PMG :: Volume #4

#802: Space avalanche

How projection, will have palace to project.” Lin Feng and the others the heart shocks, eyesight closely is staring at Huangfu Long. “投影、怎么会有宫殿投影。”林枫等人心头震撼,目光紧紧的凝视着皇甫龙 The illusory palace, appears somewhat faintly recognizable, since Huangfu Long has the projection, certainly has the genuine palace. 虚幻的宫殿,显得有些飘渺,然而既然皇甫龙身上拥有投影,那么,就一定拥有真正的宫殿。 eyesight of people starts to search, looks toward four sides, the space as before is a tranquility, only has Huangfu Long dragon vein spirit crazy blooming. 众人的目光都开始搜索,朝着四面看去,空间依旧是一片平静,唯有皇甫龙身上的龙脉气息疯狂的绽放。 Um?” At this time, a pupil fierce contraction of Lin Feng, looked toward the sky of distant place, quick, other people also looked to there, eyesight is unable to put aside again. “嗯?”就在这时候,林枫的瞳孔猛的一阵收缩,朝着远方的天空看去,很快,其他人也都看向了那里,目光再也无法移开。 A boundless vast palace, illusory float in that slowly presents, is dignified and solemn and respectful, the palace mansion that such as the ruler lives, is bringing the air/Qi of genuine emperor. 一座无边浩瀚的宫殿,虚幻的漂浮于那,缓缓的呈现出来,威严、肃穆,如帝皇居住的宫殿府邸,带着真正皇之气。 Mirage?” Lin Feng eye pupil one stiff, is quite marvelous, no wonder nobody can find the emperor grave, originally, only had to find the place of this dragon vein, in the strength of according to genuine dragon vein inspiring, can make that palace refract, the palace, probably was sealed in the space world of nihility. “海市蜃楼?”林枫眼眸一僵,好奇妙,难怪没有人能够找到皇者墓,原来,唯有找到这块龙脉之地,在以真正的龙脉之力将之引动,才能够让那宫殿折射出来,宫殿,就好像是被封存在虚无的空间世界当中。 Emperor grave!” The stingy ruthless tremor of crowd, had finally found, without a doubt, this palace, certainly is the emperor grave, he has existed here, is only in the nihility, the naked eye looked that is unable to see, thousand years, the first present world. “皇者墓!”人群的心狠狠的颤动了起来,终于找到了,毋庸置疑,这宫殿,一定是皇者墓,他一直存在于这里,只是在虚无当中,肉眼看都无法看到,千年来,第一次现世。 Not was only Lin Feng and the others saw, at this moment, passed by many people of place of this wilderness to see, their eye pupils, all floated the vast palace in the middle of void to look toward that some body unexpectedly micro delay, this was, was burying the palace of emperor? 不仅是林枫等人看到了,这一刻,路过这片荒漠之地的许多人都看到了,他们的眼眸,全部朝着那浮于虚空当中的浩瀚宫殿望去,身体竟微有些呆滞,这是,埋葬着皇者的宫殿吗? Thump!” “咚!” The crowd only felt that the heart beat, immediately, the people then see in the middle of the trim space world, endless air current crazy goes toward that emperor grave gathering, the palace, is occupying the place of genuine dragon vein, the destiny of multi- world, once were born, the world shivers, all free-streams became the alienation, changed to together the Daoist believers light, went toward the palace of that nihility. 人群只感觉心脏跳动了下,随即,众人便看到整片空间世界当中,无尽的气流疯狂的朝着那皇者墓汇聚而去,宫殿,占据着真正的龙脉之地,多天地之气运,一经出世,天地为之颤抖,所有的空间气流都变得狂乱了起来,化作一道道流光,朝着那虚无的宫殿而去。 But vast palace, stared at several points gradually, more and more clear. 而浩瀚的宫殿,也渐渐的凝视了几分,越来越清晰了起来。 The strong winds blew bugle and beat drums on the body, the space shivered, bang buzz the sound of cry spread, the trim space started crazily, the ruins in ground welled up crazily, as if must be lifted. 狂风吹打在身上,空间颤动了起来,轰隆隆的嗡鸣之声传出,整片空间都开始疯狂,地面上的废墟狂涌,仿佛都要被掀开来。 This emperor palace, must become only of trim space world, the possession, will submit to him, all people, must worship to him. 这皇者宫殿,要成为整片空间世界的唯一,所有物,都将向他臣服,所有人,都要对他朝拜。 At this moment, all people stopped the movement in hand, eyesight looked toward the same position, even if in the middle of the ruins person, their above lands threw off directly, the strong winds roared, the ground flutter, regardless of you in which position of space, can see that palace, was very near , was very as if remote. 这一刻,所有人都停下了手中的动作,目光朝着同一个位置看去,即便是处于废墟当中的人,他们上面的土地直接被掀翻来,狂风怒吼,地面颤动,无论你在空间的哪一个位置,都能够看到那座宫殿,很近,又似乎很遥远。 Bang!” In the ground the blown sand walks the gravel, world is shivering, Lin Feng and the others stood in the middle of the storm, only felt that a terrifying strength must adsorb them, footsteps steady above the ground, immovability. “轰隆隆!”地面上飞沙走砾,天地都在颤抖,林枫等人站在风暴当中,只感觉一股恐怖的力量要将他们吸附而起,脚步稳稳的扎在地面之上,不动如山。 This palace, it must bury all!” Lin Feng muttered whispered, space at this moment was too fearful, all flew toward the palace, must by it burying, seemed is being buried along with the dead. “这宫殿,它是要将一切都埋葬吗!”林枫喃喃低语了一声,此刻的空间太可怕了,所有的一切都朝着宫殿飞去,要被它给埋葬掉,似乎是在陪葬。 Walks.” From shocking to sober, the Lin Feng body twinkle, goes toward that palace, other people also responded immediately, this is the palace of emperor, they must seek, is not just this vast palace. “走。”从震撼中清醒过来,林枫身体闪烁,朝着那宫殿而去,其他人立刻也都反应了过来,这可是皇者的宫殿,他们一直要寻找的,不正是这浩瀚的宫殿吗。 Not is only Lin Feng they, at this moment, all people, abandon all, goes toward that palace, whatever the strong winds blow bugle and beat drums on the body, cannot bear the tremor of heart. 不仅是林枫他们,这一刻,所有人,都抛开一切,朝着那宫殿而去,任由狂风吹打在身上,也忍不住心头的颤动。 Emperor grave, finally present world! 皇者墓,终于现世了么! In the middle of this vast tomb palace, will have what kind of opportunity to wait for them? 这浩瀚的墓地宫殿当中,到底会有怎样的机遇在等待着他们? Because from the palace recent reason, Lin Feng their several people arrives at the palace first below spatial, looks out that boundless vast palace, Lin Feng and the others had the feeling of suffocation, that unsurpassed pressure, is the dignity of emperor, even if the tomb after dying, the palace that must to so shock comes to into his coffin, even if died, wants the dignity dead. 因为距离宫殿最近的缘故,林枫他们几人最先到达宫殿的下空,遥望那无边浩瀚的宫殿,林枫等人有种窒息的感觉,那无上的威压,是皇者的尊严,即便死去后的墓地,也要以如此震撼的宫殿来成为他的棺木,即便死亡,也要尊严而死。 Walks, has a look to have the entrance.” Lin Feng opens the mouth saying that immediately revolves this vast boundless palace to glitter, is seeking for the entrance of tomb palace. “走,看看有没有入口。”林枫开口说道,随即围绕着这浩瀚无际的宫殿闪烁了起来,寻找着墓地宫殿的入口。 There.” At this time, Huangfu Long was pointing at a golden Tenglong, shouted, let Lin Feng and the others pupil fierce contractions, this golden Shenlong was lifelike, as if such as Dragon Ban, the body was really huge, opens the huge mouth, swallowed sufficiently directly several people. “那里。”就在这时候,皇甫龙指着一条金色的腾龙,喊了一声,让林枫等人的瞳孔猛的一阵收缩,这金色的神龙栩栩如生,仿佛如真龙般,身体庞大,张开巨口,足以将好几人直接吞进去。 „The mouth of dragon, perhaps is the inlet passage.” Huangfu Long opens the mouth saying that the space eats delicacies in the anger as before, particularly in this place, that Longzui swallows into which air currents, as if can enter through Longzui. “龙之嘴,或许就是入口通道。”皇甫龙开口说道,空间依旧在怒啸,尤其是在此地,那龙嘴将一股股气流吞入其中,仿佛真的可以通过龙嘴进入其中。 Lin Feng, do we go in?” Huangfu Long opens the mouth saying that is somewhat scruple, the vast emperor palace, no one knows whether will have the crisis. 林枫,我们进不进去?”皇甫龙开口说道,有些迟疑,浩瀚的皇者宫殿,谁都不知道是否会有危机。 Has a look also to have other entrances.” Lin Feng had not decided that enters in the middle of the palace immediately through Longzui, the body revolves the palace to glitter once again, quick, his pupil then contraction, this vast palace, has the sculpture of Kuzuryu, situated in nine big positions, they are all opening the great mouth, as if this vast emperor palace, has nine entrances. “看看还有没有其它入口。”林枫并未立刻决定通过龙嘴进入宫殿当中,身体再度围绕着宫殿闪烁了起来,很快,他的瞳孔便一阵收缩,这浩瀚的宫殿,有九头龙之雕塑,位于九大方位,他们全都张开着巨嘴,似乎这浩瀚的皇者宫殿,拥有九个入口。 Lin Feng and the others the complexions slightly sank, nine entrances, are unable to determine whether safely. 林枫等人的脸色都微微沉了下来,九个入口,都无法确定是否安全。 How do you see?” Lin Feng eyesight looks to Yu Tianji, Yu Tianji was known as that the fairy not measures to know the secret, in this regard, should thoroughly understand a lot compared with him. “你如何看?”林枫目光看向宇天机,宇天机号称神鬼莫测知天机,在这方面,应该比他通晓得多。 Wait / Etc. looked that some people will probe.” The Yu Tianji response said that Lin Feng does not have objection, he did not suggest to enter in the middle of the palace harebrainedly. “等等看吧,会有人去试探的。”宇天机回应说道,林枫没有异议,他也不建议冒失进入宫殿当中。 The increasing number of people gathered to come here, they have certainly discovered that the mouth of this dragon, seemed the entrance of emperor palace, but many people hesitated, should enter? 越来越多的人汇聚来到了这边,他们当然也发现了,这龙之嘴,似乎就是皇者宫殿的入口,但许多人都犹豫,该不该进入其中? Has spelled, they do not go in I to go, if obtains the inheritance of emperor, that will be the huge destiny.” At this time, has one person to clench teeth in the Lin Feng side, immediately footsteps one cross, strides in toward Longzui, submerges in Longzui instantaneously. “拼了,他们不进去我进去,若是得到皇者的传承,那将是天大的气运。”此时,在林枫的身旁有一人咬了咬牙,随即脚步一跨,朝着龙嘴之中跨入,瞬间没入龙嘴里面。 „......” The pitiful cry passes on together, making Lin Feng and the others the hearts twitch slightly, died? “啊……”一道凄惨的叫声传出来,让林枫等人的心微微抽搐了下,死了? This at is not the entrance, but was the gate of death, they did not have to enter fortunately a moment ago impulsive. 这根本不是入口,而是死亡之门,还好刚才他们没有冲动进入其中。 Other many people were also shocked by this, such died? Although then, they had discovered the emperor palace, isn't able to enter? 其他许多人也被这一幕震撼到了,就这么死了?那么,他们虽发现了皇者宫殿,岂不是无法进入其中? Bang, bang ka!” All bans of space disrupted, the earth thorough tumbling galloped, void above, seemed covering dark clouds, bang the sound spread, the trim space world, as if must collapse. “轰隆隆、轰咔!”空间的一切禁制都碎裂掉了,大地彻底的翻滚奔腾了起来,虚空之上,仿佛笼罩着一层阴云,轰隆隆的声响传出,整片空间世界,仿佛要倒塌。 „......” The clear sound spreads together, is trembling the eardrum of crowd, sees only above the ground in distant place, had a crack, the earth, is cracking. “咔嚓……”一道清脆的声响传出,震颤着人群的耳膜,只见远处的地面之上,出现了一道裂缝,大地,在开裂。 Quite fearful, what can have?” The heart of crowd beat with a crash, after the emperor palace appears, earth-shaking, the space tumbles, spirit of dying out covers the trim space world, this space world, seemed wants the thorough destruction. “好可怕,到底要发生什么?”人群的心脏砰然的跳动了起来,皇者宫殿出现之后,天翻地覆,空间翻滚,一股寂灭的气息将整片空间世界都笼罩住,这片空间世界,好似要彻底的毁灭掉了。 Emperor grave present world, does the trim space world, need to be buried along with the dead?” “皇墓现世,整片空间世界,都要陪葬吗?” Yu Tianji eyesight looks into the distance, the air/Qi of dying out fills the air, will cover void, the world, as if must be destroyed. 宇天机目光眺望远方,寂灭之气弥漫,将虚空笼罩,天地,仿佛都要被毁灭掉。 Look, what is that?” The sound of calling out in alarm spreads together, sees only the distant place to have glittering and translucent carving crystal stone and tornados flies together, these crystal stone are releasing the radiant gloss, but also is passing fearful spirit. “看,那是什么?”一道惊呼之声传出,只见远处有一枚枚晶莹剔透的晶石与旋风一道飞来,这些晶石释放着璀璨的光泽,其中,还透着可怕的气息 „The crystal and deep meaning crystal of will?” Lin Feng and the others the pupils have contracted fiercely, immediately, Lin Feng footsteps fierce one cross, the body flies high directly, palm fierce trembles, immediately several radiant crystal stone appeared in his hand, a strength of will, filled the air from this crystal stone, let the Lin Feng facial expression with deep veneration, was really the crystal of will, the strength of implication will. “意志之晶、奥义之晶?”林枫等人的瞳孔猛的收缩了下,随即,林枫的脚步猛一跨,身体直接凌空,手掌猛的一颤,顿时几颗璀璨的晶石出现在了他的手中,一股意志的力量,从这晶石当中弥漫出来,让林枫神情肃然,果然是意志之晶,其中,蕴含意志的力量。 Is the crystal of will, many.” At this time, many crowds have called completely out in alarm, the distant place has the strong winds to sway to come unceasingly, including many ray radiant crystal stone. “是意志之晶,好多。”此时,许多人群全部都惊呼了起来,远处不断有狂风吹拂而来,其中有不少光芒璀璨的晶石 Bang!” Fearful spirit spread in void, sees the crystal of will, the crowd begins, these, are very good treasures, can help them comprehend the will the strength, even if to the boundary of Tian Qi, had the big use as before. “轰隆隆!”一股股可怕的气息在虚空当中蔓延,看到意志之晶,人群都动起手来,这些,都是非常不错的宝物,能够帮助他们领悟意志的力量,即便到了天武之境,依旧有大用处。 As for deep meaning crystal stone, is, if can be been many this type of heavy treasures that crowd anticipates, gives to emperor in Sect, certainly can obtain the infinity advantage! 至于奥义晶石,更是人群所期待的,若是能够得到多一些这种重宝,献给宗门中的皇者,一定能够得到无穷大的好处! : Also remains last day :还剩最后一天 5201 the novel high-speed first round Peerless Martial God latest chapter, this chapter is Chapter 802 5201小说高速首发绝世武神最新章节,本章节是第802章 Space avalanche address for the chapter that if you think is good please do not forget to the friend recommendation in group and micro blog! 空间崩塌地址为如果你觉的本章节还不错的话请不要忘记向您群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!
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