PMG :: Volume #3

#799: Does a ticket to be big

The Duan Wu Dao injury is most serious, the gate of his Battle Spirit seal was cut the crack by the Lin Feng powerful sword directly, the soul is one shivers, in addition a moment ago a Lin Feng sword, at this moment the keen consciousness of his spirit micro some impractical Lin Feng were waiting and seeing all these, how can not know this point, the look is indifferent, the wind has nine days of technique uses, void middle presents nine forms, completely is Lin Feng, strangles to death toward Duan Wu Dao. 段无道的伤势最重,他的武魂封印之门被林枫强悍的剑直接斩裂,灵魂都是一阵颤抖,再加上刚才中了林枫一剑,此刻他的气息都微有些虚浮林枫的敏锐意识观望着这一切,岂会不知道这一点,神色冷漠,风起九天之术使用而出,虚空当中出现九道身影,全部都是林枫,朝着段无道绞杀过去。 Um?” Di Ling looked at one toward Duan Wu Dao, has not rescued, what he joins is the East China Sea dragon palace, Duan Wu Dao, now is the person of jade day emperor's clan, among them, when consistently opposes the enemy facing Lin Feng, at other times, they are also the matches. “嗯?”帝陵朝着段无道看了一眼,没有救援,他加入的是东海龙宫,段无道,如今则是玉天皇族的人,他们之间,只是在面对林枫的时候才一致对敌,在其他时候,他们相互间也是对手。 Will of crazy blooming terrifying heaven, Di Ling is gathering own strongest attack, if Lin Feng has killed Duan Wu Dao, then he is giving a Lin Feng strongest attack, is best they dead together is the best result. 恐怖的苍天之意志疯狂的绽放,帝陵汇聚着自己的最强攻击,若是林枫杀了段无道,那么他在给林枫一次最强的攻击,最好他们两人一起死是最好的结局。 You cope with him with single-hearted devotion.” At this time, Yun Fei Yang was shouting to Lin Feng, this Di Ling is hard and dangerous, wanted to work as the canary unexpectedly, how could Yun Fei Yang to make him achieve wishes. “你专心对付他。”此时,云飞扬对着林枫喊了一声,这帝陵还艰险,竟想要当黄雀,云飞扬岂能让他如愿。 Buzz!” “嗡!” Ancient Bell plays, flew toward Di Ling, sees only that huge Ancient Bell rapid expansion, the terrifying strength fills the air, makes Di Ling feel that instantaneously the whole body seems shouldering the infinity great strength, seemed falls into the middle of the mire to be the same, moved is very difficult. 古钟奏响,朝着帝陵飞了过去,只见那巨大的古钟飞速的扩张,恐怖的力量弥漫,瞬间让帝陵感觉浑身都仿佛背负着无穷大的巨力,好似陷入了泥沼当中一样,动弹起来都很难。 Your match is I.” Yun Fei Yang one step steps, clothing flutters, the whole body is having the incomparably powerful potential, the potential of world, this potential is touching Ancient Bell, making Ancient Bell continue to make humming sound the sound, two potentials blend in the same place, having an unusual rhythm, Di Ling only to feel that in the world as if there is mountain to crack, the sea eats delicacies in the anger, he wants to leave to sneak attack Lin Feng, absolutely possibly does not have. “你的对手是我。”云飞扬一步跨来,衣衫飘动,浑身带着无比强悍的势,天地之势,这股势触动着古钟,让古钟继续发出嗡嗡的声响,两股势交融在一起,带着一股奇特的韵律,帝陵就只感觉天地间仿佛有山在崩裂,海在怒啸,他想要抽身去偷袭林枫,根本一点可能都没有。 He unexpectedly became such strong.” The Di Ling complexion is ugly, although past Yun Fei Yang the strength was not weak, in the Xue Yu (continent) big ratio can occupy a first ten seat, when had the huge disparity with him eventually, but now Yun Fei Yang by Ancient Bell that the strength as well as this captured, can contend with him, must know that he has experienced a dragon palace three months of cultivation, cultivation base was initially more formidable. “他竟然都变得这么强了。”帝陵脸色难看,昔日云飞扬虽然实力不弱,在雪域大比能够占据前十中的一个席位,当终究和他还是有巨大的差距,但如今云飞扬凭借本身的实力以及这夺得的古钟,已经能够和他抗衡了,要知道,他可是经历过了龙宫三个月的培育,修为比当初强大了很多。 Lin Feng or Yun Fei Yang, their these three months, in vain had not passed, the progress extremely swift and violent, became more and more formidable. 无论是林枫还是云飞扬,他们这三个月,都没有白白度过,进步极其的迅猛、变得越来越强大了。 Xue Yu (continent) greatly compared with placing the first ten talents, besides a few people, has own length and breadth world. 雪域大比排名前十的天才,除了少数几人外,都将有着属于自己的广袤天地。 Looks at Duan Wu Dao again, nine Lin Feng shadows throw toward him, as if the space was confused, looked which talented person radically is unable to see clearly is true Lin Feng, strength of the suffocating oppression seems a mountain is the same, making his pupil fierce contraction, the thing of maintaining life use up a moment ago, now can only depend upon his strength to prevent Lin Feng. 再看段无道,九道林枫的影子朝着他扑来,仿佛空间都错乱了,根本看都无法看清楚哪一人才是真正的林枫,一股令人窒息的压迫之力好似一座大山一样,让他的瞳孔猛的收缩,保命之物刚才已经用掉了,现在只能依靠他自己的力量去阻止林枫 Seals to me!” Duan Wu Dao roars, the terrifying seal will releases peak, must seal up the Lin Feng nine empty shades. “给我封!”段无道怒吼一声,恐怖的封印意志释放到极致,将林枫的九道虚影都要封住。 Bang and bang,......” see only nine empty shade both hands also to wield, as if some innumerable fierce palm strength simultaneously rumbled, the air/Qi of seal exuded the sound of disruption unexpectedly, simultaneously the terrifying sword air/Qi plunged Duan Wu Dao, must kill Duan Wu Dao. “轰、轰,咔嚓……”只见九道虚影的双手同时挥动,仿佛有无数厉害的掌力同时轰了出来,封印之气竟发出碎裂之声,同时恐怖的剑气扑向段无道,要将段无道杀死。 Roar!” Duan Wu Dao rave, the air/Qi of endless emperor wraps his body, as if there is Qilin Saint beast empty shade present, the world trembles, ten thousand beasts to submit. “吼!”段无道狂吼一声,无尽的皇者之气将他的身体都包裹住,仿佛有麒麟圣兽虚影现,天地震颤、万兽都要屈服。 Totem is Monster Beast of jade day emperor's clan the Qilin?” In the Lin Feng heart the secret passage, fearless, inexhaustible sword intent changes to fearful light beams, unceasing thorn to the emperor who Duan Wu Dao, submerges that terrifying is mad, the shadow of Qilin Saint beast must be separated. “玉天皇族的图腾妖兽难道是麒麟?”林枫心中暗道,无所畏惧,无穷无尽的剑意化作一道道可怕的光束,不断的刺向的段无道,没入那恐怖的皇气当中,麒麟圣兽的影子也要被割裂。 Bang!” The Lin Feng fearful palm strength has patted toward Duan Wu Dao together, lets Duan Wu Dao gets angry eats delicacies, the body unceasingly have the blood to pass, was pierced the body by that fearful sword air/Qi, the body draws back crazily, if this palm is rumbled at present by Lin Feng, perhaps he living died by explosion. “轰隆隆!”林枫一道可怕的掌力朝着段无道拍了出去,让段无道怒啸一声,身体不断的有鲜血流逝,被那可怕的剑气刺穿身体,身体狂退,若是被林枫眼前这一掌轰到,恐怕他会活生生的被轰死。 Goes back.” Kills toward the Lin Feng bang in this time together fearful palm strength, the Qilin Saint beast roars, must Lin Feng swallowing. “回去。”就在此时一道可怕的掌力朝着林枫轰杀过来,麒麟圣兽怒吼,要将林枫给吞噬掉。 Lin Feng eyesight one stiff, this palm strength extremely fearful, murders completely, making his bang kill Duan Wu Dao radically without enough time, the wind has stroked, the body such as the shadow vanished together instantaneously, sees only at this time Huang Feng and Duan Wu Dao stands in one, was staring at Lin Feng and the others, the complexion ugly. 林枫目光一僵,这掌力极其的可怕,全部都是杀伐,让他根本来不及轰杀段无道,风拂过,身体如一道影子瞬间消失,只见此时皇枫段无道站在了一起,盯着林枫等人,脸色难看至极。 He had a liking for Jun Mo Xi treasure long gown, this thinks that gets rid to seize simply does not have the suspense, but fact actually so brutal, in entirely different from imagination, let alone seizes the treasure, they in the process of fight, are in the weak trend, was suppressed, a Lin Feng person, can cope with Di Ling and Duan Wu Dao they, Jun Mo Xi resists his Huang Feng sufficiently, but Huangfu Long was occupying the initiative with the fight of haughty flood dragon, each axe bang kills, makes the space tremble, as if must the world give to break, terrifying extremely. 他看上了君莫惜身上的宝物长袍,本以为出手来夺根本没有悬念,但事实却是如此的残酷,和想象中的截然不同,别说夺宝,他们在战斗的过程中,都处于弱势,被压制,林枫一个人,可以对付帝陵段无道两人,君莫惜足以抵挡住他皇枫,而皇甫龙在和敖蛟的战斗占据了主动权,每一次斧头轰杀,都让空间为之一颤,仿佛要将天地给破开,极其的恐怖。 Lin Feng they, even also left person of Yun Fei Yang, momentarily gets rid, seizes the opportunity, suppresses stubbornly their four people. 林枫他们,甚至还多出了一人云飞扬,随时出手,把握好时机,将他们四个人压制得死死的。 Ao Jiao and Huangfu Long fight also stopped, their four people are built on a position, is staring at Lin Feng they, these time seizes the treasure, has not hoped. 敖蛟和皇甫龙的战斗也停了下来,他们四人立于一个方位,盯着林枫他们,这一次夺宝,没有希望。 Brothers, here has restores really the Yuan strength compounded drug one time, does a ticket to be big.” In the mouth of Lin Feng puts out the cold sound, the whole body flame is burning together crazily, makes the sound, the sword air/Qi, is vertically and horizontally getting more and more formidable, Lin Feng from top to bottom, completely is the flame and sword glow that the anger eats delicacies. “兄弟们,我这里有一次性恢复真元力量的丹药,干一票大的。”林枫的嘴中吐出一道寒冷的声音,浑身火焰疯狂的燃烧着,发出嗤嗤的声响,剑气纵横,越来越强大,林枫浑身上下,全部都是怒啸的火焰和剑芒。 East China Sea dragon palace and youth leader characters of jade day emperor's clan two strong presences, in addition Duan Wu Dao and Di Ling, if can make them lie down here, that feeling will be very certainly crisp. 东海龙宫和玉天皇族两个强大势力的青年领袖人物,再加上段无道帝陵,若是能够让他们躺在这里,那种感觉一定会很爽吧。 Another three people terrifying spirit that feels on Lin Feng to release, immediately understood Lin Feng wants to do, in the eye is passing eye-catchingly excited light, this group of bastards must seize the treasure, gives them to come one time ruthlessly, Lin Feng has restores really a Yuan compounded drug one time, they will stop at nothing. 另外三人感受到林枫身上释放的恐怖气息,立刻明白了林枫想要干什么,眼中透着夺目的兴奋之光,这群混蛋要来夺宝,就给他们来一次狠的,林枫有一次性恢复真元的丹药,那么,他们将无所顾忌。 Hey, I such am also pondering over.” The Huangfu Long anger eats delicacies, the Long Teng entire world, on his body, as if Daozhen Dragon Xuying shoots up to the sky, the hand is grasping Dragon Fu, is blooming the unsurpassed power and influence, as if this axe, must cut to break the day. “嘿嘿,我也这么琢磨着。”皇甫龙怒啸一声,龙腾寰宇,在他的身上,仿佛有一道真龙虚影冲天而起,手握着龙斧,绽放着无上威势,仿佛这一斧,就要将天都斩破来。 Jun Mo Xi overwhelming, the billowing fearful Yuan strength pasts really completely above the golden long gown, immediately, that golden long gown blooms unprecedented brilliance, the golden light ten thousand zhang (3.33 m). 君莫惜一身浩然,滚滚的可怕真元之力全部流转在金色长袍之上,顿时,那金色的长袍绽放出前所未有的光华,金光万丈。 I come first.” Yun Fei Yang laughs, the footsteps one cross, the world situation changes to the invisible great strength, such as roars vastly, such as the rushing rough seas, in the meantime, his Yuan strength wells up really completely toward that Ancient Bell, immediately Ancient Bell unceasing enlarges in the middle of void. “我先来。”云飞扬大笑一声,脚步一跨,天地大势化作无形巨力,如汪洋怒吼,如澎湃大浪,同时,他的真元力量全部都朝着那古钟涌去,顿时古钟不断的在虚空当中放大来。 Works as......” “当……” Ancient Bell soars, arrives instantaneously void, sends out sound that trembles together, the invisible strength as if the opposite four people of bodies will frame, the world situation makes the opposite party whole body stiff. 古钟腾空,瞬间降临虚空,发出一道震颤的声响,无形之力量仿佛将对面四人的身体都定格住,天地大势让对方浑身僵硬。 My second.” A Jun Mo Xi long and loud cry, ten thousand zhang (3.33 m) golden light is inexhaustible, sees only golden splendid light to delimit in void together, arrives quickly inconceivable, volume to that four people. “我第二个。”君莫惜一声长啸,万丈金光无穷无尽,只见一道金色的华光在虚空中划过,快到不可思议,卷向那四人。 Heaven!” “苍天!” Seal!” “封印!” Roar......” “吼……” The opposite four people of complexions are ugly, the release that the strength and seal strength of heaven are outspoken, on the haughty flood dragon has the flood dragon to roar, Huang Feng whole body completely is the inexhaustible emperor air/Qi, collides with that ten thousand zhang (3.33 m) golden light, sends out the sound, the blood from the sky disperses. 对面四人脸色难看无比,苍天之力和封印之力毫无保留的释放,敖蛟身上有蛟龙咆哮而出,皇枫全身上下全部都是无穷无尽的皇气,和那万丈金光碰撞,发出一道道嗤嗤的声响,鲜血在空中飞散。 Dies and roars to the father.” Huangfu Long gives a loud shout, the golden light has not dissipated, Huangfu Long is built on the void, inexhaustible brute force completely centralized above this axe, real Dragon Nuxiao, fearful axe shade and under real dragon crazy plunging spatial four people. “给老子去死、吼。”皇甫龙大喝一声,金光还未消逝,皇甫龙立于虚空,无穷无尽的蛮力全部集中于这一斧头之上,真龙怒啸,可怕的斧影和真龙疯狂的扑向下空的四人。 Bang, bang and bang......” “轰、轰、轰……” That four people of spirit is almost crazy, is unretentive, all rushes to the clouds, collides with the real dragon as well as the great axe. 那四人的气息几乎疯狂,再无保留,全部冲上云霄,和真龙以及巨斧碰撞。 But at this time, a dark lotus flower of destruction, is blooming quietly his destruction brilliance. 而此时,一朵毁灭的黑暗莲花,正在悄然的绽放着他的毁灭光华。 The black lotus of that destruction, united the Lin Feng complete Yuan strength, the carrier infinite sword air/Qi of was also blooming really in this moment, but the flash arrived in front of four people, all, must change into dies out, changes into the nihility. 那毁灭的黑莲,凝聚着林枫全部的真元力量,携带者无穷的剑气也在这一刻绽放了,只是一瞬间就降临到了四人面前,所有的一切,都要化为寂灭,化为虚无。 „......” “啊……” Huang Feng is unretentive, pinches the thing of broken maintaining life, immediately terrifying the billowing emperor air/Qi before their bodies shoots up to the sky together, Ao Jiao puts out together the Capsicum anomalum, the Capsicum anomalum changes to together Dragon Yingdun, is resisting this dying out. 皇枫再无保留,掐碎保命之物,顿时在他们身前一道恐怖的滚滚皇气冲天而起,敖蛟则是吐出一道龙珠,龙珠化作一道龙影盾,抵御着这股寂灭。 The black flame submerges them, the space must burn down, Duan Wu Dao hides in Huang Feng, was burnt whole body one burned black. 黑色的火焰将他们都淹没掉,空间都要焚毁,段无道躲在皇枫的身后,被烧得浑身都一片焦黑。 What is most miserable is Di Ling, he also wants to resist by the heaven strength, the result directly cutting disrupts by a Huangfu Long fearful axe, then destroys the black lotus to arrive, the instantaneous attack on, burns down his arm, the spread on, making him cut the arm. 最惨的是帝陵,他还想以苍天力量抵挡,结果直接被皇甫龙可怕的一斧头给斩得碎裂,然后毁灭黑莲降临,瞬间侵袭而上,焚烧他的手臂,蔓延而上,让他将手臂都斩掉了。 In the middle of the flame of destruction suddenly presented a jet black pupil, Lin Feng appeared in they four people of front, making four people of hearts tremble crazily. 毁灭的火焰当中突然出现了一道漆黑的瞳孔,林枫出现在了他们四人的面前,让四人心头狂颤一下。 Walks!” “走!” Ao Jiao as if changes to together the flood dragon, shakes off the fetter by the incomparably powerful strength, crazy running away, Huang Feng resists all by the emperor air/Qi, dragging the Duan Wu Dao twinkle to leave, only Di Ling he was miserable, wants to run away, directly was actually given to cover by Lin Feng, in the Lin Feng palm the infinite strength keeps him from working loose the slightest. 敖蛟仿佛化作一道蛟龙,以无比强悍的力量挣脱束缚,疯狂的逃窜,皇枫以皇气抵抗一切,拖着段无道闪烁离开,唯独帝陵他惨了,想要逃,却直接被林枫给扣住,林枫掌中无穷的力量让他无法挣脱分毫。 Joins the East China Sea dragon palace, same wants your life.” The indifferent sound puts out, the palm strength of destruction patted on the head of Di Ling, the sound spread, once that intensely bright talent, the Xue Yu (continent) big ratio once was considered the first talent, the death, by Lin Feng writing off. “加入东海龙宫,一样要你的命。”冷漠的声音吐出,毁灭的掌力拍在了帝陵的脑袋上,咔嚓的声响传出,曾经那耀眼夺目的天才,雪域大比一度被认为第一的天才,死,被林枫给抹杀掉。 : Today fresh flower 3, are at heart cool, traceless somewhat could not understand, this is the eruption that many brothers have anticipated, I was pondering where had problems, wrote too rottenly. :今天鲜花3朵,心里凉飕飕的,无痕有些看不懂了,这就是许多兄弟们一直期待的爆发吗,我在思考,到底哪里出了问题,是不是写得太烂了。 5201 the novel high-speed first round Peerless Martial God latest chapter, this chapter is Chapter 799 5201小说高速首发绝世武神最新章节,本章节是第799章 Does a ticket big address for the chapter that if you think is good please do not forget to the friend recommendation in group and micro blog! 干一票大的地址为如果你觉的本章节还不错的话请不要忘记向您群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!
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