PMG :: Volume #3

#794: Wilderness blood pond

The crowd rolling moves in the east direction, at this time, in the middle of a golden desert, Yu Tianji is walking in the ground, in his hands, is holding an astrolabe, has of optical scintillations bunch of stars to be uncertain, is directing his vanguard. 人群朝着东面的方向滚滚而动,此时,在一片金色的沙漠当中,宇天机在地面上行走着,在他的手中,托着一个星盘,有着一团团星辰之光闪烁不定,指引着他的前行。 Yu Tianji he had the stars physique that the fairy not measured, the strength in within the body may with the stars echo, has practiced rare cultivation technique, had it seems like appears the extremely unusual ability in other people, by into the fairy was not measured knew the secret. 宇天机他拥有神鬼莫测的星辰体质,体内之力可与星辰呼应,修炼了罕见的功法,拥有许多在其他人看来显得极为奇特的能力,被人成为神鬼莫测知天机。 But only he understands that true secret makings this cultivation base can peep, even if dark middle has the fate, has the secret, must control the big magical powers Great Expert to be able in the powerful magical powers method to peep, he could not have achieved this by far, he relies on, is only the law of stars, actuates strength of the wisp of stars, for him directs, making him feel the mystery of that wisp of world. 但只有他自己明白,真正的天机气质他这种修为能够窥视的,即便冥冥当中拥有定数,拥有天机,也要掌控大神通的大能者才能够以强悍的神通手段去窥视,他还远远做不到这点,他凭借的,只是星辰之法,驱动一缕星辰之力量,为他指引,让他去感受那一缕天地的玄妙。 In the middle of this vast golden deserts, the earth was roasted by the sunlight is roasting, appears especially blazing, steam even unceasing throws, not having the ruins, not to have the corpse, seems like as if impossible to have the vestige, however, Yu Tianji here earnestly is actually trying to find out, with the astrolabe direction, he has a feeling faintly, in the middle of this desert, will certainly have anything. 在这片浩瀚的金色沙漠当中,大地被阳光炙烤着,显得格外的炽热,一股热气甚至不断的扑上来,没有废墟、没有尸体,看起来似乎不可能有遗迹,然而,宇天机却在这里认真的摸索着,用星盘指引,他隐隐有种感觉,这片沙漠当中,一定会有什么。 Um?” At this time, the front presented a ash-gray form, that person of stature is thin, the whole body is passing cloudy and cold spirit. “嗯?”就在这时候,前方出现了一道灰色的身影,那人身材瘦削,浑身透着一股阴冷的气息 Is he?” The Yu Tianji eye pupil stagnates, has thought captures the form that the treasure imperial empties to go to the middle of that stretch of ruins, probably is this person. “难道是他?”宇天机眼眸一滞,想到了在那片废墟当中夺得宝物御空而去的身影,好像就是此人。 Saw only that form as if also to feel anything, turned head, looked at one toward here, the cloudy and cold pupil, flashed through together the cold happy expression, this happy expression made Yu Tianji feel that whole body one cool, that smiling face seemed like temperate, actually cold Ru marrow. 只见那道身影似乎也感受到了什么般,回过头来,朝着这边看了一眼,阴冷的眸子当中,闪过一道寒冷的笑意,这笑意让宇天机感觉浑身一凉,那笑容看似温和,却又冷入骨髓。 This person is very dangerous, deciding is an extremely sinister deceitful generation.” Yu Tianji stars pupil circulation, only one as if must see through the opposite party, actually sees the opposite party to say with a smile to him: You also come this treasure hunt?” “这人很危险,定是个极其阴险奸诈之辈。”宇天机星辰眸子流转,只一眼就仿佛要将对方看穿来,却见对方对着他笑道:“你也是来此寻宝?” Yes.” Yu Tianji nodded, the footsteps continue to face forward to tread. “是。”宇天机点了点头,脚步继续朝前踏出。 Is very good, you actually also felt, I think that on the below of this desert land, will certainly present the heavy treasure, you quickly diligently will unearth.” That person said that continues to face forward to march forward, making in the Yu Tianji heart sneer, this person makes him try hard to treasure hunt, but if he sought, perhaps met first kills people to seize the treasure. “很不错,你竟然也感觉到了,我认为就这片沙漠土地的下面,一定会出现重宝,你赶快努力将之挖掘出来。”那人说罢,继续朝前行进着,让宇天机心中冷笑,此人让他努力寻宝,但若是他真的寻到了,恐怕会第一时间杀人夺宝吧。 You are also.” Yu Tianji does not care smiles , to continue to hold the astrolabe to move, if had found the buried treasure, he does not believe the opposite party also to be able from his hand to win. “你也是。”宇天机不在意的一笑,继续托着星盘移动着,若是真找到了宝藏,他不信对方还能从他的手中夺走。 Two fools, in the middle of this wilderness, actually also wanted to find the treasure.” Void middle, several forms imperial have flown spatially, the satire said. “两个傻子,这片荒漠当中,竟然还想要找到宝物。”虚空当中,有好几道身影御空飞过,讽刺说道。 Yu Tianji simply has not paid attention, Duan Wuya gains ground, was taunting his person to smile to that lightly, to person a cloudy and cold feeling. 宇天机根本没有理会,段无涯则是抬起头,对着那嘲讽他的人淡淡一笑,给人一种阴冷的感觉。 In the middle of the wilderness, is dry and silent, does not have any habitation, many people passed by then leave, few people will stay, like such that several people said that they did not believe the place of this desert also to present the treasure, at least should be that type of ruins or the corpse air/Qi very heavy place has the possibility, they rather in the palace that went to these one to sit treasure hunt. 荒漠当中,干燥、寂静,没什么人烟,许多人都只是路过便离开,很少有人会停留,就像那几个人说的那样,他们都不信这片沙漠之地还能出现宝物,至少应该是那种废墟或者尸气很重的地方才有可能,他们宁愿去那些一坐坐哦的宫殿中去寻宝。 The Lin Feng five people following the east side line, at this moment, arrived at this desert land unexpectedly. 林枫五人顺着东面而行,此刻,竟也来到了这片沙漠地带。 Here is quite hot, the direction does not have the mistake, can be a wilderness unexpectedly.” Yun Fei Yang whispered, the temperature of this desert, wants to be higher than other places. “这里好热,方向没有错误吧,竟然会是一片荒漠。”云飞扬低语了一声,这片沙漠的温度,比其它地方要高许多。 Matter leaves must have monster unusual.” Lin Feng light saying, they have studied under the position, this wilderness that is born the place that opposes with that two supreme your home is a position not wrong. “事出反常必有妖。”林枫淡淡的说道,他们研究了下方位,和那两处至尊尊府出世的地方所对立的,这片荒漠是一个方位没有错。 Why I will feel excited.” How many minute of extraordinary splendor in the pupil of Huangfu Long is having, making other person of eyesight concentrate, surprise looks at Huangfu Long, excited? He in this wilderness, will actually feel that is very excited. “为什么我会感到好兴奋。”皇甫龙的眸子中带着几分异彩,让其他人目光一凝,诧异的看着皇甫龙,兴奋?他在这片荒漠当中,竟然会感觉到很兴奋。 What did you feel exceptionally?” Lin Feng was asking to Huangfu Long. “你感觉到了什么异常吗?”林枫对着皇甫龙问道。 We get down.” In the Huangfu Long eye the ray is getting more and more abundant, the somewhat blazing meaning, is very unexpectedly excited, his blood as if has to plant in gradually the feeling of combustion. “我们下去。”皇甫龙眼中光芒越来越盛,竟有几分炽热之意,很兴奋,他的血液仿佛都有种在渐渐燃烧的感觉。 The footsteps step toward the ground , the Huangfu Long personal appearance appears above the ground instantaneously. 脚步朝着地面上跨去,皇甫龙的身形瞬间出现在地面之上。 The crowd saw that the movement eye pupil of Huangfu Long concentrates, gets down with Huangfu Long together, they have even looked at each other one, Huangfu Long, induced what really? 人群看到皇甫龙的动作眼眸都是一凝,跟着皇甫龙一起下去,他们甚至对视了一眼,皇甫龙,难道真的感应到了什么? How is it?” Lin Feng also asked one. “怎么样?”林枫又问了一声。 Right, is this feeling, was getting more and more intense, is very excited, my blood probably in ebullition.” In the pupil of Huangfu Long blossoms in radiant splendor, footsteps fierce stepping forward, dashed about wildly in the desert unexpectedly, he as if listened respectfully to the heart of earth, the heart of earth was beating, this marvelous feeling, his body had an intense courage vigor to fill the air. “没错,是这种感觉,越来越强烈了,很兴奋,我的血液好像在沸腾。”皇甫龙的眸子中大放异彩,脚步猛的跨出,竟然在沙漠中狂奔了起来,他仿佛聆听到了大地的心脏,大地的心脏在跳动,这种一种奇妙的感觉,他的身上有一股强烈的血气在弥漫。 The crowd looks at each other in blank diamay, has not thought that Huangfu Long will have this feeling, supreme Venerable mansion, really in this piece of desert bottom? 人群都面面相觑,没想到皇甫龙会有这种感觉,难道至尊尊者的府邸,真的在这片沙漠地底? The body twinkle, they follow closely the body of Huangfu Long to go, finally ran for a long time, Huangfu Long stopped, he at this moment, seemed the whole body blood has burnt, on the face was red a piece, the body has the strength of bloodlines to past faintly. 身体闪烁,他们一个个都紧随着皇甫龙的身体而去,终于奔跑了许久,皇甫龙停了下来,此刻的他,好似浑身的血液都燃烧了起来,脸上都赤红一片,身上隐隐有血脉的力量在流转。 Is this feeling, is here.” The body of Huangfu Long shoots up to the sky suddenly, immediately suddenly downward pounds to fall, the bang of bang, the yellow sand tumbling on desert, splashes toward four sides, Huangfu Long whole person crazy breaking of arrives at the bottom. “就是这种感觉,就是在这里。”皇甫龙的身体突然间冲天而起,随即猛然的往下砸落,轰的一声巨响,沙漠上的黄沙翻滚,朝着四面飞溅,皇甫龙整个人疯狂的冲入到地底。 Roar......” sound of the roaring spreads, is the Huangfu Long sound, immediately bang the bang sound trembles in the earth, the place of desert is shivering, Lin Feng and the others only hear the sound to spread together, as if had anything to disrupt to be the same. “吼……”一声怒吼之声传出,是皇甫龙的声音,随即轰隆的巨响声在大地中震颤,沙漠之地在颤抖,林枫等人只听到一道咔嚓的声响传出,仿佛有什么碎裂掉了一样。 Bang!” Billowing yellow sand everywhere danced in the air, flushes away toward the sky , the trim world, completely is the yellow sand, as if in condensation sand dust storm, but the ground that just Huangfu Long broke, presented huge swirl, the yellow sand crazy was curled up by swirl, light of the courage vigor, rushes to the clouds. “轰!”滚滚的黄沙漫天飞舞了起来,朝着天空中冲去,整片天地,全部都是黄沙,仿佛在凝聚沙尘风暴,而刚刚皇甫龙冲入的地面,出现了一个巨大的漩涡,黄沙疯狂的被漩涡卷起,有一道道血气之光,也冲上云霄。 Courage vigor, very strong big courage vigor.” Lin Feng and the others arrived here, saw that swirl eye pupil trembles, immediately they see in the earth deep place, seems has Wang Jinhuang the color blood pond, floods strength that incomparably is rushing. “血气,好强大的血气。”林枫等人来到这边,看到那漩涡眼眸一颤,随即他们看到在大地的深处,好似有一汪金黄之色的血池,充斥着无比澎湃的力量。 Found.” Lin Feng eyesight one stiff, feeling of Huangfu Long is right, he had found, in this blood pond fills the air, but strength, is quite fearful, this is the formidable bloodlines strength. “真的找到了。”林枫目光一僵,皇甫龙的感觉是对的,他真的找到了,这血池中弥漫而出的力量,好可怕,这是强大的血脉力量。 Strides in Venerable the boundary, can condense the courage vigor, changes to the bloodlines, the bloodlines strength extremely formidable, can spread, but four big Venerable that emperor sits down, is supreme Venerable, formidable boundless, their bloodlines are powerful incomparable, if they want, can change to Wang Xuechi own bloodlines strength, spreads the strength of bloodlines, but will little have Venerable such to do, died, will also leave behind the strength of bloodlines to do. 跨入尊者之境,可以凝聚血气,化作血脉,血脉力量极其的强大,可以流传下去,而皇者坐下的四大尊者,乃是至尊尊者,强大无边,他们的血脉更是强悍无比,若是他们愿意,可以将自己的血脉力量化作一汪血池,将血脉的力量流传下去,只是很少有尊者会这么做,都死了,还留下血脉的力量干什么。 However this supreme Venerable, as if also really such has done, changed to the bloodlines own blood when the death, has spread, buried in the desert bottom. 然而这至尊尊者,似乎还真的这么做了,在死亡之时将自己的血液化作血脉,流传了下来,埋葬在沙漠地底。 Moreover, the strength of this bloodlines extremely wild blazing, seems the blood of dragon, lets Lin Feng and the others secret passage, no wonder this trim desert heat such, here the piece of such formidable bloodlines strength, will be affecting the trim wilderness. 而且,这股血脉的力量极其的狂暴炽热,仿佛是龙之血液,让林枫等人暗道一声,难怪这整片沙漠会这么的热,原来在这里有一片这么强大的血脉力量,影响着整片荒漠。 Four people looked at one mutually, immediately understood the idea of opposite party, does not need to say much, four forms glitter, are built on void middle, is protecting this blood pond. 四人相互看了一眼,立即都明白了对方的想法,不需要多说,四道身影闪烁,立于虚空当中,守护着这片血池。 Since Huangfu Long is predestined friends with the strength of this bloodlines, this chance should be belongs his, but here initiates the so formidable sound, perhaps will attract quickly the powerhouse to come. 既然皇甫龙与这血脉的力量有缘,这机缘就应该是属于他的,而这里引发如此强大的动静,恐怕很快就会吸引强者前来。 Quick, has form together to glitter, this form four people knew that impressively unexpectedly is Yu Tianji, has not thought of him also here. 很快,就有一道身影闪烁过来,这身影四人都认识,赫然竟是宇天机,没想到他也在这里。 Yu Tianji has also gawked, is somewhat stunned, was Lin Feng they have discovered here unexpectedly. 宇天机也愣了下,有些错愕,竟又是林枫他们发现了这里。 What's the matter?” Yu Tianji looked at a that terrifying courage vigor, asked. “怎么回事?”宇天机看了一眼那片恐怖的血气,问道。 Is the Huangfu Long discovery, he is inheriting the strength of bloodlines.” Lin Feng was saying to Yu Tianji: Yu Tianji, protects Huangfu Long.” “是皇甫龙发现的,他正在继承血脉的力量。”林枫对着宇天机说道:“宇天机,守护皇甫龙。” Yu Tianji eyesight has glittered, immediately nodded: Good.” 宇天机目光闪烁了下,随即点了点头:“好。” Footsteps one cross, Yu Tianji also and Lin Feng and the others arrived at the same place deeply, eyesight looked at Huangfu Long one, is the person of Star of Celestial Rotating Jade peak, rising of Star of Celestial Rotating Jade peak [lineage/vein], is destined? 脚步一跨,宇天机也和林枫等人来到一起,目光深深的看了皇甫龙一眼,又是天璇峰的人,难道天璇峰这一脉的崛起,是命中注定的吗? Hopes that this time, my Tianchi can be prosperous.” Yu Tianji looked at a vault of heaven, as to observe the secret. “希望这一次,我天池能够昌盛。”宇天机看了一眼苍穹,似乎想要窥测天机。 : The tragedy, will not erupt with 2-3 is also same. :悲剧,不会爆发也和两三更一样吧。 5201 the novel high-speed first round Peerless Martial God latest chapter, this chapter is Chapter 794 5201小说高速首发绝世武神最新章节,本章节是第794章 Wilderness blood pond address for the chapter that if you think is good please do not forget to the friend recommendation in group and micro blog! 荒漠血池地址为如果你觉的本章节还不错的话请不要忘记向您群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!
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