PMG :: Volume #4

#812: The evil spirit emperor keeps the character

Huang Feng eyesight stubbornly is staring at Lin Feng, was somewhat fierce, died, he was the leader of jade day emperor's clan motion, he arrived in the Jade Emperor palace, prepared to accept the inheritance of Jade Emperor, he should become the genuine leader of jade day emperor's clan in the future, smiled the arrogant world, however, all dreams were stave in this moment, this sword, was such pain. 皇枫目光死死的盯着林枫,有些狰狞,死了,他乃是玉天皇族此次行动的领袖人物,他已经来到了玉皇殿中,准备接受玉皇的传承,他将来应该成为玉天皇族的真正领袖人物,笑傲天下,然而,一切的梦都在这一刻破碎,这一剑,是如此的痛。 In the middle of my Chu ring, there is jade King Scripture!” Huang Feng puts out together the sound, immediately spirit dissipates, death. “我那储物戒指当中,有玉皇经!”皇枫吐出一道声音,随即气息消散,死亡。 Duan Wuya saw that Lin Feng has swept one toward him, body backlash quietly, very caution and care, this kid, to has made him feel to dread formidable, surpassed him once to expect that on Xue yue that day, he felt, Lin Feng withdrew his control, demon sword, Tian Qi must evade. 段无涯看到林枫朝着他扫了一眼,身体悄然的后退,非常谨慎小心,这小家伙,强大到已经让他感到畏惧了,超出了他曾经的预料,在雪月的那一日,他就感觉到,林枫已经脱开了他的掌控,魔剑一出,天武都要逃避。 Drinks the blood sword to slurp Huang Feng blood, becomes monster different, the courage vigor is stronger, Lin Feng receives the sword, eyesight looked at a that chaotic battlefield, stores in the middle of the ring, has jade King Scripture really? Lin Feng somewhat suspected that Huang Feng harbors evil intentions, so said intentionally. 饮血剑吸食皇枫身上的鲜血,变得更加的妖异,血气更强,林枫将剑收起,目光看了一眼那混乱的战场,那储物戒指当中,真有玉皇经林枫有些怀疑皇枫是不怀好意,故意如此说。 Does not need to snatch anxiously.” Lin Feng were saying to Jun Mo Xi and the others, they understand the meaning of Lin Feng, slight bow. “都不用急着去抢。”林枫对着君莫惜等人说了一声,他们都明白林枫的意思,微微点了点头。 Lin Feng arrives at the Tang Youyou side, gives Tang Youyou the false Jade Emperor crown that seizes, said: This thing as if there is energy of fluctuation, may attack to defend, they had their treasure, you are taking this.” 林枫则走到唐幽幽的身边,将那夺来的伪玉皇冠交给唐幽幽,道:“这东西似乎拥有变幻之能,可攻可守,他们都有了自己的宝物,你就拿着这个吧。” Tang Youyou looks at Lin Feng, beautiful pupil twinkle, sees only in the black pupil of Lin Feng to have a faint smile, does not care about this Jade Emperor crown. 唐幽幽看着林枫,美眸闪烁,只见林枫的黑色眸子中带着一丝浅笑,根本不在意这玉皇冠。 Em.” Nod of gently, Tang Youyou smiles is accepting the Jade Emperor crown, erases the mark that Huang Feng leaves behind, plants own mark, the mind moves, the Jade Emperor crown changes to together the jade clothing sewn with gold thread, throws over on her body, making the Tang Youyou whole body have an honored multi-colored sunlight, appears noble beautiful. “恩。”轻轻的点了点头,唐幽幽微笑着将玉皇冠收下,抹去皇枫留下的印记,将自己的印记种下,心神一动,玉皇冠化作一道金缕玉衣,披在她的身上,让唐幽幽浑身都带着一层尊贵的霞光,显得更加的高贵美艳。 Good, is very beautiful.” Lin Feng says with a smile, makes on the face of Tang Youyou appear unexpectedly wipes to blush, lowers the head slightly, unexpectedly appears somewhat shy. “不错,很美。”林枫笑着道,竟让唐幽幽的脸上出现一抹红晕,微微低着头,竟显得有几分羞怯。 You also dare to snatch with me, can court death?” At this time, Ao Jiao rolling shouted angrily to transmit, this moment that side fight thorough chaotic, the person including East China Sea dragon palace was robbing the Chu ring with Ao Jiao. “你们也敢跟我抢,要找死吗?”此时,敖蛟一声滚滚怒喝传来,此刻那边的战斗彻底的混乱了起来,连东海龙宫的人都在和敖蛟抢夺储物戒指。 Of „a character advantages, who can not be excited.” Lin Feng looked at one toward that side, particularly a moment ago the Huang Feng last few words, in the middle of the Chu ring, there is jade King Scripture, that sound is not loud, but makes the people hear sufficiently, jade King Scripture, emperor practice cultivation technique, the startled day power, who can not covet greedily, obtains him to look for place of practice the secret, when the practice has to appear again, the imagination makes the person be choked up with emotions, any East China Sea dragon palace jade day emperor's clan, can be separated first. “利之一字,谁能不心动。”林枫朝着那边看了一眼,尤其是刚才皇枫最后一句话,储物戒指当中,有玉皇经,那声音不大,但足以让众人都听到,玉皇经,皇者修炼功法,惊天动力,谁能不觊觎贪婪,得到他找个隐秘之地修炼,等到修炼有成再出现,想象都让人心潮澎湃,什么东海龙宫玉天皇族,都可以先脱离。 In front of the heavy treasure, the head of crowd is gives off heat, is unable to maintain the absolute calmness, knows obviously should not such early get rid to seize, but sees other people to begin, is unable to endure to endure, this is the person corruptly reads. 在重宝面前,人群的脑袋都是发热的,无法保持绝对的冷静,明明知道不该这么早出手去夺,但看到他人动手,又无法忍耐得住,这就是人之贪念。 Lin Feng eyesight is tranquil, has jade King Scripture to suspect to the Chu ring in throughout that eyesight looks toward that Jade Emperor body, cannot help but in the heart darkly sighed, the passing thousand years, the whole body bathing emperor air/Qi, as if also had the vitality to be the same as before, the body cannot be decayed, the strength of emperor, was extremely fearful, took a quick look around, with live person without doubt. 林枫目光平静,对储物戒指中有玉皇经始终怀疑,目光朝着那尊玉皇身躯看去,不由得心中暗叹,已逝千年,浑身依旧沐浴皇气,仿佛还有气血一样,身体不会腐朽,皇的力量,太过可怕了,一眼看去,就和活人无疑。 Also goes to above eyesight surrounding golden stone cliff, the abstruse handwriting and obscure Saint mark, carve here, perhaps is the powerful strengths, the qualifications that what a pity present he perceives through meditation do not have. 又将目光投向周围的金色石壁之上,深奥的字迹、晦涩的圣纹,刻在这里的,恐怕都是强悍的力量,可惜现在的他连参悟的资格都没有。 eyesight unceasing has transferred, immediately the Lin Feng eye pupil looked Venerable behind the surface to Jade Emperor, only one, the body of Lin Feng shivered maliciously under. 目光不断的转过,随即林枫眼眸看向了玉皇尊身后面,只一眼,林枫的身体狠狠的颤抖了下。 On that stone cliff, Huang Feng he is unable to understand a moment ago, thinks has the secret of Jade Emperor palace, what a pity did not perceive through meditation. 那面石壁上,刚才皇枫他无法看懂来,认为其中有玉皇殿的秘密,可惜去参悟不了。 The Lin Feng footsteps stagger slightly, bypass Jade Emperor Venerable the body, trend that stone cliff slowly, each step, is similar trillion jin (0.5 kg) enormous forces, he felt that his footsteps are unable to lift, the head buzz crack, bang, he as if lost the ability of ponder, but stubbornly is staring at that stone cliff. 林枫的脚步微微错开,绕过玉皇尊身,缓缓的走向那面石壁,每一步,都仿佛有亿万斤重的巨大力量,他感觉自己的脚步都无法抬起来,脑袋嗡的一声炸响,轰隆隆的,他仿佛失去了思考的能力,只是死死的盯着那面石壁 Body of Lin Feng, in maliciously is trembling, the footsteps that faces forward to tread somewhat are slightly impractical, as if stood is unable to come to a stop, just like such of Huang Feng suspicion, on this stone cliff, truly has the secret, the huge secret, this secret fell in the Lin Feng eye, just liked likes a sudden thunderclap, the bang his from head to foot one numbness, felt helpless, the breath as if must stop. 林枫的身体,在狠狠的颤栗着,朝前踏出的脚步微微有些虚浮,仿佛站都无法站稳了,正如皇枫猜想的那样,这面石壁上,确实存在着秘密,天大的秘密,这秘密落在林枫的眼中,犹如五雷轰顶,轰得他从头到脚都一阵麻木,不知所措,呼吸仿佛都要停止下来。 He never has such to shock, him to never have such absent-minded, but this time, present truly truly has shocked his soul, shakes him to be frightened out of one's wits. 他从来没有这么震撼过、他从来没有这么失神过,但这一次,眼前的一幕确实真正的震撼了他的魂魄,震得他要魂飞魄散。 Um?” Tang Youyou and the others are staring at Lin Feng, what's the matter? “嗯?”唐幽幽等人一个个盯着林枫,怎么回事? They noticed that the body of Lin Feng was shivering, what happened, making Lin Feng have the so intense response? 他们看到林枫的身体都在颤抖,发生了什么事,让林枫有如此强烈的反应? Their eyesight also look toward that stone cliff, with Huang Feng one, cannot understand, does not look clearly, they only noticed that handwriting trace was overbearing, has been full of the spirit of showing disdain, person who the spirit of fearless heaven, this carved characters, certainly was powerful existence that a heaven dares to disregard, was not Jade Emperor. 他们的目光也朝着那面石壁看去,和皇枫一眼,看不懂,根本就看不明白,他们只看到那字迹纹路霸道无边,充满了傲视之气概,无惧苍天之气概,这刻字的人,一定是个苍天都敢无视的强悍存在,不是玉皇。 Is the demon emperor keeps character?” In their hearts one startled, the demon emperor chases down Jade Emperor, since the corpse of Jade Emperor here, the demon emperor decides has also come, this stone cliff the overbearing handwriting trace on disregarding heaven, very possible is the demon emperor keeps the character. “难道是魔皇留字?”他们心中一惊,魔皇追杀玉皇,既然玉皇的尸身在这里,魔皇定也来过,这面石壁上的无视苍天的霸道字迹纹路,很可能是魔皇留字。 But, why Lin Feng saw, will have the so big response, do they actually look cannot understand? 可是,为什么林枫看到后会有如此大的反应,他们却看都看不懂? Wait / Etc.! 等等! Their eye pupils tremble, if they cannot understand, but Lin Feng can understand, what does this mean? Means above stone cliff, possibly had the big secret, Lin Feng he saw anything, will shock so the situation. 他们的眼眸一颤,若是他们看不懂,而林枫能看懂,这意味着什么?意味着石壁之上,可能存在大秘密,林枫他到底是看到了什么,会震惊到如此地步。 Past, Lin Feng he fell into the realm of the devil, Tang Youyou has followed side him, Lin Feng so has not crossed. 昔日,林枫他堕入魔道,唐幽幽一直跟随在他身边,林枫都没有如此过。 The footsteps before Lin Feng arrives at that side stone cliff together, they carefully look at carefully stone cliff, looks up and down, but in any event, cannot understand, looks at Lin Feng again, his body is shivering as before, but this shivered was not intense a moment ago, obviously in acceptance slowly. 脚步跟着林枫一起来到那边石壁前,他们仔细端详石壁,横看竖看,但无论如何,还是看不懂,再看林枫,他的身体依旧在颤抖,不过这颤抖得已经没有刚才那么强烈了,显然是在慢慢的接受。 But Lin Feng eyesight, as before stubbornly stares at that stone cliff, the lip is vibrating slightly. 林枫目光,依旧死死的盯着那面石壁,嘴唇微微抖动着。 A lot of time pass by, that side battle is continuing as before, but Lin Feng stands in as before that motionlessly, as if has been bewitched, looked at stone cliff looked, repeatedly, often looked, his body shivered. 不少时间过去,那边的争斗依旧在持续,但林枫依旧站在那一动不动,仿佛着魔了般,将石壁看了又看,一遍又一遍,每每看一遍,他身体就颤抖一回。 Demon emperor and demon emperor!” “魔皇、魔皇!” Roar!” “吼!” The Lin Feng double fist grips tightly, makes the sound, in the eye has the look that a gang of nobody can understand, Tang Youyou they guess right, this truly is the demon emperor keeps the character, this is startled the handwriting trace that him is almost frightened out of one's wits, only then he can understand. 林枫双拳紧握,发出咔嚓的声响,眼中带着一股无人能够看懂的神色,唐幽幽他们猜的没错,这确实是魔皇留字,这将他惊得差点魂飞魄散的字迹纹路,只有他一个人能看得懂。 Long time, the eye pupil of Lin Feng had a tranquility gradually, person eyes that took a fast look around the following these battles, the corners of the mouth bring to wipe to sneer, in the Chu ring has the treasure? Laughable, he can affirm that anything does not have. 良久,林枫的眼眸渐渐有了一丝平静,扫视了后面那些争斗的人一眼,嘴角带着一抹冷笑,储物戒指中有宝物?可笑,他敢肯定,什么都没有。 Demon emperor, you want Jade Emperor dead with injustice unredressed.” Lin Feng has sighed deeply, immediately eyesight looks to humanity: Do not seize the Chu ring.” “魔皇,你这是要玉皇死不瞑目吗。”林枫长叹了一声,随即目光看向身边的人道:“不要去夺储物戒指。” In several human eye pupils is the color of doubts, in the Lin Feng expression is passing the affirmation, they understand that certainly is this stone cliff, told Lin Feng anything. 几人眼眸中都是疑惑之色,林枫的语气中透着肯定,他们都明白,一定是这面石壁,告诉了林枫什么。 But Lin Feng, what did he see? 可是林枫,他到底看到了什么? Yu Tianji eye pupil twinkle is restless, this Jade Emperor unexpectedly is the ancestor of jade day emperor's clan, the humanities of inheritance should be the person of jade day emperor's clan, however now, the jade day emperor's clan leader Huang Feng body dies, was struck to kill by Lin Feng, perhaps the other people of jade day emperor's clan cannot fight the East China Sea dragon palace, all become somewhat confusing, in addition the demon emperor as if horizontally butts in the thousand years ago, possibly has disrupted the idea of Jade Emperor, but now, Lin Feng he suddenly understands the demon emperor who they are unable to understand to keep the character, all these, as if indicate anything! 宇天机眼眸闪烁不息,这玉皇竟是玉天皇族之先祖,得到传承之人本该是玉天皇族之人,然而如今,玉天皇族领袖人物皇枫身死,被林枫击杀,玉天皇族的其他人恐怕斗不过东海龙宫,一切变得有些扑朔迷离,再加上魔皇似乎在千年前横插一脚,可能将玉皇的想法都打乱了,而如今,林枫他竟然看懂他们无法看懂的魔皇留字,这一切,似乎都预示着什么! At this time, sees only Lin Feng to sit cross-legged to sit down, eyesight is staring at that stone cliff, on his body, air/Qi of release a fearful dying out slowly. 此时,只见林枫盘膝坐下,目光盯着那面石壁,在他的身上,一股可怕的寂灭之气缓缓的释放而出。 The palm picks up, Lin Feng both hands wave, is congealing unceasingly the complex hand imprint, the black lotus flower flame that one group of dying out, release slowly, throws toward right in the middle of the palm crazily, that fearful Netherworld Fire flame releases in this moment is making spirit that the will of the people trembles, is waving, flaming combustion on the palm of Lin Feng. 手掌托起,林枫双手舞动,不断的凝结着复杂的手印,一团寂灭的黑色莲花火焰,缓缓的释放,疯狂扑向右掌当中,那可怕的幽冥火焰在这一刻释放着令人心颤的气息,不停的舞动着,在林枫的手掌上熊熊的燃烧。 The flame dance in Lin Feng hand is quicker, spirit that the heart trembles is getting more and more fearful, the flame place visited, dies out void, burns to kill all, passes one to build up the air/Qi, must build up this heaven, the flame in the past, anything cannot remain, must die out and be built up to me. 林枫手中的火焰越舞越快,心颤的气息越来越可怕,火焰所过之处,虚空寂灭,焚杀所有、透着一股炼化之气,要将这苍天都炼化掉,火焰过去,没有什么能够残留,都要给我寂灭、被炼。 Tang Youyou and other human eye pupil stiff, good fearful strengths, they felt faintly, Lin Feng, is practicing a fearful method, looks at writing trace practice on that stone cliff, the demon emperor keeps the character, teaches the Lin Feng big magical powers? 唐幽幽等人眼眸一僵,好可怕的力量,他们隐隐感觉,林枫,正在修炼一种可怕的手段,看着那石壁上的文字纹路修炼,难道魔皇留字,教林枫大神通? : This week owes three, all makes up today, like this asked the cotton wholesaler not. :这周欠三更,今天全补,这样求花行不。 5201 the novel high-speed first round Peerless Martial God latest chapter, this chapter is Chapter 812 5201小说高速首发绝世武神最新章节,本章节是第812章 The demon emperor leaves the character address for the chapter that if you think is good please do not forget to the friend recommendation in group and micro blog! 魔皇留字地址为如果你觉的本章节还不错的话请不要忘记向您群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!
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