PMG :: Volume #3

#792: Evil spirit emperor

The people of Tianchi left in abundance, or alone goes, or several people collaborate, this piece of space does not know that vast, the fierce treasure are absolutely many, the long gown as well as Yun Fei Yang that Ancient Bell this type of wonderful treasure Jun Mo Xi obtains can obtain, but also there is anything unlikely . Moreover, Jun Mo Xi and cave mansion tomb of Yun Fei Yang discovery, perhaps merely is only fierce Venerable burial ground. 天池之人纷纷离开了,或独自而去,又或者几人联手,这片空间不知道有多浩瀚,厉害的宝物绝对不少,君莫惜得到的长袍以及云飞扬古钟这种奇宝都能够得到,还有什么不可能发生的,而且,君莫惜云飞扬发现的洞府墓地,也许仅仅只是一个厉害尊者的葬身之地。 After the people leave, Jun Mo Xi and Yun Fei Yang collaborate the cave mansion as well as the mountain wall give to raze, has buried this lands thoroughly, making these skeletons last forever underground. 众人离开之后,君莫惜云飞扬联手将洞府以及山壁给夷为平地,将这片土地彻底的埋葬了,让那些尸骨永存地下。 Lin Feng.” Jun Mo Xi eyesight looks to Lin Feng, as if had the words to say. 林枫。”君莫惜目光看向林枫,似乎有话想要说。 How?” Lin Feng looks at Jun Mo Xi and Yun Fei Yang two people, asked. “怎么了?”林枫看着君莫惜云飞扬二人,问道。 We a moment ago, entered a mausoleum chamber, obtained three treasures.” Jun Mo Xi said that making the Lin Feng pupil concentrate, the mausoleum chamber, in this cave mansion, is a mausoleum chamber. “我们刚才,进入了一座地宫,得到了三件宝物。”君莫惜言道,让林枫瞳孔一凝,地宫,原来这洞府里面,是一座地宫。 Three treasures.” The Lin Feng eye pupil coagulates slightly, besides Ancient Bell and golden long gown, the third treasure? “三件宝物。”林枫眼眸微微凝固,除了古钟和金色长袍,还有第三件宝物? Right.” The Jun Mo Xi mind moves, sees only in his hand, presented a shining glove, the golden long gown enhances one another's beauty with on him is throwing over, sends out the eye-catching light, extremely radiant. “对。”君莫惜心神一动,只见他的手中,出现了一道金灿灿的手套,和他身上披着的金色长袍交相辉映,散发出夺目之光,极其的璀璨。 This glove, should with the long gown be one set of treasure, is quite fierce, but looks at one at will, knows that this at least is the Tian Armament rank, does not know fiercely many compared with Ling Armament Xuan Armament that before he obtained. 这手套,应该和长袍是一套宝物,好厉害,只是随意看一眼,就知道这至少是天器级别的,比以前他得到的灵器玄器不知道厉害了多少。 Jun Mo Xi gives Lin Feng the golden glove, Lin Feng receives, the light Yuan strength circulation, immediately, the golden light puts really greatly, dazzling, in the glove, is passing the air/Qi of destroying the hardest defenses, was too fearful. 君莫惜将金色的手套递给林枫,林枫接过来,淡淡的真元之力流转,顿时,金光大放,璀璨夺目,手套之中,透着无坚不摧之气,太可怕了。 I have a feeling, even if drinks the blood sword, is far from achieving the rank of glove.” In the Lin Feng heart the secret passage, takes out drinks the blood sword, the ray has delimited, delimits when the golden glove, only listens to a clear sound to spread, the golden glove natural different glow, Lin Feng looks at carefully once more, really links the scratch does not have. “我有种感觉,即便是饮血剑,都远远没有达到手套的级别。”林枫心中暗道,取出饮血剑,光芒划过,划在金色的手套之上,只听一声清脆的声响传出,金色的手套大方异芒,林枫再次端详之时,果然连划痕的没有。 Hands over to give back to Jun Mo Xi the glove, actually sees Jun Mo Xi to smile shaking the head: Lin Feng, I obtain the long gown, destroys the hardest defenses, there is not dead Battle Spirit, wants this glove to be only the careless and wasteful use of nature's products again, you are taking.” 将手套递还给君莫惜,却见君莫惜微笑着摇头:“林枫,我得到长袍,无坚不摧,又有不死武魂,再要这手套只是暴殄天物,你拿着吧。” I do not use.” Lin Feng shook the head, he is the sword cultivates, the striking power is formidable, this glove cannot achieve the strongest effect in his hands. “我不用。”林枫摇了摇头,他乃是剑修,攻击力强大无比,这手套在他手中发挥不出最强的效果。 You can pass other people.” Jun Mo Xi said with a smile free and easy, eyesight unknowingly looked at one toward Tang Youyou, making the Lin Feng eye pupil stagnate, immediately has smiled bitterly under. “你可以转送他人。”君莫惜洒脱笑道,目光不经意间朝着唐幽幽看了一眼,让林枫眼眸一滞,随即苦笑了下。 Overwhelming Jun Mo Xi, he can give Tang Youyou the glove obviously directly, but he does not have such to do, but gives Lin Feng first, is transmitted by Lin Feng, Lin Feng understands, Jun Mo Xi, he is reconciling him and Tang Youyou. 一身浩然君莫惜,他明明可以将手套直接送给唐幽幽,但他没有这么做,而是先给林枫,再由林枫转交,林枫明白,君莫惜,他是在撮合他与唐幽幽呢。 Youyou, this glove, you are taking.” Lin Feng gives Tang Youyou the glove, has not rejected the Jun Mo Xi good intention, free and easy uninhibited. 幽幽,这手套,你拿着吧。”林枫将手套递给唐幽幽,并没有拒绝君莫惜的好意,洒脱不羁。 Tang Youyou eyesight stagnated, looked at Lin Feng, looked at Jun Mo Xi, immediately on her face revealed has wiped the bright smiling face, had not said that the words of smalltalk, received the glove directly, she was very gratified, Jun Mo Xi and Lin Feng and the others can have an acquaintance, this caring about nothing profligate free and easy heroic feelings, in Wu Xiu \ Martial Cultivator, was too rare, these people, did not care, true did not care, even if were an extremely precious treasure, this was, opened heart. 唐幽幽目光一滞,看了林枫,又看了一眼君莫惜,随即她的脸上露出了一抹灿烂的笑容,没有说客套的话语,直接将手套接过,她很欣慰,君莫惜林枫等人能够有一场相识,这种毫不在乎放荡洒脱的豪情,在武修之间,太难得了,这些人,不在乎,真正的不在乎,即便是一件极其珍贵的宝物,此为,交心。 Lin Feng, in the middle of the mausoleum chamber, we also knew a huge secret.” Yun Fei Yang looks that several people smile, immediately attracted Lin Feng eyesight. 林枫,在地宫当中,我们还知道了一个天大的秘密。”云飞扬看着几人一笑,顿时又将林枫目光吸引了过来。 What secret?” “什么秘密?” This piece of space, indeed is the space world that emperor has, in this piece of vast boundless space, real has a grave and emperor grave!” “这片空间,的确是皇者所拥有的空间世界,在这片浩瀚无垠的空间当中,也真真实实的拥有一座墓、皇者墓!” Yun Fei Yang opens the mouth saying that immediately in the eye pupil of Lin Feng flashes through together the sharp point, rumor really real, here, is the world of emperor, but in this world, has the grave of emperor. 云飞扬开口说道,顿时林枫的眼眸中闪过一道锐利之锋芒,传言果然是真的,这里,是皇者的世界,而在这片世界,有皇者之墓。 We enter this piece of space, saw many corpses, directly was killed by shock, responded without enough time, because, this piece of space, had had an unrivalled war, fights of two emperor.” Yun Fei Yang also said that attention attraction of Lin Feng firmly, the fights of two emperor, is quite immediately fearful. “我们进入这片空间,看到了许多具尸体,都是直接被震死的,反应都来不及,因为,这片空间,曾经发生过一场旷世大战,两位皇者的战斗。”云飞扬又道了一声,顿时将林枫的注意力牢牢的吸引住,两位皇者的战斗,好可怕。 This space world, is emperor ** world, that emperor, supreme, has many Tian Qi Layer servants, many for his subordinate, but in these middle, four Venerable is strongest, in four big positions, has their Venerable mansions, but mausoleum chamber that I and Mo Xi step into, is a mansion of Venerable senior, there, we obtained three most precious objects.” “这片空间世界,是属于一个皇者**的世界,那位皇,至高无上,拥有许多天武境的仆人,还有许多尊者为他的下属,而在这些尊者当中,有四位尊者最强,在四大方位,拥有他们自己的尊者府邸,而我和莫惜踏入的地宫,就是其中一位尊者前辈的府邸,在那里,我们得到了三件至宝。” Four supreme Venerable.” The Lin Feng eye pupil is broadminded, no wonder these two heavy treasures so powerful, originally is under the emperor place fiercest Venerable has. “四位至尊尊者。”林枫眼眸豁然,难怪这两件重宝如此的强悍,原来是皇者座下最厉害的尊者所拥有的。 In the middle of the mausoleum chamber, the senior inscribes the last words, the emperor of this space world, offended a formidable incomparable demon emperor, was chased down, ascends the sky roadless, enters does not have the gate, finally in this piece of world prepare all, even constructs including own tomb pit palace, he knows that all people, must die, that senior also knows that all before dying, carved last words.” “在地宫当中,前辈刻有遗言,这片空间世界的皇,得罪了一位强大无比的魔皇,遭到追杀,上天无路、入地无门,最终在这片世界布置好一切,甚至连自己的墓穴宫殿都建造好,他知道,所有的人,都要死,那尊者前辈也知道,所有在死之前,刻下了一段遗言。” Yun Fei Yang also said news that shocked, was startled the Lin Feng body crazily to tremble to continue, emperor of this space world, was chased down, knows can one die? 云飞扬又说出一震撼的消息,惊得林枫身体狂颤不止,这片空间世界的皇者,是被人追杀,知道自己必死? Too fearful, emperor, that keeps aloof, is in formidable existence of clouds, was chased down to ascend the sky unexpectedly roadless, enters does not have the gate, finally prepare all, even constructs including own tomb, only dies for the dignity, after the death, place of dignified burying living. 太可怕了,皇者,那高高在上,处于云端的强大存在,竟然被人追杀到上天无路、入地无门,最后布置好一切,甚至连自己的墓地都建造好,只为尊严而死,死亡之后,也有一个威严的葬生之地。 Demon emperor, the strength of that demon emperor, should have fearfully how!” Lin Feng muttered whispers, what terrifying existed, can compel so the situation emperor, simply it can be said that pitiful, emperor and innumerable Venerable, here waited for death, knows one must die without doubt. “魔皇,那魔皇的实力,该有多么的可怕!”林枫喃喃低语,什么样的恐怖存在,能将一个皇者迫到如此地步,简直可以说是凄惨,皇者和无数的尊者,都在这里等死,知道自己必死无疑。 Because emperor offended demon emperor, does not know that many formidable Venerable, the innumerable Tian Qi powerhouses, must be buried along with the dead, in this space world, accompanies emperor dead together. 因为皇者得罪了魔皇,不知道多少强大的尊者,还有无数的天武强者,都要陪葬,在这空间世界,陪伴皇者一起死。 This news, extremely has shocked, Lin Feng almost imagines being bewitched emperor to enter this world in the mind, dominates the scene of world, that meeting how magnificent ostentatious. 这消息,太过震撼了,林枫几乎在脑海中想象着魔皇杀入这片世界,称霸天地的场景,那会是多么的瑰丽浮华。 I also want to know that demon emperor, has terrifying how, * compels emperor to make own tomb pit to wait for death here.” Yun Fei Yang is smiling bitterly shaking the head, he and Jun Mo Xi sees the senior last words time, is startled heavily. “我也想知道,那魔皇,到底有多么的恐怖,*迫得一个皇者在这里制造好自己的墓穴等死。”云飞扬苦笑着摇头,他和君莫惜看到前辈遗言的时候,也惊得不轻。 Which position does that this emperor tomb pit, know?” Lin Feng asked one. “那这片皇者墓穴在哪个方位,是否知道?”林枫问了一声。 Yun Fei Yang shook the head: In the last words of Venerable senior, that emperor by the big magical powers arrangement tomb pit, where nobody knew, was not easy to find, otherwise has stepped into this mystical place in our beforehand some people, had not heard some people have seen the emperor grave.” 云飞扬摇了摇头:“在尊者前辈的遗言当中,那位皇者生前以大神通布置墓穴,无人知道在哪里,绝不是那么容易找到的,否则在我们之前有人踏入过这秘境,也没有听说过有人见到过皇者墓。” „......” Here Yun Fei Yang to stop slightly, also continued saying: In the Venerable last words mentioned, in the past followed four big supreme Venerable of emperor, he was one of them, with mansion that another three people lived, in this space world, separately in four positions, these four positions, was this world best position, faint to become Zhen.” “不过……”说到这云飞扬微微停顿了下,又继续道:“不过尊者遗言中提到了,当年追随皇者的四大至尊尊者,他是其中之一,与另外三人居住的府邸,在这片空间世界中,分别在四个方位,这四个方位,是这片世界最好的位置,隐隐成阵。” Your meaning......” the Lin Feng eyesight twinkle, there is a wisp of point. “你的意思……”林枫目光闪烁,有一缕锋芒。 Four big supreme Venerable, this is, in the middle of his cave mansion stone palace has three heavy treasures, other three supreme Venerable, if we can find their cave mansions, perhaps similarly can obtains the huge advantage, perhaps, will know the matter about emperor tomb.” “四大至尊尊者,这是其中一位,他的洞府石宫当中拥有三件重宝,其它三位至尊尊者,若是我们能够找到他们的洞府,恐怕同样能的得到巨大的好处,也许,会知道更多关于皇者墓地的事情。” Jun Mo Xi said that making the Lin Feng eye pupil concentrate, right, if can find the places of another three Venerable housings, even if had not found the emperor curtain, they also similarly can obtain the huge advantage, trip has not been made in vain, naturally, if can obtain the news of emperor grave, that will be better. 君莫惜开口说了一声,让林枫眼眸一凝,没错,若是能够找到另外三位尊者居住之地,即便没有找到皇者幕,他们也同样能够得到巨大的好处,不虚此行,当然,若是能够得到皇者墓的消息,那将更好。 The secret history that this time Lin Feng, does not know many years ago has that to fill curiously, the emperor tomb pit, has, demon emperor! 此时的林枫,对那不知道多少年前发生的秘史充满了好奇,皇者墓穴、还有,魔皇! Lin Feng and the others do not know at this time, in their remote place, the second supreme Venerable cave mansion, had been discovered that moreover similarly had a war, died many powerhouses, as for the person of that discovery supreme Venerable tomb, is the person of Lin Feng extremely getting to know each other well, but he, obtained a tyrannical treasure, kills without showing blood, extremely powerful, making has experienced the person crazy, but nobody seizes from his hand. 林枫等人此时并不知晓,在他们遥远之地,第二座至尊尊者洞府,已经被人发现了,而且同样发生了一场大战,死了许多强者,至于那发现至尊尊者墓地的人,还是林枫极其相熟之人,而他,也得到了一件强横的宝物,杀人不见血,极其的强悍,让见识过的人都为之疯狂,但没有人从他手中夺到。 : Today closes up the symbol, sought various support! :今日闭关码字,求各种支持! 5201 the novel high-speed first round Peerless Martial God latest chapter, this chapter is Chapter 792 5201小说高速首发绝世武神最新章节,本章节是第792章 Demon emperor address for the chapter that if you think is good please do not forget to the friend recommendation in group and micro blog! 魔皇地址为如果你觉的本章节还不错的话请不要忘记向您群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!
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