PMG :: Volume #4

#814: Builds up the Jade Emperor heart

The crowd was shocked by the Lin Feng movement is unable to say the words to come, to open mouth, in the middle of their eye pupils, only shocks. 人群一个个被林枫的动作震惊得无法说出话来,张了张嘴,在他们的眼眸当中,唯有震骇。 From the heart, Lin Feng, he must pull out the heart of Jade Emperor, was too fearful, lunatic. 掏心,林枫,他要掏玉皇之心脏,太可怕了,疯子。 The Duan Wuya eye pupil glitters, stubbornly is staring at the Lin Feng back, he bellowed a moment ago, making the person protect him, explained that he must pull out this Jade Emperor heart, must whole-heartedly, after Jade Emperor die the remaining prestige, is fearful incomparable. 段无涯眼眸闪烁,死死的盯着林枫的背影,他刚才一声大吼,让人守护他,说明他要掏这颗玉皇心脏,必须全力以赴,玉皇死后的余威,都是可怕无比。 Moreover, Lin Feng in a moment ago, faced stone cliff that they are unable to understand, the practice fearful palm strength, as if to at this moment from the heart use unexpectedly, Lin Feng, has certainly understood the above writing. 而且,林枫在刚才,面对着那面他们无法看懂的石壁,竟然修炼可怕的掌力,仿佛就是为了此刻掏心而使用,林枫,一定看懂了上面的文字。 That Lin Feng such does, certainly is well-founded, heart of Jade Emperor, the heart of emperor, has what treasure to be inadequate? 那面林枫这么做,就一定有理由,玉皇的心脏,皇的心脏,其中,难道有什么宝物不成? Or that heart itself, is the heavy treasure. 或者说,那颗心脏本身,就是重宝。 „Does the person of jade day emperor's clan, think so him to escape the hearts of your ancestor?” Duan Wuya said lightly, immediately person of complexions these jade day emperor's clans are ugly, Jade Emperor, is their ancestors, is character who the jade day emperor's clan generation worships, only has the jade day emperor's clan true core juniors, knows existence of Jade Emperor. “玉天皇族的人,难道就这么看着他逃开你们先祖的心脏吗?”段无涯淡淡的说了一声,顿时那些玉天皇族之人一个个脸色难看,玉皇,乃是他们的先祖,是玉天皇族世代祭拜的人物,唯有玉天皇族真正的核心子弟,才知道玉皇的存在。 But at this moment, actually some people are in front of their jade day emperor's clan crowd, from the heart, must the Jade Emperor heart pulling out. 但此刻,却有人当着他们玉天皇族人群的面,在掏心,要将玉皇心脏给掏出来。 Stop.” The sound of swift and fierce big drinking spreads together, the people of jade day emperor's clan are unable to endure, ancestor Jade Emperor was so tarnished, they * compel toward Lin Feng, the body is releasing the terrifying emperor air/Qi, eyesight ice-cold, the meaning of murdering bone-chilling cold, even if knows Duan Wuya to harbor ulterior motives, they must prevent Lin Feng to pull out the heart of Jade Emperor. “住手。”一道凌厉的大喝之声传出,玉天皇族之人无法忍受,先祖玉皇被人如此玷污,他们一个个朝着林枫*迫过去,身上释放着恐怖的皇气,一个个目光冰冷,杀伐之意凛冽,即便知道段无涯别有用心,他们也要阻止林枫掏玉皇之心。 Jun Mo Xi and the others protected before the Lin Feng body, the body is motionless, body same formidable spirit blooms, this moment Lin Feng whole-heartedly, cannot be attacked to disturb absolutely, otherwise by Jade Emperor remaining prestige killing. 君莫惜等人守护在林枫身前,身躯不动,身上同样一股股强大气息绽放而出,此刻林枫正全力以赴,绝对不能受到攻击干扰,否则将被玉皇余威给杀死。 As for Lin Feng, double pupil tight is shutting, bathes from top to bottom in the fearful flame, the crazy combustion, in the meantime, terrifying sword intent is formidable, the remnant soul day technique protection soul does not extinguish, the whole person invests completely, has no time radically Clone, therefore he a moment ago that serious, because he considered that this matter will be dangerous, but he as if somewhat had underestimated the emperor remaining prestige, the thousand years passes, can be so formidable unexpectedly, unceasing stabbing pain his nerve, is attacking his soul, in the meantime, Jade Emperor emperor is mad is also greatly strengthened, that heart, unceasingly. The beat, as if the vitality has not disappeared, but also has the formidable vigor. 至于林枫,双眸紧紧的闭着,浑身上下沐浴在可怕的火焰当中,疯狂的燃烧,同时,恐怖的剑意强大无比,残魂天术守护魂魄不灭,整个人完全的投入进去,根本无暇分身,因此他刚才才会那么的郑重,因为他考虑到了此事可能会非常危险,但他似乎还是有些低估了皇者余威,千年过去,竟然还能如此强大,不断的刺痛他的神经,攻击着他的魂魄,同时,玉皇身上的皇气也是极强,那颗心脏,不断的。跳动,仿佛生机未曾泯灭,还有着强大的活力。 Builds up to me.” In the Lin Feng mouth puts out together the sound, the anger is billowing, the black flame is formidable, burns down all, must the heart thorough builds up. “给我炼。”林枫嘴中吐出一道声音,怒气滚滚,黑色的火焰强大,焚烧一切,要将心脏给彻底的炼化掉。 A little bit bright red blood flows out from the heart, each drop of blood, seems containing the fearful vitality, burns down in the middle of the black flame, was built up. 一滴滴鲜红的血液从心脏中流出,每一滴鲜血,都仿佛蕴含着可怕的生机,在黑色的火焰当中焚烧起来,被炼。 Builds up, builds up and builds up!” Lin Feng sound like sharp sword, fearless, perhaps builds up the strength as if to build up the body of emperor, that heart is shivering maliciously, as if must shake off the fetter of Lin Feng. “炼、炼、炼!”林枫声音如利剑,无所畏惧,恐怕的炼化之力仿佛将皇者的身体都要炼掉,那颗心脏狠狠的颤动着,仿佛要挣脱林枫的束缚。 Heart blood, a little bit * came out, was built up by the Lin Feng flame palm strength. 心脏鲜血,一滴滴的被*出来,被林枫的火焰掌力炼化。 Builds up!” Crowd stingy ruthless trembles, Lin Feng, he is building up the Jade Emperor heart, does he want to do? “炼!”人群的心狠狠的一颤,林枫,他在炼化玉皇心脏,他到底要干什么? Bang.” The Jade Emperor palace trembled once again maliciously, compared with fierce, unceasing shivering, as if must crack to be the same a moment ago. “轰隆隆。”玉皇宫殿再度狠狠的战栗了起来,比刚才更加的剧烈,不断的颤抖,仿佛要崩裂一样。 Prevents him, must prevent him.” In the person heart of East China Sea dragon palace has also had a wisp of not wonderful mood, faint feeling Lin Feng at this moment is handling a crazy and fearful matter, if not prevent Lin Feng, they will certainly rude awakening. “阻止他,一定要阻止他。”东海龙宫的人心中也生出了一缕不妙的情绪,隐隐感觉此刻的林枫正在做一件疯狂而可怕的事情,若是不阻止林枫,他们一定会后悔莫及。 Kills!” The youth powerhouses of jade day emperor's clan started to kill to Lin Feng, the terrifying emperor air/Qi annihilates all, toward keeping off the crowd bang before Lin Feng body kills. “杀!”玉天皇族的青年强者已经开始杀向林枫,恐怖的皇气湮灭一切,朝着挡在林枫身前的人群轰杀过去。 Leave to the father is farther.” Huangfu Long footsteps one cross, stands in the front line, one man guards the pass Yorozuo opens, the giant dragon axe has cut directly, the dragon the empty shade roared, gave to embezzle directly one person before Huangfu Long body. “给老子滚远些。”皇甫龙脚步一跨,站在最前方,一夫当关万夫莫开,巨大的龙斧直接斩了下去,龙之虚影咆哮而出,将皇甫龙身前的一人直接给吞没掉。 Snow and ice falling gently slowly, in Jade Emperor palace, starts to fall gently unexpectedly the snowflake, cold, that is the people of Tianchi in the will of release snow, must the Jade Emperor palace frozen. 冰雪缓缓的飘落,玉皇殿中,竟开始飘落起雪花,寒冷至极,那是天池之人在释放雪之意志,要将玉皇殿都冰封。 On them has heavy treasure, wants to break through them by these people, is impossible.” Duan Wuya said lightly, Huangfu Long their several people, everyone has the treasure, the lineup that in addition the people of that several Tianchi, compose is also very formidable, protects before the Lin Feng body, is very difficult to break through. “他们身上都有重宝,想要靠这些人去攻破他们,根本不可能。”段无涯淡淡的说了一声,皇甫龙他们几人,每人身上都有宝物,再加上那几个天池之人,组成的阵容也是非常强大,守护在林枫身前,很难冲破。 Your meaning?” Ao Jiao looked at Duan Wuya one, light [say / way]. “你的意思?”敖蛟看了段无涯一眼,淡淡的道。 „Behind we go, starts to the Jade Emperor body, directly attacks him.” Duan Wuya light saying, the body is passing a chill in the air, making the haughty flood dragon look tremble, deep looked at Duan Wuya one, this fellow, was too mean, absolutely is the ancestor of cloudy person, actually also has thought starts to the body of Jade Emperor, the Duan Wuya plans, making him feel coldly. “我们去后面,对玉皇身体下手,直接对他进行攻击。”段无涯淡淡的说道,身上透着一股寒意,让敖蛟神色一颤,深深的看了段无涯一眼,这家伙,太阴狠了,绝对是个阴人的祖宗,竟然也想到了对玉皇的身体下手,段无涯的心机,让他都感觉到了寒冷。 Bang!” Fearful spirit transmits, making Ao Jiaoyan the pupil concentrate, has turned head, immediately he saw two forms stride in this Jade Emperor palace, one of them, the whole body has been full of the fearful Swordsmanship will, sharp incomparable, impressively unexpectedly is the highest heaven Sword Gate leader spatial nine nights, another person, Ao Jiao also knew that similarly is a leader of Sect this motion, the Free And Unfettered Gate valley century. “轰!”一股可怕的气息传来,让敖蛟眼眸一凝,回过头,随即他就看到了两道身影跨入这玉皇殿中,其中一人,浑身充满了可怕的剑道意志,锋锐无比,赫然竟是九霄剑门的领袖人物空九夜,另外一人,敖蛟也认识,同样是一个宗门此次行动的领袖人物,逍遥门谷千秋。 What's all this about?” The spatial nine nights asked lightly, eyesight looks at Ao Jiao. “这是怎么回事?”空九夜淡淡的问了一声,目光看着敖蛟。 Some people obtained heavy treasure, is wanting to build up the Jade Emperor heart.” The haughty flood dragon responded to one lightly, the space and time nine nights look toward Lin Feng with the eye pupil of valley century, this person, actually really in building up the Jade Emperor heart, the big courage, making their hearts maliciously twitch , the emperor, he dares to pull out including the heart. “有人得到了重宝,正想要将玉皇心脏都炼化掉。”敖蛟淡淡的回应了一声,顿时空九夜和谷千秋的眼眸都朝着林枫看去,此人,竟然真的在炼化玉皇心脏,好大的胆子,让他们的心都狠狠的抽搐了下,皇,连心脏他都敢掏。 „Haven't you prevented him?” The spatial nine nights shot a look at Ao Jiao one eyes, somewhat suspected. “那你还不阻止他?”空九夜瞥了敖蛟一眼,有几分怀疑。 „The strengths of these people do not have one weakly, we are unable to prevent, happen to your two people come, collaborate.” The haughty flood dragon sound is indifferent, spatial nine nights of eyesight has transferred, looked at one toward the crowd of that fight, the footsteps one cross, rushes toward the body of Lin Feng, every step steps forward, has the swift and fierce sword air/Qi to bloom, from top to bottom, as if the sharp sword of handle incomparable powerful punctures toward the front. “这些人的实力可没一个弱的,我们无法阻止,正好你二人过来,联手吧。”敖蛟声音冷漠,空九夜目光转过,朝着那战斗的人群看了一眼,脚步一跨,朝着林枫的身体奔去,每一步跨出,都有凌厉的剑气绽放,浑身上下,仿佛有一柄无比强势的利剑朝着前方刺过去。 Um?” The Yu Tianji eye pupil concentrates, feels this fearful sword air/Qi, his footsteps slightly one cross, before preventing the spatial nine nights of bodies, puts out a hand, the seven luminaries do not extinguish the star light to bloom the eye-catching gloss. “嗯?”宇天机眼眸一凝,感受到这股可怕的剑气,他的脚步微微一跨,阻挡住空九夜的身前,伸出手,七曜之不灭星光绽放出夺目的光泽。 Scoffs at and scoffs at......” fearful sharp sword to puncture on the light of stars, was shattered the ray, the spatial nine nights of swords as if stride in the nihility , to continue to face forward, must cut to kill Yu Tianji. “嗤、嗤……”可怕的利剑刺在星辰之光上,将光芒破碎,空九夜的剑仿佛跨入虚无,继续朝前,要将宇天机斩杀。 Highest heaven Sword Gate, the sword of spatial killing. 九霄剑门,空杀之剑。 Yu Tianji eyesight is tranquil, light of round crescent moon blooms, the sword, punctures above the crescent moon, as if falls into unexpectedly is unable to extricate oneself. 宇天机目光平静,一轮弯月之光绽放,剑,刺在月牙之上,竟仿佛陷入其中无法自拔。 Um?” Spatial nine night vision pupil concentrates, is staring at that moon/month of blade edge, the good fierce treasure, can resist the sword of spatial killing unexpectedly easily. “嗯?”空九夜眼眸一凝,盯着那月刃,好厉害的宝物,竟能够轻易抵挡空杀之剑。 Rushing killing intent such as violent storm, crazy throws toward the spatial nine nights, sword misdirection of vital energy spin, the meaning of spatial killing incomparably bone-chilling cold. 澎湃的杀意如狂风暴雨,疯狂的朝着空九夜扑去,剑气逆旋,空杀之意无比凛冽。 Yu Tianji puts out a hand, the hand holds the light of stars, toward the spatial nine nights of rolling in the past, made bang the sound, must grind the spatial nine nights. 宇天机伸出手,手托星辰之光,朝着空九夜辗压过去,发出轰隆的声响,要将空九夜碾碎。 But in simultaneously, valley century step is faintly recognizable, free and unrestrained, crosses several forms directly, is unable to catch including the capture, the goal only has Lin Feng. 而在同时,谷千秋步伐飘渺,逍遥自在,直接越过几道身影,连捕捉都无法捕捉到,目标唯有林枫 Goes back.” Tang Youyou keeps off in the Lin Feng front, the Jade Emperor crown changes to the golden sharp knife blade, toward valley century assassination in the past. “回去。”唐幽幽挡在林枫的面前,玉皇冠化作金色利刃,朝着谷千秋刺杀过去。 Snort.” Valley century cold snort, the body transforms several shadows, is extremely free, is unable to catch faintly recognizable, must more pass from Tang Youyou. “哼。”谷千秋冷哼一声,身体幻化出几道影子,极度逍遥,飘渺无法捕捉,要从唐幽幽身边越过去。 Tang Youyou drinks one coldly, body transforms a lot of forms suddenly, spheres Lin Feng, is unable to invade, innumerable palm shades completely toward valley century bang in the past. 唐幽幽冷喝一声,身体突然间幻化出千百身影,将林枫围住,根本无法侵入,无数的掌影全部朝着谷千秋轰过去。 Looks at Lin Feng at this moment again, frown like the sword, tight is wrinkling, in hand builds up the meaning to be getting more and more terrorist, the heart of Jade Emperor, the vitality was too formidable, so powerful palm strength can only build up the blood a little bit of that heart unexpectedly. 再看此刻的林枫,双眉如剑,紧紧的皱着,手中的炼化之意越来越恐怖,玉皇的心脏,生机太强大了,如此强悍的掌力竟只能将那颗心脏的鲜血一滴滴炼化。 The left hand of Lin Feng refers to own right hand, changes to the sharp sharp sword, separates the arm, a little bit gives blood to drop, toward that heart drop in the past. 林枫的左手指在自己的右手,化作锋锐的利剑,将手臂割裂,一滴滴献血滴落,朝着那颗心脏滴过去。 The fresh flower permeates the Jade Emperor heart slowly, the seepage enters, but Jade Emperor heart original giving blood, actually by a little bit was built up, the blood of heart, his gave blood to substitute, seemed being put the new vitality. 鲜花缓缓的渗入玉皇心脏,渗透进入其中,而玉皇心脏本来的献血,却被一滴滴的被炼化掉,心脏之血液,被他的献血所取代,仿佛在被注入新的生机。 But at this time, the entire palace, shivered fiercely, shook the crowd unable to come to a stop! 而此时,整座宫殿,颤抖得更加的厉害了起来,震得人群都无法站稳来! 5201 the novel high-speed first round Peerless Martial God latest chapter, this chapter is Chapter 814 5201小说高速首发绝世武神最新章节,本章节是第814章 Builds up the Jade Emperor heart address for the chapter that if you think is good please do not forget to the friend recommendation in group and micro blog! 炼玉皇心地址为如果你觉的本章节还不错的话请不要忘记向您群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!
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