PMG :: Volume #3

#798: War

The war starts, immediately the trim space is the air/Qi of billowing angry eating delicacies, completely is terrifying spirit, besides Yun Fei Yang, seven people enters the war, everyone has the fearful strength. 大战开始,顿时整片空间都是滚滚的怒啸之气,全部都是恐怖气息,除了云飞扬外,七人参战,每一人都拥有可怕的战力。 A Huang Feng emperor is mad intrepidly boundless, has overbearing of emperor, the emperor fist surges, earth-shaking, control extremely powerful martial skill magical powers strength. 皇枫一身皇气强悍无边,拥有皇者之霸道,皇拳激荡,天翻地覆,掌控极其强悍的武技神通力量。 Jun Mo Xi healthy tendency overwhelming, similarly the strength is powerful, although is inferior to the opposite party in the martial skill magical powers, but that golden long gown destroys the hardest defenses, even if the opposite party strength is powerful, does not dare with his knock-on collision, both sides to fight extremely intensely. 君莫惜正气浩然,同样实力强悍,虽在武技神通上不如对方,但那金色的长袍无坚不摧,即便对方实力强悍,也不敢与他直接碰撞,双方战得极其的激烈。 Ao Jiao and Huangfu Long, get rid are earth-shaking, the child of Purple gold Dragon King, carries the bloodlines of flood dragon, moreover controls Tenglong to fight the technique, the strength chops the mountains and rivers, powerful overbearing, as if nobody may keep off, how however Huangfu Long will fear him, similarly has Huangfu Long of bloodlines of baptism dragon, high-spirited, same overbearing boundless, the tomahawk of dragon as if must break the day, each axe will fall to will certainly the space chop a pallial line, intrepidly to frightening. 敖蛟与皇甫龙,一出手都是石破天惊,一个紫金龙王之子,身负蛟龙之血脉,而且掌控腾龙战技,力劈山河,强悍霸道,仿佛无人可挡,然而皇甫龙岂会惧他,同样拥有龙之血脉洗礼的皇甫龙,意气风发,同样的霸道无边,龙之战斧仿佛要将天都破开,每一斧头落下都必将空间都劈出一套线来,强悍到让人心惊。 Di Ling and Duan Wu Dao two people, after they feel the Lin Feng fearful Swordsmanship will, has not refused to collaborate, the will of heaven completely is the fearful aggression, must throw off this heaven, each palm rumbles to have the formidable heaven will, oppresses Lin Feng, must crush sword air/Qi tearing. 帝陵段无道二人,在他们感受到林枫可怕的剑道意志之后,没有拒绝联手,苍天之意志全部都是可怕的霸气,要将这苍天掀翻,每一掌轰出都带着强大的苍天意志,压迫林枫,将剑气撕裂得粉碎。 What is more fearful will be Duan Wu Dao will simultaneously use the will of seal, every will strike is passing the strength of seal, keeping Lin Feng from displaying his strength heartily, the seal will and heaven will first collaboration, the might will be peerless, gave to erase the Sixth Layer Swordsmanship will superiority. 更可怕的是段无道同时会使用封印之意志,每一击都透着封印的力量,让林枫根本无法尽情的发挥出他的战力,封印意志与苍天意志第一次联手,威力绝伦,将六重的剑道意志优势都给抹掉了。 It seems like these three months, you in vain had not really passed.” The Lin Feng indifferent putting out sound, after rumbling together a palm , the body retrocedes, Di Ling and Duan Wu Dao they, joins the East China Sea dragon palace, joins the jade day emperor's clan, receives two powerful Sect powerhouses to advise, cultivation base progresses by leaps and bounds, compared with the past in Xue Yu (continent) big ratio them, does not know that intrepidly many, the will strengthen and magical powers figure are then strong. “看来这三个月,你们果然没有白白度过。”林枫冷漠的吐出一道声音,轰出一掌后身体后退,帝陵段无道两人,一个加入东海龙宫,一个加入玉天皇族,受到两个强悍宗门的强者指教,修为都是突飞猛进,比昔日在雪域大比的他们,不知道强悍了多少,意志变强、神通身段便强。 You are also same.” The response that Di Ling lets somebody cool off or calm down, shouted angrily: Heaven!” “你也一样。”帝陵冷冷的回应了一声,怒喝一声:“苍天!” The voice falls, the sky howls, as if the tremendous boundless strengths from airborne oppress, presses toward Lin Feng, as if the heaven collapsed, must crush to the milling Lin Feng. 话音落下,天空呼啸,仿佛有一股巨大无边的力量从空中压迫下来,朝着林枫压过去,似乎苍天都倒塌了下来,要将林枫给辗得粉碎。 Lin Feng gains ground, looks to void, Sun sparkling photo on his body, shortly, on Lin Feng, one group of flame flaming combustion, Lin Feng whole person, just like the war-god of bath fire. 林枫抬头,看向虚空,太阳之光映照在他的身上,顷刻间,在林枫身上,一团火焰熊熊燃烧而起,林枫整个人,宛若浴火之战神。 The strength of circulation Buddha demon, the Lin Feng body is bringing several color brilliance, experienced the baptism of blood pond, at this moment his mortal body is more concise and powerful. 佛魔之力流转,林枫身上带着几色的光华,经历了血池的洗礼,此刻他的肉身更加的凝练、强悍。 Lifts the palm void, Lin Feng to is rumbling directly a fist, as if must this heaven lifting, Qingtian. 抬起手掌,林枫对着虚空直接轰出一拳,仿佛要将这苍天给托举起来,一手擎天 Overbearing Wang Quan.” Duan Wu Dao shouted angrily, as if had thousands of jin (0.5 kg) boundless distance to kill toward the Lin Feng bang, in the meantime, a Duan Wu Dao another palm buckle, a will of seal arrived suddenly immediately on the body of Lin Feng, as if must frame the body of Lin Feng there. “霸道王拳。”段无道怒喝一声,仿佛有千万斤的无边距离朝着林枫轰杀过去,同时,段无道的另外一只手掌猛然一扣,顿时一股封印的意志降临在林枫的身上,仿佛要将林枫的身体都定格在那里。 Lin Feng stands in that motionlessly, to the heaven will oppression and seal will seal of terrifying, no matter what you are earth-shaking, I from standing one's ground steadfastly. 林枫站在那一动不动,任由恐怖的苍天意志压迫、封印意志封印,任你天翻地覆,我自岿然不动。 Leave to me.” The Lin Feng double fist rumbles, the terrifying mortal body strength is bringing the fearful flame, overbearing Wang Quan extinguishes instantaneously, Duan Wu Dao cold snort, above the arm presents air/Qi of fearful emperor [say / way]. “给我滚。”林枫双拳轰出,恐怖肉身力量带着可怕的火焰,霸道王拳瞬间熄灭,段无道冷哼一声,手臂之上出现一股可怕的皇道之气。 Emperor said that nine collapse!” Duan Wu Dao covers the Lin Feng arm, immediately the cracking sound spreads unceasingly, the emperor air/Qi twines the arm of Lin Feng, as if must the Lin Feng arm shaking. “皇道九崩!”段无道扣住林枫手臂,顿时咔嚓的崩裂声响不断传出,皇气缠绕林枫的手臂,仿佛要将林枫手臂给震断来。 Um?” The Lin Feng eye pupil trembles, on arm the strengths of cracking are intrepid, Buddha has the strength of nine collapsing, arrives seventh collapses makes him feel that the bone must crack, cannot help but heart startled, his mortal body is how intrepid, this martial skill must make his bone crack. “嗯?”林枫眼眸一颤,手臂上一道道崩裂的力量强悍无比,佛有九崩之力,到达第七崩的时候就让他感觉骨头要崩裂,不由得心惊,他的肉身何其强悍,这武技要让他的骨头都崩裂掉。 The Buddha demon strength crazy condensation above the arm, the cracking sound spreads, arm of Lin Feng actually still well, impregnable. 佛魔力量疯狂的凝聚在手臂之上,咔嚓的崩裂声响传出,林枫的手臂却依然无恙,牢不可破。 The corners of the mouth reappear to wipe cold meaning, the left palm of Lin Feng whip, immediately the huge evil clutches of destruction covered Duan Wu Dao together, rumble in the past, must rumble the powder Duan Wu Dao. 嘴角浮现一抹寒冷之意,林枫的左掌拍打而出,顿时一道毁灭的巨大魔掌将段无道覆盖,轰了过去,要将段无道轰成粉末。 The eye pupil of Duan Wu Dao concentrates, the arm takes back, immediately the emperor air/Qi trembles, the double palm simultaneously rumbles above that arm, gives to shatter that black arm, but the next quarter, the sharp boundless sword assassinates to come toward him together, if quickly lightning. 段无道的眼眸一凝,手臂收回,随即皇气震颤,双掌同时轰在那手臂之上,将那黑色的手臂给震裂,但下一刻,一道锋锐无边的剑朝着他刺杀而来,快若闪电。 Seals!” “封!” Bang, bang and bang......” “轰、轰、轰……” Duan Wu Dao bellows, the gate of seal reappears, resists in his front, seizes life one sword to block Lin Feng that in the meantime, gates of the seal toward the Lin Feng bang in the past, must live in the Lin Feng thorough seal directly. 段无道大吼一声,封印之门再现,抵挡在他的面前,将林枫那夺命都一剑都封死,同时,一道道封印之门直接朝着林枫轰过去,要将林枫彻底的封印住。 Also wants to come?” “还想来?” Lin Feng sneers, the strength thorough release of Swordsmanship will Sixth Layer, the inexhaustible sharp sword bang in the gate of front seal, simultaneously he also unceasing bang fearful palm strength, immediately in Lin Feng four sides all directions, completely is everywhere fearful palm shade. 林枫冷笑一声,剑道意志第六重的力量彻底的释放,无穷无尽的利剑轰在面前的封印之门上,同时他也不断的轰出一道道可怕的掌力,顿时在林枫的四面八方,全部都是漫天的可怕掌影。 And......” The gate of seal was rumbled disrupts, sword air/Qi crazy gathers in together, on the Lin Feng whole person, as if there is flame to burn, the body of this flame, as if must condense a handle sword, the sharp sword of destroying the hardest defenses. “咔嚓、咔嚓……”封印之门都被轰得碎裂,剑气疯狂的汇聚在一起,林枫整个人身上,仿佛有火焰在燃烧,这火焰之身躯,仿佛要凝聚成一柄剑,无坚不摧的利剑。 Quite fearful.” Di Ling and Duan Wu Dao felt the fearfulness of this sword, the heart trembled crazily, this time heaven arrived at the Lin Feng top of the head to live, the will of heaven did not have the least bit to retain, inexhaustible release. “好可怕。”帝陵段无道都感受到了这剑的可怕,心头狂颤,此时的苍天到达林枫的头顶住,苍天之意志没有半点保留,无穷无尽的释放着。 Kills!” Di Ling shouted angrily, heaven oppression , the day has as if poured out, completely bang to below Lin Feng. “杀!”帝陵怒喝一声,苍天压迫而下,天仿佛都倾翻了过来,全部都轰向下方的林枫 Go away.” The Lin Feng anger eats delicacies, the billowing Murderous Qi tide all plunged Di Ling, actually sees Di Ling cold snort one, along with this heaven will, his arm also rumbled, the bang to Lin Feng, the whole person was having the unprecedented imposing manner. “滚。”林枫怒啸一声,滚滚的杀气浪潮全部扑向了帝陵,却见帝陵冷哼一声,随着这股苍天意志,他的手臂也轰了出去,轰向林枫,整个人都带着一往无前的气势。 Scoffs at and scoffs at......” sword air/Qi to delimit the space, the body of Lin Feng as if has vanished in this moment does not see, the sharp sword of destroying the hardest defenses will puncture doors of the seal, gives to tear into shreds the gate of seal. “嗤、嗤……”剑气划过空间,林枫的身体仿佛在这一刻消失不见,无坚不摧的利剑将刺破一扇扇的封印之门,将封印之门都给撕碎来。 Kills to me.” The Lin Feng anger eats delicacies, he wants the Duan Wu Dao life, this sword, breaks all, does not have to prevent, the gate of seal disrupts completely, destroys the hardest defenses and does not have the thing broken. “给我杀。”林枫怒啸一声,他要段无道的命,这一剑,破开一切,无可阻挡,封印之门全部都碎裂掉,无坚不摧、无物不破。 Bang!” Emperor Lin Potian struck bang in vacating, the space maliciously trembled, but did not have the Lin Feng form only. “轰隆隆!”帝林破天一击轰在了空出,空间都狠狠的震颤了下,但唯独没有了林枫身影。 But Duan Wu Dao actually the twinkling looks deathly pale at this moment, the Lin Feng person and sword gather, the gate of broken unseal seal, does not have to prevent, seems light beam, making his tooth bite tightly. 段无道这一刻却瞬息脸色惨白,林枫人与剑合,破开封印之门,无可阻挡,就好似一道光束般,让他的牙齿紧咬。 „!” The sound spreads together, seemed crumb anything, immediately, on the body of Duan Wu Dao, air/Qi of continuously radiant emperor reappeared, covered to cover the body of Duan Wu Dao whole person, the sword that Lin Feng changed to punctured on the body of Duan Wu Dao, actually the feeling punctured in vacating, the air/Qi of that fearful emperor [say / way], making the Lin Feng whole person fall into. “咔嚓!”一道声响传出,仿佛是捏碎了什么,顿时,在段无道的身上,有一缕缕璀璨的皇者之气浮现,将段无道整个人的身体都覆盖笼罩,林枫化作的剑刺在段无道的身上,却感觉刺在了空出,那可怕的皇道之气,让林枫整个人都陷入了其中。 Dies.” Duan Wu Dao with the aid of this incomparably tyrannical emperor air/Qi, kills toward Lin Feng, has not thought that faces Lin Feng once more, moreover is they fights one person, he used up including the thing of registration unexpectedly. “去死。”段无道借助这股无比强横的皇气,朝着林枫杀去,没想到再次面对林枫,而且是两人战一人,他竟然连报名之物都用掉了。 Lin Feng progressed was too terrifying, now, he felt that he seemed to be getting bigger and bigger from Lin Feng. 林枫进步太恐怖了,如今,他感觉自己似乎距离林枫越来越大了。 Kills.” Di Ling also arrived at this time, from Lin Feng rumbles together the fearful palm strength, they simultaneously send out the destruction strikes, must kill Lin Feng. “杀。”帝陵此时也到了,从林枫的身后轰出一道可怕的掌力,两人同时发出毁灭的一击,要将林枫杀死。 Buzz......” ding plays, twinkling of Ancient Bell in void expands together, the strange ray wants the anchorage with the body of Di Ling Duan Wu Dao, making their bodies as if fall into the mire to be the same in this moment. “嗡……”钟声奏响,一道古钟在虚空中瞬息扩大,奇异的光芒将段无道帝陵的身体都要定住,让他们的身体在这一刻仿佛是陷入了泥沼中一样。 The Lin Feng body anger revolves, drinks the sword of anger blood to drink the blood, gives blood to spurt and bloom, the Duan Wu Dao body draws back crazily, Di Ling, similarly after rumbling a palm crazy fierce backlash. 林枫身体怒而旋转,饮血之剑怒而饮血,献血飞洒、绽放而出,段无道身体狂退,帝陵,同样在轰出一掌后狂猛后退。 Buzz!” Also the ding plays together, waiting Yun Fei Yang has gotten rid finally, formidable Ancient Bell shakes directly toward the body of Di Ling. “嗡!”又一道钟声奏响,一直等待的云飞扬终于出手了,强大的古钟直接朝着帝陵的身体震去。 Di Ling lifts the hand in a hurry, the terrifying strength also promotes, resists the bombardment of that Ancient Bell, however at the Ancient Bell bang, when above his double palm, made him spout a blood as before, he and Duan Wu Dao abdomen, was also bleeding, by a Lin Feng sword sweeping. 帝陵仓促间抬手,恐怖的力量同时推出,抵御那古钟的轰击,然而在古钟轰在他双掌之上的时候,依旧让他喷出了一口鲜血,他和段无道的腹部,也在流血,被林枫一剑给扫了。 Duan Wu Dao and Di Ling retroceded, a Yuan strength pasts in the abdomen, restores the injury, eyesight is stiff, is staring at Lin Feng. 段无道帝陵都后退了,真元之力在腹部流转,恢复伤势,目光僵硬,盯着林枫 Has been injured, has not thought that they collaborate today, was hard how Lin Feng unexpectedly, this fellow, grew too fearfully. 受伤了,没想到他们今日联手,竟然还是难以奈何得了林枫,这家伙,成长得太可怕了。 Buzz!” The ding plays once again, passes toward Ao Jiaohong, in the meantime, the Huangfu Long anger eats delicacies, the real Dragon rave, the tomahawk chops, body micro stiff Ao Jiao is unable to evade unexpectedly, had been torn flesh and blood by the tomahawk directly. “嗡!”钟声再度奏响,朝着敖蛟轰过去,同时,皇甫龙怒啸一声,真龙狂吼,战斧劈出,身体微僵硬的敖蛟竟无法躲过,直接被战斧撕裂了一块血肉。 Huang Feng does not feel better, with him of Jun Mo Xi fight whole-heartedly, however that ding is playing, attacks to him, making him have a headache extremely. 皇枫也不好过,和君莫惜战斗的他全力以赴,然而那钟声是不是的奏响,对他攻击,让他极为头疼。 On them, has not too big nor too small injury, seizes the treasure not, instead somewhat is distressed, they so formidable lineup comes enormously and powerful, is unable to fight these people unexpectedly! 他们身上,都有着不大不小的伤势,夺宝未曾,反而都有些狼狈,他们如此强大的阵容浩荡而来,竟然无法战得过这几人! 5201 the novel high-speed first round Peerless Martial God latest chapter, this chapter is Chapter 798 5201小说高速首发绝世武神最新章节,本章节是第798章 Fights the address for the chapter that if you think is good please do not forget to the friend recommendation in group and micro blog! 大战地址为如果你觉的本章节还不错的话请不要忘记向您群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!
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