PMG :: Volume #4

#810: Card in a hand

Jun Mo Xi and the others, but also has the treasure, if has killed them, seizes the treasure, is good, this, competition in following Jade Emperor palace is also advantageous. 君莫惜等人身上,可是也都有宝物,若是将他们杀了,将宝物夺到手,也非常不错,这样,在后面玉皇殿中的争夺也有利。 The East China Sea dragon palace and between the jade day emperor's clans, has own axe to grind, but their ultimate goals, are consistent. 东海龙宫和玉天皇族之间,各怀鬼胎,但他们的最终目的,都是一致的。 Dozens eyesight in this moment entire tribe in Jun Mo Xi on them, the cold brightness have glittered, making the Jun Mo Xi and other human eye pupils concentrate, whole body spirit blooms, is staring at present the crowd. 几十道目光在这一刻全部落在了君莫惜他们身上,寒光闪烁,让君莫惜等人眼眸一凝,浑身气息绽放,盯着眼前人群。 Kills!” Fearful spirit bloom, the Jun Mo Xi four people of personal appearance close up, the body, sends out terrifying spirit respectively, the Jun Mo Xi body is passing the noble, the body long gown sends out the radiant light, the long gown is vibrating, the form drifts from place to place, if quickly lightning, that golden long gown compared with sword sharp, making the will of the people tremble. “杀!”一道道可怕的气息绽放而出,君莫惜四人身形靠拢,身上,各自散发着恐怖的气息,君莫惜身上透着浩然正气,身上长袍散发着璀璨之光,长袍抖动,身影飘忽不定,快若闪电,那金色的长袍比刀剑更加的锋锐,让人心颤。 Roar!” Huangfu Long shouted angrily, the tomahawk cut the day, proceeded to cut down, the dragon shade reappeared, as if Dragon Xing fought the air/Qi together, the terrifying was incomparable. “吼!”皇甫龙怒喝一声,战斧斩天,往前劈杀而出,龙影浮现,仿佛一道龙形战气,恐怖无比。 Halts to me.” Yun Fei Yang sounds Ancient Bell, Ancient Bell rapid expansion, maliciously toward the front bang in the past, the ding played unceasingly. “给我站住。”云飞扬敲响古钟,古钟飞速的扩张,狠狠的朝着前方轰过去,钟声不断奏响。 As for Yu Tianji, the body blooms does not extinguish the light of stars, in the hand holds a round full moon chain wheel, the star moon/month to blend, dazzling. 至于宇天机,身上绽放不灭星辰之光,手中托着一轮圆月牙盘,星月交融,璀璨夺目。 Kills!” killing intent is swift and fierce, the radiant full moon release in Yu Tianji hand, toward the front stroke, the front crowd avoids immediately, instantaneous dozens people of camps completely chaotic, disperses, these four people of heavy treasures very fierce, incautiously must be struck to kill, must discretely be very good. “杀!”杀意凌厉,宇天机手中的璀璨圆月释放,朝着前面划过去,顿时前方的人群纷纷避开,瞬间几十人的阵营全部乱了起来,分散开来,这四人身上的重宝可是都非常的厉害,一不小心就要被击杀,必须要无比谨慎才行。 Huang Feng, your jade day emperor's clan seizes the thing of ancestor, I know that on you brought the heavy treasure, do not cover-up, with, these four people have the heavy treasure, wants to kill them also to pay the price.” Because both sides have own axe to grind, has not tried, who can be willing to make the bridal clothes for the opposite party, Ao Jiao eyesight looks at Huang Feng, in the mouth is having a faint smile, he wants to have a look, haughty flood dragon card in a hand, can be anything. 皇枫,你们玉天皇族来夺先祖之物,我知道你身上带了重宝,不要藏着掖着了,拿出来吧,这四人拥有重宝,想杀死他们也要付出代价。”双方因为各怀鬼胎,都没有尽全力,谁会愿意为对方做嫁衣,敖蛟的目光看着皇枫,嘴中带着一丝浅笑,他想要看看,敖蛟身上的底牌,会是什么。 Let alone my jade day emperor's clan, your East China Sea dragon palace stared at us to be so long, early was prepared.” Huang Feng sneers, the East China Sea dragon palace was too sinister, as if had already discovered anything, has been staring at their jade day emperor's clan. “别说我玉天皇族,你们东海龙宫盯了我们这么久,也早有准备了吧。”皇枫冷笑一声,东海龙宫太阴险了,似乎早就发现了什么,一直盯着他们玉天皇族。 Such being the case, together how?” The haughty flood dragon smiles lightly. “既然如此,一起如何?”敖蛟淡淡一笑。 Ok.” Huang Feng nodded, they stare mutually, immediately, the ray twinkle, in the hand of haughty flood dragon, presented a Capsicum anomalum, golden brilliance glitters, above the Capsicum anomalum, passes is making spirit that the will of the people trembles. “可以。”皇枫点了点头,两人相互凝望,随即,光芒闪烁,在敖蛟的手中,出现了一颗龙珠,金色的光华闪烁,龙珠之上,透着令人心颤的气息 But in the hand of Huang Feng, then presented certain imperial crown, this imperial crown golden light trembles, is passing the formidable emperor air/Qi. 而在皇枫的手中,则出现了一定皇冠,这皇冠金光颤颤,透着强大的皇气。 Rumor jade day emperor's clan to the precious jade imperial crown, is an imperial crown, in your hand the imperial crown, should be the false Jade Emperor crown.” Ao Jiao looks at the radiant imperial crown in Huang Feng hand, the true Jade Emperor crown, is impossible to appear on Huang Feng. “传言玉天皇族的至宝玉皇冠,便是一顶皇冠,你手中之皇冠,应该是伪玉皇冠吧。”敖蛟看着皇枫手中的璀璨皇冠,真正的玉皇冠,不可能会出现在皇枫手上。 Was enough.” Huang Feng wears the imperial crown in the top of the head, on his body, as if has bathed immediately air/Qi of powerful emperor, is throwing over the golden emperor robe, splendid light is radiant. “足够了。”皇枫将皇冠戴在头顶,顿时在他的身上,仿佛沐浴了一层强悍的皇者之气,披着金色的皇袍,华光璀璨。 „The Dinghai bead of your East China Sea dragon palace, believes their body anchorage moment, does not have the issue.” Huang Feng has recognized Dinghai bead in Ao Jiao the hand, the complexion is not quite attractive, the East China Sea dragon palace good method, to have given Ao Jiao the Dinghai bead unexpectedly. “你东海龙宫的定海珠,相信将他们的身体定住片刻,还是没有问题的吧。”皇枫认出了敖蛟手中的定海珠,脸色不大好看,东海龙宫好手段,竟将定海珠都交给了敖蛟。 Each other.” Ao Jiao smiled faintly: I their anchorage instantaneous, you coordinate to strike to kill, can kill one is.” “彼此。”敖蛟浅笑:“我将他们定住瞬间,你配合击杀,能杀一个是一个。” Good.” Huang Feng nods, immediately watches Dinghai bead release in Ao Jiao the hand in the middle of the midair, an invisible strength fluctuated, as if the trim space must freeze, Jun Mo Xi they only felt that body slightly one stiff, that invisible strength, keeping their bodies probably from moving, particularly Huangfu Long, Ao Jiao as if desirably competed for him, the strongest strength release on him, Ao Jiao, as before will be greedy the tomahawk of his dragon. “好。”皇枫点头,随即就看敖蛟手中的定海珠释放在半空当中,一股无形的力量波动了起来,仿佛整片空间都要冻结住,君莫惜他们只感觉身体都微微一僵,那无形的力量,让他们的身体好像都无法动弹了,尤其是皇甫龙,敖蛟似乎刻意争夺他,将最强的力量释放在他身上,敖蛟,依旧贪婪他的龙之战斧。 Kills.” The Huang Feng anger eats delicacies, body carries the air/Qi of fearful emperor [say / way], the tumbling roars, covers the Huang Feng whole person, the imperial crown ray release of top of the head, changes to a handle fearful sharp sword suddenly, destroys the hardest defenses, kills to Huangfu Long, the first person, cuts to kill Huangfu Long first. “杀。”皇枫怒啸一声,身上携带可怕的皇道之气,翻滚咆哮,将皇枫整个人都笼罩住,头顶的皇冠光芒释放,突然间化作一柄可怕的利剑,无坚不摧,杀向皇甫龙,第一人,先斩杀皇甫龙 Be careful.” Jun Mo Xi roars, Huangfu Long complexion big change, quick, the body of this moment Huang Feng was too quick, moreover sharp sword that imperial crown changes to extremely fearful, but his body, was decided as in that. “小心。”君莫惜怒吼一声,皇甫龙脸色大变,快,此刻皇枫的身体太快了,而且那皇冠化作的利剑极其的可怕,而他自己的身体,则依旧被定在那。 Death.” Huang Feng roars, the sword of emperor destroys the hardest defenses, murders all, nobody may keep off, two big leaders collaborate, must strike Huangfu Long cuts to kill at the scene. “死吧。”皇枫怒吼,皇者之剑无坚不摧,杀伐一切,无人可挡,两大领袖人物联手,要一击将皇甫龙当场斩杀。 You dare!” The sound that shocks together drops from the clouds, just like the bolt from the blue, as if the air/Qi of implication fearful realm of the devil, shakes the crowd whole body to tremble, immediately, terrifying of sword air/Qi Ling Tian arrives, this is the genuine sword air/Qi, as if must puncture the day, is unable Wu Tian, who to dare to block kills anyone. “你敢!”一道震撼的声音从天而降,宛若晴天霹雳,仿佛蕴含可怕的魔道之气,震得人群浑身一颤,随即,一股凌天之恐怖剑气降临,这才是真正的剑气,仿佛要将天都刺破,无法无天,谁敢阻杀谁。 The Huang Feng heart trembles, footsteps slightly, he from Huangfu Long felt Wu Tian the fearful Swordsmanship, so long as this sword has killed Huangfu Long, the following sword, will cut to kill him. 皇枫心头一颤,脚步都微微一顿,他从皇甫龙的身后感受到了一股无天之可怕剑道,只要他这一剑杀了皇甫龙,后面一剑,就会斩杀他。 Dies.” The Huang Feng anger eats delicacies, in sword, the terrifying emperor air/Qi flushed, the fierce bang on Huangfu Long, as if only felt that such as was hit hard, stuffy snort. “去死。”皇枫怒啸一声,剑之中,恐怖的皇气冲了出去,猛的轰在了皇甫龙身上,仿佛只感觉如遭重击,闷哼一声。 Big Pest makes way.” Sound conveys the together, Huangfu Long body booklet stiffly to avoiding, air/Qi of fearful sharp sword has delimited from his side immediately, destroys the hardest defenses and nothing which is not extinguishes. 大害虫让开。”身后一道声音传来,皇甫龙身体硬生生的折向避开,随即一股可怕的利剑之气从他身旁划过,无坚不摧、无所不灭。 At this moment, all people saw radiant sword glow from the space bright, dazzlingly to letting the crowd is unable to look straight ahead. 这一刻,所有人都看到了一道璀璨的剑芒从天上亮起,耀眼到让人群无法直视。 Huang Feng eyesight one stiff, that fearful sword air/Qi was too formidable, as if must pierce his body, the body glitters to draw back suddenly. 皇枫目光一僵,那可怕的剑气太强大了,仿佛要将他的身体都刺穿来,身体遽然间闪烁退开。 The sword, starts to bloom, the terrifying of will Wu Tian blooms, is unable Wu Tian. 剑,开始绽放,无天之恐怖意志绽放而出,无法无天 The Huang Feng complexion is stiff, the imperial crown on top of the head fluctuated suddenly, changes to together the shield of golden yellow emperor, the imperial crown, may change from unexpectedly. 皇枫脸色僵硬,头顶上的皇冠遽然间变幻了起来,化作一道金黄色的皇者之盾,皇冠,竟可化形。 Bang!” “轰隆!” Inexhaustible strength bang on that piece of emperor shield, the body of Huang Feng the shield of that emperor, had been rumbled to fly, in the mouth is spitting the blood. 无穷无尽的力量轰在了那片皇者盾上,皇枫的身体连带着那皇者之盾,被轰飞了起来,口中吐着鲜血。 „.” The sound spreads together, on the emperor shield presented together the crack, body collision of Huang Feng maliciously above the front door of Jade Emperor palace, that broken front door was hit directly. “咔嚓。”一道声响传出,皇者盾上出现一道裂纹,皇枫的身体则狠狠的撞在了玉皇殿的大门之上,那残破的大门直接被撞击开来。 Broke to pieces!” The crowd eye pupil of jade day emperor's clan all trembles, the shield of emperor the Jade Emperor crown changes, was rumbled unexpectedly by a sword a fissure, even if that is only the forge Jade Emperor crown, but obtains as before conceivably, the might of that sword, has fearfully how. “碎了!”玉天皇族的人群眼眸全都一颤,玉皇冠化作的皇者之盾,竟被一剑轰出了一道裂痕,即便那只是伪造的玉皇冠,但依旧可以想象得出,那一剑之威力,有多么的可怕。 Ao Jiao the eye pupil is also one startled, is staring at Lin Feng, this fellow, the strength was more fearful. 敖蛟的眼眸也是一惊,盯着林枫,这家伙,实力更可怕了。 „!” Huang Feng has coughed, crawls from the ground, lets somebody cool off or calm down stared at Lin Feng one, immediately the personal appearance dodges, strided in the middle of the main hall directly. “咳咳!”皇枫咳嗽了一声,从地上爬起来,冷冷的盯了林枫一眼,随即身形一闪,直接跨入了大殿当中。 Um?” Ao Jiaoyan the pupil trembles, drinks one coldly: „To seize the treasure.” “嗯?”敖蛟眼眸一颤,冷喝一声:“想夺宝。” Then, the footsteps of crowd all go toward the Jade Emperor palace , a person has not fallen behind, at this moment their battle has forgotten, their goals, only have the Jade Emperor palace. 说罢,人群的脚步全部朝着玉皇殿内而去,没有一人落后,这一刻他们连争斗都忘记了,他们的目的,唯有玉皇殿。 Jade Emperor palace.” Lin Feng gained ground, looked at a that golden large character, dignified vast, the palace of emperor. “玉皇殿。”林枫抬起头,看了一眼那金色的大字,威严浩瀚,皇者之殿。 Surmounts the other shore, Lin Feng discovered that here has many palaces, the [gold/metal] wall is broad, the atmosphere is boundless, however many palaces are actually shutting tightly, they simply do not have the ability to open, when until arriving here, he happen to noticed that Huang Feng gets rid to Big Pest. 跨越到彼岸,林枫发现这里有许多宫殿,金壁恢弘,大气磅礴,然而许多宫殿却都是紧闭着的,他们根本没有能力打开,直到来到这边之时,他正好看到皇枫大害虫出手。 „The gate of Jade Emperor palace is the crack.” Lin Feng looks at the broken golden front door that a that split, must the how powerful strength, be able to split to the bang the gate of main hall, in the middle of the Lin Feng mind, as if reappeared the physique of demon emperor. “玉皇殿的门都是裂的。”林枫看了一眼那裂开的残破金色大门,要多么强悍的力量,才能将大殿之门给轰裂开,林枫的脑海当中,仿佛又浮现了魔皇的身姿。 At this time, the crowd of Tang Youyou as well as Tianchi has also caught up, Lin Feng has turned head to look at Big Pest one, actually saw him to crawl, spat blood saliva, scolded lowly: Good father is thick-skinned, Lin Feng, quickly goes , the Jade Emperor palace, we arrived here with great difficulty.” 此时,唐幽幽以及天池的人群也都赶了过来,林枫回过头看了大害虫一眼,却见到他自己爬了起来,啐了一口血液唾沫,低骂道:“还好老子皮厚,林枫,赶快进去吧,玉皇殿,我们好不容易到了这里。” Your skin is truly thick enough.” Lin Feng has thrashed under Huangfu Long, immediately footsteps one cross, glitters to go toward inside, strides in the middle of the Jade Emperor palace, other people also follow. “你的皮确实够厚。”林枫捶打了下皇甫龙,随即脚步一跨,朝着里面闪烁而去,跨入玉皇殿当中,其他人也紧随其后。 In the vast main hall, carves Dragon Huafeng, exceedingly high stone columns support the main hall, are being the fearful on Gucci beasts that on the stone column portrays, however the stone column in this main hall, has stiffly much breaking by smashing with stone. 浩瀚的大殿内,雕龙画凤,一根根通天石柱支撑着大殿,石柱上刻画的都是可怕的上古奇兽,然而这大殿内的石柱,却有不少被硬生生的给砸断过。 Bang, bang!” Spreading that the sound of fearful bombardment keeps, the person in East China Sea dragon palace is shelling the clothing palace nave crazily, however that palace gate shuts tightly, whatever their strength is unable to drive out again formidable. “轰、轰隆!”可怕的轰击之声不停的传出,东海龙宫的人疯狂的轰击着衣衫殿中殿,然而那殿门紧闭,任由他们力量再强大还是无法轰开。 „Did he already know?” Ao Jiao is roaring to make noise to the jade day emperor's clan person, as if there is flood dragon to roar. “他早就知道了?”敖蛟对着玉天皇族之人怒吼出声,仿佛有蛟龙在咆哮。 The person of complexion jade day emperor's clan is unattractive, this Huang Feng will seize the opportunity actually, linked them to get rid unexpectedly completely, this made their complexions especially ugly. 玉天皇族之人脸色都不好看,这皇枫倒是会抓住时机,竟然连他们都全部抛弃了,这让他们的脸色都格外的难看。 He has the map of entire main hall, to the Jade Emperor palace, knew certainly.” The people of jade day emperor's clan do not have to think one by Huang Feng selling, had Huang Feng to control the map of Jade Emperor palace, perhaps he already thought. “他有整座大殿的地图,到了玉皇殿,当然知道进去。”玉天皇族之人没想到自己都被皇枫给卖了,只有皇枫掌控了玉皇殿的地图,恐怕他早就想好了。 : Has slept, this system, making me want dead, does not dare to send the chapter. :睡觉了,这系统,让我想死,都不敢发章节了。 5201 the novel high-speed first round Peerless Martial God latest chapter, this chapter is Chapter 810 5201小说高速首发绝世武神最新章节,本章节是第810章 Card in a hand address for the chapter that if you think is good please do not forget to the friend recommendation in group and micro blog! 底牌地址为如果你觉的本章节还不错的话请不要忘记向您群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!
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