PMG :: Volume #4

#811: Seizes the treasure

Palace nave, ray dazzling radiant, completely is the golden color, emperor air/Qi winds around each corner in main hall, the entire space seems piece of emperor Saint Boundary. 殿中殿,光芒更加的耀眼璀璨,全部都是金色,一股皇气缭绕在大殿中的每一个角落,整个空间仿佛是一片皇者圣境 On surrounding stone cliff, [gold/metal] is radiant, portrays the complicated religious texts, seems peerless cultivation technique, but in the center of main hall, then has a form, is not the statue, but is the true person's shadow, this person of appearance is dignified, wears the imperial crown, bathes from top to bottom during the emperor is mad, is honored and eye-catching. 周围的石壁上,金芒璀璨,刻画着繁复的经文,仿佛是绝世功法,而在大殿的中央,则有着一尊身影,并非是雕像,而是真正的人影,此人面貌威严无比,头戴皇冠,浑身上下沐浴在皇气当中,尊贵、夺目。 Jade Emperor!” The body of Huang Feng shivered slightly, he knows that this is the true Jade Emperor palace, he arrived at the imperial palace of Jade Emperor, before him, is the body of Jade Emperor. “玉皇!”皇枫的身体微微颤抖了起来,他知道,这才是真正的玉皇殿,他到了玉皇的寝宫,在他面前的,是玉皇之躯。 I arrive finally, I arrived at the Huang Feng double fist finally closely am grasping, whole body blue vein, excited incomparable, Jade Emperor inherits, henceforth, he will be emperor of Jade Emperor emperor's clan, in the future, will certainly a series jade day emperor's clan, dominate Dry Region, will step into Sacred City, the achievement genuine emperor. “我终于到了、我终于到了”皇枫双拳紧紧的握着,浑身青筋,激动无比,玉皇传承,从此,他将是玉皇皇族的皇者,将来,必将一统玉天皇族,称霸乾域,踏入圣城,成就真正的皇。 All these, will belong his. 这一切,都将是属于他的。 Steps as if to have thousands of jin (0.5 kg) step, footsteps facing forward of Huang Feng slowly, arrives at the front of Jade Emperor, looks at reverently the honor of Jade Emperor. 迈着仿佛有千万斤重的步伐,皇枫的脚步缓缓的朝前走着,走到玉皇的面前,瞻仰玉皇之荣光。 Puff thump, the Huang Feng knees kneel, the body is passing continuously emperor air/Qi, receives and instructs with Jade Emperor emperor air/Qi, immediately, making the Huang Feng excited whole body shiver once again, the last words that really such as the ancestor left behind were the same, he will certainly obtain Jade Emperor to inherit. 噗咚一声,皇枫双膝跪地,身上透着一缕缕皇气,与玉皇身上的皇气接引,顿时,让皇枫激动的浑身又一次颤抖了起来,果然如先祖留下的遗言一样,他必将得到玉皇传承。 Both hands concentrate seal, on the face of Huang Feng bring, oppressive honest, to crawl respectfully in the place, Huang Feng kotow and kotow, three to kotow again. 双手凝印,皇枫的脸上带着恭敬、虐诚、匍匐在地,皇枫叩首、再叩首、三叩首。 Sets out, kneels and kotows again 起身,再跪、再叩首 Sees Jade Emperor, releases the emperor air/Qi, congealing emperor seal and kowtowing, Jade Emperor manifests a spirit the inheritance to fall. 见玉皇,释放皇气、凝皇印、三跪九叩,玉皇显灵传承降。 After kowtowing, the body of Huang Feng cannot control, shivering continuous, the inheritance falls, he will soon obtain Jade Emperor to inherit! 三跪九叩之后,皇枫的身体根本控制不住,不停的颤抖不休,传承降,他即将得到玉皇传承! In eyesight is bringing frantically, Huang Feng respectful crawling, does not dare to lift. 目光中带着狂热,皇枫恭恭敬敬的匍匐,连头都不敢抬起来。 Rests, ten rests/breaths and hundred rest/breath time tip passes, however inherits, presently, this has not made in the Huang Feng excited heart have a restless meaning as before slightly, this is the jade day emperor's clan hands down for a long time the law of inheritance, even if other people came, is also impossible to obtain Jade Emperor to inherit, to have responded how possibly? 一息、十息、百息时间点滴的度过,然而传承,依旧未现,这让皇枫激动的心中微微生出了一股不安之意,这是玉天皇族传下已久的得传承之法,即便是其他人进来,也根本不可能得到玉皇传承,怎么可能没有反应? Crawled to glitter in that Huang Feng eye pupil, has revealed a startled color, but his body does not dare to move heedlessly as before, as if feared that enraged Spiritual God. 匍匐在那的皇枫眼眸闪烁了起来,露出了一丝惊慌之色,但他的身体依旧不敢乱动,仿佛怕触怒神灵 Bang!” An intense sound spreads, the front door of palace nave shivered, as if must be rumbled to burst, this made Huang Feng restless, had not responded how can not respond. “轰隆!”一道强烈的声响传出,殿中殿的大门颤抖了起来,仿佛要被轰破裂,这让皇枫更加的心神不宁了起来,没有反应,怎么会没有反应。 Finally could not control the heart that palpitated, the body of Huang Feng has stood, was bowing to the body of Jade Emperor, said: Jade Emperor ancestor, you here have certainly left behind the law of inheritance, I believe.” 终于控制不住悸动的心,皇枫的身体站了起来,对着玉皇之躯躬身,道:“玉皇先祖,您一定在这里留下了传承之法,我坚信。” Then, four sides Huang Feng moves toward stone cliff, looked whether can find the clue, above portrays many fierce Saint grains, or handwriting, but has not left behind the clue. 说罢,皇枫走向四面的石壁,看是否能找到线索,上面刻画着不少厉害的圣纹,或者字迹,但都没有留下线索。 Until Huang Feng arrives at behind on Jade Emperor that leaf of golden stone cliff, above portrays some traces similarly, however, Huang Feng he cannot understand, as if likely is the writing, likely is the Saint mark. 直到皇枫走到玉皇背后的那扇金色石壁上,上面同样刻画着一些纹路,然而,皇枫他看不懂,似乎像是文字、又像是圣纹。 Secret in these mysterious traces?” Huang Feng eyesight is staring at these traces, cannot understand, he cannot understand, Huang Feng he almost wanted crazily, these mysterious traces or writing and other differences, mature and powerful and vigorous incomparable, brought, to disregard the spirit of heaven unconventionally, by no means such as Jade Emperor bold handwriting vigorous style such was passing honored, the meaning of emperor, as if stems from two person's hands radically. “难道秘密就在这些神秘的纹路上?”皇枫目光凝视着这些纹路,看不懂,他根本看不懂,皇枫他几乎要疯狂了,这些神秘的纹路或者文字和其它的不同,苍劲有力、雄浑无比,带着放荡不羁、无视苍天之气概,并非如玉皇的笔力那样透着尊贵、皇者之意,仿佛根本就是出自两个人之手。 Bang ka!” “轰咔!” Collision sound loudly is getting more and more intense, makes the Huang Feng complexion ugly, finally follows one bang the trembling sound, the great gate of main hall is rumbled to split, many forms fled directly, the person of person and the East China Sea dragon palace jade day emperor's clan, Lin Feng they, this time they are maintaining the tacit understanding, has not slaughtered mutually, because they are very clear, battle is sooner or later matter, the urgent matter must drive out the front door, found the Jade Emperor treasure, then slaughters not lately, how could to make a Huang Feng person obtain the treasure of Jade Emperor. 轰然的碰撞声越来越强烈,更加让皇枫脸色难看,终于伴随着一声轰隆隆的颤响,大殿的巨门被轰裂开,许多身影直接窜了进来,玉天皇族之人、东海龙宫之人,还有林枫他们,这一次他们都保持着默契,没有相互厮杀,因为他们都很清楚,厮杀是迟早之事,当务之急是要轰开大门,找到玉皇宝物,然后再厮杀不迟,岂能让皇枫一个人得到玉皇之宝。 The crowd of jade day emperor's clan sees the Jade Emperor body, in pupils is passing the respectful meaning, even if underwent the thousand years, the Jade Emperor body, preserves as before so completely, bathes during the non- emperor's father is mad. 玉天皇族的人群看到玉皇身躯,一个个眼眸中透着恭敬之意,即便已历千年,玉皇身躯,依旧保存得如此完好,沐浴在无上皇气当中。 The person in East China Sea dragon palace sees Jade Emperor true body, similarly the color of item of dew awe, this is an emperor, smiles emperor in arrogant world, keeps aloof, even if the emperor of jade day emperor's clan, they are preserving an awe of moral nature as before, does not dare to blaspheme, even is revering the body to bow to Jade Emperor slightly, shows to veneration of emperor. 东海龙宫的人看到玉皇真身,同样目露敬畏之色,这是皇,笑傲天地的皇者,高高在上,即便是玉天皇族的皇,他们依旧保存着一丝心底的敬畏,不敢亵渎,甚至对着玉皇尊身微微躬身,以示对皇者的尊崇。 Lin Feng comes, eyesight swept Jade Emperor Venerable body one, in the eye pupil was passing a profligate meaning, experience that four emperor pictures, he felt the Wu Tian sword emperor unable the spirit of Wu Tian, has felt the peerless heroic bearing of demon emperor, only had itself all over the world, did not need anybody to lie prostrate in worship likely. 林枫进来,目光扫了玉皇尊身一眼,眼眸中透着一股放荡之意,见识那四尊皇像,他感受过无天剑皇无法无天之气概,感受过魔皇的绝世英姿,普天之下唯有自己,无需像任何人顶礼膜拜。 Does not have the spirit of Ling Tian, how could to achieve is not the emperor, actually cuts the emperor, that peerless heroic bearing, Lin Feng, whenever thinks about, the feeling warm-blooded rushes. 凌天之气概,岂能做到不为皇,却斩皇,那种绝世的英姿,林枫每当想起,就感觉热血澎湃。 Is arrogant and conceited, although to revere, but the emperors dare to cut, what to come awes, the demon emperor dares to cut the living emperor past, Lin Feng receives four emperors to affect, to an emperor corpse, does not have too many awes. 目空一切,虽为尊,但皇都敢斩,何来敬畏,魔皇昔日敢斩活生生的皇,林枫受到四皇影响,对一具皇者尸体,没有太多的敬畏。 Huang Feng!” Ao Jiao shouted angrily, eyesight was staring at Huang Feng, [say / way] that let somebody cool off or calm down: Thing hands over.” 皇枫!”敖蛟怒喝一声,目光盯着皇枫,冷冷的道:“东西交出来吧。” Huang Feng hears shouting angrily of haughty flood dragon, the complexion is ugly: My anything has not obtained.” 皇枫听到敖蛟之怒喝,脸色难看:“我什么都没有得到。” You thought that my meeting does believe?” Aperture that the haughty flood dragon lets somebody cool off or calm down, Ao Jiao first coming, what has not obtained, possibly? “你觉得我会信吗?”敖蛟冷冷的开口,敖蛟第一个进来,什么都没有得到,可能吗? Huang Feng eyesight has swept people one eyes, all people are staring at him, nobody believes radically his words, this, making the Huang Feng complexion extremely ugly, if obtained, he had nothing saying that the person of verbal command jade day emperor's clan, who did not dare from him, hateful, now the person of jade day emperor's clan, because of the matter, looks at coldly to him. 皇枫目光扫了众人一眼,所有人都在盯着他,果然,根本没人相信他的话,这一幕,让皇枫的脸色极其的难看了起来,若是真得到,他没什么可说的,号令玉天皇族的人,谁敢不从他,可恨,现在玉天皇族之人,都因为刚才之事,对他冷眼相看。 Huang Feng is very clear, this time enters the mystical place, was too important to him, only then the talented person under Tian Qi has the opportunity, although he for the leaders in these people, but in the jade day emperor's clan also has the talent, is not inferior in him, even still have it, but they are the people of Tian Qi, therefore, he obtained Jade Emperor inheritance, another day the jade day emperor's clan is his, cannot obtain, perhaps he cannot compete for others. 皇枫很清楚,这次进入秘境,对他太重要了,只有天武之下的人才有机会,虽然他为这些人中的领袖,但玉天皇族中还有天才,丝毫不逊色于他,甚至犹有过之,只不过他们已经是天武之人,因此,他得到了玉皇传承,他日玉天皇族就是他的,得不到,也许他争夺不过别人。 Regarding the haughty flood dragon so, East China Sea dragon palace four Dragon King is very similarly strong, above Dragon King also has Dragon Zunlong to advocate, their posterity simplicity, he do not have achievements in this Jade Emperor palace, obtains the heavy treasure, in the future might becomes the East China Sea dragon palace genuine leader. 对于敖蛟而言同样如此,东海龙宫四大龙王都很强,龙王之上还有龙尊龙主,他们的后人没一个简单,他要在这玉皇殿中有所建树,得到重宝,将来才有可能成为东海龙宫真正的领袖人物。 One group of people compel toward Huang Feng, Huang Feng face whiten and ugliness. 一群人朝着皇枫迫过去,皇枫脸色苍白、难看。 Does not hand over, kills.” One group of people regarding Huang Feng one person, the people of jade day emperor's clan unexpectedly unmanned help, making Huang Feng look deathly pale. “再不交出来,杀。”一群人围绕皇枫一人,玉天皇族的人竟无人相帮,让皇枫脸色惨白。 Lin Feng and the others have a relish watch their battle, making their dog bite the dog, when does not participate, seizes the treasure, kills again. 林枫等人也饶有兴致的看着他们争斗,让他们狗咬狗,不参与,夺宝之时,再杀。 Was you courts death, has killed you, same obtained all your.” Ao Jiao sneers, roars, the body as if there is flood dragon to appear intermittently, the shades of several flood dragon howl to go toward Huang Feng, must tear Ao Jiao, in the meantime, the person in East China Sea dragon palace all moved, must strike to kill Huang Feng inevitably. “是你自己找死,杀了你,一样得到你的一切。”敖蛟冷笑,怒吼一声,身上仿佛有蛟龙隐现,几道蛟龙之影朝着皇枫呼啸而去,要将敖蛟撕裂,同时,东海龙宫的人全部动了,势必要击杀皇枫 Huang Feng is bringing the false Jade Emperor crown, the face whiten, is resisting Ao Jiao the attack, suddenly bang the shattering sound made the main hall shiver. 皇枫带着伪玉皇冠,脸色苍白,抵御着敖蛟的攻击,一时间轰隆隆的震裂声响让大殿颤抖了起来。 When they fight, Duan Wuya quietly arrives at Huang Feng, making the Lin Feng eye pupil stagnate: This sinister and ruthless fellow, under wanting evil behind-the-scenes manipulator.” 在他们战斗之时,段无涯悄然的走到皇枫的身后,让林枫眼眸一滞:“这阴毒的家伙,又要下黑手了。” Duan Wuya eyesight looked at one toward Lin Feng, as if when under underhanded tricks, as in on the alert Lin Feng, he knows that Lin Feng has hates him, wishes one could to break to pieces the corpse him immediately. 段无涯目光朝着林枫这边看了一眼,似乎在下阴手的时候,依旧在警惕着林枫,他知道林枫有多恨他,恨不得立即将他碎尸。 The Huang Feng anger fights the four directions, Jade Emperor crown changes to the jade clothing sewn with gold thread, wraps him on, crack as if automatic repair that was rumbled by a Lin Feng sword, perfect, jade day emperor's clan false Jade Emperor crown, can it be that every. 皇枫怒战四方,玉皇冠化作金缕玉衣,将他身上包裹,那被林枫一剑轰出来的裂缝仿佛会自动修复,完好无损,玉天皇族之伪玉皇冠,岂是凡品。 Go away.” Huang Feng roars, Jade Emperor crown changes to the advantage to puncture the glove, pounds loudly toward the haughty flood dragon, at this time, Duan Wuya finally moved, the side cold malignant influences in bottle gourd, release quietly, the twinkling throws toward Huang Feng. “滚开。”皇枫怒吼一声,玉皇冠化作利刺手套,朝着敖蛟轰然砸去,就在这时候,段无涯终于动了,葫芦中的极寒煞气,悄然的释放,瞬息朝着皇枫扑去。 „” A Huang Feng pitiful yell, the back was perished, arm fierce flings, a Chu ring was flung from his hand. “啊”皇枫一声惨叫,背部被腐蚀掉,手臂猛的一甩,一枚储物戒指从他的手中被甩了出去。 Um?” “嗯?” At this moment eyesight of all people are staring at that Chu ring, immediately fearful spirit bloom, throws toward that ring, must rob, who manages you are, these person of one have not been the friendly kinds, East China Sea dragon palace or the person of jade day emperor's clan, who does not want the treasure of Jade Emperor. 这一刻所有人的目光都盯着那枚储物戒指,随即一道道可怕的气息绽放,朝着那戒指扑去,都要抢夺,管你是谁,这些人没有一个是善类,无论是东海龙宫还是玉天皇族的人,谁不想要玉皇之宝。 The body of Lin Feng also moved, but does not have the ring toward that but moves toward Huang Feng, a sword of destruction pricks the body of Huang Feng directly, piercing, making the haughty flood dragon whole body stiff, gains ground slightly, is staring at Lin Feng. 林枫的身体也动了,不过并非是朝着那没戒指,而是朝着皇枫而动,毁灭的一剑直接刺入皇枫的身体,将之刺穿,让敖蛟浑身僵硬,微微抬起头,盯着林枫 Such early robs your ring, regardless of there is a treasure, will become will be the target of public criticism, you once want to kill us to seize our treasures, now, this.” Lin Feng said lightly, changes to the Jade Emperor crown of glove to take down from the hand of Huang Feng that this treasure delivers, why does not want “这么早抢夺你的戒指,无论有没有宝物,都将成为众矢之的,你曾想杀我们夺我们的宝,现在,该还了。”林枫淡淡的说了一声,将那化作手套的玉皇冠从皇枫的手中取下来,这件宝物送上门,为什么不要
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