PMG :: Volume #4

#813: Lin Feng is from the heart lawless

Lin Feng practice magical powers time, another nearby Ao Jiao captured the Chu ring finally. 就连林枫修炼神通的时候,另一旁敖蛟终于夺得了储物戒指。 After succeeding in obtaining, the haughty flood dragon gives to erase on the soul mark that just Huang Feng leaves behind instantaneously, immediately own consciousness invades the Chu ring, but his body glitters to go toward the main hall outside. 到手之后,敖蛟瞬间就将将皇枫留下的灵魂印记给抹掉,随即自己的意识侵入到储物戒指当中,而他的身体则朝着大殿之外闪烁而去。 However he has not stepped forward the main hall, eyesight changes one stiff. 不过他还没有跨出大殿,目光变一僵。 Keeps the treasure.” One group of people chase down, Ao Jiaoding they, are roaring: Stops to me completely.” “把宝物留下来。”一群人追杀过来,敖蛟盯着他们,怒吼一声:“全部给我住手。” The strength of this roar such as flood dragon is angry, the shade of flood dragon roared crazily, shakes the people body slightly one stiffly, fell into the short peace. 这一吼之力如蛟龙愤怒,蛟龙之影疯狂咆哮,震得众人身体微微一僵,陷入了短暂的安静。 In this anything does not have, does not believe you to look.” Ao Jiao knows that said uselessly, has thrown the ring, but actually threw to Duan Wuya. “这里面什么都没有,不信你们自己看。”敖蛟知道多说无益,将戒指扔了出去,不过却是扔给了段无涯 Duan Wuya examined, in the Chu ring is the thing of Huang Feng, although many good things, but absolutely possibly is not the thing of emperor, no, Huang Feng dies is very injust, anything has not obtained, actually wrote off, naturally, actually in Huang Feng chooses a person alone to step into this, has been doomed the result, captured the Jade Emperor treasure, is his, has not seized, on being doomed tragedy, nobody believe him. 段无涯查看了下,果然,储物戒指中都是皇枫之物,虽有不少好东西,但绝对不可能是皇者之物,没有,皇枫死的很冤,根本什么都没有得到,却被抹杀掉,当然,其实在皇枫选择一个人独自踏入这里面,就已经注定了结局,夺得了玉皇宝物,就是他的,没夺到,就注定悲剧,没人会相信他。 You are the people in East China Sea dragon palace, why to make us believe.” Some jade day emperor's clan people get angry said that but actually sees Ao Jiao to sneer saying: You think Huang Feng, if seized the treasure, will give you to have a look it?” “你们都是东海龙宫的人,凭什么让我们相信。”玉天皇族有人怒道,不过却见敖蛟冷笑道:“你认为皇枫若是夺了宝物,会将之交给你们看看?” That human eye pupil stagnates, rational that Ao Jiao said that if there is Jade Emperor treasure, nobody will take to throw it to others, no one is able to trust, perhaps in the middle of that Chu ring, anything does not have. 那人眼眸一滞,敖蛟说的有理,如果真的有玉皇宝物,没有人会将之拿出来扔给别人,谁都无法信任,恐怕那储物戒指当中,真的什么都没有。 If in this has the thing of Jade Emperor, I take the Chu ring to leave now, here rubbish.” Ao Jiao sneers, the robe sleeve wields, makes a fresh start to search, crowd trust gradually, eyesight has also transferred, their eye pupils actually slightly concentrate, eyesight falls on the body of Lin Feng. “若是这里面真有玉皇之物,我现在就拿着储物戒指离开了,会在这里废话吗。”敖蛟冷笑一声,袍袖挥动,重新开始搜寻,人群也都渐渐的相信,目光转过,他们的眼眸却都微微一凝,目光落在林枫的身上。 Good fearful spirit.” “好可怕的气息。” Before seeing only at this time the Lin Feng body, is passing the fearful black palm shade, holds in the middle of the shade makes the black flame that the will of the people trembles, must build up all, they see the palm of this fearful flame, felt that the heart as if beat. 只见此时林枫身前,透着可怕的黑色掌影,掌影当中是令人心颤的黑色火焰,要将一切都炼化掉,他们看到这可怕的火焰之掌,感觉心脏都仿佛跳动了起来。 What's the matter, did he actually obtain such formidable magical powers method?” The crowd is staring at Lin Feng, he cultivates unexpectedly here, that stone cliff? “怎么回事,他竟然得到了这么强大的神通手段?”人群盯着林枫,他竟然在这里修炼,那面石壁 eyesight looks toward stone cliff that does not look clearly, the writing trace that on that stone cliff portrays looks radically cannot understand, is the method of Lin Feng practice, where can come? 目光朝着石壁看去,看不明白,那石壁上刻画的文字纹路根本看都看不懂,可是林枫修炼的手段,是从哪里得来的? Which treasure and treasure in the middle , the legend emperor main hall have powerful King Scripture, but couldn't here how what find?” “宝物、宝物到底在哪,传说皇者大殿当中有强悍的皇经,但这里怎么什么都找不到?” The crowd receives to seek in all directions, or looks toward that stone cliff, but is unable to understand, this made them start to suspect, treasure that in this emperor palace had, was these abstruse handwriting and Saint grains? 人群四处收寻,或朝着那一面面石壁看去,但根本无法参透,这让他们开始怀疑了起来,难道这皇者殿中拥有的宝物,就是这些深奥的字迹和圣纹? But at this point, fearful destruction palpitated to transmit, sees only the practice Lin Feng to stop, body standing up slowly, in eyesight was passing sharp glow. 而在此时,可怕的毁灭悸动传来,只见修炼的林枫停了下来,身体缓缓的站起,目光中透着一股锋锐之芒。 Has turned around, Lin Feng eyesight looks to Tang Youyou and the others, in the middle of the eye pupil passes is wiping the solemn and respectful meaning, all that then he must make, need the coordination of all people, if these person of some people betray him, perhaps he will fall into the beyond redemption fearful region, therefore this moment Lin Feng, eyesight is serious. 转过身,林枫目光看向唐幽幽等人,眼眸当中透着一抹肃穆之意,接下来他要做的一切,需要所有人的配合,若是这些人有人出卖他,他也许就会陷入万劫不复的可怕境地,所以这一刻的林枫,目光非常严肃。 Youyou, Mo Xi, Fei Yang \ flying upwards and harmful insect, I hope that you can help my helping hand.” Lin Feng was saying to the crowd that making the Jun Mo Xi and other human eye pupils concentrate, Lin Feng shocked that fiercely, at this moment seriously the urging a moment ago they, thinks that must achieve any great accomplishment, is perhaps related with the emperor treasure. 幽幽莫惜飞扬、害虫,还有诸位,我希望你们能助我一臂之力。”林枫对着人群说道,让君莫惜等人眼眸一凝,林枫刚才震撼得那么厉害,此刻又严肃的叮嘱他们,想必是要做什么大事,也许和皇者宝物有关。 Hey, doing that feels relieved.” Huangfu Long cracks into a smile, as if his injury was completely good, Jun Mo Xi and Yun Fei Yang they nod, to them, the life and death adversity, Lin Feng actually had not been worried. “嘿嘿,放心的干吧。”皇甫龙咧嘴一笑,似乎他的伤势已经完全好了,君莫惜云飞扬他们都点头,对他们,都生死患难过,林枫倒是不担心。 Yu Tianji looks at Lin Feng, eye pupil Hao, if stars, when Lin Feng cultivated a moment ago he faintly feels that as if has any unusual matter to occur on Lin Feng, Lin Feng must get rid. 宇天机看着林枫,眼眸浩若星辰,在林枫刚才修炼的时候他就隐隐感觉到,似乎有什么不寻常之事要发生在林枫身上,果然,林枫要出手了吗。 Does independently.” Yu Tianji said lightly that the sound is tranquil, is actually passing firm and resolute. “放手做吧。”宇天机淡淡说道,声音平静,却透着一股坚毅。 Our book is you brings, let alone you now are also our leaders.” Han Qiuyu smiles to say pale that he also very much anticipated, Lin Feng can do to make anything. “我们本就是你带过来的,何况你如今也算是我们领袖。”寒秋雨淡笑说道,他也很期待,林枫能做做出什么来。 Looks that the crowd in abundance nods, Lin Feng footsteps slowly treads, the crowd also with him, follows closely in his. 看着人群都纷纷点头,林枫脚步缓缓的踏出,人群也都跟着他,紧随在他的身后。 Walks merely several steps, Lin Feng arrived at Jade Emperor Venerable the frontage of body, eyesight is staring at the present emperor, the emperor of keeping aloof, even if died, as before appeared noble, the body was passing the emperor air/Qi. 仅仅是走了几步,林枫来到了玉皇尊身的正面,目光凝视着眼前的皇,高高在上的皇,即便死,依旧显得高贵,身上透着皇气。 Bang!” Sound of the terrifying shivering transmits, the entire emperor palace in shivering maliciously, as if must crack, making the body of crowd maliciously trembles, what's the matter? “轰隆隆!”一阵恐怖的颤抖之声传来,整个皇者殿在狠狠的颤抖,仿佛要崩裂般,让人群的身体狠狠的一颤,怎么回事? Actually sees the Lin Feng look to be tranquil, but is staring at Jade Emperor, as for his behind person, is the heart one tight, Lin Feng, he must make anything. 却见林枫眼神平静,只是盯着玉皇,至于他身后之人,则都是心头一紧,林枫,他到底要做什么。 In the hand of Lin Feng, the flame burns, the black flame, the palm air/Qi of dying out, as if must build up all, his eye looks at Jade Emperor, in heart calm, demon emperor move, is ruthless enough. 林枫的手中,火焰燃烧,黑色的火焰,寂灭的掌气,仿佛要炼化一切,他的眼睛看着玉皇,心中波澜不惊,魔皇这一招,够狠。 The crowd sees only palm finding out of Lin Feng slowly, searches toward the Venerable body of Jade Emperor, bang, the terrifying emperor air/Qi wreaks havoc, is preventing the palm of Lin Feng, however in front of the palm of that fearful flame, the emperor is mad to be burnt as the nihility, that dies out spirit to destroy the same place , to continue to face forward, a light sound, the palm, penetrates the body of Jade Emperor, searches toward the heart of Jade Emperor within the body. 人群只见林枫的手掌缓缓的探出,朝着玉皇的尊身探去,轰隆的一声,恐怖的皇气肆虐,阻挡着林枫的手掌,然而在那可怕的火焰之掌面前,皇气都被焚为虚无,那寂灭之气息要毁灭一起,继续朝前,一声轻响,手掌,穿入玉皇的身体,朝着玉皇体内的心脏探去。 Bang!” The crowd only felt that the heart beat maliciously, their heads as if want crack, Lin Feng, he uses the hand, pulls out heart of Jade Emperor? “轰!”人群只感觉心脏狠狠的跳动了下,他们的脑袋都仿佛要炸响,林枫,他用手,去掏玉皇的心脏? Even if Yu Tianji expected that Lin Feng must do the matter of any shock, but was shaken the brains to tingle with numbness at this moment as before, Jade Emperor, this is an emperor, even if died, but his honor as before, past once was the unsurpassed powerhouse, person who coming , the person in jade day emperor's clan or East China Sea dragon palace, respected to this body, does not dare to blaspheme, the respect to the powerhouse, he was also same, the people of Tianchi were also so. 即便宇天机预料林枫要做什么震撼之事,但此刻依旧被震得头脑发麻,玉皇,这可是皇,即便已死,但他荣光依旧,昔日曾是无上强者,进来的人,无论是玉天皇族还是东海龙宫的人,都对这尊身体尊敬,不敢亵渎,对强者的尊敬,他也一样,天池之人也是如此。 But at this moment, Lin Feng he is subverting their ideas, he uses the hand, breaks the body of Jade Emperor, searches into the heart of Jade Emperor, is unable Wu Tian and not to pay attention to including the emperors, moves the corpse of emperor. 但这一刻,林枫他在颠覆他们的理念,他用手,破开玉皇的身躯,探入玉皇的心脏,无法无天、连皇都没有放在眼里,动皇的尸体。 Bang!” “轰!” During fearful spirit crazy wreaking havoc, that billowing emperor is mad, as if there is empty shade to appear together, is passing unsurpassedly dignified, probably shows disdain for emperor in world, the air/Qi of this dignity, the suppression results in the crowd body to tremble, as to crawl on the ground, a pair of illusory pupil, ice-cold is staring at Lin Feng, the fearful light beam, kills toward Lin Feng. 一股股可怕的气息疯狂的肆虐,那滚滚皇气当中,仿佛有一道虚影出现,透着无上威严,就好像是傲视天地的皇者,这股威严之气,镇压得人群身体发颤,仿佛想要匍匐在地上,一双虚幻的瞳孔,冰冷的盯着林枫,可怕的光束,朝着林枫射杀过去。 Emperor!” “皇!” At this moment, the innermost feelings of crowd tremble crazily, was insane, Lin Feng was insane, on that empty shade unsurpassed dignity, was the dignity of emperor. 这一刻,人群的内心狂颤,疯了,林枫是疯了,那虚影身上的无上威严,是皇的威严。 Wipes the mark that before is only the emperor dies, stays behind, this is not the genuine emperor, otherwise a look must kill Lin Feng.” In many person hearts the secret passage, heart trembles, but this Lin Feng, was too bold, the emperor, can it be that he can move, the remaining prestige of emperor, makes them want to crawl. “只是皇死前留下的一抹印记而已,这不是真正的皇,否则一个眼神都要杀死林枫。”许多人心中暗道,心颤不已,但是这林枫,太大胆了,皇,岂是他能够动了,皇的余威,就让他们想要匍匐。 However this time Lin Feng with they imagine seems different, eyesight stubbornly is staring at that emperor the empty shade, eye pupil indifferent ruthless \ Wu Qing, is unable Wu Tian, to look at each other with the emperor proudly, probably wisp of demon emperor peerless spirit, does not place in all the eye, if the day annoys me, various days I must destroy. 不过此时的林枫和他们想象中的似乎并不一样,目光死死的盯着那皇之虚影,眼眸冷漠无情,无法无天,傲然与皇对视,好像有一缕魔皇之绝世气概,不将一切放在眼中,天若惹我,诸天我都要毁灭掉。 Protects me.” Lin Feng has roared, immediately the eye pupil closes, that fearful light beam breaks in the Lin Feng mind together, must make Lin Feng be frightened out of one's wits. “守护我。”林枫吼了一声,随即眼眸闭上,那一道可怕的光束冲入林枫的脑海中,要让林枫魂飞魄散。 50,000 remnant souls, protect my soul.” The Lin Feng will is tenacious, the thought moves, remnant soul day technique use, 50,000 broken, the cloth becomes Tietong, ten thousand laws do not invade, all Shen does not extinguish. “50000残魂,守护我的魂魄。”林枫意志坚韧,意念一动,残魂天术使用而出,50000残破,布成铁通,万法不侵,诸神不灭。 Bang, bang and bang!” That fearful light beam is attacking the consciousness of Lin Feng unceasingly, is destroying the Lin Feng remnant soul, if has changed one person, perhaps at this moment has been frightened out of one's wits to perish, but the Lin Feng soul is powerful, 50,000 remnant souls are palatial like the mountain, are protecting his soul. “轰、轰、轰!”那可怕的光束不断的冲击着林枫的意识,毁灭着林枫的残魂,若是换了一人,恐怕此刻已经魂飞魄散而亡,但林枫的魂魄强悍无比,50000残魂如山般巍峨不动,守护着他的灵魂。 Meanwhile, buckles into the palm ray of Jade Emperor heart to put greatly, the black monster different light, making the air/Qi of destruction the will of the people trembled extremely fearful, built up all palm strength, must the heart of Jade Emperor, build up. 同时,扣入玉皇心脏的手掌光芒大放,黑色的妖异之光,令人心颤的毁灭之气极其的可怕,炼化一切的掌力,要将玉皇的心脏,都炼掉。 Puff thump and puff thump......” crowd only felt that the heart is beating, beats along with that heart beat that Lin Feng grabs together, other crowds by Lin Feng severe warning, were responded, the back to Lin Feng, eyesight is solemn and respectful, today, accompanies Lin Feng this fellow crazy, gave to dig the heart of Jade Emperor. “噗咚、噗咚……”人群只感觉心脏在跳动,随着林枫抓着的那颗心脏跳动而一起跳动,其他人群被林枫当头棒喝,都反应了过来,背对着林枫,一个个目光肃穆,今天,就陪林枫这家伙疯狂一回,将玉皇的心脏都给挖了。 : Three, but also owes three, today also! :三更了,还欠三更,今天就还! 5201 the novel high-speed first round Peerless Martial God latest chapter, this chapter is Chapter 813 5201小说高速首发绝世武神最新章节,本章节是第813章 Lin Feng from the heart 林枫掏心 It is not able the Wu Tian address for the chapter that if you think is good please do not forget to the friend recommendation in group and micro blog! 无法无天地址为如果你觉的本章节还不错的话请不要忘记向您群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!
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