PMG :: Volume #3

#786: Blood vessels of consciousness

Thump, thump and thump......” “咚、咚、咚……” Ding unceasing playing, is shelled the Ancient Bell interior by Yun Fei Yang that Ancient Bell covers unceasingly, a round fearful light wave spreads, approaches the Ancient Bell crowd only to think the whole body to be stiff, falls into the middle of the mire once again, seems is unable to extricate oneself, was assigned by that fearful light wave. 钟声不断的奏响,被古钟罩住的云飞扬不断轰击着古钟的内部,一轮可怕的光波扩散开来,靠近古钟的人群只觉浑身僵硬,再度陷入泥沼当中,好似无法自拔,被那可怕的光波给定住。 Buzz!” Sound of the round trembling sound transmits, dazzling golden light extremely eye-catching, was Jun Mo Xi arrived, the noble spirit and radiant golden long gown interwined, was releasing the sharp air/Qi of destroying the hardest defenses, separated all, these were trembled by the personal appearance complexion of anchorage crazily, where could also hide, the blood spurted, long gown Fei Yang \ flying upwards, changed to the sharp knife blade, was harvesting their life. “嗡!”一轮颤响之音传来,刺目的金光极其的夺目,是君莫惜到了,浩然之气与璀璨的金色长袍交织在一起,释放着无坚不摧的锋锐之气,割裂一切,那些被定住的身形脸色狂颤,哪里还躲得掉,鲜血飞洒,长袍飞扬,化作利刃,收割着他们的性命。 Draws back.” Crowd bodies retrocede crazily, eyesight stubbornly is staring at that golden radiant long gown, above the long gown, is carving traces, such as Mi Wen is the same, is that eye-catching. “退。”人群一个个身体疯狂后退,目光死死的盯着那金色的璀璨长袍,长袍之上,刻着一道道纹路,就如秘纹一样,是那么夺目。 These two utensils, seem can be supplementarily same unexpectedly, the might that plays was too fearful, thought that is the treasure rank, they in the middle of Sect, have not looked at such terrifying treasure, even if Venerable does not have, no wonder the Dry Region major influences to this mystical place such attaching great importance, this come in several day time, two captured the heavy treasure, the strength instantaneously countless people casting off. 这两件器物,竟好似能够互补一样,发挥出的威力太可怕了,觉得是瑰宝级别的,他们在宗门当中,从来没有看过这么恐怖的宝物,即便是尊者都没有,难怪乾域的各大势力对这秘境如此的重视,这才进来几日时间,就有两人夺得了重宝,实力瞬间将无数人给甩开来。 As if induces to here war, the distant place many people toward here Ben to come. 似乎是感应到这边的大战,远处又有很多人朝着这边奔来。 Is they, the luck is really good, captured the so fierce heavy treasure unexpectedly.” The crowd of Tianchi sees that void person unexpectedly Jun Mo Xi and Yun Fei Yang proudly, cannot help but the eye pupil concentrates. “是他们,运气真好,竟然夺得了如此厉害的重宝。”天池的人群看到那虚空中的傲然之人竟然君莫惜云飞扬,不由得眼眸一凝。 The fight presented short tranquil time, in ground were many several corpses, alarmed, short confrontation instantaneous, several powerhouses died, these powerhouses are the Sect talents, but actually appears so frailly collapses at the first blow at this moment. 战斗出现了短暂的平静时刻,地面上已经多了十几具尸体,怵目惊心,短短的交锋瞬间,又有十几位强者死了,这些强者都是宗门的天才,但此刻却显得如此的脆弱不堪一击。 What to do?” eyesight of person of Tianchi fell on the body of Yu Tianji in abundance, they came through the space and time sacrificial altar, has moved hand in hand, fully 40-50 powerhouses, appeared extremely enormous and powerful, came attracting eyesight of all people. “怎么办?”天池之人的目光纷纷落在了宇天机的身上,他们通过时空祭台而来,一直联袂行动,足有四五十位强者,显得极其的浩荡,一来就将所有人的目光给吸引了过来。 They are the people of my Tianchi, what to do but also needs to ask me?” Yu Tianji smiles, immediately the footsteps step forward, said to Jun Mo Xi and Yun Fei Yang: Good, has not thought that you had found the heavy treasure in advance, does not know whether also has other utensils, gives us, Tianchi and you in, altogether imperial foreign enemy.” “他们是我天池之人,还需要问我怎么办吗?”宇天机一笑,随即脚步跨出,对着君莫惜云飞扬道:“不错,没想到你们二人先行找到了重宝,不知道是否还有其它器物,交给我们,天池与你们同在,共御外敌。” Jun Mo Xi and Yun Fei Yang eyesight has transferred, looks to Yu Tianji, does light shaking the head, give Tianchi? They join Tianchi because of Lin Feng, as for Yu Tianji they, how Jun Mo Xi and Yun Fei Yang to have the heart of trust, gives them the treasure, when the time comes has not known the person who they deal with who is. 君莫惜云飞扬目光转过,看向宇天机,都淡淡的摇了摇头,交给天池?他们加入天池是因为林枫,至于宇天机他们,君莫惜云飞扬岂会有信任之心,将宝物交给他们,到时候还不知道他们对付的人是谁。 Your this is what intent, feared that we will have sole possession of your utensil to be inadequate.” Some Yu Tianji people scold to say. “你们二人这是何意,难道怕我们会独吞了你们的器物不成。”宇天机身旁有人呵斥说道。 No.” Yun Fei Yang puts out together the sound, quite obviously indifferent. “没有。”云飞扬吐出一道声音,颇显冷漠。 „If no, in your hands has two formidable utensils, may hand over one of them, uses taking advantage of us, the person of Tianchi, when works as one, shares everything, after exiting, should be your, naturally can return in you.” Yu Tianji as if not cares a whoop, said with a smile. “若是没有的话,你们手中有两件强大器物,可将其中之一交出,借我们使用,天池之人,当齐心协力,不分彼此,等到出去之后,该是你们的,自然会归还于你们。”宇天机似乎丝毫不在意,含笑说道。 Since is the people of Tianchi, shares everything, in our hands is also same, why must be so troublesome, moreover we have also used quite conveniently.” Jun Mo Xi indifferent response, neither arrogant nor servile. “既然都是天池之人,不分彼此,在我们手中也是一样的,何必要那么麻烦,况且我们也已经用得比较顺手了。”君莫惜淡然回应,不卑不亢。 You enter the person of Tianchi newly, since our Tianchi is willing to get rid to help you oppose the enemy together, you naturally when also had indicated that how otherwise we know whether you harbor evil intentions.” The Yu Tianji voice said is getting more and more obvious, if not hand over the utensil, wanting the people in their Tianchi to help is very possibly difficult, even, they will perhaps stand on the opposite. “你们二人乃是新入天池之人,我们天池既然愿出手帮你们一起对敌,你们自然也当有所表示,否则我们如何知道你们二人是否居心叵测。”宇天机话音说的越来越明显,若是不交出器物,想要他们天池的人帮忙可能很难,甚至,他们也许会站在对立面上。 „When we join Tianchi, the Tianchi seniors as if had said we capture the treasure to deliver to us to handle voluntarily, so long as we do not betray Tianchi then.” Yun Fei Yang regards these coldly, faint [say / way]: Utensil, we will not hand over, as for helping, is your matters.” “我们加入天池之时,天池前辈似乎说过我们夺得之宝物都交予我们自行处置,只要我们不背叛天池即可。”云飞扬冷视那些,淡漠的道:“器物,我们不会交出,至于帮不帮,是你们之事。” Dissolute, in your hearts absolutely does not have Tianchi.” “放肆,你们心中根本就没有天池。” Right, absurd, perhaps these two join Tianchi mix in this mystical place, sooner or later can be the rebel, was inferior that we on the cleaning up gateway, cut to kill them now, take back are the treasure of our Tianchi.” “没错,岂有此理,这两人加入天池恐怕就是混入这秘境,迟早会是叛徒,不如我们现在就清理门户,将他们斩杀,收回属于我们天池的宝物。” The people of Tianchi clamored saying that in the pupil flood the cold light, was letting Jun Mo Xi and Yun Fei Yang sneers again and again, wanted to seize the treasure then to speak, why so beat around the bush, in the face of the huge benefit, the righteousness of the same clan was, let alone they did not have the least bit connection with these humanities, even has also presented a contradiction. 天池之人一个个叫嚣说道,眸子中泛着冷光,让君莫惜云飞扬冷笑连连,想要夺宝便明言,何必如此拐弯抹角,在巨大的利益面前,同宗之义就是个屁,更何况他们跟那些人本就没有半点瓜葛,甚至还出现过一丝矛盾。 „To take advantage to speak frankly is, why like that pompous.” Yun Fei Yang sneers, said: Are many you not to be many, must seize the utensil, comes out to speak with the strength.” “想要趁火打劫直说便是,何必那般冠冕堂皇。”云飞扬冷笑一声,道:“多你们不多,要夺器物,拿实力出来说话吧。” Really is the wild ambition, but you eventually are the people of my Tianchi, our Tianchi, will clean up the gateway, as for your utensils, when is also controlled by Tianchi.” Yu Tianji light saying, unexpectedly appears open and aboveboard, seems this matter should so process is the same. “果然是狼子野心,但你们终究是我天池之人,我们天池,会清理门户,至于你们身上的器物,也当由天池所掌控。”宇天机淡淡的说道,竟显得堂堂正正,好似此事本该如此处理一样。 Other person of eyesight one cold, these person of potentials Tianchi are big, 40-50 people, occupied almost the number of half sufficiently, if must seize the treasure, they indeed cannot seize. 其他人目光一冷,这些天池之人势大,足以四五十人之多,占据了几乎一半之数,若是要夺宝,他们的确夺不过。 „It is concerned about face.” The sound of cursing angrily spreads together, Huangfu Long from the crowd, looked angrily at the Tianchi Crowd: Anything unites against the enemy, the nonsense, shameless, saw that others capture the treasure to reveal the ambition, your this group of people, are the Tianchi rebels, does not revere the senior to teach, the person of Star of Celestial Rotating Jade peak, whatever how could you insult.” “好不要脸。”一道怒骂之声传出,皇甫龙从人群中走了出来,怒视天池人群:“什么团结对敌,狗屁,无耻至极,一见到别人夺得宝物就露出野心,你们这群人,才是天池叛逆,不尊前辈教诲,天璇峰之人,岂能任由你们欺辱。” Right?” The Yu Tianji corners of the mouth hold a light happy expression, Huangfu Long eyesight are looking to several other people of day spin peak, saw only several people of very tacit choices to be silent, did not say a word. “是吗?”宇天机嘴角噙着一丝淡淡的笑意,皇甫龙目光看向天旋峰的另外几人,只见几人都很默契的选择了沉默,不发一言。 Little Xue, they several cope with my Star of Celestial Rotating Jade peak [lineage/vein], the Star of Celestial Rotating Jade peak is dominated by you, you are aloof.” Huangfu Long is staring at Tianchi Xue, asked. 小雪,他们几番对付我天璇峰一脉,天璇峰都以你为主,难道你还要无动于衷。”皇甫龙盯着天池雪,问道。 They and my does Star of Celestial Rotating Jade, what relations have?” Tianchi Xue looked at Huangfu Long one lightly, making the Huangfu Long facial color one stiff, immediately the whole body anger as if dissipated, the whole person reveals a desolate dispirited meaning, only feels the whole body to be icy cold, it seems like it is he has one-sided wished. “他们和我天璇,有什么关系吗?”天池雪淡淡的看了皇甫龙一眼,让皇甫龙面色一僵,随即浑身的怒气都仿佛消散了,整个人露出一丝落寞颓废之意,只感觉浑身冰凉,看来一直是他一厢情愿而已。 It seems like was I thinks.” Huangfu Long turning around slowly, walks toward Jun Mo Xi and Yun Fei Yang direction, back slightly dreary, desolate. “看来是我多想了。”皇甫龙缓缓的转身,朝着君莫惜云飞扬的方向走去,背影略显萧瑟,落寞。 Then Huangfu Long walked merely several steps, a feeling whole body stiff, cold ice, directly covers his body, frozen. 然后皇甫龙仅仅是走了几步,就感觉浑身一僵,寒冰,直接将他的身体覆盖、冰封。 Bang!” A great cold palm strength twinkling fell on carrying on the back of Huangfu Long, immediately the cold sound put out together: Rebel Tianchi, you also want to maintain a livelihood!” “轰!”一张巨寒的掌力瞬息落在了皇甫龙的背上,随即一道寒冷的声音吐出:“叛逆天池,你还想活命吗!” The body of Jun Mo Xi and Yun Fei Yang trembles, the eyesight cold brightness explodes dodges, Tianchi Xue has also gawked, but immediately a silence, speechless. 君莫惜云飞扬的身体一颤,目光寒光爆闪,天池雪也愣了下,不过随即一阵沉默,无言。 This fearful snow and ice as if must invade the Huangfu Long heart [lineage/vein], Huangfu Long thorough freezing to death. 这可怕的冰雪仿佛要侵入皇甫龙的心脉,将皇甫龙彻底的冻死。 Buzz!” The ding plays, Yun Fei Yang raises Ancient Bell, the footsteps is stepping forward, killing intent is swift and fierce, Jun Mo Xi changes to together the golden shadow, vanishes does not see. “嗡!”钟声奏响,云飞扬提着古钟,脚步跨出,杀意凌厉,君莫惜化作一道金色的影子,消失不见。 „......” In this time, together angry roars to rush to the clouds, as if must fight with the world. “啊……”就在此时,一道愤怒的怒吼冲上云霄,仿佛要与天地争锋。 Roar!” “吼!” The sound of Dragon recitation frightens the vault of heaven, the body of Huangfu Long, a real dragon in it air/Qi trembling world, together dragon empty shade, rising typhoon on, direct impact sky, in void crazy roared to roar. 一声龙吟之声震慑苍穹,皇甫龙的身上,一股真龙在之气震颤天地,一道龙之虚影,扶摇而上,直冲霄汉,在虚空中疯狂的咆哮怒吼。 This lets all people stingy ruthless trembles, eyesight stubbornly is staring at Huangfu Long, sees only the Huangfu Long long hair at this moment to flutter, full Tou the black sends the silk to change to the golden color, splendid light of blooming terrifying, the blue dragon appears intermittently in his body from top to bottom. 这一幕让所有人的心狠狠的一颤,目光死死的盯着皇甫龙,只见此刻的皇甫龙长发飘扬,满头的黑色发丝化作金色,浑身上下都绽放恐怖的华光,苍龙在他身体中隐现。 As if the strength of bloodlines, is regaining consciousness. 仿佛有一股血脉的力量,在苏醒。 Dragon, this is the bloodlines of dragon is regaining consciousness!” The pupil fierce contraction of crowd, the Huangfu Long bloodlines spurt to open, the body as if there is real dragon to from his within the body clash, including the hair, then changed to the golden yellow color. “龙,这是龙之血脉在苏醒!”人群的瞳孔猛的收缩,皇甫龙血脉喷张,身上仿佛有真龙要从他的体内冲出来,连头发,便化作了金黄之色。 Roar!” Huangfu Long face upwards to roar, his behind person whole body shivers, this terrifying pressure made his whole body not have a strength, the body to tremble. “吼!”皇甫龙仰天咆哮,他身后之人浑身颤抖,这股恐怖的威压让他浑身都没有了一点力量,身体在颤栗。 Huangfu Long has turned around, eyesight is passing the glow of golden color, stares at that person, the palm is trembling, as if there is sharp claws to reappear, dripping with blood. 皇甫龙转过身,目光透着金色之芒,盯着那人,手掌一颤,仿佛有利爪浮现,鲜血淋漓。 Kills!” Roars, the blood disperses, that person of body was torn directly, changes to the nihility in the middle of that terrifying spirit. “杀!”怒吼一声,鲜血飞散,那人的身体直接被撕裂掉,在那股恐怖的气息当中化作虚无。 Quite fearful, this bloodlines strength, is very high-quality bloodlines, real dragon blood [lineage/vein].” The crowd stares at the anger to send Fei Yang \ flying upwards Huangfu Long, the heart incomparably shocks. “好可怕,这股血脉力量,是非常高级的血脉,真龙血脉。”人群盯着怒发飞扬皇甫龙,心头无比震撼。 : It seems like will have the eruption tomorrow, asking power to support. :貌似明天有爆发,求动力支撑。 5201 the novel high-speed first round Peerless Martial God latest chapter, this chapter is Chapter 786 5201小说高速首发绝世武神最新章节,本章节是第786章 Bloodlines address of consciousness for the chapter that if you think is good please do not forget to the friend recommendation in group and micro blog! 苏醒的血脉地址为如果你觉的本章节还不错的话请不要忘记向您群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!
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