PMG :: Volume #4

#809: Jade Emperor palace

In the myth of previous generation, emperor air/Qi and Dragon Qi, as well as Buddha, for supreme, now, this highest heaven mainland, whether will have the difference. 在前世的神话当中,皇气、龙气、以及佛,都为至尊,如今,这九霄大陆,是否会有不同。 The crowd sees Lin Feng to face forward, eyesight concentrates, so far, the crowd sees the person through Bi'an Qiao, mostly is the person in jade day emperor's clan and East China Sea dragon palace, has the character of heavy treasure, in the middle of the treasure includes the supreme air/Qi, can through Bi'an Qiao, this person, have the treasure to be inadequate similarly? 人群看到林枫朝前,目光都是一凝,目前为止,人群看到通过彼岸桥的人,大多都是玉天皇族和东海龙宫的人,还有一些拥有重宝的人物,宝物当中含有至尊气,也同样可以通过彼岸桥,此人,难道也有宝物不成? Tang Youyou eyesight falls on Lin Feng, appears somewhat is anxious, actually Lin Feng itself, appears quite tranquil. 唐幽幽目光落在林枫身上,显得微有些紧张,倒是林枫本身,显得颇为平静。 The light of circulation Buddha [say / way], the body of Lin Feng is forever glorious, the innumerable golden light fly from the day, seal on his body, shortly, the Lin Feng whole body will send out radiant [gold/metal], the whole person has been covering golden color, incarnation golden body Buddha. 佛道之光流转,林枫的身上光芒万丈,无数金光从天外飞来,印在他的身上,顷刻间,林枫浑身散发着璀璨的金芒,整个人都镀上了一层金色,化身金身佛陀。 Fokuang!” The crowd pupil concentrates, no wonder Lin Feng dares to go to try, originally on him, has the light of Buddha [say / way] to protect the body unexpectedly. “佛光!”人群瞳孔一凝,难怪林枫敢去一试,原来他身上,竟拥有佛道之光护体。 Steps Bi'an Qiao, ten thousand zhang (3.33 m) Fokuang glory falls, the dragon shade howls, throws toward Lin Feng, Dragon Qihu the body, covers Fokuang, prevents air/Qi of invasion that chaotic deep meaning, at this moment, the corners of the mouth of Lin Feng have revealed a faint smile, the light of Buddha [say / way], really also calculates the supreme air/Qi. 踏上彼岸桥,万丈佛光光辉倾洒,龙影呼啸,朝着林枫扑去,龙气护体,将佛光笼罩住,阻挡那混乱奥义之气入侵,这一刻,林枫的嘴角露出了一丝浅笑,佛道之光,果然也算至尊气。 However Lin Feng not immediately through Bi'an Qiao, but has drawn back, to the Tang Youyou slight bow, Tang Youyou is understanding immediately that walks to go forward with a smile, Lin Feng was receives and instructs her to pass the other shore together. 不过林枫并未立即通过彼岸桥,而是退了回来,对着唐幽幽微微点头,唐幽幽立即明白,笑着走上前,林枫是接引她一起度过彼岸。 Lin Feng eyesight has swept crowd one, to some people open the mouth saying: You also come, if my Fokuang can spend you to pass, you are following me, if not good, I then escort you to draw back.” 林枫目光又扫了人群一眼,对着其中一些人开口说道:“你们也过来吧,若是我的佛光能度你们过去,你们就跟随着我,若是不行,我便护送你们退回来。” Um?” The crowd eye pupil concentrates, is Lin Feng is speaking to whom? “嗯?”人群眼眸一凝,林枫是在对谁说话? Sees only forms to glitter, 56 people of footsteps have stepped, is the people of Tianchi, they felt that Lin Feng eyesight had stopped on them a moment ago, obviously is speaking with them. 只见一道道身影闪烁,有56人脚步跨了出来,都是天池之人,他们感觉到刚才林枫目光在他们身上停顿了下,显然是在和他们说话。 At this time, there is a beautiful figure together to go out from the crowd, lowers the head to walk slightly toward Lin Feng, does not dare to look straight ahead Lin Feng, this person impressively Tianchi Xue. 此时,又有一道倩影从人群当中走出,微微低着头朝着林枫走来,不敢直视林枫,此人赫然正是天池雪 „Did I call you?” Lin Feng has swept Tianchi Xue one lightly, making her footsteps stagnate. “我叫了你吗?”林枫淡淡的扫了天池雪一眼,让她的脚步一滞。 They, when entering palace protect Big Pest, picks up a stretch of world, their several people, will become the leaders in Tianchi, you will care about the personal gain not to care about other Tianchi people, now my what Xu takes care of you, at the same time.” The Lin Feng light putting out together sound, making Tianchi Xue feel ashamed difficult to bear. “他们,都在进入宫殿之时守护大害虫,托起一片天地,他们几人,都将成为天池的领袖人物,你顾及私利不在乎天池其他人,如今我何需照顾你,一边去吧。”林枫淡淡的吐出一道声音,让天池雪感觉羞愧难当。 Cannot ask him to leave, he can escort us to pass.” At this time, does not know that who has drunk one, immediately the crowd eye pupil trembles, right, Lin Feng the light of Buddha [say / way] may send out ten thousand zhang (3.33 m) brilliance, can melt the other shore them together. “不能让他走,他可以护送我们过去。”就在这时候,不知道有谁喝了一声,顿时人群眼眸一颤,没错,林枫的佛道之光可散发万丈光华,能将他们一起度化过彼岸。 Heard these words many person hearts to palpitate, the body twinkle, intercepted Lin Feng, eyesight stared at Lin Feng saying: Leads us to pass together.” 听到这句话许多人心头悸动了起来,身体闪烁,将林枫截住,目光盯着林枫道:“带我们一起过去。” Lin Feng swept this to keep off several people of one before body, light [say / way]: When really I am Buddha, has the heart of mercy, go away.” 林枫扫了这挡在身前的几人一眼,淡淡的道:“真当我是佛,拥有慈悲之心吗,滚开。” We do not pass, dies.” Some person of indifferent apertures, the following many person is also ready to make trouble, first waits and sees. “不度化我们过去,就是死。”有人冷漠开口,后面的不少人也蠢蠢欲动,先观望。 Buddha being predestined friends person, such being the case, my you, delivers you to enter the other shore.” Lin Feng footsteps one cross, the Buddha of golden body releases ten thousand zhang (3.33 m) brilliance, dazzling, bang the huge sound spreads, airborne presents golden color to be in charge greatly, as if said the superhuman hand, the five fingers such as five great peaks, from airborne pounded toward that person. “佛度有缘人,既然如此,我就度化你,送你入彼岸。”林枫脚步一跨,金身之佛释放万丈光华,璀璨夺目,轰隆隆的巨大声响传出,空中出现一金色大掌印,仿佛佛道巨掌,五指如五座巨峰,从空中朝着那人砸去。 The air/Qi of terrifying as if must crash the same place, the space bang shivered, maliciously is trembling, this Buddha palm strength, does not know together contained the how terrifying strength. 恐怖之气仿佛要压垮一起,空间轰隆隆的颤抖了起来,狠狠的战栗着,这一道佛掌力,不知道蕴含了多么恐怖的力量。 That person of complexion great change, the body dodges to draw back, then in this time, said that is in charge greatly speeds up suddenly, from airborne oppresses, bang a bang, dust Fei Yang \ flying upwards, that person only felt that the whole body trembles continuous, is whipped by a palm directly is falling face down, the mouth spits the blood, the five internal organs is all shattered, spirit vanishes, by Lin Feng. 那人脸色巨变,身体闪退,然后就在此时,佛道大掌印遽然加快,从空中压迫下去,轰隆一声巨响,尘土飞扬,那人只感觉浑身震颤不休,直接被一掌拍打在趴下,口吐鲜血,五脏俱都被震裂,气息消失,被林枫度化。 Good terrifying palm strength.” Crowd eye pupil maliciously trembles, this said is in charge greatly, as if had infinitely vigorously, was extremely fearful, a palm can the person patting, does not know that the implication formidable strength, that said the five fingers of palm strength, was similar to five mountain peaks is the same, rolling all. “好恐怖的掌力。”人群眼眸狠狠的一颤,这佛道大掌印,仿佛拥有无穷大力,太过可怕了,一掌就能将人给拍死,不知道蕴含多强大的力量,就连那佛道掌力的五指,都如同五座山峰一样,辗压一切。 Xuan Qi Ninth Layer boundary, even if talent, same palm suppression, pats. 玄武九重境,即便是天才,一样一掌镇压、拍死。 Also do some people need me to spend?” Lin Feng eyesight sweeps other people, immediately the crowd retreats in abundance, this person, is extremely fearful, why before they had not listened to have such an powerful character to exist. “还有人需要我度化吗?”林枫目光一扫其他人,顿时人群纷纷退却,此人,太过可怕,以前他们为何没有听过有这么一个强悍人物存在。 Sees the crowd to make way, the Lin Feng footsteps face forward to step forward, are holding the hand of Tang Youyou, ten thousand zhang (3.33 m) golden light blooms, covers Tang Youyou as well as behind crowd body, changes to golden to say the aperture together, at this moment everyone of body, is bringing Fokuang, supreme air/Qi. 看到人群让开,林枫脚步朝前跨出,牵着唐幽幽的手,万丈金光绽放,将唐幽幽以及身后的人群身体笼罩住,化作一道金色的佛道光圈,这一刻每一人的身上,都带着佛光,至尊气。 Dragon Ying roared to roar, Yuan the Fokuang cradling, was Lin Feng and the others protected the body, trod Bi'an Qiao, Lin Feng is feeling periphery the air/Qi of frightening chaotic deep meaning, in the heart actually calm, such as ancient was quiet, gradually trod toward another side of other shore. 龙影咆哮怒吼,真元将佛光托住,为林枫等人护体,踏着彼岸桥,林枫感受到周围令人心惊的混乱奥义之气,心中却波澜不惊,如古佛般平静,渐渐的朝着彼岸的另一方踏去。 The crowd looks at Lin Feng they, in eyesight has to envy to have the meaning of envy, on Lin Feng, ten thousand zhang (3.33 m) Fokuang, changes to golden to say the aperture, can arrive at the other shore the crowd unexpectedly really together, is hateful they not to be acquainted with Lin Feng, emperor tomb center possibly in opposite, seems extremely easy to obtain, hateful, was actually prevented in this head. 人群一个个看着林枫他们,目光中有羡慕有嫉妒之意,林枫身上,万丈佛光,化作金色佛道光圈,竟然真的能将人群一起度化到彼岸,可恨他们未曾与林枫相识,皇者墓地中心可能就在对面,似乎唾手可得,可恨,却被阻挡于这一头。 ............ ………… At this time, in a vast main hall works as outside, resplendent in gold and jade green, ten thousand zhang (3.33 m) brilliance embellishes incomparably radiantly the palace, at this time, has the tripartite crowd to confront in this, a side, is the person of jade day emperor's clan, their are most, moreover strengths are very strong. 此时,在一座浩瀚的大殿当外,金碧辉煌,万丈光华将宫殿点缀得无比璀璨,此时,有三方人群对峙于此,其中一方,便是玉天皇族之人,他们人数最多,而且一个个实力都很强。 This Jade Emperor tomb, is their ancestors, every time steps into the Jade Emperor tomb, their jade day emperor's clan will pay to compared with any Sect influence many time of efforts, when hundred years of opportunity visits each time, even if soon strides in the Tian Qi youth talent, the people of jade day emperor's clan will make them suppress, is, is this Jade Emperor the first ancestral grave. 这玉皇墓地,乃是他们的先祖,每一次踏入玉皇墓地,他们玉天皇族都会付出比任何宗门势力都要多出许多倍的努力,每次百年之机莅临之时,即便是快要跨入天武的青年天才,玉天皇族的人都会让他们压制,为的,就是这玉皇先祖墓。 Moreover, they break up the whole into parts from the beginning, that moment of until the Jade Emperor grave truly presenting, appears the formidable strength. 而且,他们一开始化整为零,直到玉皇墓真正出现的那一刻,才现出强大的实力来。 With a side that they confront, is the person of East China Sea dragon palace, in the middle of this Jade Emperor grave, the supreme air/Qi becomes the air/Qi of passing through, the person in East China Sea dragon palace also opens access, therefore seizes the opportunity, intercepts the people of jade day emperor's clan to seize the treasure, even if the grave of jade day emperor's clan ancestor, they must slice. 与他们对峙的一方,则是东海龙宫之人,在这玉皇墓当中,至尊之气成为通行之气,东海龙宫的人也畅通无阻,因此夺得先机,拦截玉天皇族之人夺宝,即便是玉天皇族先祖之墓,他们也要分一杯羹。 Only if beyond their two side influences, a side influence appears quite small and weak, only then four people, Jun Mo Xi, Yun Fei Yang and Huangfu Chong, Yu Tianji, they also passed Bi'an Qiao, arrived here, although only then four people, but everyone of influence is powerful, another two side any sides want to extinguish them not to be so easy, but must pay the heavy price, therefore nobody moves them, the three parties confront in this. 除非他们两方势力外,还有一方势力显得颇为弱小,只有四人,君莫惜云飞扬、皇甫虫、宇天机,他们也都通过了彼岸桥,来到了这里,虽然只有四人,但每一人都势力强悍,另外两方无论是哪一方想要灭他们都别想那么容易,还要付出惨重代价,因此没有人动他们,三方对峙于此。 As for their main halls, above is carving several clear large characters, the Jade Emperor palace! 至于他们身边的大殿,上面刻着几个清晰的大字,玉皇殿! Although Jade Emperor has set many thresholds, only then relies on the supreme air/Qi to arrive at this, but main hall actually not too many crises, because Jade Emperor to wait for the bloodlines posterity comes to inherit his all, naturally everywhere will not lay down the murderous intention . Moreover, is not the consumption too big strength, they, had found the Jade Emperor palace. 虽然玉皇设置了许多门槛,只有凭借至尊气才能一路到此,但大殿当中却并没有太多的危机,因为玉皇是为等待血脉后人前来继承他的一切,自然就不会处处埋下杀机,而且,并非耗费太大的力量,他们,找到了玉皇殿。 Only then opens that broken golden front door, perhaps they will obtain the heavy treasure that Jade Emperor leaves behind. 只有推开那残破的金色大门,也许他们将得到玉皇留下的重宝。 I have a proposition, does not know jade day emperor's clan whether is willing to accept.” At this time, Duan Wuya opens the mouth to say. “我有一个提议,不知道玉天皇族的诸位是否愿意接受。”此时,段无涯开口说道。 Huang Feng eyesight looks at Duan Wuya, puts out a character: Said.” 皇枫目光看着段无涯,吐出一字:“说。” „, Everybody was coming to treasure hunt, arrived at the Jade Emperor palace with great difficulty, was inferior to us to give up, the jade day emperor's clan and East China Sea dragon palace collaborated to cut to kill their several people first, then together entered in the Jade Emperor palace, who captured the treasure, turned over to anyone, how?” The Duan Wuya faint smile said that eyesight has swept Jun Mo Xi and the others indifferently, is passing a evil aura. “诸位,大家都是前来寻宝了,好不容易到了玉皇殿,不如我们双方罢手,玉天皇族与东海龙宫先联手将他们几人斩杀,再一起进入玉皇殿中,谁夺得宝物,归谁,如何?”段无涯浅笑说道,目光冷漠的扫了君莫惜等人一眼,透着一股邪气。 In the person of heart jade day emperor's clan sneers, how they will trust the Duan Wuya words, the treasure of Jade Emperor, who seizes to turn over to who? This is obviously impossible, once the side captures the treasure, perhaps another side at risk of life will rob. 玉天皇族之人心中冷笑,他们岂会信任段无涯的话,玉皇之宝物,谁夺归谁?这显然不可能,一旦有一方夺得宝物,另一方恐怕会拼死抢夺。 However, first cut to kill Jun Mo Xi these people, might as well be a great idea, inherited as for Jade Emperor, their jade day emperor's clan, exerted its utmost, this should be the thing of their jade day emperor's clan. 不过,先将君莫惜这些人斩杀了,未尝不是一个好主意,至于玉皇传承,他们玉天皇族,势在必得,这本就该是他们玉天皇族之物。 Good, I agreed.” Huang Feng nodded, immediately Duan Wuya reveals one to grin fiendishly, two side crowds, eyesight fell on the Jun Mo Xi four people, solved them first! “好,我同意。”皇枫点了点头,顿时段无涯露出一丝狞笑,两方人群,目光都落在了君莫惜四人身上,将他们先解决了! : The system just, the tragedy, were not seemingly many said that sought the support! :系统貌似刚好,悲剧,不多说,求支持! 5201 the novel high-speed first round Peerless Martial God latest chapter, this chapter is Chapter 809 5201小说高速首发绝世武神最新章节,本章节是第809章 Jade Emperor palace address for the chapter that if you think is good please do not forget to the friend recommendation in group and micro blog! 玉皇殿地址为如果你觉的本章节还不错的话请不要忘记向您群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!
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