PMG :: Volume #4

#804: Steps into the tomb

Person speed incredibly fast of these jade day emperor's clans, are only the twinkling time, fully entered in the middle of Longzui. 那些玉天皇族的人速度奇快,只是瞬息时间,就全部的进入了龙嘴当中。 Huangfu Long and Yun Fei Yang look at each other in blank diamay, only listens to Huangfu Long to say to Yun Fei Yang: You inform them, I am defending here.” 皇甫龙云飞扬面面相觑,只听皇甫龙对着云飞扬道:“你去通知他们,我在这里守着。” Good.” The Yun Fei Yang personal appearance twinkle, leaves instantaneously, informs other people, the storm of destruction was getting more and more near, here passes the road junction unexpectedly, naturally must shout at the maximum speed other people, otherwise has not known that will have any accident. “好。”云飞扬身形闪烁,瞬间离开,去通知其他人,毁灭的风暴越来越近了,这里竟然有一个通道口,当然要以最快的速度将其他人喊来,否则还不知道会发生什么变故。 Bang!” The sound of tremor spreads, lets is staring at that dragon vein entrance Huangfu Long eye pupil fiercely tremble, after seeing only the jade day emperor's clan strides in the dragon vein entrance, then has together eye-catching brilliance to glitter, immediately in the sculpture of that dragon is glittering radiant [gold/metal], the great mouth, in closed slowly, must block this only channel unexpectedly. “轰隆隆!”颤动的声响传出,让盯着那龙脉入口的皇甫龙眼眸猛的一颤,只见玉天皇族跨入龙脉入口之后,便有一道夺目的光华闪烁而出,随即那龙之雕塑上闪烁着璀璨的金芒,巨嘴,竟在缓缓的闭合,要将这唯一的通道封死。 „It is not good.” The Huangfu Long eye pupil trembles, this is only dragon vein entrance that they found, the people of jade day emperor's clan fully enters the tomb through this entrance, other eight entrances, likely are the deathtrap, if this dragon vein entrance once seals up, they must die outside completely, how long this piece of space as if could not support, momentarily possibly destroys. “不好。”皇甫龙眼眸一颤,这是他们找到的唯一一个龙脉入口,玉天皇族的人全部通过这入口进入墓地的,其它八个入口,很可能都是死地,如果这龙脉入口一旦封闭,他们全部要死在外面,这片空间似乎已经支撑不了多久了,随时可能毁灭掉。 Roar!” In the mouth of Huangfu Long exudes together the sound of low roar, immediately saw only his footsteps cross, huge step several steps has arrived in that Longzui, a both hands fierce upward bang, immediately a sad sound spread, although the Huangfu Long strength was strong, but is unable to shake the road of this dragon vein, giant Longzui as in closed slowly, quick, can only hold an altitude of person. “吼!”皇甫龙的嘴中发出一道低吼之声,随即只见他脚步一跨,巨大的步伐几步就走到了那龙嘴之中,双手猛的往上一轰,顿时一阵沉闷的声响传出,皇甫龙的力量虽然强大,但根本无法撼动这龙脉之路,巨大的龙嘴依旧在缓缓的闭合,很快,就只能够容纳一个人的高度了。 Stops to me.” Huangfu Long roars, the whole body as if there is dragon the empty shade to bloom, both hands are resisting Longzui, by the incomparably tremendous strength, the request there, will not make Longzui close. “给我停下。”皇甫龙怒吼一声,浑身仿佛有龙之虚影绽放而出,双手抵御着龙嘴,以无比巨大的力量,将之托在那里,不让龙嘴闭合。 Roar!” Inexhaustible bloodlines spirit blooms, a Huangfu Long item of scarlet desire cracks, uses fully, finally, Longzui closed speed slow, but bang sound as before, but also in slow closing up. “吼!”无穷无尽的血脉气息绽放,皇甫龙目赤欲裂,倾尽全力,终于,龙嘴闭合的速度缓了下来,但轰隆隆的声响依旧,还在缓慢的合拢。 You may probably give me a bit faster.” Huangfu Long clenches teeth, the whole body is angry, the line on hand is clearly discernible, by the strength of both hands, haunches the road of this dragon vein. “你们可要给我快点啊。”皇甫龙咬着牙,浑身青筋暴露,手上的线条都清晰可见,以双手之力,撑起这龙脉之路。 Personal appearance twinkles come, when they saw Huangfu Long both hands are lifting Longzui has gawked slightly, had to look at corpse in a ground again, as if understood anything. 一道道身形闪烁而来,当他们看到皇甫龙双手托举着龙嘴的时候微微愣了下,再有看了一眼地面上的尸体,似乎明白了什么。 Entrance, here is the entrance.” The body twinkling of crowd has glittered, strides from the Huangfu Long side, although this Longzui in slowly closed, but its width accommodates several people as before sufficiently. “入口,这里是入口。”人群的身体瞬息闪烁了起来,从皇甫龙的身旁跨入其中,这龙嘴虽然在缓缓闭合,但其宽度依旧足以容纳好几人。 Real entrance, we came.” The sound passes on together from inside, immediately a outside person pupil fierce contraction, was insane seemed to be same, went toward that Longzui. “真的入口,我们进来了。”一道声音从里面传出来,顿时外面的人瞳孔猛的一阵收缩,仿佛是疯了一样,朝着那龙嘴中而去。 Who helps me withstand here together, the people in such your Sect can also enter.” The putting out sound that Huangfu Long whooshes, that closed Longzui has made his body slightly somewhat curving together. “谁来帮我一起顶住这里,那样你们宗门中的人也可以进入其中。”皇甫龙嘶吼的吐出一道声音,那闭合的龙嘴已经让他的身体都微微有些弯曲了。 Um?” These people looked at one toward Huangfu Long, immediately in the eye flashes through grins fiendishly together, rumbled suddenly toward Huangfu Long a palm. “嗯?”那些人朝着皇甫龙看了一眼,随即眼中闪过一道狞笑,遽然间朝着皇甫龙轰出了一掌。 The sound of bang spreads, Huangfu Long body fierce trembles, but he was only the knees slightly curving, also continued with both hands cradling on, in the mouth cursed angrily: Bastard and roar.” 轰的一道声响传出,皇甫龙身体猛的一颤,但他只是双膝微微弯曲了下,又继续以双手托住上面,嘴中怒骂:“混蛋、吼。” The terrifying spirit billowing tuck dive, as if there is angry dragon to roar toward inside, however the opposite party dodged into the middle of the tomb, will not care about the Huangfu Long life, they wish one could Huangfu Long dead, so long as they entered the tomb to suffice, other people died outside completely, such emperor palace, was belongs their. 恐怖的气息滚滚的翻腾,仿佛有怒龙朝着里面咆哮,然而对方已经闪入了墓地当中,根本不会顾及皇甫龙的死活,他们恨不得皇甫龙死,只要他们进入了墓地就够了,其它人全部死在外面,这样皇者宫殿,就是属于他们的了。 Some unceasing people arrive, twinkle enters in the middle of the tomb, they in are very genial before, fear Huangfu Long to give up, like this no one could go , but when they bridge over from Huangfu Long, reveals the fierce appearance all, powerful palm strength direct bang on the body of Huangfu Long. 不断的有人到来,闪烁进入墓地当中,他们在进入之前一个个都很和善,怕皇甫龙撒手不管,这样谁都进不去了,但等到他们从皇甫龙身上跨过的时候,无不露出狰狞的面目,强悍的掌力直接轰在皇甫龙的身上。 The short moment time, Huangfu Long withstood dozens people of attacks, the entire face facial color is fierce, the corners of the mouth were the bloodstain, the body have knelt on the ground completely. 短短片刻时间,皇甫龙承受了几十人的攻击,整个脸面色狰狞,嘴角全部都是血迹,身体都已经跪在了地上。 Roar......” terrifying the strength of bloodlines is crazy, the real dragon appears intermittently, winds around on the body of Huangfu Long, saw only his knees to kneel on the ground, both hands holds Longzui, in the eye pupil to be full of the tenacious color as before, so long as he gave up, Lin Feng they, were the dead ends, outside destruction storm, soon arrived at this stretch of emperor tomb. “吼……”恐怖的血脉之力疯狂,真龙隐现,缭绕在皇甫龙的身上,只见他双膝跪在地上,双手依旧托着龙嘴,眼眸中充满了坚韧之色,只要他放弃,林枫他们,就是死路一条,外面的毁灭风暴,已经快要降临这片皇者墓地了。 As for the road of this moment that dragon vein, must squat can enter , many people glitter to come, several people saw Huangfu Long time has gawked, these people, are the people of Tianchi . Moreover the person of Star of Celestial Rotating Jade peak. 至于此刻那龙脉之路,要蹲着才能进入,又有许多人闪烁而来,其中几人看到皇甫龙的时候愣了下,这几人,是天池之人,而且还是天璇峰之人。 Gang...... I!” Huangfu Long eyesight is staring at Tianchi Xue they, puts out the sound with the blood, alarmed. “帮……我!”皇甫龙目光盯着天池雪他们,用鲜血吐出声音,触目惊心。 The eye pupil of Tianchi Xue has glittered, somewhat is slightly scruple. 天池雪的眼眸闪烁了下,微微有些迟疑。 Helps his.” Tianchi Xue Han Qiuyu moved actually, back book from heaven Battle Spirit reappears, arrives at side Huangfu Long, is waiting for Huangfu Long, the radiant ray is eye-catching, in book float a handle handle sharp sword, he must do now, only then makes Huangfu Long be exempt from the attacks of other people, if he and Huangfu Long are supporting the road of that dragon vein together, others sneak attack a fist he unable to support. “帮他一把。”倒是天池雪身旁的寒秋雨动了起来,背后天书武魂浮现,来到皇甫龙身旁,守候着皇甫龙,璀璨的光芒夺目,书中悬浮着一柄柄锋锐之剑,他现在要做的,就只有让皇甫龙免受其他人的攻击,若是他和皇甫龙一起撑着那龙脉之路的话,别人偷袭一拳他根本无法支撑。 I am defending, anyone of you helps him support.” Han Qiuyu was exclaiming to arrival the Tianchi some person, sees only forms to bend the body to stride in the middle of Longzui, actually and nobody got rid to support Longzui with Huangfu Long together, was too dangerous. “我来守着,你们谁帮他支撑一下。”寒秋雨对着一些到来的天池之人吼道,只见一道道身影弓着身体跨入龙嘴当中,却并没有人出手和皇甫龙一起支撑起龙嘴,太危险了。 Everybody quickly enters the emperor grave, obtains the treasure inheritance of emperor, is the key that Tianchi rises.” The indifferent sound spreads together, is the Bai Li Xi form, said that he lets somebody cool off or calm down has swept Huangfu Long one, directly entered in the middle of the tomb. “大家还是赶快进入皇者墓吧,得到皇者的宝物传承,才是天池崛起的关键。”一道冷漠的声音传出,是百里奚的身影,说罢,他冷冷的扫了皇甫龙一眼,直接进入了墓地当中。 It is not the people of Tianchi will not consider to help, does not hit a person when he is down is because is not willing to lose the time, enters the emperor grave to be important, late causes trouble, the people in Tianchi do not have many people to help Huangfu Long, the emperor grave at present, who can not vacillate, Tianchi Xue she in struggling a moment later, entered in the middle of the tomb, the Bai Li Xi words will be rational, formidable oneself, will be powerful for Tianchi, in her heart, somewhat envied Lin Feng Huangfu Long and the others faintly, this Tianchi saintess, before was far from the glory, this selfish psychology in causing trouble. 不是天池之人根本不会考虑帮忙,不落井下石就已经是因为不愿耽误时间,进入皇者墓要紧,迟则生变,天池的人也没有多少人帮助皇甫龙,皇者墓就在眼前,谁能不动摇,就连天池雪她在挣扎了片刻之后,也进入了墓地当中,百里奚的话有理,强大自身,就是为了天池强盛,她心中,已经隐隐有些嫉妒林枫皇甫龙等人,她这天池圣女,已经远远没有了以前的光辉,这种自私的心理一直在作祟。 However also rushing some the people of Tianchi remained, they were touched by Huangfu Long, waiting for silently in his side, although this cannot the earliest possible time stride in the middle of the tomb, but at least they had a clear conscience, when Huangfu Long could not support, went in again is not late. 不过也有一些赶到的天池之人留下来了,他们被皇甫龙所打动,默默的守候在他的身边,虽然这样不能第一时间跨入墓地当中,但至少他们问心无愧,等到皇甫龙真的支撑不住了,再进去也不迟。 Big Pest.” Jun Mo Xi and Yu Tianji rushed, saw that Huangfu Long their eye pupil stagnates, immediately the personal appearance twinkle, strides in Longzui and Huangfu Long is supporting that together also in slow drop Longzui. 大害虫。”君莫惜宇天机率先赶到了,看到皇甫龙他们的眼眸都是一滞,随即身形闪烁,跨入龙嘴中与皇甫龙一起支撑着那还在缓慢下降的龙嘴。 95 supreme, the road of Kuzuryu [lineage/vein], the road of this fifth dragon vein is the genuine entrance, the bastard.” Yu Tianji cursed angrily one, resents, outside destruction storm is getting more and more intense, gloomy, the space tears, almost must destroy all. “95至尊,九头龙脉之路,这第五条龙脉之路才是真正的入口,混蛋。”宇天机怒骂了一声,愤恨不已,外面的毁灭风暴越来越强烈,天昏地暗,空间撕裂掉,几乎要毁灭一切。 How long could not support, how not to have come.” The Jun Mo Xi eye pupil trembles, immediately they saw several people of forms, but is not Lin Feng, unexpectedly is the person in East China Sea dragon palace, Ao Jiao, as well as Duan Wuya and the others. “支撑不了多久了,怎么还没来。”君莫惜眼眸一颤,随即他们看到了几人身影,不过不是林枫,竟然是东海龙宫的人,敖蛟、以及段无涯等人。 They see present one silent, is bending body peaceful stepping into Longzui, before not having tomb, must be careful. 他们看到眼前的一幕都沉默,弓着身体安静的踏入龙嘴,在没有墓地之前,必须小心谨慎。 Is careful them.” Yu Tianji passes message said that in the heart has scruples, he feared that these people get rid directly, such was awful. “小心他们。”宇天机传音说道,心中有所顾忌,他怕这些人直接出手,那样就糟糕了。 Really, after these people strided in the mystical place, together the cold laughter from behind transmits, making people feel cool, but in simultaneously, not far away, Yun Fei Yang and Lin Feng as well as the Tang Youyou three people of forms appeared finally, they circled one to be found by Yun Fei Yang with great difficulty, led the way in the storm. 果然,等到那些人都跨入了秘境之后,一道寒冷的笑声从后面传来,让人感觉凉飕飕的,而在同时,不远处,云飞扬林枫以及唐幽幽三人的身影终于出现了,他们绕了一圈好不容易被云飞扬找到,在风暴中前行。 A bit faster comes.” The Yu Tianji rave, the body trembled immediately, both hands let loose Longzui that picks up, the body toward inside shiver to go, cloudy and cold incomparable dying out spirit comes in waves toward the crowd, the body of Yu Tianji erupts not to extinguish the star light. “快点进来。”宇天机狂吼了一声,随即身体一颤,双手放开那托起的龙嘴,身体朝着里面颤动而去,一股阴冷无比的寂灭气息朝着人群滚滚而来,宇天机的身上爆发出不灭之星光。 „......” Pitiful yell sound spreads together, the person was swallowed as before by the air/Qi of cloudy ghost, but the body of Yu Tianji kept off in front of the crowd immediately directly, that extremely cloudy and cold malignant influences blew bugle and beat drums, in that did not extinguish above the stars light beam, is unable how him unexpectedly. “啊……”一道惨叫声传出,依旧有一人被阴煞之气吞噬掉了,不过随即宇天机的身体直接挡在了人群前面,那股极其阴冷的煞气吹打在那不灭星辰光束之上,竟无法奈何得了他。 As for Lin Feng saw how the Yu Tianji movement can also not be clear, three hominizations make together the flowing light, entered in the middle of Longzui instantaneously, is drawing Huangfu Long and Jun Mo Xi retrocedes together. 至于林枫看到宇天机的动作如何还会不明白,三人化作一道流光,瞬间进入了龙嘴当中,拉着皇甫龙君莫惜一起后退。 Bang!” The huge sound spreads, the body of crowd maliciously trembled, Longzui thorough closed, all were blocked, outside person, waited for that their will destroy. “轰隆!”巨大的声响传出,人群的身体都狠狠的震颤了下,龙嘴彻底的闭合,一切都被封死,外面的人,等待他们的将是毁灭。 As for entering in the middle of Longzui the person, personal appearance twinkle, through road of vanguard this profound dragon vein, quick, they took the road of dragon vein finally, the ray have shone on the body, they relaxed, are staring at this vast palace, the emperor tomb! 至于进入龙嘴当中的人,身形闪烁,通过这幽深的龙脉之路前行,很快,他们终于走出了龙脉之路,光芒照射在身上,他们都松了口气,盯着这座浩瀚的宫殿,皇者墓地! : The volume, hello is cold, I in experience ice hot twofold day :额,大家好冷啊,我在体验冰火两重天 5201 the novel high-speed first round Peerless Martial God latest chapter, this chapter is Chapter 804 5201小说高速首发绝世武神最新章节,本章节是第804章 Steps into the tomb address for the chapter that if you think is good please do not forget to the friend recommendation in group and micro blog! 踏入墓地地址为如果你觉的本章节还不错的话请不要忘记向您群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!
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