PMG :: Volume #3

#793: Cloudy ghost bottle gourd

In stretch of ruins, brings spirit that cloudy and cold are dying out, many people encircle in this piece of space, eyesight stare at that to stand above the ruins together the form. 在一片废墟之中,带着一股股阴冷寂灭的气息,许多人围在这片空间,目光盯着那站在废墟之上一道身影。 Sees only that person of surface like the jade pendant adorning a hat, lives martial-lookingly uncommonly, however in the middle of his pair of bright pupil, is actually passing a cloudy and cold smiling face, eyesight is taking a fast look around the crowd, on his body, similarly fearful cloudy and cold air/Qi unceasing winding around release, extremely fearful. 只见那人面如冠玉,生得英武不凡,然而他那双明亮的眸子当中,却透着一股阴冷的笑容,目光扫视着人群,在他的身上,同样有一股可怕的阴冷之气不断的缭绕释放,极其的可怕。 Makes the crowd most dread that truly, is a bottle gourd in this person of hand, above this bottle gourd the gloom winds around, is bringing dying out spirit, frightening, does not know that had many people dead in this bottle gourd hand. 真正让人群最忌惮的,是此人手中的一个葫芦,这葫芦之上阴气缭绕,带着寂灭的气息,让人心惊胆战,已经不知道有多少人死在了这葫芦手中。 Duan Wuya, we are the people of East China Sea dragon palace, how you can a person alone the treasure, besides this bottle gourd, think that you also obtained other treasures, whether must apportion same side some, we also well help you deal with other people.” 段无涯,我们好歹都是东海龙宫之人,你怎么能一个人独自得宝,除了这葫芦之外,想必你还得到了其它的宝物吧,是否也要分给同门一些,我们也好帮你对付其他人。” Sees only throws over the form of imperial robe to stare at that youth together, this person is the person in East China Sea dragon palace, as for that youth, Duan Wuya that Lin Feng hates to the marrow of the bones. 只见一道身上披着龙袍的身影盯着那青年,此人是东海龙宫的人,至于那青年,正是林枫恨之入骨的段无涯 Since has come, all respectively depends on the skill, I obtain, naturally belongs to me, you want, can come here to take, if you are competent, I naturally did not mind that gives you treasure.” Duan Wuya said pale with a smile, but how his cloudy and cold sound makes people feel to harbor evil intentions, the Duan Wuya strength was formidable, now has been guaranteed hu, is the terrifying is more incomparable, almost unmanned can nearly his body. “既然进来了,所有的一切都各凭本事,我得到的,自然归我所有,你们想要的话,可以来我这里取,你们若有实力,我自然不介意将宝物交给你们。”段无涯淡笑着说道,不过他那阴冷的声音怎么都让人感觉不怀好意,段无涯的实力本就强大,如今又得到保葫,更是恐怖无比,几乎无人可以近他身。 You want, if not want, I may probably walk.” Duan Wuya smiles, making eyesight of crowd one stiff, can think so Duan Wuya to leave inadequately? “你们要不要,若是不要的话,我可就要走了。”段无涯一笑,让人群的目光一僵,难道就要这么看着段无涯离开不成? Dies.” At this time, in Duan Wuya suddenly presents together the form, kills toward Duan Wuya. “去死。”就在这时候,在段无涯的身后突然出现一道身影,朝着段无涯杀去。 Kills.” Saw that in front of this had several forms also to clash, they were not willingly such make Duan Wuya leave, the opportunity that valuable bottle gourd only then had, must seize it. “杀。”看到这一幕前面有好几道身影也冲了出去,他们不甘心就这么让段无涯离开,那宝葫芦只有有一线得到的机会,都要将之夺下来。 Duan Wuya eyesight light toward has after death swept one, careless, on his body, one group of cloudy and cold spirit flutters, covers his entire body, one group of dark clouds flutter, that person of terrifying palm strength direct bang above dark clouds, however immediately, actually saw that group of dark clouds to cover directly his body, spreading of pitiful yell, that person of body was torn together directly, gave blood sprinkles crazily. 段无涯目光淡淡的朝着身后扫了一眼,毫不在乎,在他的身上,一团阴冷的气息飘荡,将他整个身体都笼罩住,一团阴云飘动,身后那人的恐怖掌力直接轰在了阴云之上,然而随即,却见那团阴云直接将他的身体都笼罩住了,一道惨叫之传出,那人的身体被直接撕裂来,献血狂洒。 Good cruel method.” The crowd sees this eyesight is one stiff, this Duan Wu Dao, the method was too cruel, rips the smashing the person. “好残忍的手段。”人群看到这一幕目光都是一僵,这段无道,手段太残忍了,将人撕成粉碎。 You must court death, I help you.” The Duan Wuya personal appearance concentrates once again presently, a finger aims above that bottle gourd, immediately in the bottle gourd has one group of fearful ash-gray dark clouds to throw, shoots on the bodies of these people, covers their bodies, immediately, the people noticed that these people died in the middle of the dark clouds, changed to the nihility, dying cannot die again. “你们要找死,我成全你们。”段无涯的身形再度凝现,一指指向那葫芦之上,顿时葫芦中有一团可怕的灰色阴云扑出去,射在那些人的身上,将他们的身体笼罩住,随即,众人就看到那些人死在了阴云当中,化作虚无,死的不能再死。 Quite fearful.” The eye pupil of crowd somewhat is stiff, that bottle gourd, was too fierce, kills without showing blood, so long as in cloudy and cold Yun Longzhao by bottle gourd were lived, must die without doubt. “好可怕。”人群的眼眸微有些僵硬,那葫芦,太厉害了,杀人不见血,只要被葫芦中的阴冷之云笼罩住,必死无疑。 Also do some people want my this treasure?” Duan Wuya sweeps to the crowd, said lightly, these person of eyesight are stiff, a silence, that bottle gourd was too fearful, died has sufficed many people, they seized the valuable again the words, perhaps will also be killed. “还有人要我这宝贝吗?”段无涯扫向人群,淡淡的说了一声,那些人目光僵硬,一阵沉默,那葫芦太可怕了,已经死了够多的人,他们再去夺宝的话,恐怕也会被杀死。 „The words that you do not want, I walked.” Duan Wuya light smiles, immediately the personal appearance trembles, the twinkling vanished in front of the crowd, quick, the people can only notice that one group of dark clouds wound around in that. “你们不要的话,那我就走了。”段无涯淡淡的一笑,随即身形一颤,瞬息消失在了人群面前,很快,众人只能够看到一团阴云缭绕在那。 The Duan Wuya person in the middle of void, in eyesight is glittering together the cold glow. 段无涯人在虚空当中,目光中闪烁着一道寒芒。 Here corpse air/Qi is heaviest, suddenly had discovered a supreme Venerable mansion, obtained many treasures, that other three supreme mansion, should also should have the formidable gloom to be right.” In the Duan Wuya heart secret passage, the consciousness kicks out, feels cloudy and cold corpse air/Qi, he air/Qi to gloomy and feeling of corpse extremely keen, otherwise, will not find this to be buried to change to the ruins the supreme Venerable grave. “这里的尸气最重,竟然发现了一位至尊尊者府邸,得到了不少宝物,那另外的三座至尊府邸,应该也应该有强大的阴气才对。”段无涯心中暗道一声,意识扑出,去感受阴冷的尸气,他对阴气和尸气的感觉极其的敏锐,否则的话,也不会找到这已经被埋葬掉化作废墟的至尊尊者墓。 This supreme Venerable grave made him obtain the extremely big advantage, if can find that another three supreme Venerable graves, thinks to make people feel wonderfully. 这一个至尊尊者墓就让他得到了极其大的好处,若是能够找到那另外三座至尊尊者墓的话,想想都让人感觉美妙。 After Duan Wuya leaves some time, Yu Tianji also arrived at the place of that ruins unexpectedly, the eyesight twinkle is uncertain. 段无涯离开一段时间之后,宇天机竟然也到了那片废墟之地,目光闪烁不定。 The eye pupil took a fast look around another person of one, Yu Tianji said: What did here have?” 眼眸扫视了另外一人一眼,宇天机道:“这里发生了什么?” That person has swept Yu Tianji one, said with a smile: Some people had found a buried treasure, captured several extremely fierce most precious objects, ran away in that direction, if wants the treasure, you can pursue.” 那人扫了宇天机一眼,笑道:“有人找到了一座宝藏,夺得了几件极其厉害的至宝,朝着那方向逃走了,若是想要宝物的话,你可以去追。” The Yu Tianji eye pupil concentrates, smiles not to speak, he knows certainly that the opposite party cherishes illegally, but this has not cared but actually, eyesight is staring at that stretch of ruins. 宇天机眼眸一凝,笑而不语,他当然知道对方心怀不轨,不过他这倒也没在意,目光只是盯着那片废墟。 Footsteps one cross, immediately a Yuan gathering, as if has a Yuan strength to unify in Shen really , the body of Yu Tianji walks toward the place of that ruins, the light of stars twists all, Yu Tianji walks toward that ruins in unexpectedly. 脚步一跨,顿时真元汇聚,仿佛有真元之力凝聚于身,宇天机的身体朝着那片废墟之地走去,星辰之光绞动一切,宇天机竟朝着那废墟里面走去。 The surrounding crowd eye pupil concentrates, is staring at Yu Tianji, this person marched into the ruins unexpectedly. 周围的人群眼眸都是一凝,盯着宇天机,此人竟然步入了废墟里面。 Um?” The people look at each other in blank diamay, immediately the eyesight twinkle, their bodies also moved, follows Yu Tianji to walk toward the place of that ruins, that bottom, will have anything. “嗯?”众人面面相觑,随即目光闪烁,他们的身体也都动了起来,跟随着宇天机朝着那片废墟之地走去,那地底,到底会有什么。 However after a period of time, actually saw only Yu Tianji one person to emerge as the times require, flushed, other people actually as if such as liked a stone dropped into the sea, did not have the least bit sound. 然而过了一段时间之后,却只见宇天机一人破土而出,冲了出来,其他人却仿佛如石沉大海,没有了半点声响。 The personal appearance is built on void middle, the Yu Tianji eyesight twinkle is uncertain, in the middle of that cave mansion very strong big cloudy and cold malignant influences, after going, if not has does not extinguish the star light to protect the body, perhaps he is very difficult to walk, that captures the person of treasure, it seems like also has the extraordinary method, captured the rare treasure from mausoleum chamber of this cloudy ghost supreme Venerable unexpectedly. 身形立于虚空当中,宇天机目光闪烁不定,那洞府当中好强大的阴冷煞气,进去之后若非是有不灭星光护体,恐怕他都很难走出来,那夺得宝物之人,看来也有非凡的手段,竟然从这阴煞至尊尊者的地宫中夺得了异宝。 Looked at an underground, Yu Tianji sighed, these followed the person who he was going, perhaps died in inside. 看了一眼地下,宇天机叹息一声,那些跟随着他进去的人,恐怕都已经死在了里面。 Both hands lift, selects the point of optical scintillation stars to be restless, as if seven stars bloom the eye-catching gloss there, the highlight dazzling photoemission enters two positions, a position is his most, but another position, was the direction Jun Mo Xi and the others captured the treasure a moment ago the place. 双手托举起来,点点的星辰之光闪烁不息,仿佛有七颗星辰在那里绽放出夺目的光泽,其中亮点耀眼之光射入两个方位,其中一个方位正是他的最下方,而另外一个方位,则是指向刚才君莫惜等人夺得宝物的地方。 Another five stars are pasting slowly, as if the star light of anchorage moved because of these two, finally, five stars have aimed at five positions, making Yu Tianji sigh. 另外五颗星辰缓缓的流转着,仿佛因这两个已经定住的星光而动,最终,五颗星辰指向了五个方位,让宇天机叹息了一声。 If can find the third your home, fourth can look easily.” “若是能够找到第三座尊府,第四座就可以轻易找出来了。” Whispered, the Yu Tianji footsteps one cross, vanishes does not see, following the position that light of stars directs goes, the positions of light of direction these five stars, will possibly present the third your home. 低语了一声,宇天机的脚步一跨,消失不见,顺着其中一个星辰之光所指引的方位而去,这五座星辰之光指向的方位,很可能会出现第三座尊府。 After Yu Tianji leaves , many people arrived at this position, has Lin Feng they. 宇天机离开之后,又有不少人到达了这个方位,其中就有林枫他们。 „The air/Qi of good heavy cloudy ghost.” Lin Feng whispered, the air/Qi of here corpse ghost is quite heavy, had had the war a moment ago, did not know many people. “好重的阴煞之气。”林枫低语了一声,这里的尸煞之气好重,刚才发生过大战,也不知道死了多少人。 I felt that same spirit, perhaps, here is the second supreme Venerable mansion is discovered.” “我感觉到了同样的气息,也许,这里是第二座至尊尊者的府邸被发现了。” Yun Fei Yang eyesight concentrates, looks at the place of that ruins: Some many people in the past several hundred years has also entered in the middle of this mystical place, nobody discovered that this supreme your home, until today, they did want the present world?” 云飞扬目光一凝,看着那片废墟之地:“在过去的几百年间也有不少人进入过这秘境当中,难道都没有人发现这至尊尊府,直到今日,他们都要现世了吗?” „During is dark has the fate, perhaps is the master of emperor tomb wants born thousand years later today, or our these time steps into the person in mystical place, some people are doomed to obtain their inheritance.” Jun Mo Xi whispered saying that the world of martial arts is unable to talk clearly, the mysterious matter often happened, an empire, sometimes hundred years of desolate, not having the talent born, the talent gathering, the striving for hegemony world, rising of that most dazzling stars, was sometimes doomed the innumerable meteors died to serve as contrast, these, were the fates. “冥冥之中自有定数,也许是皇者墓地的主人想要在千年后的今日出世,又或者我们这一次踏入秘境的人,有人注定要得到他们的传承。”君莫惜低语说道,武道的世界根本无法说清,玄妙之事时常发生,一个帝国,有时百年落寞,没有天才出世,又有时候天才汇聚,争霸天下,那颗最耀眼星辰的崛起,注定要无数流星的陨落来衬托,这些,都是命数。 Right, perhaps this emperor grave this time must be born.” Huangfu Long hey said with a smile, Lin Feng showed neither approval nor disapproval, said: Hope real, we go to another two positions to have a look.” “没错,说不定这皇者墓这次也要出世了。”皇甫龙嘿嘿笑道,林枫不置可否,道:“希望是真的,我们去另外两个方位看看。” Then, four people of personal appearance soar, since four supreme Venerable mansions in four positions, this presented two mansions, then another two supreme mansions, certainly were another two positions, but the exact location was too difficult to seek. 说罢,四人的身形腾空而起,既然四座至尊尊者府邸是在四个方位,这已经出现了两个府邸,那么另外两个至尊府邸,就一定是另外两个方位了,只是具体位置太难寻了。 The news of supreme mansion spreads gradually, entered the people in mystical place to know, the person who even if these did not know, sought some fierce treasures in the middle of other palace mansions, even there are can be used to comprehend practice the crystal of will much, even, extremely few people, obtained the crystal of deep meaning, but these people obtained the treasure, hid closely, little person knows. 至尊府邸的消息渐渐流传开来,许多进入秘境中的人都知道了,即便那些不知晓的人,也在其他宫殿府邸当中寻得了一些厉害的宝物,甚至有不少可以用于领悟修炼的意志之晶,甚至,还有极少的人,得到了奥义之晶,不过这些人得到了宝物,都藏得紧紧的,很少人知道。 : Before down, sought the support! :五更,求支持! 5201 the novel high-speed first round Peerless Martial God latest chapter, this chapter is Chapter 793 5201小说高速首发绝世武神最新章节,本章节是第793章 Cloudy ghost bottle gourd address for the chapter that if you think is good please do not forget to the friend recommendation in group and micro blog! 阴煞葫芦地址为如果你觉的本章节还不错的话请不要忘记向您群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!
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