PMG :: Volume #3

#796: Aggressive big harmful insect

Really, a sword of this destruction blooms, flickers to kill one person, lets in the middle of the people eyes pupil greedy and blazing also sobered several points, eyesight somewhat is stiff, the sword of good terrifying, they are thinking, if they in that person of position, can resist Lin Feng a moment ago a moment ago a moment ago that sword. 果然,这毁灭的一剑绽放,瞬杀一人,让众人眼眸当中的贪婪与炽热也清醒了几分,目光微有些僵硬,好恐怖的一剑,他们在想,若是刚才他们在刚才那人的位置,能够抵挡住林枫刚才那一剑。 Most people discovered that they do not evade, that sword has the strength of Sixth Layer Swordsmanship will, if quickly lightning, the person of Ninth Xuan Qi Layer, the will strength that if you control does not arrive at Fourth Layer Fifth Layer, or has the formidable magical powers ability, strikes to die absolutely, but they are the talent characters of major influences, but will strength Fourth Layer Fifth Layer, easier said than done. 绝大多数人都发现,他们躲不过,那一剑拥有六重剑道意志的力量,快若闪电,玄武境九重之人,若是你掌控的意志力量不到四重五重,或者拥有强大的神通能力,绝对是一击必死,而他们虽然是各大势力的天才人物,但意志力量四重五重,谈何容易。 Only can say Lin Feng, has cast off the talents of their major influences by far, the strength is too terrorist. 只能说林枫,已经远远的甩开了他们各大势力的天才,实力太恐怖。 Although heart startled and Lin Feng influence, but regarding the heavy treasure, they are unable thorough giving up, the will of the people, always such complex. 虽心惊与林枫的势力,但对于重宝,他们又无法彻底的放弃,人心,总是这么的复杂。 The desert bottom, the blood pond of that terrifying has seethed at this moment as if with excitement, the billowing courage vigor crazy rushing clouds, Lin Feng and the others formidable spirit blooms, guards the four directions, nobody dares to act rashly. 沙漠地底,那恐怖的血池此刻仿佛是沸腾了起来,滚滚的血气疯狂的冲上云霄,林枫等人身上强大气息绽放,镇守四方,无人敢轻举妄动。 Then, the time of half day in an instant passes, the crowd more gathered, in this period, some people are unable to bear begin, moreover was one group of people also gets rid, however the result was shocks, dozens people of formidable lineups also got rid, had only insisted three time of breath, the complete death, wrote off cleanly. 就这样,半日的时间转眼过去,人群越聚越多,期间,有人无法忍住动手了,而且是一群人同时出手,然而结局是震撼的,几十人的强大阵容同时出手,仅仅只是坚持了三个呼吸的时间,全部死亡,被抹杀干净。 The Lin Feng blood sword drinks the blood, a sword kills several people, even swallows their blood, making the blood light soar to the heavens. 林枫的血剑饮血,一剑杀几人,甚至吞噬他们的血液,让血光冲天。 The Jun Mo Xi golden color long gown has delimited, gives blood to spurt, nobody may fight. 君莫惜金色长袍划过,献血飞洒,无人可争锋。 Yun Fei Yang Ancient Bell Fei Yang \ flying upwards, suppression four directions, get rid of the person livingly being killed by shock. 云飞扬古钟飞扬,镇压四方,一出手将人活生生的给震死来。 That Yu Tianji, the hand is holding the light of seven luminaries stars, stars strength rolling all that does not extinguish, departure terrifying extremely. 还有那宇天机,手托着七曜星辰之光,不灭的星辰力量辗压一切,极其的离开恐怖。 That strength weak female, the step is exquisite, after the hand is , the wrap sends out [gold/metal], destroys the hardest defenses, the fearful palm strength was unable Wu Tian, the murder to seize the life. 就连那实力偏弱的女子,步法精湛无比,手上是后套散发金芒,无坚不摧,还有可怕的掌力无法无天,杀人夺命。 Five people, are formidable incomparable, that three breath truly shaking the body shiver all people, nobody dares to move again, even they discovered that in these people have the utensil that three people use, is in itself the formidable most precious object. 五个人,都是强大无比,那三个呼吸就真正将所有人给震得身体颤抖,再没人敢动,甚至他们发现,这些人中有三人使用的器物,本身就是强大的至宝。 „The strength of this bloodlines, may suffice him to absorb.” Yun Fei Yang looked at one toward below blood pond, said with a smile that more long of absorption, was proving without doubt Huangfu Long obtained a bigger advantage. “这血脉的力量,可真够他吸收的啊。”云飞扬朝着下方的血池看了一眼,笑着说道,吸收的越久,无疑证明着皇甫龙得到了越大的好处。 In an instant, is several double-hour passes, the aspect of void middle as before refusing to compromise, at this time, the blood pond tumbled more and more fiercely, seemed has seethed with excitement, the blood pond made the sound of Tsunami, was shelling the seacoast. 转眼间,又是几个时辰过去,虚空当中依旧还是僵持的局面,这时候,血池翻滚得越来越厉害,好似沸腾了起来,血池发出海啸之音,轰击着海岸。 Roar!” “吼!” The formidable roar soars to the heavens together, bang a bang, eyesight of crowd all goes to the blood pond, saw that the form shoots up to the sky together. 一道强大的吼声冲天,轰隆一声巨响,人群的目光全部都投向血池,就看到一道身影冲天而起。 On this form is passing [gold/metal], the body has as if been full of the inexhaustible strength, full Tou golden yellow long hair, radiant, flash flash under the sunlight lives the splendor. 这身影身上透着金芒,身上仿佛充满了无穷无尽的力量,那满头的金黄长发,更加的璀璨了起来,在阳光之下耀耀生辉。 What is more stirring, at this moment on the body of this form, a real dragon circles on his body, face upwards the long and loud cry, as if must this day shaking a hole. 更震撼人心的是,此刻在这身影的身上,一头真龙在他的身体上盘旋,仰天长啸,仿佛要将这天给震出一个窟窿。 But in the hand of this form, is grasping a handle great axe, on the giant axe is also passing [gold/metal], above is carving dragon shape designs, lifelike, as if there is real dragon to get angry in this great axe eats delicacies, Dragon Fu, resembles to break this vault of heaven. 而在这身影的手中,握着一柄巨斧,巨大的斧头上也透着金芒,上面刻着一道道龙形图案,栩栩如生,仿佛有真龙在这巨斧中怒啸,龙斧,似要破开这苍穹。 This is Big Pest.” “这还是大害虫吗。” In the mouth of Lin Feng reveals wipes the happy expression, Big Pest at this moment probably is the child of dragon, Mt. Liba the air/Qi is unparalleled, such as the war-god the world, must open a day of great axe to cut to kill various deity demons by that. 林枫的嘴中露出一抹笑意,此刻的大害虫就好像是龙之子,力拔山兮气盖世,如战神将世,要以那开天巨斧斩杀诸天神魔。 Hey, originally I have the ancestor here, the father also thinks one are in the stone jumps.” Big Pest a few words make Lin Feng immediately speechless, has not thought that this fellow comes out to jump such a few words, but Lin Feng is also quite shocking, this supreme Venerable, is Huangfu Long his ancestor? “嘿嘿,原来我还有先祖在这里,老子还以为自己是石头里蹦出来的呢。”大害虫一句话让林枫顿时无语,没想到这家伙出来蹦出这么一句话来,不过林枫也颇为震惊,这至尊尊者,还是皇甫龙他的先祖? Lin Feng, this time I may come right, my feeling so is no wonder intense, originally dies the devil here, as if there is strength of same bloodlines with me, perhaps is my ancestor.” Saying that Huangfu Long laughs foolishly, understood Huangfu Long no wonder suddenly had that marvelous feeling a moment ago, originally is really related with him. 林枫,这次我可来对了,难怪我的感觉这么强烈,原来死在这里的死鬼,似乎和我拥有同一种血脉的力量,说不定是我的祖宗。”皇甫龙憨笑的说道,也明白了刚才皇甫龙难怪突然生出那种奇妙的感觉,原来真的和他有关。 This supreme Venerable changes to the bloodlines the blood, the seal under the desert, the average person even does not believe that here will have the treasure, only then has the person of his bloodlines, can induce, that supreme Venerable, has the same bloodlines strength person to come with him and other, is very lucky, before he had not been discovered by others, this formidable Venerable has waited till the arrival of Huangfu Long, inherited his bloodlines, obtained his powerful tomahawk. 这至尊尊者将血液化作血脉,将之封印在沙漠之下,普通人甚至都不相信这里会有宝物,只有拥有他血脉的人,才能够感应到,那至尊尊者,就是在等一个和他拥有同样血脉力量的人来,很幸运,在他没有被别人发现之前,这强大的尊者等到了皇甫龙的到来,继承了他的血脉,得到了他强悍的战斧。 „Don't you know your life experience?” Some Lin Feng surprise, Huangfu Long can have today's achievement, own life experience does not know. “你不知道自己的身世?”林枫有些诧异,皇甫龙能够有今日的成就,难道连自己的身世都不知晓。 Hey, does not know that is growing up from Ono, original this whole life my Big Pest strongest wish damages a saintess, marries to work as my wife the Tianchi saintesses, it seems like my ambition was small.” Huangfu Long touches the head, although frank simple and honest, however lets a Lin Feng silence, in the middle of this frank voice, passes one to feel sad. “嘿嘿,不知道,从小野着长大的,本来这辈子我大害虫最大的心愿就是祸害一个圣女,将天池圣女娶来当我老婆,看来我的志向是不是小了点。”皇甫龙摸了摸脑袋,虽然爽朗憨厚,然而却让林枫一阵默然,这爽朗的话音当中,何尝不是透着一股心酸。 He does not know his life experience, therefore wants to marry the Tianchi saintesses is the wife, showed that have existed, no wonder this fellow has been shouting Tianchi Xue is her wife. 他不知道自己的身世,所以想要娶天池圣女为妻,证明一下自己存在过,难怪这家伙一直喊着天池雪是她老婆。 Your wife, will be certainly more outstanding than Tianchi Xue.” Lin Feng said with a smile. “你的妻子,一定会比天池雪更优秀很多的。”林枫笑着说道。 Huangfu Long nodded, says with a smile gruffly: I also thought so.” 皇甫龙点了点头,憨笑着道:“我也这么觉得。” In the middle of the crowd, snow white form stands in that together, looks up void like the war-god form, eyesight extremely complex, Tianchi Xue that this person of Lin Feng mentioned, before she looked down upon Lin Feng, to look down upon Huangfu Long, when particularly Huangfu Long held to her, she loathed it, how Huangfu Long can be joined to her, but has not thought such quickly, Lin Feng, Huangfu Long and the others, as well as were existence of Yu Tianji equal status, but this saintess Tianchi Xue, actually can only stand above the ground looks up. 人群当中,一道雪白的身影站在那,抬起头看着虚空中如战神般的身影,目光极其的复杂,这人正是林枫提到的天池雪,以前她看不起林枫、看不起皇甫龙,尤其是当皇甫龙粘着她的时候,她厌恶之,皇甫龙如何能够配得上她,但没想到这么快,林枫皇甫龙等人,以及是和宇天机同等地位的存在,而她这圣女天池雪,却只能站在地面之上去仰望。 In her innermost feelings, winds through meaning of the light lamentation, the somewhat grieved feeling, perhaps, Huangfu Long of this simple and honest foolishness, can become one generation of combat generals, breaks a stretch of world with that dragon axe. 在她的内心当中,流过一丝淡淡的悔恨之意,有几分酸楚之感,也许,这憨厚傻气的皇甫龙,真能够成为一代战将,以那龙斧破开一片天地。 Lin Feng, the bloodlines density of this blood pond was too formidable, I am unable to buy in completely, you also go, also quenchings the physique.” Huangfu Long was saying with a smile to Lin Feng, Lin Feng eyesight congealed, the blood pond that , this supreme Venerable bloodlines changed, by Big Pest present cultivation base, absorbs radically endlessly. 林枫,这血池的血脉浓度太强大了,我根本无法全部吸纳掉,你也进去,也淬炼一下筋骨。”皇甫龙对着林枫笑道,林枫目光一凝,果然,这至尊尊者血脉化作的血池,以大害虫如今的修为,根本吸收不尽。 Lin Feng eyesight looked at other people, Huangfu Long also said: Relax, you go advanced, afterward they, come, until exhausts the bloodlines strength.” 林枫目光看了一眼其他人,皇甫龙又道:“放心,你先进去,随后他们,一个个来,直到将血脉力量耗尽。” Good.” Lin Feng nods, does not arrest in these sections, to people slight bow, immediately footsteps one cross, the body submerges in the middle of the blood pond directly. “好。”林枫点头,不拘于这些小节,对着众人微微点头,随即脚步一跨,身体直接没入血池当中。 Shortly, scalding hot spirit is pasting on the body, stabbing pain body of Lin Feng. 顷刻间,一股灼热的气息在身上流转着,刺痛着林枫的身体。 Roar......” the sound of Dragon recitation passes on together from the blood pond, making the people one startled, what's the matter, how did Lin Feng go in has also initiated Dragon Roar? “吼……”一道龙吟之声从血池当中传出来,让众人一惊,怎么回事,怎么林枫进去也引发了龙啸 This fellow, there is a strength of bloodlines of dragon.” Huangfu Long cracks into a smile, eyesight sweeps immediately to the crowd, the giant dragon axe shoulders in the shoulder, was shouting to clear the way to the crowd anger: Looks at anything to look that has not gone to me.” “这家伙,也有龙之血脉的力量。”皇甫龙咧嘴一笑,随即目光扫向人群,巨大的龙斧扛在肩头,对着人群怒喝道:“看什么看,还不给我快滚。” Crowd eye pupil one stiff, is staring at Huangfu Long, this bastard, he makes Lin Feng go to accept the baptism of blood pond, actually must give to drum out them, too bastard. 人群眼眸一僵,盯着皇甫龙,这混蛋,他让林枫进去接受血池的洗礼,却要将他们给轰走,太混蛋了。 Roar, the father also wants power and prestige today!” Huangfu Long carries Dragon Fu slowly, the body walks toward the front, a hand builds above the dragon axe, cold [say / way]: Gives father to fall back on beyond ten li (0.5km) completely, otherwise, do not blame me not being impolite.” “吼,老子今天也要威风一回!”皇甫龙扛着龙斧,身体缓缓的朝着前方走去,一只手搭在龙斧之上,冷道:“全部给老子退到十里之外,否则,别怪我不客气。” The complexions of many people sank, one of them scolds saying: Your excellency was extremely whether dissolute, we do not seize the treasure, looked that here is not good.” 许多人的脸色都沉了下来,其中一人呵斥说道:“阁下是否太过放肆了,我们不夺宝,难道在这里看都不行。” Shouted......” Huangfu Long to put out tone, the giant dragon axe took from the shoulder, was staring at that person, said: If not for wants to snatch, you will have free time to look here? If not for my these brothers are powerful, perhaps you already began, since this, the father does not need to be polite to you.” “呼……”皇甫龙吐出口气,巨大的龙斧从肩头拿下来,盯着那人,道:“若不是想要抢,你们会有空在这里看?若不是我这些兄弟实力强大,恐怕你们都早就动手了吧,既然这样,老子也不必对你们客气。” First takes you, tries this axe fiercely.” Huangfu Long said that the arm makes the sound, draws the powerful arc, the tomahawk has cut to kill together. “就先拿你,试试这斧头有多厉害。”皇甫龙说罢,手臂发出咔嚓的声响,划过一道有力的弧线,战斧斩杀而出。 Roar!” The sound of tremor will of the people Dragon Roar, the crowd only saw together the fearful sword glow blooms together, the trim space is golden splendid light, cuts toward that person, in the middle of the golden light, Dragon Nuxiao, the direct bang on that person of body, shortly, that person of body changed into the powder really directly, thorough disappearance in the space, called out pitifully without enough time sends out. “吼!”一道龙啸之声颤动人心,人群只看到一道可怕的剑芒绽放,整片空间都是金色的华光,朝着那人斩去,在金光当中,一头真龙怒啸,直接轰在了那人的身上,顷刻间,那人的身体直接化为粉末,彻底的消失在空间当中,就连惨叫都来不及发出。 You have not rolled.” Huangfu Long raises the axe, eyesight is sweeping to other people, overbearing incomparable. “你们还不滚。”皇甫龙提着斧头,目光又扫向其他人,霸道无比。 5201 the novel high-speed first round Peerless Martial God latest chapter, this chapter is Chapter 796 5201小说高速首发绝世武神最新章节,本章节是第796章 Aggressive Big Pest address for the chapter that if you think is good please do not forget to the friend recommendation in group and micro blog! 霸气的大害虫地址为如果你觉的本章节还不错的话请不要忘记向您群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!
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