有这些青年后备力量,很不错! : Before down, after seemingly three , has almost not spent! :第五更,貌似三更后就几乎没花了! 5201 the novel high-speed first round Peerless Martial God latest chapter, this chapter is Chapter 815 5201小说高速首发绝世武神最新章节,本章节是第815章 Coming out address for the chapter that if you think is good please do not forget to the friend recommendation in group and micro blog! 出来地址为如果你觉的本章节还不错的话请不要忘记向您群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!
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