PMG :: Volume #4

#803: Jade day emperor's clan

If can use this will crystal stone practice, that will save time extremely, the practice will be also smoother time, no wonder in these big influences many person talent monstruous talent, their practice resources are not the average person can compare.” Lin Feng is grasping the crystal of that will, to several humanity: Seizes, has big using to our practice.” “若是能够一直利用这种意志晶石修炼,那将省去太过的时间,修炼也将顺畅许多倍,难怪那些大势力中许多人都天赋妖孽,他们的修炼资源远不是普通人能比的。”林枫握着那意志之晶,对着身边的几人道:“都去夺一些,对我们的修炼有大用。” Other people nod in abundance, they naturally also understand that saw the radiant ray twinkle makes noise to compete immediately. 其他人纷纷点头,他们自然也明白,看到璀璨的光芒闪烁立即出声争夺。 Bang ka!” Sound of space tearing is getting more and more intense, the world cracks, the space presents the fissure, the earth is chapping, brow of Lin Feng tight is wrinkling, this emperor grave, must make this piece of space bury really together, the power and influence was too fearful, if they cannot enter the emperor grave, how could it not be can destroy with this piece of space all? “轰咔!”空间撕裂的声响越来越强烈,天地崩裂,空间出现裂痕,大地在皲裂,林枫的眉头紧紧的皱着,这皇者墓,是真的要让这片空间一起埋葬,威势太可怕了,若是他们进不了皇者墓,岂非是要和这片空间一切毁灭掉? The crystals of as well as deep meaning crystals of many wills had not been seized, blew bugle and beat drums by the strong winds above the emperor palace, vanishes instantaneously, the unexpectedly direct crustification enters, increases the terrifying power and influence in emperor grave unceasingly. 许多意志之晶以及奥义之晶没有被人夺到,被狂风吹打在皇者宫殿之上,瞬间消失,竟直接镶嵌进入其中,不断的增加皇者墓的恐怖威势。 The form twinkle of Lin Feng, seizes the crystals of next several will once again, was saying to the crowd: Comes back, we must find the way to enter the palace.” 林枫的身影闪烁,再度夺下几块意志之晶,对着人群道:“都回来,我们必须要想办法进入宫殿了。” Hears Lin Feng form several people to gather once again, obtained the crystals of some wills, watched a weather, the dark clouds has covered the world, void middle even presented fearful dark crack swirl, was too fearful, making the person look that then felt alarmed, if were swallowed by that dark crack swirl, perhaps will die instantaneously. 听到林枫的身影几人再度汇聚,都得到了一些意志之晶,看了一眼天色,阴云笼罩天地,虚空当中甚至出现可怕的黑暗裂缝漩涡,太可怕了,让人看一眼便感觉触目惊心,若是被那黑暗裂缝漩涡吞噬掉,恐怕会瞬间死亡。 Tomb, is really the tomb, this emperor, he does not hope that was disturbed his tomb, this is wish makes us destroy completely, is buried along with the dead with him.” Yu Tianji muttered whispers, making Lin Feng and the others the heart tremble, this emperor tomb palace arrangement such secret, after perhaps was hoped dead , can forever resting. “墓地,果然是墓地,这皇者,他根本不希望被人打搅他的墓地,他这是想要让我们全部都毁灭掉,和他一起陪葬。”宇天机喃喃低语,让林枫等人心头一颤,这皇者将墓地宫殿布置都如此的隐秘,也许是希望死亡之后能够永远的安息。 Is uncertain.” Lin Feng has hesitated, immediately said: By the powerful magical powers of emperor, if he does not hope that we found his tomb, was very possible our clue unable to find, but this emperor has actually left behind a clue, by the emperor air/Qi and dragon vein air/Qi, can make the palace tomb empty shade reappear, explained that he left leeway a slim chance of survival, perhaps, he also had the ancestor of same bloodlines to be the same with Big Pest, leaves behind a wisp of clue, was waiting for his inheritance.” “也不一定。”林枫沉吟了下,随即道:“以皇者的强悍神通,若是他不希望我们找到他的墓地,很可能我们一点线索都找不到,但这皇者却留下了一条线索,以皇气、龙脉之气,可以让宫殿墓地虚影浮现,说明他留有一线生机,也许,他也和大害虫有同样血脉的先祖一样,留下一缕线索,在等待他的传承者。” Yu Tianji hears the analysis slight bow of Lin Feng, as if indeed has this possibility, emperor, although must destroy this space, is buried along with the dead with him together, but has left behind a clue, explained that has a slim chance of survival. 宇天机听到林枫的分析微微点头,似乎的确有这种可能,皇者虽然要毁灭这空间,与他一起陪葬,但还是留下了一丝线索,说明有一线生机。 According to the meaning that you said that the person of inheritance this emperor must wait, must have the air/Qi of dragon vein, or was the emperor air/Qi, the air/Qi and emperor air/Qi dragon vein, for supreme air/Qi.” The Yu Tianji analysis said that eyesight looks to Huangfu Long: How can you also feel to enter the palace?” “按你说的意思,这皇者要等的传承之人,一定要有龙脉之气,又或者是皇气,龙脉之气与皇气,都为至尊之气。”宇天机分析说道,目光看向皇甫龙:“你还能不能感受到如何进入宫殿?” Huangfu Long shook the head, immediately makes Yu Tianji feel quite disappointedly, although he also knows that this possibility is very low, Huangfu Long obtained belonged to his inheritance, this emperor grave belongs to his hope to be too small. 皇甫龙摇了摇头,顿时让宇天机感觉颇为失望,虽然他也知道这种可能性很小,皇甫龙已经得到了属于他的传承,这皇者墓属于他的希望太小。 Do not forget, this emperor was chased down by the demon emperor arranges the tomb, if he hides in the middle of the tomb, the demon emperor also certainly chased down to enter the tomb, has broken this vast palace tomb.” Yun Fei Yang reminded one, the crowd eye pupil has congealed, right, this emperor was killed by the demon emperor unexpectedly, then the demon emperor came certainly and went out in this palace tomb past freely. “你们别忘了,这皇者可是被魔皇追杀才布置墓地,若是他躲在墓地当中,魔皇也一定追杀进入了墓地,将这浩瀚的宫殿墓地打破过。”云飞扬提醒了一声,人群眼眸一凝,对,这皇者竟然是被魔皇杀死,那么昔日魔皇一定在这宫殿墓地中出入自如过。 Demon emperor?” The Yu Tianji eye pupil concentrates, this emperor, was chased down by the demon emperor unexpectedly arranges the tomb. “魔皇?”宇天机眼眸一凝,这皇者,竟是被魔皇追杀才布置墓地的。 So, can chase down the Great Expert strength what kind direct access to the highest authorities of emperor, he can come and go out freely, does not represent us also to be able in the similar method to enter.” Yu Tianji shakes the head saying: We, only then depends on itself.” “就算如此,能够追杀皇者的大能者实力何等通天,他能出入自如,不代表我们也能以同样的手段进入。”宇天机摇头道:“我们,只有靠自己。” „Is your meaning?” Lin Feng was asking to Yu Tianji. “你的意思是?”林枫对着宇天机问道。 „The roads of nine dragon vein, perhaps one is the real entrance, can 11 probes \; Also or, since we speculated that emperor also has the person of inheritance, thinks that his posterity also came, we, can find his inheritance posterity, follows them to go.” Yu Tianji said slowly that he believes that emperor will definitely not do to cut off the matter of escape route, he lets this trim the person of space world and he is buried along with the dead together, but will certainly preserve own bloodlines posterity . Moreover, Yu Tianji even guessed that the news of this emperor grave, was passed on by the emperor posterity, every powerhouse who in hundred years enter this piece of space, has his posterity. “九条龙脉之路,也许有一条是真的入口,可以11试探\;又或者,既然我们推测皇者也有传承之人,想必他的后人也来了,我们,可以找到他的传承后人,跟随他们进去。”宇天机缓缓说道,他坚信,那皇者肯定不会做断绝后路之事,他让这整片的空间世界的人与他一起陪葬,但一定会保住自己的血脉后人,而且,宇天机甚至猜测,这皇者墓的消息,本就由皇者后人传出来的,每百年进入这片空间的强者中,都有他的后人。 We need to make the best use of the time.” Lin Feng looked at storm of destruction, immediately opens the mouth saying: Their one group, I and Youyou together, Mo Xi you and Yu Tianji, Fei Yang \ flying upwards you and Huangfu Long together, if discovers the way out, immediately found another two groups of people.” “我们需要抓紧时间了。”林枫看了一眼毁灭的风暴,随即开口道:“两人一组,我和幽幽一起、莫惜你和宇天机飞扬你与皇甫龙一起,若是发现生路,立刻找到另外两组之人。” Good.” Yu Tianji agreed immediately that they indeed require the time now, the storm of that destruction does not know when will swallow all person all. “好。”宇天机当即同意,他们现在的确需要时间,那毁灭的风暴不知道什么时候就会将所有人一切吞噬掉。 Six people, were divided into three groups, the twinkle moved, Lin Feng and Tang Youyou two people of personal appearance flashed, had found the second dragon shape entrance at the extremely quick speed, here had many people to gather in this, was staring at that entrance, does not know that can enter. 六人,分为三组,闪烁行动了起来,林枫唐幽幽二人身形闪动,以极快的速度找到了第二条龙形入口,这里已经有不少人汇聚于此,盯着那入口,不知道能不能进。 The Lin Feng eye pupil sweeps the crowd, instantaneous, his eyesight then fell on a person, that person was throwing over Purple gold the color long gown, on the long gown was carving the dragon shape design, the person in East China Sea dragon palace. 林枫眼眸一扫人群,瞬间,他的目光便落在了其中一人身上,那人披着紫金之色的长袍,长袍上刻着龙形图案,东海龙宫的人。 Footsteps one cross, the body changes to illusory image, Lin Feng person toward that East China Sea dragon palace steps directly, that person saw that the Lin Feng eye pupil concentrates, this person quite rampant. 脚步一跨,身体化作幻影,林枫直接朝着那东海龙宫之人跨去,那人看到林枫眼眸一凝,这人好嚣张。 The five fingers are uneven, changes to the golden sharp claws, some sounds of Dragon recitation spread faintly, the sharp claws grasp toward Lin Feng, the terrifying strength as if must tear Lin Feng. 五指齐出,化作金色的利爪,隐隐有龙吟之声传出,利爪朝着林枫抓去,恐怖的力量仿佛要将林枫撕裂。 The sword air/Qi blooms, finger of Qingtian, the fearful Sixth Layer Swordsmanship will gathers in the fingertip completely, immediately the sound spreads, the powerhouse in that East China Sea dragon palace called out pitifully, the arm has hung instantaneously, revealed the color of pain. 剑气绽放,一指擎天,可怕的六重剑道意志全部汇聚于指尖,顿时咔嚓的声响传出,那东海龙宫的强者惨叫一声,手臂瞬间垂了下去,露出痛苦之色。 The palm of Lin Feng finds out, as if there is extremely powerful strength, grasps toward the opposite party, that person wants to dodge, where however his speed has Lin Feng to be swift and violent, the throat was covered by Lin Feng instantaneously, the terrifying strength makes him have feeling of the suffocation, is angry, eyesight is fierce. 林枫的手掌探出,仿佛拥有极其强悍的力量,朝着对方抓去,那人想要闪躲,然而他的速度哪里有林枫迅猛,喉咙瞬间被林枫扣住,恐怖的力量让他有种窒息之感,青筋暴露,目光狰狞。 Good overbearing fellow.” The crowd is staring at Lin Feng, felt that speechless, this fellow must smash directly the person in East China Sea dragon palace, is quite overbearing. “好霸道的家伙。”人群盯着林枫,感觉一阵无语,这家伙直接就要扣杀东海龙宫的人,好霸道。 Sees only the Lin Feng footsteps one cross, immediately arrives at the place of that dragon shape entrance, the arm fiercely flings, the person that East China Sea dragon palace flings into Longkou, in the meantime, the body has the inexhaustible terrifying sword air/Qi to bloom, will come and go out gives to block, that person feels this fearful sword air/Qi, is staring at Lin Feng in Longzui, the transformation that the complexion keeps. 只见林枫脚步一跨,顿时来到那龙形入口之地,手臂猛的一甩,将那东海龙宫的人甩入龙口当中,同时,身上有无穷无尽的恐怖剑气绽放而出,将出入给封死,那人感受到这股可怕的剑气,在龙嘴中盯着林枫,脸色不停的变换。 Does not go, dies.” The fearful sharp sword aims at that person, the infinite sword glow blooms, that person of complexion is instantaneous, this sword assassinates, he must die without doubt. “不进去,就死。”可怕的利剑指向那人,无穷的剑芒绽放而出,那人脸色瞬间惨白,这这剑刺杀,他必死无疑。 Roar and bastard!” That person whooshes one, runs away toward Longzui. “吼、混蛋!”那人嘶吼一声,朝着龙嘴中逃遁过去。 „......” The destruction strength spreads together, that person called out pitifully, let crowd stunned, was quite overbearing, Lin Feng, he was probing this entrance was whether safe. “啊……”一道毁灭的力量传出,那人惨叫一声,让人群一阵愕然,好霸道,林枫,他是在试探这入口是否安全。 Walks.” Lin Feng has the Tang Youyou twinkle to leave, goes toward the next dragon vein entrance, does not have the stay moment, other people also responded, they follow Lin Feng to go. “走。”林枫带着唐幽幽闪烁离开,朝着下一个龙脉入口而去,没有停留片刻,其他人也纷纷反应了过来,他们都跟随着林枫而去。 Yun Fei Yang and Huangfu Long arrived at the place of fifth dragon vein entrance, here also many crowds, actually have a chaotic war, making them stare slightly, the storm of destruction has oppressed here, they really have the leisurely and carefree mood here tangled warfare. 云飞扬皇甫龙来到了第五个龙脉入口之地,这里也有不少人群,竟然在发生一场混乱大战,让他们二人微微一愣,毁灭的风暴已经压迫到了这边来,他们竟然还有闲情逸致在这里混战。 Um?” At this time, Yun Fei Yang discovered that some do not suit, many people in these fights are the dislocation murder, many people are fighting, suddenly they do not fight, the person who sneak attacks fight together, kills the opposite party, however three people unite , to continue to kill, probably, these people know radically. “嗯?”就在这时候,云飞扬发现有些不对劲,那些战斗中的许多人是不是的错位杀人,很多人战斗着,突然就两人不战,一起偷袭身边战斗的人,将对方杀死掉,然而又三人联合,继续杀下去,好像,那些人根本就是认识的。 At this time, ice-cold eyesight fell on their bodies together, making the Yun Fei Yang eye pupil one startled, was Huang Feng and Duan Wu Dao there, they also participated in slaughtering. 此时,一道冰冷的目光落在了他们二人的身上,让云飞扬眼眸一惊,是皇枫段无道在那里,他们也参与了杀戮。 Quick, the fight ended, died many people, as for these living the person, seems one group, an influence. 很快,战斗结束,死了不少人,至于那些活着的人,似乎都是一伙的,一股势力。 Walks.” Huang Feng icy has swept Yun Fei Yang one, immediately he throws over an emperor to be mad the long gown, the personal appearance dodges, strided in the middle of that Longzui directly, enters inside, not having destruction spirit to spread, has not called out pitifully the sound. “走。”皇枫冷冰冰的扫了云飞扬一眼,随即他披着一件皇气长袍,身形一闪,直接跨入了那龙嘴当中,进入里面,没有毁灭的气息传出,也没有惨叫声。 Then let Yun Fei Yang and Huangfu Long shocking appeared, saw only the crowds of these wear different clothing, they at the same time, put on the emperor to be mad the long gown unexpectedly completely, the golden light twinkle, the body are passing air/Qi of gang of emperor . Moreover, spirit was formidable, was very formidable people, had the emperor bloodlines. 接下来更让云飞扬皇甫龙震惊的一幕出现了,只见那些穿着不同服饰的人群,他们竟在同一时刻,全部披上了皇气长袍,金光闪烁,身上透着一股皇者之气,而且,气息都非常强大,都是非常强大之人,拥有皇者血脉。 These people step to go toward Longzui completely, must through Longzui, stride in the tomb. 这些人全部都朝着龙嘴跨去,要通过龙嘴,跨入墓地。 The jade day emperor's clan, is the jade day emperor's clan, Yu Tianji, his guess was confirmed that this emperor tomb in the person of waiting, is the jade day emperor's clan! 玉天皇族、是玉天皇族,宇天机,他的猜测被证实了,这皇者墓地在等待的人,是玉天皇族! : Was sorry brothers, last night was quite sleepy, the code ended one chapter to lie down to sleep soundly, midnight woke up, will make up! :抱歉了兄弟们,昨晚好困,码完一章躺一下就睡熟了,半夜才醒来,会补上的! 5201 the novel high-speed first round Peerless Martial God latest chapter, this chapter is Chapter 803 5201小说高速首发绝世武神最新章节,本章节是第803章 Jade day emperor's clan address for the chapter that if you think is good please do not forget to the friend recommendation in group and micro blog! 玉天皇族地址为如果你觉的本章节还不错的话请不要忘记向您群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!
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