PMG :: Volume #3

#797: Group war

The complexion of people very ugly, Huangfu Long experience bloodlines baptism, captures the rare treasure, that axe wielded a moment ago, as if the earth-shattering is the same, anything cannot resist, even also has the real dragon form, roared crazily, throws to that person, was killed by shock directly, changes into the nihility, was too fierce. 众人的脸色都非常的难看,皇甫龙经历血脉洗礼,又夺得异宝,刚才那一斧头挥出,仿佛天崩地裂一样,什么都抵挡不住,甚至还有真龙身影,疯狂咆哮,扑到那人身上,直接震死,化为虚无,太厉害了。 Walks.” Some people know have not hoped that immediately then directly gives up, no longer goes to think seizes the treasure, might as well go to other places to try one's luck. “走。”有人知道没有希望,顿时便直接放弃,不再去想着夺宝,不如去其它地方碰碰运气。 Quick, form twinkles leave this wilderness, Lin Feng that lineup, was too formidable, was not they can cope radically. 很快,一道道身影闪烁离开这片荒漠,林枫那股阵容,太强大了,根本就不是他们能够对付得了的。 Hey.” Huangfu Long has smiled, as if the somewhat self-satisfied color, this axe chops the dead talent, gives the feeling of other people shaking draws back completely, seems good. “嘿嘿。”皇甫龙笑了下,似乎有几分得意之色,这一斧头劈死天才,将其他人全部给震退的感觉,似乎不错呢。 Person who now has not left, was the disciples in several Tianchi, for example Tianchi Xue, Huangfu Long looked at Tianchi Xue one, but his eyesight was tranquiler now, not beforehand that frantic and admire, perhaps with such that Lin Feng said that Tianchi Xue, did not suit him, kept aloof, the unclear affair, looked down upon him, he one-sided wished does not have the meaning, he sentiment with cutting off. 现在没有离开的人,是几个天池的弟子了,比如天池雪,皇甫龙看了天池雪一眼,不过如今他的目光却平静了很多,并没有了以前的那种狂热和爱慕,或许就和林枫说的那样,天池雪,不适合他,高高在上、不明事理,看不起他,他一厢情愿也没意思,他已经将情跟斩断。 Tianchi Xue sees Huangfu Long indifferent eyesight, in the heart is more complex. 天池雪看到皇甫龙的淡然目光,心中却更复杂无比。 It seems like here did not need me, in advance said goodbye.” Yu Tianji said lightly, the footsteps step forward, the stellar scintillation, left here unexpectedly directly. “看来这里也不需要我了,先行告辞。”宇天机淡淡的说了一声,脚步跨出,星光闪烁,竟然直接离开了这边。 Three your home mansions present world, present he has been able may I ask the stars, the fourth your home mansion locking, him will belong to his inheritance. 三座尊府府邸已经现世,如今的他已经可以借问星辰,将第四座尊府府邸给锁定住,他将得到属于他的传承。 Although that defeated to Lin Feng, Lin Feng became a leader, but how Yu Tianji like this will admit defeat, he will again certainly defeat Lin Feng, recaptured the position of leader, the Star of Celestial Rotating Jade peak revived formidable, but his Star of Celestial Shining Pearl peak stood erect not but actually, as before was the prominent peaks of Tianchi seven big snowy peaks, this naturally was the best result. 虽然那一战败给了林枫,林枫成为领袖,但宇天机岂会就这样认输,他一定会再败林枫,将领袖之位夺回,天璇峰复兴强大,而他天玑峰矗立不倒,依旧是天池七大雪峰的主峰,这当然是最好的结局。 „The baptism of this bloodlines, can strengthen your mortal body, why?” Huangfu Long was shouting to Yu Tianji, the fellow is also a proud person. “这血脉的洗礼,能够增强你的肉身,何必呢?”皇甫龙对着宇天机喊了一声,那家伙也是个骄傲的人。 Does not use, the powerful mortal body strength, is not the strength that I want.” The Yu Tianji light sound conveys, his form goes far away gradually, then vanishes quickly does not see. “不用了,强悍的肉身力量,不是我所想要的力量。”宇天机淡淡的声音传来,他的身影渐渐远去,很快便消失不见。 Lin Feng is accepting quenchinging of blood pond as before, but in the distant place, several forms glitters to come toward here, a person is throwing over the ash-gray long gown, impressively unexpectedly is Duan Wuya that goes to return. 林枫依旧在接受血池的淬炼,而在远处,有几道身影朝着这边闪烁而来,其中一人身上披着灰色长袍,赫然竟是去而复返的段无涯 But side this time Duan Wuya, many good four forms, has with him together in Di Ling of East China Sea dragon palace, one wears the tall and strong young man of Purple gold imperial robe, the status of this person in the East China Sea dragon palace extremely honored, is parent-child Ao Jiao of Purple gold Dragon King four Dragon King, this time enters the mystical place he for an East China Sea dragon palace youth generation of leader. 只不过此时的段无涯身边,多处了好四道身影,其中,有和他一起在东海龙宫的帝陵,还有一身披紫金龙袍的魁梧青年男子,此人的身份在东海龙宫中可是极其的尊贵,乃是四大龙王之一紫金龙王的亲子敖蛟,此次入秘境他为东海龙宫青年一辈的领袖人物。 Besides Di Ling and beyond the haughty flood dragon, the other two, one of them, unexpectedly is the Duan Wuya brothers, once Crown Prince Xue yue Duan Wu Dao. 除了帝陵和敖蛟外,还有另外两人,其中一人,竟是段无涯的兄弟,曾经的雪月太子段无道 But in the Duan Wu Dao side, a person, wears the imperial crown, the body is passing gang of superior air/Qi of kingly way, this person is jade day emperor's clan generation of leader Huang Feng, Duan Wu Dao enters the jade day emperor's clan, receives the jade day emperor's clan extremely attaches great importance, key training, but Duan Wu Dao, although is the uncut jade, the time of carving is too short, the powerhouses of jade day emperor's clan let him regarding the Huang Feng contact, wants to train the jade day emperor's clan leader Huang Feng primary assistant him. 而在段无道的身边,还有一人,头戴皇冠,身上透着一股上位者的王道之气,此人乃是玉天皇族一辈的领袖人物皇枫,段无道进入玉天皇族,受到玉天皇族的极大重视,重点培养,但段无道虽为璞玉,雕琢的时间还太短,玉天皇族的强者让他对于皇枫接触,想要将他培养成玉天皇族领袖人物皇枫的得力助手。 Five people, are very formidable people, came in waves, stepped the place of this desert. 五人,都是非常强大之人,联袂而来,踏上了这块沙漠之地。 You determined what you said is real?” Huang Feng eyesight looks to Duan Wuya, body is having gang of emperor a meaning of proudly, as if inborn is the ruler. “你确定你说的是真的?”皇枫目光看向段无涯,身上带着一股皇者的傲然之意,仿佛天生就是帝皇。 I deceive you, is impossible to deceive my elder brother.” Duan Wuya light saying with a smile, hears his words Duan Wu Dao unemotionally, Elder brother? This is only a joke, this younger brother, but deceives him very miserably, hid too deeply. “就算我欺骗你,也不可能欺骗我兄长吧。”段无涯淡淡的笑道,听到他的话段无道面无表情,兄长?这只是一个笑话,他这弟弟,可是把他都骗得很惨,隐藏得太深了。 Huang Feng shows neither approval nor disapproval, if eternal truth Duan Wuya said that he must step onto these, the emperor tomb had not found, but four supreme Venerable mansions, similarly very good, if can obtain these treasures, decides however can make the strength progress by leaps and bounds. 皇枫不置可否,若是真如段无涯说的话,那他一定要去走上这一遭的,皇者墓地没有找到,不过有四座至尊尊者府邸,同样非常的不错,若是能够得到那些宝物,定然能让实力更突飞猛进。 Drew near, you had a look.” The place of Duan Wuya finger direction distant place, Huang Feng and the others gained ground, immediately eyesight concentrates, sand dust everywhere, the courage vigor is formidable, Duan Wuya, as if has not deceived them. “快到了,你们看看。”段无涯手指指向远处之地,皇枫等人抬起头来,顿时目光一凝,果然,沙尘漫天,血气强大,段无涯,似乎没有骗他们。 Walks.” Five people quicken pace together, rapid toward that piece of space twinkle in the past, before they arrive at the yellow sand of that rolling up and pushing along, here almost nobody, only void middle, four people are waiting for the ground blood pond, the blood pond of that desert deep place, passes is making formidable spirit that the will of the people trembles, this is, the strength of bloodlines. “走。”五人一起加快步伐,飞速的朝着那片空间闪烁过去,当他们来到那片卷动的黄沙之前的时候,这边几乎没有人,唯独虚空当中,有四人守候着地上的血池,那沙漠深处的血池,透着令人心颤的强大气息,这是,血脉的力量。 Dragon axe, Ancient Bell and golden long gown.” These person of eyesight take a fast look around in the hands of void these crowds, the pupil contracts, this time they believe really Duan Wuya words, these treasures, extremely fierce, above blooms is making person palpitation spirit, in their eyes, all flashes through wipes the excited light. “龙斧、古钟、金色长袍。”这些人目光扫视虚空中那些人群的手上,瞳孔收缩,这一次他们真的相信段无涯的话了,这几件宝物,都是极其的厉害,上面绽放着令人心悸的气息,他们的眼中,俱都闪过一抹兴奋之光。 That golden long gown, I wanted.” Huangfu points on Jun Mo Xi is throwing over the long gown, the honored long gown, should match is he of jade day emperor's clan. “那金色长袍,我要了。”皇甫指着君莫惜身上披着的长袍,尊贵的长袍,应该配身为玉天皇族的他。 That tomahawk, is my.” Ao Jiao eye pupil stubbornly is staring in the Huangfu Long eye the great sign of the dragon axe, in the middle of the eye pupil completely is the greedy meanings, first that axe, he sees, liked, this surely was bestowed by heaven gives his weapon. “那战斧,是我的。”敖蛟的眼眸则死死的盯着皇甫龙眼中巨大龙斧,眼眸当中全部都是贪婪之意,那斧头,他看到的第一眼,就喜欢上了,这一定是天赐给他的武器。 „, Their strengths extremely fierce, in addition has the rare treasure, is formidable incomparable, I know that you are also very formidable, but the caution and care, my strength is mean, is unable to participate, wishes treasure that captures itself to like.” “诸位,他们的实力可是极其的厉害,再加上身上有异宝,更是强大无比,我知道你们也很强大,但还是谨慎小心一些,我的实力低微,无法参与进去,预祝诸位夺得自己喜欢的宝物。” Duan Wuya has been arching cuping one hand in the other across the chest to several people, said with a smile. 段无涯对着几人拱了拱手,含笑说道。 Several people of optional nods, they at this moment did not have the mood to pay attention to Duan Wuya, complete mind completely on that powerful weapon. 几人随意的点了点头,此刻的他们已经没有心情理会段无涯了,全部的心神全部都在那强悍的武器上。 Only then Duan Wu Dao toward Duan Wuya deep looked at one, immediately saw the Duan Wuya personal appearance dodges to draw back, leaves quietly, seems here all does not have the least bit to relate with him. 只有段无道朝着段无涯深深的看了一眼,随即就看到段无涯身形闪退,悄然离开,好似这边的一切都与他没有半点关系。 Lin Feng already from the blood pond, the crowd that saw these arrivals, the emperor forest and some Duan Wu Dao also Duan Wuya he naturally knew that as for the other two, the bearing was uncommon, a person was throwing over the Purple gold imperial robe, another person with the emperor air/Qi, thinks that was the East China Sea dragon palace and leader of jade day emperor's clan. 林枫早已从血池中出来了,一眼就看到那些到来的人群,帝林、段无道还有段无涯他自然认识,至于另外两人,器宇不凡,一人披着紫金龙袍,另一人则身带皇气,想必是东海龙宫和玉天皇族的领袖人物。 Good sinister fellow.” Lin Feng sweeps Duan Wuya that a that twinkle left, eyesight is indifferent, this person sinisterly was too deceitful, brings in the person unexpectedly desirably, quite lets their mutual battle. “好阴险的家伙。”林枫扫了一眼那闪烁离开的段无涯,目光冷漠,此人太阴险狡诈了,竟然刻意将人引来,好让他们相互争斗。 Di Ling and Duan Wu Dao eye pupil sees Lin Feng, in the middle of the eye pupil passes is fighting intent intensely, past Xue Yu (continent) compared with the fight stage, Lin Feng defeated them greatly, they have a vivid memory, has wanted to fight Lin Feng again. 帝陵段无道的眼眸一眼就看到林枫,眼眸当中透着强烈的战意,昔日雪域大比战斗的舞台,林枫将他们二人战败,他们记忆犹新,一直想要再战林枫 „The thing, hands over.” Huang Feng takes a fast look around Lin Feng and the others, light putting out together sound, unquestionable. “将东西,交出来吧。”皇枫扫视林枫等人,淡淡的吐出一道声音,不容置疑。 Lin Feng looks that Huang Feng smiles, said lightly: Jade day emperor's clan and East China Sea dragon palace!” 林枫看着皇枫一笑,淡淡说道:“玉天皇族、东海龙宫!” Past, in Xue Yue Country, the person of person and the East China Sea dragon palace jade day emperor's clan, participated that has slaughtered, Lin Feng will not forget. 昔日,在雪月国,玉天皇族之人与东海龙宫之人,都参与了那场杀戮,林枫不会忘记。 Looked at around one, at this moment his side is also four people , he Jun Mo Xi, Yun Fei Yang, Huangfu Long, as for Tang Youyou, she in the middle of the blood pond, are undergoing quenchinging of blood pond at this moment. 看了一眼周围,此刻他身边也是四人,他、君莫惜云飞扬皇甫龙,至于唐幽幽,此刻她正在血池当中,经受血池的淬炼。 Four people, to four people, how he will fear the opposite party, besides him, Jun Mo Xi their three, in the hand has the treasure. 四人,对四人,他岂会惧对方,除了他之外,君莫惜他们三个,手中可是都有宝物。 Wants the treasure, takes.” In the mouth puts out together indifferent sound, since these person of look, that then did not use politely. “要宝物,来拿吧。”嘴中吐出一道冷漠的声音,既然这些人自己找来,那便不用客气了。 That long gown, I must decide.” Huang Feng footsteps one cross, emperor air/Qi soars to the heavens, steps to go toward Jun Mo Xi directly. “那长袍,我要定了。”皇枫脚步一跨,一身皇气冲天,直接朝着君莫惜跨去。 Tomahawk, is my.” Ao Jiao soars aggressively, resembles flood dragon to roar, his body, then plunges Huangfu Long, he must take the tomahawk of dragon. “战斧,是我的。”敖蛟霸气腾空,似蛟龙怒吼,他的身体,则是扑向皇甫龙,他要拿龙之战斧。 Emperor forest and Duan Wu Dao, then looks to Lin Feng, fights intent to burn. 帝林和段无道,则都看向林枫,战意燃烧。 He is my.” Emperor forest footsteps one cross, goes toward the Lin Feng twinkle, the meaning of heaven, rushes to the clouds. “他是我的。”帝林脚步一跨,朝林枫闪烁而去,苍天之意,冲上云霄。 Snort.” Duan Wu Dao cold snort, steps to go toward Lin Feng similarly, he must with the Lin Feng war. “哼。”段无道冷哼一声,同样朝着林枫跨去,他也要和林枫战。 Can leave behind their lives, does not use politely.” Lin Feng puts out ices cold sound together, the footsteps one cross, the sword air/Qi soars to the heavens, void middle, the Swordsmanship of will Sixth Layer fills the air, the trim space, is the air/Qi of inexhaustible Swordsmanship. “能留下他们的命,不用客气。”林枫吐出一道冰寒之音,脚步一跨,剑气冲天,虚空当中,六重之剑道意志弥漫,整片空间,都是无穷无尽的剑道之气。 Sixth Layer will.” Duan Wu Dao and Di Ling eye pupil one stiff, has not thought that Lin Feng unexpectedly already as strong as this boundary, it seems like it is a fierce battle. 六重意志。”段无道帝陵眼眸一僵,没想到林枫竟已经强到了这种境界,看来将是一场恶战。 Needs me to get rid?” Four people, Yun Fei Yang has not actually moved, nobody fights him. “需要我出手吗?”四人,云飞扬却未动,无人战他。 Does not use, you guard, if there is an opportunity to strike to kill them, holds.” Lin Feng light saying, is passing fearful sword intent from top to bottom all, he must by a person of strength, fight Di Ling and Duan Wu Dao! “不用,你镇守,若是有机会击杀他们,抓住。”林枫淡淡的说道,浑身上下无不透着可怕之剑意,他要以一人之力,战帝陵段无道 5201 the novel high-speed first round Peerless Martial God latest chapter, this chapter is Chapter 797 5201小说高速首发绝世武神最新章节,本章节是第797章 The group fights the address for the chapter that if you think is good please do not forget to the friend recommendation in group and micro blog! 群战地址为如果你觉的本章节还不错的话请不要忘记向您群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!
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