PMG :: Volume #4

#801: Palace projection

Five forms glitter, arrive at that buried mausoleum chamber, Lin Feng looks at that several people of corpse, the eyesight twinkle is uncertain. 五道身影闪烁,来到那被埋葬的地宫这边,林枫看着那几人的尸体,目光闪烁不定。 Here is quite quiet.” Lin Feng whispered, if the fifth supreme Venerable mansion here present world, then this without doubt was most peaceful one time, he only saw star light rushed to the clouds, along with, even if anything did not have. “这里好平静。”林枫低语一声,若第五座至尊尊者府邸是在此处现世,那么这无疑是最安静的一次,他只看到了一道星光冲上云霄,随即便什么都没有了。 Has been born, the fourth supreme mansion, was born.” Jun Mo Xi opens the mouth saying that Huangfu Long and Yun Fei Yang nod in abundance: Right, was born, should some people obtain the inheritance.” “已经出世了,第四座至尊府邸,已经出世了。”君莫惜开口说道,皇甫龙云飞扬纷纷点头:“对,已经出世了,应该有人得到了传承。” Really.” The feeling of Lin Feng does not have the issue, the tomb pits of four supreme your home, have been born, then, as if had not found on the positions of remaining emperor tomb pits. “果然。”林枫的感觉没有问题,四座至尊尊府的墓穴,都出世了,接下来,似乎就剩下皇者墓穴的位置没有找到了。 Hey, since was born, perhaps I can find the emperor grave also perhaps.” Huangfu Long laughs foolishly said that immediately how many person of eyesight go to Huangfu Long, can this fellow find? “嘿嘿,既然都出世了,也许我能找到皇者墓也说不定。”皇甫龙憨笑说道,顿时几人的目光都投向皇甫龙,这家伙能找到? „The devil kept the last words to me, he said that the past emperor constructed own tomb, which no one knew, but surely was place of dragon vein, the position that their four supreme mansions were, then decided the dragon vein, now four mansion present worlds, spirit of dragon vein also will reappear, I can pass bloodlines, feels the air/Qi of dragon vein, the air/Qi of where dragon vein was strongest, possibly was the emperor grave site.” “那死鬼给我留了遗言,他说昔日的皇建造自己的墓地,谁都不知道在哪,但必定是一片龙脉之地,他们四座至尊府邸所在的位置,便是定龙脉,如今四座府邸都现世,龙脉之气息也会浮现,我可以通过身上的血脉,去感受龙脉之气,哪里的龙脉之气最强,就可能是皇者墓所在地。” Huangfu Long said with a smile that immediately several human eye pupils concentrate, four positions that four supreme Venerable mansions occupy, really has its significance, withstands this space world the air/Qi of dragon vein, letting the person is unable to feel , means that only then after their four supreme mansions all appear, others might find the position of emperor grave through the air/Qi of dragon vein. 皇甫龙笑着说道,顿时几人眼眸都是一凝,四座至尊尊者的府邸占据的四方位,果然拥有其意义,顶住这片空间世界的龙脉之气,让人无法感受到了,也就意味着,只有他们四座至尊府邸全部出现之后,别人才有可能通过龙脉之气找到皇者墓的位置。 All, as if are the causes and effects. 一切,似乎是因果。 „Do you feel the air/Qi of dragon vein now?” Lin Feng was asking to Huangfu Long, sees only the Huangfu Long eyesight twinkle, the eye pupil looks toward a position, aimed there, said: That position the air/Qi of dragon vein, is strongest.” “你现在感受到了龙脉之气吗?”林枫对着皇甫龙问道,只见皇甫龙目光闪烁,眼眸朝着一个方位望去,指向那里,道:“那方位的龙脉之气,最强。” Lin Feng and other human eye pupils stagnate, direction that Huangfu Long refers, is four supreme your home in the direction central region, since supreme your home present world, that position had also been explored by many people, even if they, passed by from that side, anything does not have, the intermediate area, is desolated places, even spirit of any living thing cannot feel continually, has not seen, even if a corpse, explained that has not initiated the excellent fight. 林枫等人眼眸一滞,皇甫龙所指的方向,是四座至尊尊府所在方向的中心地域,自从至尊尊府现世后,那位置也被许多人探索过,即便是他们,都也从那边路过,什么都没有,中间地域,是一片荒芜之地,甚至连任何生物的气息都感受不到,也没有看到哪怕是一具尸体,说明从来没有引发过人的战斗。 Too ordinary, will fall it to thorough neglect to the first eyes of person ordinary, however, this moment Huangfu Long said there, has most formidable dragon vein spirit. 太普通了,普通到人的第一眼就会将之给彻底的忽略掉,然而,此刻皇甫龙却说那里,拥有最强大的龙脉气息 Matter leaves must have monster unusual, it seems like I have not understood to this saying thoroughly.” In the Lin Feng eye pupil flashes through together point, this vast space world, arrives at this region time, has the corpse in all directions, many mansion pit holes, inside has the skeleton, to have the treasure, many people in this peripheral excavation treasure hunt, center the only among that piece the region, anything do not have, this itself somewhat is unusual, so to be how clean. “事出反常必有妖,看来我对这话还是没有理解透彻呢。”林枫眼眸中闪过一道锋芒,这浩瀚的空间世界,到达这片地域的时候,四处都有尸体,还有许多府邸石洞,里面有骸骨、也有宝物,许多人都在这周边挖掘寻宝,唯独中间那片正中地域,什么都没有,这本身就有些反常,怎么会那么干净。 „Is the emperor grave of that legend, inadequate in the place bottom?” In the Lin Feng heart guessed that anything does not have, if the emperor grave in that position, possibly buries really in the place bottom. “难道那传说的皇者墓,在地底不成?”林枫心中猜测,什么都没有,若是皇者墓真的在那个方位,就可能埋葬在地底。 Big Pest, you feel carefully, we leave.” Lin Feng opens the mouth saying that Huangfu Long nodded, personal appearance twinkle, in ground going forward line, but not imperial spatial, only then in the ground, can a clearer feeling the dragon vein of place. 大害虫,你细细感受,我们动身。”林枫开口说道,皇甫龙点了点头,身形闪烁,在地面上前行,而并没有御空,只有在地面上,才能够更清晰的感受到地之龙脉。 In that region four supreme Venerable mansions, is desolate and uninhabited, completely is the dust, tranquilly to not having the mighty waves of least bit, here person almost vanishes, the people of these treasure hunts, not the region that will come this to leave uncultivated, absolutely anything will not have. 四座至尊尊者府邸中间的那片区域,荒无人烟,全部都是尘土,平静到没有半点的波澜,这里的人几乎绝迹,那些寻宝之人,都不会来这荒废的地带,根本就什么都没有。 The Lin Feng five people lead the way, a person's shadow cannot see, that many powerhouses who coming, arrived at this piece of space the major positions to treasure hunt. 林枫五人一路前行,就连一个人影都看不到,进来的那么多强者,都到这片空间的各大方位寻宝去了。 „The air/Qi of dragon vein, was getting stronger and stronger.” Huangfu Long cracks into a smile, his feeling will definitely not have the mistake, his spirit to this dragon vein is very as if keen, if emperor grave really in the air/Qi of richest place dragon vein, then, perhaps in his not far away. “龙脉之气,越来越强了。”皇甫龙咧嘴一笑,他的感觉绝对不会有错,他对这龙脉的气息似乎很敏锐,若皇者墓真的在龙脉之气最浓郁的地方,那么,也许就在他不远处。 Lin Feng and the others the eye pupils are glittering, the Huangfu Long words, making them have an excited meaning. 林枫等人的眼眸闪烁着,皇甫龙的话,让他们生出一股兴奋之意。 Four big supreme Venerable died the thousand years, the skeleton changes to a skeleton, as before has actually left behind the heavy valuable waiting inheritance arrival, then the emperor of that exceedingly high penetrating place? 四大至尊尊者都死亡千年,骸骨都化作一具骷髅,却依旧留下了重宝等待传承者的到来,那么那通天彻地的皇呢? For oneself preparation tomb pit, moreover yes knows one could die the careful preparation, perhaps emperor, the hope found the person of inheritance, perhaps, he does not hope that was disturbed, rather forever burying in the underground, was not disturbed. 为自己而准备的墓穴,而且是知道自己可能要死亡精心准备的,那皇者,也许希望找到传承之人,又或许,他根本不希望受到人的打扰,宁愿永远的埋葬于地下,不被人打搅。 But a any possibility, in the emperor grave, will certainly have the formidable treasure, the emperor, he lets this piece of space and he is buried along with the dead together, after he died the tomb pit, being buried along with the dead thing will be how simple. 但无论是哪一种可能,皇者墓中,一定会拥有强大的宝物,皇,他让这片空间和他一起陪葬,他死后的墓穴,陪葬物岂会简单。 Very strong dragon vein spirit.” The Huangfu Long footsteps were getting more and more slow, step by step proceeds to walk, feels nihility that invisible dragon vein spirit, his blood as if in the ebullition, spirit of nihility, can communicate his bloodlines, the air/Qi of this dragon vein, was too formidable. “好强的龙脉气息。”皇甫龙的脚步越来越慢了,一步步的往前行走着,感受到虚无当中的那股无形的龙脉气息,他的血液都仿佛在沸腾,虚无的气息,都能够沟通他的血脉,这龙脉之气,太强大了。 The footsteps stop, Huangfu Long gains ground, is staring at this piece of space, anything does not have, their anything could not see that airborne is fluttering the white clouds, but in the ground, as before is dust, anything does not have, but his feeling will definitely not have the mistake, here, has the air/Qi of extremely rich dragon vein. 脚步停下,皇甫龙抬起头,盯着这片空间,什么都没有,他们根本什么都看不到,空中飘荡着白云,而地面上,依旧是一片尘土,什么都没有,但他的感觉绝对不会有错,这里,拥有极其浓郁的龙脉之气。 „Had you also found here?” At this time, the sound conveys together, Lin Feng and the others looked at the past, saw that the Yu Tianji exploration comes, he had also found this region, but the brow is at this moment tight, because anything had not discovered. “你们也找到了这里?”此时,一道声音传来,林枫等人看过去,就见到宇天机探索而来,他也找到了这片地域,但此刻却眉头紧蹙,因为什么都没有发现。 Anything does not have, I have an unusual feeling, if the emperor grave exists , likely in this space region, however, I transferred here for a long time, anything cannot see, a piece desolated, deathly stillness.” Yu Tianji opens the mouth saying: Perhaps naturally, was my feeling makes a mistake.” “什么都没有,我有种奇特的感觉,皇者墓若真的存在,很可能就在这片空间地域,然而,我在这里已经转了许久,什么都看不到,一片荒芜、死寂。”宇天机开口说道:“当然,也许是我的感觉错了。” Your feeling has made a mistake, my feeling impossible mistake.” Huangfu Long stares at this piece of space, the strength of bloodlines is shivering, the blood as if in the ebullition, how possibly feels wrong: Here, has formidable dragon vein spirit, resembles you said that if the emperor grave exists, certainly here.” “就算你的感觉错了,我的感觉也不可能错。”皇甫龙盯着这片空间,血脉的力量在颤动,血液仿佛在沸腾,怎么可能感觉错:“这里,拥有强大的龙脉气息,就好像你说的一样,如果皇者墓真的存在,一定在这里。” Yu Tianji eyesight concentrates, has not thought of Huangfu Long, really has the similar intuition with him . Moreover, the expression has been full of the affirmation. 宇天机目光一凝,没想到皇甫龙,竟然和他有同样的直觉,而且,语气充满了肯定。 I go to the bottom to have a look.” Huangfu Long takes down axe fiercely, body trembles, breaks out the earth, immediately has drilled into under this desolated lands. “我去地底看看。”皇甫龙取下身上的斧头,身体猛的一颤,将大地劈开,随即钻入了这片荒芜的土地下方。 Useless, I have tried.” Yu Tianji shook the head, crossed time Huangfu Long to drill, on the face has written all over depressed, he bottom will leaf through, anything could not find, useless mausoleum chamber and mansion. “没用的,我已经试过。”宇天机摇了摇头,果然,过了一段时刻皇甫龙就钻了出来,脸上写满了郁闷,他将地底都翻了个遍,什么都找不到,没用地宫和府邸。 „The air/Qi of dragon vein so is obviously intense, why can anything not have, my Lao Gui ancestor has deceived me.” Huangfu Long scolded one lowly, felt that the whole body is not feeling well, body spirit fluctuates, has the dragon air/Qi to bloom faintly. “明明龙脉之气这么强烈,为什么会什么都没有,难道我那老鬼先祖骗了我。”皇甫龙低骂了一声,感觉浑身都不爽,身上气息浮动,隐隐有龙气绽放而出。 Big Pest.” At this time, pupil of Lin Feng fierce concentrates, is staring at Huangfu Long, the eye pupils of other people, falls on the body of Huangfu Long, in eyesight is glittering the point. 大害虫。”就在这时候,林枫的瞳孔猛的一凝,盯着皇甫龙,其他人的眼眸,也都落在皇甫龙的身上,目光中闪烁着锋芒。 How?” Huangfu Long felt that the look of people are somewhat strange, touches the head, these fellows, think so him to do. “怎么了?”皇甫龙感觉众人的眼神有些奇怪,摸了摸脑袋,这些家伙,这么看着他干什么。 On you......” Lin Feng and the others the eye pupils are stiff, stubbornly is staring on Huangfu Long, the drawing, on Huangfu Long, the magnificent drawings, this drawing is carving at this moment, is a vast palace. “你身上……”林枫等人的眼眸僵硬,都死死的盯着皇甫龙身上,图画,此刻在皇甫龙身上,有一幅瑰丽的图画,这图画刻着的,是一座浩瀚的宫殿。 The palace, projects on the body of Huangfu Long! 有一座宫殿,投影在皇甫龙的身上! What's the matter?” Lin Feng and the others pupil fierce contraction, look up void, anything cannot see, however, that drawing projection on the body of Huangfu Long, blows hot and cold, the mixture of truth and deceit, they will be absolutely impossible to misread. “怎么回事?”林枫等人瞳孔猛的收缩,抬起头看着虚空中,什么都看不到,然而,那图画投影就在皇甫龙的身上,摇摆不定,虚虚实实,他们绝对不可能会看错。 Big Pest, releases the strength and Dragon Qi your bloodlines.” Has thought likely anything, Lin Feng was saying to Huangfu Long. 大害虫,释放你的血脉之力和龙气。”像是想到了什么般,林枫对着皇甫龙说道。 Good.” Huangfu Long nodded, although does not understand that greatly Lin Feng is any meaning, but he has complied, the air/Qi of bloodlines blooms, spirit of that gang of crazy tyrant is outspoken, as if there is real dragon to eat delicacies in the anger, Dragon Qi rushes to the clouds. “好。”皇甫龙点了点头,虽然不大明白林枫是什么意思,但他还是照着做了,身上的血脉之气绽放,那股狂霸的气息毫无保留,仿佛有真龙在怒啸,龙气冲上云霄。 Projection gradually became must clear, that magnificent palace design, was vast and dignified, the direct impact entire world, as if had the unsurpassed power and influence, to bring only the air/Qi of Venerable. 投影渐渐的变得清晰了起来,那瑰丽的宫殿图案,浩瀚、威严,直冲寰宇,仿佛带着无上威势、带着唯独独尊之气。 This is a palace, is tomb?” Lin Feng and the others looks shock, the projection, was getting more and more clear. “这是宫殿,还是墓地?”林枫等人一个个神色震撼,投影,越来越清晰了。 : Last more than day, the colored brothers should not be parsimonious, everybody thought that Lin Feng will obtain anything! :还有最后一天多了,还有花的兄弟们不要吝啬了吧,大家觉得林枫会得到什么! 5201 the novel high-speed first round Peerless Martial God latest chapter, this chapter is Chapter 801 5201小说高速首发绝世武神最新章节,本章节是第801章 Palace projection address for the chapter that if you think is good please do not forget to the friend recommendation in group and micro blog! 宫殿投影地址为如果你觉的本章节还不错的话请不要忘记向您群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!
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