PMG :: Volume #4

#816: One palm

Big courage, dares to want including the treasure of my jade day emperor's clan.” At this time, sound of the big drinking spread, shakes the eardrum of crowd to tremble. “好大的胆子,连我玉天皇族的宝物都敢要。”就在这时候,一道大喝之声传出,震得人群的耳膜微颤。 Sees only powerhouses of jade day emperor's clan to arrive in front of the Tianchi people, is drinking to make noise to Tang Youyou greatly, at this time on Tang Youyou is throwing over jade clothing sewn with gold thread, is the treasure Jade Emperor crown of their jade day emperor's clan. 只见一玉天皇族的强者来到天池众人面前,对着唐幽幽大喝出声,此时唐幽幽身上披着的金缕玉衣,正是他们玉天皇族的宝物玉皇冠所化。 The jade day emperor's clan, must get rid to Tianchi taking advantage of this, the goal, is not certainly simple for the Jade Emperor crown. 玉天皇族,借此要对天池出手了,目的,当然不是为了玉皇冠那么简单。 eyesight of people throws in abundance, has a relish, particularly the person in East China Sea dragon palace, is staring here. 众人的目光纷纷投来,饶有兴致,尤其是东海龙宫的人,都盯着这边。 Lin Feng gains ground, has swept void form one indifferently, the formidable soul strength fuses the technique of Heavenly Eye, he can actually completely understand that opposite party cultivation base, Tian Qi and First Layer boundary, is probes. 林枫抬起头,冷眼扫了虚空中的身影一眼,强大的灵魂力量融合天眼之术,他竟然能够看透对方的修为,天武一重境,是来试探的。 This Jade Emperor crown, is the thing of my jade day emperor's clan, I heard that was you have killed Huang Feng, obtained.” That person lets somebody cool off or calm down once again said that body passes is wiping formidable spirit. “这玉皇冠,乃是我玉天皇族之物,听说,是你们杀了皇枫,才得到的。”那人再度冷冷说道,身上透着一抹强大气息 You said right, Huang Feng is I kills, the Jade Emperor crown, is I seizes, steps into the mystical place, who does not slaughter for the treasure, Huang Feng was killed by me, the treasure was robbed by me, is he is incompetent, you look, is to tell everybody the jade day emperor's clan later generation to be incompetent.” Lin Feng eyesight is sharp, in the form collision with void, in the middle of the eye pupil, not having the least bit to dread an intent, the emperor heart he has pulled out, the dignity of four emperor he has also felt, trivial Tian Qi First Layer, how could bluffs and blusters. “你说的没错,皇枫是我杀的,玉皇冠,是我夺来,踏入秘境,谁不为宝厮杀,皇枫被我杀死,宝物被我所抢夺,是他无能,你找过来,是想要告诉大家玉天皇族后辈无能吗。”林枫目光锋锐,与虚空中的身影碰撞,眼眸当中,没有半点畏惧一意,皇都心脏他都掏了,四皇之威严他也都感受过,区区天武一重,岂能耀武扬威。 Dissolute, the thinking oneself infallible talent, did not pay attention to the senior.” That person shouted angrily, air wave perhaps toward the Lin Feng oppression in the past, powerful incomparable, even was having the oppression of several points of soul. “放肆,自以为是天才,就不将前辈放在眼里了吗。”那人怒喝一声,恐怕的气浪朝着林枫压迫过去,强悍无比,甚至带着几分灵魂的压迫。 Senior, you thinks highly of himself actually.” Lin Feng satirized one: Go away, leaves here disgracefully, must look for trouble, must find the person who can speak.” “前辈,你倒是看得起自己。”林枫讽刺了一声:“滚吧,别在这里丢人现眼,要找麻烦,也要找个能说话的人。” Big tone, I have not seen the so wild later generation, I make you have a look, the Tian Qi dignity, is not the person of your Xuan Qi Layer can offend.” That person is passing the powerful emperor air/Qi, oppresses to come toward below, the terrifying is incomparable, the long hair flutters, fearful air waves howl, toward toward the Lin Feng extrusion. “好大的口气,我还真没有见过如此猖狂的后辈,我就让你看看,天武的威严,不是你们玄武境之人能够触犯的。”那人身上透着强悍的皇气,朝下压迫而来,恐怖无比,长发飘扬,一股股可怕的气浪呼啸,朝着朝着林枫挤压。 Go away.” A fearful spookiness shoots up to the sky, the astral wind wreaks havoc, is separating the body of person, that person of body trembled fiercely, backs up to fly back void. “滚开。”一股可怕的妖气冲天而起,罡风肆虐,割裂着人的身躯,那人的身体猛颤了下,倒退飞回虚空。 You, when the people of Tianchi quite do bully?” Snow hawk cold Mouding the opposite party, eyesight is cold, the spookiness wreaks havoc. “你当天池之人好欺负吗?”雪鹰冷眸盯着对方,目光寒冷,妖气肆虐。 Is your Tianchi does not teach strictly, the later generation is extremely arrogant, is supercilious, I help your Tianchi teach.” Saying that person of letting somebody cool off or calm down. “是你天池管教不严,后辈狂妄无比,目中无人,我帮你天池管教一下。”那人冷冷的说道。 Teaches?” Lin Feng sneers, the body stands straightly, immediately the footsteps one cross, his body flies high, fires into void, sharp eyesight looks straight ahead the opposite party. “管教?”林枫冷笑,身体站得笔直,随即脚步一跨,他的身体凌空而起,冲向虚空,锋锐的目光直视对方。 Um?” The eye pupil of crowd concentrates slightly, is Lin Feng this does do? “嗯?”人群的眼眸微微一凝,林枫这是干什么? Lin Feng.” The snow hawk was shouting to Lin Feng, Tian Qi and Xuan Qi, the disparity is truly big, the qualitative change, he does not think that Lin Feng was been oppressive by the opposite party. 林枫。”雪鹰对着林枫喊了一声,天武玄武,差距确实很大,质变,他可不想林枫被对方虐。 I make him teach.” Lin Feng is smiling to the snow hawk, immediately looks to jade day emperor's clan that person, the corners of the mouth brings to wipe to sneer: Senior? Teaches?” “我让他管教一下。”林枫对着雪鹰一笑,随即看向玉天皇族那人,嘴角带着一抹冷笑:“前辈?管教?” The voice falls, the world sword has the invisible sword air/Qi to bloom, gets angry the sword to howl, such as the violent storm, blew bugle and beat drums the assassination toward the opposite party completely in the past, terrifying extremely. 话音落下,天地剑有无形之剑气绽放,怒剑呼啸,如狂风暴雨,全部朝着对方吹打刺杀过去,极其的恐怖。 Swordsmanship will, Seventh Layer!” A crowd eye pupil stiff, good fearful youth, has not entered Tian Qi, the Swordsmanship will, strided in Seventh Layer, on this day the tax, lets brag that the person of talent is ashamed. “剑道意志,第七重!”人群眼眸一僵,好可怕的青年,还未入天武,剑道意志,已跨入七重,这天赋,让许多自诩天才的人为之羞愧。 Tian Qi powerhouse eyesight of that jade day emperor's clan is also one stiff, the Seventh Layer Swordsmanship will, was quite fierce, making him feel the air/Qi of fearful separate. 那玉天皇族的天武强者目光也是一僵,七重的剑道意志,好厉害,让他感觉到了可怕的割裂之气。 The handle sword crazy gathering before the body, Lin Feng from top to bottom, is the sword, the sword is mad Ling Tian ten million/countless completely, is very fearful. 千万柄剑疯狂的汇聚于身前,林枫浑身上下,全部都是剑,剑气凌天,无比可怕。 Senior, advises.” Lin Feng said lightly, the handle sword gathers ten million/countless in together, is having the spirit of Wu Tian, overbearing peerless, toward the opposite party assassination in the past, the handle sword, the normalizing in front of the opposite party, changed to a handle completely ten million/countless, the sword not, that fearful spirit as if must penetrate the person. “前辈,指教一下吧。”林枫淡淡的说了一声,千万柄剑汇聚在一起,带着无天之气概,霸道绝伦,全部朝着对方刺杀过去,千万柄剑,在对方面前归一,化作一柄,剑未至,那可怕的气息就仿佛要将人穿透。 The powerhouse both hands of jade day emperor's clan concentrate seal, the complexion is solemn and respectful, the attack of Swordsmanship originally powerful . Moreover, the Lin Feng sword, is the will Seventh Layer sword, its powerful degree does not know that turned many times, assassinated him sufficiently. 玉天皇族的强者双手凝印,脸色肃穆,剑道的攻击本来就强悍,况且,林枫的剑,是意志七重的剑,其强悍程度不知道翻了多少倍,足以将他刺杀了。 Air/Qi of tumbling terrifying emperor [say / way] continuous, as if changes to a supreme dragon, goes toward that sword bang. 恐怖的皇道之气翻滚不休,仿佛化作一头至尊之龙,朝着那剑轰去。 The sound spreads, sword air/Qi pierces the emperor air/Qi, making that person of eyesight concentrate, before the body, shield of instantaneous congealing shape a fearful emperor air/Qi, bang a bang, the sword punctures on the shield of emperor air/Qi, making his body tremble maliciously , the personal appearance was trembled retrocedes. 嗤嗤的声响传出,剑气将皇气刺穿,让那人目光一凝,身前,一可怕的皇气之盾瞬间凝形,轰隆一声巨响,剑刺在皇气之盾上,让他的身体狠狠的颤了下,身形被震颤得后退。 Really is good fierce senior.” The sound of taunt conveys, sword air/Qi has not dissipated, the Lin Feng form, that Tian Qi powerhouse has roared, the soul strength of perhaps toward the Lin Feng bang in the past, actually as if liked a stone dropped into the sea, not having the least bit to respond, he rumbles to Lin Feng the strength of soul, dissipates in the nihility directly. “果然是好厉害的前辈。”嘲讽的声音传来,剑气还未消散,林枫的身影已至,那天武强者怒吼一声,恐怕的灵魂之力朝着林枫轰过去,却仿佛石沉大海,没有半点回应,他轰向林枫的灵魂之力,直接消散于虚无。 Sees only the Lin Feng palm to find out, the black palm shade is dreadful, bang the huge sound spreads, the space roared, the black flame wound around in the middle of being in charge of Lin Feng, the crazy combustion, built up all. 只见林枫手掌探出,黑色的掌影滔天,轰隆隆的巨大声响传出,空间咆哮,黑色的火焰缭绕在林枫的掌印当中,疯狂燃烧,炼化一切。 Tian Qi Layer, is very great.” A Lin Feng big hand imprint finds out, that person resists crazily, however the black is in charge greatly disregards all, was burnt completely, builds up, terrifying was in charge the direct bang on the opposite party, that person called out pitifully, the flame combustion, waving of black being in charge alienation, clapped his body palm of the hand for the nihility. 天武境,很了不起吗。”林枫一个大手印探出,那人疯狂抵挡,然而黑色大掌印无视一切,全部被焚掉,炼掉,恐怖的掌印直接轰在了对方身上,那人惨叫一声,火焰燃烧而起,黑色的掌印狂乱的舞动,将他的身体一巴掌拍为虚无。 Died!” “死了!” Saw that fearful dying out is in charge greatly, the crowd only felt that the body maliciously trembled , was the Tian Qi powerhouse, patted by a Lin Feng palm of the hand? Was in charge with the flame building up? 看到那可怕的寂灭大掌印,人群只感觉身体都狠狠的战栗了下,天武强者,被林枫一巴掌拍死了?用火焰掌印给炼了? Xuan Qi, kills Tian Qi, easy, is such shock. 玄武,杀天武,轻而易举,是如此的震撼。 Lin Feng is built on void middle, seems Demon Venerable is the same, is unable Wu Tian, overbearing peerless, Tian Qi is very great, actually threatened that must teach him, a palm of the hand claps directly, who advises who! 林枫立于虚空当中,仿佛是一尊魔尊一样,无法无天,霸道绝伦,天武很了不起吗,竟然扬言要教训他,一巴掌直接拍死,谁指教谁! Mother, this fellow was also too abnormal!” Big Pest was shaken somewhat speechless, is staring at Lin Feng, this fellow, a palm of the hand clapping to build up a Tian Qi powerhouse? With butchering the Xuan Qi Layer person does not have anything to distinguish. “娘的,这家伙也太变态了吧!”大害虫被震得有些无语,盯着林枫,这家伙,一巴掌就把一个天武强者给拍死炼掉了?跟宰玄武境的人根本没什么区别。 Seven snow hawk also eyesight stunned of Tianchi, speechless is staring at Lin Feng, although they know that the Lin Feng talent is very strong, but has not thought that Lin Feng formidable to this situation, a palm of the hand died to the fan Tian Qi. 天池的七位雪鹰也都目光一阵愕然,无语的盯着林枫,他们虽知道林枫天赋很强,但也没想到林枫强大到了这种地步,一巴掌把天武给扇死了。 The person of only jade day emperor's clan, complexions are stiff, lose face. 唯独玉天皇族的人,一个个脸色僵硬难看,丢脸至极。 Sends out a Tian Qi powerhouse to probe, how finally, to be patted by a person of palm of the hand others Xuan Qi. 派出一个天武强者本想去试探一番,结果如何,被别人玄武之人一巴掌拍死。 Sees only Lin Feng cold Mousao to cross, falls on the person of jade day emperor's clan, indifferent [say / way]: In the middle of the mystical place, depends on the method respectively, murder is normal, if must concern the gratitude and grudges, perhaps here all people must fight one, therefore, does not need to find such rotten excuse.” 只见林枫冷眸扫过,落在玉天皇族的人身上,冷漠的道:“在秘境当中,各凭手段,杀人再正常不过,若是要论及恩怨,恐怕这里的所有人都要大战一场了,所以,不必找这么烂的理由。” What that jade day emperor's clan was the first powerhouse stares at Lin Feng, the eye pupil has been glittering, immediately sneered saying: Indeed does not need to find such rotten excuse, you dare to build up including the heart of Jade Emperor unexpectedly, that is emperor's heart, after you build up all people from the palace of emperor, said that you did obtain the treasure of Jade Emperor?” 那玉天皇族的为首强者盯着林枫,眼眸闪烁了下,随即冷笑道:“的确不需要找这么烂的理由,你竟然连玉皇的心脏都敢炼化,那可是皇之心脏,而且在你炼化后所有人就都从皇者之殿中出来了,说,你是不是得到了玉皇之宝?” His voice falls, immediately eyesight of all people all descended on Lin Feng, many do not know the person who truth understands at this moment, unexpectedly was so, Lin Feng was too bold, is unable Wu Tian, the heart of emperor to dare to build up, this was does not have the monstruous talent character of rule, the talent also monstruous talent. 他的话音落下,顿时所有人的目光全部都降落在了林枫身上,许多不知道真相的人此刻都明白,竟然是如此,林枫太大胆了,无法无天,皇的心脏都敢炼,这是个没有规则的妖孽人物,天赋也妖孽。 If you are Jade Emperor, you will make others pull out your heart, then cups one hand in the other across the chest to give other people the treasure, you believe that the ancestor of your jade day emperor's clan, so will be stupid?” Lin Feng satirized one, person wish of jade day emperor's clan makes all people cope with itself, he will not make the jade day emperor's clan feel better. “若你是玉皇,你会让别人来掏自己的心脏,然后再将宝物拱手送给他人,你认为,你玉天皇族的先祖,会这么蠢?”林枫讽刺一声,玉天皇族的人想要让所有人都对付自己,他也不会让玉天皇族好过。 Jade Emperor palace, is we seeks, but enters the Jade Emperor palace person first, is the person of your jade day emperor's clan, because of this emperor Jade Emperor, clearly is the ancestor of your jade day emperor's clan, this palace book stays behind for your jade day emperor's clan, thinks in the so-called mystical place to have dazzling of emperor grave, is you disseminate . Moreover, in the middle of the mystical place had many jade day of emperor's clan powerhouses unexpectedly suddenly, from the beginning mixes unexpectedly in the middle of the crowd, if said that who your jade day of emperor's clan has not obtained the huge advantage to be able the letter, perhaps, obtains Jade Emperor inheritance. People, but also concealment in the middle of crowd.” “玉皇宫殿,是我们寻得的,但最先进入玉皇宫殿人,是你们玉天皇族的人,因为这皇者玉皇,分明就是你玉天皇族的先祖,这座宫殿本就是为你们玉天皇族而留下的,想必所谓秘境中有皇者墓的耀眼,也是你们散播出去的吧,而且,在秘境当中竟突然间多出了许多玉天皇族强者,一开始竟然混在人群当中,若说你们玉天皇族没有得到天大的好处谁会信,或许,得到玉皇传承的。人,还隐匿在人群当中吧。” The Lin Feng words make the heart of crowd tremble, emperor in emperor grave, unexpectedly is the ancestor of jade day emperor's clan, the jade day emperor's clan, steps into the palace first, will the jade day emperor's clan, have achieved nothing really? 林枫的话让人群的心又是一颤,皇者墓中的皇者,竟然是玉天皇族的先祖,玉天皇族,是最先踏入宫殿的,难道玉天皇族,真的会一无所获?
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